Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread erland

jasell wrote: 
> Erlandi, do you have any amazing plans on how to Hi-jack this hardware
> platform?
Time will tell, I don't want to say/promise anything more at this time.
I generally recommend people to enjoy their Squeezebox at the moment, it
works as great today as it did 2 weeks ago and it will continue to work
great for at least the next year, so there is no reason to panic and
switch to something else already now, it's better to wait and see what
the future will bring.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread pallfreeman

SBGK wrote: 
> having suffered a 44% reduction in profits maybe they had other
> priorities, such as survival.

And pissing off your high-spending customers is a really good way to
ensure that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread SBGK

paulster wrote: 
> The Receiver and Classic are out because they use an older hardware
> architecture.
> I can't understand, for the life of me, why they haven't launched a new
> version of the Touch though.  Ultimate Ears is probably Logitech's
> highest-end brand, and the only product they bring out is the Radio?! 
> This would be a great opportunity to justify ripping out the crappy
> embedded LMS instance in the Touch, streamlining the firmware on it and
> making it available as a UE product.  But then we've already seen that
> Logitech's marketing department, which seems to drive everything, knows
> absolutely nothing about their products and what they do.

having suffered a 44% reduction in profits maybe they had other
priorities, such as survival.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread paulster

The Receiver and Classic are out because they use an older hardware

I can't understand, for the life of me, why they haven't launched a new
version of the Touch though.  Ultimate Ears is probably Logitech's
highest-end brand, and the only product they bring out is the Radio?! 
This would be a great opportunity to justify ripping out the crappy
embedded LMS instance in the Touch, streamlining the firmware on it and
making it available as a UE product.  But then we've already seen that
Logitech's marketing department, which seems to drive everything, knows
absolutely nothing about their products and what they do.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread jasell

I followed the thread, makes me very sad indeed, BUT one unanswered
question remains.

There is an official statement that only the SB Radio should be able to
What I understand the new infrastructure will actually require less from
the nodes (players), shouldn't it then be possible to actually make all
(or at least the "newer" players such as reciever, touch and maybe the
classic) to be upgradeable as well?

Is this due to sales strategy or hardware limitations?
-Do Logitech belive that the old community is so in love with Logitech
so that we will replace all our old stuff and buy new replacement from
the new UE line?

For me, I would be a milion times more likely to buy new UE hardware
from Logitech if I could bring my old stuff with me. I have actaully
been waiting for year for Logitech to release more hardware that I can
ADD to my existing setup.

The major drawback with UE is the need of internet access to play
anything, my connection tends to get interupt with bad weather (heavy
rain or snow storms). As the climate is changing we will probably see
more of this dramatic weather. For Logitech's knowledge, I'm not buying
a fiber connection just to be able to play my locally stored music.

So I put my hope to some of you power contributors here:
Erlandi, do you have any amazing plans on how to Hi-jack this hardware
Or can the Vortexbox people take over?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread garym

TheLastMan wrote: 
> They already know, for instance, that you bought "Fifty Shades of Grey"
> alongside your Cheerios, rump steak and panty liners.  Would you really
> mind them knowing that you listen to Jimmy Osmond, Dying Fetus [sic] or
> One Direction?
> Er, second thoughts...

and given that I scrobble everthing to, the marketeers already
know a big part of my listening habits!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread frank1969

mherger wrote: 
>  there currently is no web UI to control playback. Use your
> smartphone/tablet computer instead.

Is it right I can only test / run the app while OWNING a UE SmartRadio?
I'd like to test but after owning several squeezeboxes I don't want to
buy new hardware at THIS point - but I'd like to see what SR is able to
I'm still disappointed that U bought several SB Hardware and I'm still
waiting for a working software (in 7.8 you can still NOT use the "update
scan" - if You change fields like TITLE the cover art is gone!). And now
Logitech says more or less it will not give me any working software and
will add a new product line ... it should be clear I will only buy it if
the working software already EXISTS!

I guess there will be much more trouble from other disappointed buyers
of Squeeeboxes...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread toby10

Michael H,
Now that the new direction is UE and UE is truly tethered to the online
server, is there any interest in making the Favorites portion of UE
online more robust?  Like incorporating Favorites folders and
sub-folders for saved streams?  Without a full featured UE server to
fall back on (like LMS) having a robust and user friendly online
Favorites section seams very critical now for users, new and old.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread toby10

A big issue with relying on a third party like for such basic
functionality as Random Mix is it's access restrictions/licensing.  Such
a basic feature won't do a user any good if they reside in a country
that does not support (not allow) the required back end service provider
to function.  You can have Random Mix in the UK but not Italy?  That
will create some CSR calls for sure, both in feature support confusion
and complaints.  ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread TheLastMan

erland wrote: 
> Actually, that's more or less exactly what I would like, I like to have
> the metadata of my collection on
That was exactly what I was thinking too!

