Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-20 Thread Jonatan Walck
Hash: SHA1

On 12/19/2012 11:52 PM, Brian Utterback wrote:
 On 12/19/12 16:49, Brian Utterback wrote:
 Generally, the PPS signal does not go over the PCI bus. The
 kernel gets its PPS signal via the serial port. You would
 therefore like the controller to have its own PPS signal input,
 but I don't see one in the datasheet.
 So you are back to worrying about the sync of the kernel clock
 and the controller clock. It might not matter too much, but it
 will kind of depend on how the receive timestamp is obtained from
 the card. The receive timestamp and transmit timestamp have got
 to be on the same time source or you could run into problems.
 Actually, the controller does have the equivalent of a PPS input.
 There is a provision for detecting a level change on a single input
 line. The controller timestamp of the level change is stored in a
 register. The driver can read the register and if it knows what the
 timestamp should have been when that signal came in, it can
 calculate the offset. There is then a register that it can write
 the offset to, which results in the controller adjusting its clock
 by that amount.
 There is also a facility in the controller to generate a periodic
 clock based signal. Pretty nifty all told, if the driver makes use
 of it.

Yes, you found it before I had a chance to add here. Nifty is a good
work to describe this.:)

Not only can you do a one-shot adjustment, but you can control the
ns-fraction added at each 8ns tick of the clock using (I hope I
remember the name correctly now) TIMINCA to steer and lock the clock
to the PPS.

The benefit compared to a serial line-connected PPS is of course the
lack of a interrupt to read the time register so there should be less
jitter in this reading.

Generating a PPS output from a second SDP (more or less a GPIO pin)
for tracability will give you a clue for how good the whole scheme
works in the end.

// jwalck
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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-20 Thread Ulf Samuelsson

On 2012-12-20 10:32, Hal Murray wrote:

In article beoAs.13296$ks4.12...@newsfe11.iad,
  unruh writes:

Pick the best one? How would you know what the best one was?

Read TSC, read clock, read TSC.  Subtract the TSC values to
get an upper limit on how long it took to read the clock.
Best is fastest.

Not sure what you mean by a good clock. It certainly will not be an
accurate clock. It may be one whose drift rate is not too bad, although
I suspect it will change with temperature.

I was thinking that the error in a clock on the network card after
reading by the CPU would be better than one done with interrupts
on the CPU.  Yes, I was assuming something like a sane crystal
and yes it would probably drift with temperature.

Luckily there is never a need to read the SYSTIM counter directly,
since you read H/W timestamps in CMSGs.

Ulf Samuelsson

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-20 Thread Ulf Samuelsson

On 2012-12-19 17:05, Brian Utterback wrote:

On 12/19/12 10:12, Ulf Samuelsson wrote:

Now, if you have a PPS signal available and can provide it to both the
network controller and the kernel, then you don't have this problem
since the PPS signal will sync the time to an accuracy better than the
jitter that was introduced.

Even without the PPS signal to the kernel, your system might be usable,
since the only timestamp used in the kernel will be for the
originate/transmit timestamp, and this timestamp will be in sync with
the the network controller timestamp by virtue of the use of launchtime.
But you will have to be sure that the kernel clock is always a little
ahead of the network controller clock, enough so that the actual delay
in the stack doesn't cause the packet to reach the controller after the
designated launchtime, but not so far ahead that the timestamp wraps
(i.e. .5 second). Also, not so far ahead that you get too large a back
log in the controller of packets waiting to be sent

The desired launchtime is compared to the network controller timestamp
counter in H/W, so again there is no need to synchronize with the
system time.

Yes there is. The ntpd program has to set a timestamp in the outgoing
packet and then specify the launchtime when it writes the packet. The
goal here is to have the timestamp written in the packet exactly match
the time the packet actually hits the wire. So, the timestamp in the
packet must be a little in the future when it is written so that by the
time the controller gets it the packet can be delayed until the right
time. Since ntpd cannot access the clock in the controller,

The Network controller will timestamp the message in H/W as it arrives
and will add a CMESG with the timestamp, and this is supported in
ntpd since some time.

You add a small delay to the receive timestamp to make your launchtime.

systime does not get involved at any stage, and can be way off.

(Note that I am only interested in Stratum 1 server functionality)

Ulf Samuelsson


requires that the kernel time be relatively close to the controller
time. If you can guarantee that they agree to within some upper bound
and then add that maximum error to the timestamp written to packet, plus
the maximum delay in the stack, then your scheme should work anyway. The
key is, what is that maximum error and delay? If they get too close to
.25 seconds then it will fail because of the timestamp wrap restrictions
of the launchtime register.

So you are dependent on how accurately you can synchronize the kernel
and network controller's clocks. But I think that the required tolerance
should easily be obtainable, so you should be good to go. But remember
that the greater that additive term is, the more packets you might need
to queue. I couldn't find the spec I saw originally that made me think
that there was a three packet limit, but even if that isn't the limit,
there is very likely to be some limit.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-20 Thread Ulf Samuelsson

On 2012-12-19 22:49, Brian Utterback wrote:

On 12/19/12 14:05, unruh wrote:

On 2012-12-19, Hal

  Brian  writes:

No, you are missing the point. You have two clocks in this scenario,
kernel clock and the network controller clock. If one gets a good time
then you have to set the other from it. This means that this time will
have to travel over the PCI bus which will introduce jitter.

Now, if you have a PPS signal available and can provide it to both the
network controller and the kernel, then you don't have this problem
since the PPS signal will sync the time to an accuracy better than the
jitter that was introduced.

Doesn't the PPS signal to the kernel have to go over the same PCI bus?

I'd guess that you would get better results from a network card.
That's assuming it has a good clock.  All you have to do is read
a counter.  There is no interrupt latency.  You can also read it
several times and pick the best one.

Pick the best one? How would you know what the best one was?
Not sure what you mean by a good clock. It certainly will not be an
accurate clock. It may be one whose drift rate is not too bad, although
I suspect it will change with temperature.

