Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-05 Thread Thomas J. Leeper
Sorry, "require" was the wrong word - "suggest" is better. I actually
didn't realize when I first wrote a package that I should create a
NEWS file because I was following the `package.skeleton()` route and
that wasn't something that was generated automatically. I suspect
other new package authors might be in the same place (i.e., just not
aware that such a file is helpful for end users).

Thomas J. Leeper

On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 6:32 PM, Duncan Murdoch  wrote:
> On 05/06/2015 8:16 AM, Thomas J. Leeper wrote:
>> It's disappointing that many packages do not have a NEWS file. Perhaps
>> CRAN should require NEWS or CHANGELOG, as long as the system is being
>> reformed to potentially accommodate markdown anyway.
> I think we should all be careful about suggesting work for other people.
> This would be a huge amount of work, probably hundreds of hours in
> aggregate, for all those package authors and the CRAN maintainers.
> On the other hand, we can gently nudge package authors to better practices.
> When we talk in public about R packages, we should point out that we use a
> certain list of characteristics to judge their quality.  My list includes:
>  - Is it on CRAN?
>  - Does it have an overview vignette?
>  - Is it updated fairly regularly?
>  - Do most of the help pages include examples?
>  - Will it install on my OS without much trouble?
> Your list could include
>  - Does it have a readable NEWS file?
> I do use packages which have negative answers to some of those questions,
> but they definitely influence my choice when I'm looking at a package for
> the first time.
> Duncan Murdoch
>> -Thomas
>> Thomas J. Leeper
>> On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 12:00 PM,   wrote:
>> > Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2015 12:39:34 -0400
>> > From: Duncan Murdoch 
>> > To: Mark van der Loo ,
>> > Cc: R Devel Mailing List ,   Dirk
>> > Eddelbuettel
>> > , Imanuel Costigan 
>> > Subject: Re: [Rd] support on CRAN
>> > Message-ID: <>
>> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>> >
>> > On 04/06/2015 11:05 AM, Mark van der Loo wrote:
>> >> FWIW (and a bit late in the discussion, I know), I for one do not care
>> >> about having NEWS in md format at all.
>> >>
>> >> The solution the Yihui uses (linking to GH from NEWS.Rd) is really
>> >> annoying
>> >> for people with no direct Internet access. For example, I work at an
>> >> institute that handles a lot of private data and most VM's with R on it
>> >> have no direct internet access for that reason (of course internet is
>> >> accessible but through an application running on a separate VM).
>> >>
>> >> Moreover, I as a user also do not care at all about links to GH #issues
>> >> and
>> >> which @user did what for each issue. These are details that are useful
>> >> for
>> >> people developing the package or for people who reported a bug. As a
>> >> user I
>> >> just want to read a short description like "bugfix: function f crashed
>> >> on
>> >> input y", or "function g is deprecated" without having to first
>> >> navigate to
>> >> another website.
>> >>
>> >> The most important thing about the NEWS is that it is easy to find (so
>> >> in a
>> >> fixed place), and aimed at users, not developers. It should come with
>> >> the
>> >> software, so it is also available when GH is offline or replaced with
>> >> something new (since hey, didn't we all have a sourceforge or google
>> >> code
>> >> account in our younger days?).
>> >>
>> >> In short, I think that added value of is fairly limited but it
>> >> does
>> >> increase the risk of dispersing the NEWS all over the web.
>> >
>> > I'd disagree a little bit:  NEWS should be both for users and
>> > developers.  The advantage I see to support is that it will
>> > encourage people who are more comfortable writing in Markdown to include
>> > the news in the package, rather than having a link to external news (as
>> > Yihui did), or no news at all (as many packages do).
>> >
>> > It's pretty easy to have plain text news, but links in the news are
>> >

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-05 Thread Gavin Simpson

As NEWS is not (yet) a required file for an R package on CRAN, we might do
well to encourage developers to provide that information. If moving with
the times means that more R package authors do that then I'll all for
allowing markdown. Many package authors do include markdown material
because github renders this nicely and those package authors are using
github because that suits them. If R can accommodate those developers and
at the same time encourage others to add this information, that's better
than having those developers deciding it's not worth their time to write a
NEWS file when they already include this information in github-specific
forms (release notes/messages), Issues, etc.

roxygen2 doesn't generate Rd markup, it just inserts the values of roxygen
tags into a pre-exising template (it may actually inject some Rd
boilerplate). You still need to write Rd markup in the values however.



On 5 June 2015 at 00:53, Mark van der Loo  wrote:

> @Gavin: My aim was to point out that the ability to mix developer-facing
> documentation with user-facing documentation is not a good reason to want
> to support md.
> I agree with Duncan that links to within a package would be useful (not
> sure if NEWS.Rd supports this).
> I'm not so convinced that package authors that do not even add a plain
> text NEWS file will create a file.
> Adding means we now have three ways to specify the NEWS:
> - a plain text NEWS file; following the GNU recommendations
> - NEWS.Rd
> -
> Would it not be more elegant to have e.g. roxygen2 generate NEWS.Rd?
> (perhaps it is already possible, I'm not sure of that). I don't maintain
> CRAN, but I know what I would prefer..
> Cheers,
> Mark
> ​

Gavin Simpson, PhD

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__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-05 Thread Duncan Murdoch

On 05/06/2015 8:16 AM, Thomas J. Leeper wrote:

It's disappointing that many packages do not have a NEWS file. Perhaps
CRAN should require NEWS or CHANGELOG, as long as the system is being
reformed to potentially accommodate markdown anyway.

I think we should all be careful about suggesting work for other 
people.  This would be a huge amount of work, probably hundreds of hours 
in aggregate, for all those package authors and the CRAN maintainers.

On the other hand, we can gently nudge package authors to better 
practices.  When we talk in public about R packages, we should point out 
that we use a certain list of characteristics to judge their quality.  
My list includes:

 - Is it on CRAN?
 - Does it have an overview vignette?
 - Is it updated fairly regularly?
 - Do most of the help pages include examples?
 - Will it install on my OS without much trouble?

Your list could include

 - Does it have a readable NEWS file?

I do use packages which have negative answers to some of those 
questions, but they definitely influence my choice when I'm looking at a 
package for the first time.

Duncan Murdoch


Thomas J. Leeper

On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 12:00 PM,   wrote:
> Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2015 12:39:34 -0400
> From: Duncan Murdoch 
> To: Mark van der Loo ,
> Cc: R Devel Mailing List ,   Dirk Eddelbuettel
> , Imanuel Costigan 
> Subject: Re: [Rd] support on CRAN
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> On 04/06/2015 11:05 AM, Mark van der Loo wrote:
>> FWIW (and a bit late in the discussion, I know), I for one do not care
>> about having NEWS in md format at all.
>> The solution the Yihui uses (linking to GH from NEWS.Rd) is really annoying
>> for people with no direct Internet access. For example, I work at an
>> institute that handles a lot of private data and most VM's with R on it
>> have no direct internet access for that reason (of course internet is
>> accessible but through an application running on a separate VM).
>> Moreover, I as a user also do not care at all about links to GH #issues and
>> which @user did what for each issue. These are details that are useful for
>> people developing the package or for people who reported a bug. As a user I
>> just want to read a short description like "bugfix: function f crashed on
>> input y", or "function g is deprecated" without having to first navigate to
>> another website.
>> The most important thing about the NEWS is that it is easy to find (so in a
>> fixed place), and aimed at users, not developers. It should come with the
>> software, so it is also available when GH is offline or replaced with
>> something new (since hey, didn't we all have a sourceforge or google code
>> account in our younger days?).
>> In short, I think that added value of is fairly limited but it does
>> increase the risk of dispersing the NEWS all over the web.
> I'd disagree a little bit:  NEWS should be both for users and
> developers.  The advantage I see to support is that it will
> encourage people who are more comfortable writing in Markdown to include
> the news in the package, rather than having a link to external news (as
> Yihui did), or no news at all (as many packages do).
> It's pretty easy to have plain text news, but links in the news are
> helpful.  Links to bug reports are of most use to developers, but other
> links are useful to users.  For example, though I don't think anyone is
> making use of this, it should be possible to have links from NEWS.Rd (or
> when it is fully supported) directly into R's help system.  That
> would be especially useful for users.  It would probably even work on
> isolated systems, as long as they don't block access to the local http
> server.
> Duncan Murdoch
>> Best,
>> Mark
>> Op wo 3 jun. 2015 om 08:32 schreef Kurt Hornik :
>> > >>>>> Duncan Murdoch writes:
>> >
>> > > On 02/06/2015 11:05 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
>> > >> Hi Kurt,
>> > >>
>> > >> On 1 June 2015 at 14:02, Kurt Hornik wrote:
>> > >> | >>>>> peter dalgaard writes:
>> > >> |
>> > >> | >> On 30 May 2015, at 01:20 , Imanuel Costigan 
>> > wrote:
>> > >> | >>
>> > >> | >> So I assume this commit means is now no longer on
>> > blacklist?
>> &g

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-04 Thread Mark van der Loo
@Gavin: My aim was to point out that the ability to mix developer-facing
documentation with user-facing documentation is not a good reason to want
to support md.

I agree with Duncan that links to within a package would be useful (not
sure if NEWS.Rd supports this).

I'm not so convinced that package authors that do not even add a plain text
NEWS file will create a file.

Adding means we now have three ways to specify the NEWS:

- a plain text NEWS file; following the GNU recommendations

Would it not be more elegant to have e.g. roxygen2 generate NEWS.Rd?
(perhaps it is already possible, I'm not sure of that). I don't maintain
CRAN, but I know what I would prefer..



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__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-04 Thread Gavin Simpson
On 4 June 2015 at 11:16, Duncan Murdoch  wrote:

> On 04/06/2015 1:09 PM, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
>> On 04/06/2015 17:00, Gavin Simpson wrote:
>> ...
>> > 1. Markdown was designed to be as readable as possible in plain text
>> format
>> > (i.e. the sources, not the rendered file). There's nothing stopping you
>> > reading and parsing a in your head trivially.
>> ...
>> That claim is made frequently, but it is not my experience.  That you
>> can filter out markup in your head does not mean others can -- it is
>> very distracting to some visually impaired people (including when using
>> a text-to-speech reader).
>>  I agree.  I think we shouldn't be displaying raw Markdown, except
> possibly as a temporary measure, while we get the parsing and rendering in
> place.

Just to be clear; I wasn't suggesting that R should be displaying raw
Markdown. What I was getting at was even if your local setup stops you
seeing a rendered version of the file (for whatever reason) reading the
Markdown source is a lot easier than reading a similar file marked up using
Rd. Yet for those with less restrictive setups Markdown maintains many of
the benefits that the Rd markup allows.

I just failed miserably, and insensitively(!), to convey that point.


Duncan Murdoch

Gavin Simpson, PhD

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__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-04 Thread Gavin Simpson
Agreed, and "There's nothing stopping you reading and parsing a in
your head trivially." was very poorly phrased on my part. Just because I
can filter this out doesn't mean it is easy for others to do so.

Clearly anything with markup, even as light as markdown can be, is not as
simple as plain text.


On 4 June 2015 at 11:09, Prof Brian Ripley  wrote:

> On 04/06/2015 17:00, Gavin Simpson wrote:
> ...
>> 1. Markdown was designed to be as readable as possible in plain text
>> format
>> (i.e. the sources, not the rendered file). There's nothing stopping you
>> reading and parsing a in your head trivially.
> ...
> That claim is made frequently, but it is not my experience.  That you can
> filter out markup in your head does not mean others can -- it is very
> distracting to some visually impaired people (including when using a
> text-to-speech reader).
> --
> Brian D. Ripley,
> Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford
> 1 South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3TG, UK

Gavin Simpson, PhD

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__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-04 Thread Duncan Murdoch

On 04/06/2015 1:09 PM, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

On 04/06/2015 17:00, Gavin Simpson wrote:
> 1. Markdown was designed to be as readable as possible in plain text format
> (i.e. the sources, not the rendered file). There's nothing stopping you
> reading and parsing a in your head trivially.

That claim is made frequently, but it is not my experience.  That you
can filter out markup in your head does not mean others can -- it is
very distracting to some visually impaired people (including when using
a text-to-speech reader).

