[R] Rmetrics New Built

2004-05-31 Thread Diethelm Wuertz

Rmetrics - new Built 190.10053

*The new built has now implemented my 'timeDate' and 'timeSeries' 
classes which became part of the fBasics package. Furthermore, MS 
Windows specifics were removed from the packages, so we can try to build 
Rmetrics on Linux and on Mac OSX. Please send me your experiences. There 
is now a small new package named winRmetrics which holds the MS Windows 
specific part for those who prefer the Windows Rmetrics Port. The user 
guides and reference guides are not yet updated.

What are the next steps?

Maybe somebody is around and can try to build the packages for (Debian) 
Linux and Mac OSX. This would be a great help for me! The *.tar.gz files 
are availalble on


If the Linux and Mac OSX builds are successfully done, I will submit the 
packages to the CRAN server.

Best Regards

Diethelm Wuertz

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Re: [R] Getting the same values of adjusted mean and standard errors as SAS

2004-05-31 Thread David J. Netherway
Thanks for the help.
Both the "Design" package and the "effects" package look as though they are
what I need although it will probably take me a while to get on top of both.
I have had a brief  go at the Design package and the contrast function 
is particularly useful.

A question on the Design package:
There are 5 types for factor "group", one is the reference - call it "a".
f <- ols(y ~ age + sex + group, data=dd)
contrast(f, list(group='a'), list(group='b'))
I can use this to contrast pairs but can I use this to contrast b against c,d, and e 
as a group.
Also "a" against the rest?
Thanks, David
Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
On Thu, 27 May 2004 16:34:58 +0930
"David J. Netherway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to get the same values for the adjusted means and standard 
errors using R that are given in SAS for the
following data. The model is Measurement ~ Age + Gender + Group. I can 
get the adusted means at the mean age  
by using predict. I do not know how to get the appropriate standard 
errors at the adjusted means for Gender
using values from predict. So I attempted to get them directly from the 
residuals as follows. The data is at the end
of the email. While there is a match for the males there is a large 
difference for the females indicating that what I am doing is wrong.

meanAge <- mean(dd$Age)
meanAgeM <- mean(dd$Age[d$Gender=="M"])
meanAgeF <- mean(dd$Age[d$Gender=="F"])

. . . .
By using sex-specific means of age you are not getting adjusted estimates
in the usual sense.
I prefer to think of effects as differences in predicted values rather
than as complex SAS-like contrasts. The Design package's contrast function
makes this easy (including SEs and confidence limits):
library(Design)   # also requires Hmisc
d <- datadist(dd); options(datadist='d')
f <- ols(y ~ age + sex + group, data=dd)
contrast(f, list(sex='M'), list(sex='F'))   # usual adjusted difference M
vs F
contrast(f, list(sex='M',age=mean(dd$age[dd$sex=='M']),
   list(sex='F',age=mean(dd$age[dd$sex=='F')) # M vs F not
holding age constant
You can also experiment with specifying age=tapply(age, sex, mean,
na.rm=TRUE) using some of the contrast.Design options.
Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair   School of Medicine
Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

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Re: [R] bar plot patterns

2004-05-31 Thread Petr Pikal

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Re: [R] Getting the same values of adjusted mean and standard errors as SAS

2004-05-31 Thread Frank E Harrell Jr
David J. Netherway wrote:
Thanks for the help.
Both the "Design" package and the "effects" package look as though they are
what I need although it will probably take me a while to get on top of 

I have had a brief  go at the Design package and the contrast function 
is particularly useful.

A question on the Design package:
There are 5 types for factor "group", one is the reference - call it "a".
f <- ols(y ~ age + sex + group, data=dd)
contrast(f, list(group='a'), list(group='b'))
I can use this to contrast pairs but can I use this to contrast b 
against c,d, and e as a group.
Also "a" against the rest?

Type ?contrast.Design.  You'll see examples of 'vector' contrasts with 
and without weighted/unweighted averaging of effects.  E.g. contrast(f, 
list(group='b'), list(group=c('c','d','e'))) will give 3 contrasts. 
There is an option to average these.

Thanks, David
Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
On Thu, 27 May 2004 16:34:58 +0930
"David J. Netherway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to get the same values for the adjusted means and 
standard errors using R that are given in SAS for the
following data. The model is Measurement ~ Age + Gender + Group. I 
can get the adusted means at the mean age  by using predict. I do not 
know how to get the appropriate standard errors at the adjusted means 
for Gender
using values from predict. So I attempted to get them directly from 
the residuals as follows. The data is at the end
of the email. While there is a match for the males there is a large 
difference for the females indicating that what I am doing is wrong.

#  meanAge <- mean(dd$Age)
meanAgeM <- mean(dd$Age[d$Gender=="M"])
meanAgeF <- mean(dd$Age[d$Gender=="F"])
. . . .
By using sex-specific means of age you are not getting adjusted estimates
in the usual sense.
I prefer to think of effects as differences in predicted values rather
than as complex SAS-like contrasts. The Design package's contrast 
makes this easy (including SEs and confidence limits):

library(Design)   # also requires Hmisc
d <- datadist(dd); options(datadist='d')
f <- ols(y ~ age + sex + group, data=dd)
contrast(f, list(sex='M'), list(sex='F'))   # usual adjusted difference M
vs F
contrast(f, list(sex='M',age=mean(dd$age[dd$sex=='M']),
   list(sex='F',age=mean(dd$age[dd$sex=='F')) # M vs F not
holding age constant
You can also experiment with specifying age=tapply(age, sex, mean,
na.rm=TRUE) using some of the contrast.Design options.
Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair   School of Medicine
Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

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Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair   School of Medicine
 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University
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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] glmm?

2004-05-31 Thread Douglas Bates
Spencer Graves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   Is there an easy way to get confidence intervals from "glmm" in
>   Jim Lindsey's library(repeated)?  Consider the following slight
>   modification of an example from the help page: >  df <-
>   data.frame(r=rbinom(10,10,0.5), n=rep(10,10), x=c(rep(0,5),
> +  rep(1,5)), nest=1:10)
>  > fit <- glmm(cbind(r,n-r)~x, family=binomial, nest=nest, data=df)
>  > summary(fit)
> Error in print.summary.glmm(structure(list(call = glmm(cbind(r, n - r) ~  :
> couldn't find function "print.summary.glm"

It's a namespace problem.  The S3 method, which is being called
directly, is now in a namespace.  

> getAnywhere("print.summary.glm")
A single object matching 'print.summary.glm' was found
It was found in the following places
  registered S3 method for print from namespace stats

Check the form of the call in question to see if the object being
printed does have class summary.glm, in which case the generic
function print should be used instead of print.summary.glm.

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Re: [R] bar plot patterns

2004-05-31 Thread Osman
Thank you for your answer. I have about 7 stacks it is not very appealing to have just 
stripes with changing angles. I was wondering if there is a way to have varying 
patters in black and white. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Petr Pikal 
  To: Osman 
  Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 5:01 AM
  Subject: Re: [R] bar plot patterns

  On 29 May 2004 at 16:54, Osman wrote:

  > Dear R users,
  > Is there a package or function that can produce multiple fill patterns
  > to be used instead of colors in barplots or pie charts? Shades of grey
  > are difficult to differentiate if more than 3 to 5..


  This is what help page says about colours and shading lines 

  density: a vector giving the density of shading lines, in lines per
inch, for the bars or bar components. The default value of
'NULL' means that no shading lines are drawn. Non-positive
values of 'density' also inhibit the drawing of shading

 angle: the slope of shading lines, given as an angle in degrees
(counter-clockwise), for the bars or bar components.

   col: a vector of colors for the bars or bar components.

  Do you want something else than

  barplot(1:3, col=c(2,3,3),density=c(2,4,6), angle=c(30,60,90))


  > Osman
  >  [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
  > __
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  > https://www.stat.math.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
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  > http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

  Petr Pikal
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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Rmetrics New Built

2004-05-31 Thread elijah wright

> What are the next steps?
> Maybe somebody is around and can try to build the packages for (Debian)
> Linux and Mac OSX. This would be a great help for me! The *.tar.gz files
> are availalble on

> If the Linux and Mac OSX builds are successfully done, I will submit the
> packages to the CRAN server.

all four of the packages successfully build on Debian unstable - no
errors, nor warnings.  this is a Good Thing.  I would guesstimate that
they should build trivially on OSX as well, but i'm at home today [in the
US, today is Memorial day - a sort of low-key holiday when people tend to
have picnics and things] and have no intention of driving to campus...

maybe you can sucker Dirk into packaging them for Debian and getting them
into the system there?  :)


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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Calculating distances between points in a data frame?

2004-05-31 Thread Sander Oom
Dear list,
I would like to calculate the distance between consecutive points in a data 
frame. Of course the first point in the data frame does not have a point of 
origin, and should get a value NA. I have tried two different loops, which 
both result in error:

> num <- seq(0,10,1)
> X <- seq(0,30,3)
> Y <- seq(0,40,4)
> XY <- data.frame(num, X, Y)
> attach(XY)
> summary(XY)
  num X  Y
 Min.   : 0.0   Min.   : 0.0   Min.   : 0
 1st Qu.: 2.5   1st Qu.: 7.5   1st Qu.:10
 Median : 5.0   Median :15.0   Median :20
 Mean   : 5.0   Mean   :15.0   Mean   :20
 3rd Qu.: 7.5   3rd Qu.:22.5   3rd Qu.:30
 Max.   :10.0   Max.   :30.0   Max.   :40
> plot(X,Y)
> rngNum <- range(num)
> for (i in rngNum){
+ XY$DistXY[i] <- sqrt( ((X[i]-X[i-1])^2) + ((Y[i]-Y[i-1])^2) )
+ }
Error in "$<-.data.frame"(`*tmp*`, "DistXY", value = sqrt(((X[i] - X[i -  :
replacement has 10 rows, data has 11
> for (i in rngNum){
+ XY$DistXY2[i] <- ifelse(i=min(rngNum), NA, sqrt(((X[i]-X[i-1])^2) + 
((Y[i]-Y[i-1])^2)) )
+ }
Error in ifelse(i = min(rngNum), NA, sqrt(((X[i] - X[i - 1])^2) + ((Y[i] -  :
unused argument(s) (i ...)
> detach(XY)

Any suggestions much appreciated,
Sander Oom.
Dr. Sander P. Oom
Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences
University of the Witwatersrand
Private Bag 3
Wits 2050
South Africa
Tel (work)  +27 (0)11 717 64 04
Tel (home)  +27 (0)18 297 44 51
Fax +27 (0)18 299 24 64
Web www.oomvanlieshout.net/sander
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[R] [OT] "plot y against x"

2004-05-31 Thread Ted Harding
Hi Folks,

I'd be grateful for some views on the following.

