[QUAD-L] Magic Bullet Suppositories

2016-07-09 Thread Dollbug
 I have a weird request ... I used to split a box of 100 of these with a fellow 
quad. Sadly this person passed away a few years back. I'm not sure if anyone's 
body works the same as ours.  The medical site customer service people tell me 
"these won't go bad for a year or two after expiration".  Well for me and my 
friend if the expiration is July, 2016, for instance, they stop working on 
about July 1 or 2. Therefore, I am now discarding about half a box.  I do bowel 
program every other day.  I use about half a box every 4-5 months, depending on 
the expiration date.  I paid $70.65 for the last box that I purchased.  Is 
anyone interested in sharing a box of these every 4-5 months to save money and 
waste?  If you live in the central Florida area (and are close enough) I can 
even have them hand delivered .  Otherwise I can send them via mail or UPS.  
Please let me know if you are interested.

[QUAD-L] burning sensation in bladder

2011-06-14 Thread Dollbug
My 24 yr old son has been a quad almost 3 yrs. He got a super pubic catheter 
about 6  months after he became a quad. He started to get a horrible burning 
pain almost 24/7 around his bladder about 3 months ago. He has had burning 
before but never this bad. They found he had bladder stones, did laser surgery 
about a month ago and some came out. More pieces have come out in urine since 
surgery. The urologist told him the burning pain would never go away though. 
Has anyone had this and if so do you still have the horrible pain?  How do you 
deal with it? He is beside himself and is ready to end his life - please help.
Bless you,

[QUAD-L] Super pubic vs foley or cathing

2009-03-14 Thread Dollbug
My 22 year old son, who became a quad about 6 months ago, has had numerous 
issues since initial hospitalization.   The most recurring is UTI and some 
bladder infections.   He was in a hospital and rehab for 3-1/2 months total.   
He had a foley for 2 months initially.   After the 2 months, cathing began 
every 4 hours.   About a month after cathing began he started to urinate 
between caths.   He complained of the mess and they put a Texas catheter on him 
and still cathed every 4 hours.    After about 3 weeks of being at home (I was 
cathing and dealing with the Texas catheter) his penis became quite 
raw.About 3 times more urine coming out of him was going into the catheter 
bag as opposed to cathing.   I asked that a foley be put in due to all this.   
A few people have told us a super pubic will cause a lot less UTI's and much 
less invasive on the body.   Please share your views on a super pubic versus a 
foley or

Many thanks for any replies!