[R] Clustering for variable reduction

2008-04-06 Thread Gad Abraham

I have a regression model, where the explanatory variables are factors, 
and I want to include interaction terms, but some combinations occur in 
the data very infrequently.

Hence, I'm using hclust and cutree to hierarchically cluster the levels, 
and get new combined levels to regress on.

Ideally, I would like to be able to cut the tree to achieve clusters 
with at least k observations each. That is, cut the tree at an 
appropriate height for each branch (combine nodes only when they have 
fewer than k obs).

AFAIK, cutree cuts at a uniform height and there's no easy way of 
extracting the number of observations per cluster from hclust (except by 
assigning the new levels to the data and then counting the occurrences).

Does anyone know of code that does this already?


Gad Abraham
Dept. CSSE and NICTA
The University of Melbourne
Parkville 3010, Victoria, Australia
web: http://www.csse.unimelb.edu.au/~gabraham

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Re: [R] summary(object, test=c(Roy, Wilks, Pillai, ....) AND ellipse(object, center=....)

2008-04-06 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
Why do you keep posting something to which you have already received an 

answered in

and repeated at
(this message).

All of these are with unwrapped lines (I wrapped the version below) and 
contain HTML which the posting guide asked you not to send.

On Sat, 5 Apr 2008, Ray Haraf wrote:

 Dear All,

  I would be very appreciative of your help with the following

But you then showed 0% appreciation of the help you were given!

  1). I am running multivariate multiple regression through the manova() 
 function (kindly suggested by Professor Venables) and getting two 
 different answers for test=c(Wilks,Roy,Pillai) and 
 tests=c(Wilks,Roy,'Pillai) as shown below. In the first case 
 (test=c(list)) I got error message which probably means I can only call 
 one test at a time. I thought I could get ride of this by adding s to 
 test; in this case (tests=c(list)), I got Pillai test. Does this mean 
 that Pillai would be the default test and summary(manova()) can only 
 post one test at a time?

 summary(manova(cbind(y1, y2) ~ z1, data =
 + ex7.8),test=c(Wilks,Roy,Pillai))
 Error in match.arg(test) : 'arg' must be of length 1
 summary(manova(cbind(y1, y2) ~ z1, data =
 + ex7.8),tests=c(Wilks,Roy,Pillai))
  Df  Pillai approx F num Df den Df Pr(F)
 z1 1  0.9375  15.  2  2 0.0625 .
 Residuals  3
 Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

 2). My next struggle is to construct prediction ellipse. Both ellipse() 
 and ellipse.lm() are not giving me the solution to Sampling from 
 multivariate multiple regression prediction regions posted by Iain 
 Pardoe, Mon May 9 18:43:46 2005. I am working on the same problem and 
 performed all the steps he suggested

 ex7.10 -
 + data.frame(y1 = c(141.5, 168.9, 154.8, 146.5, 172.8, 160.1, 108.5),
 + y2 = c(301.8, 396.1, 328.2, 307.4, 362.4, 369.5, 229.1),
 + z1 = c(123.5, 146.1, 133.9, 128.5, 151.5, 136.2, 92),
 + z2 = c(2.108, 9.213, 1.905, .815, 1.061, 8.603, 1.125))
 f.mlm - lm(cbind(y1,y2)~z1+z2)
 y.hat - c(1, 130, 7.5) %*% coef(f.mlm)
 round(y.hat, 2)
 y1 y2
 [1,] 151.84 349.63
 qf.z - t(c(1, 130, 7.5)) %*%
 + solve(t(cbind(1,z1,z2)) %*% cbind(1,z1,z2)) %*%
 + c(1, 130, 7.5)
 round(qf.z, 5)
 [1,] 0.36995
 n.sigma.hat - SSD(f.mlm)$SSD # same as t(resid(f.mlm)) %*%resid(f.mlm)
 round(n.sigma.hat, 2)
 y1 y2
 y1 5.80 5.22
 y2 5.22 12.57
 F.quant - qf(.95,2,3)
 round(F.quant, 2)
 [1] 9.55

 From here how could I calculate a 95% prediction ellipse for y=(y1,y2) 
 at (z1,z2)=(130,7.5) using either ellipse or ellipse.lm? y1 would be 
 the x-axis and y2, the y-axis. The center is different from (0,0) and I 
 don't know what would be the appropriate x (the lm object). Should I 
 used predicted values or residuals? In both cases I have vectors which 
 is different from the example given with ellipse.lm

 3). Lastly but not the least, would be too ambitious to draw the axes 
 (i.e, the eigenvalues) to the ellipse?

 Thanks and very kind regards,

   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

 R-help@r-project.org mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] lme cant get parameter estimated correctly

2008-04-06 Thread Bill.Venables
Here is a demo you may like to consider.  (I can see what you are trying
to do with your loops, but I prefer to do it this way.)

On 32 bit Windows, (which I am forced to use), your seed is not a valid
integer, so I have changed it to something which is.

 fph - 0.4
 Sigh - sqrt(0.0002)
 Sigi - sqrt(0.04)
 reH - rnorm(90, fph, Sigh)  ## hospid effects
 dta - within(expand.grid(hospid = 1:90, empid = 1:80),
fpi1 - reH[hospid] + rnorm(7200, fph, Sigi))
 Modl - lme(fpi1 ~ 1, data = dta, random = ~1|hospid)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML


Random effects:
 Formula: ~1 | hospid
(Intercept)  Residual
StdDev:  0.01593939 0.2003148


Compare this with what you started with, viz:

 c(Sigh, Sigi)
[1] 0.01414214 0.2000

and it doesn't look too bad to me.  You might like to see how well the
effects themselves agree:

 plot(ranef(Modl)[[1]], reH-fph)

 cor(ranef(Modl)[[1]], reH)
[1] 0.6317546

Again, about what I would expect.

Note that the summary to lme objects gives standard deviations, not
variance components.  If you want to see variance components, there is a
function in the 'ape' package which does it:

  hospid   Within 
0.0002540641 0.0401260303 

Look familiar?

Bill Venables
CSIRO Laboratories
PO Box 120, Cleveland, 4163
Office Phone (email preferred): +61 7 3826 7251
Fax (if absolutely necessary):  +61 7 3826 7304
Mobile: +61 4 8819 4402
Home Phone: +61 7 3286 7700

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of toby909
Sent: Sunday, 6 April 2008 3:27 PM
Subject: [R] lme cant get parameter estimated correctly

I am caught in a mental trap. Why isn't the between groups variance
(0.0038) to be around the value with which I generated the data

Thanks Toby


fph = 0.4

Sigh = sqrt(0.0002)
Sigi = sqrt(0.04)

ci = 1
fpi = matrix(,7200,3)
for (i in 1:90) {
 fph = rnorm(1, fph, Sigh)
 for (k in 1:80) {
  fpi[ci,1:3] = matrix(c(i, k, rnorm(1, fph, Sigi)),1)
  ci = ci+1

colnames(fpi) = c(hospid, empid, fpi1)
dta = as.data.frame(fpi)

lme = lme(fpi1 ~ 1, dta, ~1|hospid)

lme = lme(fpi1 ~ 1, dta, ~1|hospid)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
 Data: dta 
AIC   BIC   logLik
  -2555.416 -2534.771 1280.708

Random effects:
 Formula: ~1 | hospid
(Intercept)  Residual
StdDev:  0.06173257 0.1997302

Fixed effects: fpi1 ~ 1 
   Value   Std.Error   DF  t-value p-value
(Intercept) 0.368082 0.006919828 7110 53.19236   0

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
   Min Q1Med Q3Max 
-3.4870696 -0.6747173 -0.0048658  0.6838012  4.2633384 

Number of Observations: 7200
Number of Groups: 90 

[1] 0.00380689

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] What to use for assignment, = or - ?

2008-04-06 Thread Bill.Venables
I've noticed an increasing tendency for people to use '=' rather than
the older '-' symbol.  When '=' became available as an assignment
operator in S-PLUS in the late '90s my first reaction was to switch to
it as well.  Brian Ripley warned me that it was not a good idea.  As
usual he was right, but it took a couple of pretty serious
finger-burning episodes before I came fully around to his view.

There are three left assignment operators in S, and it's a good idea to
distinguish what they do.

a - b
assigns a value 'b' to an object 'a' in some parent environment

a - b
assigns a value 'b' to an object 'a' in the current environment

a = b (inside the argument list of a function call)
potentially assigns a value 'b' to an object 'a' in the child
environment of the function.  Lazy evaluation determines if it actually
happens or not.

You must use '=' for the third of these.  If you choose to use it for
the second as well, as is allowed, there is a danger that you will
confuse the environment in which the assignment is actually made.  It's
not a great danger, of course, but it can happen.  In any case, it is a
good idea to use three separate operators for these three distinct
purposes, if nothing else as a clear visual reminder of what kind of
assignment is intended to take place.

I suspect the push towards using '=' instead of '-' has two main

1. the world is full of lazy typists

2. right now there seems to be a big influx of Matlab people into R, and
it makes them feel more at home.

Neither of these is much of a reason, I reckon.

Bill Venables
CSIRO Laboratories
PO Box 120, Cleveland, 4163
Office Phone (email preferred): +61 7 3826 7251
Fax (if absolutely necessary):  +61 7 3826 7304
Mobile: +61 4 8819 4402
Home Phone: +61 7 3286 7700

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] [R-SIG-Mac] sizing of quartz

2008-04-06 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your XEN ICT Team
Oops! Sorry! Accept my apologies. I've sent this message to the wrong list.

Best regards,


[Ricardo Rodriguez] Your XEN ICT Team wrote:
 Those are good news.

 Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
 You didn't tell us the version of R.  quartz() is different in 2.7.0 
 alpha, and there the function arguments do work (and the size is 
 really as advertised and not at a notional 72dpi).  In fact, it is a 
 much more standard device and interface, so less to learn.