When I say "plot y against x" I mean that y is on the vertical
axis and x is on the horizontal axis. I acquired this usage so
long ago that I can no longer remember how I acquired it, and
therefore can not cite my "authority" for my usage. There can
also be an implication that y is a function of x (or y is a
"dependent" variable and x an "independent" variable).
To the best of my knowledge, this is the standard usage.

However, I have had a query which suggests that the "transposed"
meaning may be quite frequently adopted, i.e.

  "plot x [horizontal axis] against y [vertical axis]"

Google tells me that "plot y against x" throws up about 147 hits,
while "plot x against y" throws up about 54 hits. One of the
latter is unequivocal and comes from a respected department of


  Q 12.1 A simple plot.
  Invoke Matlab in an Xterm window and position the
  Figure window so that you can see it properly.
  x = -3:5% plotting values (range)
  y = 2*x + 3 % a linear function of x
  plot(x,y)   % plot x against y

and at least two refer to "Statistical analysis with R" (so maybe
I'm not so off-topic after all), also unequivocal, e.g.:


  Example: Plotting functions
  Assume that you were to plot a function by hand. One possibility
  of doing it is to
  1. Select some xvalues from the range to be plotted
  2. Compute the corresponding y = f(x) values
  3. Plot x against y
  4. Add a (more or less) smooth line connecting the (x; y)points
  plot(x, y)# plots x against y

(However, in R itself, "?plot" is discretely silent about what is
 "against" what!)

I'd value commments on whether the above "transposed" usage is in
fact sufficiently common (perhaps mainly in certain subject areas)
as to constitute a "linguistic enclave" with a valid dialectal
usage which is the opposite of the standard. Or maybe there isn't
really a standard.

This would help to respond to the query, which whether in writing
something which uses "plot y against x" it would be worth while
including an explicit explanation of which way round it is meant,
so that it's clear to any reader, whichever dialectal group they
belong to.

There was also a related query on whether "regression of Y on X"
could be understood the "wrong way round" and about usage of the
phrase "a model for Y against X". Where regression is concerned,
I don't think there is room for doubt and anyone who interpreted
it on the lines of "X~Y" is simply wrong. "Model for Y against X",
however, is not a standard phrase, I think (though clear enough
if you make the analogy with "plot"), and would need the same
disambiguation as "plot y against x" (if any is needed).

With thanks!
Best wishes to all,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 167 1972
Date: 31-May-04   Time: 15:51:53
-- XFMail --

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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Calculating distances between points in a data frame?

2004-05-31 Thread Wolski
It may bee that the function dist can be of some use to you?

I have something like this in mind. (you do not need a loop.)
XY$DistXY <- sqrt(diff(X)^2+diff(Y)^2)

Have fun trying.
Sincerely Eryk


On 5/31/2004 at 5:25 PM Sander Oom wrote:

>Dear list,
>I would like to calculate the distance between consecutive points in a
>frame. Of course the first point in the data frame does not have a point
>origin, and should get a value NA. I have tried two different loops, which 
>both result in error:
> > num <- seq(0,10,1)
> > X <- seq(0,30,3)
> > Y <- seq(0,40,4)
> > XY <- data.frame(num, X, Y)
> > attach(XY)
> > summary(XY)
>   num X  Y
>  Min.   : 0.0   Min.   : 0.0   Min.   : 0
>  1st Qu.: 2.5   1st Qu.: 7.5   1st Qu.:10
>  Median : 5.0   Median :15.0   Median :20
>  Mean   : 5.0   Mean   :15.0   Mean   :20
>  3rd Qu.: 7.5   3rd Qu.:22.5   3rd Qu.:30
>  Max.   :10.0   Max.   :30.0   Max.   :40
> > plot(X,Y)
> > rngNum <- range(num)
> > for (i in rngNum){
>+ XY$DistXY[i] <- sqrt( ((X[i]-X[i-1])^2) + ((Y[i]-Y[i-1])^2) )
>+ }
>Error in "$<-.data.frame"(`*tmp*`, "DistXY", value = sqrt(((X[i] - X[i -  :
> replacement has 10 rows, data has 11
> > for (i in rngNum){
>+ XY$DistXY2[i] <- ifelse(i=min(rngNum), NA, sqrt(((X[i]-X[i-1])^2) + 
>((Y[i]-Y[i-1])^2)) )
>+ }
>Error in ifelse(i = min(rngNum), NA, sqrt(((X[i] - X[i - 1])^2) + ((Y[i] -
> :
> unused argument(s) (i ...)
> > detach(XY)
> >
>Any suggestions much appreciated,
>Sander Oom.
>Dr. Sander P. Oom
>Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences
>University of the Witwatersrand
>Private Bag 3
>Wits 2050
>South Africa
>Tel (work)  +27 (0)11 717 64 04
>Tel (home)  +27 (0)18 297 44 51
>Fax +27 (0)18 299 24 64
>Web www.oomvanlieshout.net/sander
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
>PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Dipl. bio-chem. Eryk Witold Wolski@MPI-Moleculare Genetic   
Ihnestrasse 63-73 14195 Berlin   'v'
tel: 0049-30-83875219   /   \
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]---W-Whttp://www.molgen.mpg.de/~wolski

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RE: [R] [OT] "plot y against x"

2004-05-31 Thread Charles Annis, P.E.
Engineers have been plotting stress (or strain, or log of either) as y
against log(fatigue lifetime) as x for 100 years or more.  Thus it appears
that allowable stress is a function of required cycles, and that is how the
plot is interpreted.  The underlying regression, however, correctly treats
observed lifetime as the dependent variable (even though it's plotted as x)
and testing stress (or strain, in a strain-controlled test) as the
independent variable (plotted as y).  Errors are in the horizontal
direction.  The curve is just "plotted wrong."  However, the convention of
plotting stress (or strain) vertically and lifetime horizontally is so
universal among engineers, that a statistician risks loss of credibility to
present a curve with the axes exchanged, even though both plots have the
identical underlying regression.  

Charles Annis, P.E.
phone: 561-352-9699
eFax:  503-217-5849

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ted Harding
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 10:52 AM
Subject: [R] [OT] "plot y against x"

Hi Folks,

I'd be grateful for some views on the following.

When I say "plot y against x" I mean that y is on the vertical
axis and x is on the horizontal axis. I acquired this usage so
long ago that I can no longer remember how I acquired it, and
therefore can not cite my "authority" for my usage. There can
also be an implication that y is a function of x (or y is a
"dependent" variable and x an "independent" variable).
To the best of my knowledge, this is the standard usage.

However, I have had a query which suggests that the "transposed"
meaning may be quite frequently adopted, i.e.

  "plot x [horizontal axis] against y [vertical axis]"

Google tells me that "plot y against x" throws up about 147 hits,
while "plot x against y" throws up about 54 hits. One of the
latter is unequivocal and comes from a respected department of


  Q 12.1 A simple plot.
  Invoke Matlab in an Xterm window and position the
  Figure window so that you can see it properly.
  x = -3:5% plotting values (range)
  y = 2*x + 3 % a linear function of x
  plot(x,y)   % plot x against y

and at least two refer to "Statistical analysis with R" (so maybe
I'm not so off-topic after all), also unequivocal, e.g.:


  Example: Plotting functions
  Assume that you were to plot a function by hand. One possibility
  of doing it is to
  1. Select some xvalues from the range to be plotted
  2. Compute the corresponding y = f(x) values
  3. Plot x against y
  4. Add a (more or less) smooth line connecting the (x; y)points
  plot(x, y)# plots x against y

(However, in R itself, "?plot" is discretely silent about what is
 "against" what!)

I'd value commments on whether the above "transposed" usage is in
fact sufficiently common (perhaps mainly in certain subject areas)
as to constitute a "linguistic enclave" with a valid dialectal
usage which is the opposite of the standard. Or maybe there isn't
really a standard.

This would help to respond to the query, which whether in writing
something which uses "plot y against x" it would be worth while
including an explicit explanation of which way round it is meant,
so that it's clear to any reader, whichever dialectal group they
belong to.

There was also a related query on whether "regression of Y on X"
could be understood the "wrong way round" and about usage of the
phrase "a model for Y against X". Where regression is concerned,
I don't think there is room for doubt and anyone who interpreted
it on the lines of "X~Y" is simply wrong. "Model for Y against X",
however, is not a standard phrase, I think (though clear enough
if you make the analogy with "plot"), and would need the same
disambiguation as "plot y against x" (if any is needed).

With thanks!
Best wishes to all,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 167 1972
Date: 31-May-04   Time: 15:51:53
-- XFMail --

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Question about building library and BLAS

2004-05-31 Thread Zhu Wang
Dear helpers,

I am trying to create a library which uses some Fortran source files and Lapack and 
subroutines. The Fortran source files from the original author contain subroutines 
isamax.f, sgefa.f and sgesl.f, which are part of BLAS subroutines on my Linux computer,
but maybe different (old) versions. So in addition to these subroutines, there are 
Lapack and Blas subroutines involved. There is no problem to compile and run these 
using g77, such as the following to create car:

g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 car
isamax.f, sgefa.f sgesl.f foo1.f ... foo20.f -llapack -lblas

By doing this, the procedure does not use subroutines isamax.f, sgefa.f sgesl.f in 
as expected. In fact, there are problems to use these subroutines in BLAS, for some 

Now what I want is to build an R library. The Makefile is the following:

OBJS=isamax.o saxpy.o sscal.o foo1.o ... foo20.o -llapack -lblas

@rm -f *.o *.$(SHLIB_EXT)
realclean: clean

Some compiling outputs are the following:

g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -c isamax.f
-o isamax.o
g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -c foo1.f -o
gcc -shared -o car.so isamax.o .. foo20.o -llapack -lblas
-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.3.2
-L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.3.2/../../.. -lfrtbegin -lg2c
-lm -lgcc_s

However, it turns out that this process did not take into account these 
three files isamax, sgefa.f and sgesl.f. 
Instead, it used subroutines in Blas, but again for some reason, it provided

My question is how do I set up my Makefile, or maybe other files, such that I have
the same result as I did to compile and run these Fortran files directly.