I agree.  I think we shouldn't be displaying raw Markdown, except 
possibly as a temporary measure, while we get the parsing and rendering 
in place.

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-04 Thread Prof Brian Ripley

On 04/06/2015 17:00, Gavin Simpson wrote:

1. Markdown was designed to be as readable as possible in plain text format
(i.e. the sources, not the rendered file). There's nothing stopping you
reading and parsing a in your head trivially.


That claim is made frequently, but it is not my experience.  That you 
can filter out markup in your head does not mean others can -- it is 
very distracting to some visually impaired people (including when using 
a text-to-speech reader).

Brian D. Ripley,
Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford
1 South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3TG, UK

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-04 Thread Duncan Murdoch

On 04/06/2015 11:05 AM, Mark van der Loo wrote:

FWIW (and a bit late in the discussion, I know), I for one do not care
about having NEWS in md format at all.

The solution the Yihui uses (linking to GH from NEWS.Rd) is really annoying
for people with no direct Internet access. For example, I work at an
institute that handles a lot of private data and most VM's with R on it
have no direct internet access for that reason (of course internet is
accessible but through an application running on a separate VM).

Moreover, I as a user also do not care at all about links to GH #issues and
which @user did what for each issue. These are details that are useful for
people developing the package or for people who reported a bug. As a user I
just want to read a short description like "bugfix: function f crashed on
input y", or "function g is deprecated" without having to first navigate to
another website.

The most important thing about the NEWS is that it is easy to find (so in a
fixed place), and aimed at users, not developers. It should come with the
software, so it is also available when GH is offline or replaced with
something new (since hey, didn't we all have a sourceforge or google code
account in our younger days?).

In short, I think that added value of is fairly limited but it does
increase the risk of dispersing the NEWS all over the web.

I'd disagree a little bit:  NEWS should be both for users and 
developers.  The advantage I see to support is that it will 
encourage people who are more comfortable writing in Markdown to include 
the news in the package, rather than having a link to external news (as 
Yihui did), or no news at all (as many packages do).

It's pretty easy to have plain text news, but links in the news are 
helpful.  Links to bug reports are of most use to developers, but other 
links are useful to users.  For example, though I don't think anyone is 
making use of this, it should be possible to have links from NEWS.Rd (or when it is fully supported) directly into R's help system.  That 
would be especially useful for users.  It would probably even work on 
isolated systems, as long as they don't block access to the local http 

Duncan Murdoch


Op wo 3 jun. 2015 om 08:32 schreef Kurt Hornik :

> > Duncan Murdoch writes:
> > On 02/06/2015 11:05 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> >> Hi Kurt,
> >>
> >> On 1 June 2015 at 14:02, Kurt Hornik wrote:
> >> | > peter dalgaard writes:
> >> |
> >> | >> On 30 May 2015, at 01:20 , Imanuel Costigan 
> wrote:
> >> | >>
> >> | >> So I assume this commit means is now no longer on
> blacklist?
> >> | >>
> >> |
> >> | > in the development version. Not true of released versions.
> >> |
> >> | Now also in r-patched.
> >>
> >> Nice.
> >>
> >> Now, is there a way for package authors to preview how a .md would be
> >> rendered?  I wrote mine with GitHub in mind, and they render fine. I
> looked a
> >> recently-uploaded of mine on CRAN, and it got some of the
> pandoc-y
> >> parts wrong --- and looks unprofessional.
> >>
> >> I would like to avoid that.  How can I?
> > In the short term, you should probably try to run pandoc with the same
> > version and options as CRAN.  Kurt, can you say what these are?  If you
> > (Dirk) know pandoc options that emulate Github, it would probably make
> > sense for CRAN to use those.
> Sure.  We currently have
> pandoc
> Compiled with texmath, highlighting-kate
> which we use with --email-obfuscation=references.
> Best
> -k
> > In the longer term, the plan is to include our own parser and renderer.
> > At that point this would be easy.
> > Duncan Murdoch
> >>
> >> Dirk
> >>
> >>
> >> | -k
> >> |
> >> | > -pd
> >> |
> >> |
> >> | >>
> >> | >>
> >> | >> Sent from my iPad
> >> | >>
> >> | >> On 23 May 2015, at 6:05 pm, Kurt Hornik 
> wrote:
> >> | >>
> >> |  Duncan Murdoch writes:
> >> | >>>
> >> | > On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
> >> | > Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown?
> Bit of a hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read
> >> | >>>
> >> |  Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about
> increasing the
> >> |  support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that
> it's too
> >> |  hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the
> platforms
> >> |  where R runs.
> >> | >>>
> >> | >>> There are actually two issues here.
> >> | >>>
> >> | >>> For CRAN, we could in principle take inst/ files, convert
> these
> >> | >>> to HTML using pandoc, and use the HTML for the package web page.
> (Would
> >> | >>> need the CRAN incoming checks to be taught about inst/
> >> | >>>
> >> | >>> However, we cannot use such files for utils::news() because we do
> not
> >> | >>> (yet?) know ho

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-04 Thread Gavin Simpson

You're conflating issues here andTwo things I think you are missing:

1. Markdown was designed to be as readable as possible in plain text format
(i.e. the sources, not the rendered file). There's nothing stopping you
reading and parsing a in your head trivially.

2. The proposal here is to have R render the natively, and display
it in your browser using it's own webserver (which it already has).

Rd markup is verbose, like LaTeX, and not really needed for a NEWS file.
But you need *something* if R is going to do something with it, it's just
that that thing need not be Rd markup.

Your point about NEWS actually containing something useful for the user is
an important one.


On 4 June 2015 at 09:05, Mark van der Loo  wrote:

> FWIW (and a bit late in the discussion, I know), I for one do not care
> about having NEWS in md format at all.
> The solution the Yihui uses (linking to GH from NEWS.Rd) is really annoying
> for people with no direct Internet access. For example, I work at an
> institute that handles a lot of private data and most VM's with R on it
> have no direct internet access for that reason (of course internet is
> accessible but through an application running on a separate VM).
> Moreover, I as a user also do not care at all about links to GH #issues and
> which @user did what for each issue. These are details that are useful for
> people developing the package or for people who reported a bug. As a user I
> just want to read a short description like "bugfix: function f crashed on
> input y", or "function g is deprecated" without having to first navigate to
> another website.
> The most important thing about the NEWS is that it is easy to find (so in a
> fixed place), and aimed at users, not developers. It should come with the
> software, so it is also available when GH is offline or replaced with
> something new (since hey, didn't we all have a sourceforge or google code
> account in our younger days?).
> In short, I think that added value of is fairly limited but it does
> increase the risk of dispersing the NEWS all over the web.
> Best,
> Mark
> Op wo 3 jun. 2015 om 08:32 schreef Kurt Hornik :
> > > Duncan Murdoch writes:
> >
> > > On 02/06/2015 11:05 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> > >> Hi Kurt,
> > >>
> > >> On 1 June 2015 at 14:02, Kurt Hornik wrote:
> > >> | > peter dalgaard writes:
> > >> |
> > >> | >> On 30 May 2015, at 01:20 , Imanuel Costigan 
> > wrote:
> > >> | >>
> > >> | >> So I assume this commit means is now no longer on
> > blacklist?
> > >> | >>
> > >> |
> > >> | > in the development version. Not true of released versions.
> > >> |
> > >> | Now also in r-patched.
> > >>
> > >> Nice.
> > >>
> > >> Now, is there a way for package authors to preview how a .md would be
> > >> rendered?  I wrote mine with GitHub in mind, and they render fine. I
> > looked a
> > >> recently-uploaded of mine on CRAN, and it got some of the
> > pandoc-y
> > >> parts wrong --- and looks unprofessional.
> > >>
> > >> I would like to avoid that.  How can I?
> >
> > > In the short term, you should probably try to run pandoc with the same
> > > version and options as CRAN.  Kurt, can you say what these are?  If you
> > > (Dirk) know pandoc options that emulate Github, it would probably make
> > > sense for CRAN to use those.
> >
> > Sure.  We currently have
> >
> > pandoc
> > Compiled with texmath, highlighting-kate
> >
> > which we use with --email-obfuscation=references.
> >
> > Best
> > -k
> >
> > > In the longer term, the plan is to include our own parser and renderer.
> > > At that point this would be easy.
> >
> > > Duncan Murdoch
> > >>
> > >> Dirk
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> | -k
> > >> |
> > >> | > -pd
> > >> |
> > >> |
> > >> | >>
> >
> > >> | >>
> > >> | >> Sent from my iPad
> > >> | >>
> > >> | >> On 23 May 2015, at 6:05 pm, Kurt Hornik 
> > wrote:
> > >> | >>
> > >> |  Duncan Murdoch writes:
> > >> | >>>
> > >> | > On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
> > >> | > Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in
> markdown?
> > Bit of a hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to
> read
> > NEWS.
> > >> | >>>
> > >> |  Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about
> > increasing the
> > >> |  support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that
> > it's too
> > >> |  hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the
> > platforms
> > >> |  where R runs.
> > >> | >>>
> > >> | >>> There are actually two issues here.
> > >> | >>>
> > >> | >>> For CRAN, we could in principle take inst/ files, convert
> > these
> > >> | >>> to HTML using pandoc, and use the HTML for the package web page.
> > (Would
> > >> | >>> need the CRAN incoming checks to be taught about inst/
> > >> | >>>
> > >> | >>> However, 

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-04 Thread Gabriel Becker

With respect I think you're conflating two different things here.

I completely agree with you that the workflow Yihui uses where the NEWS
file doesn't actually have the NEWS in it in a form that R can understand
is quite bad for users. It also makes the NEWS difficult to compute on,
which has caused me problems.

That is entirely separate from what formats R allows and understands the
NEWS within the package to be declared in, though. I think most people are
talking about supporting the shipping of NEWS in markdown *within the
package*, largely because people just don't like writing Rd files. It's
painful, so many people don't do it. It's easy to say they should do it
anyway, and you wouldn't be wrong, but unfortunately that isn't likely to
sway many people who are busy and have other things they want to do with
their time. Allowing package authors to write a file - and, again,
ship it with the package - eases that pain. With the type of support Duncan
and others are talking about, the end user (you) wouldn't even know if the
package had a or NEWS.Rd file, the result would be the same from
within R.


On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 8:05 AM, Mark van der Loo 

> FWIW (and a bit late in the discussion, I know), I for one do not care
> about having NEWS in md format at all.
> The solution the Yihui uses (linking to GH from NEWS.Rd) is really annoying
> for people with no direct Internet access. For example, I work at an
> institute that handles a lot of private data and most VM's with R on it
> have no direct internet access for that reason (of course internet is
> accessible but through an application running on a separate VM).
> Moreover, I as a user also do not care at all about links to GH #issues and
> which @user did what for each issue. These are details that are useful for
> people developing the package or for people who reported a bug. As a user I
> just want to read a short description like "bugfix: function f crashed on
> input y", or "function g is deprecated" without having to first navigate to
> another website.
> The most important thing about the NEWS is that it is easy to find (so in a
> fixed place), and aimed at users, not developers. It should come with the
> software, so it is also available when GH is offline or replaced with
> something new (since hey, didn't we all have a sourceforge or google code
> account in our younger days?).
> In short, I think that added value of is fairly limited but it does
> increase the risk of dispersing the NEWS all over the web.
> Best,
> Mark
> Op wo 3 jun. 2015 om 08:32 schreef Kurt Hornik :
> > > Duncan Murdoch writes:
> >
> > > On 02/06/2015 11:05 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> > >> Hi Kurt,
> > >>
> > >> On 1 June 2015 at 14:02, Kurt Hornik wrote:
> > >> | > peter dalgaard writes:
> > >> |
> > >> | >> On 30 May 2015, at 01:20 , Imanuel Costigan 
> > wrote:
> > >> | >>
> > >> | >> So I assume this commit means is now no longer on
> > blacklist?
> > >> | >>
> > >> |
> > >> | > in the development version. Not true of released versions.
> > >> |
> > >> | Now also in r-patched.
> > >>
> > >> Nice.
> > >>
> > >> Now, is there a way for package authors to preview how a .md would be
> > >> rendered?  I wrote mine with GitHub in mind, and they render fine. I
> > looked a
> > >> recently-uploaded of mine on CRAN, and it got some of the
> > pandoc-y
> > >> parts wrong --- and looks unprofessional.
> > >>
> > >> I would like to avoid that.  How can I?
> >
> > > In the short term, you should probably try to run pandoc with the same
> > > version and options as CRAN.  Kurt, can you say what these are?  If you
> > > (Dirk) know pandoc options that emulate Github, it would probably make
> > > sense for CRAN to use those.
> >
> > Sure.  We currently have
> >
> > pandoc
> > Compiled with texmath, highlighting-kate
> >
> > which we use with --email-obfuscation=references.
> >
> > Best
> > -k
> >
> > > In the longer term, the plan is to include our own parser and renderer.
> > > At that point this would be easy.
> >
> > > Duncan Murdoch
> > >>
> > >> Dirk
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> | -k
> > >> |
> > >> | > -pd
> > >> |
> > >> |
> > >> | >>
> >
> > >> | >>
> > >> | >> Sent from my iPad
> > >> | >>
> > >> | >> On 23 May 2015, at 6:05 pm, Kurt Hornik 
> > wrote:
> > >> | >>
> > >> |  Duncan Murdoch writes:
> > >> | >>>
> > >> | > On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
> > >> | > Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in
> markdown?
> > Bit of a hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to
> read
> > NEWS.
> > >> | >>>
> > >> |  Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about
> > increasing the
> > >> |  support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that
> > it's too
> > >> |  hard to do --

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-04 Thread Mark van der Loo
FWIW (and a bit late in the discussion, I know), I for one do not care
about having NEWS in md format at all.

