[QUAD-L] Cell phone links

2006-01-21 Thread Shahidul Alam
Hi, friends :-)

I am looking for most convenient cell phones for quadriplegic, level C5-C6.
I shall appreciate, if anyone furnish me with any link.

Thanks in advance :-)

Please take care :-)Shahidul Alam

[QUAD-L] I've learned

2005-12-15 Thread Shahidul Alam
To my friends,

I've learnedThat life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.

I've learnedThat we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.
I've learnedThat money doesn't buy class.

I've learnedThat it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.

I've learnedThat under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.

I've learnedThat to ignore the facts does not change the facts.

I've learnedThat when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.

I've learnedThat love, not time, heals all wounds.

I've learnedThat the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.

I've learnedThat everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.

I've learnedThat no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.

I've learnedThat opportunities are never lost! Someone will take the ones you miss.

I've learnedThat when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.

I've learnedThat I wish I could have told those I cared about that I lovethemone more time before they passed away.

I've learnedThat one should keep his word both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them.

I've learnedThat a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.

I've learnedThat I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it.

I've learnedThat the less time I have to work, the more things I get done.

I've learnedThat everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.

I've learnedThat life is tough, but I'm tougher. [I like this one...]




Re: [QUAD-L] The clicking of your chair is driving me crazy those tires

2005-10-28 Thread Shahidul Alam
Never experienced this insulting attitude from people, rather very often get VIP treatment in my power chair. Sorry about your experience.


 Question: Would you guys get insulted if someone told you to stop movingyourchair because the clicking was driving them crazy? or If someone didn't want
you in their home because of your tires?Bobbie 

Re: [QUAD-L] Gmail

2005-10-07 Thread Shahidul Alam
You are definitely missing something. Its the best possible free E-mail service now.

Apart from giving 2+gb of storage it has many features.

In my experience it's very fast. Especially for SCI community it's very convenient, it has many short keys to navigate between pages.

I strongly recommend you to get one gmail account.


Who on here wants a Gmail invite?
never heard of it

Re: [QUAD-L] Gmail

2005-10-07 Thread Shahidul Alam

Its free, because you don't have to pay anything. It is web based email service. Don't confuse it with Internet service provider. AOL, I suppose provides you with Internet and email service both.

I don't know about Roadrunner, but with dragon, if you can do Internet browsing, then you can use gmail.

I use IBM's viavoice, with it I can do browsing and dictate on any application.

If it is too confusing for you, then keep on using AOL... no doubt it's one of the best




Hi Shahidul,

What is the monthly cost, but you said free ? Why would it be free? Can you use along with Roadrunner? Does it work with Dragon? That only AOL is because it works with a lot better than Yahoo. I think it locks up my computer and Dragon?
Thank you.Dana


2005-09-07 Thread Shahidul Alam
Nobody told you to receive any mail... If you are IN, you should better know well how to get OUT...
Thank YOU

Re: [QUAD-L] Scanning

2005-08-27 Thread Shahidul Alam
You can set the following options:
color: grayscale
magnification: 100%
file format: jpeg

I get less than 100kb in my scanner for a A4 size page.


On 8/27/05, B. Kimberlin (Quadius) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have read that several individuals scan in their documents in order to conserve space and allow for better retrieval. I have been wanting to do something similar. In fact, it is almost imperative that I get many documents stand in the event I have to evacuate due to a catastrophic weather occurrence. The problem I am having is that each document which I scan is extremely large and difficult to store. For instance, I scanned in a very simple contract (two pages) and it took up 2MB worth of space. My question is does anyone know how to scan in a document so that it does not take up an inordinate amount of space. The primary reason I am asking is because I like to keep these documents on CDs for easy transportation in case of a disaster. FYI, I have been using Adobe Acrobat to scan in documents. I appreciate any feedback. 
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Ma! il has the best spam protection around 

Re: [QUAD-L] bowel mgmt

2005-08-07 Thread Shahidul Alam

Its known as Bio-slim.