Thanks in advance.

Zhu Wang

Statistical Science Department
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275-0332
Phone:(214)768-2453  Fax:(214)768-4035

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Re: [R] Rmetrics New Built

2004-05-31 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel
On Mon, May 31, 2004 at 09:54:21AM -0500, elijah wright wrote:
> > If the Linux and Mac OSX builds are successfully done, I will submit the
> > packages to the CRAN server.
> all four of the packages successfully build on Debian unstable - no
> errors, nor warnings.  this is a Good Thing.  I would guesstimate that

Ah, thanks, good to know. Did you try 'R CMD check' too, for good measure?

> they should build trivially on OSX as well, but i'm at home today [in the
> US, today is Memorial day - a sort of low-key holiday when people tend to
> have picnics and things] and have no intention of driving to campus...
> maybe you can sucker Dirk into packaging them for Debian and getting them
> into the system there?  :)

That has of course been the plan all along, for both Debian and Quantian.

I'm a little behind on a few other things, but knowing that these build out
of the box may well move them up the priority queue :)

Thanks, Dirk

FEATURE:  VW Beetle license plate in California

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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Question about building library and BLAS

2004-05-31 Thread Douglas Bates
Zhu Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am trying to create a library which uses some Fortran source files

  Someone named Martin Maechler will shortly be sending you email
  regarding the distinction between 'library' and 'package' :-)

  (You are creating a package, not a library, despite the fact that
   you will later attach it using a function called 'library'.)

> and Lapack and Blas subroutines. The Fortran source files from the
> original author contain subroutines isamax.f, sgefa.f and sgesl.f,
> which are part of BLAS subroutines on my Linux computer, but maybe
> different (old) versions. So in addition to these subroutines, there
> are other Lapack and Blas subroutines involved. There is no problem
> to compile and run these files using g77, such as the following to
> create car:
> g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 car
> isamax.f, sgefa.f sgesl.f foo1.f ... foo20.f -llapack -lblas
> By doing this, the procedure does not use subroutines isamax.f, sgefa.f sgesl.f in 
> as expected. In fact, there are problems to use these subroutines in BLAS, for some 
> reason.
> Now what I want is to build an R library. The Makefile is the following:
> OBJS=isamax.o saxpy.o sscal.o foo1.o ... foo20.o -llapack -lblas
> clean:
> @rm -f *.o *.$(SHLIB_EXT)
> realclean: clean
> Some compiling outputs are the following:
> g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -c isamax.f
> -o isamax.o
> ...
> g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -c foo1.f -o
> foo1.o
> ..
> gcc -shared -o car.so isamax.o .. foo20.o -llapack -lblas
> -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.3.2
> -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.3.2/../../.. -lfrtbegin -lg2c
> -lm -lgcc_s
> However, it turns out that this process did not take into account these 
> three files isamax, sgefa.f and sgesl.f. 
> Instead, it used subroutines in Blas, but again for some reason, it provided
> error. 

I think you are working too hard.  Temporarily move the source files
for the BLAS and Lapack routines to backup names, such as
isamax.f.old, then do the same to the Makefile (i.e. move it to
Makefile.old) then create a file called Makevars containing


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Re: [R] Question about building library and BLAS

2004-05-31 Thread Douglas Bates
Douglas Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Zhu Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I am trying to create a library which uses some Fortran source files
>   Someone named Martin Maechler will shortly be sending you email
>   regarding the distinction between 'library' and 'package' :-)
>   (You are creating a package, not a library, despite the fact that
>you will later attach it using a function called 'library'.)
> > and Lapack and Blas subroutines. The Fortran source files from the
> > original author contain subroutines isamax.f, sgefa.f and sgesl.f,
> > which are part of BLAS subroutines on my Linux computer, but maybe
> > different (old) versions. So in addition to these subroutines, there
> > are other Lapack and Blas subroutines involved. There is no problem
> > to compile and run these files using g77, such as the following to
> > create car:
> > 
> > g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 car
> > isamax.f, sgefa.f sgesl.f foo1.f ... foo20.f -llapack -lblas
> > 
> > By doing this, the procedure does not use subroutines isamax.f, sgefa.f sgesl.f in 
> > BLAS,
> > as expected. In fact, there are problems to use these subroutines in BLAS, for 
> > some reason.
> > 
> > Now what I want is to build an R library. The Makefile is the following:
> > 
> > LIBNAME=car
> >  
> >  
> > OBJS=isamax.o saxpy.o sscal.o foo1.o ... foo20.o -llapack -lblas
> > 
> >  
> > clean:
> > @rm -f *.o *.$(SHLIB_EXT)
> >  
> > realclean: clean
> > 
> > Some compiling outputs are the following:
> > 
> > g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -c isamax.f
> > -o isamax.o
> > ...
> > g77 -mieee-fp  -fPIC  -O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -c foo1.f -o
> > foo1.o
> > ..
> > gcc -shared -o car.so isamax.o .. foo20.o -llapack -lblas
> > -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.3.2
> > -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.3.2/../../.. -lfrtbegin -lg2c
> > -lm -lgcc_s
> > 
> > However, it turns out that this process did not take into account these 
> > three files isamax, sgefa.f and sgesl.f. 
> > Instead, it used subroutines in Blas, but again for some reason, it provided
> > error. 
> I think you are working too hard.  Temporarily move the source files
> for the BLAS and Lapack routines to backup names, such as
> isamax.f.old, then do the same to the Makefile (i.e. move it to
> Makefile.old) then create a file called Makevars containing

I should have read your message more carefully.  Those three Fortran
routines that you mention are single precision and it would be silly
to use them on modern computers.  R only provides single precision
floating point for compatibility.  All numerical linear algebra is
doing in double precision.  Check where sgefa and sgesl are being
called and see if they really need to be in single precision.  I'm
sure if you replace them by calls to dgefa and dgesl (and suitably
change the precision of the arguments) they will run as fast as
before.  In fact you can probably use the Lapack routines dgetrf and
dgetrs instead and get a performance boost.

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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Calculating distances between points in a data frame?

2004-05-31 Thread Gabor Grothendieck

Try using running from the gregmisc package with pad = TRUE:

XY <- data.frame(num = seq(0,10), X = seq(0,30,3), Y = seq(0, 40, 4) )
DistXY <- function(idx) {
   i <- idx[2]
   with(XY, sqrt( (X[i]-X[i-1])^2 + (Y[i]-Y[i-1])^2 ) )
XY$Dist <- running( 1:nrow(XY), width=2, fun = DistXY, pad = TRUE )

Sander Oom  oomvanlieshout.net> writes:

: Dear list,
: I would like to calculate the distance between consecutive points in a data 
: frame. Of course the first point in the data frame does not have a point of 
: origin, and should get a value NA. I have tried two different loops, which 
: both result in error:
:  > num <- seq(0,10,1)
:  > X <- seq(0,30,3)
:  > Y <- seq(0,40,4)
:  > XY <- data.frame(num, X, Y)
:  > attach(XY)
:  > summary(XY)
:num X  Y
:   Min.   : 0.0   Min.   : 0.0   Min.   : 0
:   1st Qu.: 2.5   1st Qu.: 7.5   1st Qu.:10
:   Median : 5.0   Median :15.0   Median :20
:   Mean   : 5.0   Mean   :15.0   Mean   :20
:   3rd Qu.: 7.5   3rd Qu.:22.5   3rd Qu.:30
:   Max.   :10.0   Max.   :30.0   Max.   :40
:  > plot(X,Y)
:  > rngNum <- range(num)
:  > for (i in rngNum){
: + XY$DistXY[i] <- sqrt( ((X[i]-X[i-1])^2) + ((Y[i]-Y[i-1])^2) )
: + }
: Error in "$<-.data.frame"(`*tmp*`, "DistXY", value = sqrt(((X[i] - X[i -  :
:  replacement has 10 rows, data has 11
:  > for (i in rngNum){
: + XY$DistXY2[i] <- ifelse(i=min(rngNum), NA, sqrt(((X[i]-X[i-1])^2) + 
: ((Y[i]-Y[i-1])^2)) )
: + }
: Error in ifelse(i = min(rngNum), NA, sqrt(((X[i] - X[i - 1])^2) + ((Y[i] -  :
:  unused argument(s) (i ...)
:  > detach(XY)
:  >
: Any suggestions much appreciated,
: Sander Oom.
: --
: Dr. Sander P. Oom
: Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences
: University of the Witwatersrand
: Private Bag 3
: Wits 2050
: South Africa
: Tel (work)  +27 (0)11 717 64 04
: Tel (home)  +27 (0)18 297 44 51
: Fax +27 (0)18 299 24 64
: Email   sander  oomvanlieshout.net
: Web www.oomvanlieshout.net/sander
: __
: R-help  stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
: https://www.stat.math.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
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[R] Putting referenced titles on plots

2004-05-31 Thread grr
I have a data frame "ctx" and an array "names", where names[i] is the 
column name for ctx[i], and am making histograms for each column of 

for (i in 2:ncol(ctx)){hist(ctx[,i], br=100, main=names[i])}
The titles don't come out like I expect. Each names[i] is something 
like "1098_s_at" and R doesn't seem to like printing these. Instead, it 
prints "1" or "2" or "3" etc.

