Re: [racket-users] eval PSA (was Sending Closures to Places)

2015-08-04 Thread Neil Van Dyke
Josh, right you are, that a bare statement of don't use eval can come 
off as unhelpful or patronizing.

I'll go meta...

My day job is practitioner, not professor.  Among many-many nits, I'm 
tired of seeing bad uses of eval in real-world code.  Even more than 
that, I'm frustrated that eval is often presented to newbies such that 
they think it's something they should use, leading to future real-world 
messes.  It's the ongoing bad influence that frustrates me, not each new 
enthusiastic and impressionable newbie.

Someone more dedicated to this particular nit than I am *could* invest a 
lot of time in writing checklists of criteria for when to use and not 
use eval.  And could invest another lot of time developing a suite of 
code pattern examples for numerous programming situations in which a 
newbie might conceivably think they need to use eval, but instead show a 
better way to do it.  Personally, I don't have the time to develop all 
that sufficiently well (I fear the book would sell tens of copies), and 
I'm not sure the effect would be all upside, anyway.[*]

If someone has the time and inclination to develop that, more power to them.

Until such a volunteer emerges, I think the first step is to have the 
Racket documentation strongly discourage people from using eval.  
(Second step: go through all the copies of Scheme-based textbooks in 
libraries and bookstores, and stick a clarifying Pro Tip decal on the 
metacircular evaluator chapter.)

Funny: One of the very first things that some CS 101 professors like to 
tell students about is eval.  But, for practical software engineering, 
you might consider eval to be one of the *last* things you tell people 
about, after they're already experienced in using the other facilities.  
In the software engineering case, you then don't have much explaining 
to, because the programmer will have a solid foundation by that time.  
But, when they don't have that foundation, you can try to throw tons of 
relevant background at them, but they don't yet have much context for 
anchoring it, so they have to accept it on faith and memorizing the 
words of your teachings.  If they're going to have to accept on faith 
anyway, I'd rather just have them accept the concise noble lie don't 
use eval on faith, until they've gone off and gotten the foundation to 
know how to develop without eval, and to immediately intuit some of the 
practical implications of eval.

[*] Regarding not all upside to developing criteria and pattern 
examples: there seem to be relevant phenomena.  One is the proliferating 
clerical worker type of programmer, who has been given the impression 
that programming is more about mechanically following checklists and 
copyingpasting solutions, than about understanding and reasoning about 
systems -- I don't want to encourage the mechanical thinking.  Another 
phenomenon seems to be, when someone is new to a domain, they seem to 
often reason until they can think of *one* plausible solution, 
contrasted with someone more familiar, who might reason among many 
better solutions that come easily to mind -- I want to remove eval from 
the newbie's consideration.  Another phenomenon seems to be that, when 
someone learns of some powerful feature or technique, they often seem 
overly anxious to apply it -- I fear that, the more eval is talked 
about, the more it will be used.  This is mostly speculation, of course, 
but it's merely why I'm not sure the effect would be all upside.

Neil V.

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Re: [racket-users] eval PSA (was Sending Closures to Places)

2015-08-04 Thread Michael Titke
I don't know why but at some point in the 20th century people really 
became afraid of viewing programs as pure data (which they are) and 
started to call it metacircular (which of course also refers to other 
properties of a list processor treating each and every start of list, 
i.e. opening parenthese, as an apply instruction).

One the one hand I reject any security concerns about /eval /which is as 
good or bad as input data as are the key codes from your favorite event 
handling loop determining your programs actions. A simple /(send object 
message arguments)/ could be implemented by evaluating /message/ in the 
environment of /object/, i.e. applying it to the /arguments/. The use of 
/eval/ shouldn't be restricted to proclaimed  designers of algorithmic 
notations but using it correctly needs some understanding of Scheme and 
its specifications. That necessary knowledge used to be conveyed in a 
lecture of one semester at the MIT with SICP (I've read).

