Re: [Rd] Subscripting fails if name of element is "" (PR#8161)

2005-10-07 Thread Jens Oehlschlägel
Dear Brian,

Thanks for picking this up. 
I think the critical point is that it is not a single isolated bug and it
would be a main effort to get this stuff consistent, because it (and
implications) seems to be spread all over the code. The to be applauded
efforts to properly sort out "NA" vs. as.character(NA) have not been fully
successful yet and "" is a similar issue. Please consider the following,
sorry for the length:


# I agree that c() disallows "" and NA names
# it makes sense discouraging users from using such names

> c(as.character(NA)=1)
Fehler: Syntaxfehler in Zeile "c(as.character(NA)="
> c("NA"=2, "a"=3)
NA  a 
 2  3 
> c(""=4)
Fehler: Versuch einen Variablennamen der Länge 0 zu nutzen

# however, "NA" must be expected as a legal name, e.g. when importing data
# and in your example specifying "no-name" in fact results in a "" name

> names(c(a=1, 2))
[1] "a" "" 

# My interpreteation is that the user specifies a mixture of elements with
and without names, 
# and therefore the no-names must be co-erced to "" names, and in principle
that's completely fine

# a character vector is defined to have either as.character(NA) OR "NA" OR
"" or another positive length string 
# (which is complicated enough)
# formally the names is an attribute (character vector) of an object and can
be manipulated as such

> x <- 1:4
> names(x) <- c(NA, "NA", "a", "")
> names(x)
[1] NA   "NA" "a"  ""  
> # and in principle all of those can be properly distinguished
> x[match(names(x), names(x))]

# introducing a fifth non-name state that sometimes equals "" and sometimes
not, introduces inconsistency into the language
# e.g. the fact that elements can be selected by their name but not by their
# Thus currently selecting by names is a mess from a consistency perspective

> x[names(x)]
   113   NA 
# in the following subscripting with "" works, but not with "NA"
> for (i in names(x))
+ print(x[[i]])
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 3
[1] 4

# ERROR 1a: If failing on "NA" is not a bug, I switch from programming to
> x["NA"]

# ERROR 1b: clearly wrong
> x[["NA"]]
[1] 1
# ERROR 1c: and from my humble understanding failing on "" is a bug as well 
> x[""]
# wheras interestingly this is correct
> x[[""]]
[1] 4

# I think it is obvious how to remove these inconsistencies 
# (as long as we do not disallow "" in names alltogether, 
#  which is almost impossible, since every users legally can set the names
vector in a variety of ways )
# these are not easy, but perfectly fine
> x[as.character(NA)]
> x[as.integer(NA)]
# and these are really debatable difficult ones
> x[NA]

  NA   NA   NA   NA 
> x[as.logical(NA)]

  NA   NA   NA   NA 

## ERROR 2+3: the above inconsistencies generalize to lists

lx <- as.list(x)

> lx
$"NA"   (ERROR 2a)
[1] 1

[1] 2

[1] 3

[[4]]   (ERROR 2b)
[1] 4

# and should read 

> lx
$NA (  or $as.character(NA) for clarity and warning )
[1] 1

[1] 2

[1] 3

[1] 4

# Note that - except for printing - match works perfectly in 
> lx[match(names(lx), names(lx))]
[1] 1

[1] 2

[1] 3

[1] 4

# and also in 
> for (i in match(names(lx), names(lx)))
+ print(lx[[i]])
[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 4

# Of course I consider the following behaviour as inconsistent
> lx[names(lx)]
[1] 1

[1] 1   (ERROR 3a)

[1] 3


# using [[ the second one fails
> for (i in names(lx))
+ print(lx[[i]])
[1] 1
[1] 1   (ERROR 3c)
[1] 3
[1] 4   (interestingly correct)

# finally note that this works
> eval(substitute(lx$y, list(y=as.character(NA
# but not this
> get("$")(lx, as.character(NA))
Fehler in get("$")(lx, as.character(NA)) : ungültiger Indextyp
# and both go wrong with "NA"


