[racket-users] Re: Performance. How to disable contract checks?

2019-11-18 Thread Saša Janiška
On Tue, 3 Jun 2014 12:47:18 -0400
Matthias Felleisen 

Hello Matthias,

> Your mail calls for a philosophical answer. If this were Eiffel, you
> would be correct. 

Recently I stumbled upon some application discovering it is written in Eiffel
and I had become curious to investigate a bit about the language
seeing DbC as interesting concept...

> But Racket is not Eiffel: 
>  -- we are not a tools company that sells a language 
>  -- we spent our own time on a maintenance effort that goes above and
> beyond our jobs -- and we don't provide a standard language (meant to
> make developers happy and its creators famous and wealthy). 
> Racket is a programming language programming language [not a typo].
> We wish to go beyond conventional features. When it comes to
> contracts, this means we wish to provide (1) higher-order contracts
> so that we cover the full spectrum of linguistic features and (2) a
> programmable toolbox so that programmers can create their own
> favorite idioms -- above and beyond the stuff available in standard
> languages. 

...but your (philosophical) anwer does answer all the possible
doubts which language to use for the project. ;)

Thanks a lot for your input!!


As a blazing fire turns firewood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the
fire of knowledge burn to ashes all reactions to material activities.

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[racket-users] Re: slideshow for non-technical presentations

2016-06-02 Thread Saša Janiška
Asumu Takikawa  writes:

> One thing that's not portable is the fonts that you use. You will
> probably have to install the same fonts or ensure that you only
> use fonts that are available on both machines.

Hmm…that might be problematic considering I do not have any clue which
fonts are on ’presentational machine’.

> Alternatively, you can export the slideshow to PDF if you don't have
> any fancy animations/interactivity that won't be preserved well in
> PDF.

That might be good-enough for my wife, while I probably use my own
netbook for presentation to be safe…


One who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction,
is intelligent among men, and he is in the transcendental position,
although engaged in all sorts of activities.

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[racket-users] Re: slideshow for non-technical presentations

2016-06-02 Thread Saša Janiška
Matthias Felleisen 

>> is it safe to prepare it on Linux and ’execute’ under Linux
>> by putting the whole environment on USB stick?
> Yes. 

Ahh, I wanted to ask "to prepare under Linux" and "execute under
Windows". :-(

> (I have no experience w/ non-technical presentations.) 



He is a perfect yogī who, by comparison to his own self,
sees the true equality of all beings, in both their
happiness and their distress, O Arjuna!

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[racket-users] slideshow for non-technical presentations

2016-06-01 Thread Saša Janiška

I’m (slowly) working through Realm of Racket being interested to use it
for several programming projects. However, I’m also enthusiastic to
embrac Slideshow library and wonder if someone can share his/her
experiences about using it for non-technical presentations?

In the past I was using LyX/LaTeX/Beamer, but the obvious ’problem’ is
that all such presentations practically look the same…another option
would be to learn/use ConTeXt, but at the moment I do not have really
need for another high-quality typesetting markup, so would like to take
advantage of Racket.

It would be also nice to use it for e.g. my wife’s presentations
(medical field), but wonder how much are Slideshow presentations
portable considering that I’m on Linux and at my wife’s working place
they use some newer version of Windows (XP was the last version used
here), iow. is it safe to prepare it on Linux and ’execute’ under Linux
by putting the whole environment on USB stick?


As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body,
from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes
into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered
by such a change.

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[racket-users] Re: quoting in posts to this email list

2016-05-01 Thread Saša Janiška
Eli Barzilay  writes:

> A sign that you're a dinosaur.

Isn’t that nice these days? ;)


You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you
are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider
yourself the cause of the results of your activities,
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[racket-users] installing scribble-mode for Spacemacs

2016-02-18 Thread Saša Janiška

I'd like to install Emacs mode for Scribble and according to the docs
here are two methods, I did try the 2nd one which says:

 Evaluate the following Racket code to install the PLaneT package
 without modifying your Emacs setup.

(require (planet neil/scribble-emacs))

since I use Spacemacs which does not use standard ~/.emacs init file,
but the above method does not work.

Any hint and/or plan to put scribble-mode under MELPA for more
'standard' way of installing Emacs packages today?


You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you
are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider
yourself the cause of the results of your activities,
and never be attached to not doing your duty.

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[racket-users] Re: (eqv? Racket-land Wonderland) -> #t

2016-02-15 Thread Saša Janiška
Gustavo Massaccesi 

> One advantage of JS is tht you can run it in every browser in every
> computer in the word.

Right, but, isn't it that Racket's GUI work in, at least, every major
platform (Linux/BSD, Mac, Windows) using platform's native toolkit,
which is quite sufficient for me?


There is no possibility of one's becoming a yogī, O Arjuna,
if one eats too much or eats too little, sleeps too much
or does not sleep enough.

