Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Sirius Plugin

2010-08-25 Thread jjd_87

Don't feel bad it's the same way for all XM users and the companies have
"merged" here in the US.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Now Playing artwork is not updating! HELP

2010-08-25 Thread dlpoole

Looks like this thread's gone cold, so either the problem is going away
or users are giving up.  I'll post this observation just for the

After numerous trials and reverting to v7.4.x firmware, I found no
sequence of operations that would ensure the album art and user control
(+key) features on Rhapsody and Pandora worked all the time; they seemed
to come and go at random, so I re-upgraded to V7.5.1 r9009 to stop the
constant nags to do so.

Once while it was not working, I noticed a screen “Could not connect to, if this persists,...”   that never persisted
long enough to read the whole of it. Pandora and Rhapsody would
nonetheless display playlists, channels, etc., and play them, but
without the artwork and control features.

Despite the above dialog, logging into with a web
browser and examining the player tab, however, showed the radio as
being “connected.”  Manual disconnect attempts from the browser
instantly reconnected as long as the SB radio remained powered up. 
Rhapsody and Pandora continued to display and play without the album
artwork or control  features.

I forced the SBradio to disconnect by pulling its power, then forced a
disconnect and removed it via the browser at  Factory
resetting the SBRadio then caused it to go back through the entire setup
dialog including the account email and password for 
With that done, artwork and control functions reappeared on both
Pandora and Rhapsody.  The MyMusic functions, however, now return a
dialog that a Squeezebox server must be downloaded, installed, and

When I first began using the SBRadio and before all the problems with
artwork and controls began, I recall seeing a “connecting” dialog when
changing back and forth between MyMusic (on the SBServer) and Internet
Radio, Pandora, or Rhapsody (via  That behavior has
changed, or else the “can't connect” dialog appears instead, but is so
fleeting that I don't notice it. 

>From the SqueezeOS Architecture description: 

“Two modes of operation are supported. Firstly when the user has one or
more SqueezeCenters located on their local network. In this scenario all
the audio players and SqueezeOS-based controllers are connected to the
SqueezeCenter. The SqueezeCenter controls the state and actions of all
connected devices. Internet services are available via the OPML/http
connection from SqueezeNetwork (this is planned for SqueezeCenter 7). 

The second scenario is when the user is not using SqueezeCenter (either
they don’t have it installed or the PC is turned off). In this case all
the audio players and SqueezeOS-based controllers are connected
directly to SqueezeNetwork.” 

It seems to be the “PC is turned off” part of the second scenario that
appears not to work reliably. Since I don't intend to use a SBserver
regularly, I will not run it nor allow the SBRadio to connect to it.
We'll see if that fixes the problem with Rhapsody and Pandora (which
are all I really need, anyway.)


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Using remote radio services

2010-08-25 Thread muchgooder

I recently bought my in-laws a SB and I was hoping to allow them to
access my music collection on my music server. They live in a different
town and thus are not behind my firewall.  

I am currently using orb and (sometimes) tversity to serve music to my
blackberry.  I have this working but I have a login so that I am not
serving my collection to the entire Internet. 

Can someone verify that I am right about the following:  there is no
way to allow SB Radio to log in to something like Orb.  The only thing
that I could do to have any kind of security around this is to
implement something at the network level (VPN or the like).  Thanks you
very much in advance.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Using remote radio services

2010-08-25 Thread snarlydwarf

muchgooder;572056 Wrote: 
> I recently bought my in-laws a SB and I was hoping to allow them to
> access my music collection on my music server. They live in a different
> town and thus are not behind my firewall.  
> I am currently using orb and (sometimes) tversity to serve music to my
> blackberry.  I have this working but I have a login so that I am not
> serving my collection to the entire Internet. 
> Can someone verify that I am right about the following:  there is no
> way to allow SB Radio to log in to something like Orb.  The only thing
> that I could do to have any kind of security around this is to
> implement something at the network level (VPN or the like).  Thanks you
> very much in advance.

What I use: my server is running Linux, so I use 'knockd' to listen for
"knocks" and a couple scripts to open things for knockers.

The premise is that one must "knock" on a certain number of specific
ports and knockd will see these and automatically open a firewall for
those ports.

It is easy enough to script these knocks on Linux, and should be port
knocking clients for Windows.  If their IP changes, they just have to
knock again.

If they have a reasonably static IP (where reasonable = "making changes
won't annoy you too much"), you could do without that and just restrict
access by IP.  I would do this at the router instead of relying on
SBS's network restrictions, but I'm paranoid.

That may be the easiest method.

