[R] R Tshirts, mugs etc ....

2004-05-28 Thread Richard Pugh
Hi All,

I was just wondering if anyone has taken this up.  If not, I'd like to
volunteer our marketing guy to have a go at sorting this out (he's
pretty good with this stuff).  

Any ideas for designs can be sent directly to him (he's cc'd on this
email).  When we get some designs and prices, we'll stick them up on a
web page so that people can have a look.

Btw - Know it's been said a few times already, but ... Great User
Conference in Vienna - many thanks to the organizers :-)


Mango Solutions
Tel +44 (0)1628 418134
Mob   +44 (0)7967 808091

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andrew Robinson
Sent: 26 May 2004 17:41
To: Dirk Eddelbuettel
Cc: Achim Zeileis; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Chad Shaw
Subject: Re: [R] thanks again


is one such option.  I have no personal experience with it.


On Wed, 26 May 2004, Dirk Eddelbuettel

> On Wed, May 26, 2004 at 06:30:40PM +0200, Achim Zeileis wrote:
> > As this useR! is over, I guess it's a bit too late for a useR! 2004
> > shirt.
> >
> > In general, I would agree with you that it would be nice (and not
> > for fun) to have shirts (and coffee mugs and basecaps and ...) with
> > logos or maybe useR! logos. This has been discussed now and then and
> > I recall it correctly the reason that nobody actually started doing
> > is that you would have to spend some time setting it up - and most
> > people prefer writing R code instead of mailing R shirts around the
> > world. Time was the main reason for me not do organize shirts for
> > useR! - there were so many other things to do and prepare.
> > Another point which always kept me from thinking about something
> > this more seriously is the poor quality of the R logo.
> > But John Fox mentioned in a discussion that instead of some R user
> > doing the work, maybe there are T-shirt mailorders around which
could do
> > most of the work. So maybe I will have the time to look at this.
> I visited such a site a few months back, but cannot recall the name or
> They had e.g. numerous Debian things.  If the useR png image was made
> available, they could do the commercialisation.  With a bit of luck,
we may
> find a shop that would also donate back a percentage of the proceeds
> family^H^H^H^H^H^foundation. There is probably less merit in the
> commerical play.
> Dirk
> --
> The relationship between the computed price and reality is as yet
>  -- From the pac(8) manual
> __
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RE: [R] Simulation help

2004-02-22 Thread Richard Pugh
Sorry - looks like the text wrapped when I sent this ... am resending
with better format, so you can read the code!

# This bit does the work ...
> poisNums <- rpois(10, 3)
> normNums <- sapply(poisNums, rnorm, mean=3)
> sumNums <- sapply(normNums, sum)

# Produce a plot with quantiles ...
> mySeq <- seq(0.85, 1, length=50)
> plot(seq(0.85, 1, length=50)*100, quantile(sumNums, mySeq), type="l",
+ main="Quantiles of simulated data", xlab="Quantiles", ylab="")
> abline(h=quantile(sumNums, c(0.95, 0.99)), col=2, lwd=2)


Mango Solutions
Tel : (01628) 418134
Mob : (07967) 808091

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: 22 February 2004 17:18
Subject: [R] Simulation help

I am a new R user.  As a test, I want to write a simple code that does
the following simulation:

1. Randomly generate a number from a distribution, say, Poisson.  Let's
say that number is 3.
2. Randomly generate 3 numbers from another distribution, say, Normal.
3. Compute the sum of the numbers generated in step 2 and read it into a
vector, V.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for 100,000 times.
5. Derive quantiles (e.g., 0.95th, 0.99th) of V.

Any help in getting me going would be greatly appreciated.

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RE: [R] Simulation help

2004-02-22 Thread Richard Pugh
Try this ...

poisNums <- rpois(10, 3) # Calculate 100,000 poissons (mean 3)
normNums <- sapply(poisNums, rnorm, mean=3) # Calculate N random normals

# for each simulated poisson.  Normal distribution is mean 3, sd
sumNums <- sapply(normNums, sum)
mySeq <- seq(0.85, 1, length=50)
plot(seq(0.85, 1, length=50)*100, quantile(sumNums, mySeq), type="l",
main="Quantiles of simulated data", xlab="Quantiles", ylab="")
abline(h=quantile(sumNums, c(0.95, 0.99)), col=2, lwd=2)

R does this for me in about 20 seconds ...


