RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread Michael Norville
Ol' Man River <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 1:40 PM  To : 
you've come a long ways from "This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple"  to "I don't know if I believe all of that " so do you think nobody said what was writen in the first post or do you just think it was inapropriate for me to send it on?  and to silas, i don't think all blacks are any one thing or another.  i happen to have some black friends i enjoy very much.  i do think there are a few who spoil the image for everyone else, just like there is in any group.Michael - do you prefer Mark ?
QuadPirate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't know if I believe all of that but I will tell you this.Here in Arkansas we have several thousand evacuees around the state and a whole bunch in and around Saline county where I live because it's half country living half small town and we have a a bunch of 4H clubs and summer camps etc.. ...housing them and a lot of people have volunteered also mainly church groups and retired civilians.  One of my aids who works here also works in Wal-Mart and knows a lot of people personally and a lady was telling her that a majority of the people they were making breakfast for were complaining that "it's too early" and wanted them to start at a later time.  Now something this simple is 
what starts letters like this and then as they keep getting told of course not that they should've been complaining at all no matter how tired you are.  We of all people know how far 2 words can go and I thank my aids every day whether I'm tired or not. Now what I don't get is why you need anyone cooking or doing anything else but giving the means they need to do it for each other, I mean they have time to take care of themselves.  Mark 
Silas Shelburne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 1:25 PM 
Michael, You can't reason with this guy, he just want's to make everybody think all black people are bad unapreatable and lazy.  Silas  
Ol' Man River <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 1:14 PM  To :  Michael Norville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
i send out stories from the internet only after i get two or three that support each other.  here's another for your reading pleasure.  exactly how do you determine 'honesty' in 
reporting, whatever fits YOUR current belief system?  wake up. from yet another source Yup pretty much my experience too
I had to leave the Laundromat today to keep from punching out a couple ofN***ers who were BRAGGING about mistreating ppl and DEMANDING what theywanted to eat or discussing their intent to sit on their fat asses whileFEMA Red Cross and couple other places paid for their rents. Oneparticularly irritating ingreatful bitch one said how she has signed a leaseand since they didn't charge her a deposit she was planning on trashing theplace before leaving. !!
I have since seen that person AND her disrespectful thieving bastardoffspring who have spent last 2 days strong arming the kids in the complexin my complex and identified which apartment unit she is in. Bright andearly tomorrow the Complex Manager and I WILL be having a VERY long andpointed discussion about this woman.
Michael Norville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 1:09 PM  To :  [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
"do you prefer 'sir' or 'your hinus'?"
Let's see, honest, will do just fine.
D0wn by that Highwayside -
~ Michael  '-/
From: "Ol' Man River" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Michael Norville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, quad-list@eskimo.comCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: IngratesDate: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 10:54:08 -0700 (PDT)
thank you, all knowing, most omnipotent michael.  your ability to see all truths through all lies is nothing short of supernatural.  we are so lucky to have one such as you in our company.  do you prefer 'sir' or 'your hinus'?

Michael Norville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 12:54 PM To :  [EMAIL PROTECTED],
This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple!  I can't believe you would see fit to perpetuate such obvious exaggerations if not total lies!  Where did this story originate?  What's its origins?  I noticed this fine fiction writer didn't have balls enough to sign his name.  In one sentence he's thanking God and in the next he's condemning a "supposed" group of people to hell!  Don't spread fires put them out before they can do further harm, please.  
D0wn by that Highwayside -
~ Michael  '-/   "Be aware of the time passing by, they say the end it's the wink of an eye

Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread Silas Shelburne

Way to go Mark, 
Im glad someone else has this guy peged.  
Hey Dave I guess Michael ain't Mark.  Ha!  Ha!  

  - Original Message - 
  To: ; Ol' Man 
  Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 12:30 
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

Now I have to say to "You" this is my first post to this story you 
moron no wonder you're so lost.
Are you so lost your mind is playing with itself? Are you 
seriously going to accuse me of some covert operation? lol!
I'm not afraid to speak my mind  right or wrong and I've 
proven it several times you delusional idiot so don't be accusing 
me of nothing.
I'm not usually this personal but you've crossed the lines of 

From: Ol' Man River
Date: 09/12/05 
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] 
Fwd: Ingrates
you've come a long ways 
from "This is white supremacist 
propaganda pure and simple"  to "I don't know if I 
believe all of that "
so do you think nobody said what 
was writen in the first post or do you just think it was inapropriate 
for me to send it on?
and to silas,  i don't think 
all blacks are any one thing or another.  i happen to have some 
black friends i enjoy very much.  i do think there are a few who 
spoil the image for everyone else, just like there is in any 
Michael - do you prefer Mark 


