[racket-users] problems with sql-timestamp and date*

2015-08-22 Thread George Neuner

Hi all,

Got a wierd problem handling dates.   I am retrieving a UTC timestamp 
from a Postgresql (9.3.9) database, converting it to a date* and then 
offsetting to a (variable) time zone.

eliding a lot of unrelated code:

(require (only-in  srfi/19  date-string)
 (except-in racket/date date-string))
(set! result (query-row db sql-cmd  userid ))
(set! expires (vector-ref result 1))
   (eprintf = expires ~s~n expires)
(set! expires (sql-datetime-srfi-date expires))
   (eprintf = expires ~s~n expires)
(let* [
   ; convert UTC expire time to user's timezone
   (expires (seconds-date (date*-seconds expires #f)
   (eprintf = expires ~s~n expires)

with 'timezone'  =  -4  (EDT)  this produces:

= expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 20 26 49585512000 0)
= expires #(struct:date* 49 26 2022 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 585512000 )
= expires #(struct:date* 34 36 1622 8 2015 6 233 #t -14400 51200 
Eastern Daylight Time)

The results are NOT repeatable ... e.g., another run produces:

= expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 20 57 40 483091000 0)
= expires #(struct:date* 40 57 20 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 483091000 )
= expires #(struct:date* 43 5 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #t -14400 9100 
Eastern Daylight Time)

and yet another run:

= expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 21 1 21 729173000 0)
= expires #(struct:date* 21 1 21 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 729173000 )
= expires #(struct:date* 30 13 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #t -14400 17300 
Eastern Daylight Time)

As you can see, it seems that *sql-timestamp-srfi-date* sometimes 
botches the conversion, and it seems that (seconds-date 
(date*-seconds)) sometimes is not symmetric. BIG BUT ... this ONLY 
happens when the sql-timestamp comes from an actual database.  This 
simple test program :


   (define  db-time  (sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 18 48 12 0 #f))
   (define  rkt-time (sql-datetime-srfi-date db-time))

   (define timezone -4)
   (define lcl-time (seconds-date (date*-seconds rkt-time #f) timezone))

   (printf DB : ~s~n db-time )
   (printf RKT: ~s~n rkt-time )
   (printf LCL: ~s~n lcl-time )

correctly produces

DB : #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 18 48 12 0 #f)
RKT: #(struct:date* 12 48 18 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 0 )
LCL: #(struct:date* 12 48 14 22 8 2015 6 233 #t -14400 0 Eastern 
Daylight Time)

Can anyone shed light on what's happening?  I really need these 
copnverted timestamps to be correct.


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Re: [racket-users] problems with sql-timestamp and date*

2015-08-22 Thread George Neuner

Ok, reading the docs more carefully, I realized that *seconds-date* 
takes a boolean and not a time zone offset, but that doesn't explain why 
*sql-timestamp-srfi-date* is not working properly.

I'm now offsetting the time with

(+ (date*-seconds ts  #f) (* timezone 60 60))

which gives me the right time, but in the wrong time zone.

Just how do I offset time zones properly?   Do I need to construct the 
date* piecemeal?


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Re: [racket-users] problems with sql-timestamp and date*

2015-08-22 Thread Jon Zeppieri
On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 4:02 PM, Jon Zeppieri zeppi...@gmail.com wrote:

 (require gregor)
 (require racket/match)

 (define (sql-timestamp-moment t)
   (match-define (sql-timestamp y mo d h mi s n tz) t)

   (moment y mo d h mi s n #:tz (or tz 0)))

Actually, a sql-timestamp with a #f tz means that the timestamp
doesn't have any zone info, so that would actually correspond to
gregor's `datetime` (instead of `moment`, which includes tz info).


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Re: [racket-users] problems with sql-timestamp and date*

2015-08-22 Thread George Neuner

On 8/22/2015 5:50 PM, Jon Zeppieri wrote:

On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 4:36 PM, George Neuner gneun...@comcast.net wrote:

 The latter code using date works properly (modulo the time zone field) and
 gives consistent results, but the former using date* gives inconsistent

  E.g.,: with timezone = -5

 = expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 21 56 33 805346000 0)
 = expires #(struct:date* 33 56 21 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 805346000 )
 = expires #(struct:date* 58 9 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 34600 UTC)

 = expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 22 23 45 95751000 0)
 = expires #(struct:date* 45 23 22 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 95751000 )
 = expires #(struct:date* 20 25 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 75100 UTC)

These both look wrong to me. Maybe I'm confused, but my understanding
is that the database timestamp is in UTC, and you want a date*
representing the same point in time, but in specified UTC offset.