__ mailing list

[Rd] new.packages() problem (PR#8185)

2005-10-07 Thread blindglobe
Full_Name: AJ Rossini
Version: 2.2.0
OS: Unix
Submission from: (NULL) (

new.packages() reports on packages which are installed as well as not installed,
for packages installed using install.packages() and the argument

This contrasts with reporting only on uninstalled packages (correct behavior)
for packages installed using install.packages() and the argument


install.packages(new.packages(),installWithVers=TRUE)   run again and again will
keep installing the same packages.

install.packages(new.packages())  run again and again will only install the
packages once.

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Building packages on Windows fails

2005-10-07 Thread Peter Kleiweg
Duncan Murdoch schreef op de 6e dag van de wijnmaand van het jaar 2005:

> On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Peter Kleiweg wrote:
> > 
> > What has changed in R for Windows from version 1.7.1 to
> > 2.2.0 that won't allow me to build binary packages?
> Many things have changed; I don't know which is causing the failure you see.
> One change is that instructions are now collected in the Installation and
> Administration manual. Try following the setup instructions there and see if
> it still fails.

I can't find anything on building packages for Windows in that 

I did find a solution to the problem. On a Linux install, each 
package has a file CONTENTS. These are missing from the Windows 
install. I copied those files from my Linux install to my 
Windows install, and then I could build my own package. So I 
guess, these CONTENTS files should be included in the Windows 

I got another error message when I remove a package, but I 
couldn't see what effect this error has. When I run:

d:\>Rcmd REMOVE iL04

The package gets removed, but I get:

make: *** No rule to make target `indices'.  Stop.

> > -- Making package iL04 
> >  adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
> >  installing R files
> >  installing demos
> >  installing data files
> >  installing man source files
> >  installing indices
> > cat: d:/R-2.2.0/library/*/CONTENTS: No such file or directory
> > make[2]: *** [indices] Error 1
> > make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
> > make: *** [pkg-iL04] Error 2
> > *** Installation of iL04 failed ***

Peter Kleiweg

__ mailing list

[Rd] svn version number

2005-10-07 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Is there some way of automatically including the svn version number
of a package in the DESCRIPTION file or otherwise so that one
can check from within R which svn version number one has?

__ mailing list

[Rd] Links to stylesheet are broken

2005-10-07 Thread Peter Kleiweg

I did a standard install of R 2.2.0 on Linux. When I run 
help.start(), I get an intro page that has a broken link to a 
stylesheet. The same for the pages "Packages", "Search Engine & 
Keywords", "About R", and "Resources". The other help pages do 
have a correct link to the stylesheet.

Peter Kleiweg

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Building packages on Windows fails

2005-10-07 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Peter Kleiweg wrote:

> Duncan Murdoch schreef op de 6e dag van de wijnmaand van het jaar 2005:
>> On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Peter Kleiweg wrote:
>>> What has changed in R for Windows from version 1.7.1 to
>>> 2.2.0 that won't allow me to build binary packages?
>> Many things have changed; I don't know which is causing the failure you see.
>> One change is that instructions are now collected in the Installation and
>> Administration manual. Try following the setup instructions there and see if
>> it still fails.
> I can't find anything on building packages for Windows in that
> manual.

Your problems was installing, so the section on `Installing Packages' 
should help you.

A binary build is an install plus wrapping-up.

> I did find a solution to the problem. On a Linux install, each
> package has a file CONTENTS. These are missing from the Windows
> install. I copied those files from my Linux install to my
> Windows install, and then I could build my own package. So I
> guess, these CONTENTS files should be included in the Windows
> install.

And indeed they are, as the presence of 500+ packages on CRAN for
Windows will show you.

The recommended way to build a binary package on Windows is


since that is able to get HTML links made (on Windows, you need to install 
in the main library tree to do so).