Generally, the PPS signal does not go over the PCI bus. The kernel gets
its PPS signal via the serial port. You would therefore like the
controller to have its own PPS signal input, but I don't see one in the

There are a couple of GPIOs on the part, and you can capture when they 
toggle. Then you can tweak the clock up and down, until you
capture GPIO the toggle at the same time as the SYSTIM counter ns part 
wraps around from 999,999,999 to 0.

Then you have synchronized the SYSTIM with the PPS signal.

Ulf Samuelsson

So you are back to worrying about the sync of the kernel clock and the
controller clock. It might not matter too much, but it will kind of
depend on how the receive timestamp is obtained from the card. The
receive timestamp and transmit timestamp have got to be on the same time
source or you could run into problems.


questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-20 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 19 Dec, 2012, at 11:05 , unruh wrote:
 On 2012-12-19, Hal Murray wrote:
 Doesn't the PPS signal to the kernel have to go over the same PCI bus?
 I'd guess that you would get better results from a network card.
 That's assuming it has a good clock.  All you have to do is read
 a counter.  There is no interrupt latency.  You can also read it
 several times and pick the best one.
 Pick the best one? How would you know what the best one was?

If you can sample both the system clock and the network card clock
with a read of the counter you can sample with this instruction
sequence (though it may take some work to find the magic instructions
which do the operations in the order written):

read clock_A
read clock_B
read clock_A

Better, less noisy samples will be associated with smaller values of
(A_after - A_before).  You can eliminate the source of the largest errors
in individual samples if you can disable interrupts on the processor core
while doing that.  You can also take independent samples as often as you
need to, if that improves the filtered result.  That is, you aren't limited
to one sample per second the way the PPS signal is, if 5 or 20 samples per
second improve the accuracy of the filtered result you can just take that

The biggest problem with this isn't jitter, which can be mitigated by
taking and filtering additional samples.  It is instead the fact that the
minimal value of (A_after - A_before) is probably going to be on the order
of 100 ns if clock_B is a PCIe peripheral and it will be difficult to know
exactly where in that interval clock_B is sampled, leading to a (constant)
ambiguity of +/- 50 ns.  When I did an FPGA implementation of this for
PCI-X I had the read clock_B part capture two timestamps instead, one
captured speculatively at the very start of the bus cycle, which was returned
to the read, and one at the very end of the bus cycle, which was stored
so that it could be read later.  That reduced the ambiguity to about
+/- 7 ns for that card (though even +/- 50 ns is pretty good).

This is a very good way to do time transfers between a pair of clocks.  What
is needed is a system call interface which recognises that systems often
have more than one clock, only one of which will be the system clock, and
which provides an API to compare these clocks and independently adjust them.

 Not sure what you mean by a good clock. It certainly will not be an
 accurate clock. It may be one whose drift rate is not too bad, although
 I suspect it will change with temperature. 

There are two contributors to the ultimate synchronisation quality of
a clock, the stability of the frequency source driving it and the
speed/accuracy with which you can measure that frequency and adjust
for the errors.  Dr. Mills's book calls this the Allan intercept; lower
is better.  The frequency source on the network card may be no better than
your system clock but the hardware PPS timestamps allow a speedy and precise
determination of that frequency which allows you to adjust for changes in
that frequency before a big time offset accumulates (it moves the Allan
intercept lower and to the left).  A clock which can be kept more accurate
is a good clock whether that accuracy is achieved by a more stable
frequency source driving the clock or by more accurate frequency
measurements against a good reference.  Don't fixate on the quality of
the crystal alone, there is more to it than that.

Dennis Ferguson

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-20 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 19 Dec, 2012, at 13:49 , Brian Utterback wrote:
 On 12/19/12 14:05, unruh wrote:
 On 2012-12-19, Hal  wrote:
 Doesn't the PPS signal to the kernel have to go over the same PCI bus?
 Generally, the PPS signal does not go over the PCI bus. The kernel gets its 
 PPS signal via the serial port. You would therefore like the controller to 
 have its own PPS signal input, but I don't see one in the datasheet.

The interrupt from the serial port is transmitted across some bus
(often by message signalling these days), and it seems to me that
a PCIe-attached serial port is probably one of the better situations
you could hope for now.  The legacy I/O peripherals on many Intel/AMD
motherboards, including the serial ports, are instead often attached
to the processor support chipset via an LPC bus connection and the
latter, being designed as an economical replacement for the ISA bus,
is just dead slow.

Hardware PPS sampling, and synchonising pairs of internal clocks with
PIO operations, is much, much better than anything involving interrupts.

 So you are back to worrying about the sync of the kernel clock and the 
 controller clock. It might not matter too much, but it will kind of depend on 
 how the receive timestamp is obtained from the card. The receive timestamp 
 and transmit timestamp have got to be on the same time source or you could 
 run into problems.

The size of the problem with multiple time sources is limited by the
precision with which one clock can be synchronised with another.  With
a good arrangement for sampling those clocks against each other this
problem can be minuscule compared to NTP's requirements.

Dennis Ferguson
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-20 Thread Rick Jones
Ulf Samuelsson wrote:
 Rick Jones skrev 2012-12-13 02:57:
  It would seem that at least one NIC has the ability to allow one to
  schedule the time at which a packet will be transmitted.  This is
  called launch time support.  Someone in Linux-land has started
  asking about the prospect of enabling support of that in the stack,

 Yes, My post regarding the new i210 chip from Intel.
 I am sitting facing Jonatan right now...

I suppose I might have known that the world was thusly small :) But
while I do not always follow the advice, a wise engineer once told me
the correct spelling is ass-u-me :)

rick jones
Don't anthropomorphize computers.  They hate that.  - Anonymous
these opinions are mine, all mine; HP might not want them anyway... :)
feel free to post, OR email to rick.jones2 in but NOT BOTH...

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-20 Thread Brian Utterback

On 12/20/2012 6:25 AM, Ulf Samuelsson wrote:

Yes there is. The ntpd program has to set a timestamp in the outgoing
packet and then specify the launchtime when it writes the packet. The
goal here is to have the timestamp written in the packet exactly match
the time the packet actually hits the wire. So, the timestamp in the
packet must be a little in the future when it is written so that by the
time the controller gets it the packet can be delayed until the right
time. Since ntpd cannot access the clock in the controller,

The Network controller will timestamp the message in H/W as it arrives
and will add a CMESG with the timestamp, and this is supported in
ntpd since some time.

