[R] Creating a co-occurence matrix

2003-07-01 Thread Greg Blevins
Hello R experts,

I have a data.frame which has a series of 30 variables that are each coded
if a behavior is engaged in, 0 otherwise.

The data.frame looks like this:

var1 var2 ...var30
Respondent 1
Respondent 2

I would like to create a matrix (or at least a half-matrix) as follows:

  var1  var2 ...var30
var 2
var 30

where the number at each intersection is the number of people who engaged in
both behaviors.  I could run a whole bunch of tables and input the data by
hand into a new matrix, but I was wondering if there is a way to do this via
a program/function (I looked at daisy, but concluded this function would
not handle this).

Any help would be appreciated!

Greg Blevins
The Market Solutions Group

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] R CMD check

2003-07-01 Thread John Bjørnar Bremnes
The error was simply a missing end-of-line character in the last line in 
one of the R files.

Thanks to Brian Ripley and Roger Bivand.

John Bjornar Bremnes
Norwegian Meteorological Institute (met.no)
Research and Development Department
P.O.Box 43 Blindern, N-0313 Oslo, Norway
Phone: (+47) 2296 3326. Fax: (+47) 2269 6355
Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
You have an error in the R files of your package.  Before you even do
R CMD check, do try loading the package in R.
On Mon, 30 Jun 2003, John Bjørnar Bremnes wrote:

when using R CMD check mypkg I get the error message
* checking R files for library.dynam ... OK
* checking generic/method consistency ... WARNING
Error in .loadPackageQuietly(package, lib.loc) :
Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt) : syntax error on line 95
Execution halted
* checking for assignment functions with final arg not named 'value' ... 
Error in .loadPackageQuietly(package, lib.loc) :
Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt) : syntax error on line 95
Execution halted

What can I do to avoid this? I use R-1.7.0 on Linux RedHat.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

John Bjornar Bremnes
Norwegian Meteorological Institute (met.no)
Research and Development Department
P.O.Box 43 Blindern, N-0313 Oslo, Norway
Phone: (+47) 2296 3326. Fax: (+47) 2269 6355
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Creating a loop that works....

2003-07-01 Thread Uwe Ligges
Please don't send messages twice (to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
I'm not going to read all your code, understand your problems and write 
your programs. That's probably the right job for a consultant, or a 
programmer at your department.

Uwe Ligges

Michael Rennie wrote:

Hi there,

First off, thanks to everyone who has helped me so far.  Sorry to keep 
pestering you all.

I'm including my code here, and I will comment down it where it is that I am 
having problems figuring out how to write this damn thing.

temper - scan(temp2.dat, na.strings = ., list(Day=0, Temp=0))
Read 366 records

Day - temper$Day ; Temp-temper$Temp ; 

temp- cbind (Day, Temp)
#Day = number of days modelled, Temp = daily avg. temp.
#temp [,2]
p- 0.558626306252032
ACT - 1.66764519286918
comp- cbind (Day, Temp, Vc, Vr)

M- length(Day) #number of days iterated
for (i in 1:M)
+ {
+ weight- function(Day)
+ {
+ 	if (Day[i]==1) {W[i] - Wo}
+ elseif (Day[i]1) {W[i] - ((bio[i-1,1]*bio[i-1,9])/Ef)
+ 	}
+ 	W
+ }
+ W-weight(Day)

The problem, as many of you have already identified, is right here. I hope I 
finally have the syntax right, but even if the if else is coded properly, I 
don't think R can find the values in the second condition I list. I need W in 
each step of the iteration to change slightly, based on the mess of 
calculations below (which are using parameters that I have already specified).  
After all the calculations are made, I hope to get values in bio[i,1] and bio
[i,9] corresponding to the iteration that just occured, then return to the top 
of the loop to combine them into the value of W for the next iteration. What I 
think is happening here is that R is looking for values in the condition before 
they are actually there- the way I've written it, they can't be there until I 
get past the conditional step.  Which means I am coding this all wrong.  That 
said, I'm not sure how else to do it;  the value of W in the next iteration is 
dependent on the values of Gr and W in the previous iteration, with the 
exception of the first one (Day=1).  I've tried defining bio as 

bio-matrix(NA, ncol=9, nrow=366)

but that doesn't help either.

Perhaps my rbind at the end of the file is incorrect? I think maybe I'm getting 
mixed up between calculating vectors and values-- should I be specifying [i] 
for everything below where I am now specifying vecotrs?  

+ #W-Wo
+ C- p*CA*(W^CB)*((comp[,3]^Xc)*(exp(Xc*(1-comp[,3]*Pc
+ ASMR- (ACT*RA*(W^(RB))*((comp[,4]^Xa)*(exp(Xa*(1-comp[,4])
+ F- (FA*(comp[,2]^FB)*(exp(FG*p))*C)
+ U- (UA*(comp[,2]^UB)*(exp(UG*p))*(C-F))
+ SDA- (S*(C-F))
+ Gr- (C-(ASMR+F+U+SDA))
+ #Day, Temp, Vc, Vr, W, C, ASMR, SMR, A, F, U, SDA, Gr)
+ bio- rbind(c(W, C, ASMR, SMR, A, F, U, SDA, Gr))
+ dimnames (bio) -list(NULL, c
(W, C, ASMR, SMR, A, F, U, SDA, Gr))
+ }
Error: length of dimnames[2] not equal to array extent
Execution halted

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] masked objects

2003-07-01 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, ATHANASIA KAMARIOTIS wrote:

 When opening the software R it appears this message:
 Attaching package 'methods':
 The following object(s) are masked _by_ .GlobalEnv :
 May you please answer to the following question: How can I restore the 
 object new?

Your object `new' is there: the system one is being masked.  This does not
matter if you are not using formal classes (from package `methods').

To avoid the message, rename your object

 mynew - new

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] namespaces and saved objects

2003-07-01 Thread Laurent Gautier

While saving (function 'save') a 'lmList' object (pack nlme),
R issues the warning messages:
1: namespaces may not be available when loading 
2: names in persistent strings are currently ignored 
3: namespaces may not be available when loading 
4: names in persistent strings are currently ignored 

Any pitfall I should be aware of ?


PS: I use 
platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
arch i686 
os   linux-gnu
system   i686, linux-gnu  
status   Patched  
year 2003 
day  23   
language R

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Fitting inter-arrival time data

2003-07-01 Thread Adelchi Azzalini
On Tuesday 01 July 2003 05:16, M. Edward Borasky wrote:
 Unfortunately, the data are *non-negative*, not strictly positive. Zero is
 a valid and frequent inter-arrival time. It is, IIRC, the most likely value
 of a (negative) exponential distribution.

Not really. Zero+ is the value with highest density in a (negative) exponential 
distribution, which implies that you should have *no* observed zero's from that

If you have a non-negligible fraction of 0 values, then your data are reasonably 
described as  having a mixed distribution: 
  (1) a discrete component at 0, and 
  (2) a continuous positive component.

