[Bioc-devel] IRanges: 'extractROWS' fails for 'RangedData'

2013-09-15 Thread Julian Gehring


calling 'head' or 'tail' on a 'RangedData' objects fail with the lastest 
builds (R: 2013-09-14 r63932, IRanges: 1.19.35).  The cause seems to be 
that there is no 'extractROWS' method that can be found for the 
signature 'RangedData'.  As an example, see:


## generate the data
ranges - IRanges(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,6))
rd = RangedData(ranges)

## this fails

The last command returns: Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable)  : 
unable to find an inherited method for function ‘extractROWS’ for 
signature ‘RangedData’

Best wishes

Bioc-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] declaring package dependencies

2013-09-15 Thread Matthew Dowle

I'm a little surprised by this thread.

I subscribe to the RSS feeds of changes to NEWS (as Dirk mentioned) and 
that's been pretty informative in the past :


Mainly though, I submit to winbuilder before submitting to CRAN, as the 
CRAN policies advise.  winbuilder's R-devel seems to be built daily, 
saving me the time. Since I don't have Windows it kills two birds with 
one stone.  It has caught many problems for me before submitting to CRAN 
and I can't remember it ever not responding in a reasonable time.


I've suggested before that winbuilder could be the mechanism to submit 
to CRAN rather than an ftp upload to incoming.  Only if winbuilder 
passed OK on R-devel could it then go to a human.   But iirc there was a 
technical difficulty preventing this.


R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] declaring package dependencies

2013-09-15 Thread Michael Friendly

On 9/13/2013 12:15 PM, John Fox wrote:

If I understand this thread, Michael's package doesn't use loglm() -- it
provides methods for objects produced by loglm() and hence Enhances the
Well, here's the rub: vcdExtra uses MASS::loglm() in examples, and also 
in R code,
where it provides new S3 methods for loglm objects.  And, this whole 
problem only arose

after vcd (on which I Depend), modified its Imports to:

Imports: utils, MASS, grDevices, colorspace
where, previously, MASS had been a Depends (or Suggests?) there.

For my examples, the old Suggests: MASS worked, but now I've used 
require(MASS) in
each of those examples.  However, the use in R code also triggered an 
error on loglm, even

when I added
Enhances: MASS

OK, so I switched to using
Imports: MASS
but even that doesn't cure the problem alone.  I then got:

* checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
Namespace in Imports field not imported from: 'MASS'
  All declared Imports should be used.
See the information on DESCRIPTION files in the chapter 'Creating R
packages' of the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.

but then an Error when an example using the function which called loglm()
directly was run.

### ** Examples

data(Titanic, package=datasets)
# variables are in the order Class, Sex, Age, Survived
tt - seq_loglm(Titanic)

1   model.string:  = Class
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : could not find function loglm
Calls: seq_loglm - eval - eval
Execution halted

So, as several people have suggested, I changed to use MASS::loglm() in 
though it still perplexes me why this is necessary.  At any rate, this 
now passes R devel.


Thanks to a suggestion from Mattew Dowle, I'm now using winbuilder (thx, 
Uwe for this!)
and can get rather quick ( 30 min.) feedback on an R-devel build, 
whereas the

R-Forge build cycle often takes a day.

So, my workflow is  now
- R CMD check on local version in StatET
- If OK, send to winbuilder, http://win-builder.r-project.org/upload.aspx
- If OK, commit to R-Forge, and perhaps submit to CRAN if this is the 
final rev

in a development cycle.

But I still feel like I'm spending too much time on satisfying the 
unknown, new

requirements of CRAN checks.  As Dirk said (also deserving to be a fortune),

Absent a time machine or psychic powers, I do not see how package developers
can reasonably be expected to cope with this.
The effort by R Core members that goes into R and CRAN is certainly 
herculean and I
appreciate it very much.  Like Dirk, I'm just looking for a little more 
predictability as

CRAN evolves.