> I got another error message when I remove a package, but I
> couldn't see what effect this error has. When I run:
>d:\>Rcmd REMOVE iL04
> The package gets removed, but I get:
>make: *** No rule to make target `indices'.  Stop.

That does seem a recent bug, soon to be fixed in R-patched.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Links to stylesheet are broken

2005-10-07 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Peter Kleiweg wrote:

> I did a standard install of R 2.2.0 on Linux. When I run
> help.start(), I get an intro page that has a broken link to a
> stylesheet. The same for the pages "Packages", "Search Engine &
> Keywords", "About R", and "Resources". The other help pages do
> have a correct link to the stylesheet.

Confirmed. is not linking R.css, and is expected to.

The help pages link to the stylesheet in their library tree, not the one 
in doc/html.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] svn version number

2005-10-07 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Just want to clarify that it is the package itself that is being developed
under svn; I was not referring to the svn version number of R.

On 10/7/05, Gabor Grothendieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there some way of automatically including the svn version number
> of a package in the DESCRIPTION file or otherwise so that one
> can check from within R which svn version number one has?

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Gunilla aetiology

2005-10-07 Thread Ukko Applebaum
Hi Do you
d less On
want to spen
your Meddica
It's Very easy! - Get more information
s $1xra $ienm $ra
21 3.33 3.75
And more than 200 other , Have a nice day

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Building packages on Windows fails

2005-10-07 Thread Peter Kleiweg
Prof Brian Ripley schreef op de 7e dag van de wijnmaand van het jaar 2005:

> On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Peter Kleiweg wrote:
> > Duncan Murdoch schreef op de 6e dag van de wijnmaand van het jaar 2005:
> > 
> > > On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Peter Kleiweg wrote:
> > > 
> > > > What has changed in R for Windows from version 1.7.1 to 
> > > > 2.2.0 that won't allow me to build binary packages?
> > > 
> > > Many things have changed; I don't know which is causing 
> > > the failure you see. One change is that instructions are 
> > > now collected in the Installation and Administration 
> > > manual. Try following the setup instructions there and see 
> > > if it still fails.
> > 
> > I can't find anything on building packages for Windows in 
> > that manual.
> Your problems was installing, so the section on `Installing 
> Packages' should help you.

Installing worked fine. Building a binary distribution (with 
compiled help files) is what didn't work.

This worked fine:

Rcmd build iL04

But that just gave a gzip'ed tarfile, not a zip-file, and 
without the compiled helpfiles.

This didn't work:

Rcmd build --force --binary iL04

> > I did find a solution to the problem. On a Linux install, 
> > each package has a file CONTENTS. These are missing from the 
> > Windows install. I copied those files from my Linux install 
> > to my Windows install, and then I could build my own 
> > package. So I guess, these CONTENTS files should be included 
> > in the Windows install.
> And indeed they are, as the presence of 500+ packages on CRAN 
> for Windows will show you.

Well, I just ran the install program for Windows, with compiled 
html help, but without the ordinary html help files. In that 
case, no CONTENTS files get installed.
> The recommended way to build a binary package on Windows is
> R CMD INSTALL --build

Yes, that works. Even without the CONTENTS files. And this is 
recommended in the manual "Creating R packages", another manual 
than Duncan Murdoch was referring to.

I was using a method that was recommended in earlier versions. 
Perhaps that method should just be disabled, with a 
message about the current method, instead of having it fail for 
obscure reasons.

Peter Kleiweg

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Building packages on Windows fails

2005-10-07 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Peter Kleiweg wrote:

> Prof Brian Ripley schreef op de 7e dag van de wijnmaand van het jaar 2005:
>> On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Peter Kleiweg wrote:
>>> Duncan Murdoch schreef op de 6e dag van de wijnmaand van het jaar 2005:
 On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Peter Kleiweg wrote:

> What has changed in R for Windows from version 1.7.1 to
> 2.2.0 that won't allow me to build binary packages?

