[R] Problem with the aggregate command

2007-09-07 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear friends,

I have a data set with 23 columns and 38000 rows. It is a panel running from 
the years 1991 through 2005. I want to aggregate the data and get the medians 
of each of the 23 columns for each of the years. In other words my output 
should be like this

Year Median



The sample lines of code to do this operation is

set1 - subset(as.data.frame(dataset),rep1==1)
set2 - subset(as.data.frame(dataset),rep1==0)
lst - list(unique(yeara))

y1 - aggregate(set1,lst,median)
y2 - aggregate(set2,lst,median)

However I'm getting an error as follows
Error in FUN(X[[1]], ...) : arguments must have same length

Can somebody please help me with what I'm doing wrong here?

Thanks in advance



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[R] Problem with the Aggregate command (PS)

2007-09-07 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear Friends,

I forgot to add, the idea is to aggregate the entire dataset based on year and 
get the median value for each of the columns. Hence the output should be like 

YearX1   X2X3 ...
199230   2010...
1993 4  5  6..

Thanks and Regards



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Re: [R] Incomplete Gamma function

2007-08-31 Thread Anup Nandialath
Hi Kris,
 You just need to understand the mathematics of the incomplete gamma function 
and the various relationships it has. The answers from both Mathematica and R 
are correct, except that they are giving you different estimated quantities. It 
depends on the way the gamma function is written. For instance in R to get the 
equivalent result from mathematica you should do the following
 answer - gamma(9) - Igamma(9,11.1). This will give you the incomplete gamma 
for (9,11.1) as given by Mathematica. 
 You can read more about the model and am sure you will figure it out.

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[R] Solving equations involving banded matrices

2007-08-28 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear friends,

I'm looking for a function which solves the system of equations Ax=B where A is 
a positive definite banded matrix. I know that the command solve can be used to 
arrive at a solution. But does it work as well with banded matrices?

In GAUSS the command bandsolpd achieves this. So effectively, I guess my 
question is whether there is a mirror command in R for the same.

Thanks in advance


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[R] Random Sampling from a Matrix

2007-08-21 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear Friends,

I have a matrix of size 5000 X 20. The first two columns are indicator 
variables taking the value of either 0 or 1. Let us call the first two columns 
Y1 and Y2. 

I need to randomly sample 1000 rows with all the associated columns, in other 
words my new matrix should be of size 1000 X 20. I realize that using this 

 newmat - mainmat[sample(1000,replace=F),]

achieves this. However, I would like to make sure that both Y1 and Y2 have more 
or less an equal amount of 0's and 1's. At present when I sample, I get cases 
where sometimes all my Y2's are 0. Is there any way to accomodate this problem.

Thanks in advance.




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[R] Creating a data set within a function

2007-08-19 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear Friends,

I'm trying to find if there is a way to automate creation of the design matrix. 
Suppose we are interested in say running an autoregressive model. The user 
inputs the following data

myfunAR - function(y, order)

now here y is the data series and order represents the level of the process. In 
other words if order=2 then we have an AR (2) process. Now it is easy to to 
create the y vector within the function, but I'm not clear on how to create the 
design matrix. 

For instance if order=2 then

y - as.matrix(rnorm(100))
ynew - as.matrix(y[3:nrow(y),1])
x - as.matrix(cbind(rep(1, nrow(y)-2), y[2:(nrow(y)-1),1], y[1:(nrow(y)-2),1]))

ynew and x gives me the response vector and design matrix respectively. 
however, I'm trying to write a general function which will accomodate any 
order. Hence given the user inputs y and the order, is there a way to program 
the creation of the x matrix automatically. 

The long way would be

if (order=1)

if (order=2)

but this will force me to limit at some point.Is there an alternative way to 
program this??

Thanks in advance


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[R] Help with optimization using GENOUD

2007-08-16 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear Friends,

I have been trying to learn how to use the derivative free optimization 
algorithms implemented in the package RGENOUD by Mebane and Sekhon. However, it 
does not seem to work for reasons best described as my total ignorance. If 
anybody has experience using this package, it would be really helpful if you 
can point out where I'm making a mistake. 

