Re: [QUAD-L]

2009-08-31 Thread Paul Jacobson
I like Staind.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve Crowder 
  To: Eric W Rudd ; 
  Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 5:52 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 

  Eric -- what are you doing? Forums like this have standards and the things 
you are posting in here are well below them. Why don't you show Jim Lubin and 
the rest of the people here at the quad list a little bit of respect and limit 
your posts to legitimate topics and keep that nonsense and foul language to 
yourself? You been a member here a long time. Why go out and tarnish your image 
so extensively as you are doing every time you push the send button and send 
out your poetry and other nonsense to a forum where that sort of behavior is 
more commonplace and acceptable? Honestly, the things you're saying you this 
long string of posts sound like drunken babble. Do you really want to portray 
yourself as someone capable of sending THAT TRASH out for other people to read? 
Think about this.

  Yours truly, Nick Danger
- Original Message - 
From: Eric W Rudd 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 8:03 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] 

It's been a while 
Since I could hold my head up high 
and it's been a while 
Since I first saw you 
It's been a while 
since i could stand on my own two feet again 
and it's been a while 
since i could call you 
But everything I can't remember as fucked up as it may seem 
the consequences that I've rendered 
I've stretched myself beyond my means 

It's been a while 
since i could say that i wasn't addicted and 
It's been a while 
Since I could say I love myself as well and 
It's been a while 
Since I've gone and fucked things up just like i always do 
It's been a while 
But all that shit seems to disappear when i'm with you 
But everything I can't remember as fucked up as it may seem 
the consequences that I've rendered 
I've gone and fucked things up again 

Why must i feel this way? 
just make this go away 
just one more peaceful day 

Its been awhile 
Since I could lok at myself straight 
and it's been awhile 
since i said i'm sorry 
It's been awhile 
Since I've seen the way the candles light your face 
It's been awhile 
But I can still remember just the way you taste 
But everything I can't remember as fucked up as it may seem 
I know it's me i cannot blame this on my father 
he did the best he could for me 

It's been a while 
Since I could hold my head up high 
and it's been a while since i said i'm sorry 

Eric W Rudd


RE: [QUAD-L] Sweating in the chair

2009-08-31 Thread Tod E. Santee
Hi Everyone!

I had this sweating problem but couldn't take Lyrica *because of* the Neurontin 
I was taking.  The doc (a quad himself) prescribed Cymbalta instead.  It worked 

One problem I developed was that after a while I started getting extremely 
sleepy around 6-7:00pm everyday no matter when I took the Cymbalta.  I mean 
like "scary sleepy!"   asleep in my chair watching TV during dinner with my 
wife and mother-in-law (YES, I KNOW there's a joke in there... it's just too 
easy! Ha!).  We had to stay an extra 2 hrs until we were sure I was awake 
enough to drive home (Another joke coming... I'm holding back).

I decided to slowly get myself off it.  Luckily, the sweating problem has 
continued to stay away ever since!  That was a year ago!  I still have to take 
200mg ibuprofen each morning or it comes back after a couple days.

If you're sweating ONLY when you sit, I might suggest 1) a bone density scan 
and 2) checking lower lumbar and sacral vertabrae for compression fractures and 
other tiny cracks/breaks.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I DO know the reason I was sweating... 
I did have a compression fracture in one of my lower lumbar vertabrae and a 
sacral one.  It was from thinning bones and repeated trauma from transfers 
to/from my chair.

I had a procedure done called "sacroplasty" where they use a CT Scan to find 
the compression points and inject a fast-hardening cement into the bones to 
"spread them" a little (lack of a better term) and then stabilize them once 
they're apart.  I was sweating before that and for a while after the 
procedure... perhaps it was because it took a while for all the nearby 
inflammation to settle down. Nobody ever was sure why it stopped.  That was the 
best thing anyone could ever determine/guess.  Having to continue with 
ibuprofen seems to back that idea up.

Best wishes to All!


