RE: [R] Strange (non-deterministic) problem with strsplit

2004-07-17 Thread Martin Maechler
> "HenrikB" == Henrik Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> on Sat, 17 Jul 2004 01:59:17 +0200 writes:

HenrikB> [Moving this thread to R-devel instead] I suspect
HenrikB> your "random" results are due to a bug in
HenrikB> gsub(). On my R v1.9.0 (Rterm and Rgui) R crashes
HenrikB> when I do

HenrikB> % R --vanilla
>> gsub(" ", "", "abb + c | a*b", perl=TRUE)

HenrikB> Trying

>> gsub(" ", "", "b c + d | a * b", perl=TRUE)

HenrikB> and I'll get NULL. With

>> gsub("\\s", "", "bc + d | a * b", perl=TRUE)

HenrikB> it works as expected. So there is something buggy
HenrikB> for sure.

HenrikB> This might have been fixed in R v1.9.1 or its
HenrikB> patched version.

probably not.  Here are results from 1.91-patched

> gsub(" ",   "", "b c + d | a * b", perl=TRUE)
> gsub("\\s", "", "b c + d | a * b", perl=TRUE)
> gsub("\\s", "", "bc + d | a * b", perl=TRUE)
[1] "bc+d|a*b"
> gsub(" ",   "", "bc + d | a * b", perl=TRUE)
[1] "bc+d|a*b"

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

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Re: [R] sas to r

2004-07-17 Thread Uwe Ligges
Adaikalavan Ramasamy wrote:
On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 23:18, Greg Adkison wrote:
I would be incredibly grateful to anyone who'll help me translate some 
SAS code into R code.

Searching for "SAS code OR script OR translate" on gives a few results, one of
which looks promising is and
I anticipated the above citation from 01 Apr 2004 (hint: 01 April !)
when I looked at the thread and realized URLs were cited ...

Say for example that I have a dataset named "dat1" that includes five 
variables:  wshed, site, species, bda, and sla.  I can calculate with the 
following SAS code the mean, CV, se, and number of observations of 
"bda" and "sla" for each combination of "wshed," "species," and "site," 
restricting the species considered to only three of several species in 
dat1 (b, c, and p).  Moreover, I can output these calculations and 
grouping variables to a dataset named "dat2" that will reside in RAM 
and include the variables  wshed, site, species, mBdA, msla, cBda, 
sBdA, ssla, nBda, and nsla.

iris[c(1,2,51,52,101,102), ]
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.WidthSpecies
15.1 3.5  1.4 0.2 setosa
24.9 3.0  1.4 0.2 setosa
51   7.0 3.2  4.7 1.4 versicolor
52   6.4 3.2  4.5 1.5 versicolor
101  6.3 3.3  6.0 2.5  virginica
102  5.8 2.7  5.1 1.9  virginica

tapply(Sepal.Length, Species, function(x) c( mean(x), sd(x)/mean(x),
length(x) ))
[1]  5.0060  0.07041344 50.
[1]  5.9360  0.08695606 50.
[1]  6.5880  0.09652089 50.

proc sort data=dat1;
 by wshed site species;
proc means data=dat1 noprint mean cv stderr n;
 by wshed site species;
 where species in ('b', 'c', 'p');
 var BdA sla;
 output out=dat2
   mean=mBdA msla
   cv=cBdA csla
   stderr=sBdA ssla
   n=nBdA nsla;
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Re: [R] Random Fields

2004-07-17 Thread Uwe Ligges
Michael Axelrod wrote:
I have tried to install the package RandomFields (using the packages 
menu) from CRAN and it fails to open the zip file. I then tried 
downloading the package from the author's site, but it still fails to 
install. Anyone had any success with this? Or am I doing something wrong.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Please try again. It should work now (at least from CRAN master).
Uwe Ligges

Michael Axelrod
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Re: [R] sas to r

2004-07-17 Thread Frank E Harrell Jr
Greg Adkison wrote:
I would be incredibly grateful to anyone who'll help me translate some 
SAS code into R code.

