Re: [QUAD-L] advice on bowel program

2007-10-07 Thread Corie Jones
It sounds like most of the people who have responded go only 2-3 times a week.  
I'm wondering if those of you who do not go every day or every other day, have 
no sensation?  I go every day because I have sensation and my gut/bowels feel 
full and bloated if I don't go every day.  I have chronic nerve pain (the 
horrible burning and needles from my injury level down) and with the burning 
pain and feeling full if I don't go every day or even if I'm constipated and 
don't go enough, then I'm just miserable.  Before my SCI (14 years ago), I went 
once a day, sometimes twice a day so I think it's just normal for my body to go 
every day.  Fortunately, I use a magic bullet suppository and usually eliminate 
over the toilet on my shower/commode chair after 15-30 minutes.  When I get 
back into bed, just to make sure I have got it all out, I will have a digital 
and get any remaining stool out.  Most of the time I do not have anything left. 
 I take 4 fiber capsules and two stool softener/laxatives every day and it 
keeps me pretty regular.  Plus, I usually try to eat veggies and fruit 
regularly.  I have been lucky that I have only had a handful of accidents in 
the 14 years I've been injured.

Corie, C5, incomplete
Redding, CA

  - Original Message - 
  From: Elizabeth Treston 
  Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 11:17 AM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] advice on bowel program

  What is your routine?  Do you take meds (i.e. senna tablets, colace, what 
kind of suppository; when do you take them?  How much fiber?  
  Do you take narcotics? 
  When do you go (every day, every other day etc.

  As a newly injured person it takes awhile to figure out what is best for you.

  Many use senna tabs @ 7-8 hours before their schedule..  Some add colace to 
keep stool soft.  Some go every MWF or every other day so they aren't attached 
to the toilet.

  Is your stool hard?  Is it enough for what you are consuming?

  From: Nichole Rohling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 1:57 PM
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Quadlist
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program


- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 11:19 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

I am so sick and tired of this dominating my life.  It is after  12 
midnight and I am considering sleeping on the potty chair.  

At 8 I inserted a suppository.  An hour and and half later I decided to 
call it quits, nothin happening.

It's 9:30 and am making my way to bed.  THEN I needed to get back on and 
did not make it.  What a mess. When will this get better?  I am so tired of 
this that I am seriously considering limiting my food intake.  Starting 

Taking a shower and dressing took me 2 hours and I have spent over 3 hours 
doing my bowel program.  It has been a year since my accident.  Shouldn't I 
have this figured out by now?

I am so frustrated and angry. Sick and tired of crying to.


1 year post
C6-C7 incomplete

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[QUAD-L] Grants

2007-10-07 Thread KK
Read about this site on another disability web site.  Do not know anything about
them.  Just passing it on.


Remember: life is like a roll of toilet paper. 
The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes...

Re: [QUAD-L] Fell out of chair

2007-10-07 Thread Oconnelldb
last time I got up unassisted, was getting up from sitting by my car.   fell 
putting manual chair in back.  I back up to the rocker panel, get feet  up by 
my butt and lift n push with hands on rocker panel.  decided I  couldn't 
afford a broken tail bone so gave up manual and went to power chair and  a van. 
used prides are going for 375$ now on ebay.
In a message dated 10/5/2007 8:12:34 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  

Ouch!!!  Don't ya hate that? How did ya get back in?
My therapist gave up on trying to help me accomplish this.  I've  fallen 10 
times or so.
Called 911 each time.  (Have tricepts and can't feel nipple  down)
Has anyone been successful getting back in your chair?  How did ya  do it???