 Daniel Espinoza  wrote: 
> That's the medication I'm using it now and it works great, before I was on
> Neurontin and that would knock me out almost. Now that I'm on Lyrica I don't
> have to deal with all of the side effects and it works great for me. I first
> started taking it at Craig Hospital and haven't thought about switching it
> since. I take it twice a day once at 9 AM and once at 8 PM.
> Daniel Espinoza 26/m/California
> Occupation before accident - Network engineer / SR. Network security
> engineer What happened:
> I broke my c2,c6,c7 and had to get donor bone at c2, which left me as a
> Quadriplegic  .
> I had a Traumatic_brain_injury
>   from blood going to
> my brain from my spinal cord, but its getting better with time.
> I am off a ventilator   "woohoo"
> however only half of my diaphragm
>   works right now "due to
> an asymmetric spinal cord injury
>  ."
> From: John S. [] 
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sweating in the chair
> I have heard several people including myself talk about profuse sweating and
> shaking when getting in the chair. I have taken so many pain meds to control
> it but never resulting in more than a few hours of relief. I just began
> taking a strong dose of Lyrica and it seems to be the key for me. I'm
> backing down the narcotics and it has only been a week but DAMN. I take 1 in
> the morning and I don't sweat or feel the presure that starts AD. I have not
> had a day without sweating and shaking for over nine years. I feel like I
> might have a life again. (knock on wood) 
> We are all different and I know many of us have problems that it won't help.
> I will let y'all know if it stops working. It has been so long since I have
> felt this good. I want to goto the park and watch lovers and throw stale
> bread at the birds again. (I feel like I could really nail one, maybe even a
> lover.)
> I really wish you all the very best,
> john

Re: [QUAD-L]

2009-08-31 Thread Steve Crowder
Eric -- what are you doing? Forums like this have standards and the things you 
are posting in here are well below them. Why don't you show Jim Lubin and the 
rest of the people here at the quad list a little bit of respect and limit your 
posts to legitimate topics and keep that nonsense and foul language to 
yourself? You been a member here a long time. Why go out and tarnish your image 
so extensively as you are doing every time you push the send button and send 
out your poetry and other nonsense to a forum where that sort of behavior is 
more commonplace and acceptable? Honestly, the things you're saying you this 
long string of posts sound like drunken babble. Do you really want to portray 
yourself as someone capable of sending THAT TRASH out for other people to read? 
Think about this.

Yours truly, Nick Danger
  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric W Rudd 
  Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 8:03 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] 

  It's been a while 
  Since I could hold my head up high 
  and it's been a while 
  Since I first saw you 
  It's been a while 
  since i could stand on my own two feet again 
  and it's been a while 
  since i could call you 
  But everything I can't remember as fucked up as it may seem 
  the consequences that I've rendered 
  I've stretched myself beyond my means 

  It's been a while 
  since i could say that i wasn't addicted and 
  It's been a while 
  Since I could say I love myself as well and 
  It's been a while 
  Since I've gone and fucked things up just like i always do 
  It's been a while 
  But all that shit seems to disappear when i'm with you 
  But everything I can't remember as fucked up as it may seem 
  the consequences that I've rendered 
  I've gone and fucked things up again 

  Why must i feel this way? 
  just make this go away 
  just one more peaceful day 

  Its been awhile 
  Since I could lok at myself straight 
  and it's been awhile 
  since i said i'm sorry 
  It's been awhile 
  Since I've seen the way the candles light your face 
  It's been awhile 
  But I can still remember just the way you taste 
  But everything I can't remember as fucked up as it may seem 
  I know it's me i cannot blame this on my father 
  he did the best he could for me 

  It's been a while 
  Since I could hold my head up high 
  and it's been a while since i said i'm sorry 

  Eric W Rudd


Re: [QUAD-L] Permobil

2009-08-31 Thread Quadius
After a really long time I am getting seated in my C350 this Friday.
Hopefully they will be able to work out all of the electronics difficulties
I encountered the last time, October of last year.  It's a long story and I
don't want to go into it right now, but I do know, based on what the vendor
told me, that the 350 has smaller batteries and therefore a smaller range
than the 500.  It's only a few miles shorter, so it you don't travel over 18
miles a day, you probably won't have any difficulties.