Say for example that I have a dataset named "dat1" that includes five 
variables:  wshed, site, species, bda, and sla.  I can calculate with the 
following SAS code the mean, CV, se, and number of observations of 
"bda" and "sla" for each combination of "wshed," "species," and "site," 
restricting the species considered to only three of several species in 
dat1 (b, c, and p).  Moreover, I can output these calculations and 
grouping variables to a dataset named "dat2" that will reside in RAM 
and include the variables  wshed, site, species, mBdA, msla, cBda, 
sBdA, ssla, nBda, and nsla.

proc sort data=dat1;
  by wshed site species;
proc means data=dat1 noprint mean cv stderr n;
  by wshed site species;
  where species in ('b', 'c', 'p');
  var BdA sla;
  output out=dat2
mean=mBdA msla
cv=cBdA csla
stderr=sBdA ssla
n=nBdA nsla;
The following handles any number of analysis variables, with automatic
naming of all statistics computed from them.  It requires the Hmisc package.
# Generate some data.  Put one NA in sla.
dat1 <- expand.grid(wshed=1:2, site=c('A','B'),
n <- nrow(dat1)
dat1 <- transform(dat1,
  BdA = rnorm(n, 100, 20),
  sla = c(rnorm(n-1, 200, 30), NA))
# Can use upData function in Hmisc in place of transform
# Summarization function, per stratum, for a matrix of analysis
# variables
g <- function(y) {
  n <- apply(y, 2, function(z) sum(!
  m <- apply(y, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
  s <- apply(y, 2, sd,   na.rm=TRUE)
  cv <- s/m
  se <- s/sqrt(n)
  w <- c(m, cv, se, n)
  names(w) <- t(outer(c('m','c','s','n'), colnames(y), paste, sep=''))
dat2 <-  with(dat1,
  summarize(cbind(BdA, sla),
llist(wshed, site, species),
subset=species %in% c('b','c','p'),'mBdA')
dat2  # is a data frame
   wshed site species  mBdA msla  cBdA   csla sBdA  ssla nBdA nsla
1  1A   b 100.5  195 0.133 0.1813 4.23 11.20   10   10
2  1A   c  99.7  206 0.101 0.1024 3.17  6.68   10   10
3  1A   p 101.4  188 0.239 0.1580 7.65  9.39   10   10
4  1B   b 109.9  203 0.118 0.1433 4.09  9.21   10   10
5  1B   c  98.4  221 0.193 0.1250 6.01  8.72   10   10
6  1B   p 102.9  203 0.216 0.1446 7.03  9.29   10   10
7  2A   b  95.8  195 0.241 0.2011 7.31 12.40   10   10
8  2A   c  98.7  207 0.194 0.1274 6.04  8.33   10   10
9  2A   p 102.2  191 0.217 0.1709 7.01 10.31   10   10
10 2B   b  97.8  191 0.235 0.2079 7.27 12.58   10   10
11 2B   c 100.9  194 0.164 0.0987 5.24  6.07   10   10
12 2B   p 103.0  209 0.144 0.0769 4.69  5.35   109
Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair   School of Medicine
 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University
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Re: [R] sas to r

2004-07-17 Thread Adaikalavan Ramasamy
I am must be a bigger/slower fool to have fallen for April fools trick
in the mid of July !

Sorry Greg for misleading you.

