Re: [QUAD-L] Hypothermia, Preasure Sores, Skin Flaps, Losing your s/o

2009-03-19 Thread Wendy Sell
my name is wendy and i have a hospitol bed, but i use a camping mattress. the 
air-filled kind. i stay in bed all winter. so far, knock wood, no sores. they 
really work for me. and they are cheap too.been using them for about 4 years 
  - Original Message - 
  From: ANTHONY and RUTH 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 2:58 AM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Hypothermia, Preasure Sores, Skin Flaps, Losing your s/o

I'm a C 4-6 quad, auto accident 30 yrs ago, female.
My normal temp. all year long is 96-97 degrees. Below 96 I'm physically 
cold, when my temp is 99 or higher I'm too hot. 
 I drink very weak hot decaf tea all year long [my nephrologist 
calls it colored water]. I am usually cold, but this last winter I just slept 
with a very light blanket. I wear shorts all year long to make getting dressed 
and undressed easier on my helpers. I wear long socks, leg warmers and a 
blanket on my lower half and a coat, shawl like scarf over and around my head, 
I make sure my ears, nose and mouth is covered when I go out in the cold. 
I do have issues when it gets hot. I only drink hot tea indoors. [I'm a 
sun person], I use a cold wet towel around the back of my neck, I constantly 
keep wiping my face with a cold cloth, when possible I ask whom ever is around 
to use a spray bottle to mist me down and I drink cold Propel water. I don't 
drink plain water, my Dr. has me drink Propel to help me keep from getting 
dehydrated and it helps keep me from getting light headed and too low blood 
pressure [I run low normally anyway].
I've been a quad since 10/27/1978, I was in the hospital for 3 
months got sores on both on my heels, tailbone and both shoulder blades. I then 
went into rehab for 3 months, the sores got healed within 1/2 of the time there 
[hubbard tank w/ betadine added]. 
 My 2nd sore I got was in 1983 at my tailbone [not caused by 
sitting], it required surgery [skin-flap no. 1] 2 weeks in hosp. back up in w/c 
16-18 hrs. a day. 
 In 2000 I got 2 p/s one under each butt check at the underwear 
line, the one on right side healed; the left had to be operated on [May 2001 
skin-flap no. 2] 2 weeks in hosp. and I was gradually aloud up in w/c 6-10 hrs. 
a day [I'd push it a couple of extra hrs. on special occasions]. 
 2003 p/s on tailbone wound care Dr. said he could get me healed no 
surgery, unless the tailbone has gotten infected. MRI done [May 2003 skin-flap 
no. 3], but this time they removed my coccyx [tailbone] and sacrum [bone above 
tailbone] had to be removed, was given 2 units of blood, in the hosp. 17 days 
and in nursing home for 18 days. I was aloud up in w/c gradually up 20 mins a 
day to no longer than 8 hrs. [on special occasions maybe 1-2 hrs. longer]. 
 2008 I got a p/s under left butt check [again] went to wound care 
center from Feb. to Sept.. On Sept. 24th I had surgery [skin-flap no. 4]  I was 
in the hosp. 5 days allowed to come home, stay in bed, get turned frequeintly 
[yawl right]  I've been given permission to get up in my w/c 3 times a day for 
1 hr. at a time [you bet ya]. I couldn't get turned as often as I should of and 
there wasn't anybody around to get me in and out of bed and w/c, so... I got a 
p/s on my right butt check close to the tailbone was, plus a small spot close 
to the groin area [the opening the size of a q-tip top, but it's 4cm deep]. I 
haven't been up in my w/c except maybe once every 10-14 days for abt. an hour 
since I've been home. Well to cut this a little shorter, skin-flap no. 5 and 6 
is Mar. 25th. I'm not happy, I'm scared, I'm afraid I'm not going to make it 
and if I do they want to put me in a  nursing home indifinently. 
 I lost the love of my life Dec. 30, 2007. His name is Anthony. We 
were together for almost 20 yrs. He took great care of me. He always told me 
that nobody could ever take care of me as good as he did. He was so right. I 
lost my best friend, lover and caregiver... my life. We have 3 grandkids [he 
had a daughter 10 yrs. before we got together] and his daughter won't let them 
be in contact with me because she never liked me and I wasn't a woman to take 
care of him, he did everything for me. I tried. 
I keep getting told that I handle everything going on in my life very 
well. I feel like I'm about to explode. I hope it's not on anybody I love or 
care about or somebody I depend on whether I care about them or not.
How do you all deal with the crap thrown at you?