Just open 3483 tcp/udp and 9000 tcp from their IP to your server at the
router.  Will work fine until their IP changes.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Using remote radio services

2010-08-25 Thread muchgooder

snarlydwarf;572064 Wrote: 
> What I use: my server is running Linux, so I use 'knockd' to listen for
> "knocks" and a couple scripts to open things for knockers.
> The premise is that one must "knock" on a certain number of specific
> ports and knockd will see these and automatically open a firewall for
> those ports.
> It is easy enough to script these knocks on Linux, and should be port
> knocking clients for Windows.  If their IP changes, they just have to
> knock again.
> If they have a reasonably static IP (where reasonable = "making changes
> won't annoy you too much"), you could do without that and just restrict
> access by IP.  I would do this at the router instead of relying on
> SBS's network restrictions, but I'm paranoid.
> That may be the easiest method.
> Just open 3483 tcp/udp and 9000 tcp from their IP to your server at the
> router.  Will work fine until their IP changes.

Thanks so much for your response - I am running windows server 2008. 
So if I am to understand what I have read in other places, I can
install one of these clients and restrict it to an IP/Domain range?  If
so, can you recommend a good one for Windows?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Using remote radio services

2010-08-25 Thread BLatSD

Knowing the technically savy & creative types here, there'll probably be
a lot of answers to this.

1. Subscribe to MP3Tunes account, upload your collection there, and
install the app on your player.  That way, anyone can listen
you give your logon/pw to via web browser whether they're in your
network or not.

2. MS Live Sync is pretty cool.  Set up an account, d/l & run the
software, select the folders you wish to share on your live sync space,
then add your family's email addresses.  They receive a link to connect
to your shared folder.  It also does syncing between computers, just
don't use that part.

3. Another obvious solution is to set up an FTP server.  Pretty easy
with server software & port forwarding.  You could set the logon to
read-only.  I recommend ServU, it's expensive, but fully compliant &
bug free.  There is cheaper FTP server software, I found I get what I
pay for.  I've heard filezilla mentioned here.

4. You could of course copy your collection to another hard drive &
plug it into a Pogoplug for your family.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Using remote radio services

2010-08-25 Thread muchgooder

BLatSD;572101 Wrote: 
> Knowing the technically savy & creative types here, there'll probably be
> a lot of answers to this.
> 1. Subscribe to MP3Tunes account, upload your collection there, and
> install the app on your player.  That way, anyone can listen
> you give your logon/pw to via web browser whether they're in your
> network or not.
> 2. MS Live Sync is pretty cool.  Set up an account, d/l & run the
> software, select the folders you wish to share on your live sync space,
> then add your family's email addresses.  They receive a link to connect
> to your shared folder.  It also does syncing between computers, just
> don't use that part.
> 3. Another obvious solution is to set up an FTP server.  Pretty easy
> with server software & port forwarding.  You could set the logon to
> read-only.  I recommend ServU, it's expensive, but fully compliant &
> bug free.  There is cheaper FTP server software, I found I get what I
> pay for.  I've heard filezilla mentioned here.
> 4. You could of course copy your collection to another hard drive &
> plug it into a Pogoplug for your family.

I have about 1.2 gig of music so it might be tough to upload anywhere
:-).  I was also hoping to stream some of my other radio services to
them from my server.  

I'm already running ftp from my server. How would that help me? 
Unfortunately they do not have a pc in their house (they refuse to get
one) so I can not install anything on their end.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Now Playing artwork is not updating! HELP

2010-08-25 Thread BLatSD

It's amazing how so many variations of so many problems are posted here.
I use exclusively but my Rhapsody & Pandora art works.  It's
only RadioTime stations that don't (so far).

Based on the fact that the problem doesn't seem to be getting any
attention from the developers, I lost all hope that it will be fixed
anytime soon.   As previously stated, I found my workaround so I'm not
as concerned about it, even though it's a bit of a pain in the rear to
step through the workaround.  And after all, we're talking about a
display issue, something that bugs the heck out of me, but nothing that
inhibts the primary purpose of the radio, to stream content.

Which brings me to the point that's bothering me the most right now,
which is the interruption of streaming after 45 minutes to an hour that
the most recent firmware was supposed to have improved upon.  With this
kind of performance, I don't need a sleep feature.  I now know why the
call it the "baby", because you always have to baby sit it. :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Using remote radio services

2010-08-25 Thread BLatSD

muchgooder;572107 Wrote: 
> I have about 1.2 gig of music so it might be tough to upload anywhere
> :-).

I've got 35gb of music on, and I'm sure my collection is
small by most standards. 

>  I'm already running ftp from my server. How would that help me? 
> Unfortunately they do not have a pc in their house (they refuse to get
> one) so I can not install anything on their end.

You're right, I mis-read your first msg. I thought you said that you
bought your in-laws SB Radio, not that you bought them one.  Without
them running a PC, Mp3Tunes is all that comes to mind.  They could also
subscribe to Rhapsody & start creating their own online library for
$9.99 a month!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Using remote radio services

2010-08-25 Thread snarlydwarf

muchgooder;572074 Wrote: 
> Thanks so much for your response - I am running windows server 2008.  So
> if I am to understand what I have read in other places, I can install
> one of these clients and restrict it to an IP/Domain range?  If so, can
> you recommend a good one for Windows?

