(RADIATOR) proxy based on a prefix

2002-08-19 Thread Anura Abayaratne

Dear sirs,

We have radius proxy server running Radiator-2.18.4 on Solaris. I would 
like to know whether this server supports proxy based on a prefix. (eg. 
TEST/username@domain )

Thanks in advance

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(RADIATOR) NAS problem

2001-10-17 Thread Anura Abayaratne

Hi there,

We are using radiator 2.17.1. We have a authentication problem. I use 
Database(mysql) for authorization/accounting. Users can log in when they 
dial to Baynetwork 5399 RAC or Livingston portmaster NAS without problem. 
But when they dial to Cisco Access Servers. Authentication gets failed 
giving "Access is Denied" messages. Messages in mylog are as below.

Please help me.

Thanks in advanced


Wed Oct 17 15:17:50 2001: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 
'User-Name=/^ic[a-c]\d{5}/ '
Wed Oct 17 15:17:50 2001: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to icc00542
Wed Oct 17 15:17:50 2001: DEBUG:  Deleting session for icc00542,,
Wed Oct 17 15:17:51 2001: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL
Wed Oct 17 15:17:51 2001: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL
Wed Oct 17 15:17:51 2001: DEBUG: Query is: select PASSWORD, CHECKATTR, 
  from SUBSCRIBERS where ((USERNAME = 'icc00542') and ((STATUS = 1) OR 
Wed Oct 17 15:17:51 2001: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL looks for match with icc00542
Wed Oct 17 15:17:51 2001: DEBUG: Expiration date converted to: 1008439200
Wed Oct 17 15:17:51 2001: DEBUG: Radius::AuthSQL ACCEPT:
Wed Oct 17 15:17:51 2001: DEBUG: Access accepted for icc00542

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(RADIATOR) Multiple Stop records

1999-12-06 Thread Anura Abayaratne

Hi there,

We have installed radiator 2.14.1 on BSDI 4.0.1. Sometime we get multiple 'Stop' 
records for the same session. That means, For one 'start' record we get multiple Stop 
records in accounting.  this can be a serios problem when charging from Customers. 
If Someone can tell me how to avoid these multiple Stop records, It would be vary much 


Archive at http://www.thesite.com.au/~radiator/
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(RADIATOR) ODBC driver for BSDI 4.0.1

1999-12-02 Thread Anura Abayaratne

Hi there,

I am looking for a free ODBC driver for BSDI 4.0.1.  The idea is to be able to 
authenticate users and to write accounting from/to Microsoft SQL Server(Auth by SQL) 
through a Radiator running on BSDI 4.0.1 server.

It would be greatly appreciated if someone can send me a good driver.


Archive at http://www.thesite.com.au/~radiator/
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(RADIATOR) Accounting

1999-11-02 Thread Anura Abayaratne

Hi there,

 We have installed radiator 2.14.1 on BSDI 4.0.1. there, we have a probem
in writing accounting detail on Acctlog file, when I login through PM2. But
when I use radpwtst, then It correctly writes all the accounting on
relavant AcctFile.
If someone can help me on this, It would be very appreciated.


My config file is as below..

# Set this to the directory where your logfile and details file are to go
LogDir /var/log/radius
# Set this to the database directory. It should contain these files:
# users   The user database
# dictionary  The dictionary for your NAS
DbDir /usr/local/etc/raddb
Trace 4
# This clause defines a single client to listen to

Secret   x


Secret   x

# For testing: this allows us to honour requests from radpwtst
# on the same host.

Secret mysecret
DupInterval 0


RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/

Host menik.lanka.net
Secret x

AcctLogFileName %L/detail-proxy-menik


RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/

Host sapumal.lanka.net
Secret x

AcctLogFileName %L/detail-proxy-sapumal


Filename %L/mylog
Trace 4

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(RADIATOR) Sesstion-timeout

1999-01-16 Thread Anura Abayaratne

Hi there,
we are using radiator 2.14.1 on BSDI 4.0.1. there,I need to decrease/increase session 
time for a user after login through radiator. If someone can tell me how I can do it, 
It will be much appreciated..


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