But then /eval/ would need behave as expected and respect its current 
environment aka lexical scope. Maybe Racket does this right but a lot of 
Scheme implementation show their true nature when it comes to /eval/ and 
lexical scope: they revert back to Lisp mode and evaluate the forms in 
the top level environment. This unexpected behavior might explain why 
some people still feel uncomfortable with /eval./

As a matter of style one should use /eval/ where it means what it is 
good for: evaluating (sub) programs. Contrary to some advertisement 
material /eval/ doesn't really support sand boxing as it is only 
possible to restrict the name space of the evaluation but not the 
computing resources needed. Maybe you want to read in that SGML data as 
s-expression and evaluate it in the HTML environment - but maybe it 
would be better to traverse the data graph with your own algorithms ...

On 03/08/2015 13:32, Josh Grams wrote:

On 2015-08-03 01:22AM, Neil Van Dyke wrote:

Eval might indeed be the perfect solution this time, iff every other
conceivable alternative has been rejected. :)

Shameless link to PSA on the topic of eval:

Suggestions for other forms for PSA are welcome:

If people knew *why* and *how* to avoid eval, wouldn't they already be
doing it? To be useful to your target audience, I think you *need* to
back this up with a link to supporting documentation. I'd be looking

- A *brief* high-level statement of why eval causes problems: maybe
   something like this? I'm sure there are better statements out there...

   eval takes code which was constructed in one context and assigns
   meaning to it in a different context. This can cause the code to have
   an unexpected meaning, or fail to work altogether. It can also cause
   security problems (if you pass it code from an untrusted source) or be
   unnecessarily slow (evaluating code at runtime which could have been
   fixed at compile time).

- Rules of thumb for how to decide what to use instead, and when eval
   might be ok. This answer (
   suggests asking:
   - Do I really need eval or does the compiler/evaluator already do what

I want?
   - Does the code really need to be constructed at runtime or can it be
constructed earlier?
   - Will funcall, reduce, or apply work instead?

- Concrete examples of where beginners tend to use eval and how to code
   them without it. This is sort of the same as the previous one, but I
   like to see a short overview of the whole strategy by itself, so I
   would put the examples separately, e.g. HTDP has a *nice* clear
   overview of the design recipe, whereas HTDP 2e has no place where you
   can go for a quick refresher of what were the steps of the design
   recipe again?


That's my two cents. I always see these sorts of things getting brushed
off as unhelpful or even patronizing, so I think you want to go out of
your way to make it easy to dig into it and reach successively deeper
levels of understanding.


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Re: [racket-users] eval PSA (was Sending Closures to Places)

2015-08-04 Thread Alexis King
 I don't know why but at some point in the 20th century people really became 
 afraid of viewing programs as pure data (which they are) and started to call 
 it metacircular (which of course also refers to other properties of a list 
 processor treating each and every start of list, i.e. opening parenthese, as 
 an apply instruction).

*sigh* Okay, I’ll bite.

I think I can understand the appeal of wanting to love eval. It’s a Lisp 
tradition to have it, and indeed, it is still one of the first things that 
people mention when describing how Lisps are different from other languages. 
Turning around and admitting that one of our signature features should be 
avoided is not only confusing, it seems to reduce Lisp back to the level of any 
other language. If eval is out, what makes Lisps special anymore?

So of course it can seem freeing to come to the conclusion that all those 
people warning about eval are just “afraid of its power”, and we have so much 
to gain by “rediscovering” this tool, but that’s not really true. Eval may not 
be evil, but I’d consider it one of the worst possible code smells. I cannot 
think of any good uses for eval in Racket.

 One the one hand I reject any security concerns about eval which is as good 
 or bad as input data as are the key codes from your favorite event handling 
 loop determining your programs actions. A simple (send object message 
 arguments) could be implemented by evaluating message in the environment of 
 object, i.e. applying it to the arguments. The use of eval shouldn't be 
 restricted to proclaimed  designers of algorithmic notations but using it 
 correctly needs some understanding of Scheme and its specifications. That 
 necessary knowledge used to be conveyed in a lecture of one semester at the 
 MIT with SICP (I've read).

The argument that all (interesting) programs are input-driven, but to then draw 
the conclusion that eval is no more dangerous than other methods of input 
processing would be quite the fallacy. But I agree with some other people in 
this thread that it isn’t really explained why eval is bad, and really, I’ve 
never read an explanation that has wholly satisfied me.

