Re: [racket-users] Neovim Racket host: control Neovim using Racket

2017-09-12 Thread hiphish
> These two problems are related AFAICT. Currently your package is set up
> as a multicollection package but the info.rkt file is only in the top-level
> directory, whereas it should go in the subdirectories. I suspect you don't
> actually want a multicollection package in this case.
Yes, you're right, I only want one collection in the package. Or rather one
collection and a bunch of other files.
> What you may actually want to do is put the info.rkt file in only the "nvim"
> directory and then change the package URL on the package server to point only
> to the subdirectory.
Won't this mean that raco then only installs the sub-directory? The
issue is that there are two components needed: the API client (a Racket
library) and the Racket host (a Neovim plugin). The Right Way(TM) is to
have one repository that doubles as both.

I guess what I could do is tell people to install the repo as a Neovim
plugin first, and then as a Racket package second, thus having two
copies of the repo on the website. That's what the Common Lisp client
Since in Quicklisp everything is explicit there is no danger that the
Vim plugin directories will get mistaken for Common Lisp libraries.

> This seems like a very cool project! As a long-time vanilla vim user, I'll 
> have
> to try neovim and the bindings out.
I found out about Neovim by chance when I was looking for a way to have
a terminal running inside Vim, all I got was barely working hacks and
then out of nowhere this thing popped up. I haven't looked back at Vim
since then. And I was really considering switching to Emacs with Evil
Mode because of Vim's lack of non-blocking plugins.

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Re: [racket-users] Neovim Racket host: control Neovim using Racket

2017-09-11 Thread Asumu Takikawa
Hi HiPhish,

This seems like a very cool project! As a long-time vanilla vim user, I'll have
to try neovim and the bindings out.

On 2017-09-11 13:20:11 -, wrote:
> - Why is the documentation not building? I can compile the scribble file
>   normally, but running `raco setup` does not build it, and it doesn't
>   show up on either.
> - The directory layout is weird. The reason for this is that the repo is
>   both a Racket package, and a Neovim plugin and has to be installed as
>   both. This works fine, but now Racket seems to think that there is
>   also an "autoload", "doc", "plugin" and "test" collection. Is there a
>   way to tell Racket "only the nvim directory is a collection"?

These two problems are related AFAICT. Currently your package is set up
as a multicollection package but the info.rkt file is only in the top-level
directory, whereas it should go in the subdirectories. I suspect you don't
actually want a multicollection package in this case.

What you may actually want to do is put the info.rkt file in only the "nvim"
directory and then change the package URL on the package server to point only
to the subdirectory.

(there is a "Path within repository" input on the package upload/edit page)

And then modify the `info.rkt` appropriately (e.g., by removing the multi
setting, changing the path to the docs). You may also want to move the .scrbl
file into the nvim directory.


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[racket-users] Neovim Racket host: control Neovim using Racket

2017-09-11 Thread hiphish
Hello Racketeers,

I wrote a new package, an API client for the Neovim text editor:

With this it is possible to control Neovim with Racket. In particular,
it is now possible to write Neovim plugins in Racket rather than

What is Neovim?

Neovim (or Nvim for short) is a fork of Vim. Unlike the usual "I'll
rewrite Vim in my favourite language" projects which aim to imitate Vim,
but end up being incompatible with most Vim plugins, Neovim intends to
clean up the plumbing, but keep the porcelain the same. This means we
get to keep using the existing ecosystem of extensions and other
techniques, while the core of the editor gets cleaned up and new
features get added.

One such new feature are the language hosts. In Vim if you want to write
plugins in a foreign language you have to compile Vim with support for
that language. For something as common as Python you can be fairly
certain that most users have it and that support in Vim is always up to
date. However, the more you move away from that, the worse it gets. Vim
has support for Racket, but it's still called MzScheme and who knows
when it was last updated.

What is the Racket host?

Neovim externalises the problem. The editor no longer comes with support
for any foreign languages, only VimScript and Lua are the default.
Instead, it defines an API interface so that external programs can
connect to the editor and exchange messages. Among other things this
allows plugins to be written in any language if a host for that language
exists. The maintenance burden is now on the host author and hosts can
be added, removed and swapped without having to re-compile Neovim.
Messages can be sent asynchronously, so it is possible for example to
have semantic code highlighting without blocking:

This type of communication works both ways: Neovim can control a Racket
instance, but Racket can also control a Neovim instance. One could write
a GUI for Neovim in Racket, the GUI would be just a Racket program which
spawns a headless Neovim instance, connects to it, and then sends user
inputer over and receives the result for display.

What I am personally interested in are remote plugins, plugins written
for Neovim in Racket. See the readme of the repo to see what a remote
plugin looks like. I would like to make use of the DrRacket code to
implement IDE-like capabilities as a plugin.

Status of the Racket host

Right now the host is feature-complete, so if anyone wants to try it out
it is ready. There are a few issues I would like to see sorted out
before it can considered to be finished.

- Why is the documentation not building? I can compile the scribble file
  normally, but running `raco setup` does not build it, and it doesn't
  show up on either.

- The directory layout is weird. The reason for this is that the repo is
  both a Racket package, and a Neovim plugin and has to be installed as
  both. This works fine, but now Racket seems to think that there is
  also an "autoload", "doc", "plugin" and "test" collection. Is there a
  way to tell Racket "only the nvim directory is a collection"?

- The API bindings (nvim/api.rkt) are a big sore in my eyes. Neovim
  defines a set of "API methods", basically the specifications for
  messages you can send over RPC.
  Right now I'm generating the function bindings using macros, but it
  looks weird:

;; Set the current line
(set-current-line "Hello world!")
(define two (eval "2"))  ; This is not the Racket eval

  There is no exclamation mark and the API can collide with existing
  names. The name collision can be resolved by adding a prefix like
  `nvim-` or `nvim:`. Which one would be better?

  Would it be better to have separate getter- and setter functions, or
  is it better to use `set!`?

;; Setters and getters
(define line (get-current-line))
(set-current-line! (string-append line "!!!"))
;; using set!
(define line (current-line))
(set! (current-line) (string-append line "!!!"))

  At the moment I am generating the API automatically, but I think I'll
  have to do it manually. I can for example append a `!` if the word
  `set_` occurs in the name, but there are also other functions which
  have side effects (e.g. `nvim_del_current_line()`). And some like
  `nvim_call_function()` may or may not mutate state.

  Some API calls are limited to a part of the editor, like a tab page, a
  window or a buffer. What should their names be?

;; Two prefixes
(define line-count (nvim-buffer-line-count buf))
;; One prefix
(define line-count (buffer-line-count buf))
;; Keyword argument
(define line-count (nvim-line-count #:buffer buf))

  Only buffers have a line count, but some concepts apply