C 4-6 quad since 1978 [MO]

[QUAD-L] please help

2009-03-19 Thread wheelchair
Haven't we read this one before?  I wonder if there is any truth to  this or 
another Eastern Money Scam.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/18/2009 9:23:25 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

My  name is al-khatib Hosni I live in Jordan (Amman). I am 27 years old;I had 
an accident  car exactly eight years ago in (19~06~2001) and I had an injury 
in my spinal  cord (c4, c5). l am  wandering  if you know  anyone can help me  
to go to one of the  special centers that deals  with the quadriplegic and  
get the rehabilitation that I  need  , or if you  know from where  can i get 
financially help because  these  centers   costs a lot of money that l can’t 
afford it,and if you have  some addresses for centers that l can go to it  for  
free or for  nominal  fees  ,or some charity organizations or  foundations 
please send it to me. 
God Bless  You 
You  could contact me in the 


What can you do with the new Windows Live? _Find out_ 

**Great Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at $479 

[QUAD-L] An off topic curiousity

2009-03-19 Thread Danny Espinoza
How is everyone doing?


Danny Espinoza 26/m/California

Occupation before accident

Network engineer / SR. Network security engineer

What happened:

Broke c2,c6,c7 with doner bone at c2

Traumatic brain injury from blood going to central cortex from spinal cord

not vent dependendent anymore. :]


My myspace address -

My spinal cord injury support website -


Re: [QUAD-L] Hypothermia, Preasure Sores, Skin Flaps, Losing your s/o

2009-03-19 Thread t crook
I go from one extreme to the other with my body temp; but generally I am 
freezing, unless I am in the heat too long and then it takes me forever to cool 
off. I had a full muscle flap in'01 on my right ischium that was a result from 
the wound getting osteomyelitis (that nearly frickin' killed me). I spent a 
month in the hospital and 5 weeks off of my bottom at home; gradually getting 
up in my chair for short duration's until my skin could handle 8 to 10 hrs. Now 
these days to make sure I maintain good skin integrity, my nurse checks my 
skin every 6 to 7 hours (just during the day) and applies a thin layer of 
bag balm on the bum, then I am good to go for another 6 to 7 or even 10 to 12 
hrs. if I had to. I sleep in a water-bed, and have for 20 yrs. and it has 
worked great, plus it is warm and toasty!  
Ruth I am sorry to hear of you losing spouse and the life you had; peer groups 
may be of some help (a place to vent), when things are bad I look around and 
see that it could be worse. If I can't bring myself up I ask the Lord for some 
Tim c5-c6, 20 yrs. post

--- On Thu, 3/19/09, Wendy Sell wrote:

From: Wendy Sell
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Hypothermia, Preasure Sores, Skin Flaps, Losing your s/o
Date: Thursday, March 19, 2009, 4:30 AM

my name is wendy and i have a hospitol bed, but i use a camping mattress. the 
air-filled kind. i stay in bed all winter. so far, knock wood, no sores. they 
really work for me. and they are cheap too.been using them for about 4 years 

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 2:58 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Hypothermia, Preasure Sores, Skin Flaps, Losing your s/o