 Many things have changed; I don't know which is causing
 the failure you see. One change is that instructions are
 now collected in the Installation and Administration
 manual. Try following the setup instructions there and see
 if it still fails.
>>> I can't find anything on building packages for Windows in
>>> that manual.
>> Your problems was installing, so the section on `Installing
>> Packages' should help you.
> Installing worked fine. Building a binary distribution (with
> compiled help files) is what didn't work.
> This worked fine:
>Rcmd build iL04
> But that just gave a gzip'ed tarfile, not a zip-file, and
> without the compiled helpfiles.
> This didn't work:
>Rcmd build --force --binary iL04
>>> I did find a solution to the problem. On a Linux install,
>>> each package has a file CONTENTS. These are missing from the
>>> Windows install. I copied those files from my Linux install
>>> to my Windows install, and then I could build my own
>>> package. So I guess, these CONTENTS files should be included
>>> in the Windows install.
>> And indeed they are, as the presence of 500+ packages on CRAN
>> for Windows will show you.
> Well, I just ran the install program for Windows, with compiled
> html help, but without the ordinary html help files. In that
> case, no CONTENTS files get installed.

Ah, that's the clue.  People normally build complete binary distributions: 
let's see if we can track that down.

>> The recommended way to build a binary package on Windows is
>> R CMD INSTALL --build
> Yes, that works. Even without the CONTENTS files. And this is
> recommended in the manual "Creating R packages", another manual
> than Duncan Murdoch was referring to.
> I was using a method that was recommended in earlier versions.
> Perhaps that method should just be disabled, with a
> message about the current method, instead of having it fail for
> obscure reasons.

It is not quite the same thing.  I have been in favour of removing it, but 
others have differed in their opinions.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Subscripting fails if name of element is "" (PR#8161)

2005-10-07 Thread Duncan Murdoch
I haven't been following this conversation in order, but I think there's 
another bug here besides the one(s?) you identified:

Jens had this example:

 > x <- 1:4
 > names(x) <- c(NA, "NA", "a", "")
 > x[names(x)]
113   NA

Shouldn't the second entry in the result be 2, with name "NA"?  It seems 
the string "NA" has been converted to  here.

Duncan Murdoch

Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Oct 2005, "Jens Oehlschlägel" wrote:
>>Dear Thomas,
>>>This looks deliberate (there is a function NonNullStringMatch that does
>>>the matching).  I assume this is because there is no other way to
>>>indicate that an element has no name.
>>>If so, it is a documentation bug -- help(names) and FAQ 7.14 should
>>>specify this behaviour.  Too late for 2.2.0, unfortunately.
>>I respectfully disagree: the element has a name, its an empty string. Of
>>course "" is a doubtful name for an element, but as long as we allow this
>>name when assigning names()<- we also should handle it like a name in
>>subscripting. The alternative would be to disallow "" in names at all.
>>However, both alternatives rather look like code changes, not only
> I think Thomas is right as to how S interprets this: "" is no name on 
> assignment, wheread NA as a name is a different thing (there probably is a 
> name, we just do not know what it is).
> Here is the crux of the example.
> p <- c(a=1, 2)
>>p <- c(a=1, 2)
> [1] "a" ""
> a
> 1 2
>>p2 <- c(1,2)
>>names(p2) <- c("a", "")
>>identical(p, p2)
> [1] TRUE
> so giving the name is "" really is the same as giving no name.
> `Error 1' is said to be
> You haven't given a name, so I think that is right.  S (which has no 
> character NAs) uses "" as the name, but here there may be a name or not.
>>P <- list(a=1, 2)
> I think Jens then meant as `error 2' that
> $a
> [1] 1
> [[2]]
> [1] 2
> shows no name for the second element, and that seems right to me (although 
> S shows "" here).
> Finally (`error 3')
> $"NA"
> is a length-one list with name character-NA.  (S has no name here.)  That 
> seems the right answer but if so is printed inconsistently.
> I would say that
>>Q <- list(1, 2)
>>names(Q) <- c("a", NA)
> $a
> [1] 1
> $"NA"
> [1] 2
> was the only bug here (the name should be printed as ).  Now that
> comes from this bit of code
>   if( isValidName(CHAR(PRINTNAME(TAG(s )
>   sprintf(ptag, "$%s", CHAR(PRINTNAME(TAG(s;
>   else
>   sprintf(ptag, "$\"%s\"", CHAR(PRINTNAME(TAG(s;
> so non-syntactic names are printed surrounded by "".  Nowadays I think we 
> would prefer ``, as in
>>A <- list("a+b"=1)
> $"a+b"
> [1] 1
> [1] 1
> [1] 1
> but NA needs to be a special case as in
>>A <- list(1, 2)
>>names(A) <- c("NA", NA)
> $"NA"
> [1] 1
> $"NA"
> [1] 2
> __
> mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Building packages on Windows fails