Michael Friendly Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca
Professor, Psychology Dept.  Chair, Quantitative Methods
York University  Voice: 416 736-2100 x66249 Fax: 416 736-5814
4700 Keele StreetWeb:   http://www.datavis.ca
Toronto, ONT  M3J 1P3 CANADA

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] declaring package dependencies

2013-09-15 Thread Duncan Murdoch

On 13-09-15 12:52 PM, Michael Friendly wrote:

On 9/13/2013 12:15 PM, John Fox wrote:

If I understand this thread, Michael's package doesn't use loglm() -- it
provides methods for objects produced by loglm() and hence Enhances the

Well, here's the rub: vcdExtra uses MASS::loglm() in examples, and also
in R code,
where it provides new S3 methods for loglm objects.  And, this whole
problem only arose
after vcd (on which I Depend), modified its Imports to:

Imports: utils, MASS, grDevices, colorspace
where, previously, MASS had been a Depends (or Suggests?) there.

For my examples, the old Suggests: MASS worked, but now I've used
require(MASS) in
each of those examples.  However, the use in R code also triggered an
error on loglm, even
when I added
Enhances: MASS

OK, so I switched to using
Imports: MASS
but even that doesn't cure the problem alone.  I then got:

That just declares that MASS needs to be available, or installation of 
your package should abort.  It doesn't actually import anything.  You 
declare what parts of MASS you want to import in your NAMESPACE file.

* checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
Namespace in Imports field not imported from: 'MASS'
All declared Imports should be used.
See the information on DESCRIPTION files in the chapter 'Creating R
packages' of the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.

but then an Error when an example using the function which called loglm()
directly was run.

If you had in your NAMESPACE file:

importFrom(MASS, loglm)

you wouldn't get the above error.

### ** Examples

data(Titanic, package=datasets)
# variables are in the order Class, Sex, Age, Survived
tt - seq_loglm(Titanic)

1   model.string:  = Class
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : could not find function loglm
Calls: seq_loglm - eval - eval

This looks like you're doing something tricky (those two evals), but 
normally if you are only calling loglm from your own internal code, you 
wouldn't need anything else.

If you have an explicit call to loglm in your example, then it needs to 
be available to the user, so you could use the MASS::loglm notation, or 
(and this is probably a worse choice) you could export loglm from your 

Execution halted

So, as several people have suggested, I changed to use MASS::loglm() in
though it still perplexes me why this is necessary.  At any rate, this
now passes R devel.

That will also work, though the importFrom solution is slightly cleaner 
and faster.  The :: operator takes time to evaluate; with importFrom, it 
is effectively evaluated just once, when your package loads.  (Of 
course, if MASS::loglm is only rarely used, you might not want to load 
it every time, and MASS::loglm might be the better choice.)

Thanks to a suggestion from Mattew Dowle, I'm now using winbuilder (thx,
Uwe for this!)
and can get rather quick ( 30 min.) feedback on an R-devel build,
whereas the
R-Forge build cycle often takes a day.

Yes, thanks Matthew for pointing this out, and Uwe for doing it.

So, my workflow is  now
- R CMD check on local version in StatET
- If OK, send to winbuilder, http://win-builder.r-project.org/upload.aspx
- If OK, commit to R-Forge, and perhaps submit to CRAN if this is the
final rev
in a development cycle.

But I still feel like I'm spending too much time on satisfying the
unknown, new
requirements of CRAN checks.  As Dirk said (also deserving to be a fortune),

Absent a time machine or psychic powers, I do not see how package developers
can reasonably be expected to cope with this.

These checks are not capricious, they are making your package better. 
For the present example, you were doing things in a way that just 
happened to work because of the way vcd was written.  When it changed, 
your package broke.  If you follow the new instructions, your package 
will be robust against changes like that.

The effort by R Core members that goes into R and CRAN is certainly
herculean and I
appreciate it very much.  Like Dirk, I'm just looking for a little more
predictability as
CRAN evolves.

It is more the evolution of R that you are seeing, with CRAN serving as 
a giant testbed.  As we identify predictable coding errors in packages, 
we add checks to R.  If you have made those coding errors, then 
eventually you'll need to fix them.  CRAN is just asking you to do it 
sooner, rather than later.  However, I would guess that if you have an 
urgent fix in the package you are uploading, and something is going to 
stop you from fixing the newly identified problem, they'll be 
sympathetic to the need to allow your package to fix the urgent problem 
and keep the other one unfixed for a short time.