On Sat, 2004-07-17 at 11:43, Uwe Ligges wrote:
> Adaikalavan Ramasamy wrote:
> > On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 23:18, Greg Adkison wrote:
> > 
> >>I would be incredibly grateful to anyone who'll help me translate some 
> >>SAS code into R code.
> > 
> > 
> > Searching for "SAS code OR script OR translate" on
> > gives a few results, one of
> > which looks promising is
> > and
> I anticipated the above citation from 01 Apr 2004 (hint: 01 April !)
> when I looked at the thread and realized URLs were cited ...
> Uwe
> >
> > 
> > 
> >>Say for example that I have a dataset named "dat1" that includes five 
> >>variables:  wshed, site, species, bda, and sla.  I can calculate with the 
> >>following SAS code the mean, CV, se, and number of observations of 
> >>"bda" and "sla" for each combination of "wshed," "species," and "site," 
> >>restricting the species considered to only three of several species in 
> >>dat1 (b, c, and p).  Moreover, I can output these calculations and 
> >>grouping variables to a dataset named "dat2" that will reside in RAM 
> >>and include the variables  wshed, site, species, mBdA, msla, cBda, 
> >>sBdA, ssla, nBda, and nsla.
> > 
> > 
> > data(iris)
> > attach(iris)
> > iris[c(1,2,51,52,101,102), ]
> > Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.WidthSpecies
> > 15.1 3.5  1.4 0.2 setosa
> > 24.9 3.0  1.4 0.2 setosa
> > ...
> > 51   7.0 3.2  4.7 1.4 versicolor
> > 52   6.4 3.2  4.5 1.5 versicolor
> > ...
> > 101  6.3 3.3  6.0 2.5  virginica
> > 102  5.8 2.7  5.1 1.9  virginica
> > 
> > 
> >>tapply(Sepal.Length, Species, function(x) c( mean(x), sd(x)/mean(x),
> > 
> > length(x) ))
> > $setosa
> > [1]  5.0060  0.07041344 50.
> > 
> > $versicolor
> > [1]  5.9360  0.08695606 50.
> > 
> > $virginica
> > [1]  6.5880  0.09652089 50.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >>proc sort data=dat1;
> >>  by wshed site species;
> >>proc means data=dat1 noprint mean cv stderr n;
> >>  by wshed site species;
> >>  where species in ('b', 'c', 'p');
> >>  var BdA sla;
> >>  output out=dat2
> >>mean=mBdA msla
> >>cv=cBdA csla
> >>stderr=sBdA ssla
> >>n=nBdA nsla;
> >>
> >>Thanks,
> >>Greg
> >>
> >>__
> >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
> >>
> >>PLEASE do read the posting guide!
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
> >
> > PLEASE do read the posting guide!

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Re: [R] sas to r

2004-07-17 Thread Uwe Ligges
Adaikalavan Ramasamy wrote:
I am must be a bigger/slower fool to have fallen for April fools trick
in the mid of July !
Sorry Greg for misleading you.
Adaikalavan, I think you don't need to apologize.
I had read that message three times, and visited the cited web page 
within that message which looked very professional, before realizing 
that it is an April fool. And I had the advantage to know it was April 
01 that day  ;-)

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Re: [R] Running the optimization on the subset of parameters

2004-07-17 Thread Roger D. Peng
If you use the mle() function in the `stats4' package, you don't
have to do anything special.  For example,
> negloglik <- function(a, b) { a^2 + b^2 }
> mle(negloglik, start = list(a = 2), fixed = list(b = 4))
mle(minuslogl = negloglik, start = list(a = 2), fixed = list(b = 4))
2.202682e-13 4.00e+00
> mle(negloglik, start = list(b = 2), fixed = list(a = 4))
mle(minuslogl = negloglik, start = list(b = 2), fixed = list(a = 4))
4.00e+00 2.202682e-13
Victoria Landsman wrote:
Dear all, I'd like to find a minimum of (-loglik) function
which is a function of k parameters. I'd like to run the
minimization algorithm for the different subsets of the
parameters and assign the fixed values to the complementary
subset. How should I define my (-loglik) function such that it
can be passed to the optim or other optimization function?
Much thanks for any suggestions. Vicky Landsman. [[alternative
HTML version deleted]]
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Re: [R] areg.boot use of inverseTrans and ytype