Kernel (or similar) density estimation is appropriate for the continuous component
only.  Notice that the same remark applies to any procedure (parametric or 
non-parametric, using mixtures, etc.) which is based on continuous components only. 

It *looks* that a wise procedure is to separate out the discrete and the continuos
component of your data, and handle them separately.  At the end you can merge
the two parts into
 Y = p * 0 + (1-p) * X
where p is the proportion of 0's, and X represents the  continuous component of
the random variable.

best wishes,

Adelchi Azzalini

Adelchi Azzalini  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dipart.Scienze Statistiche, Università di Padova, Italia

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] namespaces and saved objects

2003-07-01 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Laurent Gautier wrote:

 While saving (function 'save') a 'lmList' object (pack nlme),
 R issues the warning messages:
 1: namespaces may not be available when loading 
 2: names in persistent strings are currently ignored 
 3: namespaces may not be available when loading 
 4: names in persistent strings are currently ignored 
 Any pitfall I should be aware of ?

Only that you will need to have package nlme available to re-load the 
workspace.  I think these warnings have been removed in the development 
version of R.

I've removed the cause of such messages with the MASS function glm.nb() 
recently, and I guess nlme is doing similar things.  The cause was that 
negative.binomial() created a family of functions, which thereby had the 
body of negative.binomial as their environment and hence the MASS 
namespace in its environment.  As the latter was a minor nuisance, I have
manipulated the environments.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Fitting inter-arrival time data

2003-07-01 Thread Adelchi Azzalini
 the two parts into
      Y = p * 0 + (1-p) * X
 where p is the proportion of 0's, and X represents the  continuous
 component of the random variable.

I must amend myself... what I should have written is
   Y = I * 0 + (1-I) * X
where I is a Bernoulli random variable with probability p of success (i.e. 1)
and X represents the  continuous component of the random variable.

Adelchi Azzalini  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dipart.Scienze Statistiche, Università di Padova, Italia

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Deciphering an error message

2003-07-01 Thread Suzanne E. Blatt

Hello again,

Below is the code I am using which generates the error message.

Any comments greatly appreciated,

# Function to create a PPP object for all the points in a particular
# include.  Mark the points with their species name (or a number
# indicating it)
# Usage:
# x - getBigPPP(year, include, species, number=FALSE)
# Where:
# x = ppp object with coordinates and bounds for indicated species
#  and plots.
# year = year(s) to include data for.  Either a single number or a
#vector of numbers
# include = name(s) of plots to include data from.  Either a single
#   character expression or a vector of characters.
# species = name(s) of species to include data for.  Either a single
#   species name or a vector of characters.
# number = flag indicating whether species names or numbers are used
#  as marks in ppp object.  Species names are default.  To
#  use numbers, set number=TRUE.  This argument is not needed
#  unless numbers are desired.
# Example:
# source(spat1.R)  # source file to install functions
# getBigPPP(1992, G1, apple) # print PPP object (summary of)
## for apple in G1 in 1992.  Marks
## will be species name 'apple'
# x - getBigPPP(1992, c(P1,P2,P3), c(apple,hawthorn), number=TRUE)
## x is defined as PPP object with
## coordinates and plot information
## for apple and hawthorn species
## in plots P1, P2, and P3, with
## marks set to numbers.
# plot(x)# plot locations of species, with
## different marks for each one, and
## plot boundaries.
getBigPPP - function(year=NULL, include=NULL, species=NULL, number=FALSE, 
spColNam=Species) {
# message about usage
if(is.null(year) || is.null(include)) {
return(ERROR !)
# create species selection if it is now null
spCol - t(trees[spColNam])
# print(spCol)
if(is.null(species)) {
species - as.character(unique(spCol))
# create the bounds for this object
bounds - plotBounds(include)
# selection based on include and year
select - (trees$Plot %in% include)  (trees$Year %in% year) 
(spCol %in% species)  (!is.na(trees$Northing)) 
(!is.na(trees$Easting))  (trees$Present == 1)
# mark with numbers or with species name
if(!number) {
return(ppp(x=trees$Easting[select], y=trees$Northing[select],
marks=as.factor(spCol[select]), poly=bounds))
specs - unique(spCol[select])
marks - apply(as.matrix(spCol[select]), 1, function(x) {
which(specs == x)[1]
return(ppp(x=trees$Easting[select], y=trees$Northing[select],
marks=as.factor(marks), poly=bounds))

Uwe Ligges [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Suzanne E. Blatt wrote:
 I'm working in spatstat and having difficulty with the ppp objects.  I can get a 
 ppp object for one set of data, but with the same code applied to a second data set 
 (all I am changing is the field identifier), I get the following error message:
 Error in switch(w$type, rectangle={: internal error: some total scores are neither 
 0 nor 1

What is a ppp object?
Which function has been applied and generated that error message?

The error message tells you some values a ought to sum up to 0 or 1 but 
they don't. I (and perhaps others as well) cannot help when you don't 
specify some relevant information.

Uwe Ligges

 Any thoughts on what this means and how to correct it would be most appreciated.
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

McAfee VirusScan Online from the Netscape Network.
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] X-emacs and R for Windows

2003-07-01 Thread Chriss, Neil
Is there any way to make XEmacs (or any other editor) the default editor for
R so that when I type 
 sample - function(x,y) {
+ z-x+y
+ }
+ edit(sample)
the XEmacs (or other editor) is the editor for this function (the default
seems to be MS Notepad, blech).
Neil Chriss

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] Step - wise

Madame , Monsieur,
J'aimerais utiliser la fonction step dans une boucle for pour pouvoir 
prédire des valeurs (à chaque pas) suivant le modèle proposé par step.
Est-il possible de le faire ?

Merci d'avance,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] X-emacs and R for Windows

2003-07-01 Thread Philippe Glaziou
Chriss, Neil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any way to make XEmacs (or any other editor) the default editor for
 R so that when I type 
  sample - function(x,y) {
 + z-x+y
 + }
 + edit(sample)
 the XEmacs (or other editor) is the editor for this function (the default
 seems to be MS Notepad, blech).

See ?options

[1] /usr/bin/vim
[1] emacs


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Deciphering an error message

2003-07-01 Thread Uwe Ligges
Suzanne E. Blatt wrote:

Hello again,

Below is the code I am using which generates the error message.

Any comments greatly appreciated,
Well, my questions were:

 - 'What is a ppp object?'

Still not answered yet, AFAICS.

 - 'Which function has been applied and generated that error message?'

Still not answered yet, AFAICS.

You have send us a self written function, but not a reproducible example 
that helps to discover the error message. And this function does *not* 
generate the error message, but perhaps a function called within your 
function. Further on:
- You are using a function ppp() I don't know anything about.
- (At least) The line
 spCol - t(trees[spColNam])
   should generate a syntax error ...