I don’t think the real reason for spurning eval is to avoid security problems 
or to handle code evaluation in different contexts (though both of those things 
are highly related to the “core” problem with eval). I’d argue that the problem 
with eval is one of abstraction: eval is barely any better than writing 
directly to the underlying runtime or virtual machine.

Scheme is largely derived from one of the most powerful abstractions in the 
history of computer science, the closure. It goes by plenty of names, but the 
reason I pick “closure” is that it indicates precisely why the construct is far 
superior to eval: it keeps its context with it. When you pass closures around 
in code, they maintain the collection of values from their original scope, and 
when you call a closure, you can’t get at the values in the calling scope. 
Closures are more or less reified eval.

As programmers, it is incredibly important to have the guarantees that closures 
provide because that allows us to abstract upon them. We can go higher-order, 
and in doing so, it is possible to create entire DSLs without even so much as a 
macro system. Doing that with eval is almost impossible because eval is not 
*composable*. The solution is not “an eval that carries around its lexical 
context” because then you have pretty much reinvented closures.

So what was the original title of this thread again? Oh right, “Sending 
Closures to Places”. Obviously in that case, our nice little closure 
abstraction has failed us. Why? Because that context can’t be serialized in the 
general case. Dropping down into eval is throwing *everything* away, which may 
seem simpler, but it also means eschewing any level of abstraction that system 
was already giving you. This is a time when designing a domain-specific 
solution will almost certainly be better than just whipping out eval on a whim 
because our abstraction failed us.

And that, I think, is the problem: eval seems a lot like a “one size fits all” 
approach to problem solving. Need dynamism? Bash it with eval! But we have so 
many tools far better suited to the job without the pitfalls and problems of 
eval (all of which are built on top of it, in a sense). Need dynamic behavior 
at runtime? We have procedures. Need that behavior to be encapsulated into a 
first-class value? We have closures. Need to generate code itself at 
compile-time? We have hygienic macros (and I mention “hygienic” here very 
specifically—I leave figuring out why as an exercise to the reader).

We write in high-level languages for a reason. There’s no reason to stunt their 
ability to abstract by directly calling eval.


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Re: [racket-users] eval PSA (was Sending Closures to Places)

2015-08-04 Thread Neil Van Dyke

Sean Kanaley wrote on 08/04/2015 12:04 PM:

 I cannot think of any good uses for eval in Racket.

Any time the mental time spent using eval (or defmacro) is less than 
that of figuring out how to not use eval or defmacro by using 
let-parameterize-syntax-splicing-local-transformer-binding-apply-values instead, 
which for the average programmer is probably always.

I think maintainability is relevant here.

Just for the list: maintainability is a constant concern for most 
software engineering activity, for very practical, nonreligious, 
reasons.  Maintainability is not just about whether the next programmer 
to come along will be able to read the code.  It's about how easily and 
effectively you and your team can evolve the system over time, whether 
you can actually ever make a complex thing viable, whether and how often 
you get into debugging nightmares or failures, etc.  Unless you're able 
to IPO or job-hop very early in a system lifecycle (and are a bad 
person), developing with maintainability as a consideration should be 
very important to you, for very practical reasons.  That doesn't mean 
maintainability doesn't get traded off appropriately at times, but it 
should be a conscious and informed decision.

Programming in perfect Racket (or any language) is like finding the 
optimal solution to the traveling salesman, or finding a large prime 
with 100% certainty. You are spending disproportionate efforts for the 
~same result.

Very little code is purist-perfect, and that's OK.

You might be able to find an academic purist who'd say, don't use eval, 
because blah blah blah denotational semantics blah blah blah my 
dissertation blah blah blah.  But I think you'll have an easier time 
finding practical expert practitioners who'd tell a newbie, don't use 
eval, because it's usually a clusterfudge, for no good reason.

If asked about a particular use of eval, a good practical expert 
practitioner should give thoughtful and nuanced consideration, not cling 
to don't use eval like an unthinking devotee.  But for broadcasting 
general advice to newbies/students, I think the default practice of 
saying don't use eval is appropriate.  Even better is to say, for the 
love of all that is good, textbook people, stop making newbies think 
that eval is in their toolkit, when they don't yet even know how to use 
the other tools.

(define (confirmation target)
  (eval '(printf Are you sure you wish to nuke ~a? target) namespace)

To a purist, the above code is horrifying.