You add a small delay to the receive timestamp to make your launchtime.

systime does not get involved at any stage, and can be way off.

(Note that I am only interested in Stratum 1 server functionality)

You have to guarantee that the actual processing delay from controller 
to controller is never more than .5 seconds minus your small delay, 
otherwise the timestamp will be off.  It would be a good idea to 
synchronize the system clock so that you can detect that kind of situation.

Also, if you are only going to be a stratum 1 server, from where are you 
going to get the actual time? If you are only going to use the 
controller timestamps then the controller better be disciplined to some 
source of time. Some how something needs to be setting the time on the 

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-20 Thread Ulf Samuelsson
Brian Utterback wrote:
 On 12/20/2012 6:25 AM, Ulf Samuelsson wrote:
 Yes there is. The ntpd program has to set a timestamp in the outgoing
 packet and then specify the launchtime when it writes the packet. The
 goal here is to have the timestamp written in the packet exactly match
 the time the packet actually hits the wire. So, the timestamp in the
 packet must be a little in the future when it is written so that by the
 time the controller gets it the packet can be delayed until the right
 time. Since ntpd cannot access the clock in the controller,
 The Network controller will timestamp the message in H/W as it arrives
 and will add a CMESG with the timestamp, and this is supported in
 ntpd since some time.
 You add a small delay to the receive timestamp to make your launchtime.
 systime does not get involved at any stage, and can be way off.
 (Note that I am only interested in Stratum 1 server functionality)
 You have to guarantee that the actual processing delay from controller 
 to controller is never more than .5 seconds minus your small delay, 
 otherwise the timestamp will be off.  It would be a good idea to 
 synchronize the system clock so that you can detect that kind of situation.

We found that an unoptimized system can handle about 50,000 packets per
Have not digged that deep into ntpd, But so far, I have not seen any trace
of multithreading
operation, so I assume that this is a single core doing the job.
Processing a packet should not take more than 1 second / 50,000 = 20 us in
the normal case.

Then again, if you send 100s of thousands of packets per second to the
server, this will cause the system
to basically halt. I measured the server replies to less than 100 per
second in this case. This could cause 
false replies, unless the H/W drops a packet which is queued past its

 Also, if you are only going to be a stratum 1 server, from where are you 
 going to get the actual time? If you are only going to use the 
 controller timestamps then the controller better be disciplined to some 
 source of time. Some how something needs to be setting the time on the 

I am not 100 % clear on how it is planned to be done.
If it can be accomplished, then the 1 PPS pulse should be synchronized with
Then you only have to set the seconds counter in SYSTIM.
This can easily be done from any source.
Wait until you get the 1 PPS interrupts and then check time.

You have one second until seconds counter is updated again.
You will be in unsynchronized state until that happens, so your
timestamps are not to be trusted.


Best Regards, Ulf Samuelsson

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-19 Thread Ulf Samuelsson
On 2012-12-19 04:07, E-Mail Sent to this address will be added to the 
BlackLists wrote:

Ulf Samuelsson wrote: BlackLists wrote:

Ulf Samuelsson wrote:

In my proposal, I add a new flag to socket.c:sendto.
While the launchtime is proposed to configurable using
  Kconfig, this adds a small performance penalty to every
  other packet sent over Ethernet.

An alternative would be to extend the kernel with a new
  syscall, which would not impose a penalty to sendto.
Then sendto would not be burdened with launchtime
  which for most applications is unneeded.
I do have a feeling that proposing adding syscall's
  is not the easy route forward.

Isn't it already supported in kernels 2.6.30 and above?

I'd start by looking at how the 1588 PTP group is already
  supporting the features of those Ethernet MACs.
   {82576, 82580, i210, i211, i350 ? and perhaps
 IXP46X, 82574, 82575, 80579, 82599 ?}

I think TI also has a chip with similar features?

Launch time is only supported H/W wise in the i210/11.
  Not in earlier chips.
The latest version of the igb driver does not support launch time


In the header files, yes.
Restrict your search to *.c and you will find NADA...


  so I do not see how the kernel can support this.
Please state where the launch time code is in the kernel,
  if you believe otherwise.

Rx Timestamp is supported, but that is not the issue here.

I'm sorry, I must have been mistaken.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-19 Thread Brian Utterback

On 12/18/2012 7:05 PM, Ulf Samuelsson wrote:

Brian Utterback wrote:

On 12/13/2012 5:00 AM, Jonatan Walck wrote:

This is going to be very hard to get it to be useful. Looking at

the specs for the card, the timestamp you give is relative to a
clock that is internal to the controller, and is only accurate to
the nearest second. That is, it is like the PPS in that it is
assumed that the clock is in sync to within .5 seconds to avoid
aliasing the timestamp.


The internal clock of the network controller is the PHC for IEEE1588,
it has a 1 ns resolution, and can be steered with a 32 bit fractional
of 1 ns. see SYSTIML and TIMINCA in the I210 datasheet.

// jwalck

I know that. The problem is that there is going to be jitter introduced
when you set the clock from the kernel. That is generally the problem
with IEEE 1588, getting the time from the controller to the kernel and
vice versa. If you have to go across a PCI bus for instance that will
introduce jitter.


No, you capture the time for the 1 PPS pulse in the network controller.
Then you tweak the count rate of the timestamp counter up or down.
Eventually you will have synchronized the timestamp counter with the 1 PPS
If you run the network contoller from a clocksource derived from the Cesium
You should get within a few ns from the pulse,

It is an inconvenient approach since you can easily synch your timestamp
with a 1 PPS pulse
using a few counters if you understand the issue.
Unfortunately, those counters are not available in the Intel chips, so we
have to use it they way they
want us to use it.