Please take care :-)

On 8/6/05, Ol' Man River [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

what's the exact name of this tea? i could use a miracle.
daveShahidul Alam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I use a miracle herbal tea with full satisfaction. Please read my experience here:


Sorry, I had to post this page in my personal web site as scilist site not working today.

Please take care :-)


Re: [QUAD-L] Banking

2005-08-05 Thread Shahidul Alam
Hey gang:-)

Thank you very much for all of yours very significant and valuable inputs. These will definitely help me.

I shall go to the bank in person within a few days and discuss with them. Hope I will get what I want.

Please take care :-)


I have Bank that is called Capitol Federal PS. You make a payee list and all you have to do is: number and punch in what payee you want to pay, how much and the date. I also 

Re: [QUAD-L] bowel mgmt

2005-08-05 Thread Shahidul Alam
I use a miracle herbal tea with full satisfaction. Please read my experience here:


Sorry, I had to post this page in my personal web site as scilist site not working today.

Please take care :-)


On 8/5/05, kemalzk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

c3 incomplete for 7 years.i take laxative(bisacodyl)orally and also a fleet enema in the morning every three days to have a bowel movement.and yet some times it does not work.

does anyone have something different to help me in bowel management?

[QUAD-L] Banking

2005-08-04 Thread Shahidul Alam
Hey QG,

How you all manage your Bank accounts. They need signatures on many things.

I can write using an universal cuff but the writing is never the same style.

Would using a mouthstick help?

Now I have to keep money on others (brother) name. I wish, I could keep my money in my own account. Anybody has experience ?

Any input will be appreciated.

Please take care :-)


Re: [QUAD-L] My Photos - Mark

2005-07-26 Thread Shahidul Alam
Hey Mark,

Sorry for the late reply, I had to shorten the Internet time due to some reason.
However, I couldn't buy the frontier one, because of few faults of the sellers. I had the fund, about 15000$, but eventually ended up in buying another one.

Its called Conqueror, manufactured in Taiwan. Costs 1500$. max. speed 7Km/h, Range 33Km, power recline, comes with batteries and charger.

I'm using it on the roads only. Its not very gracious, but for the time being it is doing it's job.

I shall use this unless it's broken totally, then buy a new one. I shall use this experience to choose a new one.

Please take care :-)


On 7/18/05, QuadPirate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey Shahidul,
Great pics of your chair and your attendant of 11 years, she doesn't look much over 18 and barely taller than you sitting down.
I like short people I hate having to look up all the time lol!
What brand of chair did you end up purchasing btw?


---Original Message---

From: Shahidul Alam
Date: 07/16/05 05:30:00
To: Quad
Subject: [QUAD-L] My Photos

Dear QG,

Hope everybody is in sound health and mind. Try to kill your time by best possible means, when you get depressed. Must accept that, depression is part of our life.

BTW, here are my latest pics with my power chair, you can have a look at your spare time:

Please take care :-)



Re: FW: Re: [QUAD-L] My Photos

2005-07-17 Thread Shahidul Alam
Hey Dave,

Ahoy... very nice to hear from you. Hope you are keeping just fine. Thanks for your complements. Take care my friend :-)

Hey Willi:-)

Yeah, this attendant of mine looks small... but she has just the appropriate energy to take care of me. Better than any qualified nurses. I must say, I'm lucky that, she has both determination and attachment towards me. I try to make her well paid and behave well with her.

Hey Stunt:-)

This lift is very useful, made by surehands. Although it says, I need to have wrist and some finger movements to use this, but I am managing and never had any accident.
I wish you could get the address of your favourite doctor.
Stay well and take care.