I'm a C 4-6 quad, auto accident 30 yrs ago, female.
My normal temp. all year long is 96-97 degrees. Below 96 I'm physically cold, 
when my temp is 99 or higher I'm too hot. 
 I drink very weak hot decaf tea all year long [my nephrologist calls it 
colored water]. I am usually cold, but this last winter I just slept with a 
very light blanket. I wear shorts all year long to make getting dressed and 
undressed easier on my helpers. I wear long socks, leg warmers and a blanket on 
my lower half and a coat, shawl like scarf over and around my head, I make sure 
my ears, nose and mouth is covered when I go out in the cold. 
I do have issues when it gets hot. I only drink hot tea indoors. [I'm a sun 
person], I use a cold wet towel around the back of my neck, I constantly keep 
wiping my face with a cold cloth, when possible I ask whom ever is around 
to use a spray bottle to mist me down and I drink cold Propel water. I don't 
drink plain water, my Dr. has me drink Propel to help me keep from getting 
dehydrated and it helps keep me from getting light headed and too low blood 
pressure [I run low normally anyway].
    I've been a quad since 10/27/1978, I was in the hospital for 3 months got 
sores on both on my heels, tailbone and both shoulder blades. I then went into 
rehab for 3 months, the sores got healed within 1/2 of the time there [hubbard 
tank w/ betadine added]. 
 My 2nd sore I got was in 1983 at my tailbone [not caused by sitting], it 
required surgery [skin-flap no. 1] 2 weeks in hosp. back up in w/c 16-18 hrs. a 
 In 2000 I got 2 p/s one under each butt check at the underwear line, 
the one on right side healed; the left had to be operated on [May 2001 
skin-flap no. 2] 2 weeks in hosp. and I was gradually aloud up in w/c 6-10 hrs. 
a day [I'd push it a couple of extra hrs. on special occasions]. 
 2003 p/s on tailbone wound care Dr. said he could get me healed no 
surgery, unless the tailbone has gotten infected. MRI done [May 2003 skin-flap 
no. 3], but this time they removed my coccyx [tailbone] and sacrum [bone above 
tailbone] had to be removed, was given 2 units of blood, in the hosp. 17 days 
and in nursing home for 18 days. I was aloud up in w/c gradually up 20 mins a 
day to no longer than 8 hrs. [on special occasions maybe 1-2 hrs. longer]. 
 2008 I got a p/s under left butt check [again] went to wound care center 
from Feb. to Sept.. On Sept. 24th I had surgery [skin-flap no. 4]  I was in the 
hosp. 5 days allowed to come home, stay in bed, get turned frequeintly [yawl 
right]  I've been given permission to get up in my w/c 3 times a day for 1 hr. 
at a time [you bet ya]. I couldn't get turned as often as I should of and there 
wasn't anybody around to get me in and out of bed and w/c, so... I got a p/s on 
my right butt check close to the tailbone was, plus a small spot close to the 
groin area [the opening the size of a q-tip top, but it's 4cm deep]. I haven't 
been up in my w/c except maybe once every 10-14 days for abt. an hour since 
I've been home. Well to cut this a little shorter, skin-flap no. 5 and 6 is 
Mar. 25th. I'm not happy, I'm scared, I'm afraid I'm not 

[QUAD-L] Fw: NEP Cycling Schedule - Spring/Summer '09

2009-03-19 Thread bob quinn
Thought this might be of interest.  On their website, check-out their rentals.  

Anyone know of other such organizations out there?

To receive email from Northeast
add to your safe sender
Forward to a Friend  
  NEP Cycling Schedule -
Spring/Summer '09
*Demos * Equipment
Rentals * Rides * Challenge * 

April 25: Introductory Clinic in Durham, NH
featuring Top End, Hase, Greenspeed, Quickie, Freedom Concepts, Trailmate,
Intrepid and others! Register early, space is limited! 

