Re: [ntp:questions] Configuring FreeBSD 6.2 for use with Garmin GPS 18 LVC

2007-12-15 Thread Speechless
On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 11:12:00 -0800, "Dennis Hilberg, Jr."

>As the subject line suggests, I would like to set up FreeBSD 6.2 to use my 
>Garmin GPS 18 LVC as a refclock.
>I've been following advice from David Taylor's web page on this subject 
> , although he 
>used FreeBSD 5.4.
>I have a few questions regarding the configuration.  I understand that 
>'options PPS_SYNC' needs to be added to the kernel config file, and that the 
>kernel then needs to be recompiled. 

You may want to use FreeBSD 6.3, scheduled for release in about 10
days or FreeBSD 7.0 scheduled for release sometime mid January 2008.

I vaguely recall some discussion circa May/June 2007 about there being
some issues with PPS_SYNC and SMP kernel code in FBSD 6.2. I was
preoccupied with other matters at the time, so I didn't really pay
attention that much but, I seem to recall that the fix was not trivial
and that they were talking about putting the fix into FBSD 6.3 and 7.0
rather than risk making 6.2 unstable as a whole.  I am not sure
whether or not the final decision included a fix for 6.2

> However, he includes a comment from 
>Harlan Stenn stating that 'include GENERIC', 'ident PPS-GENERIC', and 
>'options PPS_SYNC' need to be added to the file /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/PPS . 

You need to create a file in directory:

 Where:   depends on what kind of hardware you have
i386 = Intel,
amd64 = AMD, etc.

>  This file doesn't exist on my system.  Do I need to create the file from 
>scratch with those items in it, or is it something that is created after the 
>kernel recompile?

Yes, you create a kernel configuration file:

Where:   should be the same as kernel ident within

eg.:  If the contents of your kernel configuration file is:

# Generic kernel configuration with PPS_SYNC option
include GENERIC
options PPS_SYNC

then your kernel configuration  should be:  PPS-GENERIC
eg.:  /usr/src/sys//conf/PPS-GENERIC

To compile your kernel, log-in as root and issue the following

cd /usr/src
make buildkernel KERNCONF=
Where:   is the name of your kernel configuration file
eg:  make buildkernel KERNCONF=PPS-GENERIC

If kernel compiles without errors, install kernel:
make installkernel KERNCONF=
Where:   is the name of your kernel configuration file

After kernel install, reboot into new kernel:
shutdown -r now

If new kernel fails to boot:
Strike SPACE BAR during bootstrap countdown
Select option:  6 - Escape to loader prompt
At loader prompt, issue commands:
boot kernel.old

Commands for post-install clean up:
cd /usr/obj
chflags -R noschg *
rm -rf *

cd /usr/src
make clean

You now have a FreeBSD kernel configured for a PPS reference clock.

>I emailed David Taylor with these questions regarding the configuration, and 
>he replied that he can't quite remember exactly how he configured his 
>system, and if that PPS file needed to be created from scratch or not.  So 
>he directed me to the newsgroup.
>If someone could give me a complete list of steps that need to be taken to 
>configure FreeBSD to use the GPS 18 LVC, or point me to some documentation 
>on the matter, I would greatly appreciate it.  I'm new to FreeBSD and don't 
>know my way around.

In addition to configuring the kernel as described above, you will
also have to configure a serial port by adding the following lines to

# Set up serial port for general purpose call-out
# Reference:  devfs.conf(5)
own cuadx   root:wheel
permcuadx   0660
own cuadx.init  root:wheel
permcuadx.init  0660
own cuadx.lock  root:wheel
permcuadx.lock  0660

 Where:  x in cuadx = 0 (zero) for COM1, x = 1 (one) for COM2

You will also have to include a link statement in /etc/devfs.conf to
link the serial port configured above to the device name the driver
expects.  Assuming you would be using driver Type 20 and the
documentation is correct, the statement would be:

linkcuadx   gpsu

 Where: x in cuadx = 0 (zero) for COM1, or 1 (one) for COM2
u in gpsu = u in 127.127.20.u = unit number

where unit number is described in documentation for Type 20 driver:
and in the man page:  ntp.conf(5)

After done configuring /etc/devfs.conf, reboot the system for the
changes to take effect:  shutdown -r now