1 year post 

-Original  Message-
Sent:  Fri, 5 Oct 2007 6:34 pm
Subject: [QUAD-L] Fell out of chair

Hi all,
It's been awhile but I fell out of my chair today. I was bending over to  put 
a basket of clothes on my feet to get them up to my lap which I do every  
week but today I didn't have any shoes on. My feet slipped off the feet rest  & 
down I went. Somehow through the event it tore off one of my toe nails.  
Don'tsha just hate falling out of these things?
p.s. Last week my hand was taped from a burnthat oughta do me for a  few 


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Dave  _Visit My Home  Page_ ( 

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Re: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

2007-10-07 Thread Oconnelldb
I started out going just 'naturally' when I got the  urge.  now I use 2 
quarts of tap water every 3rd or 4th  day.  i don't get any surprises.
In a message dated 10/6/2007 9:50:08 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  

I am so sick and tired of this  dominating my life.  It is after  12 midnight 
and I am  considering sleeping on the potty chair.  

At 8 I inserted a  suppository.  An hour and and half later I decided to call 
it quits,  nothin happening.

It's 9:30 and am making my way to bed.   THEN I needed to get back on and did 
not make it.  What a mess. When will  this get better?  I am so tired of this 
that I am seriously considering  limiting my food intake.  Starting tomorrow.

Taking a shower  and dressing took me 2 hours and I have spent over 3 hours 
doing my bowel  program.  It has been a year since my accident.  Shouldn't I 
have  this figured out by now?

I am so frustrated and angry. Sick and tired  of crying to.


1 year post
C6-C7  incomplete


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Dave  _Visit My Home  Page_ ( 

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Re: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

2007-10-07 Thread wheelchair
In a message dated 10/7/2007 5:01:33 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Also the  less times you gothe more freedom for caregivers and for 
traveling and so  on. Hope  things get straightened out for ya, good  luck. 
   Dan H.

I still remember the day Christopher Reeve was admitted to the hospital for  
bowel impactment.  Its not a pretty sight or something to brag about, when  it 
happens.  But it can happen.
Best Wishes

** See what's new at

Re: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

2007-10-07 Thread wheelchair
Hi Shelly,
Bowel programs are a necessary evil and are developed for your best  health 
and well being.
Urine and stool are considered waste and once pass the point of no  return 
are no good for you or your body.  As TABS, most go once a day  and 
sometimes twice a day.  And its natural way of ridding the human body  of that 
is not needed.  Clog up that wasteline and you are in for a  world of hurt and 
unnecessary attention. So best is once a day.  I realize  that some go once, 
every other day.  Others wait longer.  Forget to  take the garbage out for a 
couple of weeks and see what your neighbors have to  say, lol.
Suppository and Ducs, are known for producing the "Ghost  Effect."  That is 
unexpected bowel movements.  The suppository is  broken after insertion and a 
small piece travels up the bowel. The rest is  poop'd out, giving you the 
impression that its out and gone... until the ghost  strikes.
I promote the old discontinued Therevac SB or its new name...  Emeneze Plus.  
It works, just ask anyone who uses it.  Of course a  good diet is important.  
Fruits, veggies and some rough foods  too.
Bowel training IS part of the bowel program.
Keep in mind that if you are getting hugh monies to store human  body 
waste go for it.
If not, keep it real and plan on going once a day.
You can also try a health food store for some basic advise on  normal body 
function and how it applies to YOUR body.
Remember, a clean body means a happy day ahead of you.  A  sluggish 
bowel. well just ask any TAB, lol.
If you require more info, please advise.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 10/6/2007 11:50:08 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I am so sick and tired of this  dominating my life.  It is after  12 midnight 
and I am  considering sleeping on the potty chair.  

At 8 I inserted a  suppository.  An hour and and half later I decided to call 
it quits,  nothin happening.

It's 9:30 and am making my way to bed.   THEN I needed to get back on and did 
not make it.  What a mess. When will  this get better?  I am so tired of this 
that I am seriously considering  limiting my food intake.  Starting tomorrow.

Taking a shower  and dressing took me 2 hours and I have spent over 3 hours 
doing my bowel  program.  It has been a year since my accident.  Shouldn't I 
have  this figured out by now?

I am so frustrated and angry. Sick and tired  of crying to.


1 year post
C6-C7  incomplete

** See what's new at

Re: [QUAD-L] Thank you!!!!!!!!!