May 16: Introductory Clinic in Bourne, MA 
May 17: RIDE the Shining Sea Bikeway in Falmouth, MA 

June 27: RIDE Portland, ME to Peaks

30: RIDE Durham, NH - Endurance/hill training for
the 3 Notch Century 

Aug. 3: RIDE Durham, NH - Endurance/hill training
for the 3 Notch Century 

Sept. 11-13:RIDEthe Three Notch Century and
support NEP! Go to for details. 

Sept. 26: RIDE the East Coast Greenway from
Hampton to Portsmouth, NH 

Oct. 6: RIDE the Nashua River Rail Trail in Ayer,

Participation fees vary to support programming. If you would like info on
how you can demo/rent equipment, register for the cycling events listed
above, or challenge yourself on the Three Notch Century, please contact NEP
at 603-862-0070 or 
Get out and ride!
Northeast Passage •  4 Library Way •
Durham, NH 03824
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[QUAD-L] Wheelchair Batteries at Auto Zone?

2009-03-19 Thread KK
OK - my service contract was sold to another company that is 2 hours away from 
my home. I do not drive. It is impossible for me to go to them.

So today I get on the phone calling other wheelchair stores  one of them told 
me to go to Auto Zone. They would have to order them for me.

Is that correct? I have gone to Walmart  gotten a lot of supplies for my 
chair, rain poncho, gloves, etc. Maybe they could handle batteries.

Re: [QUAD-L] An off topic curiousity

2009-03-19 Thread wheelchair
Hi Dan,
I know you have been thru a lot.  Last year you mentioned that you  were 
heading to court and nothing further or.. did I miss anything?
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/19/2009 7:32:48 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

How is everyone doing? 

Danny Espinoza  26/m/California 
Occupation before accident 
Network engineer / SR. Network security  engineer 
What happened: 
Broke c2,c6,c7 with doner bone at  c2 
Traumatic brain injury from blood going to central  cortex from spinal cord 
not vent dependendent anymore.  :] 

My myspace address - _ 
My spinal cord injury support website - _ 

**Great Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at $479 

Re: [QUAD-L] Wheelchair Batteries at Auto Zone?

2009-03-19 Thread wheelchair
You have nothing to lose by asking or looking.  Remember your  batteries must 
be AGM Gel and deep cycle.
A wet cell battery would be much cheaper but dangerous to your health and  
cause harm to your chair.  Make sure that you are able to let them see the  
exact battery you are using and whether it can be ordered thru them.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/19/2009 12:00:26 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

OK  - my service contract was sold to another company that is 2 hours away 
from my  home. I do not drive. It is impossible for me to go to them.

So today I  get on the phone calling other wheelchair stores  one of them 
told me to  go to Auto Zone. They would have to order them for me.

Is that correct?  I have gone to Walmart  gotten a lot of supplies for my 
chair, rain  poncho, gloves, etc. Maybe they could handle  batteries.

**Great Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at $479 

[QUAD-L] Food preparation question

2009-03-19 Thread Bobbie299
Hi All,
OK, I have a question about food preparation. Let's say you'd like a 
peanut butter and jelly sandwich (or another kind of sandwich) that you can't 
make. Do you just ask for that sandwich and except it as it is made by the 
making it? Or do you try and instruct how you prefer the sandwich? For 
instance; I like a lot of peanut butter, or I don't want that kind of jelly. 
the person making the sandwich or meal, think you are being a pain in the butt 
by being so particular?
 Just wondering, 
Bobbie Humphreys C-5,6.7 motocross jumping accident in 1973 at 17
Married to Sweet Pete Living in Parsippany, New Jersey
**Great Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at $479 