Yes.  I need to render the dates/times into a client provided time zone.


So, yeah, I'd say that there's a bug in date*-seconds:


Thanks for confirming that - it was driving me crazy.

I have changed to using *date-seconds*  everywhere and it seems to be 
working correctly.   Now I just have to figure out how to get the right 
value in the time zone field.  I guess there's no way to do that without 
constructing a new date structure?


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Re: [racket-users] problems with sql-timestamp and date*

2015-08-22 Thread Jon Zeppieri
Where exactly do you see sql-timestamp-srfi-date failing? In your
examples, what I'm seeing is incorrect translation from UTC to UTC-4,
but I don't see where the translation from sql-timestamp to date* is
going wrong. Could you point to exactly where you see the problem?

As far as offsetting time zones properly, Racket's built-in libraries
will not help you there. You might want to check out my library,
gregor: http://pkg-build.racket-lang.org/doc/gregor/index.html. You'd
still need to write your own sql-datetime-moment function, but that's
not difficult. In fact:

(require gregor)
(require racket/match)

(define (sql-timestamp-moment t)
  (match-define (sql-timestamp y mo d h mi s n tz) t)

  (moment y mo d h mi s n #:tz (or tz 0)))

Unfortunately, since sql-timestamp only represents time zones as
offsets from UTC, you're a bit limited from the start. Gregor
certainly can use UTC offsets as TZs but prefers to use IANA names
(e.g., America/New_York).


On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 3:45 PM, George Neuner gneun...@comcast.net wrote:

 Ok, reading the docs more carefully, I realized that  seconds-date  takes a
 boolean and not a time zone offset, but that doesn't explain why
 sql-timestamp-srfi-date is not working properly.

 I'm now offsetting the time with

 (+ (date*-seconds ts  #f) (* timezone 60 60))

 which gives me the right time, but in the wrong time zone.

 Just how do I offset time zones properly?   Do I need to construct the date*


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Re: [racket-users] problems with sql-timestamp and date*

2015-08-22 Thread Jon Zeppieri
On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 5:50 PM, Jon Zeppieri zeppi...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 4:36 PM, George Neuner gneun...@comcast.net wrote:

[Sorry, I bungled the this part of the email.]

 Maybe I'm confused, but my understanding
 is that the database timestamp is in UTC, and you want a date*
 representing the same point in time, but in specified UTC offset. In
 other words, Your first example here starts with

First, instead of in specified UTC offset, it should read, with the
specified UTC offset [in your example, UTC-5].
Second, I have no idea what I was going to write after In other words. :)


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Re: [racket-users] problems with sql-timestamp and date*

2015-08-22 Thread Jon Zeppieri
On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 4:36 PM, George Neuner gneun...@comcast.net wrote:

 The latter code using date works properly (modulo the time zone field) and
 gives consistent results, but the former using date* gives inconsistent

  E.g.,: with timezone = -5

 = expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 21 56 33 805346000 0)
 = expires #(struct:date* 33 56 21 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 805346000 )
 = expires #(struct:date* 58 9 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 34600 UTC)

 = expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 22 23 45 95751000 0)
 = expires #(struct:date* 45 23 22 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 95751000 )
 = expires #(struct:date* 20 25 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 75100 UTC)

These both look wrong to me. Maybe I'm confused, but my understanding
is that the database timestamp is in UTC, and you want a date*
representing the same point in time, but in specified UTC offset. In
other words, Your first example here starts with
2015-08-22T21:56:33.805346Z. Your end result is
2015-08-22T17:09:58.346, which is clearly not exactly 5 hours offset.