On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 5:26 AM,  wrote:

>  Any Permobil users?
>   I've always had an arrow or a storm. My new storm is not working out. I'm
> thinking Permobil C 350 corpus or the C 500 RS. Is there any advice you can
> give between these two. I know the 350 is rear wheel drive and the 500 is
> front wheel drive. They both say they can go 6.5 mph. But are the motors the
> same? Battery life the same? I do need a chin control. I'm not going to wear
> that harness. I'd like to mount the chin control on a swing away arm.
> Anybody out there like that? What kind of switch do you have to switch
> modes? Any advice is appreciated.
> Sean
> c-4
> 19 yrs post
> --

Re: [QUAD-L] Hands Free Computer Booting

2009-08-31 Thread Quadius
What Steve has written here is 100% on target.  That's what I did and I also
purchased a Palm pad and an X-10 transmitter module from

This way I can roll up to my desk and turn on my computer with a mouse stick
and the Palm pad.  There is a rollover mat, but I would only use this
approach if your client doesn't have the ability to use a mouse stick.
Additionally, it would be very beneficial for your client to have the
ability to use a mouse stick in order to avoid hard booting the computer
every time DNS ends up getting locked up with a program.

Awfully this helps.

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 8:16 PM, Steve Oldaker wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> Try this if you have not done so yet:
> 1. Start her computer and press F2 or whatever it is on her machine to
> enter
> Setup.
> 2. Look for and select Power Management.
> 3. Look for and select Auto Power On.
> 4. Go from there.
> Steve - C4, 21 years
> -Original Message-
> From: Kevin Bird []
> Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 2:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: [QUAD-L] Hands Free Computer Booting
> Hello Everyone - My name is Kevin, I am an Assistive Technology Trainer and
> am currently working with a client who has extremely limited mobility. I am
> training her in the use of Dragon Naturally Speaking (which is going very
> well) however as Dragon is only useful when the computer is on, I am left
> with the problem of how to initially boot the computer. I have been doing
> research but have been unable to resolve this issue any suggestions would
> be
> greatly appreciated.
> Thank you in advance for your assistance.
> Kevin L. Bird Braille & Technology Training
> (541) 441-3888

Re: [QUAD-L] bowel "no show"

2009-08-31 Thread Quadius
My doctor prescribed Mirlex for me to use at home if I am having
difficulties with constipation.  That usually isn't the case for me.

When I was in the hospital for some routine testing last month I became
extremely constipated and was unable to go to the bathroom for three days,
which is an eternity for me.  I ended up getting them to give me two doses
of mineral oil (two tablespoons each) and then the night before the bowel
care I had them give me two tablespoons of Golightly (spelling).  I don't
know if this is the same medicine as Mirlex, but I have always had great
success with Golightly about six to eight hours before a bowel movement if I
am having constipation difficulties.  It will definitely help lubricate the
stool to get out of my system.

I always need digital stimulation even when I have extremely loose
PS sorry I am responding so late, but I have had company all month and
haven't had a chance to look at my e-mail.  I'm only responding to messages
that I think I can have a little input on.

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 6:29 PM, Dan  wrote:

>  Have any of you tried Mirelax? I've found it to work great without causing
> accidents.
> Dan
> At 06:01 PM 8/8/2009, Danny Hearn said something that elicited my response:
> happens to most quads at times---used to happen to me a lot  during my 4
> months in rehab, when we did routine every other day---then some of the docs
> and nurses told me that many quads are fine going about twice per week
> because most quads systems slow down-- so i began to try that and now do
> routine every tuesday and saturday-- has worked great for 12 years now. I
> guess it is good for many but some quads think you need to go daily--  guess
> it is good to train your body early on because many are different. If your
> stool is real hard may need someone to digital stem to get it started--
> during the times my stool get hard, i take stool softeners for a while.
> Anyway,good luck!   Dan H.
> --- On *Sat, 8/8/09, Derrick * wrote:
> From: Derrick 
> Subject: [QUAD-L] bowel "no show"
> To:
> Date: Saturday, August 8, 2009, 4:25 PM
> I did not go at my rountine bowel program which is every other morning.
> This has never happened to me before.10 years. I'm kinda of freakin about
> it.
> Has this happened to any of you?
> I've been under alot of stress lately.
> I bought milk'magnezie to try.
> I guess i take the night before.
> I plan to try bowel again tommorrow morning.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Derrick W


2009-08-31 Thread Greg
I too take a daily antibiotic. I know most people say not to do it, but I
was getting UTI's every other week. Plus the symptoms really were hard on
me. I would sweat and get fevers before the UTI was bas enough to show up on
tests. The Uro wanted to do a bladder augmentation, but thought we should
try this first as a last resort. Since starting the daily half dose, I have
had 2 UTI's in 4 years.