Duncan Murdoch

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] declaring package dependencies

2013-09-15 Thread Paul Gilbert

On 13-09-14 07:20 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 13-09-14 12:19 PM, Paul Gilbert wrote:

On 13-09-14 09:04 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 13-09-13 12:00 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

On 13 September 2013 at 11:42, Paul Gilbert wrote:
| On 13-09-13 11:02 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
|  It's not so much Rcpp itself or my 20-ish packages but the fact
that we (as
|  in the Rcpp authors) now stand behind an API that also has to
|  changes in R CMD check. Case in point is current (unannounced)
change that
|  makes all Depends: Rcpp become Imports: Rcpp because of the
| I am a bit confused by this Dirk, so maybe I am missing something. I
| think this is still a Note in R-devel so you do have some time to
| the change, at least several months, maybe more. It is not quite
what I
| think of as an announcement, more like a shot across the bow,
but it
| is also not unannounced.

One package author [as in user of Rcpp and not an author of it] was
told by
CRAN this week to change his package and came to me for help -- so in
small way the CRAN non-communication policy is already creating more
for me, and makes me look silly as I don't document what Rcpp-using
need as I sadly still lack the time machine or psychic powers to
infer what
may get changed this weekend.

| More importantly, I don't think that the requirement is
necessarily to
| change Depends: Rcpp to Imports: Rcpp, the requirement is to put
| imports(Rcpp) in the NAMESPACE file. I think this is so that the
| continues to work even if the user does something with the search
| The decision to change Depends: Rcpp to Imports: Rcpp really
depends on
| whether the package author wants Rcpp functions to be available

Rcpp is a bit of an odd-ball as you mostly need it at compile-time,
and you
require very few R-level functions (but there is package
initialization etc
pp).  We also only about two handful of functions, and those are for
functionality not all 135 packages use (eg Modules etc).

But the focus here should not be on my hobby package. The focus needs
to be
on how four CRAN maintainers (who do a boatload of amazing work
which is
_truly_ appreciated in its thoroughness and reach) could make the
life of
authors of 4800+ packages easier by communicating and planning a tad

Let me paraphrase that:  The CRAN maintainers do a lot of work, and it
helps me a lot, but if they only did a little bit more work it would
help me even more.

I suspect they'd be more receptive to suggestions that had them doing
less work, not more.

Actually, this is one of the parts that I do not understand. It seems to
me that it would be a lot less work for CRAN maintainers if the
implications and necessary changes to packages were explained a bit more
clearly in a forum like R-devel that many package developers actually
read regularly.

Then why don't you explain them?  They aren't secret.

Well, I have been trying to do that on this and related threads over the 
past few weeks. But there is a large credibility difference between my 
explanation of something I am just learning about myself and an 
explanation by a core member or CRAN maintainer of something they have 
implemented. (At least, I hope most readers of this list know there is a 

I many not fully understand how much of the response to

package submission gets done automatically, but I do get the sense that
there is a fairly large amount of actual human time spent dealing with
just my submissions alone. If that is representative of all developers,
then CRAN maintainers don't have time to do much else. (The fact that
they do much more suggests I may not be representative.)

Two specific points have already been mentioned implicitly. CRAN
submission testing is often done at a higher/newer level using the
latest devel version. This results in lots of rejections for things that
I would fix before submission, if I knew about them.

Then why don't you test against R-devel before submitting?

I have been relying on R-forge to provide that testing. One practical 
suggestion in this thread (Matthew Dowle) was to test with win-builder 
R-devel. This needs to be amplified. I had thought of win-builder as a 
mechanism to test on Windows, since I rarely work on that platform. 
Following the CRAN submission guidelines I test on win-builder if I am 
not doing the Windows testing on my own machine and the R-forge results 
are not available. (I think for a single package they are equivalent 
when R-forge is working.) But on win-builder I have usually used the 
R-release directory. Using the R-devel directory has the advantage that 
it gives an as-cran test that is almost up-to-date with the one against 
which the package is tested when it is submitted.  Another feature of 
win-builder that I had not recognized is that submitted packages are 
available in its library for a short time, so packages with version 
dependencies can be 

[Rd] R-Forge SVN commit hook to email appears to be broken

2013-09-15 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

It would appear that commits no longer trigger emails; for Rcpp at least we
are two commits (made earlier today) ahead of what was emailed.  