  I don't know if I believe all of that but I will tell 
  you this.
  Here in Arkansas we have several thousand evacuees around the 
  state and a whole bunch in and around Saline county where I live 
  because it's half country living half small town and we have a a 
  bunch of 4H clubs and summer camps etc.. ...housing them and a lot 
  of people have volunteered also mainly church groups and 
  retired civilians.
  One of my aids who works here also works in Wal-Mart and 
  knows a lot of people personally and a lady was telling her that a 
  majority of the people they were making breakfast for were 
  complaining that "it's too early" and wanted them to start at a 
  later time.
  Now something this simple is what starts letters like this 
  and then as they keep getting told of course not that they 
  should've been complaining at all no matter how tired you 
  We of all people know how far 2 words can go and I thank my 
  aids every day whether I'm tired or not.
  Now what I don't get is why you need anyone cooking or doing 
  anything else but giving the means they need to do it for each 
  other, I mean they have time to take care of themselves.
  From: Ol' Man River
  Date: 09/12/05 
          To: Michael Norville;
  Subject: RE: 
  [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates
  thank you, all knowing, 
  most omnipotent michael.  your ability to see all truths 
  through all lies is nothing short of supernatural.  we are so 
  lucky to have one such as you in our company.  do you prefer 
  'sir' or 'your hinus'?
  Michael Norville 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  This is white supremacist propaganda pure and 
  simple!  I can't believe you would see fit to perpetuate such 
  obvious exaggerations if not total lies!  Where did this 
  story originate?  What's its origins?  I noticed this 
  fine fiction writer didn't have balls enough to sign his 
  name.  In one sentence he's thanking God and in the next he's 
  condemning a "supposed" group of people to hell!  Don't 
  spread fires put them out before they can

RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread Ol' Man River
sorry mark,  i understand why you don't want to be mistaken for michael.  the similarity in your names and the heat of the moment caused the misunderstanding..  no, i know you have no problem speaking your mind, and i know you make more sense than michael and his crystal ball.  sorry for mistaking you for him. 
QuadPirate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now I have to say to "You" this is my first post to this story you moron no wonder you're so lost.
Are you so lost your mind is playing with itself? Are you seriously going to accuse me of some covert operation? lol!
I'm not afraid to speak my mind  right or wrong and I've proven it several times you delusional idiot so don't be accusing me of nothing.
I'm not usually this personal but you've crossed the lines of decency.
---Original Message---

From: Ol' Man River
Date: 09/12/05 13:42:19
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates
you've come a long ways from "This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple"  to "I don't know if I believe all of that "
so do you think nobody said what was writen in the first post or do you just think it was inapropriate for me to send it on?
and to silas,  i don't think all blacks are any one thing or another.  i happen to have some black friends i enjoy very much.  i do think there are a few who spoil the image for everyone else, just like there is in any group.
Michael - do you prefer Mark ?
QuadPirate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't know if I believe all of that but I will tell you this.
Here in Arkansas we have several thousand evacuees around the state and a whole bunch in and around Saline county where I live because it's half country living half small town and we have a a bunch of 4H clubs and summer camps etc.. ...housing them and a lot of people have volunteered also mainly church groups and retired civilians.
One of my aids who works here also works in Wal-Mart and knows a lot of people personally and a lady was telling her that a majority of the people they were making breakfast for were complaining that "it's too early" and wanted them to start at a later time.
Now something this simple is what starts letters like this and then as they keep getting told of course not that they should've been complaining at all no matter how tired you are.
We of all people know how far 2 words can go and I thank my aids every day whether I'm tired or not.
Now what I don't get is why you need anyone cooking or doing anything else but giving the means they need to do it for each other, I mean they have time to take care of themselves.
---Original Message-------

From: Ol' Man River
Date: 09/12/05 12:56:09
To: Michael Norville;
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates
thank you, all knowing, most omnipotent michael.  your ability to see all truths through all lies is nothing short of supernatural.  we are so lucky to have one such as you in our company.  do you prefer 'sir' or 'your hinus'?
Michael Norville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple!  I can't believe you would see fit to perpetuate such obvious exaggerations if not total lies!  Where did this story originate?  What's its origins?  I noticed this fine fiction writer didn't have balls enough to sign his name.  In one sentence he's thanking God and in the next he's condemning a "supposed" group of people to hell!  Don't spread fires put them out before they can do further harm, please.  
D0wn by that Highwayside -
~ Michael  '-/   "Be aware of the time passing by, they say the end it's the wink of an eye" 