Hi group,


I read some of the posts regarding the sweating problem. I too have had this
problem and ran a bunch of test. The doctors where pretty stumped. I think
that I have finally figured out that it's a UTI problem. When we sit up it
puts more pressure on the bladder which irritates the bladder when it's
already upset from the UTI. It causes pain and then we sweat. I take a daily
antibiotic for urine and have no more sweating. I may be wrong but it has
helped me.


Good luck and great health,

Donald C5


Re: [QUAD-L] frustrations with Medi-Cal and Medicare

2009-08-31 Thread Lori Michaelson
They more or less have people like Danny and myself being forced to MAKE us
*square* people into the *round* holes to qualify for Medicaid or the
Medicaid waivers. In other words, we can only have so much money or have to
spend it down and then they are always needing to know h1ow much money we
have to keep being eligible, etc. In other words, flashlights up our butts
and so on and so forth.
Some of us just fall between the cracks.  To much money/assets to qualify
but not enough money to be able to hire the extra care we need as far as
home health aides and other things.
Lori Michaelson
Age - 45
C4/5 complete quad, 29 years post
Tucson, AZ

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Steve Oldaker wrote:

>  Danny,
> If you have not already done so, I strongly suggest checking out the
> information at the site below.
> If you have already applied and have been turned down for some reason,
> there may be steps you can take that will make you eligible.
> Steve - C4, 21 years
> *From:* Daniel Espinoza []
> *Sent:* Sunday, August 30, 2009 6:06 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [QUAD-L] frustrations with Medi-Cal and Medicare
> I seriously don't understand how you guys live off this, I get 1400 a month
> and then I have to pay about 1100 for my share of cost. Luckily I'm not
> going to get kicked out for not paying rent but I am supposed to and that's
> beside the point. It gives me $300 for rent, food, utilities, and any
> medical supplies not covered. I think it's really screwed up, I'm going to
> call them on Monday and try to figure this stuff out but before I do that I
> would really like to know what you guys think? It's almost like I have no
> choice but to live in a nursing home, which I would imagine would cost more
> than what they give me a month. I live in Southern California so maybe that
> has something to do with my frustrations because everything seems to be a
> lot more expensive here than elsewhere. I really don't want to move because
> all of my family lives here, and they take care of me when my caregivers
> don't.
> Thanks in advance for any advice you guys have for me. I've been a quad for
> a little over three years now so I really don't understand the ins and outs
> of all of this just quite yet….
> Daniel Espinoza 26/m/California
> Occupation before accident - Network engineer / SR. Network security
> engineer What happened:
> I broke my c2,c6,c7 and had to get donor bone at c2, which left me as a
> Quadriplegic .
> I had a 
> Traumatic_brain_injuryfrom
>  blood going to my brain from my spinal cord, but its getting better
> with time.
> I am off a ventilator  "woohoo"
> however only half of my 
> diaphragmworks right now 
> "due to an asymmetric spinal
> cord injury ."

Age - 45
C4/5 complete quad, nearly 30 years post
Tucson, AZ


2009-08-31 Thread donald scott
Hi group,
I read some of the posts regarding the sweating problem. I too have had this 
problem and ran a bunch of test. The doctors where pretty stumped. I think that 
I have finally figured out that it's a UTI problem. When we sit up it puts more 
pressure on the bladder which irritates the bladder when it's already upset 
from the UTI. It causes pain and then we sweat. I take a daily antibiotic for 
urine and have no more sweating. I may be wrong but it has helped me.
Good luck and great health,
Donald C5