(Excepting the horrifying application domain.)  That example does show 
eval being used for no good reason.  Though usually the needless uses of 
eval are much more dangerous, and/or expensive/encumbering to maintain.

Neil V.

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Re: [racket-users] eval PSA (was Sending Closures to Places)

2015-08-04 Thread Matthias Felleisen

I didn't really want to get involved in this kind of discussion but I need to 
take exception to this kind of statement. 

Code is not just written. Code is read. Code is read far more often than 
written. Code that uses a specific construct conveys a specific idea, and it 
thus helps the reader figure out what the point is. Code that uses a general 
tool for a specific purpose obstructs understanding, and it is thus bad. 

Racket provides general constructs because some situations call for their use. 
If a programmer carefully selects such a construct for a general situation, the 
code signals to any reader that a lot of care is needed to understand all the 
ramifications behind this point in the program. 

-- Matthias

On Aug 4, 2015, at 12:04 PM, Sean Kanaley wrote:

  I cannot think of any good uses for eval in Racket.
 Any time the mental time spent using eval (or defmacro) is less than that of 
 figuring out how to not use eval or defmacro by using 
 instead, which for the average programmer is probably always. Programming in 
 perfect Racket (or any language) is like finding the optimal solution to the 
 traveling salesman, or finding a large prime with 100% certainty. You are 
 spending disproportionate efforts for the ~same result. If I have a square 
 peg that has to go into a round hole, I can just apply a lot of force rather 
 than going to the store and buying a new peg. How bad this result is depends 
 on how gigantic the wall is that suffered the damage. A big enough program 
 will be sufficiently buggy that a clear use of eval is probably no big deal, 
 millions of lines of code
 (define (launch-nukes target)
   (for ([i 10])
  (launch 'nuke 'civilian)))
 millions of lines of code
 (define (confirmation target)
   (eval '(printf Are you sure you wish to nuke ~a? target) namespace)
 To a purist, the above code is horrifying.
 On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Alexis King wrote:
  I don't know why but at some point in the 20th century people really became 
  afraid of viewing programs as pure data (which they are) and started to 
  call it metacircular (which of course also refers to other properties of a 
  list processor treating each and every start of list, i.e. opening 
  parenthese, as an apply instruction).
 *sigh* Okay, I’ll bite.
 I think I can understand the appeal of wanting to love eval. It’s a Lisp 
 tradition to have it, and indeed, it is still one of the first things that 
 people mention when describing how Lisps are different from other languages. 
 Turning around and admitting that one of our signature features should be 
 avoided is not only confusing, it seems to reduce Lisp back to the level of 
 any other language. If eval is out, what makes Lisps special anymore?
 So of course it can seem freeing to come to the conclusion that all those 
 people warning about eval are just “afraid of its power”, and we have so much 
 to gain by “rediscovering” this tool, but that’s not really true. Eval may 
 not be evil, but I’d consider it one of the worst possible code smells. I 
 cannot think of any good uses for eval in Racket.
  One the one hand I reject any security concerns about eval which is as good 
  or bad as input data as are the key codes from your favorite event handling 
  loop determining your programs actions. A simple (send object message 
  arguments) could be implemented by evaluating message in the environment of 
  object, i.e. applying it to the arguments. The use of eval shouldn't be 
  restricted to proclaimed  designers of algorithmic notations but using it 
  correctly needs some understanding of Scheme and its specifications. That 
  necessary knowledge used to be conveyed in a lecture of one semester at the 
  MIT with SICP (I've read).
 The argument that all (interesting) programs are input-driven, but to then 
 draw the conclusion that eval is no more dangerous than other methods of 
 input processing would be quite the fallacy. But I agree with some other 
 people in this thread that it isn’t really explained why eval is bad, and 
 really, I’ve never read an explanation that has wholly satisfied me.
 I don’t think the real reason for spurning eval is to avoid security problems 
 or to handle code evaluation in different contexts (though both of those 
 things are highly related to the “core” problem with eval). I’d argue that 
 the problem with eval is one of abstraction: eval is barely any better than 
 writing directly to the underlying runtime or virtual machine.
 Scheme is largely derived from one of the most powerful abstractions in the 
 history of computer science, the closure. It goes by plenty of names, but the 
 reason I pick “closure” is that it indicates precisely why the construct is 
 far superior to eval: it keeps its context with it. When you pass closures 
 around in code, they 