I don't know if there is a port knocking server for windows (something
that automagically changes your firewall rules).

So in your case, the simplest method is two steps:

In your router configuration there should be some settings for what to
pass through.  "Port Forwarding" or something similar is what it would

You would tell your router, "all connections on ports 3483 (both tcp
and udp) and connections on port 9000 (tcp) should go to
whatever-the-ip-of-your-server is."   (Your server should, then, have a
static IP on your network so you don't have to change these rules if the
router gives it a new IP.)

If your router lets you, you may also be able to restrict it by source:
ie, only packets from should get through to my server on these
ports.  But many routers don't let you specify things like that.

Then you need to make a change on your server machine: on the SBS
settings interface, under Advanced -> Security there is a setting for
allowed clients.  here you would want to specify both your own network
(likely to be as well as the IP of your inlaws.  Add in as well.

Then hold your breath and set the "block incoming connections" pulldown
to Block.

You may or may not also have to allow the same ports in any firewall
software you're running.  Just like your router, if you can specify the
source address, it's good to do that.  Layers of security are good.

Then set the radio to connect to your public IP (ie, the router's IP
which you'll see on any pages that do "show me my ip") and you're

The radio will connect to that IP... the router will realize it should
port forward those ports and send it onto your server, your server
firewall should see it and pass it, and SBS should see it and act on


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Now Playing artwork is not updating! HELP

2010-08-25 Thread Ron Stordahl

BLatSD;571258 Wrote: 
> ...and make the display text freeze (known bug).
> True.  But at least, with a very minor inconvenience, you know how to
> prevent or workaround it (press power first).

I have followed that approach awaken press power first
then play.  But today the screen stayed stuck on last nights station
inspite of following the 'workaround'. I can select and play new
stations, but the artwork is stuck at last night. 

Only a reboot was able to get the screen alive again.

Ron Stordahl

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Now Playing artwork is not updating! HELP

2010-08-25 Thread wayneBR

BLatSD;572112 Wrote: 
> Which brings me to the point that's bothering me the most right now,
> which is the interruption of streaming after 45 minutes to an hour that
> the most recent firmware was supposed to have improved upon.  With this
> kind of performance, I don't need a sleep feature.  I now know why the
> developers call it the "baby", because you always have to baby sit it.
> :-)

Strange, my radio has never lost sound during streaming.  This includes
prior firmware and the current firmware.  I have never ran a local
server-have always connected to  I do experience the radio
art problems.  But for me, the problem was there before this last
upgrade.  This for sure:  the last upgrade stop the radio from turning
off when first turn on.  Thanks for that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Bug reports for 7.5.1.r9009

2010-08-25 Thread jamex

no mention of the snooze\alarm off 1 minute bug?


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Auto Retry

2010-08-25 Thread BLatSD

I still use my good 'ole Roku Soundbridge M1001, and one thing I sure
miss on the SqueezeBox Radio (maybe other/all Squeezebox products too)
is an auto retry on streams/connections.  I click on a favorite, I get
an error message indicating in so many words that the 'broadcasters'
servers are full, and I have to keep trying to connect over and over
manually.  Sure would be a very nice feature.  Of course, it would need
an abort (or maybe a configurable maximum retry count) so it doesn't try
to reconnect indefinitely.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Auto Retry

2010-08-25 Thread FredFredrickson

I think putting it on repeat will continue retrying a station. Also
helps if the station automatically kicks you after an hour (some
stations do that), cause it just re-connects.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Auto Retry

2010-08-25 Thread BLatSD

FredFredrickson;572156 Wrote: 
> I think putting it on repeat will continue retrying a station.

Nope, tried it on "Song" & "Playlist".


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Poles hold 5th most .eu domain names

2010-08-25 Thread selina-tan

(This article is released by 

Polish people hold the fifth highest number of the .eu internet domain
name, just behind France and just ahead of Italy, has found.

According to the European Registry of Internet Domain Names (EURid),
the operator of the .eu domain, 200,000 Poles currently use the .eu
domain, up from 150,000 in July 2009.

Germans remain the most prolific holders of the .eu domain, with nearly
one million of them registered to German businesses and individuals.

They are followed by the Dutch, who have 424,000 .eu domains, the
British, with 316,000, and the French with 280,000.

There are a total of 3.2 million .eu domains registered throughout the
European Union. The domain is the ninth most popular in the world.

“The vast majority of addresses registered by us
belong to companies,” Marcin Kuśmierz of, which mediates
about one-third of .eu domain registrations in Poland, told Gazeta

“Most of the created domains are renewed, which means companies are in
fact using them and they are valuable,” he said.

Registrations for the .eu domain started on December 7 2005, at which
time the domain was made available only to the EU's public
institutions. The domain was opened up to the public on April 7 in the
following year.

(The copyright belongs to, )


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