In a message dated 9/12/2005 11:05:55 AM Central Standard Time, TheOmen723 writes:

It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred.
In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  P

Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread gina
I live here near Houston. I understand how this guy feels. I have felt this way at times. I have friends in Louisiana, so I wanted to help as much as possible myself. I couldn't myself volunteer, but I have helped by giving some money because they said it was needed the most, because we have been flooded here in Houston by Tropical Storms and by Hurricanes ourselves, so we know how it feels to lose our homes and be flooded out.  That's why I think Houston opened our arms so much, plus its that southern hospitality... I sit here though and watch the news and see that their are some that are so grateful for what the houstonians have done and feel really proud of the people here in Houston. Then their are some that are so ungrateful a few examples:  When they were in the astrodome they had to put a curfew on them, because they were coming in all hours of the night. They would say its like a prison, but why would you need to be out at 3 a.m. if you werent cau!
 trouble or getting into trouble, right? They did it to cause a lil less confusion, think about there were thousands of people in one area everyone coming and going it causes confusion.
Then I was watching last couple of days now: I know its HOT in Houston and I know it sucks to stand in line for things, I've had to and I know others have, but they are receiving FREE money to help them live on. Couldn't they show some appreciation?  All I've heard is they had to stand in line for hours and hours and how hot and tired they are and that they are sent from one place to another , but we can't help that there are so many people the only way to be able to get to everyone is by a line.And we can't help that the funds run out of one place and they need to go to another place. I do feel very sorry for these people who lost everything. They need to understand that these people trying to help them are only human.
I hope noone takes what I say wrong like I said i have a ton of sympathy for the Louisianians,    I gave what I could and I pray we can keep helping them and they can get home soon. They could show a lil more gratitude though and not all are being that way just some.Sorry so long ya'll and its just a lil view here.
GinaOl' Man River <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least.
Ol' Man River <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

from another list i'm on..Subject: Katrina Volunteer ~ Another ViewpointTurn The Other Cheek?From a correspondent in Idaho.((This is from a guy here in Houston who went to volunteer his time to help the hurricane victims. It is pretty sad and disappointing to think people could be so ungrateful.))Katrina Volunteer ~ Another ViewpointSO I VOLUNTEERED..I thought I might inform the few friends I have on my recent traumatic experience. I am going to tell it straight, blunt, raw, and I don't give a damn. Long read, I know but please do read!I went to volunteer on Saturday at the George R. Brown convention for two reasons. * I wanted to help people to get a warm fuzzy* Curiosity.I've been watching the new!
 ! ! s
 lately and have seen scenes that have made me want to vomit. And, no, it wasn't dead bodies, the city under water, or the sludge everywhere. It was PEOPLE’S BEHAVIOR. The people on TV (99 percent being Black) were DEMANDING help. They were not asking nicely, but demanding as if society owed these people something. Well, the honest truth is WE DON'T.Help should be asked for in a kind manner and then appreciated. This is not what the press (FOX in particular) was showing. What I was seeing was a group of people yelling, demanding, looting, killing, raping, and SHOOTING back at the demanded help! So, I'm thinking this can't possibly be true can it? So I decide to submit to the DEMAND for help out of SHOCK. I couldn't believe this to be true of the majority of the people who are the weakest of society. So I went to volunteer and help folks out and see the truth. So I will tell the following story and you decide.I arrived at the astrodome only t!
 ! o find
 ! out that there are too many volunteers and volunteers were needed at the George R. Brown Convention Center. As I was walking up to the Convention Center I noticed a line of cars that wrapped around blocks filled with donations. These were ordinary Houstonians coming with truckloads and trunks full of water, diapers, clothes, blankets, food ~ all types of good stuff. And lots of it was NEW. I felt that warm fuzzy while helping unload these vehicles of these wonderful human beings. I then went inside the building and noticed approximately 100,000 sq. ft. of c

RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread QuadPirate

Now I have to say to "You" this is my first post to this story you moron no wonder you're so lost.
Are you so lost your mind is playing with itself? Are you seriously going to accuse me of some covert operation? lol!
I'm not afraid to speak my mind  right or wrong and I've proven it several times you delusional idiot so don't be accusing me of nothing.
I'm not usually this personal but you've crossed the lines of decency.
---Original Message---