Dhaka, Bangladesh 

On 7/17/05, William Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Shahidul, you have a great looking family. Congrats on the chair. And yourattendant...she is so small and petitand pretty. How does she do
it,,lifting etc.?From: David K. Kelmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Shahidul Alam 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Quad quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] My PhotosDate: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 11:46:05 -0700 (PDT)Hi Shahidul,
Ahoy, mate!Glad to see your new chair is working out so well for you.Isee it fits in your quarters just great.It's great to see that you'relooking so good, so keep up the good work!
With Love,CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, USAShahidul Alam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Dear QG,
Hope everybody is in sound health and mind. Try to kill your time by bestpossible means, when you get depressed. Must accept that, depression ispart of our life.BTW, here are my latest pics with my power chair, you can have a look at
your spare time:http://www.daruchinidip.com/gallery/no010/gallery10.htmPlease take care :-)Shahidul

[QUAD-L] My Photos

2005-07-16 Thread Shahidul Alam
Dear QG,

Hope everybody is in sound health and mind. Try to kill your time by best possible means, when you get depressed. Must accept that, depression is part of our life.

BTW, here are my latest pics with my power chair, you can have a look at your spare time:

Please take care :-)


Re: [QUAD-L] Shahidul Alam

2005-05-14 Thread Shahidul Alam
Hey Dave,

I am fond of your positive attitude in everything... that ensures peace of mind in an individual. I am learning... but sometimes, you know devil frustration takes over...

With distinct Love,

On 5/14/05, David K. Kelmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Shahidul,

I've never had trouble getting your mail, either her or from your List. I do have your gmail addy so maybe that's why I haven't had any problems with SCIList. I hope everything works out for you. Stay strong. :)

With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, USA

Shahidul Alam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey Lori :-)

I have recently switched to gmail, obviously for it's excellent facilities... that may be the reason of your confusion.

However, I love gmail and following is my address :


Let me know if you are interested in gmail, then I might send you an invitation.

Please take care :-)


On 5/13/05, Lori Michaelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Shahidul! I must be blind. I see all but your email on your home page. Can you re-post here?


Re: [QUAD-L] Shahidul Alam

2005-05-13 Thread Shahidul Alam
Hey Lori :-)

I have recently switched to gmail, obviously for it's excellent facilities... that may be the reason of your confusion.

However, I love gmail and following is my address :


Let me know if you are interested in gmail, then I might send you an invitation.

Please take care :-)


On 5/13/05, Lori Michaelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Shahidul! I must be blind. I see all but your email on your home page. Can you re-post here?


Re: [QUAD-L] Re: New chair

2005-05-11 Thread Shahidul Alam
Hey Martin,

Of course, you have put so much effort and researched about this for many days, no one can be more wise than you. I am sure you will get excellent return for this remarkable work. Keep it up :-) You will do good man. Keep us updated on this. Who knows, I might be one of your buyer in the near future :-).

God bless and Please take care :-)

On 5/10/05, Martin T Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for your best wishes for my new venture, the reason I started this is because that there are no wheelchair manufacturers in South Africa, we will be the first to locally produced an electrical wheelchair.
 All the chair currently available in South Africa are imported, thus repairs is a major issue, and with the exchange-rate and the greed of dealers prices are high.

Ah my friend I'm glad you finally got your chair is opens so much more doors to independence... I only received my first power chair 4 years after my injury thus I really appreciated that new-found independence.
 You are right about the steering mechanism of a frontwheel driven wheelchair it is much more sensitive and less forgiving than that of a midwheel or rearwheel driven wheelchair, so high level quadriplegic who don't have fine control motor skills are usually not advised to purchase a frontwheel driven wheelchair.

Martin T. BrownRadical Mobility cc(Office) +27 11 6646069(fax) +27 11 9553743(Cell) 082 500 9406
[EMAIL PROTECTED]www.radicalmobility.comEngineering Mobility for Accessibility

Re: [QUAD-L] New chair

2005-05-09 Thread Shahidul Alam
Hello Martin,

Congrats on your success. I think as a1st timemanufacturer it's a marvellous product. I am sure you will do much better gradually. 