Maybe the mail agent needs to be restarted?

Many thanks for taking care of r-forge. It is appreciated.


Dirk Eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] declaring package dependencies

2013-09-15 Thread Brian Rowe
Something that might be of use to you guys is crant 
(https://github.com/muxspace/crant), which is a set of scripts to make package 
development and testing simpler. With crant you can build out multiple R 
instances (release, patch, devel) and then run the build chain against each 
one. It's compatible with devtools, and we're working on a few other 
conveniences, like testing all the the reverse depends to understand whether a 
change to a package breaks downstream dependencies. I've certainly bitten 
myself and incurred the wrath of CRAN a few times because I didn't check this 
sort of thing thoroughly enough. Running this on a virtual machine ensures that 
the environment is clean for building/testing. 

Of course, it doesn't address the communication issues (which I find somewhat 
amusing because the CRAN maintainers always seem to be in absentia during these 
discussions), but assuming that the CRAN checks are added to the devel branch, 
it shouldn't matter insomuch as detecting them prior to submission. 
Understanding the rationale for the change is a different matter.


On Sep 15, 2013, at 2:05 PM, Paul Gilbert pgilbert...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 13-09-14 07:20 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
 On 13-09-14 12:19 PM, Paul Gilbert wrote:
 I many not fully understand how much of the response to
 package submission gets done automatically, but I do get the sense that
 there is a fairly large amount of actual human time spent dealing with
 just my submissions alone. If that is representative of all developers,
 then CRAN maintainers don't have time to do much else. (The fact that
 they do much more suggests I may not be representative.)
 Two specific points have already been mentioned implicitly. CRAN
 submission testing is often done at a higher/newer level using the
 latest devel version. This results in lots of rejections for things that
 I would fix before submission, if I knew about them.
 Then why don't you test against R-devel before submitting?
 I have been relying on R-forge to provide that testing. One practical 
 suggestion in this thread (Matthew Dowle) was to test with win-builder 
 R-devel. This needs to be amplified. I had thought of win-builder as a 
 mechanism to test on Windows, since I rarely work on that platform. Following 
 the CRAN submission guidelines I test on win-builder if I am not doing the 
 Windows testing on my own machine and the R-forge results are not available. 
 (I think for a single package they are equivalent when R-forge is working.) 
 But on win-builder I have usually used the R-release directory. Using the 
 R-devel directory has the advantage that it gives an as-cran test that is 
 almost up-to-date with the one against which the package is tested when it is 
 submitted.  Another feature of win-builder that I had not recognized is that 
 submitted packages are available in its library for a short time, so packages 
 with version dependencies can be tested there, whereas they cannot be tested 
 on R-forge.
  If the tests were
 rolled out with R, and only later incorporated into CRAN submission
 testing, I think there would be a lot less work for the CRAN
 I am an R core member, not a member of CRAN.  If I make a change to R,
 I'd like to know the effect it has on the corpus of CRAN and
 Bioconductor packages, but I don't have the computing resources to run
 it against all of those in a reasonable amount of time.  We have heard
 from various corporate users of R (Revolution Computing and Google are
 two) that they would like to contribute to the project, but we don't
 actually see useful contributions from them.
 I don't know if you personally have influence with anyone who has such
 As far as I know I don't have any influence with anybody, but I like this 
 but surely some on this list do.  So why don't they write to
 me and tell me how to use their computing resources to run proposed
 changes against all published packages?  I think it's because it's
 easier to do nothing than to do something.  It's certainly easier to say
 that it's the CRAN maintainers' fault for poor communication than it is
 to identify and address the problems.
 Duncan Murdoch
  (This is ignoring the possibility that CRAN submission is
 really the testing ground for the tests, and to prove the tests requires
 a fair amount of manual involvement. I'm happy to continue contributing
 to this -- I've often felt my many contribution is an endless supply of
 bugs for the checkers to catch.)
 The second point is that a facility like R-forge that runs the latest
 checks, on many platforms, is really useful in order to reduce work for
 both package developers and CRAN maintainers. With R-forge broken, the
 implication for additional work for CRAN maintainers seems enormous. But
 even with it working, not all packages are kept on R-forge, and with
 package version dependencies R-forge does not really work. (i.e. I have
 to get 