The solution the Yihui uses (linking to GH from NEWS.Rd) is really annoying
for people with no direct Internet access. For example, I work at an
institute that handles a lot of private data and most VM's with R on it
have no direct internet access for that reason (of course internet is
accessible but through an application running on a separate VM).

Moreover, I as a user also do not care at all about links to GH #issues and
which @user did what for each issue. These are details that are useful for
people developing the package or for people who reported a bug. As a user I
just want to read a short description like "bugfix: function f crashed on
input y", or "function g is deprecated" without having to first navigate to
another website.

The most important thing about the NEWS is that it is easy to find (so in a
fixed place), and aimed at users, not developers. It should come with the
software, so it is also available when GH is offline or replaced with
something new (since hey, didn't we all have a sourceforge or google code
account in our younger days?).

In short, I think that added value of is fairly limited but it does
increase the risk of dispersing the NEWS all over the web.


Op wo 3 jun. 2015 om 08:32 schreef Kurt Hornik :

> > Duncan Murdoch writes:
> > On 02/06/2015 11:05 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> >> Hi Kurt,
> >>
> >> On 1 June 2015 at 14:02, Kurt Hornik wrote:
> >> | > peter dalgaard writes:
> >> |
> >> | >> On 30 May 2015, at 01:20 , Imanuel Costigan 
> wrote:
> >> | >>
> >> | >> So I assume this commit means is now no longer on
> blacklist?
> >> | >>
> >> |
> >> | > in the development version. Not true of released versions.
> >> |
> >> | Now also in r-patched.
> >>
> >> Nice.
> >>
> >> Now, is there a way for package authors to preview how a .md would be
> >> rendered?  I wrote mine with GitHub in mind, and they render fine. I
> looked a
> >> recently-uploaded of mine on CRAN, and it got some of the
> pandoc-y
> >> parts wrong --- and looks unprofessional.
> >>
> >> I would like to avoid that.  How can I?
> > In the short term, you should probably try to run pandoc with the same
> > version and options as CRAN.  Kurt, can you say what these are?  If you
> > (Dirk) know pandoc options that emulate Github, it would probably make
> > sense for CRAN to use those.
> Sure.  We currently have
> pandoc
> Compiled with texmath, highlighting-kate
> which we use with --email-obfuscation=references.
> Best
> -k
> > In the longer term, the plan is to include our own parser and renderer.
> > At that point this would be easy.
> > Duncan Murdoch
> >>
> >> Dirk
> >>
> >>
> >> | -k
> >> |
> >> | > -pd
> >> |
> >> |
> >> | >>
> >> | >>
> >> | >> Sent from my iPad
> >> | >>
> >> | >> On 23 May 2015, at 6:05 pm, Kurt Hornik 
> wrote:
> >> | >>
> >> |  Duncan Murdoch writes:
> >> | >>>
> >> | > On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
> >> | > Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown?
> Bit of a hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read
> >> | >>>
> >> |  Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about
> increasing the
> >> |  support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that
> it's too
> >> |  hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the
> platforms
> >> |  where R runs.
> >> | >>>
> >> | >>> There are actually two issues here.
> >> | >>>
> >> | >>> For CRAN, we could in principle take inst/ files, convert
> these
> >> | >>> to HTML using pandoc, and use the HTML for the package web page.
> (Would
> >> | >>> need the CRAN incoming checks to be taught about inst/
> >> | >>>
> >> | >>> However, we cannot use such files for utils::news() because we do
> not
> >> | >>> (yet?) know how to reliably parse such files and extract the news
> items
> >> | >>> (and hence cannot really compute on the news information).
> >> | >>>
> >> | >>> Btw, currently only one package on CRAN has inst/ (another
> one
> >> | >>> has at top level).
> >> | >>>
> >> | >>> Best
> >> | >>> -k
> >> | >>>
> >> |  Markdown is allowed for vignettes (because the package author
> processes
> >> |  those), so I'd suggest putting your news into a vignette instead
> of a
> >> |  news file.  Put in a token news file that points to the vignette
> so
> >> |  users can find it.
> >> | >>>
> >> |  Duncan Murdoch
> >> | >>>
> >> |  __
> >> | mailing list
> >> |
> >> | >>
> >> | >> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> >> | >>
> >> | >> 

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-02 Thread Kurt Hornik
> Duncan Murdoch writes:

> On 02/06/2015 11:05 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
>> Hi Kurt,
>> On 1 June 2015 at 14:02, Kurt Hornik wrote:
>> | > peter dalgaard writes:
>> |
>> | >> On 30 May 2015, at 01:20 , Imanuel Costigan  wrote:
>> | >>
>> | >> So I assume this commit means is now no longer on blacklist?
>> | >>
>> |
>> | > in the development version. Not true of released versions.
>> |
>> | Now also in r-patched.
>> Nice.
>> Now, is there a way for package authors to preview how a .md would be
>> rendered?  I wrote mine with GitHub in mind, and they render fine. I looked a
>> recently-uploaded of mine on CRAN, and it got some of the pandoc-y
>> parts wrong --- and looks unprofessional.
>> I would like to avoid that.  How can I?

> In the short term, you should probably try to run pandoc with the same 
> version and options as CRAN.  Kurt, can you say what these are?  If you 
> (Dirk) know pandoc options that emulate Github, it would probably make 
> sense for CRAN to use those.

Sure.  We currently have

Compiled with texmath, highlighting-kate

which we use with --email-obfuscation=references.


> In the longer term, the plan is to include our own parser and renderer.  
> At that point this would be easy.

> Duncan Murdoch
>> Dirk
>> | -k
>> |
>> | > -pd
>> |
>> |
>> | >> 
>> | >>
>> | >> Sent from my iPad
>> | >>
>> | >> On 23 May 2015, at 6:05 pm, Kurt Hornik  wrote:
>> | >>
>> |  Duncan Murdoch writes:
>> | >>>
>> | > On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
>> | > Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown? Bit 
>> of a hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read NEWS.
>> | >>>
>> |  Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about increasing 
>> the
>> |  support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that it's too
>> |  hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the platforms
>> |  where R runs.
>> | >>>
>> | >>> There are actually two issues here.
>> | >>>
>> | >>> For CRAN, we could in principle take inst/ files, convert these
>> | >>> to HTML using pandoc, and use the HTML for the package web page.  
>> (Would
>> | >>> need the CRAN incoming checks to be taught about inst/
>> | >>>
>> | >>> However, we cannot use such files for utils::news() because we do not
>> | >>> (yet?) know how to reliably parse such files and extract the news items
>> | >>> (and hence cannot really compute on the news information).
>> | >>>
>> | >>> Btw, currently only one package on CRAN has inst/ (another one
>> | >>> has at top level).
>> | >>>
>> | >>> Best
>> | >>> -k
>> | >>>
>> |  Markdown is allowed for vignettes (because the package author 
>> processes
>> |  those), so I'd suggest putting your news into a vignette instead of a
>> |  news file.  Put in a token news file that points to the vignette so
>> |  users can find it.
>> | >>>
>> |  Duncan Murdoch
>> | >>>
>> |  __
>> | mailing list
>> |
>> | >>
>> | >> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>> | >>
>> | >> __
>> | >> mailing list
>> | >>
>> |
>> | > --
>> | > Peter Dalgaard, Professor,
>> | > Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
>> | > Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
>> | > Phone: (+45)38153501
>> | > Email:  Priv:
>> |
>> | > __
>> | > mailing list
>> | >
>> |
>> | __
>> | mailing list
>> |

> __
> mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-02 Thread Gabriel Becker
On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 12:40 PM, Jeroen Ooms  wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 8:42 PM, Duncan Murdoch 
> wrote:
> > Several of us have been talking about this, and have more or less
> decided against pandoc for the within-R version.  It is too hard to build,
> or to include with R, on weird platforms. Something like commonmark is more
> likely. We'd also like to separate the parse and render steps.
> The commonmark::markdown_xml function gives the parse tree in xml
> format. From there we could use something like xpath to query the
> content for individual news items and such. I think this is a more
> practical way of exposing the syntax tree than deeply nested lists or
> an external pointer to the internal C handle.

I don't think it should matter what the internal representation is here. So
long as there is proper tooling (query methods, [ and [[, names, etc)
around whatever class is returned, the user won't ever even know.

XPath is certainly a good way to implement those things, but I don't know
if we'd want it to be the actual abstraction users/developers use to
interact with the tree. Thinking about the right way to consume ASTs
represented by R objects (and how those objects should be
structured/implemented) could have applications well beyond markdown as
well, some of which may not have a canonical/direct XML representation.


> __
> mailing list

Gabriel Becker, PhD
Computational Biologist
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Genentech, Inc.

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-02 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 02/06/2015 3:40 PM, Jeroen Ooms wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 8:42 PM, Duncan Murdoch  
> wrote:
>> Several of us have been talking about this, and have more or less decided 
>> against pandoc for the within-R version.  It is too hard to build, or to 
>> include with R, on weird platforms. Something like commonmark is more 
>> likely. We'd also like to separate the parse and render steps.
> The commonmark::markdown_xml function gives the parse tree in xml
> format. From there we could use something like xpath to query the
> content for individual news items and such. I think this is a more
> practical way of exposing the syntax tree than deeply nested lists or
> an external pointer to the internal C handle.

I'd rather avoid adding a dependence on the XML package; it's not a base
or recommended package, so most people don't have it.  Base R doesn't
have any XML processing built in.

One nice thing about the commonmark library is that it is
self-contained, so we can add it to R without pulling in a lot of other
stuff.  Using it to translate Markdown to XML loses that.

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-02 Thread Jeroen Ooms
On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 8:42 PM, Duncan Murdoch  wrote:
> Several of us have been talking about this, and have more or less decided 
> against pandoc for the within-R version.  It is too hard to build, or to 
> include with R, on weird platforms. Something like commonmark is more likely. 
> We'd also like to separate the parse and render steps.

The commonmark::markdown_xml function gives the parse tree in xml
format. From there we could use something like xpath to query the
content for individual news items and such. I think this is a more
practical way of exposing the syntax tree than deeply nested lists or
an external pointer to the internal C handle.