In the second example, you start with 2015-08-22T22:23:45.95751000Z
and wind up with 2015-08-22T17:25:20.751, which is also wrong, but by
a considerably smaller margin. I actually can't reproduce the problem
in the second example, but I'm also running It looks to me
like date-seconds roundtrips correctly w.r.t. seconds-date but
date*-seconds does not:
(date* 33 56 21 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 805346000 )
 (seconds-date (+ (* -5 60 60) (date-seconds d #f)) #f)
(date* 33 56 16 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 0 UTC) ;; correct, modulo nanoseconds
 (seconds-date (+ (* -5 60 60) (date*-seconds d #f)) #f)
(date* 58 9 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 34600 UTC) ;; incorrect

So, yeah, I'd say that there's a bug in date*-seconds:
 (date-seconds d #f)
 (date*-seconds d #f)
1440281398 173/500

Let's see what this looks like in gregor's terms:
 (define d (moment 2015 8 22 21 56 33 805346000 #:tz UTC))
#moment 2015-08-22T21:56:33.805346Z[UTC]
 (adjust-timezone d (* -5 60 60))
#moment 2015-08-22T16:56:33.805346-05:00
 (-posix d)
1440280593 402673/50


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Re: [racket-users] problems with sql-timestamp and date*

2015-08-22 Thread George Neuner

A little more experimenting shows that  changing *date*-seconds* to 
*date-seconds*  (no asterisk) in

(+ (date*-seconds ts  #f) (* timezone 60 60))

guarantees the time offset always is correct wrt the original UTC time.  
So it seems that *(seconds-date (date*-seconds date #f) #f)*  is not 
always symmetric? *sql-timestamp-srfi-date* produces a *date** so I 
thought I needed to use *date*-seconds*.

But I still have the problem that *sql-timestamp-srfi-date* isn't 
always converting the SQL timestamp properly.


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Re: [racket-users] problems with sql-timestamp and date*

2015-08-22 Thread George Neuner

On 8/22/2015 4:02 PM, Jon Zeppieri wrote:

Where exactly do you see sql-timestamp-srfi-date failing? In your
examples, what I'm seeing is incorrect translation from UTC to UTC-4,
but I don't see where the translation from sql-timestamp to date* is
going wrong. Could you point to exactly where you see the problem?

Hi Jon,

I believe now I was mistaken about *sql-timestamp-srfi-date*. 
Recompiling my project seems to have fixed that - I am now getting 
completely consistent results from the conversion.

However, I am still confused by the difference between

(+ (date*-seconds expires #f) (* timezone 60 60))


(+ (date-seconds expires #f) (* timezone 60 60))

The latter code using *date* works properly (modulo the time zone field) 
and gives consistent results, but the former using *date** gives 
inconsistent results.

 E.g.,: with timezone = -5

= expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 21 56 33 805346000 0)
= expires #(struct:date* 33 56 21 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 805346000 )
= expires #(struct:date* 58 9 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 34600 UTC)

= expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 22 23 45 95751000 0)
= expires #(struct:date* 45 23 22 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 95751000 )
= expires #(struct:date* 20 25 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 75100 UTC)

Recompiling does not fix this.  It seems like *date*-seconds* and 
*seconds-date*  are not symmetric.   However, *sql-timestamp-srfi-date 
*produces a *date**, so I thought I should being using *date*-seconds*.

BTW: this is in 6.1.1  (forgot to mention that previously).


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Re: [racket-users] problems with sql-timestamp and date*

2015-08-22 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 08/22/2015 06:18 PM, George Neuner wrote:

On 8/22/2015 5:50 PM, Jon Zeppieri wrote:

On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 4:36 PM, George Neunergneun...@comcast.net  wrote:

 The latter code using date works properly (modulo the time zone field) and
 gives consistent results, but the former using date* gives inconsistent

  E.g.,: with timezone = -5

 = expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 21 56 33 805346000 0)
 = expires #(struct:date* 33 56 21 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 805346000 )
 = expires #(struct:date* 58 9 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 34600 UTC)

 = expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 22 23 45 95751000 0)
 = expires #(struct:date* 45 23 22 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 95751000 )
 = expires #(struct:date* 20 25 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 75100 UTC)

These both look wrong to me. Maybe I'm confused, but my understanding
is that the database timestamp is in UTC, and you want a date*
representing the same point in time, but in specified UTC offset.

Yes.  I need to render the dates/times into a client provided time zone.

So, yeah, I'd say that there's a bug in date*-seconds:

Thanks for confirming that - it was driving me crazy.

The bug in date*-seconds appears to be that it's treating the 
nanoseconds as if they were microseconds. I'll fix that.


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