Mango Solutions
Tel : (01628) 418134
Mob : (07967) 808091

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: 22 February 2004 17:18
Subject: [R] Simulation help

I am a new R user.  As a test, I want to write a simple code that does
the following simulation:

1. Randomly generate a number from a distribution, say, Poisson.  Let's
say that number is 3.
2. Randomly generate 3 numbers from another distribution, say, Normal.
3. Compute the sum of the numbers generated in step 2 and read it into a
vector, V.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for 100,000 times.
5. Derive quantiles (e.g., 0.95th, 0.99th) of V.

Any help in getting me going would be greatly appreciated.

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[R] Windows Memory Issues

2003-12-06 Thread Richard Pugh
Hi all,
I am currently building an application based on R 1.7.1 (+ compiled
C/C++ code + MySql + VB).  I am building this application to work on 2
different platforms (Windows XP Professional (500mb memory) and Windows
NT 4.0 with service pack 6 (1gb memory)).  This is a very memory
intensive application performing sophisticated operations on "large"
matrices (typically 5000x1500 matrices).
I have run into some issues regarding the way R handles its memory,
especially on NT.  In particular, R does not seem able to recollect some
of the memory used following the creation and manipulation of large data
objects.  For example, I have a function which receives a (large)
numeric matrix, matches against more data (maybe imported from MySql)
and returns a large list structure for further analysis.  A typical call
may look like this .
> myInputData <- matrix(sample(1:100, 750, T), nrow=5000)
> myPortfolio <- createPortfolio(myInputData)
It seems I can only repeat this code process 2/3 times before I have to
restart R (to get the memory back).  I use the same object names
(myInputData and myPortfolio) each time, so I am not create more large
objects ..
I think the problems I have are illustrated with the following example
from a small R session .
> # Memory usage for Rui process = 19,800
> testData <- matrix(rnorm(1000), 1000) # Create big matrix
> # Memory usage for Rgui process = 254,550k
> rm(testData)
> # Memory usage for Rgui process = 254,550k
> gc()
 used (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb)
Ncells 369277  9.9 667722  17.9
Vcells  87650  0.7   24286664 185.3
> # Memory usage for Rgui process = 20,200k
In the above code, R cannot recollect all memory used, so the memory
usage increases from 19.8k to 20.2.  However, the following example is
more typical of the environments I use .
> # Memory 128,100k
> myTestData <- matrix(rnorm(1000), 1000)
> # Memory 357,272k
> rm(myTestData)
> # Memory 357,272k
> gc()
  used (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb)
Ncells  478197 12.8 818163  21.9
Vcells 9309525 71.1   31670210 241.7
> # Memory 279,152k
Here, the memory usage increases from 128.1k to 279.1k
Could anyone point out what I could do to rectify this (if anything), or
generally what strategy I could take to improve this?
Many thanks,
Mango Solutions
Tel : (01628) 418134
Mob : (07967) 808091

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[R] S & R Public Training Courses in the UK

2003-07-30 Thread Richard Pugh
(Sorry - my poor attempts at formatting made that last email illegible!
Here's a version that makes more sense ...)

Mango Solutions are pleased to announce the following public courses in
the UK.

Course  Advanced S-PLUS Programming 
Date29th - 31st October
URL www.mango-solutions.com/pubadvanceds.htm

Course  R Programming 
Date11th - 13th November
URL www.mango-solutions.com/pubrprogramming.htm

Course  R for S-PLUS Users
Date14th November
URL www.mango-solutions.com/pubstor.htm

For more information, visit the Mango Solutions home page at

Many thanks,

Mango Solutions
Independent providers of S-PLUS and R services

Tel: (01628) 418134
Mob: (07967) 808091

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