Re: [Rd] Is using devtools::release no longer allowed?

2014-08-21 Thread Geoff Jentry

On Tue, 19 Aug 2014, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
If you use this, make sure you test it well enough to get it perfect the very 
first time you use it.  If I were a CRAN administrator and received a series 
of bad submissions from someone who was working out the bugs, I would not 
find it difficult either technically or morally to permanently ban that user 
from ever submitting anything again.

I think what Duncan is saying here is to make sure to log in as Dirk 
before testing your potentially buggy CRAN webform submitter.

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Re: [Rd] Question: Publishing R/S objects with WebServices (SOAP/WSDL)

2014-07-22 Thread Geoff Jentry

So far I see many packages that allow R to consume WebServices, but I
haven't seen anything that allows you to publish a package as a WebService.

If you haven't already, look at the RWebServices package from 

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Re: [Rd] R 3.1.0: 'R CMD Sweave' deletes non tex files created upon batch mode exit

2014-04-16 Thread Geoff Jentry

On Tue, 15 Apr 2014, peter dalgaard wrote:
I'd say that that cat is out of the bag. There are probably umpteen 
documents around suggesting "R CMD Sweave". As people use Sweave only 
sporadically, it could take years before the old usage got stamped out. 
And anyways, the command format is the obvious way to generate documents 
in scripts and makefiles, isn't it?

A majority of my Sweave building is done by R CMD Sweave, I just 
infrequently build Sweave documents. I've started transitioning to RStudio 
for this but only in certain situations.

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Re: [Rd] The case for freezing CRAN

2014-03-26 Thread Geoff Jentry

On Thu, 20 Mar 2014, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

o Roger correctly notes that R scripts and packages are just one issue.
  Compilers, libraries and the OS matter.  To me, the natural approach these
  days would be to think of something based on Docker or Vagrant or (if you
  must, VirtualBox).  The newer alternatives make snapshotting very cheap
  (eg by using Linux LXC).  That approach reproduces a full environemnt as
  best as we can while still ignoring the hardware layer (and some readers
  may recall the infamous Pentium bug of two decades ago).

At one of my previous jobs we did effectively this (albeit in a lower tech 
fashion). Every project had its own environment, complete with the exact 
snapshot of R & packages used, etc. All scripts/code was kept in that 
environment in a versioned fashion such that at any point one could go to 
any stage of development of that paper/project's analysis and reproduce it 

It was hugely inefficient in terms of storage, but it solved the problem 
we're discussing here. As you note, with the tools available today it'd be 
trivial to distribute that environment for people to reproduce results.

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Re: [Rd] [RFC] A case for freezing CRAN

2014-03-19 Thread Geoff Jentry

using the identical version of each CRAN package. The bioconductor
project uses similar policies.

While I agree that this can be an issue, I don't think it is fair to 
compare CRAN to BioC. Unless things have changed, the latter has a more 
rigorous barrier to entry which includes buy in of various ideals (e.g. 
interoperability w/ other BioC packages, making use of BioC constructs, 
the official release cycle). All of that requires extra management 
overhead (read: human effort) which considering that CRAN isn't exactly 
swimming in spare cycles seems unlikely to happen.

It seems like one could set up a curated CRAN-a-like quite easily, 
advertise the heck out of it and let the "market" decide. That is, IMO, 
the beauty of open source.


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Re: [Rd] cannot open shared object file

2013-09-04 Thread Geoff Jentry

Can you add some details?
Suppose i have the package Model.tar.gz and my writable are is in user/area, 
what i have to do next to install the package?

What I was picturing was something like this (forgive me if syntax isn't 

mkdir user/area/myRLib
R CMD INSTALL --library=user/area/myRLib Model.tar.gz

and then in R:
library(Model, lib.loc="user/area/myRLib")

Note though Brian Ripley's response to me where he indicates that this is 
handled automatically.


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Re: [Rd] cannot open shared object file

2013-09-03 Thread Geoff Jentry

One problem is that i have not the privileges to install a package.