From: Ol' Man River
Date: 09/12/05 13:42:19
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates
you've come a long ways from "This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple"  to "I don't know if I believe all of that "
so do you think nobody said what was writen in the first post or do you just think it was inapropriate for me to send it on?
and to silas,  i don't think all blacks are any one thing or another.  i happen to have some black friends i enjoy very much.  i do think there are a few who spoil the image for everyone else, just like there is in any group.
Michael - do you prefer Mark ?
QuadPirate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't know if I believe all of that but I will tell you this.
Here in Arkansas we have several thousand evacuees around the state and a whole bunch in and around Saline county where I live because it's half country living half small town and we have a a bunch of 4H clubs and summer camps etc.. ...housing them and a lot of people have volunteered also mainly church groups and retired civilians.
One of my aids who works here also works in Wal-Mart and knows a lot of people personally and a lady was telling her that a majority of the people they were making breakfast for were complaining that "it's too early" and wanted them to start at a later time.
Now something this simple is what starts letters like this and then as they keep getting told of course not that they should've been complaining at all no matter how tired you are.
We of all people know how far 2 words can go and I thank my aids every day whether I'm tired or not.
Now what I don't get is why you need anyone cooking or doing anything else but giving the means they need to do it for each other, I mean they have time to take care of themselves.
---Original Message---

From: Ol' Man River
Date: 09/12/05 12:56:09
To: Michael Norville;
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates
thank you, all knowing, most omnipotent michael.  your ability to see all truths through all lies is nothing short of supernatural.  we are so lucky to have one such as you in our company.  do you prefer 'sir' or 'your hinus'?
Michael Norville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple!  I can't believe you would see fit to perpetuate such obvious exaggerations if not total lies!  Where did this story originate?  What's its origins?  I noticed this fine fiction writer didn't have balls enough to sign his name.  In one sentence he's thanking God and in the next he's condemning a "supposed" group of people to hell!  Don't spread fires put them out before they can do further harm, please.  
D0wn by that Highwayside -
~ Michael  '-/   "Be aware of the time passing by, they say the end it's the wink of an eye" 

In a message dated 9/12/2005 11:05:55 AM Central Standard Time, TheOmen723 writes:

It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred.
In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least.
From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 11:05 AM 

It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enoug

RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread Ol' Man River
you've come a long ways from "This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple"  to "I don't know if I believe all of that "
so do you think nobody said what was writen in the first post or do you just think it was inapropriate for me to send it on?
and to silas,  i don't think all blacks are any one thing or another.  i happen to have some black friends i enjoy very much.  i do think there are a few who spoil the image for everyone else, just like there is in any group.
Michael - do you prefer Mark ?
QuadPirate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't know if I believe all of that but I will tell you this.
Here in Arkansas we have several thousand evacuees around the state and a whole bunch in and around Saline county where I live because it's half country living half small town and we have a a bunch of 4H clubs and summer camps etc.. ...housing them and a lot of people have volunteered also mainly church groups and retired civilians.
One of my aids who works here also works in Wal-Mart and knows a lot of people personally and a lady was telling her that a majority of the people they were making breakfast for were complaining that "it's too early" and wanted them to start at a later time.
Now something this simple is what starts letters like this and then as they keep getting told of course not that they should've been complaining at all no matter how tired you are.
We of all people know how far 2 words can go and I thank my aids every day whether I'm tired or not.
Now what I don't get is why you need anyone cooking or doing anything else but giving the means they need to do it for each other, I mean they have time to take care of themselves.
---Original Message---

From: Ol' Man River
Date: 09/12/05 12:56:09
To: Michael Norville;
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates
thank you, all knowing, most omnipotent michael.  your ability to see all truths through all lies is nothing short of supernatural.  we are so lucky to have one such as you in our company.  do you prefer 'sir' or 'your hinus'?
Michael Norville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple!  I can't believe you would see fit to perpetuate such obvious exaggerations if not total lies!  Where did this story originate?  What's its origins?  I noticed this fine fiction writer didn't have balls enough to sign his name.  In one sentence he's thanking God and in the next he's condemning a "supposed" group of people to hell!  Don't spread fires put them out before they can do further harm, please.  
D0wn by that Highwayside -
~ Michael  '-/   "Be aware of the time passing by, they say the end it's the wink of an eye" 

In a message dated 9/12/2005 11:05:55 AM Central Standard Time, TheOmen723 writes:

It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred.
In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least.
From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 11:05 AM 

It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred.
In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it rea

RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread QuadPirate

I don't know if I believe all of that but I will tell you this.
Here in Arkansas we have several thousand evacuees around the state and a whole bunch in and around Saline county where I live because it's half country living half small town and we have a a bunch of 4H clubs and summer camps etc.. ...housing them and a lot of people have volunteered also mainly church groups and retired civilians.
One of my aids who works here also works in Wal-Mart and knows a lot of people personally and a lady was telling her that a majority of the people they were making breakfast for were complaining that "it's too early" and wanted them to start at a later time.
Now something this simple is what starts letters like this and then as they keep getting told of course not that they should've been complaining at all no matter how tired you are.
We of all people know how far 2 words can go and I thank my aids every day whether I'm tired or not.
Now what I don't get is why you need anyone cooking or doing anything else but giving the means they need to do it for each other, I mean they have time to take care of themselves.
---Original Message---