 I assumed that  version provides most of the information required. 
 Please, what information is lacking in my first post?

 I've looked at installed.packages() and it seems to me that quartz() is 
 bundled with the main software more than installed with a given package.

 Is it possible to pass height and width in pixels more than in inches 
 working with 2.7.0 alfa?

 As I read in http://developer.R-project.org/, R-alpha*.tar.gz packages 
 are made automatically available, but I guess there is not *.dmg for 
 these stages.

 Thanks for your help,



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your XEN ICT Team

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] How to improve the OPTIM results

2008-04-06 Thread kathie

Dear Spencer Graves,

Thank you for your comments and suggestions.

I knew that the true optimum values are about (0.69, 0.0, 0.0, -0.3, 0.3, 
2.3, -3.0 ,-3.0).  That's why I used these values as starting values.

Nonetheless, the last three estimates are so bad.


Kathryn Lord

Spencer Graves wrote:
 Dear Katheryn: 
   I'm confused by your claim that, Even though I used the true 
 parameter values as initial values, the results are not very good. 
   When I ran it, 'optim' quit with $value = -35835, substantially 
 less than fr2(theta0) = -0.3. 
   Could you please review your question, because I believe this will 
 answer it. 
   It is known that 'optim' has problems.  Perhaps the simplest thing 
 to do is to call 'optim' with each of the 'methods' in sequence, using 
 the 'optim' found by each 'method' as the starting value for the next.  
 When I do this, I often skip 'SANN', because it typically takes so much 
 more time than the other methods.  However, if there might be multiple 
 local minima, then SANN may be the best way to find a global minimum, 
 though you may want to call 'optim' again with another method, starting 
 from optimal solution returned by 'SANN'. 
   Another relatively simple thing to do is to call optim with 
 hessian = TRUE and then compute eigen(optim(..., hessian=TRUE)$hessian, 
 symmetric=TRUE).  If optim found an honest local minimum, all the 
 eigenvalues will be positive.  For your example, the eigenvalues were as 
 19000, 11000,
  0.06, 0.008, 0.003, 
  -0.0002, -0.06,
   This says that locally, the minimum identified was really a 
 saddle point, being a parabola opening up in two dimensions (with 
 curvatures of 19000 and 11000 respectively), a parabola opening down in 
 one dimension (with curvature -6000), and relatively flat by comparison 
 in the other 5 dimensions.  In cases like this, it should be moderately 
 easy and fast to explore the dimension with the largest negative 
 eigenvalue with the other dimensions fixed until local minima in each 
 direction were found.  Then 'optim' could be restarted from both those 
 local minima, and the minimum of those two solutions could be returned. 
   If all eigenvalues were positive, it might then be wise to restart 
 with parscale = the square roots of the diagonal of the hessian;  I 
 haven't tried this, but I believe it should work.  Using 'parscale' can 
 fix convergence problems -- or create some where they did not exist 
   I'm considering creating a package 'optimMLE' that would automate 
 some of this and package it with common 'methods' that would assume that 
 sum(fn(...)) was either a log(likelihood) or the negative of a 
 log(likelihood), etc.  However, before I do, I need to make more 
 progress on some of my other commitments, review RSiteSearch(optim, 
 fun) to make sure I'm not duplicating something that already exists, 
 etc.  If anyone is interested in collaborating on this, please contact 
 me off-line. 
   Hope this helps. 
 kathie wrote:
 Dear R users,

 I used to OPTIM to minimize the obj. function below.  Even though I
 the true parameter values as initial values, the results are not very

 How could I improve my results?  Any suggestion will be greatly


 Kathryn Lord


 x = c(0.35938587,  0.34889725,  0.20577608,  0.1529, -4.24741146,
 0.29082527, -2.38156942, -6.62584473, -0.22596237,  6.97893687, 
-1.39729222, -5.17860124,  0.52456484,  0.46791660,  0.03065136, 
-1.12530013,  0.02608057, -0.22323154,  3.30955460,  0.54653982, 
 0.47769874,  2.42216260,  3.93518355,  0.23237890,  0.09647044,
 0.37736377,  0.43739341, -0.02416010,  4.02788119,  0.07320802,
 0.25184609,  0.7608, -3.34121918,  1.16028677, -0.60352008,
-0.84411691,  0.24841071, -0.11764954,  5.92662106,  1.03932953,
-0.54763352,  0.20263192) # data

 theta0= c(log(2),0,c(0,-.3,.3),log(c(10,.05,.05)))  # initial value(In
 true parameter value)
 n = length(x)

 fr2 = function(theta)
  a1 = theta[1]; a2 = theta[2]
  mu1 = theta[3]; mu2 = theta[4]; mu3 = theta[5]
  g1 = theta[6]; g2 = theta[7]; g3 = theta[8]

  obj =((w1^2)/(2*sqrt(exp(g1)*pi)) 
  +  (w2^2)/(2*sqrt(exp(g2)*pi))
  +  (w3^2)/(2*sqrt(exp(g2)*pi))

   +  2*w1*w2*dnorm((mu1-mu2)/sqrt(exp(g1)+exp(g2)))/sqrt(exp(g1)+exp(g2))

Re: [R] [R-SIG-Mac] sizing of quartz

2008-04-06 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your XEN ICT Team
Those are good news.

Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
 You didn't tell us the version of R.  quartz() is different in 2.7.0 
 alpha, and there the function arguments do work (and the size is 
 really as advertised and not at a notional 72dpi).  In fact, it is a 
 much more standard device and interface, so less to learn.

I assumed that  version provides most of the information required. 
Please, what information is lacking in my first post?

I've looked at installed.packages() and it seems to me that quartz() is 
bundled with the main software more than installed with a given package.

Is it possible to pass height and width in pixels more than in inches 
working with 2.7.0 alfa?

As I read in http://developer.R-project.org/, R-alpha*.tar.gz packages 
are made automatically available, but I guess there is not *.dmg for 
these stages.

Thanks for your help,


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your XEN ICT Team

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] how to manupute data frame with conditions fill cell with previous value if next cell is zero

2008-04-06 Thread saikat sarkar

Dear R Experts, 
This is the 2nd time in the chat room. Its a great place to get help from R
I have a data frame problem, it contains thousands of data.  

part of it, I am giving for explaining the problem 

 date day   x yz

82  1989-04-28 Fri   2118.0   2418.80  33713 
83  1989-05-01 Mon0.0 2414.96  33793 
84  1989-05-02 Tue 2103.12402.86  33955
85  1989-05-03 Wed 2105.7   2393.70  0 
86  1989-05-04 Thu  2119.0   2384.90  0 
87  1989-05-05 Fri2132.8   2381.96  0 

103 1989-05-29 Mon0.00.00 34161 
127 1989-06-30 Fri   2151.0  2440.06 32949 
128 1989-07-03 Mon 2165.6  2452.77 33236 

129 1989-07-04 Tue 2174.40   35376 
130 1989-07-05 Wed 2162.9 2456.56 33310 

167 1989-08-25 Fri   2397.4  2732.36  34740 
168 1989-08-28 Mon0.02743.36  34607 
169 1989-08-29 Tue  2380.8 2726.63   34688 
170 1989-08-30 Wed 2381.3  2728.15  34472 
171 1989-08-31 Thu 2387.9   2737.27  34431 
172 1989-09-01 Fri   2407.5   2752.09  34348 

173 1989-09-04 Mon 2419.20.00 34484 
174 1989-09-05 Tue 2426.0 2744.68 34442 
175 1989-09-06 Wed 2390.8 2719.79 34271 
176 1989-09-07 Thu 2415.9 2706.88 34153 
177 1989-09-08 Fri 2423.9 2709.54 34116 
178 1989-09-11 Mon 2400.6 2704.41 34114 
179 1989-09-12 Tue 2397.6 2707.26 34333 
180 1989-09-13 Wed 2401.5 2679.52 34287 
181 1989-09-14 Thu 2382.0 2664.89 34402

182 1989-09-15 Fri 2366.5 2674.58 0 
183 1989-09-18 Mon 2373.8 2687.50 34473

195 1989-10-04 Wed 2312.1 2771.09 35383 
196 1989-10-05 Thu 2281.6 2773.56 35523 
197 1989-10-06 Fri 2277.5 2785.52 35209 
198 1989-10-09 Mon 2247.0 2791.41 35376 

199 1989-10-10 Tue 2218.8 2785.33 0 
200 1989-10-11 Wed 2218.8 2773.36 35240

In this data frame, I need to replace cells which is zero with previous

For example

82  1989-04-28 Fri 2118.0 2418.80 33713 
83  1989-05-01 Mon0.0 2414.96 33793 

in 2nd line 0.0 should be replaced by 2118.0

Another Example 

84  1989-05-02 Tue 2103.1 2402.86 33955
85  1989-05-03 Wed 2105.7 2393.70 0 
86  1989-05-04 Thu 2119.0 2384.90  0 
87  1989-05-05 Fri   2132.8 2381.96  0 

3 lines filled by 33955 value. 

Another example 

198 1989-10-09 Mon 2247.0 2791.41 35376 
199 1989-10-10 Tue 2218.8 2785.33 0
200 1989-10-11 Wed 2218.8 2773.36 35240   

in 2nd line filled by zero should be replaced by value 35376 

Please help me. 