2007-10-07 Thread Nichole Rohling
  - Original Message - 
  From: David K. Kelmer 
  Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 7:12 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Thank you!

  Hi Shelly,

  It's wonderful that your blessings are coming so fast to you.  Sometimes it 
seems only the bad times come at  us, and the blessings take their time getting 
here, but if you trust the blessings ALWAYS get there.  Stay strong.

  With Love,
  CtrlAltDel aka Dave
  C4/5 Complete - 31 Years Post
  Texas, USA 

Fell onto blacktop while transferring into my car. I was in the seat and 
safe.  (I thought)  Not sure what I leaned over for maybe to re-adjust my legs. 
 It happend so quick. 

 Knees are skinned up and I whacked my head. My pastor and another member 
helped me back into the car. 
Got back here and Mom could not open my chair and lock it in place.  The 
one on the braces broke in the back. So she brought the potty chair out and now 
I am laying in bed. Don't have a back up.  Being new at this is no excuse.  
Never thought of this happening.

Called the emergency service and he is going to bring a backup for me later 
tonight. Thank you Father!

Sorry for the melt down last night!  Today was an experience and  I am so 
proud of myself for not losing it.  I actually giggled a couple of times.  Have 
been working on my anger so when something like this happens, my response has 
been "ok Father help me to be a stronger person and help me grow through this"  
Even if I have to say it through clenched teeth I say it.

 I have received numerous e-mails, just have not had the opportunity to 
read them. Know they are appreciated more than you will ever know! Thank you 
for the quick response.   

You guys are amazing!

Just cathed in bed and it leaked ~ had to change dresses,  thank you Father 
for this opportunity to grow, not going to have another meltdown!. 

I am going to rest and watch a video a dear friend from church just gave 
me.  " I may be squeezed and pressed but I am not gonna break".  by Joyce Meyer.

Funny How God works!!  

My backup chair just got here!  Thanks Father, I did not blow it and am 
stronger because of it

Thanks again everyone !!  

God Bless!

Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- Unlimited storage and 
industry-leading spam and email virus protection.

Re: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

2007-10-07 Thread Nichole Rohling
Messagei do m-w-f mornings, 9+ years

  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric W Rudd 
  Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 7:07 PM
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

  I'm on a m-w-f morning routine, magic bullet, checked every 15 min then 
shower 10+ yrs

  Eric W Rudd

Re: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

2007-10-07 Thread John S.
I do it every thrd morning at 5 am. I got a neighbor that goes to work at a 
nursing home and has to be there at 8 am. I can switch to evenings if need be. 
I find mornings work best. You cant take a narcotic less than 6 hours prior. 
(they will stop peristalsys), Because I use narcotics I take 3 doses of 
miri-lax or glyco-lax the day before and a citrcel drink the night before. A 
suppository usually gets everything going in the morning. Frankly, I can't feel 
any of it anymore. Sure smell it. Drink WATER and eat greens. Try not to eat 
more than 1500 calories a day. If nobody shows up, I'll still go by 9 am 
without any help or getting on the commode.


- Original Message 
From: Eric W Rudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2007 8:07:19 PM
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

I'm on a m-w-f morning routine, magic bullet, checked every 15 min then shower 
10+ yrs
Eric W Rudd


Tonight's top picks. What will you watch tonight? Preview the hottest shows on 
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Re: [QUAD-L] Thank you!!!!!!!!!

2007-10-07 Thread David K. Kelmer
Hi Shelly,
  It's wonderful that your blessings are coming so fast to you.  Sometimes it 
seems only the bad times come at  us, and the blessings take their time getting 
here, but if you trust the blessings ALWAYS get there.  Stay strong.
  With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 31 Years Post
  Texas, USA 


  Fell onto blacktop while transferring into my car. I was in the seat and 
safe.  (I thought)  Not sure what I leaned over for maybe to re-adjust my legs. 
 It happend so quick. 

 Knees are skinned up and I whacked my head. My pastor and another member 
helped me back into the car. 
Got back here and Mom could not open my chair and lock it in place.  The one on 
the braces broke in the back. So she brought the potty chair out and now I am 
laying in bed. Don't have a back up.  Being new at this is no excuse.  Never 
thought of this happening.