If you have a writable area you can install to there with the 
--library=LIB argument and then load the package using the lib.loc command.

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Re: [Rd] Minimum requirements for package submission

2013-08-28 Thread Geoff Jentry

On Wed, 28 Aug 2013, Ben Bolker wrote:
 It may be suboptimal/there may be better ways, but what I would do in 
your situation would be to save the real twitteR results to a .Rdata 
file (e.g. put it in inst/vignetteData) and then 'fake' the twitter 
call: add a non-eval'd but echo'd chunk that appears to run the command, 
and an eval'd but non-echo'd chunk that loads the results of having run 
the command.

Interesting, I'll look into doing that.


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Re: [Rd] Minimum requirements for package submission

2013-08-28 Thread Geoff Jentry

On Wed, 28 Aug 2013, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

The change to preferring vignettes/ over inst/doc/ is just one of many; there
is also an ongoing preference for vignettes that fully reproducible from
source. Which may eventually put an end to non-Rnw / non-(la)tex vignettes.

I'm currently stymied by this. I was one who did the stub-Rnw trick 
previously - it would be unwise for the vignette for twitteR to be run 
truly dynamically as it requires someone's real credentials to process.

Not a problem, I run it by hand before submitting and then use the stub 
.Rnw for the vignette metadata to get picked up by CRAN.

With the move to vignettes/ over inst/doc, that hasn't worked. doh!

Aside: If someone knows of a way to get a non-autogenerated documentation 
file linked on a package's CRAN page (other than URL, which is a 
possibility) I'd love to hear ideas.


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Re: [Rd] Extending suggestion for stopifnot

2013-08-21 Thread Geoff Jentry

first, I think it would be more useful if it had an optional character
string, so users could write
 stopifnot( is.matrix(m), "m is not a matrix" )

stop() allows for arbitrary strings 

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Re: [Rd] [BioC] enabling reproducible research & R package management & install.package.version & BiocLite

2013-03-05 Thread Geoff Jentry

On Tue, 5 Mar 2013, Cook, Malcolm wrote:
Thus, I might rather consider an approach that at 'publish' time tarzips 
up a copy of the R package dependencies based on a config file defined 
from sessionInfo and caches it in the project directory.

If you had a separate environment for every project, each with its own R 
installation and R installation lib.loc this becomes rather easy. For 
instance, something like this:


The directory structure would likely be more complicated than that but 
something along those lines. This way all code, data *and* compute 
environment are always linked together.


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Re: [Rd] RFC: 'igraph' package update and backward compatibility

2011-10-20 Thread Geoff Jentry

On Thu, 20 Oct 2011, Hadley Wickham wrote:

The optimal solution would be if R packages could depend on a specific
version of a package, and a user could have multiple packages

You used to be able to have a versioned install of a package, and then 
load a particular version.  Not sure when it was removed.

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Re: [Rd] readRDS and saveRDS

2011-10-18 Thread Geoff Jentry

On Tue, 18 Oct 2011, Hadley Wickham wrote:

* read.csv and write.csv
* load and save
* readRDS and saveRDS

Even loadRDS/saveRDS or readRDS/writeRDS would be better than the current combo.

You could change the CSV functions to readCSV and writeCSV :)

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Re: [Rd] Reference Classes: Accessing methods via [[...]], bug?

2011-05-03 Thread Geoff Jentry

On Sun, 1 May 2011, Martin Morgan wrote:

On 05/01/2011 03:09 PM, John Chambers wrote:

It would be interesting to get some experience and opinions on whether
this is a good idea or not. It breaks encapsulation, in that the
behavior of the class can no longer be inferred from the class
definition alone. On the other hand, it is convenient and relates to
"operator overloading" in some other languages.
I have written 'show' methods for reference classes (is there another way to 
pretty-print them?) and S4 methods that dispatch to reference methods (in 
particular, yield(x) on connection-like classes dispatching to x$yield()).