Thanking you 



View this message in context: 
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] how to manupute data frame with conditions fill cell with previous value if next cell is zero

2008-04-06 Thread Romain Francois


It's more a vector question. Try this one: 

function( x, test = is.na(x) | x == 0 ){
   out - x[!test][ cumsum(!test) ]
   if(test[1]) out - c(NA,out)
 f( c(1,0,2,1,0) )
[1] 1 1 2 1 1
 f( c(1,0,2,1,0, NA) )   # missing values are also replaced
[1] 1 1 2 1 1 1
 f( c(0,1,0,2,1,0) ) # if first is to be replaced, it is set to NA
[1] NA  1  1  2  1  1



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of saikat sarkar
Sent: Sun 06/04/2008 14:04
To: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: [R] how to manupute data frame with conditions fill cell with previous 
value if next cell is zero

Dear R Experts, 
This is the 2nd time in the chat room. Its a great place to get help from R
I have a data frame problem, it contains thousands of data.  

part of it, I am giving for explaining the problem 

 date day   x yz

82  1989-04-28 Fri   2118.0   2418.80  33713 
83  1989-05-01 Mon0.0 2414.96  33793 
84  1989-05-02 Tue 2103.12402.86  33955
85  1989-05-03 Wed 2105.7   2393.70  0 
86  1989-05-04 Thu  2119.0   2384.90  0 
87  1989-05-05 Fri2132.8   2381.96  0 

103 1989-05-29 Mon0.00.00 34161 
127 1989-06-30 Fri   2151.0  2440.06 32949 
128 1989-07-03 Mon 2165.6  2452.77 33236 

129 1989-07-04 Tue 2174.40   35376 
130 1989-07-05 Wed 2162.9 2456.56 33310 

167 1989-08-25 Fri   2397.4  2732.36  34740 
168 1989-08-28 Mon0.02743.36  34607 
169 1989-08-29 Tue  2380.8 2726.63   34688 
170 1989-08-30 Wed 2381.3  2728.15  34472 
171 1989-08-31 Thu 2387.9   2737.27  34431 
172 1989-09-01 Fri   2407.5   2752.09  34348 

173 1989-09-04 Mon 2419.20.00 34484 
174 1989-09-05 Tue 2426.0 2744.68 34442 
175 1989-09-06 Wed 2390.8 2719.79 34271 
176 1989-09-07 Thu 2415.9 2706.88 34153 
177 1989-09-08 Fri 2423.9 2709.54 34116 
178 1989-09-11 Mon 2400.6 2704.41 34114 
179 1989-09-12 Tue 2397.6 2707.26 34333 
180 1989-09-13 Wed 2401.5 2679.52 34287 
181 1989-09-14 Thu 2382.0 2664.89 34402

182 1989-09-15 Fri 2366.5 2674.58 0 
183 1989-09-18 Mon 2373.8 2687.50 34473

195 1989-10-04 Wed 2312.1 2771.09 35383 
196 1989-10-05 Thu 2281.6 2773.56 35523 
197 1989-10-06 Fri 2277.5 2785.52 35209 
198 1989-10-09 Mon 2247.0 2791.41 35376 

199 1989-10-10 Tue 2218.8 2785.33 0 
200 1989-10-11 Wed 2218.8 2773.36 35240

In this data frame, I need to replace cells which is zero with previous

For example

82  1989-04-28 Fri 2118.0 2418.80 33713 
83  1989-05-01 Mon0.0 2414.96 33793 

in 2nd line 0.0 should be replaced by 2118.0

Another Example 

84  1989-05-02 Tue 2103.1 2402.86 33955
85  1989-05-03 Wed 2105.7 2393.70 0 
86  1989-05-04 Thu 2119.0 2384.90  0 
87  1989-05-05 Fri   2132.8 2381.96  0 

3 lines filled by 33955 value. 

Another example 

198 1989-10-09 Mon 2247.0 2791.41 35376 
199 1989-10-10 Tue 2218.8 2785.33 0
200 1989-10-11 Wed 2218.8 2773.36 35240   

in 2nd line filled by zero should be replaced by value 35376 

Please help me. 

Thanking you 



View this message in context: 
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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Re: [R] How to improve the OPTIM results

2008-04-06 Thread Hans W Borchers
   I'm considering creating a package 'optimMLE' that would automate 
 some of this and package it with common 'methods' that would assume that 
 sum(fn(...)) was either a log(likelihood) or the negative of a 
 log(likelihood), etc.  However, before I do, I need to make more 
 progress on some of my other commitments, review RSiteSearch(optim, 
 fun) to make sure I'm not duplicating something that already exists, 
 etc.  If anyone is interested in collaborating on this, please contact 
 me off-line. 
   Hope this helps. 

Thanks for your tips on using `optim()'. I believe `optim' is a reasonable good
implementation of numerical optimization techniques such as quasi-Newton BFGS or
conjugate gradients. Maybe methods using modern line searches or trust regions
can follow someday.

Everybody applying `optim' should be aware that it is a *Local Optimization*
(LO) approach. What you describe appears to be a step towards *Global
Optimization* (GO) in R. And indeed more and more requests in to the R-help list
are about `optim' as a tool for global optimization, not always being fully
aware of the differences.

I am wondering whether it would be more useful to provide one or two global
optimization approaches to the R community. And as this is an active research
area, there are many and with different advantages and drawbacks.

I would like to propose IPOPT as one of he newer and more advanced methods for
global optimization. This powerful software package is open source and available
through the COIN-OR initiative and its Web pages:


``Ipopt (Interior Point OPTimizer, pronounced I-P-Opt) is a software 
for large-scale nonlinear optimization. Ipopt is written in C++ and is 
released as open source code under the Common Public License (CPL). It is
available from the COIN-OR initiative. The code has been written by Carl
Laird (Carnegie Mellon University) and Andreas Wachter (IBM's T.J. Watson 
Research Center), who is the COIN project leader for Ipopt.''

PERHAPS the COIN project would agree for IPOPT to be integrated into the open
source project R as a package. For testing it right now there is an AMPL-based
interface to IPOPT at the NEOS solver:


There may be other rewarding projects in the COIN-OR initiative, such as
`SYMPHONY' for solving mixed-integer linear programs (MILP, stronger than `glpk'
and `lp-solve'), or the BONMIN open source *non-linear* mixed integer
programming (MINLP) solver. I could imagine R to be a good platform for
integrating some of these algorithms.

Hans W. Borchers
Control and Optimization Group
ABB Corporate Research Germany

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] What to use for assignment, = or - ?

2008-04-06 Thread Ben Bolker
 Bill.Venables at csiro.au writes:

 I've noticed an increasing tendency for people to use '=' rather than
 the older '-' symbol.  When '=' became available as an assignment
 operator in S-PLUS in the late '90s my first reaction was to switch to
 it as well.  Brian Ripley warned me that it was not a good idea.  As
 usual he was right, but it took a couple of pretty serious
 finger-burning episodes before I came fully around to his view.
 I suspect the push towards using '=' instead of '-' has two main
 1. the world is full of lazy typists
 2. right now there seems to be a big influx of Matlab people into R, and
 it makes them feel more at home.
 Neither of these is much of a reason, I reckon.
   It may not be a good reason, but the reason I usually
teach = rather than - to my students is that they are
usually learning scripting/programming for the very first
time, and the = syntax for assignment (which as I recall
was called gozzinta, for goes into, in the FORTRAN coloring
book) seems natural to most people (even though it's 
logically quite different).  They are so overwhelmed by
learning new things that I don't want to add one more.
(This is admittedly a judgment call.)

  Ben Bolker

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] How to improve the OPTIM results

2008-04-06 Thread Zaihra T

   try to use method L-BFGS-B and give boudary condition to the parameters in
   use so that the algorithm search is limited to a particular region as it
   seems u have to many parameters.

   On Fri, 4 Apr 2008 22:10:20 -0700 (PDT) kathie wrote:
Dear R users,
I used to OPTIM to minimize the obj. function below. Even though I used
the true parameter values as initial values, the results are not very
 How  could  I  improve  my  results? Any suggestion will be greatly
Kathryn Lord
x = c(0.35938587, 0.34889725, 0.20577608, 0.1529, -4.24741146,
0.29082527, -2.38156942, -6.62584473, -0.22596237, 6.97893687,
   ! ; 0.22001081,
-1.39729222, -5.17860124, 0.52456484, 0.46791660, 0.03065136,
-1.12530013, 0.02608057, -0.22323154, 3.30955460, 0.54653982,
0.47769874, 2.42216260, 3.93518355, 0.23237890, 0.09647044,
0.37736377, 0.43739341, -0.02416010, 4.02788119, 0.07320802,
0.25184609, 0.7608, -3.34121918, 1.16028677, -0.60352008,
-0.84411691, 0.24841071, -0.11764954, 5.92662106, 1.03932953,
-0.54763352, 0.20263192) # data
theta0= c(log(2),0,c(0,-.3,.3),log(c(10,.05,.05))) # initial value(In
true parameter value)
n = length(x)
fr2 = function(theta)
a1 = theta[1]; a2 = theta[2]
mu1 = theta[3]; mu2 = theta[4]; mu3 = theta[5]
g1 = theta[6]; g2 = theta[7]; g3! = theta[8]
obj =((w1^2)/(2*sqrt(exp(g1)*pi))
+ (w2^2)/(2*sqrt(exp(g2)*pi))
+ (w3^2)/(2*sqrt(exp(g2)*pi))
+ 2*w1*w2*dnorm((mu1-mu2)/sqrt(exp(g1)+exp(g2)))/sqrt(exp(g1)+exp(g2))
- (2/n)*(sum(w1*dnorm((x-mu1)/sqrt(exp(g1)))/sqrt(exp(g1))
+ w2*dnorm((x-mu2)/sqrt(exp(g2)))/sqrt(exp(g2))
+ w3*dnorm((x-mu3)/sqrt(exp(g3)))/sqrt(exp(g3)) )))
optim(theta0, fr2, method=BFGS, control = list (fnscale=10,
parscale=c(.01,.01,.01,.01,.01,1,1,1), maxit=10))
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Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] [OT] Typesetting / highlighting R code in Latex

2008-04-06 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

Using Latex and the beamer class, I would like to highlight code snippets.
Does anybody know a suitable 'preprocessor' or 'filter' for R (and/or C/C++)
code ?

I have been including it in simple \begin{verbatim} ... \end{verbatim} and I
know there is a better way -- in fact I saw it used a while back in some
package I looked at.  And I didn't write that down...