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-02 Thread Duncan Murdoch

On 02/06/2015 11:42 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

On 2 June 2015 at 11:25, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
| On 02/06/2015 11:05 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > Hi Kurt,
| >
| > On 1 June 2015 at 14:02, Kurt Hornik wrote:
| > | > peter dalgaard writes:
| > |
| > | >> On 30 May 2015, at 01:20 , Imanuel Costigan  wrote:
| > | >>
| > | >> So I assume this commit means is now no longer on blacklist?
| > | >>
| > |
| > | > in the development version. Not true of released versions.
| > |
| > | Now also in r-patched.
| >
| > Nice.
| >
| > Now, is there a way for package authors to preview how a .md would be
| > rendered?  I wrote mine with GitHub in mind, and they render fine. I looked 
| > recently-uploaded of mine on CRAN, and it got some of the pandoc-y
| > parts wrong --- and looks unprofessional.
| >
| > I would like to avoid that.  How can I?
| In the short term, you should probably try to run pandoc with the same
| version and options as CRAN.  Kurt, can you say what these are?  If you
| (Dirk) know pandoc options that emulate Github, it would probably make
| sense for CRAN to use those.
| In the longer term, the plan is to include our own parser and renderer.
| At that point this would be easy.

Thumbs up -- the 'rmarkdown' package by JJ et al basically already does just
this, and I have now authored a few (beamer) presentations that way.  And
quite like it.  It is all fully scriptable -- and of course available
interactive in whatever R shell you prefer -- and only requires pandoc
besides what is on CRAN.   Maybe medium-term Jeroen's commonmark can replace
pandoc and then we'd fully based on CRAN packages.

Several of us have been talking about this, and have more or less 
decided against pandoc for the within-R version.  It is too hard to 
build, or to include with R, on weird platforms.   Something like 
commonmark is more likely.  We'd also like to separate the parse and 
render steps.

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-02 Thread Kasper Daniel Hansen
This is supported by the NEWS.Rd mechanism, but many authors don't use it.
I agree; it would be wonderful if everyone used it and I think the main
(potential) advantage of this thread is to make it used (both by developers
and users) more broadly.


On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 11:42 AM, Michael Dewey 

> I realise this is not directly related to the topic but if changes are
> afoot would it be possible to make the use of any sort of news or changelog
> more prominent in the documentation? I maintain one of the CRAN task views
> and when someone updates his/her package it is much, much easier for me to
> see what has happened and if I need to update the text if they supply a
> news or changelog.
> On 02/06/2015 16:25, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>> On 02/06/2015 11:05 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
>>> Hi Kurt,
>>> On 1 June 2015 at 14:02, Kurt Hornik wrote:
>>> | > peter dalgaard writes:
>>> |
>>> | >> On 30 May 2015, at 01:20 , Imanuel Costigan 
>>> wrote:
>>> | >>
>>> | >> So I assume this commit means is now no longer on blacklist?
>>> | >>
>>> |
>>> | > in the development version. Not true of released versions.
>>> |
>>> | Now also in r-patched.
>>> Nice.
>>> Now, is there a way for package authors to preview how a .md would be
>>> rendered?  I wrote mine with GitHub in mind, and they render fine. I
>>> looked a
>>> recently-uploaded of mine on CRAN, and it got some of the
>>> pandoc-y
>>> parts wrong --- and looks unprofessional.
>>> I would like to avoid that.  How can I?
>> In the short term, you should probably try to run pandoc with the same
>> version and options as CRAN.  Kurt, can you say what these are?  If you
>> (Dirk) know pandoc options that emulate Github, it would probably make
>> sense for CRAN to use those.
>> In the longer term, the plan is to include our own parser and renderer.
>> At that point this would be easy.
>> Duncan Murdoch
>>> Dirk
>>> | -k
>>> |
>>> | > -pd
>>> |
>>> |
>>> | >>
>>> | >>
>>> | >> Sent from my iPad
>>> | >>
>>> | >> On 23 May 2015, at 6:05 pm, Kurt Hornik 
>>> wrote:
>>> | >>
>>> |  Duncan Murdoch writes:
>>> | >>>
>>> | > On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
>>> | > Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in
>>> markdown? Bit of a hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other
>>> like) site to read NEWS.
>>> | >>>
>>> |  Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about
>>> increasing the
>>> |  support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that
>>> it's too
>>> |  hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the
>>> platforms
>>> |  where R runs.
>>> | >>>
>>> | >>> There are actually two issues here.
>>> | >>>
>>> | >>> For CRAN, we could in principle take inst/ files, convert
>>> these
>>> | >>> to HTML using pandoc, and use the HTML for the package web
>>> page.  (Would
>>> | >>> need the CRAN incoming checks to be taught about inst/
>>> | >>>
>>> | >>> However, we cannot use such files for utils::news() because we
>>> do not
>>> | >>> (yet?) know how to reliably parse such files and extract the
>>> news items
>>> | >>> (and hence cannot really compute on the news information).
>>> | >>>
>>> | >>> Btw, currently only one package on CRAN has inst/
>>> (another one
>>> | >>> has at top level).
>>> | >>>
>>> | >>> Best
>>> | >>> -k
>>> | >>>
>>> |  Markdown is allowed for vignettes (because the package author
>>> processes
>>> |  those), so I'd suggest putting your news into a vignette
>>> instead of a
>>> |  news file.  Put in a token news file that points to the
>>> vignette so
>>> |  users can find it.
>>> | >>>
>>> |  Duncan Murdoch
>>> | >>>
>>> |  __
>>> | mailing list
>>> |
>>> | >>
>>> | >> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>>> | >>
>>> | >> __
>>> | >> mailing list
>>> | >>
>>> |
>>> | > --
>>> | > Peter Dalgaard, Professor,
>>> | > Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
>>> | > Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
>>> | > Phone: (+45)38153501
>>> | > Email:  Priv:
>>> |
>>> | > __
>>> | > mailing list
>>> | >
>>> |
>>> | __
>>> | mailing list
>>> |
>> __
>> mailing list
> --
> Michael

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-02 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

On 2 June 2015 at 11:25, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
| On 02/06/2015 11:05 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > Hi Kurt,
| >
| > On 1 June 2015 at 14:02, Kurt Hornik wrote:
| > | > peter dalgaard writes:
| > |
| > | >> On 30 May 2015, at 01:20 , Imanuel Costigan  wrote:
| > | >>
| > | >> So I assume this commit means is now no longer on blacklist?
| > | >>
| > |
| > | > in the development version. Not true of released versions.
| > |
| > | Now also in r-patched.
| >
| > Nice.
| >
| > Now, is there a way for package authors to preview how a .md would be
| > rendered?  I wrote mine with GitHub in mind, and they render fine. I looked 
| > recently-uploaded of mine on CRAN, and it got some of the pandoc-y
| > parts wrong --- and looks unprofessional.
| >
| > I would like to avoid that.  How can I?
| In the short term, you should probably try to run pandoc with the same 
| version and options as CRAN.  Kurt, can you say what these are?  If you 
| (Dirk) know pandoc options that emulate Github, it would probably make 
| sense for CRAN to use those.
| In the longer term, the plan is to include our own parser and renderer.  
| At that point this would be easy.

Thumbs up -- the 'rmarkdown' package by JJ et al basically already does just
this, and I have now authored a few (beamer) presentations that way.  And
quite like it.  It is all fully scriptable -- and of course available
interactive in whatever R shell you prefer -- and only requires pandoc
besides what is on CRAN.   Maybe medium-term Jeroen's commonmark can replace
pandoc and then we'd fully based on CRAN packages.


-- | @eddelbuettel |

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-02 Thread Michael Dewey
I realise this is not directly related to the topic but if changes are 
afoot would it be possible to make the use of any sort of news or 
changelog more prominent in the documentation? I maintain one of the 
CRAN task views and when someone updates his/her package it is much, 
much easier for me to see what has happened and if I need to update the 
text if they supply a news or changelog.

On 02/06/2015 16:25, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 02/06/2015 11:05 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

Hi Kurt,

On 1 June 2015 at 14:02, Kurt Hornik wrote:
| > peter dalgaard writes:
| >> On 30 May 2015, at 01:20 , Imanuel Costigan 
| >>
| >> So I assume this commit means is now no longer on blacklist?
| >>
| > in the development version. Not true of released versions.
| Now also in r-patched.


Now, is there a way for package authors to preview how a .md would be
rendered?  I wrote mine with GitHub in mind, and they render fine. I
looked a
recently-uploaded of mine on CRAN, and it got some of the
parts wrong --- and looks unprofessional.

I would like to avoid that.  How can I?

In the short term, you should probably try to run pandoc with the same
version and options as CRAN.  Kurt, can you say what these are?  If you
(Dirk) know pandoc options that emulate Github, it would probably make
sense for CRAN to use those.

In the longer term, the plan is to include our own parser and renderer.
At that point this would be easy.

Duncan Murdoch


| -k
| > -pd
| >>

| >>
| >> Sent from my iPad
| >>
| >> On 23 May 2015, at 6:05 pm, Kurt Hornik 
| >>
|  Duncan Murdoch writes:
| >>>
| > On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
| > Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in
markdown? Bit of a hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other
like) site to read NEWS.
| >>>
|  Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about
increasing the
|  support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that
it's too
|  hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the
|  where R runs.
| >>>
| >>> There are actually two issues here.
| >>>
| >>> For CRAN, we could in principle take inst/ files, convert
| >>> to HTML using pandoc, and use the HTML for the package web
page.  (Would
| >>> need the CRAN incoming checks to be taught about inst/
| >>>
| >>> However, we cannot use such files for utils::news() because we
do not
| >>> (yet?) know how to reliably parse such files and extract the
news items
| >>> (and hence cannot really compute on the news information).
| >>>
| >>> Btw, currently only one package on CRAN has inst/
(another one
| >>> has at top level).
| >>>
| >>> Best
| >>> -k
| >>>
|  Markdown is allowed for vignettes (because the package author
|  those), so I'd suggest putting your news into a vignette
instead of a
|  news file.  Put in a token news file that points to the
vignette so
|  users can find it.
| >>>
|  Duncan Murdoch
| >>>
|  __
| mailing list
| >>
| >> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
| >>
| >> __
| >> mailing list
| >>
| > --
| > Peter Dalgaard, Professor,
| > Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
| > Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
| > Phone: (+45)38153501
| > Email:  Priv:
| > __
| > mailing list
| >
| __
| mailing list

__ mailing list


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-02 Thread Duncan Murdoch

On 02/06/2015 11:05 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

Hi Kurt,

On 1 June 2015 at 14:02, Kurt Hornik wrote:
| > peter dalgaard writes:
| >> On 30 May 2015, at 01:20 , Imanuel Costigan  wrote:
| >>
| >> So I assume this commit means is now no longer on blacklist?
| >>
| > in the development version. Not true of released versions.
| Now also in r-patched.


Now, is there a way for package authors to preview how a .md would be
rendered?  I wrote mine with GitHub in mind, and they render fine. I looked a
recently-uploaded of mine on CRAN, and it got some of the pandoc-y
parts wrong --- and looks unprofessional.

I would like to avoid that.  How can I?

In the short term, you should probably try to run pandoc with the same 
version and options as CRAN.  Kurt, can you say what these are?  If you 
(Dirk) know pandoc options that emulate Github, it would probably make 
sense for CRAN to use those.

In the longer term, the plan is to include our own parser and renderer.  
At that point this would be easy.

Duncan Murdoch


| -k

| > -pd
| >>
| >>
| >> Sent from my iPad
| >>
| >> On 23 May 2015, at 6:05 pm, Kurt Hornik  wrote:
| >>
|  Duncan Murdoch writes:
| >>>
| > On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
| > Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown? Bit of 
a hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read NEWS.
| >>>
|  Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about increasing the
|  support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that it's too
|  hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the platforms
|  where R runs.
| >>>
| >>> There are actually two issues here.
| >>>
| >>> For CRAN, we could in principle take inst/ files, convert these
| >>> to HTML using pandoc, and use the HTML for the package web page.  (Would
| >>> need the CRAN incoming checks to be taught about inst/
| >>>
| >>> However, we cannot use such files for utils::news() because we do not
| >>> (yet?) know how to reliably parse such files and extract the news items
| >>> (and hence cannot really compute on the news information).
| >>>
| >>> Btw, currently only one package on CRAN has inst/ (another one
| >>> has at top level).
| >>>
| >>> Best
| >>> -k
| >>>
|  Markdown is allowed for vignettes (because the package author processes
|  those), so I'd suggest putting your news into a vignette instead of a
|  news file.  Put in a token news file that points to the vignette so
|  users can find it.
| >>>
|  Duncan Murdoch
| >>>
|  __
| mailing list
| >>
| >> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
| >>
| >> __
| >> mailing list
| >>
| > --
| > Peter Dalgaard, Professor,
| > Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
| > Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
| > Phone: (+45)38153501
| > Email:  Priv:
| > __
| > mailing list
| >
| __
| mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-02 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

Hi Kurt,

On 1 June 2015 at 14:02, Kurt Hornik wrote:
| > peter dalgaard writes:
| >> On 30 May 2015, at 01:20 , Imanuel Costigan  wrote:
| >> 
| >> So I assume this commit means is now no longer on blacklist? 
| >> 
| > in the development version. Not true of released versions.
| Now also in r-patched.