2005-10-07 Thread Duncan Murdoch
Peter Kleiweg wrote:
> Prof Brian Ripley schreef op de 7e dag van de wijnmaand van het jaar 2005:
>>On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Peter Kleiweg wrote:
>>>Duncan Murdoch schreef op de 6e dag van de wijnmaand van het jaar 2005:
On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Peter Kleiweg wrote:

>What has changed in R for Windows from version 1.7.1 to 
>2.2.0 that won't allow me to build binary packages?

Many things have changed; I don't know which is causing 
the failure you see. One change is that instructions are 
now collected in the Installation and Administration 
manual. Try following the setup instructions there and see 
if it still fails.
>>>I can't find anything on building packages for Windows in 
>>>that manual.
>>Your problems was installing, so the section on `Installing 
>>Packages' should help you.
> Installing worked fine. Building a binary distribution (with 
> compiled help files) is what didn't work.
> This worked fine:
> Rcmd build iL04
> But that just gave a gzip'ed tarfile, not a zip-file, and 
> without the compiled helpfiles.
> This didn't work:
> Rcmd build --force --binary iL04
>>>I did find a solution to the problem. On a Linux install, 
>>>each package has a file CONTENTS. These are missing from the 
>>>Windows install. I copied those files from my Linux install 
>>>to my Windows install, and then I could build my own 
>>>package. So I guess, these CONTENTS files should be included 
>>>in the Windows install.
>>And indeed they are, as the presence of 500+ packages on CRAN 
>>for Windows will show you.
> Well, I just ran the install program for Windows, with compiled 
> html help, but without the ordinary html help files. In that 
> case, no CONTENTS files get installed.
>>The recommended way to build a binary package on Windows is
>>R CMD INSTALL --build
> Yes, that works. Even without the CONTENTS files. And this is 
> recommended in the manual "Creating R packages", another manual 
> than Duncan Murdoch was referring to.
> I was using a method that was recommended in earlier versions. 
> Perhaps that method should just be disabled, with a 
> message about the current method, instead of having it fail for 
> obscure reasons.

I agree there should be only one method, and it should work.  The 
problem is:

  - Users with limited permissions can't run INSTALL, because it needs 
write access to R_HOME/library.

  - Because Windows doesn't have soft links, the only way we have to get 
cross references in the help files to work is to install to R_HOME/library.

I'd prefer to fix "Rcmd build --binary" so that it got the help links 
right and then have "Rcmd INSTALL --build" use it first, then install 
the .zip file, but I haven't taken the time to do this.  I don't like 
having two parallel tracks of very similar code (because of problems 
like yours, where the one I don't personnally use falls out of date and 
stops working).

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] svn version number

2005-10-07 Thread Duncan Murdoch
Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> Is there some way of automatically including the svn version number
> of a package in the DESCRIPTION file or otherwise so that one
> can check from within R which svn version number one has?

You could do this by writing it into your Makefile, but there's no other 
existing support for it.  I'd recommend combining the URL reported by 
"svn info" with the result of svnversion to get the most informative 
version.  Watch out for cases of people who are trying to make your 
package from a tarfile, rather than an svn checkout.  We have ended up 
with some fairly tricky Makefile programming to get what we want into 
the R banner.