From: Ol' Man River
Date: 09/12/05 12:56:09
To: Michael Norville;
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates
thank you, all knowing, most omnipotent michael.  your ability to see all truths through all lies is nothing short of supernatural.  we are so lucky to have one such as you in our company.  do you prefer 'sir' or 'your hinus'?
Michael Norville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple!  I can't believe you would see fit to perpetuate such obvious exaggerations if not total lies!  Where did this story originate?  What's its origins?  I noticed this fine fiction writer didn't have balls enough to sign his name.  In one sentence he's thanking God and in the next he's condemning a "supposed" group of people to hell!  Don't spread fires put them out before they can do further harm, please.  
D0wn by that Highwayside -
~ Michael  '-/   "Be aware of the time passing by, they say the end it's the wink of an eye" 

In a message dated 9/12/2005 11:05:55 AM Central Standard Time, TheOmen723 writes:

It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred.
In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least.
From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 11:05 AM 

It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred.
In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least.

Dave - C3,  1967, Phoenix AZ
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread Silas Shelburne

You can't reason with this guy, he just won'ts to 
make everybody think all black people are bad unapreatable and lazy.  


  - Original Message - 
  Michael Norville 
  Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 10:40 
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates
  This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple!  I can't 
  believe you would see fit to perpetuate such obvious exaggerations if not 
  total lies!  Where did this story originate?  What's its 
  origins?  I noticed this fine fiction writer didn't have balls enough to 
  sign his name.  In one sentence he's thanking God and in the next he's 
  condemning a "supposed" group of people to hell!  Don't spread fires put 
  them out before they can do further harm, please.  
  D0wn by that Highwayside -
  ~ Michael  '-/  
   "Be aware of the time passing 
  by, they say the end it's the wink of an eye" 


  In a message dated 9/12/2005 11:05:55 AM Central 
  Standard Time, TheOmen723 writes:
has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over 
the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i 
wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to 
appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home 
with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now 
as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are 
helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel 
more hatred.
In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM 
Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  You know, 
  there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas 
  and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't 
  you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative 
  attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all 
  media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do 
  you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such 
  comments?  Pretty curious at the 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 
11:05 AM 


  It has 
  been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the 
  news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't 
  do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate 
  help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty 
  of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people 
  showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can 
  say is that hating them back is only going fuel more 
  In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central 
  Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You know, there 
have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not 
one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you 
suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative 
attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all 
media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you 
suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such 
comments?  Pretty curious at the 

RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread Ol' Man River
i send out stories from the internet only after i get two or three that support eah other.  here's another for your reading pleasure.  exactly how do you determine 'honesty' in reporting, whatever fits YOUR current belief system?  wake up.
from yet another source
Yup pretty much my experience tooI had to leave the Laundromat today to keep from punching out a couple ofN***ers who were BRAGGING about mistreating ppl and DEMANDING what theywanted to eat or discussing their intent to sit on their fat asses whileFEMA Red Cross and couple other places paid for their rents. Oneparticularly irritating ingreatful bitch one said how she has signed a leaseand since they didn't charge her a deposit she was planning on trashing theplace before leaving. !!I have since seen that person AND her disrespectful thieving bastardoffspring who have spent last 2 days strong arming the kids in the complexin my complex and identified which apartment unit she is in. Bright andearly tomorrow the Complex Manager and I WILL be having a VERY long andpointed discussion about this woman.Michael Norville

"do you prefer 'sir' or 'your hinus'?"
Let's see, honest, will do you just fine.
D0wn by that Highwayside -
~ Michael  '-/
From: "Ol' Man River" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Michael Norville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, quad-list@eskimo.comCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: IngratesDate: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 10:54:08 -0700 (PDT)
thank you, all knowing, most omnipotent michael.  your ability to see all truths through all lies is nothing short of supernatural.  we are so lucky to have one such as you in our company.  do you prefer 'sir' or 'your hinus'?