Now, is there a way for package authors to preview how a .md would be
rendered?  I wrote mine with GitHub in mind, and they render fine. I looked a
recently-uploaded of mine on CRAN, and it got some of the pandoc-y
parts wrong --- and looks unprofessional.

I would like to avoid that.  How can I?


| -k
| > -pd
| >>
| >> 
| >> Sent from my iPad
| >> 
| >> On 23 May 2015, at 6:05 pm, Kurt Hornik  wrote:
| >> 
|  Duncan Murdoch writes:
| >>> 
| > On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
| > Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown? Bit of 
a hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read NEWS.
| >>> 
|  Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about increasing the
|  support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that it's too
|  hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the platforms
|  where R runs.
| >>> 
| >>> There are actually two issues here.
| >>> 
| >>> For CRAN, we could in principle take inst/ files, convert these
| >>> to HTML using pandoc, and use the HTML for the package web page.  (Would
| >>> need the CRAN incoming checks to be taught about inst/
| >>> 
| >>> However, we cannot use such files for utils::news() because we do not
| >>> (yet?) know how to reliably parse such files and extract the news items
| >>> (and hence cannot really compute on the news information).
| >>> 
| >>> Btw, currently only one package on CRAN has inst/ (another one
| >>> has at top level).
| >>> 
| >>> Best
| >>> -k
| >>> 
|  Markdown is allowed for vignettes (because the package author processes
|  those), so I'd suggest putting your news into a vignette instead of a
|  news file.  Put in a token news file that points to the vignette so
|  users can find it.
| >>> 
|  Duncan Murdoch
| >>> 
|  __
| mailing list
| >> 
| >> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
| >> 
| >> __
| >> mailing list
| >>
| > -- 
| > Peter Dalgaard, Professor,
| > Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
| > Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
| > Phone: (+45)38153501
| > Email:  Priv:
| > __
| > mailing list
| >
| __
| mailing list

-- | @eddelbuettel |

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-06-01 Thread Kurt Hornik
> peter dalgaard writes:

>> On 30 May 2015, at 01:20 , Imanuel Costigan  wrote:
>> So I assume this commit means is now no longer on blacklist? 

> in the development version. Not true of released versions.

Now also in r-patched.


> -pd

>> Sent from my iPad
>> On 23 May 2015, at 6:05 pm, Kurt Hornik  wrote:
 Duncan Murdoch writes:
> On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
> Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown? Bit of a 
> hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read NEWS.
 Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about increasing the
 support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that it's too
 hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the platforms
 where R runs.
>>> There are actually two issues here.
>>> For CRAN, we could in principle take inst/ files, convert these
>>> to HTML using pandoc, and use the HTML for the package web page.  (Would
>>> need the CRAN incoming checks to be taught about inst/
>>> However, we cannot use such files for utils::news() because we do not
>>> (yet?) know how to reliably parse such files and extract the news items
>>> (and hence cannot really compute on the news information).
>>> Btw, currently only one package on CRAN has inst/ (another one
>>> has at top level).
>>> Best
>>> -k
 Markdown is allowed for vignettes (because the package author processes
 those), so I'd suggest putting your news into a vignette instead of a
 news file.  Put in a token news file that points to the vignette so
 users can find it.
 Duncan Murdoch
 __ mailing list
>> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>> __
>> mailing list

> -- 
> Peter Dalgaard, Professor,
> Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
> Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
> Phone: (+45)38153501
> Email:  Priv:

> __
> mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-29 Thread peter dalgaard

> On 30 May 2015, at 01:20 , Imanuel Costigan  wrote:
> So I assume this commit means is now no longer on blacklist? 

in the development version. Not true of released versions.


> Sent from my iPad
> On 23 May 2015, at 6:05 pm, Kurt Hornik  wrote:
>>> Duncan Murdoch writes:
 On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
 Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown? Bit of a 
 hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read NEWS.
>>> Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about increasing the
>>> support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that it's too
>>> hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the platforms
>>> where R runs.
>> There are actually two issues here.
>> For CRAN, we could in principle take inst/ files, convert these
>> to HTML using pandoc, and use the HTML for the package web page.  (Would
>> need the CRAN incoming checks to be taught about inst/
>> However, we cannot use such files for utils::news() because we do not
>> (yet?) know how to reliably parse such files and extract the news items
>> (and hence cannot really compute on the news information).
>> Btw, currently only one package on CRAN has inst/ (another one
>> has at top level).
>> Best
>> -k
>>> Markdown is allowed for vignettes (because the package author processes
>>> those), so I'd suggest putting your news into a vignette instead of a
>>> news file.  Put in a token news file that points to the vignette so
>>> users can find it.
>>> Duncan Murdoch
>>> __
>>> mailing list
>   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> __
> mailing list

Peter Dalgaard, Professor,
Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Phone: (+45)38153501
Email:  Priv:

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-29 Thread Imanuel Costigan
So I assume this commit means is now no longer on blacklist?

Sent from my iPad

On 23 May 2015, at 6:05 pm, Kurt Hornik  wrote:

>> Duncan Murdoch writes:
>>> On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
>>> Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown? Bit of a 
>>> hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read NEWS.
>> Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about increasing the
>> support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that it's too
>> hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the platforms
>> where R runs.
> There are actually two issues here.
> For CRAN, we could in principle take inst/ files, convert these
> to HTML using pandoc, and use the HTML for the package web page.  (Would
> need the CRAN incoming checks to be taught about inst/
> However, we cannot use such files for utils::news() because we do not
> (yet?) know how to reliably parse such files and extract the news items
> (and hence cannot really compute on the news information).
> Btw, currently only one package on CRAN has inst/ (another one
> has at top level).
> Best
> -k
>> Markdown is allowed for vignettes (because the package author processes
>> those), so I'd suggest putting your news into a vignette instead of a
>> news file.  Put in a token news file that points to the vignette so
>> users can find it.
>> Duncan Murdoch
>> __
>> mailing list

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-27 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
> Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown? Bit of a 
> hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read NEWS.

In answer to your original question:  plans are now being formed.  It
seems as though full support should be feasible, but someone needs to
volunteer to do it and maintain it.

By full support, I mean support that's equal to the support for NEWS.Rd
on CRAN and in R.

It's possible we'll get weaker support sooner, e.g. display of the
Markdown source in R and pandoc output on CRAN; that remains to be

No predicted time line for any of this.

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-24 Thread Jeroen Ooms
On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 4:01 AM, Duncan Murdoch
> The "markdown" package does some of what R would need to make use of Sundown, 
> but not all:  we really do need an R object representation of the parse tree, 
> for functions like news() to work with in the short term, and the help system 
> in the longer term.

John MacFarlane's reference implementation does provide the markdown
parsing tree, although by default it is only exposed in xml form. A
quick example:


>From the xml tree you can easily extract news items using xpath, or we
could hack the libcmark library a bit to get the parse tree as an R

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-24 Thread Kevin Ushey
I like the idea of supporting a small, strict subset of Markdown that
can be used to translate from to NEWS.

Following from Yihui's example, it would be pretty easy to write a
parser in R for such a format (and I'd be willing to try implementing
one, if that would be of interest).


On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 10:20 AM, Yihui Xie  wrote:
> That is more or less what I had been doing for a long time (having
> both and NEWS), but decided not to do it any more last year.
> In fact, you can easily convert to a NEWS file that R's news()
> can understand, e.g.
> (if
> your is like this
> I stopped doing this because as I said, I found Github release notes
> much more pleasant to read (,
> and I do not care much about the possibility that some users do not
> have internet connections when reading the NEWS (it is a legitimate
> concern, though). IMHO, it is totally worth it if we are talking about
> official support of Markdown in R's documentation system (.Rd files),
> and it is probably not worth the time and effort if we only want to
> support in particular. That is just a tiny problem compared to
> the effort of porting CommonMark or whatever Markdown rendering
> engines into R.
> Regards,
> Yihui
> On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 7:58 AM, Duncan Murdoch
>  wrote:
>> I imagine GitHub users could have both and NEWS, with one being
>> a symlink to the other, and .Rbuildignore set to ignore  Why
>> not try it, and post instructions for other Github users?  news() won't
>> be able to understand the headings, but it should display the file as a
>> bunch of text.
>> Duncan Murdoch
> __
> mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-24 Thread Yihui Xie
That is more or less what I had been doing for a long time (having
both and NEWS), but decided not to do it any more last year.
In fact, you can easily convert to a NEWS file that R's news()
can understand, e.g. (if
your is like this

I stopped doing this because as I said, I found Github release notes
much more pleasant to read (,
and I do not care much about the possibility that some users do not
have internet connections when reading the NEWS (it is a legitimate
concern, though). IMHO, it is totally worth it if we are talking about
official support of Markdown in R's documentation system (.Rd files),
and it is probably not worth the time and effort if we only want to
support in particular. That is just a tiny problem compared to
the effort of porting CommonMark or whatever Markdown rendering
engines into R.


On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 7:58 AM, Duncan Murdoch
> I imagine GitHub users could have both and NEWS, with one being
> a symlink to the other, and .Rbuildignore set to ignore  Why
> not try it, and post instructions for other Github users?  news() won't
> be able to understand the headings, but it should display the file as a
> bunch of text.
> Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-24 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 24/05/2015 7:20 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 23/05/2015 10:26 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
>>> On 24 May 2015, at 12:07 pm, Duncan Murdoch  
>>> wrote:
>>> On 23/05/2015 9:15 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
 While a parsed HTML version of the file would be nice, I would 
 like something much simpler: being able to "see” this file in the Help 
 pane in RStudio 
>>> That isn't really any simpler.  RStudio is just displaying HTML whenever
>>> it shows you anything in the Help pane.
>> Ok yes, point taken. My post was more in relation to a short-term “fix” of 
>> being able to save the file in the package’s top level directory. 
>> Users could still be able to read it as a plain text file in their R session 
>> (esp. if they don’t have web access) AND be able to see the pretty marked up 
>> version on Github if they wished. At the moment, it isn’t possible to make 
>> this work without triggering CRAN errors (by storing it in the top-level) or 
>> losing the file from top level directory of the package (by saving 
>> to inst/) and making it less conventional / accessible on Github. Ideally, 
>> one should be able to get the best of both: save this in top-level directory 
>> and when necessary, just present it as a text file (at least until such time 
>> as Markdown is officially supported). 
>>> or being about to run something like show_news(“packagename”). Duncan
>>> mentioned issues with the news() function being able to process metadata
>>> represented in the Md file. What is the motivation of this structure?
>>> I don't understand your question.  What issues did I mention?  Or are
>>> you talking about Kurt's post, who first mentioned news()?  And what
>>> structure are you talking about?
>> Yes I was referring to Kurt’s comments. As I understand it, the short-term 
>> “fix” I outlined above wouldn’t work because news() expects a certain 
>> structure and can’t extract the elements that it expects from  Markdown 
>> files yet. What I am asking is why it isn’t possible / desirable for news() 
>> to simply print to the console the contents of `system.file(“”, 
>> package = “packagename”)`? For example, `news(package = “devtools”)` returns 
>> nothing because it uses “”. 
> Short term fixes are generally a bad way to design software.  We should
> do this right if we do it at all.  It might require people using Github
> to change the way they do things, if that turns out to make more sense
> than accommodating them.

I imagine GitHub users could have both and NEWS, with one being
a symlink to the other, and .Rbuildignore set to ignore  Why
not try it, and post instructions for other Github users?  news() won't
be able to understand the headings, but it should display the file as a
bunch of text.