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] svn version number

2005-10-07 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
On 10/7/05, Duncan Murdoch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> > Is there some way of automatically including the svn version number
> > of a package in the DESCRIPTION file or otherwise so that one
> > can check from within R which svn version number one has?
> You could do this by writing it into your Makefile, but there's no other
> existing support for it.  I'd recommend combining the URL reported by
> "svn info" with the result of svnversion to get the most informative
> version.  Watch out for cases of people who are trying to make your
> package from a tarfile, rather than an svn checkout.  We have ended up
> with some fairly tricky Makefile programming to get what we want into
> the R banner.

There is no makefile at all currently as my package is all R.  Also, I
currently use TortoiseSVN.

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Subscripting fails if name of element is "" (PR#8161)

2005-10-07 Thread Prof Brian Ripley

On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

I haven't been following this conversation in order, but I think there's 
another bug here besides the one(s?) you identified:

Jens had this example:

x <- 1:4
names(x) <- c(NA, "NA", "a", "")

  113   NA

Shouldn't the second entry in the result be 2, with name "NA"?  It seems the 
string "NA" has been converted to  here.

Yes, but I don't see it in PR#8161 where there is no name "NA" that I can
see.  (In other words it is not an instance of the subject line.)

The issue is that  is matching "NA", and it should not.  As in the

Rboolean NonNullStringMatch(SEXP s, SEXP t)
if (CHAR(s)[0] && CHAR(t)[0] && strcmp(CHAR(s), CHAR(t)) == 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

and there are more instances around.

Duncan Murdoch

Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

On Thu, 6 Oct 2005, "Jens Oehlschlägel" wrote:

Dear Thomas,

This looks deliberate (there is a function NonNullStringMatch that does
the matching).  I assume this is because there is no other way to
indicate that an element has no name.

If so, it is a documentation bug -- help(names) and FAQ 7.14 should
specify this behaviour.  Too late for 2.2.0, unfortunately.

I respectfully disagree: the element has a name, its an empty string. Of
course "" is a doubtful name for an element, but as long as we allow this
name when assigning names()<- we also should handle it like a name in
subscripting. The alternative would be to disallow "" in names at all.
However, both alternatives rather look like code changes, not only

I think Thomas is right as to how S interprets this: "" is no name on 
assignment, wheread NA as a name is a different thing (there probably is a 
name, we just do not know what it is).

Here is the crux of the example.

p <- c(a=1, 2)

p <- c(a=1, 2)

[1] "a" ""


1 2

p2 <- c(1,2)
names(p2) <- c("a", "")
identical(p, p2)

[1] TRUE

so giving the name is "" really is the same as giving no name.

`Error 1' is said to be



You haven't given a name, so I think that is right.  S (which has no 
character NAs) uses "" as the name, but here there may be a name or not.

P <- list(a=1, 2)

I think Jens then meant as `error 2' that


[1] 1

[1] 2

shows no name for the second element, and that seems right to me (although 
S shows "" here).

Finally (`error 3')



is a length-one list with name character-NA.  (S has no name here.)  That 
seems the right answer but if so is printed inconsistently.

I would say that

Q <- list(1, 2)
names(Q) <- c("a", NA)

[1] 1

[1] 2

was the only bug here (the name should be printed as ).  Now that
comes from this bit of code

if( isValidName(CHAR(PRINTNAME(TAG(s )
sprintf(ptag, "$%s", CHAR(PRINTNAME(TAG(s;
sprintf(ptag, "$\"%s\"", CHAR(PRINTNAME(TAG(s;

so non-syntactic names are printed surrounded by "".  Nowadays I think we 
would prefer ``, as in

A <- list("a+b"=1)

[1] 1


[1] 1


[1] 1

but NA needs to be a special case as in

A <- list(1, 2)
names(A) <- c("NA", NA)

