Re: [qubes-users] ERROR:volume qubes_dom0/vm-VMNAME-root missing

2018-10-26 Thread higginsonjim2
Sorry - been away for a couple of days.

Suggest - you don't pursue any further.

Somehow - and I don't know how! - the standalone VM starting working fine again 
after several reboots. 
WRT original query that you resolved (and recovery process worked again 
successfully the other day) - the thread can be seen by keying in the search 
box -   
Error:volume qubes_dom0 /vm-sys-net-private missing

As mentioned - I suggest you spend no time on this - but as ever, thanks again 
for replying.

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[qubes-users] ERROR:volume qubes_dom0/vm-VMNAME-root missing

2018-10-22 Thread higginsonjim2
Booted my system this morning and the above message appears with my STANDALONE 

Other Vm's etc working fine.

Can re-create my STANDALONE VM ( and likewise get data from recent backup) - 
but can anyone suggest a simple fix for the above message - or suggest what 
might have caused this. All working fine when I shutdown yesterday.

Earlier yesterday I had encountered 
"Error:volume qubes_dom0 /vm-sys-net-private missing" - but resolved as per 
previous guidance from AWOKD on same issue in earlier thread a few months ago.

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Re: [qubes-users] Domain is in use

2018-05-26 Thread higginsonjim2

Thanks so much - I'm up and running now!.


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[qubes-users] Domain is in use

2018-05-26 Thread higginsonjim2
Am trying to get familiar with process for upgrading Fedora (from 26 to 28) on 
QUBES 4 - before fully committing to QUBES4. (Have used Qubes 3.2 for 12 

Earlier failed with problems getting rid of Fedora26 dvm.

Now my problem is Fedora26 template.

Have started by creating a clean install from QUBES4 download - and implemented 
minimal install - basically not setting up general VM's.
Within this process I also indicated no need for WHONIX but this appeared 

Hence from clean install I ended up with 

Fedora26 template
Fedora26 dvm
2 Whonix templates

To progress to Fedora28 - I did the following

Remove the WHONIX templates - with sudo dnf remove qubes-template-whonix-**

Install Fedora28 - sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-fedora-28

Switch SYS-NET and SYS-FIREWALL to be based on Fedora28

Used CUSTOM DISPOSABLE VM approach (as in DOCS) to generate a default DVM using 

REMOVE Fedora26-dvm with qvm-remove fedora-26-dvm.

ALL OF THIS WORKED FINE and I am left with 

Fedora 26 template
Fedora 28 template
Fedora 28 DVM
Sys-net (based on fedora28)
Sys-firewall (based on fedora28)

I NOW WANT TO GET RID OF Fedora-26 template - and am failing!
The GUI route basically says "Domain still in use"
Using Dom0 terminal I see - 
- a number of references to python files
- 2  references to ERROR in PREUN scriptlets in rpm package 
- Reference to DOMAIN is in use.

FINALLY - a reference to say the FEDORA26 was supposed to be removed BUT IS NOT,
then confirmation that it has been removed - then COMPLETE. 
PROBLEM is that it is still there!

I have checked qvm-ls to see my vm's.
I have checked Dom0, the templates and SYS-NET and SYS-FIREWALL  using 
qvm-prefs to see if anything refers to Fedora26 - it doesn't.

When it comes to journalctl or looking at Dom0 or Fedora26 system logs - I am a 
bit out of my depth - but I can't see anything untoward. 


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Re: [qubes-users] BACKUP PROBLEM

2018-05-13 Thread higginsonjim2
Thanks for comments. To clarify  - i’m only using qubes4 vm’s and templates. In 
ideal world, i ‘d use clonezilla say to clone everything and copy the 
clonezilla image back if i ever thought there was a problem with active system. 
This does not seem possible with qubes. (This process is simple and works well 
with debian, ubuntu etc)
Instead I’ve copied all my qubes3.2 data offline and was intending to use 
filezilla to bring it all back -once i was confident of stable qubes4 setup.
I think i’m further away from ever with that. Just done the umpteenth install 
of qubes4 and now can’t get my test vm’s to recognise software eg filezilla, 
libreoffice writer that i’ ve added to fedora 26. I done endless resume, 
stop/starts and turn pc off/on - but nothing happening. Was intending to 
generate a fedora-26 template backup again, including a few test vm’s  - then 
transfer to another pc , then do a fresh install on main pc, zap the new 
fedora-26 and vm’s and then try and copy the backup file to main pc and restore.
 Qubes is a great idea - for 12 months or so i’ve done almost all my internet 
stuff on dispvm’s and kept a good discipline wrt untusted/ personal vm’s etc. 
My old pc couldn’t handle qubes4 - so ive invested in new kit so i could start 
with qubes4.