Called the emergency service and he is going to bring a backup for me later 
tonight. Thank you Father!

Sorry for the melt down last night!  Today was an experience and  I am so proud 
of myself for not losing it.  I actually giggled a couple of times.  Have been 
working on my anger so when something like this happens, my response has been 
"ok Father help me to be a stronger person and help me grow through this"  Even 
if I have to say it through clenched teeth I say it.

 I have received numerous e-mails, just have not had the opportunity to read 
them. Know they are appreciated more than you will ever know! Thank you for the 
quick response.   

You guys are amazing!

Just cathed in bed and it leaked ~ had to change dresses,  thank you Father for 
this opportunity to grow, not going to have another meltdown!. 

I am going to rest and watch a video a dear friend from church just gave me.  " 
I may be squeezed and pressed but I am not gonna break".  by Joyce Meyer.

Funny How God works!!  

My backup chair just got here!  Thanks Father, I did not blow it and am 
stronger because of it

Thanks again everyone !!  

God Bless!

  .AOLWebSuite .AOLPicturesFullSizeLink { height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: 
hidden; }  
  Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- Unlimited storage and industry-leading 
spam and email virus protection.

RE: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

2007-10-07 Thread Eric W Rudd
I'm on a m-w-f morning routine, magic bullet, checked every 15 min then
shower 10+ yrs
Eric W Rudd

[QUAD-L] [Fwd: Select a Candidate 2008]

2007-10-07 Thread wermbo

It's interesting to see who agrees or disagrees with your choices. 

RE: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

2007-10-07 Thread Danny Hearn
Hi, at the Hospital and rehab I was in , St.John near St.Louis, Missouri---they 
had us try bowel routine each day in the early stages of quad life as we were 
trying to learn routines and what works best for each newly injured person. 
After a short time of that they switched us to Every other day, as we got used 
to this and some days had trouble going -- they told us many Quads systems slow 
down and Very Many learn to go on a regular routine of TWICE a weekMe and 
my wife thought this was crazy because before my injury, I would have a bowel 
movement once or twice a day. After following the rehab nurses advice and 
trying  the Twice a week way--me and other quads love it and stay very 
regular.I'm 10 years post now and seldom have any problem with bowel routine. I 
picked Tuesday and Saturday for my days but many pick 2 different days 
according to what days are best for them. Also the less times you gothe 
more freedom for caregivers and for traveling and so on. Hope 
 things get straightened out for ya, good luck.Dan H.

Silas Shelburne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:v\:* 
{behavior:url(#default#VML);}  o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  w\:* 
{behavior:url(#default#VML);}  .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} 
  Believe me I know how you feel, its so degrading to have someone to clean us 
up after a accident.  I feel so helpless and ashamed, maybe you should try the 
dill I very seldom have a accident unless im on antibiotics.  Hang in there!!! 
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 10:19 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

I am so sick and tired of this dominating my life.  It is after  12 
midnight and I am considering sleeping on the potty chair.  

At 8 I inserted a suppository.  An hour and and half later I decided to call it 
quits, nothin happening.

It's 9:30 and am making my way to bed.  THEN I needed to get back on and did 
not make it.  What a mess. When will this get better?  I am so tired of this 
that I am seriously considering limiting my food intake.  Starting tomorrow.

Taking a shower and dressing took me 2 hours and I have spent over 3 hours 
doing my bowel program.  It has been a year since my accident.  Shouldn't I 
have this figured out by now?

I am so frustrated and angry. Sick and tired of crying to.


1 year post
C6-C7 incomplete

  Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- Unlimited storage and industry-leading 
spam and email virus protection.