What I am looking for is the basic equivalent of 'everything in verbatim'
plus the ability to hightlight certain parts to stress the points I'd like to

There must be something.  Pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Dirk

Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Strange message when plot function used..

2008-04-06 Thread Cristian Carranza
I am an R beginer, so perhaps this is a quite simple question...
After using the lmer command (under the lme4 package) for fitting a mixed 
model, it was impossible to use de command plot(model) for checking model 
adequacy. R returns this message: Error in as.double(y) : cannot type '%s' 
coerce to vector.
Could anyone be so kind to tell me what to do?
How can I continue to use lme library instead of lmer? R does not recognize lme 
Thanks in advance!
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Mac install

2008-04-06 Thread BJ Miller
Need idiot's guide to installing R on Mac 10.3.9.



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Re: [R] how to manupute data frame with conditions fill cell with previous value if next cell is zero

2008-04-06 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 9:04 AM, saikat sarkar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is the 2nd time in the chat room. Its a great place to get help from R

I assume you are referring to this email list.  I am not aware of
a chat room but if it exists that is something different from this

 I have a data frame problem, it contains thousands of data.

Actually you don't have a data frame problem.  You have a time
series problem and by representing it as a data frame instead of
a time series you are running into one problem after another that
would be trivially addressed with the correct representation.

See ?na.locf in the zoo package.

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Re: [R] Strange message when plot function used..

2008-04-06 Thread Uwe Ligges

Cristian Carranza wrote:
 I am an R beginer, so perhaps this is a quite simple question...
 After using the lmer command (under the lme4 package) for fitting a mixed 
 model, it was impossible to use de command plot(model) for checking model 
 adequacy. R returns this message: Error in as.double(y) : cannot type '%s' 
 coerce to vector.

Because lme4 does not ship a plot method for th lmer class and 
plot.default cannot handle the object ...

 Could anyone be so kind to tell me what to do?

Think about how your plot should look like and implement it yourself.

 How can I continue to use lme library 
 instead of lmer? R does not recognize lme anymore.
 Thanks in advance!

What is lme library? If you mean the function lme() from package 
nlme, you have to load nlme rather than lme4.

Uwe Ligges

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[R] row by row similarity

2008-04-06 Thread Grant Gillis
Hello all and thanks in advance for any advice.
I am very new to R and have searched my question but have not come up with
anything quite like what I would like to do.

My problem is:

I have a data set for individuals (rows) and values for behaviours
(columns).  I would like to know the proportion of shared behaviours for all
possible pairs of individuals.  The sum of shared behaviours divided by the
total.  There are zeros in the data that I would like treated as the
behaviour does not exist.

example data format:

indB1  B2  B3  B4  B5  B6
w   215344
x   123456
y   135276
z   232426

Desired output:

w  x   0
w  y   0.17
w  z   0
x   y   0.3
x   z   0.3



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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] dots and substitute

2008-04-06 Thread Simon Anders

is there an elegant way to use 'substitute' with '...' arguments?

My first try was this:

  f1 - function(...) substitute(...)
  f1( 2+7, foo, 3+5 )
2 + 7

As you can see, substitute acts only on the first argument. So I tried

  f2 - function(...)  substitute(list(...))
  f2( 2+7, foo, 3+5 )
list(2 + 7, foo, 3 + 5)

This is now all the information I want, but it is not split into the 
individual arguments. I would like to get a character vector, i.e. 
something like
   c( 2 + 7, \foo\, 3 + 5 )

My third try seems to be wrong as well:

  f3 - function(...)  lapply( list(...), substitute )
  f3( 2+7, foo, 3+5 )
Error in lapply(list(...), substitute) :
   '...' used in an incorrect context

Does anybody has a good hint for me as how to do it correctly?


| Dr. Simon Anders, Dipl. Phys.
| European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK
| preferred (permanent) e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] lme cant get parameter estimated correctly

2008-04-06 Thread toby909
 Bill.Venables at csiro.au writes:

 Here is a demo you may like to consider.  (I can see what you are trying
 to do with your loops, but I prefer to do it this way.)

This is just for pedagogical purpose,
so I like to keep the simple-minded 'for'

But what I really wonder is why do I not get the right estimate?
It cant be
because of how I loop-create the data?

Thanks Toby

 On 32 bit Windows, (which I am forced to use), your seed is not a valid
 integer, so I have changed it to something which is.

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Re: [R] [OT] Typesetting / highlighting R code in Latex

2008-04-06 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

On 6 April 2008 at 10:40, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| Using Latex and the beamer class, I would like to highlight code snippets.
| Does anybody know a suitable 'preprocessor' or 'filter' for R (and/or C/C++)
| code ?
| I have been including it in simple \begin{verbatim} ... \end{verbatim} and I
| know there is a better way -- in fact I saw it used a while back in some
| package I looked at.  And I didn't write that down...
| What I am looking for is the basic equivalent of 'everything in verbatim'
| plus the ability to hightlight certain parts to stress the points I'd like to
| make.  
| There must be something.  Pointers would be greatly appreciated!

The listing class was what I was looking for -- thanks for the quick off-list
reply.  Basic synopis of listing is eg here 


Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.

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[R] R code for eta

2008-04-06 Thread dt Excellent
I would greatly appreciate if anybody can tell me if an R code is available for 
computing the eta measure of association in contingency tables.
With regards 


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[R] Hex Decimal Convert

2008-04-06 Thread Edwin Sendjaja

I have a data with hexdecimal. But GNU R convert it to strange number. How
can I get that hexdecimal showing in the R-table?


-- My Data-Table:
  Sender_ID Receiver_ID   Other_ID
6565  0x47780439   0x   0x   0



6565 1199047737   0  0   0

Kind Regards,


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] What to use for assignment, = or - ?

2008-04-06 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Apr 6, 2008, at 10:35 AM, Ben Bolker wrote:

  Bill.Venables at csiro.au writes:

 I've noticed an increasing tendency for people to use '=' rather than
 the older '-' symbol.  When '=' became available as an assignment
 operator in S-PLUS in the late '90s my first reaction was to  
 switch to
 it as well.  Brian Ripley warned me that it was not a good idea.  As
 usual he was right, but it took a couple of pretty serious
 finger-burning episodes before I came fully around to his view.

 I suspect the push towards using '=' instead of '-' has two main

 1. the world is full of lazy typists

 2. right now there seems to be a big influx of Matlab people into  
 R, and
 it makes them feel more at home.

 Neither of these is much of a reason, I reckon.

It may not be a good reason, but the reason I usually
 teach = rather than - to my students is that they are
 usually learning scripting/programming for the very first
 time, and the = syntax for assignment (which as I recall
 was called gozzinta, for goes into, in the FORTRAN coloring
 book) seems natural to most people (even though it's
 logically quite different).  They are so overwhelmed by
 learning new things that I don't want to add one more.
 (This is admittedly a judgment call.)

I actually teach my students to use -, for a number of reasons, but  
in some sense for the same reason you choose to teach = instead: I  
feel that - expresses better the act of assigning.

The problem really is that in mathematics we use = to denote both  
assignment and equality, and are forced to use words like let and  
define to indicate when an assignment is meant, which I suppose is  
not the norm. In other words, which one is meant is based on  
context. Context is perhaps a reasonable way to define things in  
mathematics, or most other non-programming settings really, but it is  
definitely not a very good way in programming settings, in my  
opinion. This is the problem with = in this case: It has different  
meanings depending on its context. This can lead to subtle errors,  
not easy to track down.

On another level, - brings up the severity of the act of assignment  
more clearly. You are about to overwrite whatever meaning that symbol  
had in the past, and replace it with a brand new meaning, and this  
can have a number of quite unpredictable side-effects. So it is not  
something that should be done lightly. In my opinion assignments  
should be used sparingly.

Now, you might argue that when students are first learning  
programming, we should make it as simple as possible for them. Though  
I do respect that view, I think it is also important to not teach  
them bad practices, and overdoing it on the assignments is such a  
bad practice, IMO. It's hard to change what one has learned early on  
and gotten used to. I've spent a lot of my teaching time trying to  
correct such bad habits on the part of my students, especially on the  
importance of making it clear, when writing down an equation, whether  
that equation is something we know, something we are trying to prove,  
or used as a definition for the LHS of it.

That's my story anyway, and I'm sticking to it.

Sorry if I strayed a bit off topic there

   Ben Bolker

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] dots and substitute

2008-04-06 Thread Charles C. Berry
On Sun, 6 Apr 2008, Simon Anders wrote:


 is there an elegant way to use 'substitute' with '...' arguments?

 My first try was this:

  f1 - function(...) substitute(...)
  f1( 2+7, foo, 3+5 )
 2 + 7

 As you can see, substitute acts only on the first argument. So I tried

  f2 - function(...)  substitute(list(...))
  f2( 2+7, foo, 3+5 )
 list(2 + 7, foo, 3 + 5)

 This is now all the information I want, but it is not split into the
 individual arguments. I would like to get a character vector, i.e.
 something like
   c( 2 + 7, \foo\, 3 + 5 )

Try this:

f2 - function(...)  sapply( substitute(list(...)), deparse )[-1]

all.equal( c( 2 + 7, \foo\, 3 + 5 ), f2( 2+7, foo, 3+5 ))



p.s. Why do you want this as mode character? Warning:


If the answer is parse() you should usually rethink the question.
-- Thomas Lumley
   R-help (February 2005)

 My third try seems to be wrong as well:

  f3 - function(...)  lapply( list(...), substitute )
  f3( 2+7, foo, 3+5 )
 Error in lapply(list(...), substitute) :
   '...' used in an incorrect context

 Does anybody has a good hint for me as how to do it correctly?


 | Dr. Simon Anders, Dipl. Phys.
 | European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK
 | preferred (permanent) e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 R-help@r-project.org mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Charles C. Berry(858) 534-2098
 Dept of Family/Preventive Medicine
E mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  UC San Diego
http://famprevmed.ucsd.edu/faculty/cberry/  La Jolla, San Diego 92093-0901

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Hex Decimal Convert

2008-04-06 Thread Edwin Sendjaja

I have a data with hexdecimal. But GNU R convert it to strange number. How can 
I get that hexdecimal showing in the R-table?