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[racket-users] Re: (eqv? Racket-land Wonderland) -> #t

2016-02-15 Thread Saša Janiška
Richard Cleis  writes:

> - To claim progress, most people want to make only minimum changes to
> their way of doing things.
> - To claim progress, most people do not want to make any change at all
> to their way of *thinking* about things.

So true - obstacle to the change!

> I enjoy the freedom of using Racket because I gambled with its use and
> was immediately successful... and because it works fine on OSX, Linux,
> and Windows.

That's great to hear. I've tried to many languages and most of them e.g.
suck at GUI.

Moreover, their syntax is usually full of exceptional rules, special
cases etc. while Racket looks so clear, elegant and regular...

> Thanks to all who helped changed my way of thinking about solving
> problems (some of which have nothing to do with programming.)

I've started with Realm of Racket ebook, but want to go through HtDP2e -
great content and would happily buy hard copy as well.


But for one who takes pleasure in the self, whose human life
is one of self-realization, and who is satisfied in the self only,
fully satiated — for him there is no duty.

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[racket-users] Re: (eqv? Racket-land Wonderland) -> #t

2016-02-15 Thread Saša Janiška
"Jos Koot"  writes:

Hello Jos,

> I am a Racket-using hobbyist. It surprises me that, according to the
> observation, not many hobbyists are using Racket.

Seeing so much proliferation of JS crap it looks like people are really
going insane. :-)

> I did programming in a lot of languages, assemblers included, often
> creating my own languages, even long before I met Scheme or Racket or
> other Lisp like languages in which it is much easier to implement a
> new language.
> Shortly after retiring, almost two decades ago, I decided to stick to
> Racket (at that time PLT-Scheme). I use it to study my own ideas of
> making other languages and to check that I am well understanding
> mathematical algorithms.

Nice to hear you're happy with Racket...I also plan to adopt it for
working on my (hobby) GUI project, for all of my writing needs - either
with Scribble and/or Pollen...


A self-realized man has no purpose to fulfill in the discharge
of his prescribed duties, nor has he any reason not to perform
such work. Nor has he any need to depend on any other living being.

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[racket-users] Re: (eqv? Racket-land Wonderland) -> #t

2016-02-14 Thread Saša Janiška
Neil Van Dyke  writes:

> Being non-mainstream for practitioners, Racket is most popular with
> people who have the freedom to choose any tools they want, not forced
> into a mainstream set of options. Most often this means individual
> alpha techies, researchers, etc.

That's true, but still wonder why not more hobbyist are using it.

> I'd say the biggest downside is that there is still lots of things
> that are off-the-shelf for some mainstream platforms, but require some
> in-house DIY work for Racket. Sometimes this is something you can DIY
> faster and better than you can get an off-the-shelf solution
> integrated, but sometimes the DIY is just extra cost with no direct
> benefit.

Well, from the language itself down to the docs, everything looks

> Disclosure: I'm a high-end consultant who prefers to use Racket for
> the majority of programming-level aspects, and can help an
> organization with architecture, process, training, etc. So I will tend
> to make money as commercial Racket adopters are successful.

Good to know. ;)

Btw, thank you for providing scribble-mode[1] - I'm sure I'll use it quite
often very soon!


[1]  In order to reduce risk of RSI, I do use now Spacemacs and wonder
if there is plan to put scribble-mode @MELPA?

One who is not disturbed in mind even amidst the threefold
miseries or elated when there is happiness, and who is free
from attachment, fear and anger, is called a sage of steady mind.

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[racket-users] (eqv? Racket-land Wonderland) -> #t

2016-02-13 Thread Saša Janiška

almost year ago I've become interested in Racket, but due to several
reasons it did fall by the wayside. :-(

Recently I decided to migrate most of my tool-chain to Emacs (editor,
org-mode, Gnus...) and then, naturally, when considering about learning
some Elisp, I've remembered my past encounter with Racket which in the
past did happen since I was looking for adequate language for
multi-platform GUI app and Racket is one of the few modern and
higher-level languages to provide 1st class support for it.

There is, of course, Scribble[1] to write high-quality
documentation (I'll also try to provide Scribble support for writing web
content in Nikola -- python-powered static-site-generator).

Lastly, when preparing slide-presentation for my wife (medicine), I did
use LyX/LaTeX/Beamer, but considered to switch to ConTeXt in order to
avoid having same-Beamer-look when I have found out about Slideshow
library which means that by moving to and learning Racket I'll be able
to write GUI app, write docs, web content and prepare nice presentations
- everything just within the scope of single language!

Here I do not want to mention that Racket has wonderful ecosystem -
package manager (btw, I'd like to see some support for using Fossil DVCS
repos), building stand-alone executables etc.

So, at the end I just wonder how is it that such Wonderland is not
discovered by much more people?

Thanks to all who help creating these wonders. ;)


[1]  I still consider to make use of Pollen!

A self-realized man has no purpose to fulfill in the discharge
of his prescribed duties, nor has he any reason not to perform
such work. Nor has he any need to depend on any other living being.

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