[Rd] FOSS licence with BuildVignettes: false

2013-09-15 Thread Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT)
Dear All,

I have been checking the metafor package against R-devel. 

R CMD check --as-cran metafor

yields one note:

FOSS licence with BuildVignettes: false

Yes, I have 'BuildVignettes: FALSE' in my DESCRIPTION file. I see at 

Tue, 25 Jun 2013

'R CMD check --as-cran' warns about a false value of the 'DESCRIPTION' 
field 'BuildVignettes' for Open Source packages, and ignores it (as an Open 
Source package needs to have complete sources for its vignettes).

My questions are:

1) Is this going to be an issue if I submit a new version of the metafor 
package to CRAN right now?

2) And if the answer to 1 is Not right now: Is this going to become an issue 
in the future? In other words, is it the goal to only allow packages with 
BuildVignettes=true if they have an FOSS license at some point in the future?


Wolfgang Viechtbauer, Ph.D., Statistician   
Department of Psychiatry and Psychology   
School for Mental Health and Neuroscience   
Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences   
Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616 (VIJV1)   
6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands   
+31 (43) 388-4170 | http://www.wvbauer.com   

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] FOSS licence with BuildVignettes: false

2013-09-15 Thread Uwe Ligges


BuildVignettes: false

is fine if it is possible to build the vignettes, and the latter is 
checked in CRAN incoming checks (but not the daily checks).

Uwe Ligges

On 15.09.2013 22:13, Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT) wrote:

Dear All,

I have been checking the metafor package against R-devel.

R CMD check --as-cran metafor

yields one note:

FOSS licence with BuildVignettes: false

Yes, I have 'BuildVignettes: FALSE' in my DESCRIPTION file. I see at 

Tue, 25 Jun 2013

 'R CMD check --as-cran' warns about a false value of the 'DESCRIPTION' 
field 'BuildVignettes' for Open Source packages, and ignores it (as an Open 
Source package needs to have complete sources for its vignettes).

My questions are:

1) Is this going to be an issue if I submit a new version of the metafor 
package to CRAN right now?

2) And if the answer to 1 is Not right now: Is this going to become an issue 
in the future? In other words, is it the goal to only allow packages with 
BuildVignettes=true if they have an FOSS license at some point in the future?


Wolfgang Viechtbauer, Ph.D., Statistician
Department of Psychiatry and Psychology
School for Mental Health and Neuroscience
Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences
Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616 (VIJV1)
6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands
+31 (43) 388-4170 | http://www.wvbauer.com

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] FOSS licence with BuildVignettes: false

2013-09-15 Thread Ben Bolker
Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de writes:

 BuildVignettes: false
 is fine if it is possible to build the vignettes, and the latter is 
 checked in CRAN incoming checks (but not the daily checks).
 Uwe Ligges

   Hmmm.  I was told by the CRAN maintainers on Aug 7 that

CRAN FOSS licence with BuildVignettes: false is not a false positive, 
CRAN is fixable, and is mentioned at
CRAN http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-devel/R-exts.html#
CRANThe-DESCRIPTION-file as not to be used in an FOSS package.

  (I had said in my previous e-mail to CRAN that all NOTEs were
false positives, minor or not fixable.)  Admittedly this e-mail
nowhere said explicitly you must fix this or we will not accept
it for CRAN, but that was certainly the impression I got.

TFM says

R-exts   [BuildVignettes: false] should only be used exceptionally, for 
R-exts example if the PDFs include large figures which are not part of the 
R-exts package sources (and hence only in packages which do not have an
R-exts Open Source license).