So, please use the debugging tools to find out which function produces 
the error message (e.g. via traceback()) and specify *reproducible* 
examples that are as short as possible.

We cannot help as long as you are concealing the relevant information.


# Function to create a PPP object for all the points in a particular
# include.  Mark the points with their species name (or a number
# indicating it)
# Usage:
# x - getBigPPP(year, include, species, number=FALSE)
# Where:
# x = ppp object with coordinates and bounds for indicated species
#  and plots.
# year = year(s) to include data for.  Either a single number or a
#vector of numbers
# include = name(s) of plots to include data from.  Either a single
#   character expression or a vector of characters.
# species = name(s) of species to include data for.  Either a single
#   species name or a vector of characters.
# number = flag indicating whether species names or numbers are used
#  as marks in ppp object.  Species names are default.  To
#  use numbers, set number=TRUE.  This argument is not needed
#  unless numbers are desired.
# Example:
# source(spat1.R)  # source file to install functions
# getBigPPP(1992, G1, apple) # print PPP object (summary of)
## for apple in G1 in 1992.  Marks
## will be species name 'apple'
# x - getBigPPP(1992, c(P1,P2,P3), c(apple,hawthorn), number=TRUE)
## x is defined as PPP object with
## coordinates and plot information
## for apple and hawthorn species
## in plots P1, P2, and P3, with
## marks set to numbers.
# plot(x)# plot locations of species, with
## different marks for each one, and
## plot boundaries.
getBigPPP - function(year=NULL, include=NULL, species=NULL, number=FALSE, 
spColNam=Species) {
# message about usage
if(is.null(year) || is.null(include)) {
return(ERROR !)
# create species selection if it is now null
spCol - t(trees[spColNam])
# print(spCol)
if(is.null(species)) {
species - as.character(unique(spCol))
# create the bounds for this object
bounds - plotBounds(include)
# selection based on include and year
select - (trees$Plot %in% include)  (trees$Year %in% year) 
(spCol %in% species)  (!is.na(trees$Northing)) 
(!is.na(trees$Easting))  (trees$Present == 1)
# mark with numbers or with species name
if(!number) {
return(ppp(x=trees$Easting[select], y=trees$Northing[select],
marks=as.factor(spCol[select]), poly=bounds))
specs - unique(spCol[select])
marks - apply(as.matrix(spCol[select]), 1, function(x) {
which(specs == x)[1]
return(ppp(x=trees$Easting[select], y=trees$Northing[select],
marks=as.factor(marks), poly=bounds))

Uwe Ligges [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Suzanne E. Blatt wrote:


I'm working in spatstat and having difficulty with the ppp objects.  I can get a ppp object for one set of data, but with the same code applied to a second data set (all I am changing is the field identifier), I get the following error message:

Error in switch(w$type, rectangle={: internal error: some total scores are neither 0 nor 1
What is a ppp object?
Which function has been applied and generated that error message?
The error message tells you some values a ought to sum up to 0 or 1 but 
they don't. I (and perhaps others as well) cannot help when you don't 
specify some relevant information.

Uwe Ligges

Any thoughts on what this means and how to correct it would be most appreciated.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

RE: [R] Creating a co-occurence matrix

2003-07-01 Thread Liaw, Andy
 From: Greg Blevins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Hello R experts,
 I have a data.frame which has a series of 30 variables that 
 are each coded 1,0--1 if a behavior is engaged in, 0 otherwise.
 The data.frame looks like this:
 var1 var2 ...var30
 Respondent 1
 Respondent 2
 I would like to create a matrix (or at least a half-matrix) 
 as follows:
   var1  var2 ...var30
 var 2
 var 30
 where the number at each intersection is the number of people 
 who engaged in both behaviors.  I could run a whole bunch of 
 tables and input the data by hand into a new matrix, but I 
 was wondering if there is a way to do this via a 
 program/function (I looked at daisy, but concluded this 
 function would not handle this).

If I understood you correctly, the cross product of the matrix should do it.
If your data frame is named df, then you can do

  answer - crossprod(data.matrix(df))


 Any help would be appreciated!
 Greg Blevins
 The Market Solutions Group
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list 
 https://www.stat.math.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo /r-help

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] help for barchart(lattice)

2003-07-01 Thread Erwan BARRET
I'd like to plot coefficients from glm result.
with barchart, coefficients are ordered by the names of factors and I'd like to order 
them by values (or abs(values)).
to do that, I've ordered the vector of coefficients but it's plotting the same thing.

I'm working R 1.6.2 on win98.

is it possible to do that with standard graphical function?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] step-wise and prediction

I would like to know how to use the function step with for in order 
to predict.
Id est:

Let M , A, B ,C be vectors of length 15

for(i in 1:5)



and then I would like to compute the predicted value : M* of M, using 
the predictors selected by the function step.
For example if i=1 and step gives us the model M~A,
then in the for, I want to compute M* by the means of A[11], and 
compare this value to the real value M[11] and so on.

Merci d'avance ,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] Computations slow in spite of large amounts of RAM.

2003-07-01 Thread Huiqin Yang
Hi all,

I am a beginner trying to use R to work with large amounts of
oceanographic data, and I find that computations can be VERY slow.  In
particular, computational speed seems to depend strongly on the number
and size of the objects that are loaded (when R starts up).  The same
computations are significantly faster when all but the essential
objects are removed.  I am running R on a machine with 16 GB of RAM,
and our unix system manager assures me that there is memory available
to my R process that has not been used.

1.  Is the problem associated with how R uses memory?  If so, is there
some way to increase the amount of memory used by my R process to get
better performance?

The computations that are particularly slow involve looping with
by().  The data are measurements of vertical profiles of pressure,
temperature, and salinity at a number of stations, which are organized
into a dataframe p.1 (1925930 rows, 8 columns: id, p, t, and s, etc.),
and the objective is to get a much smaller dataframe and the unique 
values for ID is 1409 with the minimum and maximum pressure for each
profile.  The slow part is:

h.maxmin - by(p.1,p.1$id,function(x){

2.  Even with unneeded data objects removed, this is very slow.  Is
there a faster way to get the maximum and minimum values?

platform sparc-sun-solaris2.9
arch sparc   
os   solaris2.9  
system   sparc, solaris2.9   
year 2003
day  16  
language R 

Thank you for your time.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] step-wise and prediction

2003-07-01 Thread Spencer Graves
Have you considered predict(regrM)?

J'espere que ces mots vous aideront.
Spencer Graves
I would like to know how to use the function step with for in order 
to predict.
Id est:

Let M , A, B ,C be vectors of length 15

for(i in 1:5)

and then I would like to compute the predicted value : M* of M, using 
the predictors selected by the function step.
For example if i=1 and step gives us the model M~A,
then in the for, I want to compute M* by the means of A[11], and 
compare this value to the real value M[11] and so on.

Merci d'avance ,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

RE: [R] Computations slow in spite of large amounts of RAM.