One point to note that, there is a balance problem for quads in a front wheel drive. I would say mid wheel drive is good in many cases, I recently got my power chair, which is a rear wheel drive. I can manoeuvre it easily in the corners.

I wish you all the best.



On 5/9/05, Martin T Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Well I did it, designed and made my own power chair  we busydriving the hell out of the barebone prototype.So you might think how
do you drive the hell out of a power chair ...well configure thespeed to 90% the give it to a 14 year old and say try and break ithttp://www.radicalmobility.com/prototype.jpg
so what you guys think?There is no fancy trimmings to the prototype .. we are trying towreck it.--Martin T. BrownRadical Mobility cc(Office)+27 11 6646069(fax)+27 11 9553743
(Cell)082 500 9406[EMAIL PROTECTED]www.radicalmobility.comEngineering Mobility for Accessibility

Re: [QUAD-L] Tooth Care

2005-05-09 Thread Shahidul Alam
Hi, friends

Lori, I am trying to keep myself busy in making softwares, although not professional but making and learning gradually. I am always listening to you people, so always around and wont vanish suddenly without any reason.

Lately 1 tooth has started creating problem for me. So, I thought to get wise advice from this lovely group.

Dana, I think I will go for an electric brush. Was using a rechargeable brush from Braun, it's battery is dead now and Iam not comfortable with it. I shall try to get your brand.

Thanks both of you.


On 5/9/05, Dana Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Been using an electric toothbrush for over 10 years!My attendant puts itin my hand--between thumb and forefinger, puts it in my mouth, turns it on
and it brushes for 2 minutes.I move it around and turn it.Sonic Care ismy brand.Have had the same base from the begining.I change the brushpart--but not as often as it recommends!Before that it was a universal cuff thing.
Dana[EMAIL PROTECTED]- Original Message -From: Lori Michaelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Quad quad-list@eskimo.comSent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 2:26 PMSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] Tooth CareHey, where have YOU been?:-)I used a universal cuff to hold mt toothbrush for years.My aide put it in
sideways so I could do one side of my mouth ... then they rotated it so Icould do the other side.I suppose I could rotate using my mouth but easier faster with them there so..About 8 years ago I got an electric toothbrush (hadn't had one since a kid
but they're popular as ever now).With my fingers contracted shut ... I dothe same concept of angle  rotation as with my cuff  regular brush ... Ijust have them wrap my 4 fingers around the base w/ my thumb on the opposite
side and I put it in my mouth.They push the button and it brushes my teethI just guide it around.To rinse ... I tip a cup to my mouth and spit in an emesis basin.Lori---Original Message---
From: Shahidul AlamDate: 05/08/05 03:34:08To: quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: [QUAD-L] Tooth CareHey QG,I was wondering how you all take care of your teeth. I am brushed by my
attendant before going to bed, which is not enough. I wish I could brushmyself in both directions and 2-3 times a day without depending on others.I would like to know if any special device is out there for quads to take
care of their own teeth by themselves ?Any input will be appreciatedThanks.Shahidul


2004-12-25 Thread Shahidul Alam
Use IBM Viavoice. G8 recognition and cheaper too.


--- Richard Kratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Me too.
 At 02:09 PM 12/24/2004, Fragile wrote:
 For me, version 8 has been faster loading, closing,
  dictating.  Also
 seems much more accurate.
 On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 16:00:39 -0800 (PST), B.
   I haven't and I don't plan on upgrading any time
 soon.  When I upgraded to
   seven it was an enormous transition and I don't
 know if it was really worth
   it yet.
   Billy Paul

Do you Yahoo!? 
Dress up your holiday email, Hollywood style. Learn more. 