Re: [QUAD-L] Food preparation question

2009-03-19 Thread wheelchair
If you were going to make a sandwich for me, Bobbie, I'd say,
Bobbie, if you really want to do me a favor.. could you make me a peanut  
butter n jelly sandwich, with plenty of peanut butter about 1/2 inch of it 
 this kind of jelly???  If you can I'd really appreciate that and you'd make  
me very happy
In a message dated 3/19/2009 12:15:03 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Hi All,
OK, I have a question about food preparation..  Let's say you'd like a 
peanut butter and jelly sandwich (or another kind of  sandwich) that you can't 
make. Do you just ask for that sandwich and except it  as it is made by the 
person making it? Or do you try and instruct how you  prefer the sandwich? 
instance; I like a lot of peanut butter, or I don't  want that kind of jelly. 
Dose the person making the sandwich or meal, think  you are being a pain in 
the butt by being so particular?
 Just wondering, 
Bobbie  Humphreys C-5,6.7 motocross jumping accident in 1973 at 17
Married to Sweet  Pete Living in Parsippany, New Jersey


_Great  Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at  $479_ 

**Great Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at $479 

Re: [QUAD-L] Wheelchair Batteries at Auto Zone?

2009-03-19 Thread John S.
If you pay for it you can get batteries a lot cheaper than DME's charge at 
places like Auto Zone or WallE world. Be sure to get no-maintenance deep cycle 
batteries. If you can get Medicare to pay 80% then your set. They only pay for 
new batteries once a year. If you don't fly, don't waste money on gell cell 
batteries. They are only good for about 150-200 recharges. I've heard people on 
here say they get a lot longer life from Maintenance free deep cycle batteries. 
Some places will install the batteries free. 
Most wheelchairs use 22nfd size and type battery. Some wheelchairs are 
beginning to offer larger batteries.
They shouldn't cost anymore than $70 each. (Gell Cell batteries can cost $150 
each, sometimes more.)Your battery charger may have a selector button to charge 
Gell cell batteries or lead acid batteries. Be sure it is set to the right 
So, yes, you can get batteries for your wheelchair at most places that sell 


From: KK
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 12:59:37 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Wheelchair Batteries at Auto Zone?

OK - my service contract was sold to another company that is 2 hours away from 
my home. I do not drive. It is impossible for me to go to them.

So today I get on the phone calling other wheelchair stores  one of them told 
me to go to Auto Zone. They would have to order them for me.

Is that correct? I have gone to Walmart  gotten a lot of supplies for my 
chair, rain poncho, gloves, etc. Maybe they could handle batteries.


Re: [QUAD-L] Food preparation question

2009-03-19 Thread Dan

Hey Bobbie,

God, I do that all the time. 'hey you wanna make me a pj sandwich 
with lots of peanut butter and taste of shit jelly? Thanks.' I do 
this for everything - 'wanna wash the floor for me with Mrs Clean? 
Thanks.' You always have to put the wanna and thank yous in there. I 
also type up recipes for my favorite meals. 'You wanna make me this 
recipe? I love it made this way. Thanks.' If we don't tell them they 
won't know and we will be miserable. As long as we are pleasant about 
request and not dictatorial everything should be cool.


At 01:14 PM 3/19/2009, said something that elicited 
my response:

Hi All,
OK, I have a question about food preparation. Let's say you'd 
like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (or another kind of 
sandwich) that you can't make. Do you just ask for that sandwich 
and except it as it is made by the person making it? Or do you try 
and instruct how you prefer the sandwich? For instance; I like a 
lot of peanut butter, or I don't want that kind of jelly. Dose the 
person making the sandwich or meal, think you are being a pain in 
the butt by being so particular?

 Just wondering,
Bobbie Humphreys C-5,6.7 motocross jumping accident in 1973 at 17
Married to Sweet Pete Living in Parsippany, New Jersey

Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at $479

[QUAD-L] Wheelchair Batteries at Auto Zone?