I have also tried binding ctx and names into a single data frame and 
referencing the first row of each [i] as the title, but I get the same 

Can someone tell me how to get these titles attached?
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[R] Contrasts

2004-05-31 Thread Kimberly Ann Fernandes

I am trying to figure out how to conduct a t-test on a specific contrast
for my data.  I have four factors in my data and would like to conduct a
t-test on the average of the data from the first two factors against the
average of the data on the second two factor (i.e. is the average of the
first two different from the average of the second two).  Is there a
quick way to do this?  I found the contrast function, but wasn't sure
how to apply it.

Thank you,

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Re: [R] Regression model type II

2004-05-31 Thread Angel Lopez
Hi Benjamin,
Maybe this link is useful to you:
It has a function 'slope' that calculates different type II regressions 
and a link to a paper comparing them.
Although it was written for S-plus it works in R too.
If you get any better solutions, let me know.
Best regards,

Benjamin PLANQUE wrote:
I am trying to fit regression models type II with R, but it seems to me 
that most (all) of the linear model functions are for type I regressions.

Does anyone knows whether type II regressions functions exist in R.
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Re: [R] Putting referenced titles on plots

2004-05-31 Thread Uwe Ligges
I have a data frame "ctx" and an array "names", where names[i] is the 
column name for ctx[i], and am making histograms for each column of ctx:

for (i in 2:ncol(ctx)){hist(ctx[,i], br=100, main=names[i])}
Works for me. Are you sure "names" is a vector containing the stuff you 
expect to be printed?

Uwe Ligges

The titles don't come out like I expect. Each names[i] is something like 
"1098_s_at" and R doesn't seem to like printing these. Instead, it 
prints "1" or "2" or "3" etc.

I have also tried binding ctx and names into a single data frame and 
referencing the first row of each [i] as the title, but I get the same 

Can someone tell me how to get these titles attached?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Re: [R] Putting referenced titles on plots

2004-05-31 Thread Spencer Graves
 1.  That seems strange.  The following simplification of your 
function produced sensible results for me: 

hist(1:4, main= "1098_s_at")
 I got similar results from your exact statement after first 
defining names and ctx as follows: 

 names <- letters[1:3]
 ctx <- data.frame(x=1:4, y=1:4, a=1:4)
 In each case, I got a histogram with a standard text title at the 
top.  What version of R are you running?  If it's NOT R 1.9.0pat, you 
might try upgrading -- and then running "update.packages()". 

 2. "names" is that name of a function, and it is generally 
considered bad practice to mask function names with names of other 
objects, even though R can often (though not always) determine which 
object you want from the context.  What do you get from "conflicts()"? 

 hope this helps.  spencer graves
I have a data frame "ctx" and an array "names", where names[i] is the 
column name for ctx[i], and am making histograms for each column of ctx:

for (i in 2:ncol(ctx)){hist(ctx[,i], br=100, main=names[i])}
The titles don't come out like I expect. Each names[i] is something 
like "1098_s_at" and R doesn't seem to like printing these. Instead, 
it prints "1" or "2" or "3" etc.

I have also tried binding ctx and names into a single data frame and 
referencing the first row of each [i] as the title, but I get the same 

Can someone tell me how to get these titles attached?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Question about building library and BLAS

2004-05-31 Thread Zhu Wang
On Mon, 2004-05-31 at 11:39, Douglas Bates wrote:

> I should have read your message more carefully.  Those three Fortran
> routines that you mention are single precision and it would be silly
> to use them on modern computers.  R only provides single precision
> floating point for compatibility.  All numerical linear algebra is
> doing in double precision.  Check where sgefa and sgesl are being
> called and see if they really need to be in single precision.  I'm
> sure if you replace them by calls to dgefa and dgesl (and suitably
> change the precision of the arguments) they will run as fast as
> before. 

Thanks. I have replaced sgefa and sgesl with dgefa and dgesl. The
results are confirmed by running the compiled Fortran code. I will
convey this to the original author.

>  In fact you can probably use the Lapack routines dgetrf and
> dgetrs instead and get a performance boost.

I will try to improve later.

Zhu Wang

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Re: [R] Calculating distances between points in a data frame?

2004-05-31 Thread Sander Oom
Hi Gabor,
Thanks for your suggestion. However when installing the package gregmisc, I 
get the following error:

> local({a <- CRAN.packages()
+ install.packages(select.list(a[,1],,TRUE), .libPaths()[1], available=a)})
trying URL `http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/contrib/1.9/PACKAGES'
Content type `text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1' length 17940 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 17Kb
trying URL 
Error in download.file(url, destfile, method, mode = "wb") :
cannot open URL 
In addition: Warning message:
cannot open: HTTP status was `404 Not Found'

I was quite surprised as well! I tried different mirrors, but to no avail.
Maybe tomorrow,
At 18:44 2004/05/31, you wrote:
Try using running from the gregmisc package with pad = TRUE:
XY <- data.frame(num = seq(0,10), X = seq(0,30,3), Y = seq(0, 40, 4) )
DistXY <- function(idx) {
   i <- idx[2]
   with(XY, sqrt( (X[i]-X[i-1])^2 + (Y[i]-Y[i-1])^2 ) )
XY$Dist <- running( 1:nrow(XY), width=2, fun = DistXY, pad = TRUE )
Sander Oom  oomvanlieshout.net> writes:
: Dear list,
: I would like to calculate the distance between consecutive points in a data
: frame. Of course the first point in the data frame does not have a point of
: origin, and should get a value NA. I have tried two different loops, which
: both result in error:
:  > num <- seq(0,10,1)
:  > X <- seq(0,30,3)
:  > Y <- seq(0,40,4)
:  > XY <- data.frame(num, X, Y)
:  > attach(XY)
:  > summary(XY)
:num X  Y
:   Min.   : 0.0   Min.   : 0.0   Min.   : 0
:   1st Qu.: 2.5   1st Qu.: 7.5   1st Qu.:10
:   Median : 5.0   Median :15.0   Median :20
:   Mean   : 5.0   Mean   :15.0   Mean   :20
:   3rd Qu.: 7.5   3rd Qu.:22.5   3rd Qu.:30
:   Max.   :10.0   Max.   :30.0   Max.   :40
:  > plot(X,Y)
:  > rngNum <- range(num)
:  > for (i in rngNum){
: + XY$DistXY[i] <- sqrt( ((X[i]-X[i-1])^2) + ((Y[i]-Y[i-1])^2) )
: + }
: Error in "$<-.data.frame"(`*tmp*`, "DistXY", value = sqrt(((X[i] - X[i -  :
:  replacement has 10 rows, data has 11
:  > for (i in rngNum){
: + XY$DistXY2[i] <- ifelse(i=min(rngNum), NA, sqrt(((X[i]-X[i-1])^2) +
: ((Y[i]-Y[i-1])^2)) )
: + }
: Error in ifelse(i = min(rngNum), NA, sqrt(((X[i] - X[i - 1])^2) + ((Y[i] 
-  :
:  unused argument(s) (i ...)
:  > detach(XY)
:  >
: Any suggestions much appreciated,
: Sander Oom.
: --
: Dr. Sander P. Oom
: Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences
: University of the Witwatersrand
: Private Bag 3
: Wits 2050
: South Africa
: Tel (work)  +27 (0)11 717 64 04
: Tel (home)  +27 (0)18 297 44 51
: Fax +27 (0)18 299 24 64
: Email   sander  oomvanlieshout.net
: Web www.oomvanlieshout.net/sander
: __
: R-help  stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
: https://www.stat.math.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
: PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Contrasts

2004-05-31 Thread Spencer Graves
 I hope you get a reply from someone who knows more about this than 
I.  However, in the spirit that a quick hack is sometimes better than an 
elegant answer later, consider the following: 

DF <- data.frame(a=rep(letters[1:4], 2), y=1:8)
>   DF$b <- ((DF$a %in% letters[1:2])-(DF$a%in% letters[3:4]))
>   fit <- lm(y~b+a, DF, singular.ok=T)
>   summary(fit)
lm(formula = y ~ b + a, data = DF, singular.ok = T)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
-2 -2 -2 -2  2  2  2  2
Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
   Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 
(Intercept)4.500  1.414   3.182   0.0335 *
b -1.500  1.414  -1.061   0.3486 
ab 1.000  2.828   0.354   0.7415 
ac-1.000  2.828  -0.354   0.7415 
adNA NA  NA   NA 
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1

Residual standard error: 2.828 on 4 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.2381, Adjusted R-squared: -0.
F-statistic: 0.4167 on 3 and 4 DF,  p-value: 0.751
 This will give you what you want ONLY if you have the same number 
of observations in the two subsets to be compared.  If not, then you can 
redefine DF$b to produce what you want. 

hope this helps.  spencer graves
Kimberly Ann Fernandes wrote:
I am trying to figure out how to conduct a t-test on a specific contrast
for my data.  I have four factors in my data and would like to conduct a
t-test on the average of the data from the first two factors against the
average of the data on the second two factor (i.e. is the average of the
first two different from the average of the second two).  Is there a
quick way to do this?  I found the contrast function, but wasn't sure
how to apply it.
Thank you,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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RE: [R] [OT] "plot y against x"

2004-05-31 Thread Bill Vinyard
It would not matter if the relationship you are trying to plot is monotonic
and therefore invertible.  If the relationship is non-monotonic and
therefore not invertible, then it does matter which variable you call
dependent, since in this latter case you have a multi-valued relationship.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ted Harding
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 10:52
Subject: [R] [OT] "plot y against x"

Hi Folks,

I'd be grateful for some views on the following.

When I say "plot y against x" I mean that y is on the vertical
axis and x is on the horizontal axis. I acquired this usage so
long ago that I can no longer remember how I acquired it, and
therefore can not cite my "authority" for my usage. There can
also be an implication that y is a function of x (or y is a
"dependent" variable and x an "independent" variable).
To the best of my knowledge, this is the standard usage.

However, I have had a query which suggests that the "transposed"
meaning may be quite frequently adopted, i.e.