You could build a simple function in UEML to upload the basic tag
information from the scan it already does of your tag data (excluding
images, lyrics, comments etc) and upload it to alongside the
index information that UEML uses to identify each track.

Looking at a couple of classical albums, I reckon each track has a
maximum of about 200 characters for Album, Title, Artist, Album Artist,
Genre, Year etc.  Assuming an average collection of, say, 10,000 tracks
(a major over-assumption) that is a total of 2,000,000 characters or
1.9MB. Even the biggest collections of 100,000 tracks would only be
20MB. Hardly a huge amount of data nowadays. It could even be compressed
and uploaded as a zipped comma delineated text file. Once in Logitech's
hands, and made available to UEML, it just needs a simple random index
search to pick the next track or two.

I cannot believe this is really that difficult to implement, even in the
cloud. Think of the possibilities for UE and Logitech with all that data
at their fingertips!  Think of the targeted marketing you could do!
Spotify and Rhapsody might even pay you a fee to access it!

Of course you would need the user's consent - but who really minds a
corporation knowing what is in your music collection?  Supermarkets
already keep much more detailed and intrusive information about your
buying habits with their loyalty card systems (at least in the UK). 
They already know, for instance, that you bought "Fifty Shades of Grey"
alongside your Cheerios, rump steak and panty liners.  Who would you
really mind them knowing that you listen to Jimmy Osmond, Dying Fetus
[sic] or One Direction?

Er, second thoughts...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread sadglad

Just to clarify, you guys know that scrobble to and streaming
from is not the same thing, don't you?

Pippin, is it possible that iPeng comes to UE too? :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread Michael Herger

I discovered the MOG issue when I subscribed to MOG, listened to loads
of albums over a month or two period and I still had no recommendations
showing in LMS.  Then I was away one weekend, listened to something from on my laptop because I'd forgotten my iPod and suddenly I had a
load of suggestions based on that one single album.

Oh, you say the "for you..." feature does not work as expected on SB, but  
does eg. in their apps? That would be a bug then.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread paulster

True, but my point is if you want third parties to do 'smart' stuff then
you should work with them so the things work properly and have some
chance of actually being considered 'smart'.

I discovered the MOG issue when I subscribed to MOG, listened to loads
of albums over a month or two period and I still had no recommendations
showing in LMS.  Then I was away one weekend, listened to something from on my laptop because I'd forgotten my iPod and suddenly I had a
load of suggestions based on that one single album.

If you're talking about a move to a cloud type environment for your
customers then it needs to actually work.  They shouldn't have to go and
listen to music from in order for a function within the
Squeezebox/UE environment to work.  And that's the last thing you want
because then they're not using your hardware, which is immediately
devaluing it.  This is where you need to think like Apple if that's the
model you're shooting for, and tie up all the loose ends.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread Michael Herger

This made me laugh because, unfortunately, MOG's 'Just for you' function
doesn't actually work with the Squeezebox system!  Sure it lists albums
for you, but they are only based on stuff you've listened to directly
through the MOG web interface and not via your Squeezebox system, so its
use is actually of almost no value whatsoever right now.

Well, they are assuming you do only listen through them... I loved the  
"Suggested by your friends" or whatever feature even funnier: they  
suggested I should listen to some Justin Bieber, because my nephew (a  
facebook "friend" of mine) had joined some JB _hate_ group :-). Maybe  
they've tweaked that algorithm by now. But sure, not all recommendation  
engines are really smart.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread paulster

mherger wrote: 
> Therefore we mostly rely on our partners to do the smart things.  
> MOG's "For you only" feature, Pandora, etc. all have some kind
> of  
> "we know what you like" algorithm.

This made me laugh because, unfortunately, MOG's 'Just for you' function
doesn't actually work with the Squeezebox system!  Sure it lists albums
for you, but they are only based on stuff you've listened to directly
through the MOG web interface and not via your Squeezebox system, so its
use is actually of almost no value whatsoever right now.

You maybe want to ask them to fix that!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-06 Thread Michael Herger

Actually, that's more or less exactly what I would like, I like to have

You're already a scrobbler, aren't you? The trend, whether you and  
I like it or not, is online streaming. The collector who has thousands  
(I'm not even talking about tens of thousands!) of tracks on his disc and  
prefers to manage them over using an online stereaming service is a dieing  
breed. Therefore we mostly rely on our partners to do the smart things.  
MOG's "For you only" feature, Pandora, etc. all have some kind of  
"we know what you like" algorithm.

I personally played with the idea of implementing some smart mixes based  
on the API. But that would mostly be working for users  
only (and I didn't find the time yet to give it much thought anyway...).


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