2003-07-01 Thread Liaw, Andy
 From: Huiqin Yang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Hi all,
 I am a beginner trying to use R to work with large amounts of 
 oceanographic data, and I find that computations can be VERY 
 slow.  In particular, computational speed seems to depend 
 strongly on the number and size of the objects that are 
 loaded (when R starts up).  The same computations are 
 significantly faster when all but the essential objects are 
 removed.  I am running R on a machine with 16 GB of RAM, and 
 our unix system manager assures me that there is memory 
 available to my R process that has not been used.
 1.  Is the problem associated with how R uses memory?  If so, 
 is there some way to increase the amount of memory used by my 
 R process to get better performance?

Is R compiled as 64-bit?  If not, it won't be able to use more than 4GB of
RAM (that's my understanding, anyway).

R keeps objects in memory, so if you are working with large amount of data,
it's a good habit to keep only the absolute essential objects in the
workspace, and save() and rm() things you don't need for the computation.

 The computations that are particularly slow involve looping 
 with by().  The data are measurements of vertical profiles of 
 pressure, temperature, and salinity at a number of stations, 
 which are organized into a dataframe p.1 (1925930 rows, 8 
 columns: id, p, t, and s, etc.), and the objective is to get 
 a much smaller dataframe and the unique 
 values for ID is 1409 with the minimum and maximum pressure 
 for each profile.  The slow part is:
 h.maxmin - by(p.1,p.1$id,function(x){
 2.  Even with unneeded data objects removed, this is very 
 slow.  Is there a faster way to get the maximum and minimum values?

Why do you need to use by(), and why have the function return a data frame
containing only one row?  Here's an experiment on my 900MHz PIII laptop:

 n - 1e5
 dat - data.frame(id = sort(sample(LETTERS, n, replace=TRUE)),
+   p = rnorm(n))
 system.time(h.maxmin - by(dat, dat$id,function(x) {
+   data.frame(id=x$id[1], maxp=max(x$p), minp=min(x$p))}))
[1] 2.75 0.01 2.78   NA   NA
 system.time(junk - tapply(dat$p, dat$id, function(x) range(x)))
[1] 0.12 0.01 0.13   NA   NA

If you want to coerce the result to a data frame with id as row names and
min and max as the two variables, you can do:

  junk.dat - as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, junk))


 platform sparc-sun-solaris2.9
 arch sparc   
 os   solaris2.9  
 system   sparc, solaris2.9   
 year 2003
 day  16  
 language R 
 Thank you for your time.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list 
 https://www.stat.math.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo /r-help

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[R] Working memory full

2003-07-01 Thread Peter van Rijn
I have a question concerning the working memory used by R.

I am running a simulation job (a function which replicates a simulation) which calls 
several other functions that I have written. Something like this:

name1-function(number of replications){
for(i in 1:replication)
# get results and aggregate
write(..., append=T)

# simulate data
# save data and parameters

# get data and parameters
# analyse data
# save results


However, after a couple of replications working memory seems to be full.

Error: cannot allocate vector of size ...Kb
In addition: Warning message: 
Reached total allocation of 126Mb: see help(memory.size)

This puzzles me, because all arrays (Note: large arrays, i.e., 500x500) are defined 
locally (within each function) and redefined every replication (the meta-function). So 
my question is: Why is R eating up my working memory while I think I am redefining the 
same (local) arrays? Any thoughts on how this can be circumvented?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] X-emacs and R for Windows

2003-07-01 Thread A.J. Rossini
Philippe Glaziou [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Chriss, Neil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any way to make XEmacs (or any other editor) the default editor for
 R so that when I type 
  sample - function(x,y) {
 + z-x+y
 + }
 + edit(sample)
 the XEmacs (or other editor) is the editor for this function (the default
 seems to be MS Notepad, blech).

 See ?options

 [1] /usr/bin/vim
 [1] emacs

You might want to consider the emacs client variants (winclient, I
think, on XEmacs, not sure what it is on Emacs, gnuclient or
emacsclient); they require Emacs to be already running, and simply
provide an attached frame to work in.

http://software.biostat.washington.edu/ UNTIL IT MOVES IN JULY.
Biomedical and Health Informatics, University of Washington
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Re: [R] Computations slow in spite of large amounts of RAM.

2003-07-01 Thread Douglas Bates
Huiqin Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all,
 I am a beginner trying to use R to work with large amounts of
 oceanographic data, and I find that computations can be VERY slow.  In
 particular, computational speed seems to depend strongly on the number
 and size of the objects that are loaded (when R starts up).  The same
 computations are significantly faster when all but the essential
 objects are removed.  I am running R on a machine with 16 GB of RAM,
 and our unix system manager assures me that there is memory available
 to my R process that has not been used.
 1.  Is the problem associated with how R uses memory?  If so, is there
 some way to increase the amount of memory used by my R process to get
 better performance?

You could try setting a large nsize and vsize using 


See the description in ?Memory

 The computations that are particularly slow involve looping with
 by().  The data are measurements of vertical profiles of pressure,
 temperature, and salinity at a number of stations, which are organized
 into a dataframe p.1 (1925930 rows, 8 columns: id, p, t, and s, etc.),
 and the objective is to get a much smaller dataframe and the unique 
 values for ID is 1409 with the minimum and maximum pressure for each
 profile.  The slow part is:
 h.maxmin - by(p.1,p.1$id,function(x){

I think it would be faster to use

h.maxmin - tapply(p.1$p, p.1$id, range)

In the call to by you are subsetting the entire data frame and that
probably means taking at least one copy of that frame.  If you use
tapply on only the relevant columns you will use much less space.

 2.  Even with unneeded data objects removed, this is very slow.  Is
 there a faster way to get the maximum and minimum values?

See above.

Statistics Department608/262-2598
University of Wisconsin - Madisonhttp://www.stat.wisc.edu/~bates/

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] crossed random effects

2003-07-01 Thread Spencer Graves
	  Have you studied Pinhiero and Bates (2000) Mixed Effects Models in S 
and S-Plus (Springer)?

	  Also, have you tried simplifying your lme call until you get 
something that works, then start adding back terms in various 
configurations until it breaks?

	  Have you tried to compute how many coefficients are estimated in both 
fixed and random terms and evaluate whether all are estimable?  For 
example, with 2 factors at 2 levels each, if you don't have all 4 
possible combinations, you can't estimate the interaction -- even if you 
have thousands of replications of each.

	  Finally, you can always try to read the code.  I've learned a lot 
about S-Plus / R by doing that -- and solved a lot of my own problems 
that way.

hope this helps.  spencer graves

Sarah Mclean wrote:

if I have posted this twice, please ignore this. I'm
not sure if I sent it to the correct e-mail address
the first time.
I have a data set on germination and plant growth with
the following variables:
mass (response)
sub (fixed effect)
moist (fixed effect)
pop (fixed effect)
mum (random effect nested within population)
iheight (covariate)
plot (random effect- whole plot factor for split-plot
I want to see if moist or sub interacts with mum for
any of the pops, but I am getting an error message. 