2004-07-17 Thread Frank E Harrell Jr
Anne wrote:
Hi R helpers!
I'm still a bit ( alot) confused by the use of "inverseTrans" and "ytype" in areg.boot 
(Hmisc): What I want to do seems very simple, but I do not get the result I want:
plot the predicted values in the original scale. (I did not understand the 
documentation, sorry!)
for instance the following code
In models don't subset every variable.  Use subset=here.
f.origScale<-Function(f,ytype="inverse") #  works up to 
here OK, back to original Pe scale

 Now if use predict() to make prediction for given input values , how do I transform 
the result back into the original response scale?
(in the documentation:
 A 'predict' method computes predicted
 values on the original or transformed response scale, or a matrix
 of transformed predictors)

so I tried 

y.predicted<-predict(f,data2predict, type='inverse')   #result is in transformed scale
y.predicted<-predict(f,data2predict, type='fitted',scale="original")without success

y.predicted <- predict(f, statistic='fitted')
# similar to statistic='median'
(I did not find the documentation for the predict method of areg.boot)
It's there.  Do ?areg.boot and you'll see it.

as the inverse transformation of response obtained by areg.boot is not analytical, I do not see how I can use inverseTrans 


Thank for any help


Anne Piotet
Tel: +41 79 359 83 32 (mobile)
M-TD Modelling and Technology Development
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel: +41 21 693 83 98
Fax: +41 21 646 41 33
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Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair   School of Medicine
 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University
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Re: [R] sas to r

2004-07-17 Thread Frank E Harrell Jr
Here is an improvement to what I sent earlier today.
g <- function(y) {
  s <- apply(y, 2,
 function(z) {
   z <- z[!]
   n <- length(z)
   if(n==0) c(NA,NA,NA,0) else
   if(n==1) c(z, NA,NA,1) else {
 m <- mean(z)
 s <- sd(z)
 c(Mean=m, CV=s/m, SE=s/sqrt(n), N=n)
  w <- as.vector(s)
  names(w) <-  as.vector(outer(rownames(s), colnames(s), paste, sep=''))
dat2 <-  with(dat1,
  summarize(cbind(BdA, sla),
llist(wshed, site, species),
subset=species %in% c('b','c','p'),
dat2  # is a data frame
   wshed site species MeanBdA CVBdA SEBdA NBdA Meansla  CVsla SEsla Nsla
1  1A   b   100.5 0.133  4.23   10 195 0.1813 11.20   10
2  1A   c99.7 0.101  3.17   10 206 0.1024  6.68   10
3  1A   p   101.4 0.239  7.65   10 188 0.1580  9.39   10
4  1B   b   109.9 0.118  4.09   10 203 0.1433  9.21   10
5  1B   c98.4 0.193  6.01   10 221 0.1250  8.72   10
6  1B   p   102.9 0.216  7.03   10 203 0.1446  9.29   10
7  2A   b95.8 0.241  7.31   10 195 0.2011 12.40   10
8  2A   c98.7 0.194  6.04   10 207 0.1274  8.33   10
9  2A   p   102.2 0.217  7.01   10 191 0.1709 10.31   10
10 2B   b97.8 0.235  7.27   10 191 0.2079 12.58   10
11 2B   c   100.9 0.164  5.24   10 194 0.0987  6.07   10
12 2B   p   103.0 0.144  4.69   10 209 0.0769  5.359
# Another approach, but does casewise deletion of NAs and computes all
# possible marginal summaries
dat2 <- summary(cbind(BdA, sla) ~ wshed + site + species,
 data=dat1, fun=g, method='cross')  # after Sept 2004 just say dat2
# dat2 is similar to but not really a data frame, with a matrix of 
statistics S
# Remove method='cross' to just get all one-way summaries

Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair   School of Medicine
 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University
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[R] R question about spectrum metric

2004-07-17 Thread Niels Waller
Dear R community,

I would like to conduct a simulation study that involves the 
generation and recovery of times series spectra.  Spectrum analysis 
is a new area for me so I am very much in the crawling stage at this point.