Since launch time will be the arrival time of the client request (through
H/W timestamping)
+ a constant delay, any delays in the PCIe bus will not affect the
You just have to make sure that the constant delay added, is longer than
the processing time inside the server.

No, you are missing the point. You have two clocks in this scenario, the 
kernel clock and the network controller clock. If one gets a good time 
then you have to set the other from it. This means that this time will 
have to travel over the PCI bus which will introduce jitter.

Now, if you have a PPS signal available and can provide it to both the 
network controller and the kernel, then you don't have this problem 
since the PPS signal will sync the time to an accuracy better than the 
jitter that was introduced.

Even without the PPS signal to the kernel, your system might be usable, 
since the only timestamp used in the kernel will be for the 
originate/transmit timestamp, and this timestamp will be in sync with 
the the network controller timestamp by virtue of the use of launchtime. 
But you will have to be sure that the kernel clock is always a little 
ahead of the network controller clock, enough so that the actual delay 
in the stack doesn't cause the packet to reach the controller after the 
designated launchtime, but not so far ahead that the timestamp wraps 
(i.e. .5 second). Also, not so far ahead that you get too large a back 
log in the controller of packets waiting to be sent.

Of course, this also all depends on the controller providing receive 
timestamps as well. Otherwise you will replace jitter with systematic 
asymmetric delays, which are worse.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-19 Thread Ulf Samuelsson

On 2012-12-19 14:48, Brian Utterback wrote:

On 12/18/2012 7:05 PM, Ulf Samuelsson wrote:

Brian Utterback wrote:

On 12/13/2012 5:00 AM, Jonatan Walck wrote:

This is going to be very hard to get it to be useful. Looking at

the specs for the card, the timestamp you give is relative to a
clock that is internal to the controller, and is only accurate to
the nearest second. That is, it is like the PPS in that it is
assumed that the clock is in sync to within .5 seconds to avoid
aliasing the timestamp.


The internal clock of the network controller is the PHC for IEEE1588,
it has a 1 ns resolution, and can be steered with a 32 bit fractional
of 1 ns. see SYSTIML and TIMINCA in the I210 datasheet.

// jwalck

I know that. The problem is that there is going to be jitter introduced
when you set the clock from the kernel. That is generally the problem
with IEEE 1588, getting the time from the controller to the kernel and
vice versa. If you have to go across a PCI bus for instance that will
introduce jitter.


No, you capture the time for the 1 PPS pulse in the network controller.
Then you tweak the count rate of the timestamp counter up or down.
Eventually you will have synchronized the timestamp counter with the 1
If you run the network contoller from a clocksource derived from the
You should get within a few ns from the pulse,

It is an inconvenient approach since you can easily synch your timestamp
with a 1 PPS pulse
using a few counters if you understand the issue.
Unfortunately, those counters are not available in the Intel chips, so we
have to use it they way they
want us to use it.

Since launch time will be the arrival time of the client request (through
H/W timestamping)
+ a constant delay, any delays in the PCIe bus will not affect the
You just have to make sure that the constant delay added, is longer than
the processing time inside the server.

No, you are missing the point. You have two clocks in this scenario, the
kernel clock and the network controller clock. If one gets a good time
then you have to set the other from it. This means that this time will
have to travel over the PCI bus which will introduce jitter.

No, all timestamps in our approach are coming from the network 
controller so the system time can be way off without anyone caring.

Since we are a Stratum 1 server, we just need to get the seconds
counter right at init.
Until that is done, we are unsynchronized.

Now, if you have a PPS signal available and can provide it to both the
network controller and the kernel, then you don't have this problem
since the PPS signal will sync the time to an accuracy better than the
jitter that was introduced.

Even without the PPS signal to the kernel, your system might be usable,
since the only timestamp used in the kernel will be for the
originate/transmit timestamp, and this timestamp will be in sync with
the the network controller timestamp by virtue of the use of launchtime.
But you will have to be sure that the kernel clock is always a little
ahead of the network controller clock, enough so that the actual delay
in the stack doesn't cause the packet to reach the controller after the
designated launchtime, but not so far ahead that the timestamp wraps
(i.e. .5 second). Also, not so far ahead that you get too large a back
log in the controller of packets waiting to be sent

The desired launchtime is compared to the network controller timestamp 
counter in H/W, so again there is no need to synchronize with the system 

Of course, this also all depends on the controller providing receive
timestamps as well. Otherwise you will replace jitter with systematic
asymmetric delays, which are worse.

Yes, the launch time will be the H/W receive timestamp + a constant delay.


questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-19 Thread Brian Utterback

On 12/19/12 10:12, Ulf Samuelsson wrote:

Now, if you have a PPS signal available and can provide it to both the
network controller and the kernel, then you don't have this problem
since the PPS signal will sync the time to an accuracy better than the
jitter that was introduced.

Even without the PPS signal to the kernel, your system might be usable,
since the only timestamp used in the kernel will be for the
originate/transmit timestamp, and this timestamp will be in sync with
the the network controller timestamp by virtue of the use of launchtime.
But you will have to be sure that the kernel clock is always a little
ahead of the network controller clock, enough so that the actual delay
in the stack doesn't cause the packet to reach the controller after the
designated launchtime, but not so far ahead that the timestamp wraps
(i.e. .5 second). Also, not so far ahead that you get too large a back
log in the controller of packets waiting to be sent

The desired launchtime is compared to the network controller timestamp 
counter in H/W, so again there is no need to synchronize with the 
system time.

Yes there is. The ntpd program has to set a timestamp in the outgoing 
packet and then specify the launchtime when it writes the packet. The 
goal here is to have the timestamp written in the packet exactly match 
the time the packet actually hits the wire. So, the timestamp in the 
packet must be a little in the future when it is written so that by the 
time the controller gets it the packet can be delayed until the right 
time. Since ntpd cannot access the clock in the controller, this 
requires that the kernel time be relatively close to the controller 
time. If you can guarantee that they agree to within some upper bound 
and then add that maximum error to the timestamp written to packet, plus 
the maximum delay in the stack, then your scheme should work anyway. The 
key is, what is that maximum error and delay? If they get too close to 
.25 seconds then it will fail because of the timestamp wrap restrictions 
of the launchtime register.