Duncan Murdoch

> Duncan Murdoch
>>> Duncan Murdoch

> On 24 May 2015, at 10:51 am, Baptiste Auguie  
> wrote:
> John MacFarlane, the author of Pandoc, has been working on a project 
> ( to define a standard reference for Markdown*. 
> There are already two reference implementations, one in javascript, the 
> other in C:
> Regards,
> baptiste
> * There was some initial controversy with the original author of 
> markdown, but in the long term it's probably one of the more reliable 
> sources to follow.
> On 24 May 2015 at 12:00, Duncan Murdoch  wrote:
> On 23/05/2015 9:25 AM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:
>> On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Duncan Murdoch
>>>> wrote:
>> [...]
>>I think the harder problem is display.  CRAN can run pandoc, but can
>>users who install the package from source?  I would expect some 
>> obscure
>>platforms (like Windows ;-) would not have it available.
>> [...]
>> I don't think pandoc is the best way to go with (and,
>> actually). I would be surprised if many package maintainer built their
>> NEWS/README files with pandoc. They just look at them at GitHub (or
>> another similar service).
>> GitHub has API for building HTML from
>> MarkDown:
>> It can build GitHub-flavored MarkDown, in which case you get links to
>> GitHub issues, etc. or just plain MarkDown, like a GitHub README.
>> If you don't want to rely on their service, then there are a multitude
>> of lightweight MarkDown parsers available,
>> e.g. is a good one IMO.
> I wouldn't want R builds to depend on GitHub, so this sounds more
> interesting.  I took a look at that website, and it looks problematic to
> me:  the parser appears to be written in Javascript, and the install
> instructions (using "npm" and "b

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-24 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 23/05/2015 10:26 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
>> On 24 May 2015, at 12:07 pm, Duncan Murdoch  wrote:
>> On 23/05/2015 9:15 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
>>> While a parsed HTML version of the file would be nice, I would like 
>>> something much simpler: being able to "see” this file in the Help pane in 
>>> RStudio 
>> That isn't really any simpler.  RStudio is just displaying HTML whenever
>> it shows you anything in the Help pane.
> Ok yes, point taken. My post was more in relation to a short-term “fix” of 
> being able to save the file in the package’s top level directory. 
> Users could still be able to read it as a plain text file in their R session 
> (esp. if they don’t have web access) AND be able to see the pretty marked up 
> version on Github if they wished. At the moment, it isn’t possible to make 
> this work without triggering CRAN errors (by storing it in the top-level) or 
> losing the file from top level directory of the package (by saving to 
> inst/) and making it less conventional / accessible on Github. Ideally, one 
> should be able to get the best of both: save this in top-level directory and 
> when necessary, just present it as a text file (at least until such time as 
> Markdown is officially supported). 
>> or being about to run something like show_news(“packagename”). Duncan
>> mentioned issues with the news() function being able to process metadata
>> represented in the Md file. What is the motivation of this structure?
>> I don't understand your question.  What issues did I mention?  Or are
>> you talking about Kurt's post, who first mentioned news()?  And what
>> structure are you talking about?
> Yes I was referring to Kurt’s comments. As I understand it, the short-term 
> “fix” I outlined above wouldn’t work because news() expects a certain 
> structure and can’t extract the elements that it expects from  Markdown files 
> yet. What I am asking is why it isn’t possible / desirable for news() to 
> simply print to the console the contents of `system.file(“”, package = 
> “packagename”)`? For example, `news(package = “devtools”)` returns nothing 
> because it uses “”. 

Short term fixes are generally a bad way to design software.  We should
do this right if we do it at all.  It might require people using Github
to change the way they do things, if that turns out to make more sense
than accommodating them.

Duncan Murdoch

>> Duncan Murdoch
 On 24 May 2015, at 10:51 am, Baptiste Auguie  

 John MacFarlane, the author of Pandoc, has been working on a project 
 ( to define a standard reference for Markdown*. 
 There are already two reference implementations, one in javascript, the 
 other in C:



 * There was some initial controversy with the original author of markdown, 
 but in the long term it's probably one of the more reliable sources to 

 On 24 May 2015 at 12:00, Duncan Murdoch  wrote:
 On 23/05/2015 9:25 AM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:
> On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Duncan Murdoch
>>> wrote:
> [...]
>I think the harder problem is display.  CRAN can run pandoc, but can
>users who install the package from source?  I would expect some obscure
>platforms (like Windows ;-) would not have it available.
> [...]
> I don't think pandoc is the best way to go with (and,
> actually). I would be surprised if many package maintainer built their
> NEWS/README files with pandoc. They just look at them at GitHub (or
> another similar service).
> GitHub has API for building HTML from
> MarkDown:
> It can build GitHub-flavored MarkDown, in which case you get links to
> GitHub issues, etc. or just plain MarkDown, like a GitHub README.
> If you don't want to rely on their service, then there are a multitude
> of lightweight MarkDown parsers available,
> e.g. is a good one IMO.

 I wouldn't want R builds to depend on GitHub, so this sounds more
 interesting.  I took a look at that website, and it looks problematic to
 me:  the parser appears to be written in Javascript, and the install
 instructions (using "npm" and "bower", whatever those are) depend on
 some unstated prerequisites.  In principle there's no reason not to
 allow R builds to depend on these things, but adding a dependency like
 that implies so much testing that I can't imagine anyone who could do it
 would want to.

 It's likely that a suitable parser could be written in some combination
 of C and R -- Markdown is not a complicated language.

> Pandoc is great for vignettes, but you don't ne

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-24 Thread Baptiste Auguie
On 24 May 2015 at 14:01, Duncan Murdoch  wrote:

> It sounds as though there are at least two possibilities for parsers
> that could be included in R:  Sundown and commonmark.

Sundown is in fact deprecated,
in favor of commonmark which will likely become the standard tool for
StackExchange, github, Reddit, among others.

The markdown package has been somewhat superseded by rmarkdown, based on
Pandoc. However commonmark would be easier to include (no dependency on
Haskell), much faster, and more memory efficient. The good folks at Rstudio
will probably have considered this option, and may even have started
working on R bindings. Commonmark seems to use an intermediate Abstract
Syntax Tree, which could be also useful for custom processing.



[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-24 Thread Baptiste Auguie
John MacFarlane, the author of Pandoc, has been working on a project ( to define a standard reference for Markdown*. There
are already two reference implementations, one in javascript, the other in



* There was some initial controversy with the original author of markdown,
but in the long term it's probably one of the more reliable sources to

On 24 May 2015 at 12:00, Duncan Murdoch  wrote:

> On 23/05/2015 9:25 AM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:
> > On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Duncan Murdoch
> >>> wrote:
> > [...]
> >
> > I think the harder problem is display.  CRAN can run pandoc, but can
> > users who install the package from source?  I would expect some
> obscure
> > platforms (like Windows ;-) would not have it available.
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > I don't think pandoc is the best way to go with (and,
> > actually). I would be surprised if many package maintainer built their
> > NEWS/README files with pandoc. They just look at them at GitHub (or
> > another similar service).
> >
> > GitHub has API for building HTML from
> > MarkDown:
> > It can build GitHub-flavored MarkDown, in which case you get links to
> > GitHub issues, etc. or just plain MarkDown, like a GitHub README.
> >
> > If you don't want to rely on their service, then there are a multitude
> > of lightweight MarkDown parsers available,
> > e.g. is a good one IMO.
> I wouldn't want R builds to depend on GitHub, so this sounds more
> interesting.  I took a look at that website, and it looks problematic to
> me:  the parser appears to be written in Javascript, and the install
> instructions (using "npm" and "bower", whatever those are) depend on
> some unstated prerequisites.  In principle there's no reason not to
> allow R builds to depend on these things, but adding a dependency like
> that implies so much testing that I can't imagine anyone who could do it
> would want to.
> It's likely that a suitable parser could be written in some combination
> of C and R -- Markdown is not a complicated language.
> > Pandoc is great for vignettes, but you don't need its full power for
> > READMEs and especially not for NEWS files. In fact most files
> > look good as text.
> But we do need something, and it needs to be essentially universally
> available, or small enough to include in the R sources.  I think R
> should eventually support Markdown as an acceptable language for
> documentation (including, and also help files for functions),
> but I think the effort required to do it now is too much.
> Duncan Murdoch
> >
> > Gabor
> >
> __
> mailing list

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-23 Thread Imanuel Costigan

> On 24 May 2015, at 12:07 pm, Duncan Murdoch  wrote:
> On 23/05/2015 9:15 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
>> While a parsed HTML version of the file would be nice, I would like 
>> something much simpler: being able to "see” this file in the Help pane in 
>> RStudio 
> That isn't really any simpler.  RStudio is just displaying HTML whenever
> it shows you anything in the Help pane.

Ok yes, point taken. My post was more in relation to a short-term “fix” of 
being able to save the file in the package’s top level directory. Users 
could still be able to read it as a plain text file in their R session (esp. if 
they don’t have web access) AND be able to see the pretty marked up version on 
Github if they wished. At the moment, it isn’t possible to make this work 
without triggering CRAN errors (by storing it in the top-level) or losing the file from top level directory of the package (by saving to inst/) and 
making it less conventional / accessible on Github. Ideally, one should be able 
to get the best of both: save this in top-level directory and when necessary, 
just present it as a text file (at least until such time as Markdown is 
officially supported). 

> or being about to run something like show_news(“packagename”). Duncan
> mentioned issues with the news() function being able to process metadata
> represented in the Md file. What is the motivation of this structure?
> I don't understand your question.  What issues did I mention?  Or are
> you talking about Kurt's post, who first mentioned news()?  And what
> structure are you talking about?

Yes I was referring to Kurt’s comments. As I understand it, the short-term 
“fix” I outlined above wouldn’t work because news() expects a certain structure 
and can’t extract the elements that it expects from  Markdown files yet. What I 
am asking is why it isn’t possible / desirable for news() to simply print to 
the console the contents of `system.file(“”, package = “packagename”)`? 
For example, `news(package = “devtools”)` returns nothing because it uses 

> Duncan Murdoch
>>> On 24 May 2015, at 10:51 am, Baptiste Auguie  
>>> wrote:
>>> John MacFarlane, the author of Pandoc, has been working on a project 
>>> ( to define a standard reference for Markdown*. 
>>> There are already two reference implementations, one in javascript, the 
>>> other in C:
>>> Regards,
>>> baptiste
>>> * There was some initial controversy with the original author of markdown, 
>>> but in the long term it's probably one of the more reliable sources to 
>>> follow.
>>> On 24 May 2015 at 12:00, Duncan Murdoch  wrote:
>>> On 23/05/2015 9:25 AM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:
 On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Duncan Murdoch>> wrote:
I think the harder problem is display.  CRAN can run pandoc, but can
users who install the package from source?  I would expect some obscure
platforms (like Windows ;-) would not have it available.
 I don't think pandoc is the best way to go with (and,
 actually). I would be surprised if many package maintainer built their
 NEWS/README files with pandoc. They just look at them at GitHub (or
 another similar service).
 GitHub has API for building HTML from
 It can build GitHub-flavored MarkDown, in which case you get links to
 GitHub issues, etc. or just plain MarkDown, like a GitHub README.
 If you don't want to rely on their service, then there are a multitude
 of lightweight MarkDown parsers available,
 e.g. is a good one IMO.
>>> I wouldn't want R builds to depend on GitHub, so this sounds more
>>> interesting.  I took a look at that website, and it looks problematic to
>>> me:  the parser appears to be written in Javascript, and the install
>>> instructions (using "npm" and "bower", whatever those are) depend on
>>> some unstated prerequisites.  In principle there's no reason not to
>>> allow R builds to depend on these things, but adding a dependency like
>>> that implies so much testing that I can't imagine anyone who could do it
>>> would want to.
>>> It's likely that a suitable parser could be written in some combination
>>> of C and R -- Markdown is not a complicated language.
 Pandoc is great for vignettes, but you don't need its full power for
 READMEs and especially not for NEWS files. In fact most files
 look good as text.
>>> But we do need something, and it needs to be essentially universally
>>> available, or small enough to include in the R sources.  I think R
>>> should eventually support Markdown as an acceptable language for
>>> documentation (including, and also help files for func

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-23 Thread Imanuel Costigan
I’d suggest going with CommonMark if this will be the basis of broader support 
for Markdown as it is well defined whereas GruberMarkdown is defined by broad 
conventions with specifics determined by parsers. 