This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple!  I can't believe you would see fit to perpetuate such obvious exaggerations if not total lies!  Where did this story originate?  What's its origins?  I noticed this fine fiction writer didn't have balls enough to sign his name.  In one sentence he's thanking God and in the next he's condemning a "supposed" group of people to hell!  Don't spread fires put them out before they can do further harm, please.  
D0wn by that Highwayside -
~ Michael  '-/   "Be aware of the time passing by, they say the end it's the wink of an eye" 
In a message dated 9/12/2005 11:05:55 AM Central Standard Time, TheOmen723 writes:
It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred. In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least. 
From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 11:05 AM 
 It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred.  In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least. 

Dave - C3,  1967, Phoenix AZ__Do You
 Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread Michael Norville
"do you prefer 'sir' or 'your hinus'?"
Let's see, honest, will do you just fine.
D0wn by that Highwayside -
~ Michael  '-/
From: "Ol' Man River" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Michael Norville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, quad-list@eskimo.comCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: IngratesDate: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 10:54:08 -0700 (PDT)
thank you, all knowing, most omnipotent michael.  your ability to see all truths through all lies is nothing short of supernatural.  we are so lucky to have one such as you in our company.  do you prefer 'sir' or 'your hinus'?

This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple!  I can't believe you would see fit to perpetuate such obvious exaggerations if not total lies!  Where did this story originate?  What's its origins?  I noticed this fine fiction writer didn't have balls enough to sign his name.  In one sentence he's thanking God and in the next he's condemning a "supposed" group of people to hell!  Don't spread fires put them out before they can do further harm, please.  
D0wn by that Highwayside -
~ Michael  '-/   "Be aware of the time passing by, they say the end it's the wink of an eye" 
In a message dated 9/12/2005 11:05:55 AM Central Standard Time, TheOmen723 writes:
It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred. In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least. 
From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 11:05 AM 
 It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred.  In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least. 

RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread Ol' Man River
thank you, all knowing, most omnipotent michael.  your ability to see all truths through all lies is nothing short of supernatural.  we are so lucky to have one such as you in our company.  do you prefer 'sir' or 'your hinus'?
Michael Norville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple!  I can't believe you would see fit to perpetuate such obvious exaggerations if not total lies!  Where did this story originate?  What's its origins?  I noticed this fine fiction writer didn't have balls enough to sign his name.  In one sentence he's thanking God and in the next he's condemning a "supposed" group of people to hell!  Don't spread fires put them out before they can do further harm, please.  
D0wn by that Highwayside -
~ Michael  '-/   "Be aware of the time passing by, they say the end it's the wink of an eye" 

In a message dated 9/12/2005 11:05:55 AM Central Standard Time, TheOmen723 writes:

It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred.
In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least.
From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 11:05 AM 

It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred.
In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least.

 Dave - C3,  1967, Phoenix AZ__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread Michael Norville

This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple!  I can't believe you would see fit to perpetuate such obvious exaggerations if not total lies!  Where did this story originate?  What's its origins?  I noticed this fine fiction writer didn't have balls enough to sign his name.  In one sentence he's thanking God and in the next he's condemning a "supposed" group of people to hell!  Don't spread fires put them out before they can do further harm, please.  
D0wn by that Highwayside -
~ Michael  '-/   "Be aware of the time passing by, they say the end it's the wink of an eye" 
In a message dated 9/12/2005 11:05:55 AM Central Standard Time, TheOmen723 writes:
It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred. In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least. 
From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 11:05 AM 
 It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred.  In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least. 

RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread Michael Norville
This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple!  I can't believe you would see fit to perpetuate such obvious exaggerations if not total lies!  Where did this story originate?  What's its origins?  I noticed this fine fiction writer didn't have balls enough to sign his name.  In one sentence he's thanking God and in the next he's condemning a "supposed" group of people to hell!  Don't spread fires put them out before they can do further harm, please.  
D0wn by that Highwayside -
~ Michael  '-/   "Be aware of the time passing by, they say the end it's the wink of an eye" 

In a message dated 9/12/2005 11:05:55 AM Central Standard Time, TheOmen723 writes:

It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred.
In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least.
From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 11:05 AM 

It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred.
In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least.


[QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread TheOmen723

In a message dated 9/12/2005 11:05:55 AM Central Standard Time, TheOmen723 

  It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over 
  the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do 
  the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but 
  that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh 
  water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred 
  and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them 
  back is only going fuel more hatred.
  In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, 
You know, there have been lots of 
live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of 
this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a 
little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do 
you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such 
reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress 
such comments?  Pretty curious at the 

--- Begin Message ---

It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the 
news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the 
same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's 
easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a 
belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward 
people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going 
fuel more hatred.
In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, 

  You know, there have been lots of live 
  and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this 
  Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little 
  of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose 
  all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you 
  suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  
  Pretty curious at the least.