My Data-Table:
  Sender_ID Receiver_ID   Other_ID
6565  0x47780439   0x   0x   0


6565 1199047737   0  0   0

Kind Regards,


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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Hex Decimal Convert

2008-04-06 Thread John Fox
Dear Edwin,

There's a distinction between the way in which a number is stored
internally and the way in which it's printed. R is reading the hex
numbers correctly but is printing them in decimal. You can assign the
class hexmode to the vector containing the data and then it will
print in hex:

 data - c(6565, 0x47780439, 0x, 0x, 0)
[1]   6565 1199047737  0  0  0
 class(data) - hexmode
[1] 19a5 47780439   

Notice that the whole vector is printed in hex. If you don't want that,
then you could put the data into a list with some members of class
hexmode and others not.

I hope this helps,

On Sun, 6 Apr 2008 20:52:20 +0100
 Edwin Sendjaja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a data with hexdecimal. But GNU R convert it to strange
 number. How can 
 I get that hexdecimal showing in the R-table?

 My Data-Table:
   Sender_ID Receiver_ID   Other_ID
 6565  0x47780439   0x   0x   0

 6565 1199047737   0  0   0
 Kind Regards,
 R-help@r-project.org mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

John Fox, Professor
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Multiset Permutations

2008-04-06 Thread Stropharia

Dear R users,

I want to perform an exact permutation of multisets. I have looked at the
coin package, but it doesn't seem to offer what I am looking for. I want to
perform permutations (exact - without duplications) on multisets of scalars
(e.g., the multiset 0,0,1,2,2). I want to output all the possible
permutations into a data frame so that each multiset permutation occupies a
row (or column). The output would look something like this:


There seem to be numerous algorithms in the primary statistical literature
for doing this, but they haven't been implemented in R. I've been searching
for weeks online and in books for a way of doing this, but the only thing
i've come across is a Java script posted anonymously on a forum. I don't
know Java at all, so can't make enough sense of it to try a translation into
R, but i thought i'd include it below in case someone can glean from this a
way of doing it in R. Thanks in advance for any help on this, it is greatly

Here are the original (anonymous) poster's comments and code:

We definitely need to use recursion. There can be up to n! permutations.
For example we'll use recursion to generate a tree of n! leaves. Each node
is a run of the recursive function. The root node has n children, the nodes
at the second level have each n-1 children, the nodes at the third level
have n-2 children, etc. Each leaf of this tree will be a permutation. The
idea is to add an element to the permutation, remove it from the set, and
call the recursive function on that set. Because it's a multiset i'm using a
Hashtable to eliminate duplicate entries. A pointer to the Hashtable gets
passed along with each recursive call.
The recursive function will know that it's on a leaf when the size of the
set is 0, at which point it will insert its permutation in the Hashtable.
Since identical permutations map to the same bucket in the hashtable, they
overwrite eachother to leave only unique permutations. Here's the algorithm
in Java:

import java.util.*;

public class Test {
public static void PermutationsRecursive(char[] s, String p, Hashtable
for(int x=0; xs.length; x++){
String np = new String(p);
char[] ns = new char[s.length-1];
int y = 0;
for(int z=0; zs.length; z++){
if(z != x) ns[y++] = s[z];
np = np + s[x];
if(ns.length == 0) perms.put(np, new Boolean(true));
else PermutationsRecursive(ns, np, perms);
public static String[] GetPermutations(char[] in){
int fact = Factorial(in.length);
Hashtable perms = new Hashtable(fact);
PermutationsRecursive(in, , perms);
Enumeration e = perms.keys();
String[] out = new String[perms.size()];
int i = 0;
out[i++] = (String) e.nextElement();
return out;
private static int Factorial(int n){
int fact = 1;
for(int i=2; i=n; i++){
fact *= i;
return fact;
public static void main(String[] args){
char[] set = new char[]{'A', 'A', 'B', 'C'};
String[] perms = GetPermutations(set);
Arrays.sort(perms, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
for(int i=0; iperms.length; i++){

This code prints the following:

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Re: [R] Multiset Permutations

2008-04-06 Thread Johannes Hüsing
You can use the function permutation from the e1071 package,


multisetperm - function(multiset) { 
ncol=length(multiset)), 1, paste, sep=, collapse=)) }
multisetperm(c(0, 0, 1, 2, 2))

 The output would look something like this:


The Java algorithm you cited does not look any more clever or less 
than this.

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Re: [R] dots and substitute

2008-04-06 Thread Simon Anders
Hi Charles,

Charles C. Berry wrote:
 Try this:
   f2 - function(...)  sapply( substitute(list(...)), deparse )[-1]

Wow, this works. Thanks a lot!

 p.s. Why do you want this as mode character? 

For the usual purpose of 'substitute': to label something. The use case
is that I have a function that takes an unspecified number of very large
integer vectors which are visualized in some way. I first tried to pass
all the vectors as one list, via '.Call', but that made R duplicate the
vectors, when the list argument is built. So, I now use '...' and
'.External', where duplication does not happen. I would like to
conveniently label the vectors by the expression with which they have
been passed (as 'plot' does, too), and with your construction, I can now
extract the expressions as characters and pass them to make the labels.

 If the answer is parse() you should usually rethink the question.
 -- Thomas Lumley
R-help (February 2005)

Then, I am lucky that you offered a solution with 'deparse', not
'parse'. ;-) Still, I am (pleasently) surprised that the vectors within
the '...' do not get duplicated (according to 'tracemem') by this

Thank you very much

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Re: [R] summary(object, test=c(Roy, Wilks, Pillai, ....) AND ellipse(object, center=....)

2008-04-06 Thread Michael Friendly
You may be interested in the heplots package for multivariate linear
models.  For a multivariate regression, it plots a data ellipse of the
predicted values (H matrix) together with a data ellipse of the 
residuals (E ellipse).  H is scaled so that it protrudes outside the E
ellipse iff the hypothesis is significant by Roy's test.


Ray Haraf wrote:
 2). My next struggle is to construct prediction ellipse. Both ellipse() and 
 ellipse.lm() are not giving me the solution to Sampling from multivariate 
 multiple regression prediction regions posted by Iain Pardoe, Mon May 9 
 18:43:46 2005. I am working on the same problem and performed all the steps 
 he suggested
 ex7.10 - 
 + data.frame(y1 = c(141.5, 168.9, 154.8, 146.5, 172.8, 160.1, 108.5), 
 + y2 = c(301.8, 396.1, 328.2, 307.4, 362.4, 369.5, 229.1), 
 + z1 = c(123.5, 146.1, 133.9, 128.5, 151.5, 136.2, 92), 
 + z2 = c(2.108, 9.213, 1.905, .815, 1.061, 8.603, 1.125)) 
 f.mlm - lm(cbind(y1,y2)~z1+z2) 
 y.hat - c(1, 130, 7.5) %*% coef(f.mlm) 
 round(y.hat, 2) 
  y1 y2 
 [1,] 151.84 349.63 
 qf.z - t(c(1, 130, 7.5)) %*% 
 + solve(t(cbind(1,z1,z2)) %*% cbind(1,z1,z2)) %*% 
 + c(1, 130, 7.5) 
 round(qf.z, 5) 
 [1,] 0.36995 
 n.sigma.hat - SSD(f.mlm)$SSD # same as t(resid(f.mlm)) %*%resid(f.mlm) 
 round(n.sigma.hat, 2) 
  y1 y2 
 y1 5.80 5.22 
 y2 5.22 12.57 
 F.quant - qf(.95,2,3) 
 round(F.quant, 2) 
 [1] 9.55 
From here how could I calculate a 95% prediction ellipse for y=(y1,y2) at 
(z1,z2)=(130,7.5) using either ellipse or ellipse.lm? y1 would be the x-axis 
and y2, the y-axis. The center is different from (0,0) and I don't know what 
would be the appropriate x (the lm object). Should I used predicted values or 
residuals? In both cases I have vectors which is different from the example 
given with ellipse.lm
 3). Lastly but not the least, would be too ambitious to draw the axes (i.e, 
 the eigenvalues) to  the ellipse?
 Thanks and very kind regards,
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Re: [R] [OT] Typesetting / highlighting R code in Latex

2008-04-06 Thread Vincent Goulet
Le dim. 6 avr. à 14:44, Dirk Eddelbuettel a écrit :

 On 6 April 2008 at 10:40, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
 | Using Latex and the beamer class, I would like to highlight code  
 | Does anybody know a suitable 'preprocessor' or 'filter' for R (and/ 
 or C/C++)
 | code ?
 | I have been including it in simple \begin{verbatim} ...  
 \end{verbatim} and I
 | know there is a better way -- in fact I saw it used a while back  
 in some
 | package I looked at.  And I didn't write that down...
 | What I am looking for is the basic equivalent of 'everything in  
 | plus the ability to hightlight certain parts to stress the points  
 I'd like to
 | make.
 | There must be something.  Pointers would be greatly appreciated!

 The listing class was what I was looking for -- thanks for the quick  
 reply.  Basic synopis of listing is eg here

The listing package is great. I used it for my Introduction à la  
programmation en S manual (on CRAN) to index the code sections  
automagically. That said, I had to add a few keywords to the list  
bundled with the package; you may want to have a look at my  
customizations in


[Lines 96--113]




 Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Multiset Permutations

2008-04-06 Thread Gavin Simpson

If I understand you correctly, there is beta code within the development
version of package 'vegan' on R forge to do this.

install.packages(vegan, repos=http://R-Forge.R-project.org;)


[1] 120
 perms - allPerms(5, observed = TRUE)
  [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]

As you can see, it returns the ordering of 5 observations when permuted
freely. perms is a matrix with some extra attributes.