Re: [QUAD-L] Fell out of chair

2007-10-07 Thread David K. Kelmer
Hi Dianna,
  I hate to hear about your fall, but am glad you just lost a toe nail.  Stay 
  With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 31 Years Post
  Texas, USA 


  Hi all,
  It's been awhile but I fell out of my chair today. I was bending over to put 
a basket of clothes on my feet to get them up to my lap which I do every week 
but today I didn't have any shoes on. My feet slipped off the feet rest & down 
I went. Somehow through the event it tore off one of my toe nails. Don'tsha 
just hate falling out of these things?
  p.s. Last week my hand was taped from a burnthat oughta do me for a few 

  See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.

[QUAD-L] Thank you!!!!!!!!!

2007-10-07 Thread shellbell5705
Fell onto blacktop while transferring into my car.?I was in the seat and 
safe.??(I thought)? Not sure what I leaned over for maybe to re-adjust my 
legs.? It happend so quick.?

?Knees are skinned up and I whacked my head. My pastor and another 
member?helped me back into the car.?
Got back here and Mom could not open my chair and lock it in place.? The one on 
the braces broke in the back. So she brought the potty chair out and now I am 
laying in bed. Don't have a back up.??Being new at this is no excuse.? Never 
thought of this happening.

Called the emergency service and he is going to bring a backup for me later 
tonight. Thank you Father!

Sorry for the melt down last night!??Today was an experience and? I am so proud 
of myself for not losing it.? I actually giggled a couple of times.? Have been 
working on my anger so when something like this happens,?my response has been 
"ok Father help me to be a stronger person and help me grow through this"? Even 
if I have to say it through clenched teeth I say it.

?I have received numerous e-mails, just have not had the opportunity to read 
them. Know they are appreciated more than you will ever know! Thank you for the 
quick response.?? 

You guys are amazing!

Just?cathed in bed and it leaked ~ had to change dresses,? thank you Father for 
this opportunity to grow, not going to have another meltdown!.?

I am going to rest and watch a video a dear friend from church?just gave me.? " 
I may be squeezed and pressed but I am not gonna break".? by Joyce Meyer.

Funny How God works!!??

My backup chair just got here!? Thanks Father, I did not blow it and 
am?stronger because of it

Thanks again everyone !!? 

God Bless!

Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- Unlimited storage and industry-leading 
spam and email virus protection.

[QUAD-L] Bowel routines

2007-10-07 Thread Lori Michaelson
I'd do exactly what Keith in New Jersey described.

C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
Tucson, AZ

[QUAD-L] unscribe

2007-10-07 Thread Laurie Crowe

FW: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

2007-10-07 Thread William Willis
I used senokot until I discovered the herb cascara  segrada. It has helped me 
enormously in maintaining regularity. Good luck Shelly. We all know too well 
the frustration, anger, and embarrassment caused by unpredictable bowels.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Sun, 7 Oct 2007 09:00:19 -0400Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
Please, can you give advice on bowel programTo:; [EMAIL 

Hi Shelly,
I for one only do my bowel routines on Monday & Thursday nights beginning at 7 
PM. The reason for nights is ... if there is still some more to come out I 
won't be in my power chair, but I'll be on some chucks in bed.
Early on in Quadhood my programs where every other day, but that got to crazy 
because I always had to figure out if I was going to miss something planned ... 
days, weeks or even months a head of time.
Now, if I were to use just a suppository or an enema. I'd have a huge delay in 
my program. So, what I do (and others) is to use senna or sennicot 8.6 mg 
pills. I take 2 and a half 10-12 hours in advance of my BR to allow for these 
pills to work on bringing my stool down in my body. I'll even take a 50 mg 
capsule of colace at the same time to keep the stool from becoming to formed.
I hope this helps,
PS. Keep your chin up Shelly

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2007-10-07 Thread Elizabeth Treston
DBTAC- Northeast ADA Technical Bulletin:  October 2007 

The DBTAC- Northeast ADA Center at Cornell University provides training,
technical assistance and materials on the ADA and accessible information
technology throughout New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Islands. This monthly technical bulletin is part of our dissemination
efforts and if you do not want to receive this document or would like others
from your organization added to our list, please call 1-800-949-4232 or
reply to this message. Thank you. 