So you are dependent on how accurately you can synchronize the kernel 
and network controller's clocks. But I think that the required tolerance 
should easily be obtainable, so you should be good to go. But remember 
that the greater that additive term is, the more packets you might need 
to queue. I couldn't find the spec I saw originally that made me think 
that there was a three packet limit, but even if that isn't the limit, 
there is very likely to be some limit.


Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a
violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding
Brian Utterback - Solaris RPE, Oracle Corporation.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-19 Thread Miroslav Lichvar
On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 11:05:57AM -0500, Brian Utterback wrote:
 On 12/19/12 10:12, Ulf Samuelsson wrote:
 The desired launchtime is compared to the network controller
 timestamp counter in H/W, so again there is no need to synchronize
 with the system time.
 Yes there is. The ntpd program has to set a timestamp in the
 outgoing packet and then specify the launchtime when it writes the
 packet. The goal here is to have the timestamp written in the packet
 exactly match the time the packet actually hits the wire. So, the
 timestamp in the packet must be a little in the future when it is
 written so that by the time the controller gets it the packet can be
 delayed until the right time. Since ntpd cannot access the clock in
 the controller, this requires that the kernel time be relatively
 close to the controller time.

ntpd can read the clock, much more slowly than the system clock, but
still fast enough to send tens of thousands of packets per second.

I think it makes more sense to have one loop controlling just the PHC
and another, much tighter, syncing the system clock from the PHC,
rather than trying to sync the system clock through the PHC.

Miroslav Lichvar
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-19 Thread unruh
On 2012-12-19, Hal Murray wrote:
 In article,
  Brian Utterback writes:

No, you are missing the point. You have two clocks in this scenario, the 
kernel clock and the network controller clock. If one gets a good time 
then you have to set the other from it. This means that this time will 
have to travel over the PCI bus which will introduce jitter.

Now, if you have a PPS signal available and can provide it to both the 
network controller and the kernel, then you don't have this problem 
since the PPS signal will sync the time to an accuracy better than the 
jitter that was introduced.

 Doesn't the PPS signal to the kernel have to go over the same PCI bus?

 I'd guess that you would get better results from a network card.
 That's assuming it has a good clock.  All you have to do is read
 a counter.  There is no interrupt latency.  You can also read it
 several times and pick the best one.

Pick the best one? How would you know what the best one was?
Not sure what you mean by a good clock. It certainly will not be an
accurate clock. It may be one whose drift rate is not too bad, although
I suspect it will change with temperature. 

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-19 Thread Brian Utterback

On 12/19/12 14:05, unruh wrote:

On 2012-12-19, Hal  wrote:

  Brian  writes:

No, you are missing the point. You have two clocks in this scenario, the
kernel clock and the network controller clock. If one gets a good time
then you have to set the other from it. This means that this time will
have to travel over the PCI bus which will introduce jitter.

Now, if you have a PPS signal available and can provide it to both the
network controller and the kernel, then you don't have this problem
since the PPS signal will sync the time to an accuracy better than the
jitter that was introduced.

Doesn't the PPS signal to the kernel have to go over the same PCI bus?

I'd guess that you would get better results from a network card.
That's assuming it has a good clock.  All you have to do is read
a counter.  There is no interrupt latency.  You can also read it
several times and pick the best one.

Pick the best one? How would you know what the best one was?
Not sure what you mean by a good clock. It certainly will not be an
accurate clock. It may be one whose drift rate is not too bad, although
I suspect it will change with temperature.

Generally, the PPS signal does not go over the PCI bus. The kernel gets 
its PPS signal via the serial port. You would therefore like the 
controller to have its own PPS signal input, but I don't see one in the 

So you are back to worrying about the sync of the kernel clock and the 
controller clock. It might not matter too much, but it will kind of 
depend on how the receive timestamp is obtained from the card. The 
receive timestamp and transmit timestamp have got to be on the same time 
source or you could run into problems.



Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a
violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding
Brian Utterback - Solaris RPE, Oracle Corporation.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-19 Thread Brian Utterback

On 12/19/12 16:49, Brian Utterback wrote:

Generally, the PPS signal does not go over the PCI bus. The kernel 
gets its PPS signal via the serial port. You would therefore like the 
controller to have its own PPS signal input, but I don't see one in 
the datasheet.

So you are back to worrying about the sync of the kernel clock and the 
controller clock. It might not matter too much, but it will kind of 
depend on how the receive timestamp is obtained from the card. The 
receive timestamp and transmit timestamp have got to be on the same 
time source or you could run into problems.


Actually, the controller does have the equivalent of a PPS input. There 
is a provision for detecting a level change on a single input line. The 
controller timestamp of the level change is stored in a register. The 
driver can read the register and if it knows what the timestamp should 
have been when that signal came in, it can calculate the offset. There 
is then a register that it can write the offset to, which results in the 
controller adjusting its clock by that amount.

There is also a facility in the controller to generate a periodic clock 
based signal. Pretty nifty all told, if the driver makes use of it.


Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a
violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding
Brian Utterback - Solaris RPE, Oracle Corporation.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-18 Thread Ulf Samuelsson

Rick Jones skrev 2012-12-13 02:57:

It would seem that at least one NIC has the ability to allow one to
schedule the time at which a packet will be transmitted.  This is
called launch time support.  Someone in Linux-land has started
asking about the prospect of enabling support of that in the stack,
with his stated use case being to improve the jitter of NTP-based

The initial posting can be found at:

rick jones

Yes, My post regarding the new i210 chip from Intel.
I am sitting facing Jonatan right now...

One of the main points that Jonatan and I are thinking about is whether 
launch time should be supported:

* inside the kernel, or
* NTPD should be rewritten to become a userspace application.
  -- Allows use of accelerated networking using netmap, pf-ring or

Would be interested in people's opinion!

Anyone working on NTPD as userspace right now?

If people think that the kernel approach is the best,
then the question is how to implement it.

