Re: [R-gui] RE: [R] The hidden costs of GPL software?

2004-11-19 Thread David Lennartsson
Philippe Grosjean wrote:
John W. Eaton wrote:

On 17-Nov-2004, Philippe Grosjean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| - There is no possibility to make a commercial GUI for R (thanks to 
| the GPL),

This is false.  Please don't confuse "commercial" (Red Hat 
and SuSE GNU/Linux distributions are commercial software) 
with "proprietary".


Ooops! Sorry, and thank you for correcting me. I mean "proprietary", of
Philippe Grosjean

This thread has gone to be centered around the GUI of R and what it is 
good and bad.

However, is the above statement correct? To me it seems like there is a 
fully working R-proxy dll for windows and other ways to interface 
against R that only binds to LGPL components. You can build completely 
proprietary packages and front-ends to R without having to make sources 
available, as long as you distribute changes to R itself as source.

In my opinion anyone can be to R what S+ is to S. Can any developer 
comment on this?

   Best regards,
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RE: [R-gui] RE: [R] The hidden costs of GPL software?

2004-11-18 Thread Thomas Lumley
On Thu, 18 Nov 2004, Philippe Grosjean wrote:
John W. Eaton wrote:
On 17-Nov-2004, Philippe Grosjean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| - There is no possibility to make a commercial GUI for R (thanks to
| the GPL),
This is false.  Please don't confuse "commercial" (Red Hat
and SuSE GNU/Linux distributions are commercial software)
with "proprietary".
Ooops! Sorry, and thank you for correcting me. I mean "proprietary", of
And it isn't obvious that it is true even if you mean proprietary. A GUI 
that ran R just by sending commands to stdin and getting results from 
stdout could clearly be proprietary without violating the GPL.  The 
question of exactly what level of closer integration is allowed would get 
complicated and I won't speculate.

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RE: [R-gui] Re: [R] The hidden costs of GPL software?

2004-11-18 Thread Philippe Grosjean

I appreciate many comments and the various points of view, especially
because there are a couple of clear explanations why several people do not
need (or even do not want) a GUI for R!

Another part of the discussion seems to switch to the never-ending question
of "what kind of GUI"... which will never be answered, because there is not
one best GUI, and it also depends on the use (both the application and the
user). It's a long time I hesitate to propose in R-SIG-GUI + the R GUI
projects web site to place a description for one or several "prototype"
GUI(s) we would like for R, with the intention to include all the good ideas
everybody has in this list.

I never did that, because I am pretty sure it is useless! Now, I feel that
one guy, with a clear view of what he wants, a lot of free time, a lot of
energy, and some decent skills in programming, is actually required to make
real what he has in his head! Indeed, it is such a huge work that several
people are required! Here are the topics currently developed (sorry if I
don't cite Bioconductor stuff: I don't know it):

- Most of the "low-level" work is done, I think, like interface with
graphical toolkits: tcltk by Peter Dalgaard, of course, but many others
(Gtk, wxPython, ...), a better control of Rgui under Windows (ongoing,
Duncan Murdoch), ESS, ... All this is already available, even if one could
always argue that it is not optimal in some respects.

- A better console (multiple-lines editing, syntax coloring, code tip
presenting the syntax of a function when you type it, contextual completion
list, ...). This is ongoing project in both JGR and SciViews-R.

- A better table editor: RKward team.

- A classical menus/dialog box approach: John Fox's R commander,

- An object explorer: JGR, RKward, SciViews-R, experimental functions in R,

- A "plug-in" approach, that is, a piece of code that brings a GUI for a
targeted analysis and builds R code for you: RKward team, but also some
functions in svDialogs (part of the SciViews bundle, R GUI API),

- Interactive documents mixing formatted text, graphs, etc... with R
input/output: Rpad, Sweave (not interactive), and some other,

- Rich-formatted output of R objects (in/out, views, reporting,...): Eric
Lecoutre's R2HTML + SciViews-R,

- Code editor with interaction with R: Tinn-R, WinEdt, Emacs, and many

- IDE (humm, some code editors are not so far away from an IDE, but there is
still some lack here),

- A R GUI API: SciViews.

I hope all these projects will continue, will mature, and their developers
will ultimately realize that they provide complementary pieces of a giant
puzzle and start to work together. This is when it will become most
exciting! I hope also that it will result in an original GUI that keeps most
of the spirit of R, that is, not a simplified point&click UI, leading to
meaningless analyses by lazy people, but a real tool whose goal is to make R
easier and faster to learn for beginner, and pretty usable for occasional

May be, I am just a dreamer, but all I read in this discussion reinforce my
conviction that an **innovative** GUI would be a good addition to R: most
criticisms clearly relate to the kind of inflexible GUI, with a forest of
menus and submenus, and other bad things one could find. I never, and will
never advocate for such a GUI!