[QUAD-L] You must read this...'I don't know how it works'

2004-12-02 Thread Shahidul Alam
To see this story with its related links on the
Guardian Unlimited site, go
to http://www.guardian.co.uk

'I don't know how it works'

Dr Huang Hongyun cultivates the cells of aborted
foetuses and injects them
into the brains and spines of his patients. His method
is controversial, but
his results have led hundreds of westerners to his
Beijing surgery. Jonathan
Watts was given unprecedented access to the doctor and
his patients Jonathan
Watts Wednesday December 01 2004 The Guardian

They come to him in search of miracles. The lame, the
sick and the dying;
young and old; Christians from the US, Muslims from
the Middle East,
Buddhists from Japan, agnostics from Europe. Some have
been in wheelchairs
for years and believe he can help them walk; others
are kept alive by
respirators, yet hope he can make them breathe. The
voiceless have heard he
can bring them speech. The terminally ill seek nothing
less than more life.
In many cases doctors and friends advise them to stay
at home, not to waste
their money, and warn them of potential risks. 

For they come in search of one of the most pioneering
- and controversial -
medical procedures on the planet: the injection of
cells from aborted
foetuses into the brains and spines of the sick. And
the object of their
faith is a Chinese surgeon who spent many of his
university years labouring
as a peasant and is now conducting trial-and-error
experiments on live
subjects despite his research being rejected by the
western medical

Dr Huang Hongyun promises nothing. He claims no
miracle cure. He admits he
cannot fully explain his results. All he knows, and
all he tells his
patients, is that his method often works, that the
results speak for
themselves. Our results change thousands of years of
traditional concepts,
he says.   

The conventional wisdoms that he claims to have turned
on their heads are
that chronic spinal injuries - injuries that can cause
paraplegia or
tetraplegia - can never be treated; and that it is
almost impossible to
stabilise the condition of patients with the wasting
disease amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's

Our results show that is wrong. It is not a miracle,
but it is a big
change. And in this cyber age - when many people
trust the internet more
than their own doctors - this is proving to be enough,
because the word on
the web is that Huang's results are miraculous. Chat
sites for paraplegics
and ALS sufferers are buzzing with testimonies from
former patients who say
they are walking, talking and scratching their noses
for the first time in

None of these claims has been proven to western
scientific standards, but
Huang's willingness to think the unthinkable in order
to cure the incurable
is inspiring hope; so much hope that patients are
putting aside ethical
qualms, paying tens of thousands of dollars and flying
to Beijing to act as
his guinea pigs.  

Among them is Van Golden, a Christian, anti-abortion
Texan who has sold his
house so that he can travel to communist, atheist
China and have Huang
inject a million cells from the nasal area of a foetus
into his spine.
According to Golden's doctors, his spine was damaged
beyond repair in a car
crash last Christmas. The damage to his nervous system
was so bad that he
has been in a wheelchair and racked by spasms ever
since. But Golden refused
to give up, even if it meant having to compromise his
values. This is the
only place that offered us any hope, he says.
Everyone else offered only
to help make me sufficient in that chair. But the
chair is not my destiny.
It is not ordained.  

At first sight, the Xishan workers' sanitarium is an
unlikely destination
for a modern medical pilgrimage. Amid bamboo groves,
leafy promenades and a
rock garden, the mood is one of dilapidated
restfulness. Although this
establishment is cleaner and quieter than most Chinese
hospitals, the odd
bicycle can still be seen trundling through the

In the past month, something unusual has been
happening here: this clinic
has become the base for Huang's treatment of foreign
patients. The first
sign is the giant red banner strung across the
entrance, which bears the
English greeting, Welcome to the new home. The next
is up on the third
floor, where a guard restricts access to a newly
painted ward full of
pink-uniformed nurses and patients, including Van

It cannot be easy for a man of his beliefs to be in
China, where the
government's one-child policy is partly responsible
for millions of
abortions each year. But instead of shunning the
system, Golden believes his
only hope is to embrace it. There is nowhere else he
could get foetal cells.
I wish there was another way they could do it. There
are 4,000 abortions a
day in   the US. Partial-birth ones are murder on a
most terrible level.
What they are doing here is a whole lot more humane.  