[1] 1

[1] 2


__ mailing list

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
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Re: [Rd] svn version number

2005-10-07 Thread Seth Falcon
On  7 Oct 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On 10/7/05, Duncan Murdoch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
>>> Is there some way of automatically including the svn version
>>> number of a package in the DESCRIPTION file or otherwise so that
>>> one can check from within R which svn version number one has?
>> You could do this by writing it into your Makefile, but there's no
>> other existing support for it.  I'd recommend combining the URL
>> reported by "svn info" with the result of svnversion to get the
>> most informative version.  Watch out for cases of people who are
>> trying to make your package from a tarfile, rather than an svn
>> checkout.  We have ended up with some fairly tricky Makefile
>> programming to get what we want into the R banner.
> There is no makefile at all currently as my package is all R.  Also,
> I currently use TortoiseSVN.

This is really an svn question.  Perhaps asking/searching on an svn
list would be helpful.

Personally, I don't think R's package building tools should do
anything svn specific.  There is no reason to expect/enforce svn as
*the* SCM that people use to develop R packages.

+ seth

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Re: [Rd] Subscripting issues unrelated to [Subscripting fails if name of element is "" (PR#8161)]

2005-10-07 Thread Prof Brian Ripley


This is a completely separate issue.  In indexing, character NA matches 
the name "NA".  That was a bug, but it is nothing to do with the subject 
line or PR#8161, and for the record let's keep this separate.  The 
`critical point' is not to build a theory around misunderstandings of 
several unrelated examples.

You say

get("$")(lx, as.character(NA))

goes wrong.  Now the documentation has x$name for 'name' a symbol or a 
character string, and you have passed an _expression_ and got an 
appropriate error message,

Error in get("$")(lx, as.character(NA)) : invalid subscript type

If you don't see that, please review the section in R-lang or the Blue 
Book.  Equally

 get("$")(lx, as.character("a"))

Error in get("$")(lx, as.character("a")) : invalid subscript type

so it nothing to do with NA or "" or the subject line here.

On the other hand

substitute(lx$y, list(y=as.character(NA)))

is lx$NA, using a name (and no longer a character NA).


On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, "Jens Oehlschlägel" wrote:

Dear Brian,

Thanks for picking this up.
I think the critical point is that it is not a single isolated bug and it
would be a main effort to get this stuff consistent, because it (and
implications) seems to be spread all over the code. The to be applauded
efforts to properly sort out "NA" vs. as.character(NA) have not been fully
successful yet and "" is a similar issue. Please consider the following,
sorry for the length:


# I agree that c() disallows "" and NA names
# it makes sense discouraging users from using such names


Fehler: Syntaxfehler in Zeile "c(as.character(NA)="

c("NA"=2, "a"=3)

NA  a
2  3


Fehler: Versuch einen Variablennamen der Länge 0 zu nutzen

# however, "NA" must be expected as a legal name, e.g. when importing data
# and in your example specifying "no-name" in fact results in a "" name

names(c(a=1, 2))

[1] "a" ""

# My interpreteation is that the user specifies a mixture of elements with
and without names,
# and therefore the no-names must be co-erced to "" names, and in principle
that's completely fine

# a character vector is defined to have either as.character(NA) OR "NA" OR
"" or another positive length string
# (which is complicated enough)
# formally the names is an attribute (character vector) of an object and can
be manipulated as such

x <- 1:4
names(x) <- c(NA, "NA", "a", "")

[1] NA   "NA" "a"  ""

# and in principle all of those can be properly distinguished
x[match(names(x), names(x))]


# introducing a fifth non-name state that sometimes equals "" and sometimes
not, introduces inconsistency into the language
# e.g. the fact that elements can be selected by their name but not by their
# Thus currently selecting by names is a mess from a consistency perspective


  113   NA

# in the following subscripting with "" works, but not with "NA"

for (i in names(x))