This is the formula I used:
fm$pmu - getGroups(fm, ~1|pop/mum, level=2)
fm$grp = as.factor(rep(1,nrow(fm)))
fm$pl - getGroups(fm, ~1|plot)
fm$mo - getGroups(fm, ~1|moist)
fm$su - getGroups(fm, ~1|sub)
fm1 - lme(sqrt(mass) ~ iheight + moist*sub*pop,
data=fm, random=list(grp=pdBlocked(list(pdIdent(~pl -
1), pdIdent(~pmu - 1),  pdIdent(~pmu:su - 1),
pdIdent(~pmu:mo - 1)
Error in chol((value + t(value))/2) : non-positive
definite matrix in chol
I know the problem is with the random interaction
terms, but I don't know how to overcome this.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm new to R
and analysis such as this.
Thank you,

Sarah Mclean
http://mobile.yahoo.com.au - Yahoo! Mobile
- Check  compose your email via SMS on your Telstra or Vodafone mobile.
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] X-emacs and R for Windows

2003-07-01 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, A.J. Rossini wrote:

 Philippe Glaziou [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Chriss, Neil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there any way to make XEmacs (or any other editor) the default editor for
  R so that when I type 
   sample - function(x,y) {
  + z-x+y
  + }
  + edit(sample)
  the XEmacs (or other editor) is the editor for this function (the default
  seems to be MS Notepad, blech).

Yes, it is: what other editor can you guarantee to be on all Windows 

BTW, I think you want to say fix(sample): edit returns a result you may 
want to assign.

  See ?options
  [1] /usr/bin/vim
  [1] emacs
 You might want to consider the emacs client variants (winclient, I
 think, on XEmacs, not sure what it is on Emacs, gnuclient or
 emacsclient); they require Emacs to be already running, and simply
 provide an attached frame to work in.

On NTEmacs I use gnuclient, which BTW will start up an emacs if one is not 
already running, otherwise start a new frame (or, my choice) a new buffer.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] RE: question about spatial correlation with Xs and Ys

2003-07-01 Thread Smith, Daniel (DHS-DEODC-EHIB)
-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 3:09 AM
Subject: R-help Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1

At 18:48 30/06/2003, Martin Wegmann wrote:

I want to do a test for spatial correlation.
I tried it with geary.test() but I don't understand the required input.
x= a numeric vector the same length as the neighbours list in listw (my
sampled data, I assume)
listw= a listw object created for example by nb2listw (well when I check
nb2listw() I get to neighbours - an object of class nb - but I couldn't
figure out, what nb is or how I create such a class

with sp.mantel.mc {spdep} I have the same problem: listw created by

isn't there a more straight forward method ;-)  to check for spatial
correlation? like x and y coordinates plus my sampled data?

Check out the notes from a short course in Spatial Epidemiology by Best et
al., at http://stats.ma.ic.ac.uk/~ngb30/.  They have S-plus code to run
Moran's I and Tango's test for spatial correlation that use disease counts
in small areas and their X and Y coordinates.  

Daniel Smith, Dr.P.H.
Environmental Health Investigations Branch
California Department of Health Services
1515 Clay Street, Suite 1700
Oakland, CA 94612

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Warning message in scatter.smooth (modreg)

2003-07-01 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Gavin Simpson wrote:

 Dear list,
 In using the scatter.smooth() function (modreg) on a small data set (100 
 obs) the following error was produced:
   scatter.smooth(Na, S)
 Warning message:
 k-d tree limited by memory. ncmax= 200
 I haven't used scatter.smooth much but when I have, I haven't seen this 
 message before.
 gc() returns
   used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb)
 Ncells 417693 11.2 667722 17.9
 Vcells 103949  0.8 786432  6.0
 This is on a Win XP box with 512 MB RAM, with plenty of space still 
 available (Task Manager Reports 216 MB of RAM and pagefile in use).
 I have looked through the help files for loess and loess.control but 
 didn't see anything about ncmax.  Can someone explain why I might be 
 getting this warning?

It's trying to fit a very complicated function, and running out of its own 
internal storage, which is set in the C routine loess_workspace.  However, 
200 cells should be ample for 100 obs, so I guess the algorithm is not
working properly in your example.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] Matrix to Vector

2003-07-01 Thread Arun Horne

I have a matrix of values that I want to convert to a vector, but remove
certain entries in the matrix first, i.e. in the vector I want every value
in the matrix that is greater than 1000. I would also like to find out how
many values are excluded in the transition from matrix to vector. Could
someone tell me how this can be done?

Thank you in advance
Arun Horne

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] Matrix to Vector

2003-07-01 Thread Spencer Graves
A matrix is a vector with a dim attribute.  The following should do what 
I understand of you to be asking:

sel - (Mat1000)
Vec - Mat[sel]
n.excl - length(Mat)-length(Vec)
hope this helps.  spencer graves

Arun Horne wrote:

I have a matrix of values that I want to convert to a vector, but remove
certain entries in the matrix first, i.e. in the vector I want every value
in the matrix that is greater than 1000. I would also like to find out how
many values are excluded in the transition from matrix to vector. Could
someone tell me how this can be done?
Thank you in advance
Arun Horne
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] strange error message

2003-07-01 Thread Michael Rennie

Hi, there

I have a loop that is producing data, but is also generating an error message 
that I can't understand.

Here's the loop and the error message:

 bio-matrix(NA, ncol=9, nrow=366)
 M- length(Day) #number of days iterated
 for (i in 1:M)
+ {
+ if (Day[i]==1) W[i] - Wo else W[i] - (W[i-1]+(Gr[i]/Ef))
+ C- p*CA*(W^CB)*(((comp[,3])^Xc)*(exp(Xc*(1-(comp[,3])*Pc
+ ASMR- ACT*RA*(W^RB)*(((comp[,4])^Xa)*(exp(Xa*(1-(comp[,4])
+ F- (FA*((comp[,2])^FB)*(exp(FG*p))*C)
+ U- (UA*((comp[,2])^UB)*(exp(UG*p))*(C-F))
+ SDA- (S*(C-F))
+ Gr- (C-(ASMR+F+U+SDA))
+ bio- cbind(W, C, ASMR, SMR, A, F, U, SDA, Gr)
+ }
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
function (...) 
if (!(n - length(last.warning))) 
names - names(last.warning)
cat(Warning message, if (n  1) 
s, :\n, sep = )
for (i in 1:n) {
out - if (n == 1) 
else paste(i, : , names[i], sep = )
if (length(last.warning[[i]])) {
temp - deparse(last.warning[[i]])
out - paste(out, in:, temp[1], if (length(temp)  
cat(out, ..., fill = TRUE)
 dimnames (bio) -list(NULL, c
(W, C, ASMR, SMR, A, F, U, SDA, Gr))
  [1,]  9.20 233.6647 107.5640  64.50050  43.06345 31.93755 15.840142

Also, does anyone know why I might be getting differences in the same 
calculation between R and Excel?  Is there any way to keep R from rounding your 
numbers, or to specify the # of decimal places you want for an element? 