2009-03-19 Thread wheelchair
Hi John,
I would caution anyone considering wet cell batteries or anything less then  
gel batteries as a dangerous move.
When replacing batteries, look at what you have already and copy the name,  
make, model, amperage and specifications.  This way, no matter which brand  is 
purchased the size, specifications, and amperage will remain the same.   Most 
DME batteries are warranteed for 6 months.  Auto Zone or Wal Mart may  offer 
a longer warranty term.
Know what you are getting and know what your charger can handle.  Do  not 
exceed those perimeters.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/19/2009 1:23:22 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

If you pay for it you can get batteries a lot cheaper than DME's charge  at 
places like Auto Zone or WallE world. Be sure to get no-maintenance deep  cycle 
batteries. If you can get Medicare to pay 80% then your set. They only  pay 
for new batteries once a year. If you don't fly, don't waste money on gell  
cell batteries. They are only good for about 150-200 recharges. I've heard  
people on here say they get a lot longer life from Maintenance free deep cycle  
batteries. Some places will install the batteries free. 
Most wheelchairs  use 22nfd size and type battery. Some wheelchairs are 
beginning to offer  larger batteries.
They shouldn't cost anymore than $70 each. (Gell Cell  batteries can cost 
$150 each, sometimes more.)Your battery charger may have a  selector button to 
charge Gell cell batteries or lead acid batteries. Be sure  it is set to the 
right position. 
So, yes, you can get batteries for your  wheelchair at most places that sell 



 From: KK
Sent:  Thursday, March 19, 2009 12:59:37 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Wheelchair Batteries at  Auto Zone?

OK - my service contract was  sold to another company that is 2 hours away 
from my home. I do not drive. It  is impossible for me to go to them.

So today I get on the phone calling  other wheelchair stores  one of them 
told me to go to Auto Zone. They  would have to order them for me.

Is that correct? I have gone to  Walmart  gotten a lot of supplies for my 
chair, rain poncho, gloves, etc.  Maybe they could handle batteries.

**Great Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at $479 

Re: [QUAD-L] Food preparation question

2009-03-19 Thread John S.
If you don't do the extra butt kissing, people won't make you sandwiches for 
very long. Mmmm great sandwich! Sure didn't expect to wear so much jelly. If ya 
think of it, next time, let's try it with more peanut butter and less jelly, 
You can ask them that before they make it, just ask it in a nice way.
If you can't talk folks through a PBJ, how can you talk an aid through 
catheterizing you. I only do intermittent caths every year and I'm not going to 
a doctor to get cathed where sick people are. Those places are full of strange 
germs. :)


Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 1:14:10 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Food preparation question

Hi All,
OK, I have a question about food preparation. Let's say you'd like a peanut 
butter and jelly sandwich (or another kind of sandwich) that you can't make. Do 
you just ask for that sandwich and except it as it is made by the person making 
it? Or do you try and instruct how you prefer the sandwich? For instance; I 
like a lot of peanut butter, or I don't want that kind of jelly. Dose the 
person making the sandwich or meal, think you are being a pain in the butt by 
being so particular?
 Just wondering, 
Bobbie Humphreys C-5,6.7 motocross jumping accident in 1973 at 17
Married to Sweet Pete Living in Parsippany, New Jersey

Great Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at $479


RE: [QUAD-L] Food preparation question

2009-03-19 Thread Steve Oldaker
Hi Bobbie,


I do just like Dan. I let my helpers know what I prefer and why in a cordial
manner for food and other needs and always thank them for each task and at
the end of each visit, regardless of how long they have been with me.
Sometimes a new helper may say I know how to do this or that or you sure
are particular, and I agree, explaining that I mean no offense and their
way of doing things is probably fine, but if all my helpers will do things
the same way (my way), I can more easily track and check off the To Do items
in my mental check list, ensuring I maintain consistent care. 


A good example is range of motion exercises. I have all my helpers do them
the same way in the same order, as much or more for my benefit as theirs to
ensure no exercises or reps are missed. Change the order and we both may
lose track.


It's interesting you asked about making a sandwich. I love sandwiches and
several of my helpers now make some of my favorites for themselves and their
families. I think my current favorite is a grilled pastrami, corned beef and
swiss on marble rye with sauerkraut, Boars Head horseradish sauce and
country style Dijon mustard. Serve with a dill pickle, salt and vinegar
chips, and a cold beer and life is good!  