  "plot x [horizontal axis] against y [vertical axis]"

Google tells me that "plot y against x" throws up about 147 hits,
while "plot x against y" throws up about 54 hits. One of the
latter is unequivocal and comes from a respected department of


  Q 12.1 A simple plot.
  Invoke Matlab in an Xterm window and position the
  Figure window so that you can see it properly.
  x = -3:5% plotting values (range)
  y = 2*x + 3 % a linear function of x
  plot(x,y)   % plot x against y

and at least two refer to "Statistical analysis with R" (so maybe
I'm not so off-topic after all), also unequivocal, e.g.:


  Example: Plotting functions
  Assume that you were to plot a function by hand. One possibility
  of doing it is to
  1. Select some xvalues from the range to be plotted
  2. Compute the corresponding y = f(x) values
  3. Plot x against y
  4. Add a (more or less) smooth line connecting the (x; y)points
  plot(x, y)# plots x against y

(However, in R itself, "?plot" is discretely silent about what is
 "against" what!)

I'd value commments on whether the above "transposed" usage is in
fact sufficiently common (perhaps mainly in certain subject areas)
as to constitute a "linguistic enclave" with a valid dialectal
usage which is the opposite of the standard. Or maybe there isn't
really a standard.

This would help to respond to the query, which whether in writing
something which uses "plot y against x" it would be worth while
including an explicit explanation of which way round it is meant,
so that it's clear to any reader, whichever dialectal group they
belong to.

There was also a related query on whether "regression of Y on X"
could be understood the "wrong way round" and about usage of the
phrase "a model for Y against X". Where regression is concerned,
I don't think there is room for doubt and anyone who interpreted
it on the lines of "X~Y" is simply wrong. "Model for Y against X",
however, is not a standard phrase, I think (though clear enough
if you make the analogy with "plot"), and would need the same
disambiguation as "plot y against x" (if any is needed).

With thanks!
Best wishes to all,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 167 1972
Date: 31-May-04   Time: 15:51:53
-- XFMail --

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Re: [R] Calculating distances between points in a data frame?

2004-05-31 Thread Uwe Ligges
Sander Oom wrote:
Hi Gabor,
Thanks for your suggestion. However when installing the package 
gregmisc, I get the following error:

 > local({a <- CRAN.packages()
+ install.packages(select.list(a[,1],,TRUE), .libPaths()[1], available=a)})
trying URL `http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/contrib/1.9/PACKAGES'
Content type `text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1' length 17940 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 17Kb
trying URL 
Error in download.file(url, destfile, method, mode = "wb") :
cannot open URL 
In addition: Warning message:
cannot open: HTTP status was `404 Not Found'

I was quite surprised as well! I tried different mirrors, but to no avail.
Maybe tomorrow,
There is a bug in the script that uploads binary packages to CRAN.
The PACKAGES file for R-1.9.x/R-2.0.x for Windows erroneously indicates 
that gregmisc_1.11.0.zip is available, but it isn't (at least the 
PACKAGES file will be fixed tomorrow).

gregmisc does not pass the checks (well, it even does not install) on 
Windows, see: CRAN/bin/windows/contrib/checkSummaryWin.html
There is a note on that page which points you to an outdated but still 
available Windows version: 

Uwe Ligges

At 18:44 2004/05/31, you wrote:
Try using running from the gregmisc package with pad = TRUE:
XY <- data.frame(num = seq(0,10), X = seq(0,30,3), Y = seq(0, 40, 4) )
DistXY <- function(idx) {
   i <- idx[2]
   with(XY, sqrt( (X[i]-X[i-1])^2 + (Y[i]-Y[i-1])^2 ) )
XY$Dist <- running( 1:nrow(XY), width=2, fun = DistXY, pad = TRUE )
Sander Oom  oomvanlieshout.net> writes:
: Dear list,
: I would like to calculate the distance between consecutive points in 
a data
: frame. Of course the first point in the data frame does not have a 
point of
: origin, and should get a value NA. I have tried two different loops, 
: both result in error:
:  > num <- seq(0,10,1)
:  > X <- seq(0,30,3)
:  > Y <- seq(0,40,4)
:  > XY <- data.frame(num, X, Y)
:  > attach(XY)
:  > summary(XY)
:num X  Y
:   Min.   : 0.0   Min.   : 0.0   Min.   : 0
:   1st Qu.: 2.5   1st Qu.: 7.5   1st Qu.:10
:   Median : 5.0   Median :15.0   Median :20
:   Mean   : 5.0   Mean   :15.0   Mean   :20
:   3rd Qu.: 7.5   3rd Qu.:22.5   3rd Qu.:30
:   Max.   :10.0   Max.   :30.0   Max.   :40
:  > plot(X,Y)
:  > rngNum <- range(num)
:  > for (i in rngNum){
: + XY$DistXY[i] <- sqrt( ((X[i]-X[i-1])^2) + ((Y[i]-Y[i-1])^2) )
: + }
: Error in "$<-.data.frame"(`*tmp*`, "DistXY", value = sqrt(((X[i] - 
X[i -  :
:  replacement has 10 rows, data has 11
:  > for (i in rngNum){
: + XY$DistXY2[i] <- ifelse(i=min(rngNum), NA, 
sqrt(((X[i]-X[i-1])^2) +
: ((Y[i]-Y[i-1])^2)) )
: + }
: Error in ifelse(i = min(rngNum), NA, sqrt(((X[i] - X[i - 1])^2) + 
((Y[i] -  :
:  unused argument(s) (i ...)
:  > detach(XY)
:  >
: Any suggestions much appreciated,
: Sander Oom.
: --
: Dr. Sander P. Oom
: Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences
: University of the Witwatersrand
: Private Bag 3
: Wits 2050
: South Africa
: Tel (work)  +27 (0)11 717 64 04
: Tel (home)  +27 (0)18 297 44 51
: Fax +27 (0)18 299 24 64
: Email   sander  oomvanlieshout.net
: Web www.oomvanlieshout.net/sander
: __
: R-help  stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
: https://www.stat.math.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
: PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

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Re: [R] Rmetrics New Built

2004-05-31 Thread elijah wright

> > > If the Linux and Mac OSX builds are successfully done, I will submit
> > > the packages to the CRAN server.
> >
> > all four of the packages successfully build on Debian unstable - no
> > errors, nor warnings.  this is a Good Thing.  I would guesstimate that
> Ah, thanks, good to know. Did you try 'R CMD check' too, for good
> measure?

good idea.  doing that reveals the following.  dirk, most of this is for
your reference as a repackager, so that you know what dependencies will
have to be met for useful debian packages.  :)  there are also some
problems that become evident with the packages...

1) fBasics requires package "date"

after i fixed the date package dependency, i get this error from R check:

Running examples in fBasics-Ex.R failed.
The error most likely occurred in:

> ### * B1-ghypDistribution
> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

2) fExtremes requires packages "evd" and "ismev"

after fixing those two dependencies, R CMD check produces the following

* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) :
.First.lib failed
Execution halted
* checking for replacement functions with final arg not named 'value' ...
Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) :
.First.lib failed
Execution halted
* checking foreign function calls ... WARNING
Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) :
.First.lib failed
Execution halted
* checking Rd files ... WARNING
Rd files with non-standard keywords:
  'man/C3-gpdglmFit.Rd': fExtremes
  'man/C1-gpdFamily.Rd': fExtremes
  'man/C6-rlargFit.Rd': fExtremes
  'man/C5-ppFit.Rd': fExtremes
  'man/B1-gevFamily.Rd': fExtremes
  'man/Z1-fExtremesTools.Rd': fExtremes
  'man/B4-mdaPlots.Rd': fExtremes
  'man/B2-gevFit.Rd': fExtremes
  'man/D1-exindexPlots.Rd': fExtremes
  'man/C4-potFit.Rd': fExtremes
  'man/A2-getExtremes.Rd': fExtremes
  'man/B3-gevglmFit.Rd': fExtremes
  'man/A1-evPlots.Rd': fExtremes
  'man/C2-gpdFit.Rd': fExtremes
Each '\keyword' entry should specify one of the standard keywords (as
listed in file 'KEYWORDS.db' in the 'doc' subdirectory of the R home
See chapter 'Writing R documentation files' in manual 'Writing R
* checking for missing documentation entries ... ERROR
Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) :

3) fOptions documentation needs work?

* checking Rd files ... WARNING
Rd files with non-standard keywords:
  'man/D2-MonteCarloOptions.Rd': fOptions
  'man/C2-HestonNandiOptions.Rd': fOptions
  'man/B2-MultAssetsOptions.Rd': fOptions
  'man/B5-BinaryOptions.Rd': fOptions
  'man/C1-hngarchFit.Rd': fOptions
  'man/A2-BasicAmericanOptions.Rd': fOptions
  'man/Z1-fOptionsTools.Rd': fOptions
  'man/B1-MultExercisesOptions.Rd': fOptions
  'man/D1-LowDiscrepancy.Rd': fOptions
  'man/B3-LookbackOptions.Rd': fOptions
  'man/A3-BinomialTreeOptions.Rd': fOptions
  'man/B6-AsianOptions.Rd': fOptions
  'man/B4-BarrierOptions.Rd': fOptions
  'man/A1-PlainVanillaOptions.Rd': fOptions
  'man/B7-FXTransOptions.Rd': fOptions
Each '\keyword' entry should specify one of the standard keywords (as
listed in file 'KEYWORDS.db' in the 'doc' subdirectory of the R home

4) fSeries:

Packages required but not available:
  mda polspline

fixed these dependencies on my local system - no biggie - then from R
CMD check got:

* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) :
.First.lib failed
Execution halted
* checking for replacement functions with final arg not named 'value' ...
Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) :
.First.lib failed
Execution halted
* checking foreign function calls ... WARNING
Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) :
.First.lib failed
Execution halted
* checking Rd files ... WARNING
Rd files with non-standard keywords:
  'man/D1-fSeriesData.Rd': fSeries
  'man/Z1-fSeriesTools.Rd': fSeries
  'man/B2-lmTests.Rd': fSeries
  'man/B1-regressionModelling.Rd': fSeries
  'man/C3-rollingAnalysis.Rd': fSeries
  'man/A4-randomInnovations.Rd': fSeries
  'man/A3-garchModelling.Rd': fSeries
  'man/C2-benchmarkAnalysis.Rd': fSeries
  'man/A2-armaStatistics.Rd': fSeries
  'man/A1-armaModelling.Rd': fSeries
  'man/A5-tseriesTests.Rd': fSeries
  'man/C1-technicalAnalysis.Rd': fSeries
Each '\keyword' entry should specify one of the standard keywords (as
listed in file 'KEYWORDS.db' in the 'doc' subdirectory of the R home
See chapter 'Writing R documentation files' in manual 

Re: [R] Putting referenced titles on plots

2004-05-31 Thread grr
Thank you both for the help. The below 1. works for me, too, both 
cases. I am not actually using "names" as an object name. I am writing:

	for (i in 2:nrow(ctxheadlogtrans)){hist(ctxheadlogtrans[,i], br=100, 

which gives me histograms titled "1", "2", "3", etc. But:
gives me "1007_s_at", and 
gives me "1053_at" and
for (i in 2:5){print(gene.names.head[i])}
gives me a list of the titles I want.
I am using RAqua 1.8.1 on Mac OS X.
Is there something I am missing?
On May 31, 2004, at 10:37 AM, Spencer Graves wrote:
 1.  That seems strange.  The following simplification of your 
function produced sensible results for me:
hist(1:4, main= "1098_s_at")

 I got similar results from your exact statement after first 
defining names and ctx as follows:
 names <- letters[1:3]
 ctx <- data.frame(x=1:4, y=1:4, a=1:4)

 In each case, I got a histogram with a standard text title at the 
top.  What version of R are you running?  If it's NOT R 1.9.0pat, you 
might try upgrading -- and then running "update.packages()".
 2. "names" is that name of a function, and it is generally 
considered bad practice to mask function names with names of other 
objects, even though R can often (though not always) determine which 
object you want from the context.  What do you get from "conflicts()"?
 hope this helps.  spencer graves

I have a data frame "ctx" and an array "names", where names[i] is the 
column name for ctx[i], and am making histograms for each column of 

for (i in 2:ncol(ctx)){hist(ctx[,i], br=100, main=names[i])}
The titles don't come out like I expect. Each names[i] is something 
like "1098_s_at" and R doesn't seem to like printing these. Instead, 
it prints "1" or "2" or "3" etc.

I have also tried binding ctx and names into a single data frame and 
referencing the first row of each [i] as the title, but I get the 
same result.

Can someone tell me how to get these titles attached?
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Re: [R] Putting referenced titles on plots

2004-05-31 Thread Roger D. Peng
Is `names' by any chance a factor?  What is class(names)?  If 
`names' is a factor, then you're getting the underlying numeric 
representation rather than the factor levels.

I have a data frame "ctx" and an array "names", where names[i] is the 
column name for ctx[i], and am making histograms for each column of ctx:

for (i in 2:ncol(ctx)){hist(ctx[,i], br=100, main=names[i])}
The titles don't come out like I expect. Each names[i] is something like 
"1098_s_at" and R doesn't seem to like printing these. Instead, it 
prints "1" or "2" or "3" etc.

I have also tried binding ctx and names into a single data frame and 
referencing the first row of each [i] as the title, but I get the same 

Can someone tell me how to get these titles attached?
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Re: [R] Putting referenced titles on plots

2004-05-31 Thread grr
Yes! Thank you. It is a factor (I don't know how it became a factor). I 
created an array based on the 'names' factor, and can get the titles by 
referencing the new array.

Thanks so much,
On May 31, 2004, at 11:44 AM, Roger D. Peng wrote:
Is `names' by any chance a factor?  What is class(names)?  If `names' 
is a factor, then you're getting the underlying numeric representation 
rather than the factor levels.

I have a data frame "ctx" and an array "names", where names[i] is the 
column name for ctx[i], and am making histograms for each column of 
for (i in 2:ncol(ctx)){hist(ctx[,i], br=100, main=names[i])}
The titles don't come out like I expect. Each names[i] is something 
like "1098_s_at" and R doesn't seem to like printing these. Instead, 
it prints "1" or "2" or "3" etc.
I have also tried binding ctx and names into a single data frame and 
referencing the first row of each [i] as the title, but I get the 
same result.
Can someone tell me how to get these titles attached?
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RE: [R] Converting data frame to array?

2004-05-31 Thread TAPO (Thomas Agersten Poulsen)
Dear John,

Thank you for your helpful answer. I was obviously being stupid,
as I have, as you point out, more predictors than observations.

What I was hoping to get was some sort of an "explaining linear
combination" of my predictors: which predictors are important for the
results I see (if any) and which are irrelevant. 

Any hints on how to achieve that?


-Original Message-
From: John Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29. maj 2004 01:24
To: TAPO (Thomas Agersten Poulsen)
Subject: RE: [R] Converting data frame to array?

Dear Thomas,

In fact, the more common way to fit a linear regression in R is to use
variables in a data frame (or list) along with a model formula
specifying the model. All of this is explained in the Introduction to R
manual that is distributed with R: see, in particular, Sec. 6.3 on data
frames, Sec. 7 on reading data from files, and Sec. 11 on statistical

Given two data frames, say d1 and d2, the first containing, e.g.,
observations on variables x1 and x2 and the second on y, one could do
lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data=c(x1, x2)) or lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data=data.frame(x1,

That said, it's not altogether clear to me what it is that you're trying
to do. Are there 10 observations on 300 variables in the first data
frame, constituting the predictors, and 10 observations on 1 variable in
the second data frame, constituting the response? If so, you have many
more predictors than observations, and it's not reasonable to perform a
regression. Of course, I may not have this straight.

I hope this helps,

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TAPO 
> (Thomas Agersten Poulsen)
> Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 2:11 PM
> Subject: [R] Converting data frame to array?
> Dear List,
>   Please bear with a poor newbee, who might be doing
> everything backwards (I was brought up in pure math).
>   I want to make a simple multi-linear regression on a
> set of data. I did some expreiments, and if X is a 4 by 2 
> array and Y is a 4 by
> 1 array, I can do a linear regression by lm(y~x). 
>   Now I have a tab-delimited text file with 10 rows of
> 300 measurements and an other file with 10 rows of one value 
> each. When I read in those files using read.delim(), I get 
> data frames, and apparently I can no longer do the 
> multi-linear regression.
>   Is there a way to convert the data frames into arrays,
> or am I going the wrong way about this?
> Sincerely
> Thomas Poulsen
> __
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list 
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[R] ffnet problem

2004-05-31 Thread v . demartino2
Context:Linux debian testing, compiled R 1.9.0 from source.

I've just installed the contributed ffnet package wit no problem at all.
But when loading the library the following error message is popping up and
no ffnet command seems to work:

Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : 
unable to load shared library "/usr/local/lib/R/library/ffnet/libs/ffnet.so":
  libstdc++.so.2.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Error in library("ffnet") : .First.lib failed
What should I do?

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Re: [R] ffnet problem

2004-05-31 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel
On Mon, May 31, 2004 at 09:38:54PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Context:Linux debian testing, compiled R 1.9.0 from source.
> I've just installed the contributed ffnet package wit no problem at all.

"No problem at all" seems unlikely in light of ...

> But when loading the library the following error message is popping up and
> no ffnet command seems to work:
> >library("ffnet")
> Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : 
>   unable to load shared library "/usr/local/lib/R/library/ffnet/libs/ffnet.so":
>   libstdc++.so.2.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Error in library("ffnet") : .First.lib failed

... this. Are you sure ffnet really built?


FEATURE:  VW Beetle license plate in California

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[R] Doubts on anova and use of contrasts in multcomp package

2004-05-31 Thread José Cláudio Faria
Dear list,

I have been studying R and I would like the aid of more experienced to solve the 
problems of the analysis below:

r = gl(3, 8, label = c('r1', 'r2', 'r3'))
e = rep(gl(2, 4, label = c('e1', 'e2')), 3)
y = c(26.2, 26.0, 25.0, 25.4, 24.8, 24.6, 26.7, 25.2, 25.7, 26.3, 25.1, 26.4,
  19.6, 21.1, 19.0, 18.6, 22.8, 19.4, 18.8, 19.2, 19.8, 21.4, 22.8, 21.3)

df = data.frame(r, e, y)

aux = sort(rep(letters[1:6], 4))  #auxiliary variable

df = data.frame(df, aux)

par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
interaction.plot(r, e, y, col = 'blue', ylab = 'y', xlab = 'r')

interaction.plot(e, r, y, col = 'blue', ylab = 'y', xlab = 'r')

av1 = aov(y ~ r*e)

av2 = aov(y ~ r/e)
efR_E = summary(av2, split = list('r:e' = list(
'e1 vs e2/r1' = 1, 'e1 vs e2/r2' = 2,
'e1 vs e2/r3' = 3)))

av3  = aov(y ~ e/r)
efE_R = summary(av3, split = list('e:r' = list(
'r/e1' = c(1,3), 'r/e2' = c(2,4

mds = model.tables(av1, ty = 'means')

   cat('\nData:'); cat('\n')

   cat('\nMeans:'); cat('\n')

   cat('\nANOVA:'); cat('\n')
   print(summary(av1)); cat('\n')

   cat('\nANOVA - E effect in R levels:'); cat('\n')
   print(efR_E); cat('\n')

   cat('\nANOVA - R effect in E levels:'); cat('\n')
  print(efE_R); cat('\n')

#===Below: my original intention (post in this list and still not answered...)

