Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Before I take my SB radio back for a refund....

2012-02-11 Thread pqpq

Yes, the big letter is there but how does that help me scroll quickly?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Before I take my SB radio back for a refund....

2012-02-11 Thread pqpq

Thanks Triode, will give that a go.

Slate - no, not 10,000 CDs, it's around half that I guess but I have a
lot of compilation albums which bumps up the artist number quite a bit.
For some reason it's especially bad with latin stuff - however much you
have the same artist almost never crops up twice.  I don't find it too
bad just looking using the first letter with the keypad on the remote,
and I also have a smart search app which makes it much quicker.  It's a
whole lot better than it used to be when I had to find the actual


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Before I take my SB radio back for a refund....

2012-02-11 Thread pqpq

Thanks all.

Some of this I don't understand - will have to do some more

I really don't want to go down the remote control/smartphone route -
the whole point of the radio is that it's a convenient stand-alone unit
which is easy to control direct from the controls on the unit.

So is there really no way to at least skip to a particular letter using
the controls on the radio?  I can't find anything which will do it. 
With almost 4000 artists on my database, even getting to the end of the
As takes a while...

This is a bit of a deal breaker, so if I can't sort this out the radio
will probably go back.



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[SlimDevices: Radio] Before I take my SB radio back for a refund....

2012-01-29 Thread pqpq

I bought a Squeezebox Radio for my other half's birthday last week, and
while it does everything I hoped it would, it's proving so user
unfriendly that I know she won't use it.  Before I take it back for a
refund, maybe there's stuff I could do to improve things.

So the problems are:

The main attraction of the Radio is using the BBC's listen again
service, so I installed the Applet.  It is installed but I can't find
it anywhere to actually use it.  If I do a manual search for BBC Radio,
there are some old programmes showing up, so maybe that's it, but the
search is so clunky that as it stands, the listen again won't get

I have a vast CD collection ripped to a NAS drive, which works fine on
the SB attached to my hi-fi.  On the SB radio, the search function is
so difficult to use (using the wheel to type in the search term) that
it won't get used.  It means that everything takes too long to find to
be worth the bother, unless the artist/album/whatever start with an

I put some of her favourite radio stations in favourites, but they were
wiped as soon as she switched it off - back to clunky searching again. 
The favourites is now full of apparently random music tracks neither of
us have ever played.  I've now tried the preset thing - let's see if
that stays put.  Favourites it seems don't really work.

So all of this means that so far it's only been used for live radio
broadcasts - but given what she likes to listen to, a DAB radio would
do that job much better than a squeezebox does because it doen't rely
on a wi-fi signal.

So can I sort these problems out or should get a refund?



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