Please Join us for the October Distance Learning Program - ADA Legal Update:
Current litigation trends under the ADA

The courts and federal agencies are shaping the ADA through their decisions
and settlements. This session will outline the key issues that are currently
before the courts as well as discuss some trends in case law at the lower
courts which will have an impact on decisions at all levels, including any
future cases to be argued before the Supreme Court.
Speaker: Barry Taylor, Director of Legal Services, Equip for Equality,
Chicago, Illinois
CEU Credits: CRC
Time: 1:00-2:30pm CT
Date:  October 17, 2007

To learn more or to register for the ADA Audio Conference please visit  . 

FEMA Releases Disability Disaster Reference Guide 
(from NCD Bulletin - August 2007) 

On August 21, the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) released a new reference guide that outlines
existing legal requirements and standards relating to access for people with
disabilities. A Reference Guide for Accommodating Individuals with
Disabilities in the Provision of Disaster Mass Care, Housing and Human
Services is the first of a series of disability-related guidelines to be
produced by FEMA for disaster preparedness and response planners and service

The document summarizes equal access requirements for people with
disabilities within disaster mass care, housing, and human services
functions. The Guide explains how applicable federal laws relate to
government entities, the private sector, and religious organizations. A full
copy of the Guide may be accessed at 

New Jersey Institute for Technology- Disability and Employment Training
Program Opportunity 
(from EmployME! website)

On December 22, 2006, the Board of Trustees of the Henry H. Kessler
Foundation in West Orange, NJ approved a two-year grant allocation totaling
$946,000 to New Jersey Institute of Technology - the state's science and
technology university - targeted largely towards people with physical
disabilities through training and special initiatives leading to employment.
The EmployME! Program is a public-private partnership to prepare unemployed
and underemployed men and women with disabilities for both entry level and
advanced jobs in information technology fields that are in demand in our
state.  Applicants can expedite the process by calling NJIT EmployME! at
973.596.3064 or applying online at 

New Disability Status Report for Region 2 (New York, New Jersey,  and Puerto

The Cornell University's Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on
Disability Demographics and Statistics will release the new Disability
Status Reports on November 7, 2007. 
The Status Reports will include the latest statistics related to disability
and employment, education, earnings, poverty, and more. The Annual
Disability Status Reports provide consistently measured indicators of the
demographic characteristics and economic status of working age (ages 21-64)
people with disabilities, based on the Census Bureau's American Community
Survey (ACS). 

Disability Status reports for Region 2 are developed in collaboration with
the DBTAC-Northeast and the new reports will be available after November 7,
2007 at the Disability Statistic

General Accounting Office has released a report on "Lack of Data and Limited
Enforcement Options, Limit Federal Oversight" for surface transportation
(excerpt from GAO's website)

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) provides people with
disabilities the legal right to access transportation and public
rights-of-way, including sidewalks and street crossings. The Department of
Transportation (DOT) and Department of Justice (DOJ) share responsibility
for overseeing ADA compliance. GAO was asked to review federal oversight and
enforcement of ADA compliance, including (1) what is known about compliance,
(2) difficulties the federal government faces in overseeing and enforcing
compliance, and (3) the sources of federal help and any gaps in that help.
GAO's work encompassed a wide range of federal agencies and other entities,
such as industry associations, transportation providers, and disability
advocacy groups, as well as detailed reviews in eight cities across the

For a copy of the f

[QUAD-L] advice on bowel program

2007-10-07 Thread Elizabeth Treston
What is your routine?  Do you take meds (i.e. senna tablets, colace, what
kind of suppository; when do you take them?  How much fiber?  
Do you take narcotics? 
When do you go (every day, every other day etc.
As a newly injured person it takes awhile to figure out what is best for
Many use senna tabs @ 7-8 hours before their schedule..  Some add colace to
keep stool soft.  Some go every MWF or every other day so they aren't
attached to the toilet.
Is your stool hard?  Is it enough for what you are consuming?