# ANOVA - R effect in E levels:
#  Df
#   e   1
#  e:r  4
#e:r: r/e1   2
#  r1 vs (r2,r3)/e1 1?...
#  r2 vs r3/e11?...
#e:r: r/e2   2
#  r1 vs (r2,r3)/e1 1?...
#  r2 vs r3/e21?...
#Residuals 18

#===Below: alternative using multcomp
# (with auxiliary variable - aux) to study R effect in E levels:

# a: r1/e1
# c: r2/e1
# e: r3/e1

# b: r1/e2
# d: r2/e2
# f: r3/e2

   #a   b   c   de   f
C1 = c(2,  0, -1,  0, -1,  0)# r1 vs (r2,r3)/e1
C2 = c(0,  0,  1,  0, -1,  0)# r2 vs r3/e1
C3 = c(0,  2,  0, -1,  0, -1)# r1 vs (r2,r3)/e2
C4 = c(0,  0,  0,  1,  0, -1)# r2 vs r3/e2

C = rbind(C1, C2, C3, C4)
row.names(C) = c('r1 vs (r2,r3)/e1', 'r2 vs r3/e1',
'r1 vs (r2,r3)/e2', 'r2 vs r3/e2')

lim1 = lm(y ~ aux, data = df)

tc1 = simtest(y ~ aux, data = df, conf.level = 0.9,
   alternative = 'less', eps = 1e-04, cmatrix = C)

#===Below: verifying E effect in R levels (already analized in av2)
# (with auxiliary variable - aux)

# a: e1/r1
# c: e1/r2
# e: e1/r3

# b: e2/r1
# d: e2/r2
# f: e2/r3

   #a   b   c   d   ef
C1 = c(1, -1,  0,  0,  0,  0)# e1 vs e2/r1
C2 = c(0,  0,  1, -1,  0,  0)# e1 vs e2/r2
C3 = c(0,  0,  0,  0,  1, -1)# e1 vs e2/r3

C = rbind(C1, C2, C3)
row.names(C) = c('e1 vs e2/r1', 'e1 vs e2/r2', 'e1 vs e2/r3')

lim2 = lm(y ~ aux, data = df)

tc2 = simtest(y ~ aux, data = df, conf.level = 0.9,
  alternative = 'less', eps = 1e-04, cmatrix = C)

#===My Questions:
# a) Is possible the resolution of the original intention? How?
# b) Why p-values of soluctions av2 and lim2 dont agree?
# c) Are there another better way to lead of this analysis?

Best regards,

José Cláudio Faria

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[R] Help on parameters

2004-05-31 Thread Ronaldo Reis Jr.

I have a follow analysis

Trat1 = quantitative variable
Trat2 = qualitative variable with 3 levels (A, B, C)
Trat3 = qualitative variable with 3 levels (D, E, F)
Resp = Response

I try to get the parameters to compare with zero, so I make this model:


The -Trat1 is to make comparison of slope with zero.
The -1 is to make comparison os intercept with zero.

The results that I want are:

 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

But I get this:

 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
Trat2A1.353331.00307   1.349  0.18108
Trat2B1.353331.00307   1.349  0.18108
Trat2C4.293331.00307   4.280 5.14e-05 ***
Trat3E0.866671.09881   0.789  0.43260
Trat3F0.920001.09881   0.837  0.40493
Trat1:Trat2A  0.536570.16166   3.319  0.00136 ** 
Trat1:Trat2B  0.536570.16166   3.319  0.00136 ** 
Trat1:Trat2C -0.093130.16166  -0.576  0.56617
Trat1:Trat3E  0.036360.17709   0.205  0.83783
Trat1:Trat3F  0.340000.17709   1.920  0.05843 .  

Look that the intercept and slope of Trat3D dont appear

What is the problem?

How can you think and hit at the same time?
-- Yogi Berra
|>   // | \\   [***]
|   ( õ   õ )  [Ronaldo Reis Júnior]
|>  V  [UFV/DBA-Entomologia]
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|>  /(.''`.)\  [Fone: 31-3899-2532 ]
|  /(: :'  :)\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|>/ (`. `'` ) \[ICQ#: 5692561 | LinuxUser#: 205366 ]
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Re: [R] Converting data frame to array?

2004-05-31 Thread Spencer Graves
 stepAIC in library(MASS) or "step"? 

 hope this helps.  spencer graves
TAPO (Thomas Agersten Poulsen) wrote:
Dear John,
Thank you for your helpful answer. I was obviously being stupid,
as I have, as you point out, more predictors than observations.
	What I was hoping to get was some sort of an "explaining linear
combination" of my predictors: which predictors are important for the
results I see (if any) and which are irrelevant. 

Any hints on how to achieve that?

-Original Message-
From: John Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29. maj 2004 01:24
To: TAPO (Thomas Agersten Poulsen)
Subject: RE: [R] Converting data frame to array?

Dear Thomas,
In fact, the more common way to fit a linear regression in R is to use
variables in a data frame (or list) along with a model formula
specifying the model. All of this is explained in the Introduction to R
manual that is distributed with R: see, in particular, Sec. 6.3 on data
frames, Sec. 7 on reading data from files, and Sec. 11 on statistical
Given two data frames, say d1 and d2, the first containing, e.g.,
observations on variables x1 and x2 and the second on y, one could do
lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data=c(x1, x2)) or lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data=data.frame(x1,

That said, it's not altogether clear to me what it is that you're trying
to do. Are there 10 observations on 300 variables in the first data
frame, constituting the predictors, and 10 observations on 1 variable in
the second data frame, constituting the response? If so, you have many
more predictors than observations, and it's not reasonable to perform a
regression. Of course, I may not have this straight.
I hope this helps,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TAPO 
(Thomas Agersten Poulsen)
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 2:11 PM
Subject: [R] Converting data frame to array?

Dear List,
Please bear with a poor newbee, who might be doing
everything backwards (I was brought up in pure math).
	I want to make a simple multi-linear regression on a
set of data. I did some expreiments, and if X is a 4 by 2 
array and Y is a 4 by
1 array, I can do a linear regression by lm(y~x). 

	Now I have a tab-delimited text file with 10 rows of
300 measurements and an other file with 10 rows of one value 
each. When I read in those files using read.delim(), I get 
data frames, and apparently I can no longer do the 
multi-linear regression.

Is there a way to convert the data frames into arrays,
or am I going the wrong way about this?
Thomas Poulsen
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RE: [R] Converting data frame to array?

2004-05-31 Thread John Fox
Dear Thomas,

I doubt whether there's anything useful that you can do with 300 predictors
and only 10 observations. A naïve application of variable selection will
likely allow you to account perfectly for the variation in the response
variable just by capitalizing on chance.


> -Original Message-
> From: TAPO (Thomas Agersten Poulsen) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 2:26 PM
> To: John Fox
> Subject: RE: [R] Converting data frame to array?
> Dear John,
>   Thank you for your helpful answer. I was obviously 
> being stupid, as I have, as you point out, more predictors 
> than observations.
>   What I was hoping to get was some sort of an 
> "explaining linear combination" of my predictors: which 
> predictors are important for the results I see (if any) and 
> which are irrelevant. 
>   Any hints on how to achieve that?
> Cheers
> Thomas
> -Original Message-
> From: John Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 29. maj 2004 01:24
> To: TAPO (Thomas Agersten Poulsen)
> Subject: RE: [R] Converting data frame to array?
> Dear Thomas,
> In fact, the more common way to fit a linear regression in R is to use
> variables in a data frame (or list) along with a model formula
> specifying the model. All of this is explained in the 
> Introduction to R
> manual that is distributed with R: see, in particular, Sec. 
> 6.3 on data
> frames, Sec. 7 on reading data from files, and Sec. 11 on statistical
> models.
> Given two data frames, say d1 and d2, the first containing, e.g.,
> observations on variables x1 and x2 and the second on y, one could do
> lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data=c(x1, x2)) or lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data=data.frame(x1,
> x2)). 
> That said, it's not altogether clear to me what it is that 
> you're trying
> to do. Are there 10 observations on 300 variables in the first data
> frame, constituting the predictors, and 10 observations on 1 
> variable in
> the second data frame, constituting the response? If so, you have many
> more predictors than observations, and it's not reasonable to 
> perform a
> regression. Of course, I may not have this straight.
> I hope this helps,
>  John
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TAPO 
> > (Thomas Agersten Poulsen)
> > Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 2:11 PM
> > Subject: [R] Converting data frame to array?
> > 
> > Dear List,
> > 
> > Please bear with a poor newbee, who might be doing
> > everything backwards (I was brought up in pure math).
> > 
> > I want to make a simple multi-linear regression on a
> > set of data. I did some expreiments, and if X is a 4 by 2 
> > array and Y is a 4 by
> > 1 array, I can do a linear regression by lm(y~x). 
> > 
> > Now I have a tab-delimited text file with 10 rows of
> > 300 measurements and an other file with 10 rows of one value 
> > each. When I read in those files using read.delim(), I get 
> > data frames, and apparently I can no longer do the 
> > multi-linear regression.
> > 
> > Is there a way to convert the data frames into arrays,
> > or am I going the wrong way about this?
> > 
> > Sincerely
> > Thomas Poulsen
> > 
> > __
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list 
> > https://www.stat.math.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
> > PLEASE do read the posting guide!
> > http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] ffnet problem

2004-05-31 Thread v . demartino2

>> I've just installed the contributed ffnet package wit no problem at all.
>"No problem at all" seems unlikely in light of ...


You're right! 
Here you are what happened:

desktop:/tmp# R INSTALL -l /usr/local/lib/R/library ffnet/
* Installing *source* package 'ffnet' ...
** libs
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
** R
** help
 >>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'ffnet'
 Formats: text html latex example

And  the compilation of ffnet commands kept going on as though  there had
been no problems This was somewhat misleading to a newbye!!

Anyway, what steps should I take now?


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Re: [R] Rmetrics New Built

2004-05-31 Thread Diethelm Wuertz
Hello Elijah, Hello Dirk

First of all many thanks for your help and support.

1) Sorry, I  used non-standard kyewords and thus I added to my 
doc/KEYWORDS.db database
the following lines:

Rmetrics: Rmetrics
Rmetrics|winRmetrics: winRmetrics
Rmetrics|fBasics: Basics
Rmetrics|fSeries: Series
Rmetrics|fExtremes: Extremes
Rmetrics|fOptions: Options

Then you don't get the warnings. Maybe it is not a good idea to have 
non-standard keywords.
[This should only produce a WARNING ...]