RE: [racket-users] eval PSA (was Sending Closures to Places)

2015-08-04 Thread Jos Koot
Just an example where both source text and the compiled code are relevant:

On some occasions I have fallen in the temptation of using eval.
For example I had a metacircular interpreter. In order to check that the
interpreter is metacurcular indeed, I need both the source text (a sexpr)
and the interpeter itself (a procedure). I was tempted to do this as

#lang racket
(define source-text (quote (a big sexpr)))
(define interpreter
 (let ((ns (make-base-namespace)))
  (parameterize ((current-namespace ns))
   (namespace-require 'racket))
  (eval source-code ns)))
(provide source-text interpeter)

Where the interpeter is a procedure accepting a sexpr and evaluates it in
its own internally defined top-level environment. For example:

(interpreter (quote (add1 3))) - 4

But it can be done as well, may be better, without eval:

#lang racket
(define-syntax (source/value stx)
 ((_ source-text)
  (syntax (values (quote source-text) source-text

(define-values (source-text interpreter)
  (a big sexpr)))

Now let the interpreter use its own source text to test metacircularity.
(interpreter (quasiquote ((unquote source-text) (quote some-sexpr

The solution without eval allows use of DrRacket's debug in order to debug
the interpreter. With the solution using eval, DrRacket's debug does
There are more ways to do the same, for example by defining the interpreter
in a separate file and using read to extract the source text from that file.

PS: There is a lot more about testing metacircularity, but that is off topic

Jos Koot

-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Neil Van Dyke
Sent: martes, 04 de agosto de 2015 19:59
To: Sean Kanaley; Alexis King
Cc: Michael Titke; racket users
Subject: Re: [racket-users] eval PSA (was Sending Closures to Places)

Sean Kanaley wrote on 08/04/2015 12:04 PM:
  I cannot think of any good uses for eval in Racket.

 Any time the mental time spent using eval (or defmacro) is less than 
 that of figuring out how to not use eval or defmacro by using 
 which for the average programmer is probably always.

I think maintainability is relevant here.

Just for the list: maintainability is a constant concern for most 
software engineering activity, for very practical, nonreligious, 
reasons.  Maintainability is not just about whether the next programmer 
to come along will be able to read the code.  It's about how easily and 
effectively you and your team can evolve the system over time, whether 
you can actually ever make a complex thing viable, whether and how often 
you get into debugging nightmares or failures, etc.  Unless you're able 
to IPO or job-hop very early in a system lifecycle (and are a bad 
person), developing with maintainability as a consideration should be 
very important to you, for very practical reasons.  That doesn't mean 
maintainability doesn't get traded off appropriately at times, but it 
should be a conscious and informed decision.

 Programming in perfect Racket (or any language) is like finding the 
 optimal solution to the traveling salesman, or finding a large prime 
 with 100% certainty. You are spending disproportionate efforts for the 
 ~same result.

Very little code is purist-perfect, and that's OK.

You might be able to find an academic purist who'd say, don't use eval, 
because blah blah blah denotational semantics blah blah blah my 
dissertation blah blah blah.  But I think you'll have an easier time 
finding practical expert practitioners who'd tell a newbie, don't use 
eval, because it's usually a clusterfudge, for no good reason.

If asked about a particular use of eval, a good practical expert 
practitioner should give thoughtful and nuanced consideration, not cling 
to don't use eval like an unthinking devotee.  But for broadcasting 
general advice to newbies/students, I think the default practice of 
saying don't use eval is appropriate.  Even better is to say, for the 
love of all that is good, textbook people, stop making newbies think 
that eval is in their toolkit, when they don't yet even know how to use 
the other tools.

 (define (confirmation target)
   (eval '(printf Are you sure you wish to nuke ~a? target) namespace)

 To a purist, the above code is horrifying.

(Excepting the horrifying application domain.)  That example does show 
eval being used for no good reason.  Though usually the needless uses of 
eval are much more dangerous, and/or expensive/encumbering to maintain.

Neil V.

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