Michael Rennie
M.Sc. Candidate
University of Toronto at Mississauga
3359 Mississauga Rd. N.
Mississauga ON  L5L 1C6
Ph: 905-828-5452  Fax: 905-828-3792

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] strange error message

2003-07-01 Thread Peter Dalgaard BSA
Michael Rennie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 + }
 There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
 function (...) 
 if (!(n - length(last.warning))) 
 names - names(last.warning)
 cat(Warning message, if (n  1) 
 s, :\n, sep = )

So what were the warnings? We can figure out what the warnings
function looks like without your help (Read the message

   O__   Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) FAX: (+45) 35327907

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] strange error message

2003-07-01 Thread Gavin Simpson

1) Those are not errors, but warnings.  You need to use warnings() (with 
the brackets) to see what they were.  By typing warnings (without the 
brackets) you are asking R to print out the source code for the 
warnings() function.

2) try ?options and see option digits in that help file

Hope that helps a bit,


Michael Rennie wrote:
Hi, there

I have a loop that is producing data, but is also generating an error message 
that I can't understand.

Here's the loop and the error message:

bio-matrix(NA, ncol=9, nrow=366)
M- length(Day) #number of days iterated
for (i in 1:M)
+ {
+ if (Day[i]==1) W[i] - Wo else W[i] - (W[i-1]+(Gr[i]/Ef))
+ C- p*CA*(W^CB)*(((comp[,3])^Xc)*(exp(Xc*(1-(comp[,3])*Pc
+ ASMR- ACT*RA*(W^RB)*(((comp[,4])^Xa)*(exp(Xa*(1-(comp[,4])
+ F- (FA*((comp[,2])^FB)*(exp(FG*p))*C)
+ U- (UA*((comp[,2])^UB)*(exp(UG*p))*(C-F))
+ SDA- (S*(C-F))
+ Gr- (C-(ASMR+F+U+SDA))
+ bio- cbind(W, C, ASMR, SMR, A, F, U, SDA, Gr)
+ }
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)

function (...) 
if (!(n - length(last.warning))) 
names - names(last.warning)
cat(Warning message, if (n  1) 
s, :\n, sep = )
for (i in 1:n) {
out - if (n == 1) 
else paste(i, : , names[i], sep = )
if (length(last.warning[[i]])) {
temp - deparse(last.warning[[i]])
out - paste(out, in:, temp[1], if (length(temp)  
cat(out, ..., fill = TRUE)

dimnames (bio) -list(NULL, c
(W, C, ASMR, SMR, A, F, U, SDA, Gr))

  [1,]  9.20 233.6647 107.5640  64.50050  43.06345 31.93755 15.840142
Also, does anyone know why I might be getting differences in the same 
calculation between R and Excel?  Is there any way to keep R from rounding your 
numbers, or to specify the # of decimal places you want for an element? 

Gavin Simpson [T] +44 (0)20 7679 5522
ENSIS Research Fellow [F] +44 (0)20 7679 7565
UCL Department of Geography   [W] http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucfagls/cv/
26 Bedford Way[W] http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucfagls/
London.  WC1H 0AP.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] lines and legend

2003-07-01 Thread Anna H. Pryor
When I am trying to put a legend on a plot where I am using lines, R just 
ignores it.  I can do it with boxplot or plot, but just not with lines.  Am I 
doing something wrong?  Maybe I am just making a mistake?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] lines and legend

2003-07-01 Thread Anna H. Pryor
Yes, I am using plot and then lines.  The legend is just not appearing.  I am 
using the coordinates of the legend (150,4) which work on boxplot and plot.  
I have not looked at the output of par (I don't know how to) to see if they 
are in the region.  I assumed if they worked for plot and boxplot they would 
also for lines.


On Tuesday 01 July 2003 11:16, you wrote:
 I assume that you are calling 'plot' and then 'lines'.  Is the legend just
 not appearing?  what are you using for the coordinates of the legend?  Have
 you looked at the output from par to see if these values are within the
 plot region?
 James Holtman   What is the problem you are trying to solve?
 Executive Consultant  --  Office of Technology, Convergys
 (513) 723-2929

   Anna  H. Pryor
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   R-help mailing
 list [EMAIL PROTECTED] a.gov   cc:
   Sent by: Subject:  [R] lines and

   07/01/2003 13:45

 When I am trying to put a legend on a plot where I am using lines, R just

 ignores it.  I can do it with boxplot or plot, but just not with lines.  Am
 doing something wrong?  Maybe I am just making a mistake?


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] lines and legend

2003-07-01 Thread Sundar Dorai-Raj
Hi Anna,
What I often do before calling legend is reset the user-coordinates to 
the unit square. As in:

plot(x = 1:100, y = 1:100, col = red)
par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
# now place legend in upper left hand corner
legend(x = 0.02, y = 0.98,
  legend = test, col = red, pch = 1)
Hope this is helpful,


Anna H. Pryor wrote:
Yes, I am using plot and then lines.  The legend is just not appearing.  I am 
using the coordinates of the legend (150,4) which work on boxplot and plot.  
I have not looked at the output of par (I don't know how to) to see if they 
are in the region.  I assumed if they worked for plot and boxplot they would 
also for lines.


On Tuesday 01 July 2003 11:16, you wrote:

I assume that you are calling 'plot' and then 'lines'.  Is the legend just
not appearing?  what are you using for the coordinates of the legend?  Have
you looked at the output from par to see if these values are within the
plot region?
James Holtman   What is the problem you are trying to solve?
Executive Consultant  --  Office of Technology, Convergys
(513) 723-2929

 Anna  H. Pryor
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   R-help mailing
list [EMAIL PROTECTED] a.gov   cc:
 Sent by: Subject:  [R] lines and
 07/01/2003 13:45

When I am trying to put a legend on a plot where I am using lines, R just

ignores it.  I can do it with boxplot or plot, but just not with lines.  Am
doing something wrong?  Maybe I am just making a mistake?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] lines and legend

2003-07-01 Thread Ko-Kang Kevin Wang

Have you specified the lty and/or col in legend?  For example, are the 
following codes work?
  plot(1:10, type = n)
  lines(c(1, 10), c(1, 10))
  lines(c(1, 9), c(0, 10), col = red)
  legend(8, 2, col = c(black, red), lty = 1, 
 legend = c(FOO, FRED))

On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Anna  H. Pryor wrote:

 Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 11:23:55 -0700
 From: Anna  H. Pryor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: R-help mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [R] lines and legend
 Yes, I am using plot and then lines.  The legend is just not appearing.  I am 
 using the coordinates of the legend (150,4) which work on boxplot and plot.  
 I have not looked at the output of par (I don't know how to) to see if they 
 are in the region.  I assumed if they worked for plot and boxplot they would 
 also for lines.
 On Tuesday 01 July 2003 11:16, you wrote:
  I assume that you are calling 'plot' and then 'lines'.  Is the legend just
  not appearing?  what are you using for the coordinates of the legend?  Have
  you looked at the output from par to see if these values are within the
  plot region?
  James Holtman   What is the problem you are trying to solve?
  Executive Consultant  --  Office of Technology, Convergys
  (513) 723-2929
Anna  H. Pryor
[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   R-help mailing
  list [EMAIL PROTECTED] a.gov   cc:
Sent by: Subject:  [R] lines and
07/01/2003 13:45
  When I am trying to put a legend on a plot where I am using lines, R just
  ignores it.  I can do it with boxplot or plot, but just not with lines.  Am
  doing something wrong?  Maybe I am just making a mistake?
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list



On two occasions, I have been asked [by members of Parliament],
'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will
the right answers come out?' I am not able to rightly apprehend the
kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.

-- Charles Babbage (1791-1871) 
 From Computer Stupidities: http://rinkworks.com/stupid/

Ko-Kang Kevin Wang
Master of Science (MSc) Student
SLC Tutor and Lab Demonstrator
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
New Zealand
Homepage: http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~kwan022
Ph: 373-7599
x88475 (City)
x88480 (Tamaki)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] upload the data

2003-07-01 Thread huxx0098
 Dear Sir,

I am trying to use the Rweb for the anova. But the first question is how to
load the data named with *.xle. You know, all of my data are input to
excel. Could you take time to tell me how to load the data from the local
excel based file.

I am very appreciate for your help.

Best wishes

Yang Hu
Department of Entomology
219 Hodson Hall, 1980 Folwell Ave
University of Minnesota
St. Paul, Minnesota  55108  USA
(612) 624-3423

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] lines and legend

2003-07-01 Thread apjaworski


I found this quite useful in positioning a legend:

plot(1:10, 1:10)
legend(locator(1), A legend)

Now, go to the plot window and click your left mouse where you want the
upper left corner of the legend to appear.  Ithink, this should work no
matter what your coordinate system is.

Hope this helps,


Andy Jaworski
Engineering Systems Technology Center
3M Center, 518-1-01
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
Tel:  (651) 733-6092
Fax:  (651) 736-3122

| |   Anna  H. Pryor |
| |   a.gov   |
| |   Sent by: |
| |   ath.ethz.ch  |
| ||
| ||
| |   07/01/2003 12:45 |
| ||
  |  To:   R-help mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  |  cc:   
  |  Subject:  [R] lines and legend

When I am trying to put a legend on a plot where I am using lines, R just

ignores it.  I can do it with boxplot or plot, but just not with lines.  Am
doing something wrong?  Maybe I am just making a mistake?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] crossed random effects

2003-07-01 Thread Sarah Mclean

thanks for the advice. I have looked at the Pinheiro
and Bates book and I've tried simplifying my model.

I've narrowed the problem down to having mum nested
within pop. If I run the analysis on each population
separately, the interaction between mo and su with mum
works fine.

If I could analyse all of the pops at once this would
be preferable because I have multiple responses and
pops to test so it would take a bit of time. I'm
hoping there is any easier way.


 --- Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
  Have you studied Pinhiero and Bates (2000) Mixed
 Effects Models in S 
 and S-Plus (Springer)?
 Also, have you tried simplifying your lme call
 until you get 
 something that works, then start adding back terms
 in various 
 configurations until it breaks?
 Have you tried to compute how many coefficients
 are estimated in both 
 fixed and random terms and evaluate whether all are
 estimable?  For 
 example, with 2 factors at 2 levels each, if you
 don't have all 4 
 possible combinations, you can't estimate the
 interaction -- even if you 
 have thousands of replications of each.
 Finally, you can always try to read the code. 
 I've learned a lot 
 about S-Plus / R by doing that -- and solved a lot
 of my own problems 
 that way.
 hope this helps.  spencer graves
 Sarah Mclean wrote:
  if I have posted this twice, please ignore this.
  not sure if I sent it to the correct e-mail
  the first time.
  I have a data set on germination and plant growth
  the following variables:
  mass (response)
  sub (fixed effect)
  moist (fixed effect)
  pop (fixed effect)
  mum (random effect nested within population)
  iheight (covariate)
  plot (random effect- whole plot factor for
  I want to see if moist or sub interacts with mum
  any of the pops, but I am getting an error
  This is the formula I used:
  fm$pmu - getGroups(fm, ~1|pop/mum, level=2)
  fm$grp = as.factor(rep(1,nrow(fm)))
  fm$pl - getGroups(fm, ~1|plot)
  fm$mo - getGroups(fm, ~1|moist)
  fm$su - getGroups(fm, ~1|sub)
 fm1 - lme(sqrt(mass) ~ iheight + moist*sub*pop,
 random=list(grp=pdBlocked(list(pdIdent(~pl -
  1), pdIdent(~pmu - 1),  pdIdent(~pmu:su - 1),
  pdIdent(~pmu:mo - 1)
  Error in chol((value + t(value))/2) : non-positive
  definite matrix in chol
  I know the problem is with the random interaction
  terms, but I don't know how to overcome this.
  Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm new
 to R
  and analysis such as this.
  Thank you,
  Sarah Mclean
  http://mobile.yahoo.com.au - Yahoo! Mobile
  - Check  compose your email via SMS on your
 Telstra or Vodafone mobile.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list


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- Check  compose your email via SMS on your Telstra or Vodafone mobile.

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Re: [R] symbol size on a plot

2003-07-01 Thread Paul Murrell

Philippe Hupé wrote:

 I would like to get from a plot the size of the symbols plotted.
 Imagine I have the following plot function :
 plot(1:2,1:2, pch=15, cex=4)
 I would like the get the values SIZE1 and SIZE2 so that if I plot the
 following rectangle :
 rect(1.5,1.5, 1.5+SIZE1, 1.5+SIZE2) then the size of this square is
 exactely the same as the one of the symbols that have been plotted.

 Thanks for any idea.
This is a bit tricky.  The size of plotting symbols is loosely based on 
the current cex setting (i.e., the size of text), BUT there are some 
magic multipliers applied within the C code to determine the exact 
size so that they look nice.