   So either I'm confused (always a possibility!) or it seems
there are some inconsistencies here ...

 On 15.09.2013 22:13, Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT) wrote:
  Dear All,
  I have been checking the metafor package against R-devel.
  R CMD check --as-cran metafor
  yields one note:
  FOSS licence with BuildVignettes: false
  Yes, I have 'BuildVignettes: FALSE' in my DESCRIPTION file. 
 I see at http://developer.r-project.org/blosxom.cgi/R-devel/NEWS:
  Tue, 25 Jun 2013
   'R CMD check --as-cran' warns about a false value 
 of the 'DESCRIPTION' field 'BuildVignettes' for Open
 Source packages, and ignores it (as an Open Source package 
 needs to have complete sources for its vignettes).
  My questions are:
  1) Is this going to be an issue if I submit a new 
 version of the metafor package to CRAN right now?
  2) And if the answer to 1 is Not right now: Is this going 
 to become an issue in the future? In other words, is
 it the goal to only allow packages with BuildVignettes=true 
 if they have an FOSS license at some point in
 the future?

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] declaring package dependencies

2013-09-15 Thread Ben Bolker
Matthew Dowle mdowle at mdowle.plus.com writes:

 I'm a little surprised by this thread.
 I subscribe to the RSS feeds of changes to NEWS (as Dirk mentioned) and 
 that's been pretty informative in the past :
 Mainly though, I submit to winbuilder before submitting to CRAN, as the 
 CRAN policies advise.  winbuilder's R-devel seems to be built daily, 
 saving me the time. Since I don't have Windows it kills two birds with 
 one stone.  It has caught many problems for me before submitting to CRAN 
 and I can't remember it ever not responding in a reasonable time.
 I've suggested before that winbuilder could be the mechanism to submit 
 to CRAN rather than an ftp upload to incoming.  Only if winbuilder 
 passed OK on R-devel could it then go to a human.   But iirc there was a 
 technical difficulty preventing this.

  I was planning to write a careful e-mail to CRAN suggesting
essentially this, and I may yet do so, but for now I'll just chime in
and +1 this.  Yihui Xie made a very similar suggestion sometime
last year (I think).  It would seem so much easier for everyone,
package maintainers *and* CRAN maintainers, to have an automatic
filter of this sort, and I can't figure out any downside other than
needing slightly more computer power (which surely must be a reasonable
tradeoff for fewer human resources!), *if* having the
auto-filter made people sloppier about checking before submitting.
   Do you happen to remember what the technical difficulty was?
If I were a CRAN maintainer (thank goodness I'm not!), overcoming
it would be one of my top priorities ...

  Ben Bolker

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] declaring package dependencies

2013-09-15 Thread Yihui Xie
I've been watching this thread closely and trying not to chime in,
because as Brian Rowe mentioned about CRAN's mysterious absence in a
previous reply. CRAN is like a ghost in r-devel (or any other mailing
lists) -- everybody is discussing about it, and nobody has ever seen
it. Perhaps one day useRs will realize that the rings of Saturn are
actually composed of the lost discussions about CRAN. (Just kidding.
No offence. I swear I appreciate the great work of CRAN, and
rep(thank you, CRAN, 1e6).)

Although this discussion may also contribute to the rings of Saturn, I
want to emphasize one final point: requests from package authors do
not necessarily mean more work for CRAN.

Yihui Xie xieyi...@gmail.com
Web: http://yihui.name
Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
2215 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA

On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 6:11 PM, Ben Bolker bbol...@gmail.com wrote:
 Matthew Dowle mdowle at mdowle.plus.com writes:

 I'm a little surprised by this thread.

 I subscribe to the RSS feeds of changes to NEWS (as Dirk mentioned) and
 that's been pretty informative in the past :

 Mainly though, I submit to winbuilder before submitting to CRAN, as the
 CRAN policies advise.  winbuilder's R-devel seems to be built daily,
 saving me the time. Since I don't have Windows it kills two birds with
 one stone.  It has caught many problems for me before submitting to CRAN
 and I can't remember it ever not responding in a reasonable time.

