Re: (RADIATOR) 2.18.3 EAP

2001-09-06 Thread Mark O'Leary

On 6 Sep 2001, at 8:02, Hugh Irvine wrote:  

 Note that EAP/LEAP support is being added to Radiator in stages, with 
 EAP/LEAP proxy support being the first. Additional support will be introduced
 in future revisions.

Can I put in a request for EAP-TLS to be one of the next 'stages' to be 
added? Thanks!


Mark O'Leary, Manchester Computing, UK
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2001-08-31 Thread Mark O'Leary

Hugh, folks,

Can anyone give me a pointer as to how to configure use of the new EAP 
facilities. EAP doesnt appear to be mentioned in the 2.18.3 ref manual on 
the Radiator site, nor in the distributed documentation, nor goodies file 
etc. Basically all I can find is the three *.pm modules and two test 
datafiles in the distribution. even doesnt seem to use EAP... I don't 
feel up to guessing usage from the code.

Any help much appreciated.


Mark O'Leary, Manchester Computing, UK
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(RADIATOR) filtered logs?

2001-08-09 Thread Mark O'Leary

On 9 Aug 2001, at 12:15, Hugh Irvine wrote:

 the only way to understand what the NAS is doing is to look at a trace 4
 debug from Radiator (or the output from your favourite packet 
 sniffer) to see what attributes are present

This may either be a help enquiry or a request for a new feature. ;)

As noted above there are many instances were a high level trace of 
transactions for a particular user (or, in this case, for the class of users 
doing multilink PPP) are required to troubleshoot a config - or indeed just a 
user with a login problem.

However, I find that in trying to follow the transactions for a single user 
on a production service with reasonably high traffic levels, I'm wading 
through loads of irrelevant transactions in trying to reconstruct the 
sequence of communications for a single user.

What would be particularly useful is to be able to specify a temporary 
logfile which could be filtered for a particular username, or a particular 
class of connection, or a particular realm - as flexible as possible really. 
Then I could leave my standard logging as it is, and just have a *relevant* 
trace 4 or 5 for the particular problem I'm looking at for as long as I need 

I've faked this in the past by creating a troubleshooting realm and asking 
only the user with a problem to try connecting with that realm. Then I can 
test each of our AuthBY methods one at a time by altering the realm config, 
and generate a realm-specific log. But its a long-winded way to achieve it, 
and an artificial setup. (and I can't get a level 4 or 5 trace for the realm 
without increasing the 'global' level correspondingly and altering all my 
main logs for as long as I test).

Are any alternatives possible?


Mark O'Leary, Manchester Computing, UK
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(RADIATOR) LDAP retries?

2000-10-19 Thread Mark O'Leary

Hopefully an easily-answered query.

My Radiator installation authenticates using a customised LDAP module (see 
posts to this list passim). This module is designed to fire off a single 
authentication attempt.

However, the administrators of the LDAP server that I connect to (for complex 
reasons, I don't 'own' the database I authenticate against) are seeing 
multiple authentication attempts in rapid succession. 

This presents problems, because if a dialup users accidentally presents the 
wrong password, the LDAP server is hit multiple times with that password, and 
the underlying NDS user object that is being authenticated against registers 
this as multiple bad attempts at access, and invokes a security lockout 
(intended to defend against brute force cracking attempts). 

In effect, one mistake locks the user out for a couple of hours until the 
security lock expires, even if they subsequently corerect their error.

As I mentioned my module makes only one authentication attempt per 
invocation, but:

1) Could the core Radiator code be calling it more than once for the same 
login attempt?

or (as seems more likely)

2) is the users PC getting impatient waiting for the authentication response, 
and re-trying whilst radiator is still coping with the previous request?

(put another way, is a single radius request from the RAS triggering multiple 
LDAP responses from Radiator, or is Radiator issuing one LDAP per request as 
desired, but being repeatedly requested to do this via radius traffic from 
the RAS?)

Any suggestions as to how I can ensure only one LDAP authentication request 
per dialup login? Its causing us big problems here 8(



Mark O'Leary, Manchester Computing, UK
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(RADIATOR) Spam email via Radiator list?

2000-04-06 Thread Mark O'Leary

Since signing up to the Radiator mailing list, I've begun to receive 
large numbers of unsolicited commercial emails (i.e. SPAM) which have 
the (RADIATOR) list identification mark in their titles, for example:



Examination of the headers shows:

   Received: from [] (
   by **.***.**.** with smtp (Exim 1.92 #3)

... that machines are involved in the mail forwarding 
chain, and that the actual majordomo mailing list is being used to 
distribute the spam:

   Received: (from majordom@localhost) by   
   (8.6.12/8.6.12) id NAA14969 for radiator-list; Thu, 6 Apr 2000 
  13:40:25 +1000

It is possible to configure majordomo to request moderation on 
postings containing certain keywords. I'd greatly appreciate it if 
some efforts were made in that direction...


Mark O'Leary, Manchester Computing, UK
PGP Key and Further Details:

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Re: (RADIATOR) Binding as 'admin' against LDAP

2000-03-15 Thread Mark O'Leary

On 14 Mar 00, at 10:26, Felicetti, Stephen A. wrote:

 I'm authenticating against LDAP, and all is working fine.
 Here's the problemin order for me to gain access to the password
 attribute, I must bind as the admin user. Is there anyway to use a NON
 plain text password in the config file?
 I can create a non admin user account that can have access to the
 password attribute, but I would still want that password encrypted.

I've hacked a 2.14 module so that it binds as the radius-supplied 
username(*) using the radius-supplied password and get the 
authentication or rejection from that - so no admin-user details in 
the config file and no password attributes in the LDAP tree (it 
authenticates against the one-way hashed password in the underlying 
NDS tree, which is suitably secure).