Four thousand a day. That's a waste. Something good
should come out of
something bad. The people who 

Re: [QUAD-L] Hello Mark

2004-11-27 Thread Shahidul Alam
Hey, Mark:-)

Just wanted to know, how are you doing with your new
chair ? Still satisfied like before ?

I couldn't make it from USA. That man Bruce is no
longer with that company United Meds.

My X5 chair is still in the factory in Australia. I
have to pay the company price 14600US$. Hopefully I
should get it after christmas.



--- QuadPirate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here's a good link to the Agency and Health Care in
 Florida it has a lot of
 info on the home Community based services waiver so
 check it out.

Do you Yahoo!? 
The all-new My Yahoo! - What will yours do?

[QUAD-L] scilist site : New Location

2004-10-19 Thread Shahidul Alam
Dear friends:-)

scilist site is in a new location now:


There is a mirror site as well:


This is for your kind information.


Web Master

Do you Yahoo!?
Declare Yourself - Register online to vote today!

Re: [QUAD-L] pictures

2004-08-24 Thread Shahidul Alam
Hi, all:-)

I am aware of the problems in the scilist web site. At
present i am having serious problems with my own pc.
As soon as i am able to fix this problem, i shall try
to sort out the problems of the web site also.

Please take care:-)



--- Stacy Harim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Out of curiousity I clicked on the first link

 and it worked, so this is where you can find the
 Quad-Listmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages!

[QUAD-L] Re: Need Good Tea:)

2004-08-18 Thread Shahidul Alam
Hi houston/others interested :-)

The name is in local. If i want to translate it, it
will sound like Bio shoot. One thing is written in
english - Mild Laxative Herbal Tea. Although i think
it is more than mild. Once i took it overdose and it
jst brought hell out of my stomach for 2 days.

I doubt, u will find it in usa. Its wrapped in nice
aluminium pack nd expires in 2 years.

If i really have to ship it for u then my efforts +
product will cost 30$. Add 10$ for express shipping.

This is just an approximate. Shipping cost might vary
little bit.

It also depends on the availability of the product in
the market.

If somebody is really interested contact me privately
and i shall take necessary initiative to get this and
send it to u.

Please take care.


--- Houston Leek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now Shahidul U done gone  done it. How much is this
 herbal tea going 2 cost
 us Americans 2 get a yrs supply shipped this way
 :) Whats the name of it
 maybe we can find it here...:)
 On 8/17/04 8:30 AM, Shahidul Alam
  Hi friends :-)
  Since many discussions going on about bowel
  magic bullets and pie machine... i thought i
  share my experience with u.
  Over the years I tried many suppositories, eating
  stool softeners and all these. And finally i
  magic bullets from abroad, i mean usa. The only
  difference i found between magic bullets and
  suppositories is magic bullets liquifies (dilutes)
  within 20-30 minutes. It just makes your rectum
  slippery and perhaps somewhat softens the bowel. I
  mean it doesnt directly contribute to a good bowel
  I found this local herbal tea in my city. 1
  of tea is brought to boiling in water, then cooled
  down. i take this tea holding down my nose at abt
  p.m. before the day i want my bowel pass. The next
  at about 1 pm (after 14-15 hours) i get down to my
  toilet chair, go to the toilet, and... after abt
  minutes, everything is flushed from my stomach to
  commode. Thats it...
  Nothing to insert...
  Eat whatever u want...
  Very less time is reqd, i am releived from those
  waiting time.
  No more hard stool, stool just empties from your
  stomach like lava flow (lol)...
  No hussle at all...
  I have now almost complete control over my bowel
  1 pack of tea is sufficient for more than 1 year.
  Please take care everybody and good day.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
 protection around

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