In my proposal, I add a new flag to socket.c:sendto.
While the launchtime is proposed to configurable using Kconfig,
this adds a small performance penalty to every other packet sent over 

An alternative would be to extend the kernel with a new syscall, which 
would not impose a penalty to sendto.
Then sendto would not be burdened with launchtime which for most 
applications is unneeded.
I do have a feeling that proposing adding syscall's is not the easy 
route forward.

Regardless of which route to go, the driver will need fixes as well.
In my proposal, each driver supporting launchtime would have to be 
extended with a operation similar to ndo_start_xmit but with a 
launchtime parameter.

Later in the stack, one would have to select between the normal
ndo_start_xmit and the new driver operation.
I do not think that everything in the networking stack can be duplicated 
to support launchtime, so this will always introduce another small 
performance penalty.

Ulf Samuelsson

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-18 Thread E-Mail Sent to this address will be added to the BlackLists
Ulf Samuelsson wrote:
 In my proposal, I add a new flag to socket.c:sendto.
 While the launchtime is proposed to configurable using
  Kconfig, this adds a small performance penalty to every
  other packet sent over Ethernet.

 An alternative would be to extend the kernel with a new
  syscall, which would not impose a penalty to sendto.
 Then sendto would not be burdened with launchtime
  which for most applications is unneeded.
 I do have a feeling that proposing adding syscall's
  is not the easy route forward.

Isn't it already supported in kernels 2.6.30 and above?

I'd start by looking at how the 1588 PTP group is already
 supporting the features of those Ethernet MACs.
  {82576, 82580, i210, i211, i350 ? and perhaps
IXP46X, 82574, 82575, 80579, 82599 ?}

I think TI also has a chip with similar features?

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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-18 Thread Ulf Samuelsson
E-Mail Sent to this address will be added to the BlackLists
Null@BlackList.Anitech-Systems.invalid wrote:
 Ulf Samuelsson wrote:
 In my proposal, I add a new flag to socket.c:sendto.
 While the launchtime is proposed to configurable using
  Kconfig, this adds a small performance penalty to every
  other packet sent over Ethernet.
 An alternative would be to extend the kernel with a new
  syscall, which would not impose a penalty to sendto.
 Then sendto would not be burdened with launchtime
  which for most applications is unneeded.
 I do have a feeling that proposing adding syscall's
  is not the easy route forward.
 Isn't it already supported in kernels 2.6.30 and above?
 I'd start by looking at how the 1588 PTP group is already
  supporting the features of those Ethernet MACs.
   {82576, 82580, i210, i211, i350 ? and perhaps
 IXP46X, 82574, 82575, 80579, 82599 ?}
 I think TI also has a chip with similar features?

Launch time is only supported H/W wise in the i210/11. Not in earlier
The latest version of the igb driver does not support launch time 
so I do not see how the kernel can support this.
Please state where the launch time code is in the kernel, if you believe

Rx Timestamp is supported, but that is not the issue here.

Best Regards, Ulf Samuelsson

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-18 Thread Ulf Samuelsson
Brian Utterback wrote:
 On 12/13/2012 5:00 AM, Jonatan Walck wrote:
 This is going to be very hard to get it to be useful. Looking at
 the specs for the card, the timestamp you give is relative to a
 clock that is internal to the controller, and is only accurate to
 the nearest second. That is, it is like the PPS in that it is
 assumed that the clock is in sync to within .5 seconds to avoid
 aliasing the timestamp.
 The internal clock of the network controller is the PHC for IEEE1588,
 it has a 1 ns resolution, and can be steered with a 32 bit fractional
 of 1 ns. see SYSTIML and TIMINCA in the I210 datasheet.
 // jwalck
 I know that. The problem is that there is going to be jitter introduced 
 when you set the clock from the kernel. That is generally the problem 
 with IEEE 1588, getting the time from the controller to the kernel and 
 vice versa. If you have to go across a PCI bus for instance that will 
 introduce jitter.

No, you capture the time for the 1 PPS pulse in the network controller.
Then you tweak the count rate of the timestamp counter up or down.
Eventually you will have synchronized the timestamp counter with the 1 PPS
If you run the network contoller from a clocksource derived from the Cesium
You should get within a few ns from the pulse,

It is an inconvenient approach since you can easily synch your timestamp
with a 1 PPS pulse
using a few counters if you understand the issue.
Unfortunately, those counters are not available in the Intel chips, so we
have to use it they way they
want us to use it.

Since launch time will be the arrival time of the client request (through
H/W timestamping)
+ a constant delay, any delays in the PCIe bus will not affect the
You just have to make sure that the constant delay added, is longer than
the processing time inside the server.

Best Regards, Ulf Samuelsson

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-18 Thread E-Mail Sent to this address will be added to the BlackLists
Ulf Samuelsson wrote: BlackLists wrote:
 Ulf Samuelsson wrote:
 In my proposal, I add a new flag to socket.c:sendto.
 While the launchtime is proposed to configurable using
  Kconfig, this adds a small performance penalty to every
  other packet sent over Ethernet.

 An alternative would be to extend the kernel with a new
  syscall, which would not impose a penalty to sendto.
 Then sendto would not be burdened with launchtime
  which for most applications is unneeded.
 I do have a feeling that proposing adding syscall's
  is not the easy route forward.

 Isn't it already supported in kernels 2.6.30 and above?

 I'd start by looking at how the 1588 PTP group is already
  supporting the features of those Ethernet MACs.
   {82576, 82580, i210, i211, i350 ? and perhaps
 IXP46X, 82574, 82575, 80579, 82599 ?}

 I think TI also has a chip with similar features?

 Launch time is only supported H/W wise in the i210/11.
  Not in earlier chips.
 The latest version of the igb driver does not support launch time


  so I do not see how the kernel can support this.
 Please state where the launch time code is in the kernel,
  if you believe otherwise.

 Rx Timestamp is supported, but that is not the issue here.

I'm sorry, I must have been mistaken.