--- End Message ---

[QUAD-L] Re: (QUAD-L) Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread Aleo0813

Just thought I'd share what info I have on the clean-up
My nephew is currently volunteering in W. Jefferson La, I have spoken with him on 2 occasions since going down there from Baltimore Md. They are currently staying in an evacuated hospital, going out during the day with armed escorts to do what they can. He was emotional, as this was I think a bit more than he had bargained for.  He said the people he has met, and talked with are grateful for the help. A few of the guardsmen that are there keeping the peace are ones that have returned from the war, a few remarked how bad things were down there as to compared to over there. Initially when my nephews group arrived, (187 total), DR's, nurses, EMT's, paramedics, and ambulance drivers they all had a deep desire to make a difference, however after 24 hours 68 went home, saying they had no idea it would be that bad. Most volunteered for 30 days but those that have remained said they will stay as long as they feel needed.  

Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread Ol' Man River

You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least.
Ol' Man River <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

from another list i'm on..Subject: Katrina Volunteer ~ Another ViewpointTurn The Other Cheek?From a correspondent in Idaho.((This is from a guy here in Houston who went to volunteer his time to help the hurricane victims. It is pretty sad and disappointing to think people could be so ungrateful.))Katrina Volunteer ~ Another ViewpointSO I VOLUNTEERED..I thought I might inform the few friends I have on my recent traumatic experience. I am going to tell it straight, blunt, raw, and I don't give a damn. Long read, I know but please do read!I went to volunteer on Saturday at the George R. Brown convention for two reasons. * I wanted to help people to get a warm fuzzy* Curiosity.I've been watching the new!
 ! s
 lately and have seen scenes that have made me want to vomit. And, no, it wasn't dead bodies, the city under water, or the sludge everywhere. It was PEOPLE’S BEHAVIOR. The people on TV (99 percent being Black) were DEMANDING help. They were not asking nicely, but demanding as if society owed these people something. Well, the honest truth is WE DON'T.Help should be asked for in a kind manner and then appreciated. This is not what the press (FOX in particular) was showing. What I was seeing was a group of people yelling, demanding, looting, killing, raping, and SHOOTING back at the demanded help! So, I'm thinking this can't possibly be true can it? So I decide to submit to the DEMAND for help out of SHOCK. I couldn't believe this to be true of the majority of the people who are the weakest of society. So I went to volunteer and help folks out and see the truth. So I will tell the following story and you decide.I arrived at the astrodome only t!
 o find !
 out that there are too many volunteers and volunteers were needed at the George R. Brown Convention Center. As I was walking up to the Convention Center I noticed a line of cars that wrapped around blocks filled with donations. These were ordinary Houstonians coming with truckloads and trunks full of water, diapers, clothes, blankets, food ~ all types of good stuff. And lots of it was NEW. I felt that warm fuzzy while helping unload these vehicles of these wonderful human beings. I then went inside the building and noticed approximately 100,000 sq. ft. of clothes, shoes, jackets, toys and all types of goodies, all organized and ready for the people in need. I signed up, received a name badge and was on my merry way, excited to be useful. I toured the place to get familiar with my surrounding. The entire place is probably around 2 million sq. ft. I noticed rows as far as the eye could see of mattresses ~ not cots ~ BLOW UP MATTRESSES! All of which had nice pi!
 and! plenty of blankets. Two to three bottles of water lay on every bed. These full-size to queen-size beds, by the way, were comfortable ~ I laid on one to see for myself.I went to look at the medical area. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing! A makeshift hospital created in 24 hours! It was unbelievable ~ they even had a pharmacy. I also noticed that they created showers, which would also have hot water. I went upstairs to the third floor to find a HUGE cafeteria created in under 24 hours! Rows of tables, chairs and food everywhere ~ enough to feed an army! I'm not talking about crappy food either. They had Jason's Deli food, apples, oranges, coke, diet coke, lemonade, orange juice, cookies and all types of chips and sandwiches. All the beverages, by the way, were put on ice and chilled! In a matter of about 24 hours or less, an entire mini-city was created by volunteers for the poor evacuees. This was not your rundown shelter ~ it was BUM HEAVEN.
 ! So that was the layout ~ great food, comfy beds, clean showers and free medical help. By the way, there was a library and a theatre room I forgot to mention. Great stuff, right? Well here is what happened on my journey. I started by handing out COLD water bottles to evacuees as they got off the bus. Many would take them and only 20 percent or less said “Thank you.” Lots of them would shake their heads and ask for sodas! So this went on for about 20 to 30 minutes until I was sick of being an unappreciated servant. I figured certainly these folks would appreciate some food! So I went upstairs to serve these beloved evacuees some GOOD food that I wish I could have at the moment! The following statements are graphic, truthful, and discuss UNRATIONAL behavior. Evacuees come slowly to receive this mountain of food that is worth serving to a king! I tell them t

[QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-11 Thread Ol' Man River

from another list i'm on..Subject: Katrina Volunteer ~ Another ViewpointTurn The Other Cheek?From a correspondent in Idaho.((This is from a guy here in Houston who went to volunteer his time to help the hurricane victims. It is pretty sad and disappointing to think people could be so ungrateful.))Katrina Volunteer ~ Another ViewpointSO I VOLUNTEERED..I thought I might inform the few friends I have on my recent traumatic experience. I am going to tell it straight, blunt, raw, and I don't give a damn. Long read, I know but please do read!I went to volunteer on Saturday at the George R. Brown convention for two reasons. * I wanted to help people to get a warm fuzzy* Curiosity.I've been watching the new!
 s lately
 and have seen scenes that have made me want to vomit. And, no, it wasn't dead bodies, the city under water, or the sludge everywhere. It was PEOPLE’S BEHAVIOR. The people on TV (99 percent being Black) were DEMANDING help. They were not asking nicely, but demanding as if society owed these people something. Well, the honest truth is WE DON'T.Help should be asked for in a kind manner and then appreciated. This is not what the press (FOX in particular) was showing. What I was seeing was a group of people yelling, demanding, looting, killing, raping, and SHOOTING back at the demanded help! So, I'm thinking this can't possibly be true can it? So I decide to submit to the DEMAND for help out of SHOCK. I couldn't believe this to be true of the majority of the people who are the weakest of society. So I went to volunteer and help folks out and see the truth. So I will tell the following story and you decide.I arrived at the astrodome only to find !
 out that
 there are too many volunteers and volunteers were needed at the George R. Brown Convention Center. As I was walking up to the Convention Center I noticed a line of cars that wrapped around blocks filled with donations. These were ordinary Houstonians coming with truckloads and trunks full of water, diapers, clothes, blankets, food ~ all types of good stuff. And lots of it was NEW. I felt that warm fuzzy while helping unload these vehicles of these wonderful human beings. I then went inside the building and noticed approximately 100,000 sq. ft. of clothes, shoes, jackets, toys and all types of goodies, all organized and ready for the people in need. I signed up, received a name badge and was on my merry way, excited to be useful. I toured the place to get familiar with my surrounding. The entire place is probably around 2 million sq. ft. I noticed rows as far as the eye could see of mattresses ~ not cots ~ BLOW UP MATTRESSES! All of which had nice pillows and!
 of blankets. Two to three bottles of water lay on every bed. These full-size to queen-size beds, by the way, were comfortable ~ I laid on one to see for myself.I went to look at the medical area. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing! A makeshift hospital created in 24 hours! It was unbelievable ~ they even had a pharmacy. I also noticed that they created showers, which would also have hot water. I went upstairs to the third floor to find a HUGE cafeteria created in under 24 hours! Rows of tables, chairs and food everywhere ~ enough to feed an army! I'm not talking about crappy food either. They had Jason's Deli food, apples, oranges, coke, diet coke, lemonade, orange juice, cookies and all types of chips and sandwiches. All the beverages, by the way, were put on ice and chilled! In a matter of about 24 hours or less, an entire mini-city was created by volunteers for the poor evacuees. This was not your rundown shelter ~ it was BUM HEAVEN. !
 that was the layout ~ great food, comfy beds, clean showers and free medical help. By the way, there was a library and a theatre room I forgot to mention. Great stuff, right? Well here is what happened on my journey. I started by handing out COLD water bottles to evacuees as they got off the bus. Many would take them and only 20 percent or less said “Thank you.” Lots of them would shake their heads and ask for sodas! So this went on for about 20 to 30 minutes until I was sick of being an unappreciated servant. I figured certainly these folks would appreciate some food! So I went upstairs to serve these beloved evacuees some GOOD food that I wish I could have at the moment! The following statements are graphic, truthful, and discuss UNRATIONAL behavior. Evacuees come slowly to receive this mountain of food that is worth serving to a king! I tell them that we have two types of great deli sandwiches to choose from ~ ham and t!
 Many look at the food in disgust and DEMAND burgers, pizza, and even McDonalds! Jason's deli is better than McDonalds! Only one out of ten people who took something would say "Thank you." The rest took items as if it was their God-given right to be served without a shred of appreciation! They would ask for beer and liquor.They complained that we didn't have good enough food. They refused fo