Best regards,


Steve - C4, 20 years


From: Dan [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Food preparation question


Hey Bobbie,

God, I do that all the time. 'hey you wanna make me a pj sandwich with lots
of peanut butter and taste of shit jelly? Thanks.' I do this for everything
- 'wanna wash the floor for me with Mrs Clean? Thanks.' You always have to
put the wanna and thank yous in there. I also type up recipes for my
favorite meals. 'You wanna make me this recipe? I love it made this way.
Thanks.' If we don't tell them they won't know and we will be miserable. As
long as we are pleasant about request and not dictatorial everything should
be cool.


At 01:14 PM 3/19/2009, said something that elicited my

Hi All,
OK, I have a question about food preparation. Let's say you'd like a
peanut butter and jelly sandwich (or another kind of sandwich) that you
can't make. Do you just ask for that sandwich and except it as it is made by
the person making it? Or do you try and instruct how you prefer the
sandwich? For instance; I like a lot of peanut butter, or I don't want that
kind of jelly. Dose the person making the sandwich or meal, think you are
being a pain in the butt by being so particular?
 Just wondering, 
Bobbie Humphreys C-5,6.7 motocross jumping accident in 1973 at 17
Married to Sweet Pete Living in Parsippany, New Jersey


Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at $479

Re: [QUAD-L] Food preparation question

2009-03-19 Thread Derrick
I am always letting them know how I like it.
I have 4 different workers and they all make oatmeal different tasting and 
They learn after awhile how you like things but for some reason bacon, oatmeal, 
and few other foods come out different with each worker. It drives me nuts. So, 
now, I know what worker makes what food to my liking.
  When it comes to cooking deer tenderloin, I watch them closely and tell them 
when to turn and how long to cook. If  do not, I get tough meat. erh.

  Older works think you are a pain(hard to teach an old dog new tricks) Younger 
works are not so bad. 
  If I was not particular, I would have many more problems then I do now.
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 1:14 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Food preparation question

  Hi All,
  OK, I have a question about food preparation. Let's say you'd like a 
peanut butter and jelly sandwich (or another kind of sandwich) that you can't 
make. Do you just ask for that sandwich and except it as it is made by the 
person making it? Or do you try and instruct how you prefer the sandwich? For 
instance; I like a lot of peanut butter, or I don't want that kind of jelly. 
Dose the person making the sandwich or meal, think you are being a pain in the 
butt by being so particular?
   Just wondering, 
  Bobbie Humphreys C-5,6.7 motocross jumping accident in 1973 at 17
  Married to Sweet Pete Living in Parsippany, New Jersey

  Great Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at $479

Re: [QUAD-L] Wheelchair Batteries at Auto Zone?

2009-03-19 Thread RONALD L PRACHT
Ive used leadacid deep cycle marine batteries from walmartthey worked 
but the power lights on the joystick would fluctuate.  The last batteries I got 
were from a place called batteries plus.they put in group 24 sealed lead 
acid batteries , these actually have worked well and were about 70 each. Like 
everyone says though if you travel you must use a deep cycle gel battery. I 
know auto zone sells a battery called an Optima gel which comes in a deep 
cycleyou could look at that, basically write down all the specs from 
your current battery andcompare to the specs of the other batteries 
ron c7

--- On Thu, 3/19/09, John S. wrote:

From: John S.
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Wheelchair Batteries at Auto Zone?
To: KK,
Date: Thursday, March 19, 2009, 1:22 PM

If you pay for it you can get batteries a lot cheaper than DME's charge at 
places like Auto Zone or WallE world. Be sure to get no-maintenance deep cycle 
batteries. If you can get Medicare to pay 80% then your set. They only pay for 
new batteries once a year. If you don't fly, don't waste money on gell cell 
batteries. They are only good for about 150-200 recharges. I've heard people on 
here say they get a lot longer life from Maintenance free deep cycle batteries. 
Some places will install the batteries free. 
Most wheelchairs use 22nfd size and type battery. Some wheelchairs are 
beginning to offer larger batteries.
They shouldn't cost anymore than $70 each. (Gell Cell batteries can cost $150 
each, sometimes more.)Your battery charger may have a selector button to charge 
Gell cell batteries or lead acid batteries. Be sure it is set to the right 
So, yes, you can get batteries for your wheelchair at most places that sell 


From: KK
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 12:59:37 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Wheelchair Batteries at Auto Zone?