Thanks in advance


Sample code attached


nobs - 5000
t.beta - c(0,1,-1)
X - as.matrix(cbind(rep(1, nobs), runif(nobs), runif(nobs))) # Creating the 
design matrix
prodterm - (X%*%t.beta)+rnorm(nrow(X))
Y - as.matrix(ifelse(prodterm0, 0, 1))

# Defining the likelihood function

log.like - function(beta, Y, X)
term1 - pnorm(X%*%beta)
term2 - 1-term1
loglik - (sum(Y*log(term1))+sum((1-Y)*log(term2))) # Likelihood function to be 

stval - c(0,0,0)
opt.output - optim(stval,log.like,Y=Y[,1], X=X[,1:3],
hessian=T, method=BFGS, control=c(fnscale=-1,trace=1))

### Now using GENOUD gives me errors

genoud.output - genoud(log.like,beta=stval,X=X[,1:3], Y=Y[,1], nvars=3, 
pop.size=3000, max=TRUE)


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[R] Passing equations as arguments

2007-07-24 Thread Anup Nandialath

I'm trying to pass an equation as an argument to a function. The idea is as 
follows. Let us say i write an independent function 

Ideal Situation:

ifunc - function(x)

mainfunc - function(a,b)
evala - ifunc(a)
evalb - ifunc(b)
if (evalaevalb){return(evala)}

Now I want to try and write this entire program in a single function with the 
user specifying the equation as an argument to the function. 

myfunc - function(a, b, eqn)
func1 - function (x) ??
return(eqn in terms of x)  ??

Further arguments to check

The  imply that this does not seem to be correct. The idea is how to 
assign the equation expression from the main equation into the inner function. 
Is there anyway to do that within this set up?

Thanks in advance



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[R] row index

2007-07-05 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear Friends,

Suppose I have a vector as follows

RI  Value

1 10
2 11
3  8
4  4
6 12

I would like a function which returns therow index number for the minimum 
value of VALUE. Can somebody please give me some direction on how I can do 
this. In effect I'm trying to find a comparable function for the GAUSS command 

From the GAUSS Manual

Returns the row number of the smallest element in each column of a matrix

Thanks in advance



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[R] Random numbers from skewed distributions

2007-06-25 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear Friends,

I was wondering if there is any package to get random numbers from the Burr 10 
distribution. I checked the rmutil and actuar package. Both seems to implement 
the Burr 12 distribution.

thanks in advance



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[R] Source code for rlogis

2007-06-24 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear friends,

I was trying to read the source code for rlogis but ran into a roadblock. It 

function (n, location = 0, scale = 1) 
.Internal(rlogis(n, location, scale))
environment: namespace:stats

Is is possible to access the source code for the same.




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[R] Data consistency checks in functions

2007-06-21 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear friends,

I'm writing a function with three arguments

myfun - function(theta, X, values)



in this function, I'm trying to write consistency checks. In order to compute 
the statistic of interest I only need theta and values. The idea of having X in 
there is that, if values is not provided by the user, then values is computed 
from X.

my problem is I'm trying to write consistency checks. For instance if i say

output - myfun(beta, val1), how do I ensure that R reads this as passing 
arguments to theta and values. In other words is it possible to bypass X 
completely if values is provided. Also how is it possible for R to recognize 
the second argument as being values and not X. This is important because X is a 
matrix and values is a vector. Therefore any checks using the dimensions of 
either one will land in trouble if it does not correctly capture that. 

Thanks in advance



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[R] Help with conditional lagging of data

2007-06-04 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear Friends,

I have some data with three columns named ID, Year and Measure X. I need to 
create a column which gives me a lag for each ID (note not a continous lag), 
but a lag conditional on the id and the given year. Please find below a sample 
of the data

Input file sample

ID Year X

AB12   2000100
AB12   2001120
AB12   2002140
AB12   200380
BL14   2000180
BL14   2001150
CR93   200045
CR93   200149
CR93   200256
CR93   200367

Expected output from this data

ID Year   Xlag
AB12   2000 .
AB12   2001   20
AB12   2002   20
AB12   2003   -60
BL12   2000.
BL14   2001   -30
CR93   2000 .
CR93   2001 5
CR93   2002 7
CR93   2003 9

Can somebody please help me with how to implement this in R. Thanks.



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[R] Scale mixture of normals

2007-05-25 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear Friends,

Is there an R package which implements regression
models with error distributions following a scale
mixture of normals? 



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Re: [R] Sum per hour

2007-05-24 Thread Anup Nandialath
hi jessica,

this should possibly do it...

year - 
colnames(year) - c(year)
time - 
colnames(time) - c(time)


DATA-(cbind(year, time ,precipitation))

tapply(precipitation, year, sum)
tapply(precipitation, time, sum)


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Re: [R] Sum per hour

2007-05-24 Thread Anup Nandialath
oops error on my part...forgot that we need to get the day and hour out of the 

Dear all,

I have a list of precipitation record and a list of time
I would like to sum them up per hour, or per day.
Does such a function exist ?

time-c(2000-10-03 14:00:00,2000-10-03 14:10:00,2000-10-03
14:20:00,2000-10-03 15:30:00,2000-10-03 16:40:00,2000-10-03
16:50:00,2000-10-03 17:00:00,2000-10-03 17:10:00,2000-10-03
17:20:00,2000-10-03 18:30:00,2000-10-04 14:00:00,2000-10-04
14:10:00,2000-10-04 14:20:00,2000-10-04 15:30:00,2000-10-04
16:40:00,2000-10-04 16:50:00,2000-10-04 17:00:00,2000-10-04
17:10:00,2000-10-04 17:20:00,2000-10-04 18:30:00)



... ?
how to sum up per hour ?