I am having difficulty understanding the output of the spec.pgram (or
function. Specifically, I do not understand the metric of the results.  In
simulation the recovered coefficients correlate  .99 with the generating 
coefficients, so everything appears in order -- accept for my 
confusion regarding the metric of the recovered coefficients.

I have written a function (makeWave) to generate the series. I then call
function with the required arguments. Next I analyze the resulting series
spec.pgram and compare the results with the generating coefficients 
(at the appropriate frequencies).  In a small simulation study the
and recovered coefficients correlated .99 -- however the metric of the two 
sets of coefficients differ by several orders of magnitude.

I would be very happy to send the actual code of this simulation 
(less than 2 pages of code) to anyone who could help me understand how 
to scale my recovered coefficients to the metric of the generating
Specifically, I am looking for a general solution to the scaling problem (if
one exists).

Thank you in advance for any and all help.

Niels Waller
Vanderbilt University
R 1.9.1
Windows XP

##FUNCTION:   makeWave
##Purpose:to generate periodic time series (no white noise)
## c0:: coefficient for frequency 0
## c.n   :: vector of (complex) coefficients for frequencies 1...+n
## cminus.n  :: vector of (complex) coefficients for frequencies 1...-n
## N :: number of time points in generated wave
## f :: fundamental frequency of wave

makeWave<-function(c0, c.n, cminus.n, N, f){
k<-1:N  #k = time point
w <- 2*pi*f
   for(t.i in 1:N){   ## over time t.i
  x[t.i] <- c0 
  for(j in 1:length(c.n)){   ## over frequency j
  temp<-temp +  c.n[j] * exp(1i*w*j*t.i) + 
cminus.n[j] * exp(1i*w*j*t.i) 
 x  ##  composite wave

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Re: [R] More on global environment

2004-07-17 Thread Cliff Lunneborg
You may want to look at the notes on and functions for workspace
management that guide me. They can be downloaded from

by checking on "Exercises." I use the .GlobalEnv (position 1 on search
path) solely for scratch and have project work attached further down the
path. The two functions move() and contributed by my colleague
John Miyamoto and described in the above make this easy to do.

Michael Prager wrote:

: Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 14:45:41 -0400
: From: "Mike Prager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: Subject: [R] More on global environment
: To: R Help list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
: To follow up on my previous question, suppose a user R session wants
: unload one workspace and load another within an R session.  Is the
: following the correct sequence?
: Michael Prager, Ph.D.
: NOAA Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research
: Beaufort, North Carolina  28516

Cliff Lunneborg, Professor Emeritus, Statistics &
Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle

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[R] gray background in png

2004-07-17 Thread Sundar Dorai-Raj
Hi all,
  I'm having a problem creating png images with trellis.device. I would 
like to create many plots with a white background using a sequence 
number in the file argument (i.e. "%02d"). The first plot is as expected 
with a white background. However, the second and all subsequent plots 
have a gray background. I would like all plots to have a white (or 
transparent) background. Below is an example:

z <- expand.grid(A = LETTERS[1:8], B = letters[1:6])
z$x <- z$y <- rep(1, nrow(z))
trellis.device(png, file = "test%02d.png", bg = "white")
xyplot(y ~ x | A * B, data = z, layout = c(4, 6))
This is also the case for jpeg and bmp though win.metafile and 
postscript do not have this problem. Is this a bug or am I missing 
something obvious?

I found one reference that implies this may be expected behaviour but 
I'm not sure if I interpretted the comment correctly.
> R.version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os   mingw32
system   i386, mingw32
year 2004
day  21
language R
> help(package = lattice)
Information on Package 'lattice'
Package: lattice
Version: 0.9-12
Date: 2004/06/01

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