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Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-13 Thread Jonatan Walck
Hash: SHA1

On 12/13/2012 03:52 AM, Brian Utterback wrote:
 On 12/12/2012 8:57 PM, Rick Jones wrote:
 It would seem that at least one NIC has the ability to allow one
 to schedule the time at which a packet will be transmitted.
 This is called launch time support.  Someone in Linux-land has
 started asking about the prospect of enabling support of that in
 the stack, with his stated use case being to improve the jitter
 of NTP-based timekeeping.
 The initial posting can be found at:
 rick jones
 This is going to be very hard to get it to be useful. Looking at
 the specs for the card, the timestamp you give is relative to a
 clock that is internal to the controller, and is only accurate to
 the nearest second. That is, it is like the PPS in that it is
 assumed that the clock is in sync to within .5 seconds to avoid
 aliasing the timestamp.

The internal clock of the network controller is the PHC for IEEE1588,
it has a 1 ns resolution, and can be steered with a 32 bit fractional
of 1 ns. see SYSTIML and TIMINCA in the I210 datasheet.

// jwalck

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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-13 Thread Brian Utterback

On 12/13/2012 5:00 AM, Jonatan Walck wrote:

This is going to be very hard to get it to be useful. Looking at
the specs for the card, the timestamp you give is relative to a
clock that is internal to the controller, and is only accurate to
the nearest second. That is, it is like the PPS in that it is
assumed that the clock is in sync to within .5 seconds to avoid
aliasing the timestamp.


The internal clock of the network controller is the PHC for IEEE1588,
it has a 1 ns resolution, and can be steered with a 32 bit fractional
of 1 ns. see SYSTIML and TIMINCA in the I210 datasheet.

// jwalck

I know that. The problem is that there is going to be jitter introduced 
when you set the clock from the kernel. That is generally the problem 
with IEEE 1588, getting the time from the controller to the kernel and 
vice versa. If you have to go across a PCI bus for instance that will 
introduce jitter.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-13 Thread Jonatan Walck
Hash: SHA1

On 12/13/2012 02:23 PM, Brian Utterback wrote:
 On 12/13/2012 5:00 AM, Jonatan Walck wrote:
 This is going to be very hard to get it to be useful. Looking
 the specs for the card, the timestamp you give is relative to
 a clock that is internal to the controller, and is only
 accurate to the nearest second. That is, it is like the PPS
 in that it is assumed that the clock is in sync to within .5
 seconds to avoid aliasing the timestamp.
 The internal clock of the network controller is the PHC for
 IEEE1588, it has a 1 ns resolution, and can be steered with a 32
 bit fractional of 1 ns. see SYSTIML and TIMINCA in the I210
 // jwalck
 I know that. The problem is that there is going to be jitter
 introduced when you set the clock from the kernel. That is
 generally the problem with IEEE 1588, getting the time from the
 controller to the kernel and vice versa. If you have to go across a
 PCI bus for instance that will introduce jitter.

I'm pondering two different use cases and senarios to make this work,
and work well;

In a generic case: If a client or server (same principle) runs NTP and
lets propose run a PPL locking the PHC clock to the local/kernel clock
(I admit this creates new challenges), you wouldn't have to move
time over the bus at every single query. One could fetch a recieve
timestamp from the network controller (actually it'll come along with
the packet already, so you don't have to fetch anything) and use that
as if it was set from the clock in the kernel.

When sending, one would base the wanted time sometime in the future
based on the local clock, make it a timed transmit and just let the
network controller decide when it is time to put the packet on the wire.

In a very specific case, like the one I'm currently working with:
Right by the NTP server is UTC, with a PPS*. Connect 1-PPS to the NICs
SDP, it can sample it's internal clock without interrupts at the
rising edge of the PPS. Use those samples for a PLL to steer the
network controllers clock to UTC, using TIMINCA and associates.

Now forget about the clocks from the kernel. Just let NTP use the
receive timestamps, and set timed transmits whenever in the future
that's far enough ahead for the computer to have time to do whatever
it is busy doing and putting the packet in the tx queue, and let
LaunchTime (as Intel calls it) do the job.

I'm interested in both of these cases, but as I mentioned above
focusing on the latter.

// jwalck

* How this is done, time transmission methods from the national time
standard and local atomic frequency standards is out of scope for this
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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-13 Thread Brian Utterback

On 12/13/12 09:14, Jonatan Walck wrote:

I'm pondering two different use cases and senarios to make this work,
and work well;

In a generic case: If a client or server (same principle) runs NTP and
lets propose run a PPL locking the PHC clock to the local/kernel clock
(I admit this creates new challenges), you wouldn't have to move
time over the bus at every single query. One could fetch a recieve
timestamp from the network controller (actually it'll come along with
the packet already, so you don't have to fetch anything) and use that
as if it was set from the clock in the kernel.

When sending, one would base the wanted time sometime in the future
based on the local clock, make it a timed transmit and just let the
network controller decide when it is time to put the packet on the wire.

In a very specific case, like the one I'm currently working with:
Right by the NTP server is UTC, with a PPS*. Connect 1-PPS to the NICs
SDP, it can sample it's internal clock without interrupts at the
rising edge of the PPS. Use those samples for a PLL to steer the
network controllers clock to UTC, using TIMINCA and associates.

Now forget about the clocks from the kernel. Just let NTP use the
receive timestamps, and set timed transmits whenever in the future
that's far enough ahead for the computer to have time to do whatever
it is busy doing and putting the packet in the tx queue, and let
LaunchTime (as Intel calls it) do the job.

I'm interested in both of these cases, but as I mentioned above
focusing on the latter.

So you have an interesting case of the kernel clock being mostly 
undisciplined and just using the controller clock. That might work, but 
it would be exceedingly odd. Also, as I read the specs, I think that 
there is a maximum of three packets that can be queued for launchtime, 
you might need to take that into account.



Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a
violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding
Brian Utterback - Solaris RPE, Oracle Corporation.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-13 Thread Jonatan Walck
Hash: SHA1

On 12/13/2012 03:34 PM, Brian Utterback wrote:
 On 12/13/12 09:14, Jonatan Walck wrote:
 I'm pondering two different use cases and senarios to make this
 work, and work well;
 In a generic case: If a client or server (same principle) runs
 NTP and lets propose run a PPL locking the PHC clock to the
 local/kernel clock (I admit this creates new challenges), you
 wouldn't have to move time over the bus at every single query.
 One could fetch a recieve timestamp from the network controller
 (actually it'll come along with the packet already, so you don't
 have to fetch anything) and use that as if it was set from the
 clock in the kernel.
 When sending, one would base the wanted time sometime in the
 future based on the local clock, make it a timed transmit and
 just let the network controller decide when it is time to put the
 packet on the wire.
 In a very specific case, like the one I'm currently working
 with: Right by the NTP server is UTC, with a PPS*. Connect 1-PPS
 to the NICs SDP, it can sample it's internal clock without
 interrupts at the rising edge of the PPS. Use those samples for a
 PLL to steer the network controllers clock to UTC, using TIMINCA
 and associates.
 Now forget about the clocks from the kernel. Just let NTP use
 the receive timestamps, and set timed transmits whenever in the
 future that's far enough ahead for the computer to have time to
 do whatever it is busy doing and putting the packet in the tx
 queue, and let LaunchTime (as Intel calls it) do the job.
 I'm interested in both of these cases, but as I mentioned above 
 focusing on the latter.
 So you have an interesting case of the kernel clock being mostly 
 undisciplined and just using the controller clock. That might work,
 but it would be exceedingly odd. Also, as I read the specs, I think
 that there is a maximum of three packets that can be queued for
 launchtime, you might need to take that into account.

Since one wants the timestamps as close to the wire as possible, I
don't find doing it in the network controller when it has a good
enough clock that odd.:)

The three packet limit is only for 82580 iirc, I350 and I210 widens
the whole rx queue and can save timestamps for each and every incoming

// jwalck
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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-13 Thread Brian Utterback

On 12/13/2012 9:45 AM, Jonatan Walck wrote:

The three packet limit is only for 82580 iirc, I350 and I210 widens
the whole rx queue and can save timestamps for each and every incoming

I  might be wrong, but from the flowchart on the data sheet, it looks 
like it only buffers three packets in the launchtime outgoing queue.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-13 Thread Miroslav Lichvar
On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 08:23:47AM -0500, Brian Utterback wrote:
 The internal clock of the network controller is the PHC for IEEE1588,
 it has a 1 ns resolution, and can be steered with a 32 bit fractional
 of 1 ns. see SYSTIML and TIMINCA in the I210 datasheet.
 // jwalck
 I know that. The problem is that there is going to be jitter
 introduced when you set the clock from the kernel. That is generally
 the problem with IEEE 1588, getting the time from the controller to
 the kernel and vice versa. If you have to go across a PCI bus for
 instance that will introduce jitter.

From what I have seen, with multiple readings and some filtering, the
jitter is very small, somewhere in nanoseconds or couple tens of
nanoseconds. Even if the delay was highly asymmetric, with 2us RTT the
error would be only 1 us, which is still much better than the delays
causing the error in the TX timestamp on Ethernet.

The phc2sys program from the linuxptp project can be used to
synchronize the system clock to the PHC or the PHC to the system
clock. It can do that via PPS or filtered clock readings. 

Miroslav Lichvar
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-13 Thread Jonatan Walck
Hash: SHA1

On 12/13/2012 03:55 PM, Brian Utterback wrote:
 On 12/13/2012 9:45 AM, Jonatan Walck wrote:
 The three packet limit is only for 82580 iirc, I350 and I210
 widens the whole rx queue and can save timestamps for each and
 every incoming packet.
 I  might be wrong, but from the flowchart on the data sheet, it
 looks like it only buffers three packets in the launchtime outgoing

Sorry, I missunderstood you earlier and replied about rx timestamping,
not LaunchTime. You might be correct here, and yes that'd have to be
taken into consideration. Right now I cannot find the flow chart
showing this limitation though, do you have a pointer?

// jwalck
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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-13 Thread Jonatan Walck
Hash: SHA1

On 12/13/2012 04:05 PM, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
 The phc2sys program from the linuxptp project can be used to 
 synchronize the system clock to the PHC or the PHC to the system 
 clock. It can do that via PPS or filtered clock readings.

I've done some intial test with linuxptp a few weeks enough but not
taken the time to dig deep enough. phc2sys sounds just like what I've
been wanting and considering doing myself, a big thanks for pointing
it out!

// jwalck
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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-13 Thread E-Mail Sent to this address will be added to the BlackLists
On 12/13/2012 6:14 AM, Jonatan Walck wrote:
 you wouldn't have to move time over the bus at every
  single query. One could fetch a receive timestamp from
  the network controller (actually it'll come along with
  the packet already, so you don't have to fetch anything)
  and use that as if it was set from the clock in the kernel.

I think 1588 Precision Time Protocol is already doing this
  kind of stuff with these adapters.

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[ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-12 Thread Rick Jones
It would seem that at least one NIC has the ability to allow one to
schedule the time at which a packet will be transmitted.  This is
called launch time support.  Someone in Linux-land has started
asking about the prospect of enabling support of that in the stack,
with his stated use case being to improve the jitter of NTP-based

The initial posting can be found at:

rick jones
Wisdom Teeth are impacted, people are affected by the effects of events.
these opinions are mine, all mine; HP might not want them anyway... :)
feel free to post, OR email to rick.jones2 in but NOT BOTH...

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-12 Thread Brian Utterback

On 12/12/2012 8:57 PM, Rick Jones wrote:

It would seem that at least one NIC has the ability to allow one to
schedule the time at which a packet will be transmitted.  This is
called launch time support.  Someone in Linux-land has started
asking about the prospect of enabling support of that in the stack,
with his stated use case being to improve the jitter of NTP-based

The initial posting can be found at:

rick jones

This is going to be very hard to get it to be useful. Looking at the 
specs for the card, the timestamp you give is relative to a clock that 
is internal to the controller, and is only accurate to the nearest 
second. That is, it is like the PPS in that it is assumed that the clock 
is in sync to within .5 seconds to avoid aliasing the timestamp.

questions mailing list