2) fExtremes depends also on evir, sorry that I forgot this. Now I have 
corrected the

Depends: R (>= 1.9.0), evd, evir, ismev

3) I have not yet found the error:
<>Running examples in fBasics-Ex.R failed.
The error most likely occurred in:
### * B1-ghypDistribution
This runs fine under MS Windows ...
[Hint: The hyperbolic Distribution uses calls to a Fortran program ? -
does this work properly for Fortran under Linux?]

4+5) Currently I have no idea what the following means:
Error in .tryQuietly(
I still try to find it out

Thanks again Diethelm

elijah wright wrote:

If the Linux and Mac OSX builds are successfully done, I will submit
the packages to the CRAN server.

>>>all four of the packages successfully build on Debian unstable - no
>>>errors, nor warnings.  this is a Good Thing.  I would guesstimate that
>>Ah, thanks, good to know. Did you try 'R CMD check' too, for good
>good idea.  doing that reveals the following.  dirk, most of this is for
>your reference as a repackager, so that you know what dependencies will
>have to be met for useful debian packages.  :)  there are also some
>problems that become evident with the packages...
>1) fBasics requires package "date"
>after i fixed the date package dependency, i get this error from R check:
>Running examples in fBasics-Ex.R failed.
>The error most likely occurred in:
>>### * B1-ghypDistribution
>>flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
>2) fExtremes requires packages "evd" and "ismev"
>after fixing those two dependencies, R CMD check produces the following
>* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
>Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
>character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) :
>.First.lib failed
>Execution halted
>* checking for replacement functions with final arg not named 'value' ...
>Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
>character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) :
>.First.lib failed
>Execution halted
>* checking foreign function calls ... WARNING
>Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
>character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) :
>.First.lib failed
>Execution halted
>* checking Rd files ... WARNING
>Rd files with non-standard keywords:
>  'man/C3-gpdglmFit.Rd': fExtremes
>  'man/C1-gpdFamily.Rd': fExtremes
>  'man/C6-rlargFit.Rd': fExtremes
>  'man/C5-ppFit.Rd': fExtremes
>  'man/B1-gevFamily.Rd': fExtremes
>  'man/Z1-fExtremesTools.Rd': fExtremes
>  'man/B4-mdaPlots.Rd': fExtremes
>  'man/B2-gevFit.Rd': fExtremes
>  'man/D1-exindexPlots.Rd': fExtremes
>  'man/C4-potFit.Rd': fExtremes
>  'man/A2-getExtremes.Rd': fExtremes
>  'man/B3-gevglmFit.Rd': fExtremes
>  'man/A1-evPlots.Rd': fExtremes
>  'man/C2-gpdFit.Rd': fExtremes
>Each '\keyword' entry should specify one of the standard keywords (as
>listed in file 'KEYWORDS.db' in the 'doc' subdirectory of the R home
>See chapter 'Writing R documentation files' in manual 'Writing R
>* checking for missing documentation entries ... ERROR
>Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
>character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) :
>3) fOptions documentation needs work?
>* checking Rd files ... WARNING
>Rd files with non-standard keywords:
>  'man/D2-MonteCarloOptions.Rd': fOptions
>  'man/C2-HestonNandiOptions.Rd': fOptions
>  'man/B2-MultAssetsOptions.Rd': fOptions
>  'man/B5-BinaryOptions.Rd': fOptions
>  'man/C1-hngarchFit.Rd': fOptions
>  'man/A2-BasicAmericanOptions.Rd': fOptions
>  'man/Z1-fOptionsTools.Rd': fOptions
>  'man/B1-MultExercisesOptions.Rd': fOptions
>  'man/D1-LowDiscrepancy.Rd': fOptions
>  'man/B3-LookbackOptions.Rd': fOptions
>  'man/A3-BinomialTreeOptions.Rd': fOptions
>  'man/B6-AsianOptions.Rd': fOptions
>  'man/B4-BarrierOptions.Rd': fOptions
>  'man/A1-PlainVanillaOptions.Rd': fOptions
>  'man/B7-FXTransOptions.Rd': fOptions
>Each '\keyword' entry should specify one of the standard keywords (as
>listed in file 'KEYWORDS.db' in the 'doc' subdirectory of the R home
>4) fSeries:
>Packages required but not available:
>  mda polspline
>fixed these dependencies on my local system - no biggie - then from R
>CMD check got:
>* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
>Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in library(package

Re: [R] ffnet problem

2004-05-31 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel
On Mon, May 31, 2004 at 10:38:37PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> 
> >> I've just installed the contributed ffnet package wit no problem at all.
> >
> >"No problem at all" seems unlikely in light of ...
> Dirk,
> You're right! 
> Here you are what happened:
> desktop:/tmp# R INSTALL -l /usr/local/lib/R/library ffnet/
> * Installing *source* package 'ffnet' ...
> ** libs
> make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
> ** R
> ** help
>  >>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'ffnet'
>  Formats: text html latex example
> ..
> ..
> And  the compilation of ffnet commands kept going on as though  there had
> been no problems This was somewhat misleading to a newbye!!
> Anyway, what steps should I take now?

Don't know, sorry. But looking at the comment in


it would appear that one needs additional sources to build ffnet. Also, if
the package built reliably, it would probably reside in the main part of
CRAN rather than in the contrib/extra directory.


FEATURE:  VW Beetle license plate in California

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RE: [R] ffnet problem

2004-05-31 Thread Liaw, Andy
Given that those files are dated 27/06/2000, they are unlikely to work with
the current version of R.  (R has changed quite a bit since 2000!!)

Don't know why/how the code depends on NR codes, as one can find better
quality code in many instances.  It might not be too difficult to get rid of
the dependency on NR codes.

BTW, why not use nnet in the VR bundle?  (Obviously I have not looked at
ffnet at all...)


> From: Dirk Eddelbuettel
> On Mon, May 31, 2004 at 10:38:37PM +0200, 
> > 
> > >> 
> > >> I've just installed the contributed ffnet package wit no 
> problem at all.
> > >
> > >"No problem at all" seems unlikely in light of ...
> > 
> > Dirk,
> > 
> > You're right! 
> > Here you are what happened:
> > 
> > desktop:/tmp# R INSTALL -l /usr/local/lib/R/library ffnet/
> > * Installing *source* package 'ffnet' ...
> > ** libs
> > make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
> > ** R
> > ** help
> >  >>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'ffnet'
> >  Formats: text html latex example
> > ..
> > ..
> > 
> > And  the compilation of ffnet commands kept going on as 
> though  there had
> > been no problems This was somewhat misleading to a newbye!!
> > 
> > Anyway, what steps should I take now?
> Don't know, sorry. But looking at the comment in

it would appear that one needs additional sources to build ffnet. Also, if
the package built reliably, it would probably reside in the main part of
CRAN rather than in the contrib/extra directory.


FEATURE:  VW Beetle license plate in California

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[R] LAPACK and ScaLAPACK new functionality survey

2004-05-31 Thread Liaw, Andy
Apologies for the off-topic post, and apologies for those already seen this

>From NA-digest last week:


From: Jack Dongarra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 16:17:17 -0400
Subject: LAPACK and ScaLAPACK New Functionality Survey

LAPACK and ScaLAPACK new functionality survey

We plan to update the LAPACK and ScaLAPACK libraries and would like to have
feedback from users on what functionalities they think are missing and would
be needed in order to make these libraries more useful for the community. We
invite you to enter your suggestions in the form below. It would be most
to have input by June 16th, although we would welcome your input at any

Both LAPACK and ScaLAPACK provide well-tested, open source, reviewed code
implementing trusted algorithms that guarantee reliability, efficiency and
accuracy. Any new functionality must adhere to these standards and should
have a significant impact in order to justify the development costs. We are
also interested in suggestions regarding user interfaces, documentation,
language interfaces, target (parallel) architectures and other issues, again
provided the impact is large enough. 

We already plan to include a variety of improved algorithms discovered over
the years by a number of researchers (e.g. faster or more accurate
eigenvalue and SVD algorithms, extra precise iterative refinement, recursive
blocking for some linear solvers, etc.). We also know of a variety of other
possible functions we could add (e.g. updating and downdating
factorizations), but are uncertain of their impact. 

Please see http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-survey.html for the survey.
We would like to have your input by June 16th, 2004.

Jack, Jim, and Sven

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[R] Tree() and confidence intervals

2004-05-31 Thread Briggs, Meredith M


I'm currently using Monte Carlo techniques to estimate prices (variable not 
static) from the following type of data:


Each row is a record from group A and the cells in all but the last column are 
the volumes of 'widgets' in the record. The last column is the cost of all the widgets 
in the record. Any widget can have a different prices in each record but the price is 
assumed to be normally distributed with a starting price and deviation.

The aim is to apply the estimated prices to eg an average record (in terms of 
volumes of widgets per record) from group B and compare the cost of this average 
record against the cost of an average record from group A.

I've used a Monte Carlo approach to estimate confidence intervals but thought 
another view could be obtained by using tree() to split the records into two disparate 
groups and run these two groups separately through the Monte Carlo model. 

Is this feasible?


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[R] rcmd with a libgsl.a

2004-05-31 Thread lamack lamack
Dear all, I'm new to R and am trying to create a dll in order to be able to 
use the "dyn.load".
I work with some examples and its works fine.

Now, I would like to create a dll that use a lib (libgsl.a). I have linked 
its in
a main c program and its works fine  too. How can I instruct rcm ... to 
include this lib???

The .h file is in mingw\include\gsl and I put #include  in 
the C code. The libgsl.a is in mingw\lib.

Best regards.
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Re: [R] ffnet problem

2004-05-31 Thread Jason Turner
> Anyway, what steps should I take now?

"should" isn't quite what I'm telling you; just free advice.  :)

I use nnet from the nnet package (VR bundle), and find it very good.  And
it doesn't require any additional libraries.  If you've got a binary
installation, you've probably got it already...


I found nnet isn't as "quick and dirty" out of the box as ffnet, but gives
you much more control over the fit and diagnostics (less "black-box"-ish).



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