STANDARD DISCLAIMERS APPLY:  Use at your own risk, I'm not responsible
for what you do, etc. Information herein is based on very few notes
and many recollections, some perhaps faulty, of what I did under
FreeBSD-7.0-BETA2 running on a cranky old laptop for a
proof-of-concept project.  FreeBSD 7.0 is now at BETA4, my cranky old
laptop is no more after failing to survive my dog's territorial

Re: [ntp:questions] Configuring FreeBSD 6.2 for use with Garmin GPS18 LVC

2007-12-15 Thread Kevin Oberman
> From: "David J Taylor"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 07:20:47 GMT
> Kevin Oberman wrote:
> []
> > The idea David Taylor is putting forth is to create a very short
> > kernel config file named PPS containing only the lines:
> > include GENERIC
> > ident PPS-GENERIC
> > options PPS_SYNC
> Kevin, I wish it were my idea, but it's actually from Harlan Stenn.  I've 
> updated my Web page with both your and Harlan's comments.

Actually, this general suggestion goes back quite a ways in the FreeBSD
community. I know it goes back to at least V4 days as a way of not
having to continually edit configuration files as the kernel

If was used back in 2002 for SMP kernels. The file is almost identical
to the one for PPS except it has options SMP and APIC_IO. There may be
even older cases. It's a good idea and the addition of NOPTION and
NODEVICE configuration statements make it pretty universally usable.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Phone: +1 510 486-8634
Key fingerprint:059B 2DDF 031C 9BA3 14A4  EADA 927D EBB3 987B 3751

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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Configuring FreeBSD 6.2 for use with Garmin GPS 18 LVC

2007-12-15 Thread Hal Murray

Would somebody connected with the FreeBSD people please suggest
that they update
to include PPS_SYNC

It might be appropriate to include it (commented out) in GENERIC too.


These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Trace ntp sanity checks?

2007-12-15 Thread Hal Murray

>> assID‡73 status14 reach, 1 event, event_reach,
>> srcadrmaster1, srcport3, dstadr0.0.0.0,
>> dstport3, leap
>You see, it's garbage again. It's hard to keep up under this circumstances.

My copy wasn't garbled.

It looked like this:
  assID=8773 status=1014 reach, 1 event, event_reach,
  srcadr=master1, srcport=123, dstadr=,
  dstport=123, leap=00, stratum=4, precision=0, rootdelay=0.000,

But this header line looks interesting:
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I'm reading the usenet side.  My newsreader is probably dumb enough
to ignore that line.  I don't know if it's even legal in usenet headers
or just got passed through by the email=>usenet gateway.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Configuring FreeBSD 6.2 for use with Garmin GPS 18 LVC

2007-12-15 Thread Speechless
On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 12:37:41 -0600,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Murray) wrote:

>>options   PPS_SYNC
>Would somebody connected with the FreeBSD people please suggest
>that they update
>to include PPS_SYNC

An opportunity presents itself right here:

>It might be appropriate to include it (commented out) in GENERIC too.
>These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Dual-core systems - AMD - Windows Vista

2007-12-15 Thread Danny Mayer
David J Taylor wrote:
> Danny Mayer wrote:
> []
>> Start from the beginning. Delete everything and then reexport the
>> compressed tar file. The top-level directory (openssl-0.9.8g) should
>> be at the same level as the version of NTP that you are going to use.
>> Run the following lines at the command-line prompt when you have cd to
>> openssl-0.9.8g:
>>> perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=c:/some/openssl/dir
>>> ms\do_nt
>>> nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
>> and you are done.
>> Danny
> Thanks for your patience with this, Danny.  I still can't get this to 
> work, but maybe I'm doing things incorrectly.  Two questions:
> 1 - by the same level, I take you to mean something like this, where the 
> first two files in each directory are:
> D:\Temp\NTP\ntp-4.2.4p4.tar\ntp-4.2.4p4\aclocal.m4
> D:\Temp\NTP\openssl-0.9.8g.tar\openssl-0.9.8g\ChangeLog.0_9_7-stable_not-in-head
No. I don't know why there's a tar directory involved here. I don't use
temp at all. My structure would look like (well you don't really want to
look at my structures since they are bizarre at best):


You did extract the files didn't you?

> 2 - With this structure, what directory should I specify for "prefix" 
> instead of: c:/some/openssl/dir ?
> Having done this, the NMAKE step fails, and the last few lines are:

These lines are missing.

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