[Radiant] Can extensions...

2007-03-17 Thread Karl Doody
Hi all,

I've been playing around with extensions lately and I've got a couple  
of questions, if anyone can enlighten me:

# Can extensions add actual pages to the site on activation? e.g. As  
in, with slugs / URLs and everything, as if they'd been input through  
the Admin interface (not as in sub-classing Page etc.).

# If not, can extensions add default content (HTML/tags) for a page  
type? e.g. if I create a page called "widgets" and set it to my  
custom page type of "WidgetListingPage", can it then be autofilled  
with some appropriate HTML/tag content?

Kind regards,
Radiant mailing list
Post:   Radiant@lists.radiantcms.org
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[Radiant] Hide pages/snippets/layouts admin tabs?

2007-03-18 Thread Karl Doody
Hi all,

Just a quickie, is there a way (through the users/roles?) to hide the  
page, snippets, and layouts admin tabs? i.e. with the aim of having a  
user who, once logged in, can only see/use the tabs created through  
my extensions.

Kind regards,
Radiant mailing list
Post:   Radiant@lists.radiantcms.org
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[Radiant] Lib loading/requiring for an extension

2007-04-03 Thread Karl Doody
Hi all, quick question.

I've used this hack effectively in a normal rails app: http:// 

It requires a file in the lib/ directory and a 'require' in  

The former I can do, but in the extension's lib directory. The latter  
I can't (as an extension). I followed this post http:// 
lists.radiantcms.org/pipermail/radiant/2007-January/003160.html but  
still no joy.

Any ideas? Is this do-able?

Kind regards,
Radiant mailing list
Post:   Radiant@lists.radiantcms.org
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Site:   http://lists.radiantcms.org/mailman/listinfo/radiant

Re: [Radiant] Lib loading/requiring for an extension

2007-04-03 Thread Karl Doody
Okay, I gave that a go but WebBrick fails to start (with a rather  
cryptic error):

./script/server -e production
=> Booting WEBrick...
webrick.rb:11: warning: already initialized constant OPTIONS
activerecord/lib/active_record/vendor/mysql.rb:1127:in `write': Lost  
connection to MySQL server during query (Mysql::Error)
 from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/radiant-0.6.0/vendor/ 
rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/vendor/mysql.rb:1177:in `finalizer'
 from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/radiant-0.6.0/vendor/ 
rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing.rb:642:in `call'
 from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/radiant-0.6.0/vendor/ 
rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing.rb:642:in `initialize'
 from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/radiant-0.6.0/vendor/ 
rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing.rb:845:in `new'
 from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/radiant-0.6.0/vendor/ 
rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing.rb:845:in `segment_for'
 from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/radiant-0.6.0/vendor/ 
 from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/radiant-0.6.0/vendor/ 
rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing.rb:950:in `build'
 from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/radiant-0.6.0/vendor/ 
rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing.rb:1172:in `add_route'
  ... 39 levels...
 from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/radiant-0.6.0/vendor/ 
 from /opt/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/ 
custom_require.rb:27:in `gem_original_require'
 from /opt/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/ 
custom_require.rb:27:in `require'
 from ./script/server:3

...and the offending code:

   def activate
 admin.tabs.add "Testimonials", "/admin/testimonials", :after =>  
"Layouts", :visibility => [:all]
 require "custom_in_place_editing"


On 3 Apr 2007, at 20:25, Adam Williams wrote:

> On Apr 3, 2007, at 2:41 PM, Karl Doody wrote:
>> It requires a file in the lib/ directory and a 'require' in
>> environment.rb
>> The former I can do, but in the extension's lib directory. The latter
>> I can't (as an extension). I followed this post http://
>> lists.radiantcms.org/pipermail/radiant/2007-January/003160.html but
>> still no joy.
>> Any ideas? Is this do-able?
> So, as I understand it, you need to require a file in your
> extension's lib directory? Any reason you can't do this in your
> extension's activate method?
>   adam williams
> ___
> Radiant mailing list
> Post:   Radiant@lists.radiantcms.org
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Radiant mailing list
Post:   Radiant@lists.radiantcms.org
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Site:   http://lists.radiantcms.org/mailman/listinfo/radiant

[Radiant] map.resources and radiant admin

2007-04-03 Thread Karl Doody
Has anyone got map.resources to work within Radiant admin/extensions.  
The problem I have is that if I:

map.resources :testimonials

...everything works fine but everything operates out of /testimonials  
not /admin/testimonials which means that when I create a page with a  
slug of 'testimonials' it all fails horribly when I try to visit that  
page (because it is calling the resourced controller not the radiant  

I could go back to Rails's :controller/:action's but thought I'd give  
this a go (and my present app does use it to an elegant end).

Any one with any experience of this?

Kind regards,
Radiant mailing list
Post:   Radiant@lists.radiantcms.org
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Site:   http://lists.radiantcms.org/mailman/listinfo/radiant

Re: [Radiant] map.resources and radiant admin

2007-04-03 Thread Karl Doody

Ooh, nifty!


On 4 Apr 2007, at 00:20, Sean Cribbs wrote:

map.resources :testimonials, :path_prefix => "/admin"

Radiant mailing list
Post:   Radiant@lists.radiantcms.org
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[Radiant] Joyent Slingshot

2007-05-10 Thread Karl Doody
Has anyone checked this out yet? http://developers.joyent.com/wiki

They even ported Radiant as an advanced example! (Not that I can get  
it to work yet - the username/password isn't accepted. I have  
contacted them about this to see if it's just me or not).

Radiant mailing list
Post:   Radiant@lists.radiantcms.org
Search: http://radiantcms.org/mailing-list/search/
Site:   http://lists.radiantcms.org/mailman/listinfo/radiant

Re: [Radiant] How does Radiant help you make a living

2007-05-10 Thread Karl Doody
We are actually wanting to use Radiant more and more and are looking  
for a full-time Ruby/Radiant developer. If anyone is based in/near  
Powys/Shropshire in the UK then do get in touch.


On 9 May 2007, at 22:30, Jacob Burkhart wrote:

> Anyway, I was wondering, how do the rest of you do it? Are most of you
> contractors implementing Radiant for some small client?  Are you using
> Radiant for your own personal Blog? Are you implementing Radiant  
> for free
> for a friends site (like I am)?  Basically, what's your collective  
> advice on
> how I could get paid to work with Ruby on Rails and specifically  
> Radiant
> full-time.
> thanks,
> Jacob
> ___
> Radiant mailing list
> Post:   Radiant@lists.radiantcms.org
> Search: http://radiantcms.org/mailing-list/search/
> Site:   http://lists.radiantcms.org/mailman/listinfo/radiant

Radiant mailing list
Post:   Radiant@lists.radiantcms.org
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