I can’t spend any more time with this so it’s back to debian for me.
I’ll have another look at qubes in a few months when hopefully it’s more stable.

Thanks again for comments.

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[qubes-users] BACKUP PROBLEM

2018-05-13 Thread higginsonjim2

Just posted a comment on earlier BACKUP problem where message appeared

"Backup header retrieval failed (exit code 2)" after qvm-backup restore.

Tried a simpler backup this time - just fedora-26 template and a small personal 

Process seemed to go OK - but following backup - was left with fedora-26 
template and fedora-261 template. (Think others have seen this also)

Trying to get rid of fedora-261 template. Normal process won't allow it - so 
tried "REMOVE VM's MANUALLY" approach as per docs.
First 3 instructions seem OK - but final one achieves nothing since there is no 
content in the "applications-merged" folder.

Hence can't remove FEDORA-261 from QUBES MANAGER.

Note ALSO - the FEDORA-261 template created does not include any APPLICATIONS 
from the FEDORA-26 template I stared with.

SPECIFICALLY - it contains none at all!

This seems similar to problems I encountered before with QUBES 4.

1) With QUBES3.2 - I used DEBIAN template - but have had to give up on that as 
I can't get any applications to show within DEBIAN template and have no means 
to add any.  eg no TERMINAL

2) WIth QUBES 3.2 I also used a STANDALONE template for development work.

Again - even if it's based on FEDORA-26 template - I get no APPLICATIONS 
available to me and NO terminal.

Basically I have given up on STANDALONE VM also.

I can install QUBES4 quickly and get what appears to be a workable system - but 
am loathe to commit to it as every step I take seems to offer more problems.
QUBES3.2 was simple and straightforward  - and just seemed to work.
Am basically trying to get everything setup on new computer but after many many 
days of trying (2 or 3 weeks of effort)- I cant achieve a stable state 

No Debian
No Standalone
No BACKUP working consistently
Duplicated template - can't get rid from menu
QUBES manager clunky
Struggling to get rid of DISPOSABLE VM template(based on Fedora-26 when I 
updated main template to fedora-27.
DispVM - quite slow compared to QUBES3.2


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[qubes-users] Re: Backup header retrieval failed (exit code 2) after qvm-backup restore

2018-05-13 Thread higginsonjim2
Am getting same problem - did you resolve this?

Also when attempting to enter the backup image folder (within the backup 
process) the system won't just take the image folder created - when I click OK 
it opens up the sub files and wants me to enter something there. Clearly I can 
delete the file bit within the "location of backup" field - but then I get the 
exit code message. 

Is this part of the problem 

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[qubes-users] Re: debian-9 template

2018-04-29 Thread higginsonjim2

tried ---

sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community 
--action=reinstall qubes-template-debian-9

Again it appears to reinstall - message appears saying successfully installed.

Then try to start DEBIAN-9 VM and get 
"ERROR:VM directory does not exist: /var/lib/qubes/vm-templates/debian-9". 


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[qubes-users] Re: debian-9 template

2018-04-29 Thread higginsonjim2
Thanks for comments but still no success.

Does anyone know how to access files or a terminal for deb-9.

Have tried qvm-run -a debian-9 gnome-terminal AND prompt box says "Running 
gnome-terminal on debian-9.

PROBLEM is - it still doesn't appear anywhere. NOTHING AVAILABLE - 
files,terminal, anything.

