Re: [QUAD-L] Abdomen Pain

2017-06-04 Thread greg
Its so hard to pin point the pain, its a big area. Some times I think its dead center. just below belly button. Some times its slightly right, above belly button. Its stabbing and twisting. I push, twist, nothing helps. It always hurts, but can get worse at times. I thought for sure it was something causing gas pain, but it showed no gas. Stomach groans a lot. But  just want to double over. Hope my Uro can get me it soon, No idea if its that. But thought maybe get my bladder scoped. Stones should have showen on Cat-Scan with contrast. I hate going to ER, it seem so often they can't help. A CatScan shows nothing, Go home, see your Primary Monday. Primary can't do much so they send you to a Uro, if nothing, stomach doc, etc. ER should be able to bladder scope when the person is bent over in pain. Sure Catscan showed no stones, but only 2 things really cause this feeling in me, bowel or bladder issues in s
 ome way. Antibiotics have when taking for a UTI but this started before the Antibiotics.
My pooper looks fine, My pee'er is working (for peeing anyway). Maybe ulcer, but never had that issue before. I tried eating, drinking, things recommended for it just incase, no change.
My only idea is maybe the SP cath is causing an issue. I know I had a red spot on my bladder wall caused from the cath. Could the incision have an issue inside. Just running out of ideas. It was so bad Sat I thought maybe my appendix burst. But no fevers yet.

Fwd: [QUAD-L] Abdomen Pain

2017-06-03 Thread Lori Michaelson
A kidney stone would show up on a CT scan. In fact, bladder stones and
kidney stones can ONLY be found by performing a CT scan. Not even a KUB
(x-ray) will show bladder stones unfortunately.

I wrote to Greg privately I told him that I went for 4 1/2 years with
extreme abdominal pain and cramping and had every test under the sun only
to end up finding out that it was Posttraumatic Syringomyelia! The spine
can do so many things.

I just read Greg's post and he is having all the tests done accordingly
(applause applause) but we are also different and can have that ugly
"referred" pain that it could be absolutely anything.

My new urologist is not fond of using a prophylactic antibiotic after I
have my surgery (bladder neck closure) and then an SP catheter for obvious
reasons. I used to take, shortly after my injury in 1979/1980 by the time I
got home a daily Bactrim and took it for years. I can remember now how
long. Now I can only remember that I relied upon Cipro whenever I had a
bladder infection (not to be confused with a kidney infection) which always
worked for the first 20 years post injury.

After 2003, I began to have back to back UTIs that would cause fevers and
therefore they had gone systemic. So, for the first time in my life I went
to a urologist. First time I really needed to. Good thing I did. However,
she had had to have emergency surgery before I saw her so I really didn't
see her formally until 2005/2006 (25 years post injury). She found that I
had a pathogenic bacteria and she did a cystoscopy. I had a bladder full of
stones. She told me they were the biggest stones she ever saw (even though
she wasn't in practice many many years) yet, ironically, I wasn't having
pain for them. I would not have known about them if she had not done a
cystoscopy I remove them easily with a laser.

Since then, I have seen her twice and both times because of bladder stones.
For a female, bladder infections are easy to get because the vaginal area
is right there along with the rectum. So I was terribly lucky to only have
5 bladder infections the first 20 years post injury. Guess I got paid back.
But I didn't plan on getting my urethra damaged by a so-called medical
professional so I have to have surgery above and beyond getting an SP
catheter.  I hope everything gets resolved after that which is just over a
little week away.

As Jeff and so many others have said however... beware of a lot of medical
professionals now or before now. There are plenty of good ones but there
are so very many now that want to take on more patients than they can
handle so you don't get the "one-on-one" patient care that you used to get.
It is better in small towns I have found but Caveat Emptor. :-)

​PS -- I find a big difference between "abdominal pain" and, what I call
"bladder pain."  Since I know now the difference between bladder pain and
abdominal pain/cramping I make sure that my urologist's staff understands
the difference. Bladder pain in is most definitely in the pelvic area where
the bladder sits and has been the only indicative sign ahead of a bladder
infection starting in 2001 if it is only symptomatic (has not gotten into
the bloodstream yet to cause a fever).​

Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog could be soothing to the mind and
heart and deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer." ~Dean

Re: [QUAD-L] Abdomen Pain

2017-06-03 Thread Carolyn Boyles

kidney stone?


Re: [QUAD-L] Abdomen Pain

2017-06-03 Thread Jeffrey Gaede
Anyone considering ulcer?

  From: greg <>
 Sent: Saturday, June 3, 2017 7:41 PM
 Subject: [QUAD-L] Abdomen Pain
I've been miserable for a few weeks now. 
First thought UTI, made a mistake and started my standby antibiotic before 
testing, but it kept getting worse. Went to Doc. Test was goofy because I 
started Cipro. Showed signs of UTI, but grew no cultures. Had abdomen xray to 
see if there was blockage, etc. Looked fine. Stayed on Cipro, but still bad 
after doses gone. Abdomen feels like its got a knife in there twisting. So off 
to the ER this morning. Full Cat-Scan with contrast. Everything fine. Changed 
cath 3 times in 2 weeks.  Only thing thats ever caused this feeling has been… 
Cath not go in right… UTI, or taking some antibiotics. But this started before 
the meds. ER did another UTI test, tiny bit of germs, but normal for a cath. 
But trying a new antibiotic while doing a culture again. When it felt this bad 
before, my abdomen would cramp causing terrible headaches and AD, but at least 
I don't have that. Tried different pain meds and didn't dent it. Gad meds 
either. Any ideas? I guess off o Urologist this week for a scope. Greg


[QUAD-L] Abdomen Pain

2017-06-03 Thread greg
I've been miserable for a few weeks now. First thought UTI, made a mistake and started my standby antibiotic before testing, but it kept getting worse. Went to Doc. Test was goofy because I started Cipro. Showed signs of UTI, but grew no cultures. Had abdomen xray to see if there was blockage, etc. Looked fine. Stayed on Cipro, but still bad after doses gone. Abdomen feels like its got a knife in there twisting. So off to the ER this morning. Full Cat-Scan with contrast. Everything fine. Changed cath 3 times in 2 weeks.
 Only thing thats ever caused this feeling has been… Cath not go in right… UTI, or taking some antibiotics. But this started before the meds. ER did another UTI test, tiny bit of germs, but normal for a cath. But trying a new antibiotic while doing a culture again.
When it felt this bad before, my abdomen would cramp causing terrible headaches and AD, but at least I don't have that.
Tried different pain meds and didn't dent it. Gad meds either.
Any ideas? I guess off o Urologist this week for a scope.