 I've suggested before that winbuilder could be the mechanism to submit
 to CRAN rather than an ftp upload to incoming.  Only if winbuilder
 passed OK on R-devel could it then go to a human.   But iirc there was a
 technical difficulty preventing this.


   I was planning to write a careful e-mail to CRAN suggesting
 essentially this, and I may yet do so, but for now I'll just chime in
 and +1 this.  Yihui Xie made a very similar suggestion sometime
 last year (I think).  It would seem so much easier for everyone,
 package maintainers *and* CRAN maintainers, to have an automatic
 filter of this sort, and I can't figure out any downside other than
 needing slightly more computer power (which surely must be a reasonable
 tradeoff for fewer human resources!), *if* having the
 auto-filter made people sloppier about checking before submitting.
Do you happen to remember what the technical difficulty was?
 If I were a CRAN maintainer (thank goodness I'm not!), overcoming
 it would be one of my top priorities ...

   Ben Bolker

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] declaring package dependencies

2013-09-15 Thread Brian Rowe
That reminds me: I once made a suggestion on how to automate some of the CRAN 
deployment process, but it was shot down as not being useful to them. I do 
recall a quote that was along the lines of as long as you don't need help, do 
whatever you want, so one thought is to just set up a build server that does 
the building across the three versions of R, checks dependencies, rebuilds when 
release, patch, or devel are updated, etc. This would ease the burden on 
package maintainers and would just happen to make the CRAN folks' lives easier 
by catching a lot of bad builds. A proof of concept on AWS connecting to github 
or rforge could probably be finished on a six-pack. Speak up if anyone thinks 
this would be useful.

On Sep 15, 2013, at 9:58 PM, Yihui Xie x...@yihui.name wrote:

 I've been watching this thread closely and trying not to chime in,
 because as Brian Rowe mentioned about CRAN's mysterious absence in a
 previous reply. CRAN is like a ghost in r-devel (or any other mailing
 lists) -- everybody is discussing about it, and nobody has ever seen
 it. Perhaps one day useRs will realize that the rings of Saturn are
 actually composed of the lost discussions about CRAN. (Just kidding.
 No offence. I swear I appreciate the great work of CRAN, and
 rep(thank you, CRAN, 1e6).)
 Although this discussion may also contribute to the rings of Saturn, I
 want to emphasize one final point: requests from package authors do
 not necessarily mean more work for CRAN.
 Yihui Xie xieyi...@gmail.com
 Web: http://yihui.name
 Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
 2215 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA
 On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 6:11 PM, Ben Bolker bbol...@gmail.com wrote:
 Matthew Dowle mdowle at mdowle.plus.com writes:
 I'm a little surprised by this thread.
 I subscribe to the RSS feeds of changes to NEWS (as Dirk mentioned) and
 that's been pretty informative in the past :
 Mainly though, I submit to winbuilder before submitting to CRAN, as the
 CRAN policies advise.  winbuilder's R-devel seems to be built daily,
 saving me the time. Since I don't have Windows it kills two birds with
 one stone.  It has caught many problems for me before submitting to CRAN
 and I can't remember it ever not responding in a reasonable time.
 I've suggested before that winbuilder could be the mechanism to submit
 to CRAN rather than an ftp upload to incoming.  Only if winbuilder
 passed OK on R-devel could it then go to a human.   But iirc there was a
 technical difficulty preventing this.
  I was planning to write a careful e-mail to CRAN suggesting
 essentially this, and I may yet do so, but for now I'll just chime in
 and +1 this.  Yihui Xie made a very similar suggestion sometime
 last year (I think).  It would seem so much easier for everyone,
 package maintainers *and* CRAN maintainers, to have an automatic
 filter of this sort, and I can't figure out any downside other than
 needing slightly more computer power (which surely must be a reasonable
 tradeoff for fewer human resources!), *if* having the
 auto-filter made people sloppier about checking before submitting.
   Do you happen to remember what the technical difficulty was?
 If I were a CRAN maintainer (thank goodness I'm not!), overcoming
 it would be one of my top priorities ...
  Ben Bolker
 R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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