(Think I might need to give up and try and use FEDORA)

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[qubes-users] Re: debian-9 template

2018-04-27 Thread higginsonjim2
On Friday, April 27, 2018 at 1:46:08 PM UTC+1, wrote:
> Have used Qubes3 for a couple of years and now acquired a new PC where I've 
> done a complete fresh install of QUBES 4.
> (Copied all my data off old system - ready for adding to new system when all 
> set up)
> Base system seems fine - standard VM's etc - but everything by default based 
> on Fedora - albeit Debian and Fedora templates offered by default.
> Fedora template has lots of assorted software - that I could use to add to 
> various Vm's as required - a standard new VM using Fedora template offers 
> FILES, TERMINAL, FIREFOX and QUBES SETTINGS - basically core features to get 
> me started.
> WHEN I LOOK AT THE DEBIAN-9 template - there is no software at all.
> ALSO the DEBIAN-9 template and any VM that I generate using it, only offers  
> CAN ANYONE advise on what I should do next - assume if I get access to 
> terminal, I can install all software I want - but assumed there would be a 
> standard stock of software/base features available in the Debian-9 template.
> (Am sure this was the case with QUBES3)
> Grateful for advice - my preference is to use Debian (as per last 2 years 
> within QUBES and many years before that using DEBIAN distro) rather than 
> Fedora.

See awokd comments.
Problem is that I have nothing in APPLICATIONS.

Have tried Removing DEB9 template, installing DEB8 template and then following 
the Upgrade 8 to 9 route.
This initially seems to solve problem. Load of APPLICATIONS appear - and by 
going into repos folder- could change "jessie" to "stretch". Then 
Still can't use the APPLICATIONS in DEB 9.

I'll try it again with fresh install - in case I did something wrong.
Another option - might simply copy the DEB9 "template" from previous computer 
and install that - but wanted to avoid that - just naturally want to have 
"clean" install on QUBES 4 on new computer.

Any other suggestions welcome - have others found DEBIAN-9 template OK on clean 

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[qubes-users] debian-9 template

2018-04-27 Thread higginsonjim2
Have used Qubes3 for a couple of years and now acquired a new PC where I've 
done a complete fresh install of QUBES 4.

(Copied all my data off old system - ready for adding to new system when all 
set up)

Base system seems fine - standard VM's etc - but everything by default based on 
Fedora - albeit Debian and Fedora templates offered by default.

Fedora template has lots of assorted software - that I could use to add to 
various Vm's as required - a standard new VM using Fedora template offers 
FILES, TERMINAL, FIREFOX and QUBES SETTINGS - basically core features to get me 

WHEN I LOOK AT THE DEBIAN-9 template - there is no software at all.

ALSO the DEBIAN-9 template and any VM that I generate using it, only offers  

CAN ANYONE advise on what I should do next - assume if I get access to 
terminal, I can install all software I want - but assumed there would be a 
standard stock of software/base features available in the Debian-9 template.

(Am sure this was the case with QUBES3)

Grateful for advice - my preference is to use Debian (as per last 2 years 
within QUBES and many years before that using DEBIAN distro) rather than Fedora.


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Re: [qubes-users] extract file from image backup

2018-02-20 Thread higginsonjim2

Have used rsync before from Debian PC to server PC - but again not sure how to 
apply within constraint of a VM backup process.

I'll have a play - after my day on the hills tomorrow.


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Re: [qubes-users] extract file from image backup

2018-02-20 Thread higginsonjim2
Thanks for comments. 

For info - have used Debian for around 10 years till I swapped to Qubes around 
1 year ago. Windows before that. I use CLONEZILLA as it gives easy 
backup/restore for my old (Occasional use Os's) + QUBES + my wife's UBUNTU. 
In extreme case of needing an individual old file (NOT NEEDED YET) - I could 
restore an old IMAGE to a spare HDD on chosen PC and then copy it from there. 
Not elegant but it would work.

Am retired and just experimenting the other day for general education - to see 
if I could get an individual file from an old image copy. As per above - no 
problem on non-QUBES. (TO answer one point above - I did restore full disk 
image to hda1.img and could then access all files - this was no real effort - 
enter an instruction, wait a couple of minutes and its all there).
Ideally for me there would be something simple for me with QUBES.