To use this, loop over the rows of perms. To get the actual permuted
vector, use something like the following:

 dat - c(0,0,1,2,2)
[1] 0 0 1 2 2
[1] 0 0 2 1 2
[1] 0 0 2 2 1

This assumes that the entries in dat are freely exchangeable, which is
what I take your output example to be representing.

Be careful to read the help page for allPerms, if n is large you'll need
to increase argument 'max'. numPerms(n) where n is the number of entries
in dat will tell you how big max needs to be.

Note that you should be able to do:

perms - allPerms(dat)

but that isn't working at all (did I say this was beta code?) due to a
silly bug I introduced by trying to be too clever for my own good. So
you have to use allPerms(n) instead.

If this isn't exactly what you wanted, email me back as there may be a
way to use the more complicated restricted permutations available in
vegan to do what you want.



On Sun, 2008-04-06 at 13:57 -0700, Stropharia wrote:
 Dear R users,
 I want to perform an exact permutation of multisets. I have looked at the
 coin package, but it doesn't seem to offer what I am looking for. I want to
 perform permutations (exact - without duplications) on multisets of scalars
 (e.g., the multiset 0,0,1,2,2). I want to output all the possible
 permutations into a data frame so that each multiset permutation occupies a
 row (or column). The output would look something like this:
 There seem to be numerous algorithms in the primary statistical literature
 for doing this, but they haven't been implemented in R. I've been searching
 for weeks online and in books for a way of doing this, but the only thing
 i've come across is a Java script posted anonymously on a forum. I don't
 know Java at all, so can't make enough sense of it to try a translation into
 R, but i thought i'd include it below in case someone can glean from this a
 way of doing it in R. Thanks in advance for any help on this, it is greatly
 Here are the original (anonymous) poster's comments and code:
 We definitely need to use recursion. There can be up to n! permutations.
 For example we'll use recursion to generate a tree of n! leaves. Each node
 is a run of the recursive function. The root node has n children, the nodes
 at the second level have each n-1 children, the nodes at the third level
 have n-2 children, etc. Each leaf of this tree will be a permutation. The
 idea is to add an element to the permutation, remove it from the set, and
 call the recursive function on that set. Because it's a multiset i'm using a
 Hashtable to eliminate duplicate entries. A pointer to the Hashtable gets
 passed along with each recursive call.
 The recursive function will know that it's on a leaf when the size of the
 set is 0, at which point it will insert its permutation in the Hashtable.
 Since identical permutations map to the same bucket in the hashtable, they
 overwrite eachother to leave only unique permutations. Here's the algorithm
 in Java:
 import java.util.*;
 public class Test {
   public static void PermutationsRecursive(char[] s, String p, Hashtable
   for(int x=0; xs.length; x++){
   String np = new String(p);
   char[] ns = new char[s.length-1];
   int y = 0;
   for(int z=0; zs.length; z++){
   if(z != x) ns[y++] = s[z];
   np = np + s[x];
   if(ns.length == 0) perms.put(np, new Boolean(true));
   else PermutationsRecursive(ns, np, perms);
   public static String[] GetPermutations(char[] in){
   int fact = Factorial(in.length);
   Hashtable perms = new Hashtable(fact);
   PermutationsRecursive(in, , perms);
   Enumeration e = perms.keys();
   String[] out = new String[perms.size()];
   int i = 0;
   out[i++] = (String) 

[R] Error message got a real'

2008-04-06 Thread David Kaplan

   Hi all,
   I'm running the program sem on a Mac, but I'm getting a message that I think
   is quite general.  The error reads
   Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,
 scan() expected 'a real', got '10652)'
   The 10652 is the sample size coming from a .csv file where I have header =
   Any thoughts would be appreciated.
David Kaplan, Ph.D.
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Educational Sciences, Room, 1061
1025 W. Johnson Street
Madison, WI 53706

email: dkaplan at education dot wisc dot edu
Phone: 608-262-0836


   1. http://www.education.wisc.edu/edpsych/facstaff/kaplan/kaplan.htm
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[R] R, VR, and Debian

2008-04-06 Thread Ted Harding
Hi Folks,
A while ago (September 2007) I set up an experimental
Debian 4.0 Etch installation, and installed R on it,
along with several packages -- including e1071 and
the Bundle VR -- by means of the Debian package
manager. Most of the time, R works fine. But not always.

Just now, I wanted to try the code suggested by
Johannes Hüsing for Stroparia's Multiset Permutation

The first line is library(e1071) -- this failed

Loading required package: class
Error: package 'class' could not be loaded
In addition: Warning message:
there is no package called 'class' in: library(pkg,
character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc) 

The Debian package manager tells me that r-cran-vr
is fully installed, and that
The VR package contains four individuals packages:
MASS, class, nnet and spatial.

Also, that the installed version of r-cran-vr is
7.2.29-1 and also that this is the latest version.
However, the version on CRAN is 7.2-41.

A search downwards from /usr/lib/R finds nothing that
matches class, nnet, nor spatial, though MASS
is there. 'locate class', 'locate nnet', 'locate spatial'
all draw blanks (as far as anything to do with R is
concerned). So these packages, allegedly part of VR,
have not been installed.

I thought of uninstalling VR and re-installing, but
after I marked it for deletion I was told that lots
of other packages would disappear as well, so I
backed off.

It would seem, therefore, that installing R via the
Debian repositories can be a close approximation to
a waste of time!

Additionally, in the past I have encountered a block
when trying to install R packages from source, on this
system, because something is wrong with 'gfortran'.

I do not want to have to fight Debian in order to get
on with using R, and (once again) feel discouraged
about continuing to use a Linux distribution which,
in other respects, is of high repute.

I would be grateful for comments on the above observations,
and particularly grateful for suggestions about how to
overcome these problems.

With best wishes to all,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 06-Apr-08   Time: 23:58:27
-- XFMail --

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[R] Executing a telnet session from R

2008-04-06 Thread Dennis Fisher

I am working in a Linux OS with R 2.6.2.

I need to execute a telnet session to another Linux machine from R,  
perform some operations, then return to the original computer.  When I  
am in an R session, this is easy to accomplish by typing:
system(telnet -l username machinename)
I am then asked for my password; once that is entered, I am connected  
to the remote machine.  I can then enter commands on the remote  
machine, then logout.

I would like to automate this process within a function.  Obviously, I  
can embed the 'system' command in the function.

1.  How do I enter the password into the command?
2.  How do I execute the commands on the other machine?
3.  Finally, how do I execute the 'logout' command (this should not  
differ from #2)?

Thanks in advance for any help on this.


Dennis Fisher MD
P  (The P Less Than Company)
Phone: 1-866-PLessThan (1-866-753-7784)
Fax: 1-415-564-2220

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Re: [R] Multiset Permutations

2008-04-06 Thread G. Jay Kerns
Dear Steven,

The prob package does this, too.  (Please see the * fix below).

x - c(0, 0, 1, 2, 2)
A - permsn(x, 5)  # with repeated columns
B - unique( data.frame( t(A) ))   # no repeated rows

The data frame B will have 56 rows and 5 columns.  If you need the
columns collapsed, then you can use the

apply(B, 1, paste, sep = , collapse = )

command that Johannes suggested.  Details are in the prob package vignette,


I hope that this helps,

* fix:  As it happens, your particular question helped to identify a
bug in the current CRAN version of prob.  Thank you!  :-)   Below is a
fix until the updated version appears.

permsn - function (x, m)
if (is.numeric(x)  length(x) == 1  x  0  trunc(x) == x)
x - seq(x)
temp - combn(x, m)
if ( isTRUE(all.equal(m,1)) ) {
P - temp
} else if (isTRUE(all.equal(m, length(x {
temp - matrix(x, ncol = 1)
P - array(unlist(permn(temp[, 1])), dim = c(m, factorial(m)))
} else {
k - dim(temp)[1]
n - dim(temp)[2]
P - array(unlist(permn(temp[, 1])), dim = c(k, factorial(k)))
for (i in 2:n) {
a - temp[, i]
perms - array(unlist(permn(a)), dim = c(k, factorial(k)))
P - cbind(P, perms)

G. Jay Kerns, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor / Statistics Coordinator
Department of Mathematics  Statistics
Youngstown State University
Youngstown, OH 44555-0002 USA
Office: 1035 Cushwa Hall
Phone: (330) 941-3310 Office (voice mail)
-3302 Department
-3170 FAX

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Re: [R] how to manupute data frame with conditions fill cell with previous value if next cell is zero

2008-04-06 Thread Bill.Venables
There may well be neater ways to do this, but if you have only a 
limited number of zeros in any run, this is probably as quick as 
any.  Suppose your data frame is 'dat':

 fixCol - function(x) {
y - x
n - length(x)
while(any(zx - x == 0)) {  
y - c(NA, y[-n])
x[zx] - y[zx]
 dat - transform(dat, x = fixCol(x), 
y = fixCol(y), z = fixCol(z))

If you have a great number of columns to fix up like this, a more 
succinct way would be something like

 dat[, 3:5] - lapply(dat[, 3:5], fixCol) 

Bill Venables
CSIRO Laboratories
PO Box 120, Cleveland, 4163
Office Phone (email preferred): +61 7 3826 7251
Fax (if absolutely necessary):  +61 7 3826 7304
Mobile: +61 4 8819 4402
Home Phone: +61 7 3286 7700

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of saikat sarkar
Sent: Sunday, 6 April 2008 11:05 PM
To: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: [R] how to manupute data frame with conditions fill cell with
previous value if next cell is zero

Dear R Experts, 
This is the 2nd time in the chat room. Its a great place to get help
from R
I have a data frame problem, it contains thousands of data.  

part of it, I am giving for explaining the problem 

 date day   x yz

82  1989-04-28 Fri   2118.0   2418.80  33713 
83  1989-05-01 Mon0.0 2414.96  33793 
84  1989-05-02 Tue 2103.12402.86  33955
85  1989-05-03 Wed 2105.7   2393.70  0 
86  1989-05-04 Thu  2119.0   2384.90  0 
87  1989-05-05 Fri2132.8   2381.96  0 