From: Nichole Rohling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program


- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 11:19 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

I am so sick and tired of this dominating my life.  It is after  12 midnight
and I am considering sleeping on the potty chair.  

At 8 I inserted a suppository.  An hour and and half later I decided to call
it quits, nothin happening.

It's 9:30 and am making my way to bed.  THEN I needed to get back on and did
not make it.  What a mess. When will this get better?  I am so tired of this
that I am seriously considering limiting my food intake.  Starting tomorrow.

Taking a shower and dressing took me 2 hours and I have spent over 3 hours
doing my bowel program.  It has been a year since my accident.  Shouldn't I
have this figured out by now?

I am so frustrated and angry. Sick and tired of crying to.


1 year post
C6-C7 incomplete


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Re: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

2007-10-07 Thread Nichole Rohling

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 11:19 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

  I am so sick and tired of this dominating my life.  It is after  12 midnight 
and I am considering sleeping on the potty chair.  

  At 8 I inserted a suppository.  An hour and and half later I decided to call 
it quits, nothin happening.

  It's 9:30 and am making my way to bed.  THEN I needed to get back on and did 
not make it.  What a mess. When will this get better?  I am so tired of this 
that I am seriously considering limiting my food intake.  Starting tomorrow.

  Taking a shower and dressing took me 2 hours and I have spent over 3 hours 
doing my bowel program.  It has been a year since my accident.  Shouldn't I 
have this figured out by now?

  I am so frustrated and angry. Sick and tired of crying to.


  1 year post
  C6-C7 incomplete

  Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- Unlimited storage and industry-leading 
spam and email virus protection.

[QUAD-L] Mattresses

2007-10-07 Thread Val Cleroux
Hi there:
  I have always used a Roho matches on my bed however I am wanting to try 
something else.  Can anyone give me suggestions?  I have heard of memory 
foam.. what are your thoughts as I am a C-5/6 quadriplegic since 2000.
Thank you for responding in advance!  Take care

Val Cleroux
  "Communication is the key to success"
  Preferred Window Coverings
  900 Bonacord Avenue
  Whitby, Ontario
  L1P 1H8

Re: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

2007-10-07 Thread SCIQuad96
Hi Shelly,
I for one only do my bowel routines on Monday & Thursday nights  beginning at 
7 PM. The reason for nights is ... if there is still some more  to come out I 
won't be in my power chair, but I'll be on some chucks in  bed.
Early on in Quadhood my programs where every other day, but  that got to 
crazy because I always had to figure out if I was going to miss  something 
... days, weeks or even months a head of time.
Now, if I were to use just a suppository or an enema. I'd have a huge delay  
in my program. So, what I do (and others) is to use senna or sennicot 8.6 mg  
pills. I take 2 and a half 10-12 hours in advance of my BR to allow for these  
pills to work on bringing my stool down in my body. I'll even take a 50 mg  
capsule of colace at the same time to keep the stool from becoming to  formed.
I hope this helps,
PS. Keep your chin up Shelly

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RE: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program

2007-10-07 Thread Silas Shelburne

Believe me I know how you feel, its so degrading to have someone to clean us
up after a accident.  I feel so helpless and ashamed, maybe you should try
the dill I very seldom have a accident unless im on antibiotics.  Hang in
there!!! Silas 


Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 10:19 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Please, can you give advice on bowel program


I am so sick and tired of this dominating my life.  It is after  12 midnight
and I am considering sleeping on the potty chair.  

At 8 I inserted a suppository.  An hour and and half later I decided to call
it quits, nothin happening.

It's 9:30 and am making my way to bed.  THEN I needed to get back on and did
not make it.  What a mess. When will this get better?  I am so tired of this
that I am seriously considering limiting my food intake.  Starting tomorrow.

Taking a shower and dressing took me 2 hours and I have spent over 3 hours
doing my bowel program.  It has been a year since my accident.  Shouldn't I
have this figured out by now?

I am so frustrated and angry. Sick and tired of crying to.


1 year post
C6-C7 incomplete


Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- Unlimited storage and industry-leading
spam and email virus protection.