> On 24 May 2015, at 12:01 pm, Duncan Murdoch  wrote:
> On 23/05/2015 8:51 PM, Baptiste Auguie wrote:
>> John MacFarlane, the author of Pandoc, has been working on a project
>> ( to define a standard reference for Markdown*.
>> There are already two reference implementations, one in javascript, the
>> other in C:
> It sounds as though there are at least two possibilities for parsers
> that could be included in R:  Sundown and commonmark.  The "markdown"
> package does some of what R would need to make use of Sundown, but not
> all:  we really do need an R object representation of the parse tree,
> for functions like news() to work with in the short term, and the help
> system in the longer term.  To allow to be used, we'd also need
> someone to work out the conventions for what's allowed (probably very
> similar to the conventions for NEWS or NEWS.Rd), and write code to work
> with those files.
> Does anyone want to work on this?
> Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-23 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 23/05/2015 9:15 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
> While a parsed HTML version of the file would be nice, I would like 
> something much simpler: being able to "see” this file in the Help pane in 
> RStudio 

That isn't really any simpler.  RStudio is just displaying HTML whenever
it shows you anything in the Help pane.

or being about to run something like show_news(“packagename”). Duncan
mentioned issues with the news() function being able to process metadata
represented in the Md file. What is the motivation of this structure?

I don't understand your question.  What issues did I mention?  Or are
you talking about Kurt's post, who first mentioned news()?  And what
structure are you talking about?

Duncan Murdoch

>> On 24 May 2015, at 10:51 am, Baptiste Auguie  
>> wrote:
>> John MacFarlane, the author of Pandoc, has been working on a project 
>> ( to define a standard reference for Markdown*. There 
>> are already two reference implementations, one in javascript, the other in 
>> C:
>> Regards,
>> baptiste
>> * There was some initial controversy with the original author of markdown, 
>> but in the long term it's probably one of the more reliable sources to 
>> follow.
>> On 24 May 2015 at 12:00, Duncan Murdoch  wrote:
>> On 23/05/2015 9:25 AM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:
>>> On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Duncan Murdoch
>>>>> wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> I think the harder problem is display.  CRAN can run pandoc, but can
>>> users who install the package from source?  I would expect some obscure
>>> platforms (like Windows ;-) would not have it available.
>>> [...]
>>> I don't think pandoc is the best way to go with (and,
>>> actually). I would be surprised if many package maintainer built their
>>> NEWS/README files with pandoc. They just look at them at GitHub (or
>>> another similar service).
>>> GitHub has API for building HTML from
>>> MarkDown:
>>> It can build GitHub-flavored MarkDown, in which case you get links to
>>> GitHub issues, etc. or just plain MarkDown, like a GitHub README.
>>> If you don't want to rely on their service, then there are a multitude
>>> of lightweight MarkDown parsers available,
>>> e.g. is a good one IMO.
>> I wouldn't want R builds to depend on GitHub, so this sounds more
>> interesting.  I took a look at that website, and it looks problematic to
>> me:  the parser appears to be written in Javascript, and the install
>> instructions (using "npm" and "bower", whatever those are) depend on
>> some unstated prerequisites.  In principle there's no reason not to
>> allow R builds to depend on these things, but adding a dependency like
>> that implies so much testing that I can't imagine anyone who could do it
>> would want to.
>> It's likely that a suitable parser could be written in some combination
>> of C and R -- Markdown is not a complicated language.
>>> Pandoc is great for vignettes, but you don't need its full power for
>>> READMEs and especially not for NEWS files. In fact most files
>>> look good as text.
>> But we do need something, and it needs to be essentially universally
>> available, or small enough to include in the R sources.  I think R
>> should eventually support Markdown as an acceptable language for
>> documentation (including, and also help files for functions),
>> but I think the effort required to do it now is too much.
>> Duncan Murdoch
>>> Gabor
>> __
>> mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-23 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 23/05/2015 8:51 PM, Baptiste Auguie wrote:
> John MacFarlane, the author of Pandoc, has been working on a project
> ( to define a standard reference for Markdown*.
> There are already two reference implementations, one in javascript, the
> other in C:

It sounds as though there are at least two possibilities for parsers
that could be included in R:  Sundown and commonmark.  The "markdown"
package does some of what R would need to make use of Sundown, but not
all:  we really do need an R object representation of the parse tree,
for functions like news() to work with in the short term, and the help
system in the longer term.  To allow to be used, we'd also need
someone to work out the conventions for what's allowed (probably very
similar to the conventions for NEWS or NEWS.Rd), and write code to work
with those files.

Does anyone want to work on this?

Duncan Murdoch

> Regards,
> baptiste
> * There was some initial controversy with the original author of
> markdown, but in the long term it's probably one of the more reliable
> sources to follow.
> On 24 May 2015 at 12:00, Duncan Murdoch  > wrote:
> On 23/05/2015 9:25 AM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:
> > On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Duncan Murdoch
> >>
> >>
> wrote:
> > [...]
> >
> > I think the harder problem is display.  CRAN can run pandoc, but can
> > users who install the package from source?  I would expect some 
> obscure
> > platforms (like Windows ;-) would not have it available.
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > I don't think pandoc is the best way to go with (and,
> > actually). I would be surprised if many package maintainer built their
> > NEWS/README files with pandoc. They just look at them at GitHub (or
> > another similar service).
> >
> > GitHub has API for building HTML from
> > MarkDown:
> > It can build GitHub-flavored MarkDown, in which case you get links to
> > GitHub issues, etc. or just plain MarkDown, like a GitHub README.
> >
> > If you don't want to rely on their service, then there are a multitude
> > of lightweight MarkDown parsers available,
> > e.g. is a good one IMO.
> I wouldn't want R builds to depend on GitHub, so this sounds more
> interesting.  I took a look at that website, and it looks problematic to
> me:  the parser appears to be written in Javascript, and the install
> instructions (using "npm" and "bower", whatever those are) depend on
> some unstated prerequisites.  In principle there's no reason not to
> allow R builds to depend on these things, but adding a dependency like
> that implies so much testing that I can't imagine anyone who could do it
> would want to.
> It's likely that a suitable parser could be written in some combination
> of C and R -- Markdown is not a complicated language.
> > Pandoc is great for vignettes, but you don't need its full power for
> > READMEs and especially not for NEWS files. In fact most files
> > look good as text.
> But we do need something, and it needs to be essentially universally
> available, or small enough to include in the R sources.  I think R
> should eventually support Markdown as an acceptable language for
> documentation (including, and also help files for functions),
> but I think the effort required to do it now is too much.
> Duncan Murdoch
> >
> > Gabor
> >
> __
>  mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-23 Thread Imanuel Costigan
While a parsed HTML version of the file would be nice, I would like 
something much simpler: being able to "see” this file in the Help pane in 
RStudio or being about to run something like show_news(“packagename”). Duncan 
mentioned issues with the news() function being able to process metadata 
represented in the Md file. What is the motivation of this structure? 

> On 24 May 2015, at 10:51 am, Baptiste Auguie  
> wrote:
> John MacFarlane, the author of Pandoc, has been working on a project 
> ( to define a standard reference for Markdown*. There 
> are already two reference implementations, one in javascript, the other in C: 
> Regards,
> baptiste
> * There was some initial controversy with the original author of markdown, 
> but in the long term it's probably one of the more reliable sources to follow.
> On 24 May 2015 at 12:00, Duncan Murdoch  wrote:
> On 23/05/2015 9:25 AM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:
> > On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Duncan Murdoch
> >>> wrote:
> > [...]
> >
> > I think the harder problem is display.  CRAN can run pandoc, but can
> > users who install the package from source?  I would expect some obscure
> > platforms (like Windows ;-) would not have it available.
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > I don't think pandoc is the best way to go with (and,
> > actually). I would be surprised if many package maintainer built their
> > NEWS/README files with pandoc. They just look at them at GitHub (or
> > another similar service).
> >
> > GitHub has API for building HTML from
> > MarkDown:
> > It can build GitHub-flavored MarkDown, in which case you get links to
> > GitHub issues, etc. or just plain MarkDown, like a GitHub README.
> >
> > If you don't want to rely on their service, then there are a multitude
> > of lightweight MarkDown parsers available,
> > e.g. is a good one IMO.
> I wouldn't want R builds to depend on GitHub, so this sounds more
> interesting.  I took a look at that website, and it looks problematic to
> me:  the parser appears to be written in Javascript, and the install
> instructions (using "npm" and "bower", whatever those are) depend on
> some unstated prerequisites.  In principle there's no reason not to
> allow R builds to depend on these things, but adding a dependency like
> that implies so much testing that I can't imagine anyone who could do it
> would want to.
> It's likely that a suitable parser could be written in some combination
> of C and R -- Markdown is not a complicated language.
> > Pandoc is great for vignettes, but you don't need its full power for
> > READMEs and especially not for NEWS files. In fact most files
> > look good as text.
> But we do need something, and it needs to be essentially universally
> available, or small enough to include in the R sources.  I think R
> should eventually support Markdown as an acceptable language for
> documentation (including, and also help files for functions),
> but I think the effort required to do it now is too much.
> Duncan Murdoch
> >
> > Gabor
> >
> __
> mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-23 Thread Gábor Csárdi
On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:00 PM, Duncan Murdoch 

> I wouldn't want R builds to depend on GitHub, so this sounds more
> interesting.  I took a look at that website, and it looks problematic to
> me:  the parser appears to be written in Javascript, and the install
> instructions (using "npm" and "bower", whatever those are) depend on
> some unstated prerequisites.  In principle there's no reason not to
> allow R builds to depend on these things, but adding a dependency like
> that implies so much testing that I can't imagine anyone who could do it
> would want to.

markdown-it is already in an R package, so all you need is
to try it.

Actually an even better alternative is 'sundown' (, which already has R bindings, in the
'markdown' package. I should have suggested this in the first place, sorry
for missing it.



[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-23 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 23/05/2015 9:25 AM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:
> On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Duncan Murdoch
>>> wrote:
> [...]
> I think the harder problem is display.  CRAN can run pandoc, but can
> users who install the package from source?  I would expect some obscure
> platforms (like Windows ;-) would not have it available. 
> [...] 
> I don't think pandoc is the best way to go with (and,
> actually). I would be surprised if many package maintainer built their
> NEWS/README files with pandoc. They just look at them at GitHub (or
> another similar service). 
> GitHub has API for building HTML from
> MarkDown:
> It can build GitHub-flavored MarkDown, in which case you get links to
> GitHub issues, etc. or just plain MarkDown, like a GitHub README.
> If you don't want to rely on their service, then there are a multitude
> of lightweight MarkDown parsers available,
> e.g. is a good one IMO.

I wouldn't want R builds to depend on GitHub, so this sounds more
interesting.  I took a look at that website, and it looks problematic to
me:  the parser appears to be written in Javascript, and the install
instructions (using "npm" and "bower", whatever those are) depend on
some unstated prerequisites.  In principle there's no reason not to
allow R builds to depend on these things, but adding a dependency like
that implies so much testing that I can't imagine anyone who could do it
would want to.

It's likely that a suitable parser could be written in some combination
of C and R -- Markdown is not a complicated language.

> Pandoc is great for vignettes, but you don't need its full power for
> READMEs and especially not for NEWS files. In fact most files
> look good as text.

But we do need something, and it needs to be essentially universally
available, or small enough to include in the R sources.  I think R
should eventually support Markdown as an acceptable language for
documentation (including, and also help files for functions),
but I think the effort required to do it now is too much.

Duncan Murdoch

> Gabor

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-23 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 23/05/2015 11:31 AM, Yihui Xie wrote:
> I agree. It is not worth all the trouble just to save the "bit of
> hassle to go to the package's Github site". 

I'm sorry, but in my opinion this is not negotiable.  R needs to run on
systems without Internet connections.  It's not just a "bit of hassle".
R is used in places where not everyone has good Internet all the time.