103 1989-05-29 Mon0.00.00 34161 
127 1989-06-30 Fri   2151.0  2440.06 32949 
128 1989-07-03 Mon 2165.6  2452.77 33236 

129 1989-07-04 Tue 2174.40   35376 
130 1989-07-05 Wed 2162.9 2456.56 33310 

167 1989-08-25 Fri   2397.4  2732.36  34740 
168 1989-08-28 Mon0.02743.36  34607 
169 1989-08-29 Tue  2380.8 2726.63   34688 
170 1989-08-30 Wed 2381.3  2728.15  34472 
171 1989-08-31 Thu 2387.9   2737.27  34431 
172 1989-09-01 Fri   2407.5   2752.09  34348 

173 1989-09-04 Mon 2419.20.00 34484 
174 1989-09-05 Tue 2426.0 2744.68 34442 
175 1989-09-06 Wed 2390.8 2719.79 34271 
176 1989-09-07 Thu 2415.9 2706.88 34153 
177 1989-09-08 Fri 2423.9 2709.54 34116 
178 1989-09-11 Mon 2400.6 2704.41 34114 
179 1989-09-12 Tue 2397.6 2707.26 34333 
180 1989-09-13 Wed 2401.5 2679.52 34287 
181 1989-09-14 Thu 2382.0 2664.89 34402

182 1989-09-15 Fri 2366.5 2674.58 0 
183 1989-09-18 Mon 2373.8 2687.50 34473

195 1989-10-04 Wed 2312.1 2771.09 35383 
196 1989-10-05 Thu 2281.6 2773.56 35523 
197 1989-10-06 Fri 2277.5 2785.52 35209 
198 1989-10-09 Mon 2247.0 2791.41 35376 

199 1989-10-10 Tue 2218.8 2785.33 0 
200 1989-10-11 Wed 2218.8 2773.36 35240

In this data frame, I need to replace cells which is zero with previous

For example

82  1989-04-28 Fri 2118.0 2418.80 33713 
83  1989-05-01 Mon0.0 2414.96 33793 

in 2nd line 0.0 should be replaced by 2118.0

Another Example 

84  1989-05-02 Tue 2103.1 2402.86 33955
85  1989-05-03 Wed 2105.7 2393.70 0 
86  1989-05-04 Thu 2119.0 2384.90  0 
87  1989-05-05 Fri   2132.8 2381.96  0 

3 lines filled by 33955 value. 

Another example 

198 1989-10-09 Mon 2247.0 2791.41 35376 
199 1989-10-10 Tue 2218.8 2785.33 0
200 1989-10-11 Wed 2218.8 2773.36 35240   

in 2nd line filled by zero should be replaced by value 35376 

Please help me. 

Thanking you 



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Re: [R] Error message got a real'

2008-04-06 Thread Duncan Murdoch
David Kaplan wrote:
Hi all,
I'm running the program sem on a Mac, but I'm getting a message that I 
is quite general.  The error reads
Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,
  scan() expected 'a real', got '10652)'
The 10652 is the sample size coming from a .csv file where I have header =
It appears to be finding a parenthesis too.  That's not a real.

Duncan Murdoch

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[R] 'URCA' is not a valid package Error

2008-04-06 Thread Leyla Biondini

Thank you Matthieu for your helpful suggestions.
Unfortunately I still have problems.
I have tried to compile it via your suggestion.

this is strange... you should have the usual summary...
I have on my machine
test2-ur.df(nottem, type=none, lags=1)

When I type in library(urca) I receive the following.
Error in library(urca) : 
  'urca' is not a valid package -- installed  2.0.0?
When I type in installed.packages() the ONLY package with NA entries is URCA.
tcltk  NA  2.6.2
tools  NA  2.6.2
urca   NA  NA 
utils  NA  2.6.2
I have tried to kill the session and start again but to no avail.
I have installed Package: r-cran-urca (1.1-6-1) [universe] from the ubuntu 
website for use in Windows.

My R version is 2.6.2.
Thanks in advance for your help,
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Re: [R] Hex Decimal Convert

2008-04-06 Thread Edwin Sendjaja

Dear John, 

Thank you.

Is there any possibility to get original stored number printed.

Because i have another coloum like:


This is gonna cause probleme (as you notice before).

I dont really understand what you mean with a list. i am new with R. 



Am Sonntag, 6. April 2008 21:38:19 schrieb John Fox:
 Dear Edwin,

 There's a distinction between the way in which a number is stored
 internally and the way in which it's printed. R is reading the hex
 numbers correctly but is printing them in decimal. You can assign the
 class hexmode to the vector containing the data and then it will

 print in hex:
  data - c(6565, 0x47780439, 0x, 0x, 0)

 [1]   6565 1199047737  0  0  0

  class(data) - hexmode

 [1] 19a5 47780439   

 Notice that the whole vector is printed in hex. If you don't want that,
 then you could put the data into a list with some members of class
 hexmode and others not.

 I hope this helps,

 On Sun, 6 Apr 2008 20:52:20 +0100

  Edwin Sendjaja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a data with hexdecimal. But GNU R convert it to strange
  number. How can
  I get that hexdecimal showing in the R-table?


  My Data-Table:
Sender_ID Receiver_ID   Other_ID
  6565  0x47780439   0x   0x   0


  6565 1199047737   0  0   0
  Kind Regards,
  R-help@r-project.org mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide
  and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

 John Fox, Professor
 Department of Sociology
 McMaster University
 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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 http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal,
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[R] mgcv::gam prediction using lpmatrix

2008-04-06 Thread David Katz

The documentation for predict.gam in library mgcv gives an example of using
an lpmatrix to do approximate prediction via interpolation. However, the
code is specific to the example wrt  the number of smooth terms, df's for
each,etc. (which is entirely appropriate for an example)

Has anyone generalized this to directly generate code from a gam object (eg
SAS or C code)? I wanted to check before I reinvent the wheel. Thanks.
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Re: [R] R, VR, and Debian

2008-04-06 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

On 6 April 2008 at 23:58, (Ted Harding) wrote:
| Hi Folks,
| A while ago (September 2007) I set up an experimental
| Debian 4.0 Etch installation, and installed R on it,
| along with several packages -- including e1071 and
| the Bundle VR -- by means of the Debian package
| manager. Most of the time, R works fine. But not always.
| Just now, I wanted to try the code suggested by
| Johannes Hüsing for Stroparia's Multiset Permutation
| question.
| The first line is library(e1071) -- this failed
| because:
| library(e1071)
| Loading required package: class
| Error: package 'class' could not be loaded
| In addition: Warning message:
| there is no package called 'class' in: library(pkg,
| character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc) 

Looks like you may want to file a bug report against the corresponding Debian
package which be out of sync or requiring a rebuild. I'm CCing the maintainer
of that pacage too.
| The Debian package manager tells me that r-cran-vr
| is fully installed, and that
| The VR package contains four individuals packages:
| MASS, class, nnet and spatial.
| Also, that the installed version of r-cran-vr is
| 7.2.29-1 and also that this is the latest version.
| However, the version on CRAN is 7.2-41.

You made a choice of picking Debian etch for stability. This means packages
will not be updated _by design and your choice_.  So you cannot turn around
and say 'how come the VR version  is behind CRAN?'.

For Debian unstable and testing (sid and lenny, IIRC) we have current
| A search downwards from /usr/lib/R finds nothing that
| matches class, nnet, nor spatial, though MASS
| is there. 'locate class', 'locate nnet', 'locate spatial'
| all draw blanks (as far as anything to do with R is
| concerned). So these packages, allegedly part of VR,
| have not been installed.

I have them below /usr/lib/R as you'd expect, but I ran testing.  Maybe
something happened.  I'd reinstall the package.
| I thought of uninstalling VR and re-installing, but
| after I marked it for deletion I was told that lots
| of other packages would disappear as well, so I
| backed off.

Just re-install by hand to test. Download the ,deb to /tmp and do 'sudo dpkg
--install r-cran-vr_*.deb' on it.

| It would seem, therefore, that installing R via the
| Debian repositories can be a close approximation to
| a waste of time!
| Additionally, in the past I have encountered a block
| when trying to install R packages from source, on this
| system, because something is wrong with 'gfortran'.
| I do not want to have to fight Debian in order to get
| on with using R, and (once again) feel discouraged
| about continuing to use a Linux distribution which,
| in other respects, is of high repute.

Many people are happy users of R and Debian.  Why don;t you bring your
questions to the r-sig-debian list where they are most on-topic? 

Hth, Dirk
| I would be grateful for comments on the above observations,
| and particularly grateful for suggestions about how to
| overcome these problems.
| With best wishes to all,
| Ted.
| E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
| Date: 06-Apr-08   Time: 23:58:27
| -- XFMail --
| __
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Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.

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Re: [R] Hex Decimal Convert

2008-04-06 Thread John Fox
Dear Edwin,

On Mon, 7 Apr 2008 01:14:35 +0100
 Edwin Sendjaja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear John, 
 Thank you.
 Is there any possibility to get original stored number printed.

R is a programming language, so you could in principle read an input
line as character data, break it into its components, and output each
component in whatever format you wished. That would require some work.
There might be a simpler approach, but I'm not aware of it.

 Because i have another coloum like:

The previous example that you send consisted entirely of numeric data
and had only one line. Assuming that there are several lines, you could
read the data into a data frame via read.table() and exercise some
control over how each column is read. See ?read.table. You could then
deal separately with the columns.

 This is gonna cause probleme (as you notice before).

I'm afraid that I didn't notice since there was no character data in
your previous example.

 I dont really understand what you mean with a list. i am new with R.