Have no problem backing up VM's to separate HDD on main PC and copying back as 
needed - this may be the way forward for me - but I'd still do the CLONEZILLA 
(BACKUP EVERYTHING) approach as I get a complete system if say my SSD fails.
Backing up everything and then being able to select an odd file if ever needed 
just seems a simpler concept to me!

My preference is to have "BACKUP" even of VM's on separate PC (as per my 
CLONEZILLA images) but though one can apparently use SSH to send files through 
to separate SERVER PC, I haven't yet managed to get this work - I'm OK when 
using SSH to copy from EG my DEBIAN system to SERVER - but the "right" SSH 
instruction within the QUBES BACKUP PROCESS seems to be eluding me!

The restore /var/lib/qubes and loopback approach may be a bit beyond me. Can 
see the relevant files for my live system but not sure about the data within my 
clonezilla image. 

If this is feasible from CLONEZILLA image stored on separate internal server, I 
might see if I can try and understand it - will have a look another day. Think 
I'll go hill-walking tomorrow!  

Thanks again for all comments.

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[qubes-users] extract file from image backup

2018-02-20 Thread higginsonjim2
Not sure if what I want to achieve is possible but I'll try and summarise below.

With other distros that I run (WIN10, Ubuntu, Debian) as well as QUBES - I make 
full disk images using CLONEZILLA and retain them on a spare PC, running as a 
local server.

All full disk restores work fine, including QUBES OS - which is now my primary 

Ideally I'd like to be able to have access to individual files within the image 
copies(if needed).

For DEBIAN, Ubuntu and I assume WIN10(though not really bothered about that) I 
can go into terminal on my backup PC and key something along the lines of

  sudo cat /dir-to-images/sdb1.ext4-ptcl-img.gz.* | sudo gzip -d -c | sudo 
partclone.ext4 -C -r -W -s - -O /dir-to-new-image/hda1.img

where all the key files take the form sdb1.ext4-ptcl-img.gz.*
with * being aa,ab,ac etc.

As long as I've created a restore file first (eg hda1.img in the above example) 
the above code works fine - and if I mount the hda1.img file, then all my 
folders and files are accessible.

I can then recover say an individual file without having to do full disk 
restore etc.


The relevant files take the form sdc1.ext4-ptcl-img.gz.aa (a single file) and 
lots of files of the form sdc2.dd-img.aa, sdc2.dd-img.ab through to

The above instruction works with the sdc1 file and opens up various system 
files - but I can't do anything to read the sdc2 series of files. 

Am not sure what to expect if I could get it to work since each VM has its own 

Is what I want to achieve possible and if so - grateful for any suggestions as 
to relevant code needed.

If not - any suggestions about a different approach to a simple "system" backup 
with access to individual files as needed?

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2017-08-18 Thread higginsonjim2
Thanks Foppe de Haan.

The sudo apt-get install nautilus was all I needed.

All fine now.


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2017-08-18 Thread higginsonjim2
Have updated system with Fedora going to 25 and Debian from 8 to 9.

Followed all instructions as per QUBES DOCUMENTATION and all seemed to work 

FOLDERS appear fine under Fedora but nothing showing with Debian Template - or 
my VM's which are based on Debian.

Have seen earlier reference to this - but the answer there was that "FILES" was 
the relevant wording under available Applications (meaning Nautilus in 
practice).  On my Debian-9 template there is no reference to "FILES" or 

My files still exists - as I can see by switching back to the DEB 8 template - 
but clearly I want to move forward with DEB9.

Grateful for guidance as to how I can get FILES (Nautilus) back to available 
applications in DEB 9. 

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2017-07-12 Thread higginsonjim2
Relatively new to QUBES - apologies if this is an obvious query.

Am using a STANDALONE VM for "development" work which basically involves 
developing and maintaining a couple of websites.

Everything works fine - I can edit/test on localhost setup - and then load to  

One feature that I'm not sure how to acquire with QUBES - is the ability to 
view my localhost website from eg an IPAD or ANDROID phone using my home WIFI.