In fact, the release notes
> on Github are more meaningful than a plain text or even a
> converted NEWS.html from Pandoc, e.g. you can include bug report
> numbers and attribute to users by @username (they all have hyperlinks
> attached on them, so it is easy to see more details of bugs/features
> if one really cares). Personally, I feel it is very worthwhile going
> to Github and reading the release notes there. I'd be unhappy with
> converting to NEWS.html by Pandoc. I know not all people use
> Github, but I feel if a package author has a, chances are this
> package is on Github.

Yes, would allow richer content than NEWS does.  That's true if
it is hosted on Github or not.  (So does NEWS.Rd, but it is so
inconvenient to write, that I think a local copy of would be a
better solution.)

Duncan Murdoch

> Re Kurt's analysis of on CRAN, I guess that is because R CMD
> check will warn against at the top level. I know a lot of
> packages on Github have the file, and it has been removed from
> the tarball to make R CMD check happy.
> Regards,
> Yihui
> --
> Yihui Xie 
> Web:
> On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:25 AM, Gábor Csárdi  wrote:
>> On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Duncan Murdoch 
>> wrote:
>> [...]
>>> I think the harder problem is display.  CRAN can run pandoc, but can
>>> users who install the package from source?  I would expect some obscure
>>> platforms (like Windows ;-) would not have it available.
>> [...]
>> I don't think pandoc is the best way to go with (and,
>> actually). I would be surprised if many package maintainer built their
>> NEWS/README files with pandoc. They just look at them at GitHub (or another
>> similar service).
>> GitHub has API for building HTML from MarkDown:
>> It can build GitHub-flavored MarkDown, in which case you get links to
>> GitHub issues, etc. or just plain MarkDown, like a GitHub README.
>> If you don't want to rely on their service, then there are a multitude of
>> lightweight MarkDown parsers available, e.g.
>> is a good one IMO.
>> Pandoc is great for vignettes, but you don't need its full power for
>> READMEs and especially not for NEWS files. In fact most files look
>> good as text.
>> Gabor

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-23 Thread Gábor Csárdi
On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 11:31 AM, Yihui Xie  wrote:

> I agree. It is not worth all the trouble just to save the "bit of
> hassle to go to the package's Github site". In fact, the release notes
> on Github are more meaningful than a plain text or even a
> converted NEWS.html from Pandoc, e.g. you can include bug report
> numbers and attribute to users by @username (they all have hyperlinks
> attached on them, so it is easy to see more details of bugs/features
> if one really cares).

Indeed. Although the GitHub API I linked can build a HTML that includes
these links, and that's already pretty good.


> Re Kurt's analysis of on CRAN, I guess that is because R CMD
> check will warn against at the top level. I know a lot of
> packages on Github have the file, and it has been removed from
> the tarball to make R CMD check happy.

I agree. The only package with inst/ on CRAN is in fact mine
(crayon), and I put (and in inst/ so that

1) R CMD check and CRAN are both happy (CRAN was unhappy about non-valid
HTML build by Pandoc from, and

2) they are included in the package.


[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-23 Thread Yihui Xie
I agree. It is not worth all the trouble just to save the "bit of
hassle to go to the package's Github site". In fact, the release notes
on Github are more meaningful than a plain text or even a
converted NEWS.html from Pandoc, e.g. you can include bug report
numbers and attribute to users by @username (they all have hyperlinks
attached on them, so it is easy to see more details of bugs/features
if one really cares). Personally, I feel it is very worthwhile going
to Github and reading the release notes there. I'd be unhappy with
converting to NEWS.html by Pandoc. I know not all people use
Github, but I feel if a package author has a, chances are this
package is on Github.

Re Kurt's analysis of on CRAN, I guess that is because R CMD
check will warn against at the top level. I know a lot of
packages on Github have the file, and it has been removed from
the tarball to make R CMD check happy.

Yihui Xie 

On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:25 AM, Gábor Csárdi  wrote:
> On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Duncan Murdoch 
> wrote:
> [...]
>> I think the harder problem is display.  CRAN can run pandoc, but can
>> users who install the package from source?  I would expect some obscure
>> platforms (like Windows ;-) would not have it available.
> [...]
> I don't think pandoc is the best way to go with (and,
> actually). I would be surprised if many package maintainer built their
> NEWS/README files with pandoc. They just look at them at GitHub (or another
> similar service).
> GitHub has API for building HTML from MarkDown:
> It can build GitHub-flavored MarkDown, in which case you get links to
> GitHub issues, etc. or just plain MarkDown, like a GitHub README.
> If you don't want to rely on their service, then there are a multitude of
> lightweight MarkDown parsers available, e.g.
> is a good one IMO.
> Pandoc is great for vignettes, but you don't need its full power for
> READMEs and especially not for NEWS files. In fact most files look
> good as text.
> Gabor

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-23 Thread Gábor Csárdi
On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Duncan Murdoch 

> I think the harder problem is display.  CRAN can run pandoc, but can
> users who install the package from source?  I would expect some obscure
> platforms (like Windows ;-) would not have it available.

I don't think pandoc is the best way to go with (and,
actually). I would be surprised if many package maintainer built their
NEWS/README files with pandoc. They just look at them at GitHub (or another
similar service).

GitHub has API for building HTML from MarkDown:
It can build GitHub-flavored MarkDown, in which case you get links to
GitHub issues, etc. or just plain MarkDown, like a GitHub README.

If you don't want to rely on their service, then there are a multitude of
lightweight MarkDown parsers available, e.g. is a good one IMO.

Pandoc is great for vignettes, but you don't need its full power for
READMEs and especially not for NEWS files. In fact most files look
good as text.


[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-23 Thread Prof Brian Ripley

On 23/05/2015 13:14, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 23/05/2015 4:05 AM, Kurt Hornik wrote:

Duncan Murdoch writes:

On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:

Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown? Bit of a hassle 
to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read NEWS.

Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about increasing the
support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that it's too
hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the platforms
where R runs.

There are actually two issues here.

For CRAN, we could in principle take inst/ files, convert these
to HTML using pandoc, and use the HTML for the package web page.  (Would
need the CRAN incoming checks to be taught about inst/

However, we cannot use such files for utils::news() because we do not
(yet?) know how to reliably parse such files and extract the news items
(and hence cannot really compute on the news information).

It would be quite easy to modify the news() parser to parse a suitably
described Markdown format.  The main change from the current text parser
would be to expect a prefix on the line introducing each version or

I think the harder problem is display.  CRAN can run pandoc, but can
users who install the package from source?  I would expect some obscure
platforms (like Windows ;-) would not have it available.  I could add it
to Rtools on Windows, but I think platforms that normally install tools
from source will have more trouble, because it has an unusual
prerequisite (Haskell).  We could fall back to displaying the
file without processing, but that makes lots of code more complicated.

pandoc is only viable on platforms with a pre-compiled binary, which 
does not even cover all the CRAN check platforms.  (It is not easy to 
compile ab initio from source even on a mainstream Linux, but they 
mostly have pandoc binaries.)

The next problem is that using pandoc as the de facto standard for .md 
depends on the version of pandoc, and .md seems to have no way to 
specify the version required.  (If it does, people are failing to use it 

Brian D. Ripley,
Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford
1 South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3TG, UK

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-23 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

On 23 May 2015 at 08:14, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
| I think the harder problem is display.  CRAN can run pandoc, but can
| users who install the package from source?  I would expect some obscure
| platforms (like Windows ;-) would not have it available.  I could add it
| to Rtools on Windows, but I think platforms that normally install tools
| from source will have more trouble, because it has an unusual
| prerequisite (Haskell).  We could fall back to displaying the
| file without processing, but that makes lots of code more complicated.

If you had spare time, you could coordinate with JJ.  He somehow managed to
get pandoc to build as a standalone binary without any runtime requirements
so that it could be included with RStudio.  And so it has been for quite some
time.  Every machine with an RStudio installation has pandoc.

Maybe we could consider carrying this over from RStudio into Rtools?
Similarly, on OS X and Linux maybe we could add a layer that would R allow to
query an RStudio instance, if present, to tell it where its pandoc is, if no
suitable pandoc binary is in the path.  Just thinking out loud...


-- | @eddelbuettel |

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-23 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 23/05/2015 4:05 AM, Kurt Hornik wrote:
>> Duncan Murdoch writes:
>> On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
>>> Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown? Bit of a 
>>> hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read NEWS.
>> Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about increasing the
>> support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that it's too
>> hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the platforms
>> where R runs.
> There are actually two issues here.
> For CRAN, we could in principle take inst/ files, convert these
> to HTML using pandoc, and use the HTML for the package web page.  (Would
> need the CRAN incoming checks to be taught about inst/
> However, we cannot use such files for utils::news() because we do not
> (yet?) know how to reliably parse such files and extract the news items
> (and hence cannot really compute on the news information).

It would be quite easy to modify the news() parser to parse a suitably
described Markdown format.  The main change from the current text parser
would be to expect a prefix on the line introducing each version or

I think the harder problem is display.  CRAN can run pandoc, but can
users who install the package from source?  I would expect some obscure
platforms (like Windows ;-) would not have it available.  I could add it
to Rtools on Windows, but I think platforms that normally install tools
from source will have more trouble, because it has an unusual
prerequisite (Haskell).  We could fall back to displaying the
file without processing, but that makes lots of code more complicated.

> Btw, currently only one package on CRAN has inst/ (another one
> has at top level).

I'd guess if someone solved the problems mentioned above, it would
become more popular.  Many people would convert their text NEWS to if it would display better; that's a lot easier than converting
to NEWS.Rd.

Duncan Murdoch

> Best
> -k
>> Markdown is allowed for vignettes (because the package author processes
>> those), so I'd suggest putting your news into a vignette instead of a
>> news file.  Put in a token news file that points to the vignette so
>> users can find it.
>> Duncan Murdoch
>> __
>> mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-23 Thread Kurt Hornik
> Duncan Murdoch writes:

> On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
>> Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown? Bit of a 
>> hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read NEWS.

> Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about increasing the
> support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that it's too
> hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the platforms
> where R runs.

There are actually two issues here.

For CRAN, we could in principle take inst/ files, convert these
to HTML using pandoc, and use the HTML for the package web page.  (Would
need the CRAN incoming checks to be taught about inst/

However, we cannot use such files for utils::news() because we do not
(yet?) know how to reliably parse such files and extract the news items
(and hence cannot really compute on the news information).

Btw, currently only one package on CRAN has inst/ (another one
has at top level).


> Markdown is allowed for vignettes (because the package author processes
> those), so I'd suggest putting your news into a vignette instead of a
> news file.  Put in a token news file that points to the vignette so
> users can find it.

> Duncan Murdoch

> __
> mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-22 Thread Yihui Xie
What I do is to use inst/NEWS.Rd as a placeholder that points to the on Github, e.g.

Yihui Xie 

On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 8:08 PM, Duncan Murdoch
> On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
>> Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown? Bit of a 
>> hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read NEWS.
> Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about increasing the
> support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that it's too
> hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the platforms
> where R runs.
> Markdown is allowed for vignettes (because the package author processes
> those), so I'd suggest putting your news into a vignette instead of a
> news file.  Put in a token news file that points to the vignette so
> users can find it.
> Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-22 Thread Imanuel Costigan
What about treating it as a plain text file (i.e. no need for CRAN to support 

> On 23 May 2015, at 11:08 am, Duncan Murdoch  wrote:
> On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
>> Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown? Bit of a 
>> hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read NEWS.
> Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about increasing the
> support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that it's too
> hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the platforms
> where R runs.
> Markdown is allowed for vignettes (because the package author processes
> those), so I'd suggest putting your news into a vignette instead of a
> news file.  Put in a token news file that points to the vignette so
> users can find it.
> Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] support on CRAN

2015-05-22 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 22/05/2015 8:49 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
> Are there any plans for CRAN to support NEWS files in markdown? Bit of a 
> hassle to go the the package’s Github (or other like) site to read NEWS.

Not as far as I know.  There have been discussions about increasing the
support of Markdown, but so far the conclusion has been that it's too
hard to do -- the support is not stable enough on all the platforms
where R runs.

Markdown is allowed for vignettes (because the package author processes
those), so I'd suggest putting your news into a vignette instead of a
news file.  Put in a token news file that points to the vignette so
users can find it.

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list