It's probably unreasonable to expect to be able to use a programming
language without reading something about it. One place to start is with
the introductory manual distributed with R, which discusses lists in
Section 6.1. Alternatively, you could read one of a number of books on
R; many are listed at http://www.r-project.org/doc/bib/R-books.html.


 Am Sonntag, 6. April 2008 21:38:19 schrieb John Fox:
  Dear Edwin,
  There's a distinction between the way in which a number is stored
  internally and the way in which it's printed. R is reading the hex
  numbers correctly but is printing them in decimal. You can assign
  class hexmode to the vector containing the data and then it will
  print in hex:
   data - c(6565, 0x47780439, 0x, 0x, 0)
  [1]   6565 1199047737  0  0  0
   class(data) - hexmode
  [1] 19a5 47780439   
  Notice that the whole vector is printed in hex. If you don't want
  then you could put the data into a list with some members of class
  hexmode and others not.
  I hope this helps,
  On Sun, 6 Apr 2008 20:52:20 +0100
   Edwin Sendjaja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a data with hexdecimal. But GNU R convert it to strange
   number. How can
   I get that hexdecimal showing in the R-table?

   My Data-Table:
 Sender_ID Receiver_ID   Other_ID
   6565  0x47780439   0x   0x   0

   6565 1199047737   0  0   0
   Kind Regards,
   R-help@r-project.org mailing list
   PLEASE do read the posting guide
   and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible
  John Fox, Professor
  Department of Sociology
  McMaster University
  Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
  R-help@r-project.org mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide
  http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented,
  self-contained, reproducible code.
 R-help@r-project.org mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

John Fox, Professor
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Executing a telnet session from R

2008-04-06 Thread Claus Wilke
Don't use telnet, use rsh or (better) ssh. You can set up your identity on the 
remote host so that ssh doesn't ask for your password (see ssh 
documentation), and you can give ssh the command(s) that should be executed 
on the remote host (again see ssh documentation).


On Sunday 06 April 2008, Dennis Fisher wrote:

 I am working in a Linux OS with R 2.6.2.

 I need to execute a telnet session to another Linux machine from R,
 perform some operations, then return to the original computer.  When I
 am in an R session, this is easy to accomplish by typing:
   system(telnet -l username machinename)
 I am then asked for my password; once that is entered, I am connected
 to the remote machine.  I can then enter commands on the remote
 machine, then logout.

 I would like to automate this process within a function.  Obviously, I
 can embed the 'system' command in the function.

 1.  How do I enter the password into the command?
 2.  How do I execute the commands on the other machine?
 3.  Finally, how do I execute the 'logout' command (this should not
 differ from #2)?

 Thanks in advance for any help on this.


 Dennis Fisher MD
 P  (The P Less Than Company)
 Phone: 1-866-PLessThan (1-866-753-7784)
 Fax: 1-415-564-2220

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Claus Wilke
Section of Integrative Biology 
 and Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 
University of Texas at Austin
1 University Station C0930
Austin, TX 78712
512 471 6028

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Re: [R] Error message got a real'

2008-04-06 Thread Duncan Murdoch
David Kaplan wrote:
Yea, I checked that, but that wasn't the problem.  I'm sending the input 
a much smaller file.  It's in .csv format.  The input is for the Mac, and
I'm beginning to think it might be a Mac issue.  The program input lines
come from John Fox's program sem

The test.csv file isn't a csv file (which is a text format, with comma 
separated columns).  It looks like your spreadsheet let
you name it with extension .csv, but didn't save it in that format.

By the way, posting the same question 6 minutes apart on two mailing 
lists is quite inconsiderate; please don't do that.

Duncan Murdoch
 David Kaplan, Ph.D.
 Department of Educational Psychology
 University of Wisconsin - Madison
 Educational Sciences, Room, 1061
 1025 W. Johnson Street
 Madison, WI 53706

 email: dkaplan at education dot wisc dot edu
 Phone: 608-262-0836

Duncan Murdoch wrote:

  David Kaplan wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm running the program sem on a Mac, but I'm getting a message that I
 is quite general.  The error reads
  Error  in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines,
   scan() expected 'a real', got '10652)'
 The 10652 is the sample size coming from a .csv file where I have
  header =

  It appears to be finding a parenthesis too.  That's not a real.
  Duncan Murdoch


1. http://www.education.wisc.edu/edpsych/facstaff/kaplan/kaplan.htm

 R-help@r-project.org mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Error message got a real'

2008-04-06 Thread David Kaplan

   Thanks, I'm not sure why it wasn't saved as a .csv.  I posted it to the R
   Mac list and the general R list because in the past when I've posted to the
   R Mac list I was told it wasn't a R question.  Because this problem didn't
   appear  with  the  windows  verson  of R, I wasn't sure which list was
   appropriate.  There was no intention to be inconsiderate.
David Kaplan, Ph.D.
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Educational Sciences, Room, 1061
1025 W. Johnson Street
Madison, WI 53706

email: dkaplan at education dot wisc dot edu
Phone: 608-262-0836

   Duncan Murdoch wrote:

 David Kaplan wrote:

Yea, I checked that, but that wasn't the problem.  I'm sending the
 input and
a much smaller file.  It's in .csv format.  The input is for the Mac,
I'm beginning to think it might be a Mac issue.  The program input
come from John Fox's program sem

 The test.csv file isn't a csv file (which is a text format, with comma
 separated columns).  It looks like your spreadsheet let
 you name it with extension .csv, but didn't save it in that format.
 By the way, posting the same question 6 minutes apart on two mailing lists
 is quite inconsiderate; please don't do that.
 Duncan Murdoch

 David Kaplan, Ph.D.
 Department of Educational Psychology
 University of Wisconsin - Madison
 Educational Sciences, Room, 1061
 1025 W. Johnson Street
 Madison, WI 53706
 email: dkaplan at education dot wisc dot edu
 Phone: 608-262-0836
Duncan Murdoch wrote:
  David Kaplan wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm running the program sem on a Mac, but I'm getting a message
 that I
 is quite general.  The error reads
  Error  in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines,
   scan() expected 'a real', got '10652)'
 The 10652 is the sample size coming from a .csv file where I have
  header =
  It appears to be finding a parenthesis too.  That's not a real.
  Duncan Murdoch
1. [3]http://www.education.wisc.edu/edpsych/facstaff/kaplan/kaplan.htm
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.


   1. http://www.education.wisc.edu/edpsych/facstaff/kaplan/kaplan.htm
   2. http://www.education.wisc.edu/edpsych/facstaff/kaplan/kaplan.htm
   3. http://www.education.wisc.edu/edpsych/facstaff/kaplan/kaplan.htm
   4. mailto:R-help@r-project.org
   5. https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
   6. http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] How to include a vignette with my package?

2008-04-06 Thread François Aucoin
I want to include a vignette with a package I wrote.  I did follow the
Writting R extentions document step by step, but went I run Rcmd build,
an error occurs.   It goes like this:

* creating vignettes ... ERROR
:7: Emergency stop
L7L == Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!texify: pdflatex
failed for some reason see log file.
buildVignettesdir ='. '
Error in texi2dvifil =bft,pdf =TRUE, clean =FALSE, quiet = quiest  :
 running 'texi2dvi' on test.tex' failed
Calls : buildVignettes - texi2dvi
Execution halted

Thank you for your help!

Francois Aucoin

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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] 'URCA' is not a valid package Error

2008-04-06 Thread Peter Dalgaard
Leyla Biondini wrote:
 I have installed Package: r-cran-urca (1.1-6-1) [universe] from the ubuntu 
 website for use in Windows.
Whatever made you believe that that would work?

If you are using Windows, just install urca via the Packages menu in the 

   O__   Peter Dalgaard Øster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph:  (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  FAX: (+45) 35327907

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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] How to include a vignette with my package?

2008-04-06 Thread Duncan Murdoch
François Aucoin wrote:
 I want to include a vignette with a package I wrote.  I did follow the
 Writting R extentions document step by step, but went I run Rcmd build,
 an error occurs.   It goes like this:

 * creating vignettes ... ERROR
 :7: Emergency stop
 L7L == Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!texify: pdflatex
 failed for some reason see log file.
 buildVignettesdir ='. '
 Error in texi2dvifil =bft,pdf =TRUE, clean =FALSE, quiet = quiest  :
  running 'texi2dvi' on test.tex' failed
 Calls : buildVignettes - texi2dvi
 Execution halted

I would guess that the script couldn't find LaTeX (more specifically, 
pdflatex).  You may need to install it, or at least add it to your path.

Duncan Murdoch

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] getting numeric arrays from data frame

2008-04-06 Thread Mark Farnell
Currently I invoke:

foo - read.table(foo.data, header=TRUE)

to read a table into foo

Then when I try to plot a histogram out of the 5th column of foo:


It fails and it says:

Error in hist.default(foo[5]) : 'x' must be numeric

Then I tried:

[1] List

So how can I get an numeric array out of one of the columns?

Also suppose if the dataframe foo (above) has eight columns and I want
to make an x-y scatter plot on two of the columns, how can I extract
these two specific columns?



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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] getting numeric arrays from data frame

2008-04-06 Thread talepanda



 Currently I invoke:
 foo - read.table(foo.data, header=TRUE)
 to read a table into foo
 Then when I try to plot a histogram out of the 5th column of foo:
 It fails and it says:
 Error in hist.default(foo[5]) : 'x' must be numeric
 Then I tried:
 [1] List
 So how can I get an numeric array out of one of the columns?
 Also suppose if the dataframe foo (above) has eight columns and I want
 to make an x-y scatter plot on two of the columns, how can I extract
 these two specific columns?
 R-help@r-project.org mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] function for between-groups covariance matrix?

2008-04-06 Thread toby

Is anyone aware if there is a function already available that calculates the
between-groups COvariance matrix, say in a discriminant analysis setting, or in
a manova setting.

Maybe as a helper function to some other major function.

Otherwise I would have to program it myself (probably resulting in some awkward
code performing horribly on this large dataset).

Thanks Toby

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