Thanks in advance


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[R] A programming question

2007-05-18 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear Friends,

My problem is related to how to measure probabilities from a probit model by 
changing one independent variable keeping the others constant. 

A simple toy example is like this

Range for my variables is defined as follows

y=0 or 1,  x1 = -10 to 10, x2=-40 to 100, x3 = -5 to 5


output - glim(y ~ x1+x2+x3 -1, family=binomial(link=probit))
outcoef - output$coef
xbeta - as.matrix(cbind(x1, x2, x3)

predprob - pnorm(xbeta%*%outcoef)

now I have the predicted probabilities for y=1 as defined above. My problem is 
as follows

Keep X2 at 20 and X3 at 2. Then compute the predicted probability (predprob) 
for the entire range of X1 ie from -10 to 10 with an increment of 1.

Therefore i need the predicted probabilities when x1=-10, x1=-9,x1=9, x1=10 
keeping the other constant. 

Can somebody give me some direction on how this can be programmed. 

Thanks in advance for your help



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[R] Bootstrapped standard errors

2007-05-17 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear Friends,

I'm trying to learn to how to get Bootstrapped standard errors for estimated 
coefficients from a regression. 

For instance suppose I have the following model

logitmodel - glm (y~X1+X2+X3, family=binomial(link=logit))

beta - logitmodel$coef

can somebody please guide me on how to use the package boot to obtain 
bootstrapped SE's for the associated betas.

Thanks in advance


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[R] Data Manipulation using R

2007-04-17 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear Friends,

I have data set with around 220,000 rows and 17 columns. One of the columns is 
an id variable which is grouped from 1000 through 9000. I need to perform the 
following operations. 

1) Remove all the observations with id's between 6000 and 6999

I tried using this method. 

remdat1 - subset(data, ID6000)
remdat2 - subset(data, ID=7000)
donedat - rbind(remdat1, remdat2)

I check the last and first entry and found that it did not have ID values 6000. 
Therefore I think that this might be correct, but is this the most efficient 
way of doing this?

2) I need to remove observations within columns 3, 4, 6 and 8 when they are 
negative. For instance if the number in column 3 is -4, then I need to delete 
the entire observation. Can somebody help me with this too.

Thank and Regards



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[R] Marginal Effects from GLM

2007-04-15 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear Friends,

Is there a direct way to extract the marginal effects when running discrete 
choice models such as Probit or Logit using glm? 

Thanks and Regards


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[R] Random Sequence

2007-04-12 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear Friends,

I'm trying to generate a sequence of 100 observations
with either a 1 or -1. In other words the sequence
should look something like this.

y = 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 ..

Can somebody please give me some direction on how I
can do this in R.




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Re: [R] Query about substituting characters in a df

2007-03-12 Thread Anup Nandialath
Hi lalitha,

You can try this way. I think it should solve the problem. 

Data looks like this

 1 1  
 2 1 
 3 0 
 4 1 
 5 1 
 6 1 

anal.data - read.table(file.txt, header=T)\

## objective is to change the value 1 in column X1 to Gamma

anal.data$X1 - replace(anal.data$X1,anal.data$X1==1,Gamma)


this should replace all the 1's with Gamma. Hope this helps.


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[R] matrix manipulations

2007-02-28 Thread Anup Nandialath
Dear friends,

I have a basic question with R. I'm generating a set
of random variables and then combining them using the
cbind statement. The code for that is given below.

for (i in 1:100)
y - rpois(i,lambda=10)
X0 - seq(1,1,length=i)
X1 - rnorm(i,mean=5,sd=10)
X2 - rnorm(i,mean=17,sd=12)
X3 - rnorm(i,mean=3, sd=24)
ind - rep(1:5,20)
data100 - cbind(y,X0,X1,X2,X3,ind)

but when i look at the data100 table, the y values now
take the observation count. (ie) the data under Y is
not the poisson random generates but the observation
number. Hence the last vector (ind) does not have a
header. Is there any way i can drop the number of
observation counts being added into the matrix.

Thanks in advance for your help.



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Re: [R] Random Integers

2007-02-25 Thread Anup Nandialath
Thanks Andy, Alberto, Charles, Paul and Pierre. I needed to simulate a set of 
counts to test a poisson regression model. Therefore would the best option be 
as pointed use rpois(.,.)?




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