Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2013-01-19 Thread wcndave

I am not sure that it was just enthusiasts who were dropped here.  I
would say its anyone who had a decent cd collection, or has a living
room stereo and a kitchen/bedroom boombox.

For me this covers nearly everyone!

Sonos, there are a few things apart from the price i did not like when
last i checked.

Wireless only? Limited number of files? No server for central mgmt?

I forget now, however was more than the price.

I still think they have dropped the millions of ppl who match the above
criteria and were ready to go media-less

The touch sold amazingly well with zero marketing!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2013-01-11 Thread wcndave

erland wrote: 
 UE Smart Radio isn't designed for people like you... So as long as 2B is
 a yes in your example Logitech has successfully provided what their
 target user for UE Smart Radio is interested inSmart Radio isn't a
 Squeezebox and it will never be a Squeezebox (unless you manually
 downgrade it to Squeezebox firmware), it's an internet radio device with
 some premium features. Unfortunately the current price is not set
 according to an internet radio, it's set for a Squeezebox kind of
 device, which probably means that there are currently a limited amount
 of people who really loves it. I suspect the users who only needs
 something for the 2B category really is looking for devices at $99 and

Yes, i suppose that was my point.

Before you had a range of device that covered everything from high range
audiophiles to CD collectors, to something to do the washing up to.

Some posters were saying some categories don't exist much anymore,
however i suspect that the latter two are both high growth potential,
and Squeeze was the only one that handled them all in a complete house

Therefore reducing the range to the one item that the kind of people who
frequent this forum will care about the least is a real shame...

I am building a and was waiting until then to get a couple of booms, and
2 or 3 touches, however I am not left with no real options :-(

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2013-01-10 Thread wcndave

few comments:

garym wrote: 
 don't panic. All your stuff will still work.  The only current issue
 I see is that the future hardware might not be compatible with existing
 hardware.  In terms of LMS and your own music. This can work forever
 without logitech's intervention.

As noted elsewhere I think, this means never upgrading.  My Synology NAS
has a click and install LMS, I use my NAS for lots of other things.  I
now need to get a new one, only for music, and never upgrade it or patch
security holes etc...  not great solution, but will have to be done.

mherger wrote: 
  Does this mean that in the event of one's internet connection going
  (which used to happen frequently when I was with my former ISP, the
 major UK ISP), the UE Radio cannot be controlled to play locally stored
 Yes, that's true.

Really bad.  I have a very very flakey connection indeed in the
mountains of Italy and this means my whole house music system would not

mherger wrote: 
 The trend, whether you and I like it or not, is online streaming. The
 collector who has thousands (I'm not even talking about tens of
 thousands!) of tracks on his disc and prefers to manage them over using
 an online stereaming service is a dieing breed.

Not sure I agree, the biggest untapped segment will be the non techies
and non-early adopters who have hundreds of CDs and decide that it's
now probably time to embrace music stored centrally somehow and want a
fairly decent quality solution.

I think the reason this never got mainstream was i) no end to end
process, including the ripping, for legal reasons, and ii) they could
not make the interfaces / setup idiot proof.

Here's what I see the needs to be source wise:

1. Local music ripped and stored on PC / NAS
2. Listen to Internet Radio
3. Listen through services like LastFM
4. Upload your collection online so you always have it wherever you are

Then you have how we listen

A) living room stereo high end
B) kitchen / bedroom style booms
C) On computer
D) Mobile Players

Let's compare old and new on this basis

1A SB: perfect with transporter / touch / classic
1A UE: Not available
1B SB: Perfect, no internet required, no lag
1B UE: Available but flawed.. can i plug a subwoofer in like i do now in
kitchen boom?
1C SB: Easy if you want this
1C UE: Not seen anything that suggests one can do this - use winamp
1D SB: Not available
1D UE: Still not available

 SB -- UE 
2A - yes   no
2B - yes  yes
2C - yes  no?

3A --- yes--- no
3B --- yes --- yes
3C --- why? --no?

4A/B/C/D - no -- still no

which means we lose a load of stuff, and do not gain any significant
killer features like online collection to mobile devices or

in addition a proportion like to have a dedicated touch / duet
controller setup at least to go with their hi-fi living room setup, and
that is now relegated to mobile apps.
my kids won't have smartphones for another 5-6 years

all in all doing a market analysis of the needs versus the products does
not seem to have been high on their list...

oh and i see the touch is no $700+ in US, and i cannot find them in
Italy / UK for much less than £350, so I have found out about this a few
months too late :'(

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