For sure, the alternate GUI will only support you in writing R code, and
will deliver plenty of help to achieve this goal. I think it is possible...
with enough people collaborating in a common project! I think the later
point is really the problem: not enough people, too many projects! Is it a
consequence of the way R is developed (GPL)? Well, I think so, but only
partly. It is also the consequence of ego (everybody wants to be the leader
of his own project), and a lack of communication (R-SIG-GUI is not what one
would call an active list!) Or, may be, a "good GUI" for R is a fuzzy target
and it is not possible to cristallize enough power around a common goal: to
reach it!

Anyway, despite R GUI projects are progressing very slowly, I think only
when we would have a "good GUI" available for R, we would be able to
evaluate if there are really "hidden costs" in R, as Felix Grant suggests in
his paper.

Best regards and thank you all for your comments and suggestions.

Philippe Grosjean

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RE: [R-gui] RE: [R] The hidden costs of GPL software?

2004-11-18 Thread Philippe Grosjean
John W. Eaton wrote:
> On 17-Nov-2004, Philippe Grosjean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | - There is no possibility to make a commercial GUI for R (thanks to 
> | the GPL),
> This is false.  Please don't confuse "commercial" (Red Hat 
> and SuSE GNU/Linux distributions are commercial software) 
> with "proprietary".
> jwe

Ooops! Sorry, and thank you for correcting me. I mean "proprietary", of

Philippe Grosjean

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Re: [R-gui] Re: [R] The hidden costs of GPL software?

2004-11-17 Thread Frank E Harrell Jr
Patrick Burns wrote:
I'm a big advocate -- perhaps even fanatic -- of  making R easier for
novices in order to spread its use, but I'm not convinced that  a GUI
(at least in the traditional form) is the most valuable approach.
Perhaps an overly harsh summary of some of Ted Harding's statements
is: You can make a truck easier to get into by taking off the wheels, but
that doesn't make it more useful.
In terms of GUIs, I think what R should focus on is the ability for  user's
to make their own specialized GUI.  So that a knowledgeable programmer
at an installation can create a system that is easy for unsophisticated
users for the limited number of tasks that are to be done.  The ultimate
users may not even need to know that R exists.
I think Ted Harding was on  the mark when he said that it is the help
system that needs enhancement.  I can imagine a system that gets the
user to the right function and then helps fill in the arguments; all of the
time pointing them towards the command line rather than away from
The author of the referenced article highlighted some hidden costs of R,
but did not highlight the hidden benefits (because they were hidden from
him).  A big benefit of R is all of the bugs that aren't in it (which 
may or
may not be due to its free status).

Patrick Burns
Burns Statistics
+44 (0)20 8525 0696
(home of S Poetry and "A Guide for the Unwilling S User")
Jan P. Smit wrote:
Dear Phillippe,
Very interesting. The URL of the article is

Best regards,
Jan Smit
Philippe Grosjean wrote:
In the latest 'Scientific Computing World' magazine (issue 78, p. 
22), there
is a review on free statistical software by Felix Grant ("doesn't 
have to
pay good money to obtain good statistics software"). As far as I 
know, this
is the first time that R is even mentioned in this magazine, given 
that it
usually discuss commercial products.

[ ...]

I really agree with you Patrick.  To me the keys are having better help 
search capabilities, linking help files to case studies or at least 
detailed examples, having a navigator by keywords (a rudimentary one is 
at, having a 
great library of examples keyed by statistical goals (a la BUGS examples 
guides), and having a menu-driven skeleton code generator that gives 
beginners a starting script to edit to use their variable names, etc. 
Also I think we need a discussion board that has a better "memory" for 
new users, like some of the user forums currently on the web, or using a 

Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair   School of Medicine
 Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University
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Re: [R-gui] Re: [R] The hidden costs of GPL software?

2004-11-17 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 14:27:49 +, Patrick Burns

>In terms of GUIs, I think what R should focus on is the ability for  user's
>to make their own specialized GUI.  So that a knowledgeable programmer
>at an installation can create a system that is easy for unsophisticated
>users for the limited number of tasks that are to be done.  The ultimate
>users may not even need to know that R exists.

I think there is (slow) movement towards that.  Certainly it's
possible now (you can add menus to Rgui in Windows, you can do nice
things like Rcmdr using TCL/TK on any platform).   However, designing
a nice GUI is very hard work.

>I think Ted Harding was on  the mark when he said that it is the help
>system that needs enhancement.  I can imagine a system that gets the
>user to the right function and then helps fill in the arguments; all of the
>time pointing them towards the command line rather than away from

That would be helpful, and the only really difficult part would be the
first part:  getting the user to the right function.
sometimes works, but often people ask for the wrong thing.

After that, R knows a lot about the structure of its help files, so it
could display all of the arguments with their defaults and the help
text that corresponds to each argument, as well as the help text for
the rest of the help file.

Probably the main obstacle to getting this is finding someone with the
time and interest to do it.

Duncan Murdoch

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