OK - my service contract was sold to another company that is 2 hours away from 
my home. I do not drive. It is impossible for me to go to them.

So today I get on the phone calling other wheelchair stores  one of them told 
me to go to Auto Zone. They would have to order them for me.

Is that correct? I have gone to Walmart  gotten a lot of supplies for my 
chair, rain poncho, gloves, etc. Maybe they could handle batteries.

Re: [QUAD-L] please help

2009-03-19 Thread DiannaL767
In a message dated 3/19/2009 7:55:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Haven't we read this one before?  I wonder if there is any truth to  this or 
another Eastern Money Scam.
Best Wishes

Seems like the same one.

**Great Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at $479 

Re: [QUAD-L] scratch and urinate

2009-03-19 Thread DiannaL767
In a message dated 3/18/2009 7:59:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Life could change with a scratch
i'd sign up for the surgery!

**Great Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at $479 

Re: [QUAD-L] Food preparation question

2009-03-19 Thread bob quinn
Dan (and said what I would have said.

I would add also that if they objected, I'd know not to ask them again (so, if 
its someone in my employ, they may not be employed much longer if they can't 
nicely and without noise do what I ask).  If they ignored my 
instruction/request (significantly enough, anyway), I'd be compelled to gently 
point it out (Not that I'm ungrateful, just that I want to impress on them that 
I really do know what I want and want nothing less).

Bottom Line: Yes, you need to be your own best advocate, but its a tight-rope 
walk: You can't always get exactly what you want everytime you want it, but you 
should not have to just always settle for what you can get, either.

As a related aside: In my (quite extensive now) hospital experience, I've met 
two kinds of nurses: Those in it just for the money, and those that really want 
to help people.  The latter are more likely the type to follow instruction 

bob quinn 
c5/c6 9 years post

From: Dan
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 2:24:39 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Food preparation question

Hey Bobbie,

God, I do that all the time. 'hey you wanna make me a pj sandwich
with lots of peanut butter and taste of shit jelly? Thanks.' I do this
for everything - 'wanna wash the floor for me with Mrs Clean? Thanks.'
You always have to put the wanna and thank yous in there. I also type up
recipes for my favorite meals. 'You wanna make me this recipe? I love it
made this way. Thanks.' If we don't tell them they won't know and we will
be miserable. As long as we are pleasant about request and not
dictatorial everything should be cool.


At 01:14 PM 3/19/2009, said something that elicited my

Hi All,
OK, I have a question about food preparation. Let's
say you'd like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (or another kind of
sandwich) that you can't make. Do you just ask for that sandwich and
except it as it is made by the person making it? Or do you try and
instruct how you prefer the sandwich? For instance; I like a
lot of peanut butter, or I don't want that kind of jelly. Dose the person
making the sandwich or meal, think you are being a pain in the butt by
being so particular?
 Just wondering, 
Bobbie Humphreys C-5,6.7 motocross jumping accident in 1973
at 17
Married to Sweet Pete Living in Parsippany, New Jersey

  Great Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at


Re: [QUAD-L] Wheelchair Batteries at Auto Zone?

2009-03-19 Thread Eric W Rudd
these are what i problems

Eric W Rudd

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 4:18 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Wheelchair Batteries at Auto Zone?

The last batteries I got were from a place called batteries 
plus.they put in group 24 sealed lead acid batteries , these actually have 
worked well and were about 70 each. 

ron c7