To achieve objective currently, I'm having to copy files to DEBIAN system 
maintained on separate drive. (Using ATTACH BLOCK DEVICE from VM MANAGER)  My 
separate Debian system also has an APACHE localhost server - and WIFI access is 
just straightforward there.

Is QUBES security such that I can't effectively view my QUBES LOCALHOST site 
via WIFI - or is there a technique I am not aware of.
If the latter - grateful if someone can explain the process required.


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[qubes-users] Re: HP PRINTER PROBLEM

2016-12-14 Thread higginsonjim2

Have finally managed to get it working! 

Fedora (which I had not used before) was OK but Debian(my normal OS) was a 
problem! An issue for me was that the relevant drivers were in HPLIP version 
3.15.11 onwards. Standard Fedora in Qubes uses 3.16.3 whereas Debian in QUBES 
uses 3.14.6. This in itself was not a major issue in that I've installed a 
newer version of HPLIP in my normal Debian setup - but replicating that here 
caused problems. I won't summarise endless failures but try and summarise how I 
eventually succeeded.

Started with ETHERNET connection from ROUTER to PRINTER.
 With Fedora I installed yumex-dnf and system-config-printer. A look at yumex 
showed that HPLIP was already there - v 3.16.3. Then in terminal i used 
system-config-printer which opened up the add printer menu. Went for the 
network option and entered Network Connected IP from Printer in host field. 
This gave sub -menu where I think JetDirect and App Socket/HP Jetdirect fields 
were needed. A list of all HP printers appeared from where I could select 
Colorjet MFP M477fdw. Enter a couple of times and it all worked.

With Debian, i installed SYNAPTIC - a check there shows no HPLIP installed and 
offers 3.14.6. I then googled HP LINUX IMAGING AND PRINTING . Followed steps 1 
to 7 - but not step 8. Latter worked fine on normal Debian setup - but didn't 
seem to work here - this was the major frustration.
Instead I keyed "sudo hp-setup -i PRINTERIP" in terminal. Interactive process 
installed additional plugin - but this was straightforward - basically just 
accepting defaults. The process recognised my printer and everything worked. 
However when trying to get access to printer in a new VM I had problems and got 
in a mess with references to "shared", "enabled" in printer dialogue box on PC 
screen. Printer IP keeps changing - which maybe the problem or not . At this 
stage I was still happy because at least I'd seen something print. THEN went 
for another option - went back to USB connection between printer and PC. On 
printer screen I went to SETUP/NETWORK SETUP/ IP4 CONFIG METHOD and chose 
MANUAL option - and went with the default offered - done 
the 1st 7 steps of the HP LINUX IMAGING AND PRINTING NOTE already with DEBIAN 
QUBES, I simply had to key "sudo hp-setup -i" in terminal.
It all flowed through again to successful conclusion.

Presumably my printer IP ADDRESS is now static. Whether or not I opened up any 
security weakness in QUBES I'm not sure but at the moment I don't care -my 
printer is working! Intend to do more reading from an old UBUNTU manual - on 
networking and PRINTING WITH CUPS - the experience of the last few days might 
enable me to understand the relevant chapters a bit better. As a pensioner I 
have a bit time on my hands - so I can experiment endlessly on the spare hard 
drive I'm using - before committing to moving to QUBES completely. Am likely to 
do this - but want to get to feel at ease with QUBES in a test environment 
first - so will probably convert in NEW YEAR. Hope this note is useful for 
anyone else with PRINTER problems and THANKS AGAIN FOR COMMENTS.

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[qubes-users] HP PRINTER PROBLEM

2016-12-10 Thread higginsonjim2
Have Color Laser Jet Pro MFP M477fdw.

Works fine in my standard DEBIAN 8.6 setup - did a manual install of latest 
HPLIP to achieve this.

Am experimenting with QUBES - and progressing OK - but just can't get printer 

Have tried full install of latest HPLIP within QUBES in Debian, similar in 
Fedora - in templates and APPVm's.

Have tried to add USB controllers to particular VM's, read endless summaries of 
problems for previous users - all to no avail.

Can anyone suggest a simple summary of actions that I can follow - so I can get 
QUBES DEBIAN to recognise printer. 

Thanks in advance.

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