(* - actually it does an anonymous bind and search to get the fully 
qualified DN of the radius username first, and then uses that on an 
authenticated bind)

I understand that 2.15 can do something like this more elegantly than 
my appalling code (which I posted to the list some months ago during 


Mark O'Leary, Manchester Computing, UK
PGP Key and Further Details:

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(RADIATOR) Password Extraction Probs

1999-08-25 Thread Mark O'Leary

I'm still completely at a loss as to how to make the plaintext password
supplied in the radius packet available to the module I am hacking for LDAP
authentication. My perl isnt up to spotting how to get the routines
elsewhere in Radiator to work for me and supply this. Please could someone
talk me through it? (slowly and with no long words, for preference!)

I'm running Radiator-2.14 under FreeBSD 3.2-Release with Perl version
5.005_03 built for i386-freebsd.

The relevant part of my config for testing this function is:

MaxSessions 2
BaseDN  c=UK
CheckAttr   checkitems
ReplyAttr   replyitems
AcctLogFileName %L/LDAP-detail.%m%y
PasswordLogFileName %L/LDAP-passwd-log.%m%y
ExcludeFromPasswordLog   yyy

The relevant portion of my optimistically-named NEWLDAP module is:

sub findUser
my ($self, $name, $p) = @_;

return (undef, 1) unless $self-reconnect;
return (undef, 1) unless $self-anonbind;

my $user;

my @attrs;
push(@attrs, $self-{CheckAttr}) if defined $self-{CheckAttr};
push(@attrs, $self-{ReplyAttr}) if defined $self-{ReplyAttr};

my $result = $self-{ld}-search
(base = $self-{BaseDN},
scope = 'sub',
filter = "($self-{UsernameAttr}=$name)",
attrs = \@attrs);

if (!$result || $result-code() != LDAP_SUCCESS)
my $code = $result ? $result-code() : -1;
my $errname = ldap_error_name($code);
$self-log($main::LOG_ERR, "ldap search failed with error
$self-{ld} = undef;
return (undef, 1);

my $entry = $result-entry(0);
if ($entry)
$user = new Radius::User;

my $dn = $entry-dn;
$self-log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "LDAP got result for $dn");

my ($attr);
foreach $attr ($entry-attributes())
my @vals = $entry-get($attr);
$self-log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "LDAP got $attr: @vals");

$attr = lc $attr;
if ($attr eq lc $self-{CheckAttr})
$user-get_check-parse(join ',', @vals);
elsif ($attr eq lc $self-{ReplyAttr})
$user-get_reply-parse(join ',', @vals);
$self-log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "No entries for $name found in LDAP 
return 0;


# Now we connect and do the login as the user.

return (undef, 1) unless $self-reconnect;

# As you can see, for testing, I've hard-coded a password, because
# trying to extract it directly doesnt seem to work... yet!

my $password = "monday";

# The commented out line below doesnt work! 

#   my $password = $self-decode_password($self-{Client}-{Secret});

my $result = $self-{ld}-bind ( dn = $entry-dn, password = $password);

if (!$result || $result-code() != LDAP_SUCCESS)
my $code = $result ? $result-code() : -1;
my $error = ldap_error_name($code);
$self-log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "Error Code: $code\nError Name: $error");
return 0;
$self-log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "USER AUTHENTICATED!");
return $user;

Advice, please?

I want to purchase Radiator (its currently on evaluation), but can't unless
what I'm trying to do is at least possible...



 Mark O'Leary,| Voice: +44 (0161) 2756110 | Mark O'Leary,
 Network Support Officer, |   Fax: +44 (0161) 2756040 | Deputy Warden,
 Manchester Computing, UK | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Moberly Hall, UoM.

Archive at
To unsubscribe, email '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' with
'unsubscribe radiator' in the body of the message.

(RADIATOR) plaintext pw inside module..?

1999-07-27 Thread Mark O'Leary

You may recall I've been trying to authenticate against an NDS password via
an LDAP server...

I have it mostly working (most code cannabalised from existing modules)
except for one thing: I need to get the plaintext version of the password
that the NAS sent in its access request packet into a variable.

I am grabbing the supplied username as the $name passed to the finduser
subroutine (or in other attempts via  '$p-getUserName').

Whats the equivalent for getting the password, please? Advice welcomed.



 Mark O'Leary,| Voice: +44 (0161) 2756110 | Mark O'Leary,
 Network Support Officer, |   Fax: +44 (0161) 2756040 | Deputy Warden,
 Manchester Computing, UK | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Moberly Hall, UoM.

Archive at
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'unsubscribe radiator' in the body of the message.


1999-07-20 Thread Mark O'Leary

We would like to authenticate against an LDAP server, but rather than
actually look up and return the value of the PasswordAttr field to Radiator,
we'd like to send the uid and password, and simply have the LDAP server
authenticate this against its one-way hash'ed password for that user and
just return an 'accept' or 'reject'...

This would be preferable because we use an LDAP server with a Netware NDS
back-end that already incorporates an NDS password (i.e. one that isnt
accessible via an LDAP attribute) for other services, and rather than
extending the schema with a password attribute that is a snapshot of the NDS
password, we'd like to use it directly.

Has anyone created a solution for this?

If not, can anyone offer advice on creating an AuthBy module to perform as
described above?


 Mark O'Leary,| Voice: +44 (0161) 2756110 | Mark O'Leary,
 Network Support Officer, |   Fax: +44 (0161) 2756040 | Deputy Warden,
 Manchester Computing, UK | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Moberly Hall, UoM.

Archive at
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