There are some standard calculations you can perform to get close to the 
symbol size, but you have to do some fiddling to get exact and it will 
depend on which symbol you are plotting.  Here's an example for the 
default pch=1 circles ...

size1 - (par(cin)[2]/par(pin)[1])*
  (par(usr)[2] - par(usr)[1]) * 0.5 * par(cex) * 0.375
size2 - (par(cin)[2]/par(pin)[2])*
  (par(usr)[4] - par(usr)[3]) * 0.5 * par(cex) * 0.375
rect(5 - size1, 5 - size2, 5 + size1, 5 + size2)
... the 0.375 multiplier is an example of a magic multiplier.  I got 
it from the following bits of C code in R/src/main/graphics.c

	#define RADIUS	0.375

	#define CMAG	1.0

#define GSTR_0  Rf_dpptr(dd)-cra[1] * 0.5 *
Rf_gpptr(dd)-ipr[0] * Rf_gpptr(dd)-cex
case 1: /* S octahedron ( circle) */
xc = CMAG * RADIUS * GSTR_0;
Further inspection of the C code would give you similar minor fiddles 
for the other plotting symbols.

Dr Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
64 9 3737599 x85392
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] crossed random effects

2003-07-01 Thread Spencer Graves
	  How many mum's and pop's do you have, and how many observations do 
you have of each mum-pop combination?  If you want mum nested within 
pop, do I infer correctly that each mum has mated with only one pop, but 
that each pop may have offspring by multiple mums?  The table of mum-pop 
combinations might help explain why you got, Error in chol((value + 
t(value))/2) : non-positive definite matrix in chol.

	  If you can get an answer ignoring pop, then you might be able to get 
an answer with pop as a separate random term without specifying mum 
nested within pop.  Also, I'd check very carefully the specification of 
nesting:  I've messed that up more than once, and I'm bald now, because 
I tore all my hair out before I figured out what I was doing wrong. 
(Well, there is a slight exageration there.)  Have you tried a very 
simple toy problem (or a published example) with nesting to make sure 
you can get the correct answer?

hope this helps.
spencer graves
Sarah Mclean wrote:

thanks for the advice. I have looked at the Pinheiro
and Bates book and I've tried simplifying my model.
I've narrowed the problem down to having mum nested
within pop. If I run the analysis on each population
separately, the interaction between mo and su with mum
works fine.
If I could analyse all of the pops at once this would
be preferable because I have multiple responses and
pops to test so it would take a bit of time. I'm
hoping there is any easier way.

 --- Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
  Have you studied Pinhiero and Bates (2000) Mixed

Effects Models in S 
and S-Plus (Springer)?

	  Also, have you tried simplifying your lme call
until you get 
something that works, then start adding back terms
in various 
configurations until it breaks?

	  Have you tried to compute how many coefficients
are estimated in both 
fixed and random terms and evaluate whether all are
estimable?  For 
example, with 2 factors at 2 levels each, if you
don't have all 4 
possible combinations, you can't estimate the
interaction -- even if you 
have thousands of replications of each.

	  Finally, you can always try to read the code. 
I've learned a lot 
about S-Plus / R by doing that -- and solved a lot
of my own problems 
that way.

hope this helps.  spencer graves

Sarah Mclean wrote:


if I have posted this twice, please ignore this.

not sure if I sent it to the correct e-mail

the first time.

I have a data set on germination and plant growth

the following variables:

mass (response)
sub (fixed effect)
moist (fixed effect)
pop (fixed effect)
mum (random effect nested within population)
iheight (covariate)
plot (random effect- whole plot factor for


I want to see if moist or sub interacts with mum

any of the pops, but I am getting an error

This is the formula I used:
fm$pmu - getGroups(fm, ~1|pop/mum, level=2)
fm$grp = as.factor(rep(1,nrow(fm)))
fm$pl - getGroups(fm, ~1|plot)
fm$mo - getGroups(fm, ~1|moist)
fm$su - getGroups(fm, ~1|sub)

fm1 - lme(sqrt(mass) ~ iheight + moist*sub*pop,
random=list(grp=pdBlocked(list(pdIdent(~pl -

1), pdIdent(~pmu - 1),  pdIdent(~pmu:su - 1),
pdIdent(~pmu:mo - 1)
Error in chol((value + t(value))/2) : non-positive
definite matrix in chol
I know the problem is with the random interaction
terms, but I don't know how to overcome this.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm new
to R

and analysis such as this.

Thank you,

Sarah Mclean
http://mobile.yahoo.com.au - Yahoo! Mobile
- Check  compose your email via SMS on your
Telstra or Vodafone mobile.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list


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- Check  compose your email via SMS on your Telstra or Vodafone mobile.
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[R] How long is a day?

2003-07-01 Thread Laimonis Kavalieris
Why is 19 March, 1947 a little longer than one day?

x -  as.POSIXct(1947-04-16)

julian(x, origin = as.POSIXct(1947-03-20))
Time difference of 27 days
julian(x, origin = as.POSIXct(1947-03-19))
Time difference of 28.04167 days
 julian(x, origin = as.POSIXct(1947-03-18))
Time difference of 29.04167 days
I am running R-1.7.1 compiled on RedHat 9.0


Dr Laimonis Kavalieris
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Otago
PO Box 56 Dunedin
New Zealand
Tel (64)(3)479 7780
Fax (64)(3)479 8427
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] How long is a day?

2003-07-01 Thread Laimonis Kavalieris
Sorry about wasing time -

Apparently NZ daylisght saving time finished on March 20, 1947 , and on 
March 3, 1980, and March 20, 2000 .  I'm impressed that R knows all of this


Dr Laimonis Kavalieris
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Otago
PO Box 56 Dunedin
New Zealand
Tel (64)(3)479 7780
Fax (64)(3)479 8427
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] Swedish characters in data frames

2003-07-01 Thread Neil White

I have some data that was prepared while I was Sweden. The columns 
labelled using ä or å are fine, but for some reason ö is changed to a 

so Blåbär stay the same, but Dödved becomes D.dved

I'd like to keep to original variable names

the data is read in using
vegFreqFull - read.csv(/dat/neil/voles/veg/FrequentFull.csv, header=TRUE)
Using R 1.70 on Win 2K SP4



Dr Neil A. White
Senior Lecturer
Department of Biology
University of the South Pacific
PO Box 1168, Suva
Fiji Islands
Tel: +679 321 2409
Fax: +679 331 5601
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] [ibiblio.org #1674] Mirroring request (fwd)

2003-07-01 Thread Andrew Perrin
R users in the southeastern US (and those on the Internet-2 backbone) will
be happy to hear of the new CRAN mirror at ibiblio.org aka

Andrew J Perrin - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrin
Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
[EMAIL PROTECTED] * andrew_perrin (at) unc.edu

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue,  1 Jul 2003 17:54:30 -0400 (EDT)
From: Nancy via RT [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ibiblio.org #1674] Mirroring request
Resent-Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 19:34:05 -0400 (EDT)
Resent-From: Andrew Perrin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Resent-Subject: [ibiblio.org #1674] Mirroring request

Dear Andy,

 You can find info on R at http://www.us.r-project.org and the CRAN at
cran.r-project.org.  It's not proprietary in the slightest - GPL all
the way.

Great!  We have set up the new mirror at
ftp://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/languages/R/CRAN/.  I am writing them now to
have the link added to their list.  Thanks for letting us know!

Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Thank you,

Nancy C. Wilson

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