Most of my S4 method usage with reference classes has been the 'show' 
methods for the same reason that Martin states - I was unable to find 
another mechanism of pretty printing, and wanted something along those 
lines for situations such as a list of objects and how that gets rendered 
on the screen.

I've also made use of S4 methods for reference classes to help maintain 
backwards compatibility for cases where I've changed the underlying 
implementation from S4 to using reference classes - in those cases the 
ability to use S4 methods was handy but not strictly necessary.

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Conditional "Suggests"

2011-04-12 Thread Geoff Jentry

On Tue, 12 Apr 2011, Friedrich Leisch wrote:
That is not the case, the checks will only get a NOTE that PkgB doesn't 
exist. E.g., my package flexclust suggests multicore, which is not 
available for windows. Still both live happily on CRAN, and of course 
there is a windows version of flexclust available from CRAN.

Right, there's a big mea culpa on my part here - Uwe managed to wake me up 
to my own idiocy.  Obviously I had a case where PkgA Suggests PkgB and 
PkgB didn't exist for Windows.  When I saw that PkgA failed to install on 
Windows, I always quickly assumed that was the case, but there was another 
goofy linkage between the two packages that I didn't intend to be there. 
PkgA fails to install in the absense of PkgB no matter what the platform.

Considering that my use case for this has been debunked and it's the only 
valid one I can think of, I'll shut up now :)


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Re: [Rd] Conditional "Suggests"

2011-04-11 Thread Geoff Jentry

On Mon, 11 Apr 2011, Hadley Wickham wrote:

To me this reads as being in the wheelhouse of what 'Suggests' is supposed
to imply, as per the R Extensions manual.  The problem here is that if PkgB
is put down as 'Suggests', it is required for R CMD check to pass which
seems to defeat the purpose of this exercise a bit.

No, because R CMD check is only run by the developer, not the user.

It's not only run by the developer, it's also run by CRAN.  The situation 
might happen where for a particular platform (e.g. Windows) that PkgB 
doesn't exist.  It'd be nice to be able to avoid a situation where PkgA 
can't exist for that platform simply because PkgB - which isn't even 
necessarily required for PkgA to be used - doesn't exist for it.


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[Rd] Conditional "Suggests"

2011-04-11 Thread Geoff Jentry

Hi ...

I came across an old post on R-devel that describes a situation very 
similar to one I find myself in:

As you can see in Gregor's example, the situation is that if I am writing 
Pkg A, I want to detect if Pkg B exists - if so use some functionality 
from there, otherwise do something else.

To me this reads as being in the wheelhouse of what 'Suggests' is supposed 
to imply, as per the R Extensions manual.  The problem here is that if 
PkgB is put down as 'Suggests', it is required for R CMD check to pass 
which seems to defeat the purpose of this exercise a bit.

If one puts it as 'Enhances' one gets a NOTE earlier in check but then the 
WARNING described in this post due to the require() call.

Is there a good way around this situation, such that the PkgA can pass a R 
CMD check if PkgB doesn't exist on the system, for instance a case where 
PkgB isn't available for a particular OS?  If there are multiple methods 
around this problem, is one more blessed by the powers that be than 


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Re: [Rd] Request: Suggestions for "good teaching" packages, esp. with C code

2011-02-15 Thread Geoff Jentry

f1 <- function(){

The primary difference is that function 1 uses an incorrect assignment 
operator in an attempt to cause confusion ;)

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Re: [Rd] Request: Suggestions for "good teaching" packages, esp. with C code

2011-02-15 Thread Geoff Jentry

On Wed, 16 Feb 2011, David Scott wrote:

4. We don't want gratuitous use of "return" at the end of functions.
Why do people still do that?
Well I for one (and Jeff as well it seems) think it is good programming 
practice. It makes explicit what is being returned eliminating the 
possibility of mistakes and provides clarity for anyone reading the code.

You're unnecessarily adding the overhead of a function call by explicitly 
calling return().

Sure it seems odd for someone coming from the C/C++/Java/etc world, but 
anyone familiar with R should find code that doesn't have an explicit 
return() call to be fully readable & clear.


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