+ print(x[[i]])
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 3
[1] 4

# ERROR 1a: If failing on "NA" is not a bug, I switch from programming to


# ERROR 1b: clearly wrong


[1] 1
# ERROR 1c: and from my humble understanding failing on "" is a bug as well


# wheras interestingly this is correct


[1] 4

# I think it is obvious how to remove these inconsistencies
# (as long as we do not disallow "" in names alltogether,
#  which is almost impossible, since every users legally can set the names
vector in a variety of ways )

# these are not easy, but perfectly fine





# and these are really debatable difficult ones


 NA   NA   NA   NA


 NA   NA   NA   NA

## ERROR 2+3: the above inconsistencies generalize to lists

lx <- as.list(x)


$"NA" (ERROR 2a)
[1] 1

[1] 2

[1] 3

[[4]]   (ERROR 2b)
[1] 4

# and should read


$NA (  or $as.character(NA) for clarity and warning )
[1] 1

[1] 2

[1] 3

[1] 4

# Note that - except for printing - match works perfectly in

lx[match(names(lx), names(lx))]

[1] 1

[1] 2

[1] 3

[1] 4

# and also in

for (i in match(names(lx), names(lx)))

+ print(lx[[i]])
[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 4

# Of course I consider the following behaviour as inconsistent


[1] 1

[1] 1   (ERROR 3a)

[1] 3


# using [[ the second one fails

for (i in names(lx))

+ print(lx[[i]])
[1] 1
[1] 1   (ERROR 3c)
[1] 3
[1] 4   (interestingly correct)

# finally note that this works

eval(substitute(lx$y, list(y=as.character(NA

# but not this

get("$")(lx, as.character(NA))

Fehler in get("$")(lx, as.character(NA)) : ungültiger Indextyp
# and both go wrong with "NA"

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Re: [Rd] svn version number

2005-10-07 Thread Duncan Murdoch
Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> On 10/7/05, Duncan Murdoch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
>>>Is there some way of automatically including the svn version number
>>>of a package in the DESCRIPTION file or otherwise so that one
>>>can check from within R which svn version number one has?
>>You could do this by writing it into your Makefile, but there's no other
>>existing support for it.  I'd recommend combining the URL reported by
>>"svn info" with the result of svnversion to get the most informative
>>version.  Watch out for cases of people who are trying to make your
>>package from a tarfile, rather than an svn checkout.  We have ended up
>>with some fairly tricky Makefile programming to get what we want into
>>the R banner.
> There is no makefile at all currently as my package is all R.  Also, I
> currently use TortoiseSVN.

Probably the simplest option is to set an svn:keywords property on one 
of your source files, and get Subversion to put the revision number into 
the source when you check out.  This won't tell you if you've got a 
mixed or modified revision, but as long as you are careful not to do 
this, it might give you what you want.

I've got no idea how to do this in TortoiseSVN (I use command line svn), 
but presumably the documentation will talk about it.

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

[Rd] FFT

2005-10-07 Thread Jennifer Lai
Is FFT implemented in R takes advantage of multi-processors?
I ran this benchmark from from, and AMD Opteron 
2.2 GHz performs better than AMD Opteron 1.8 GHz on all test cases, 
except FFT operation.
Both machines run same OSs (RedHat WS 3) and 2.2 GHz has more memory (2 
GB RAM) than 1.8 GHz (1 GB RAM). The only difference is that 1.8 GHz is 
a dual-processor machine, and
2.2 GHz is a single processor machine. Could this be the reason?
Does anyone has insights on this?


__ mailing list

[Rd] optim warning message. (PR#8186)

2005-10-07 Thread KKIII
Full_Name: Ken Kelley
Version: 2.1.1
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (

A warning from optim() when reltol was specified for the L-BFGS-B method:

"method L-BFGS-B uses 'fact' (and 'pgtol') instead of 'reltol' and 'abstol' in:
optim(par = LL.0, fn = Low.Lim.NC.F, gr = NULL, method = c("Nelder-Mead","

But, "fact" should be "factr," which is the name of the control parameter or

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