Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Work-around for SqueezeBoxRadio wifi drop-out

2021-10-02 Thread Chz

P Nelson wrote: 
> To help rule out possible sources of the problem, I suggest connecting
> the radio direct to your main router via ethernet cable that is known to
> be reliable, ie bypass the netgear extender. (once I had a cable that
> was intermittently bad, drove me crazy trying to figure out the
> problem.)

I haven't done this yet, but I have replaced the power adapter just in

I noticed something today. If I leave the Radio on, it doesn't
disconnect. Only when it goes to sleep does it happen! I'll test some
more around that this weekend.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Work-around for SqueezeBoxRadio wifi drop-out

2021-09-28 Thread P Nelson

Chz wrote: 
> I had a TP-Link at first, but since it was unreliable for wifi I didn't
> really trust it on the wired connection either. It's been replaced by a
> Netgear that's solid on the wifi.
> When the Radio boots, it has a <...> connection and everything works
> great. After a few hours it becomes a blue circle and it all goes to
> hell. I suppose I could just reboot it every time I want to us it, but
> that seems a right pain.
> I've no idea where I'd source a new power connector.

To help rule out possible sources of the problem, I suggest connecting
the radio direct to your main router via ethernet cable that is known to
be reliable, ie bypass the netgear extender. (once I had a cable that
was intermittently bad, drove me crazy trying to figure out the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Work-around for SqueezeBoxRadio wifi drop-out

2021-09-28 Thread Mellon

Chz wrote: 
> I've no idea where I'd source a new power connector.

is what I got in June, but I imagine there are other alternatives out

Also, be aware, not the same as a Receiver PSU, which can also be found.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Work-around for SqueezeBoxRadio wifi drop-out

2021-09-28 Thread Chz

P Nelson wrote: 
> What brand and model of wifi repeater are you using?   Are you sure the
> Radio is connecting via ethernet?  The symbol will change to a line with
> arrows.
> I use a tplink  nano router in ethernet bridge or client mode and not
> using the wifi repeater mode and have not had any problems.  Others have
> used a vonets.

I had a TP-Link at first, but since it was unreliable for wifi I didn't
really trust it on the wired connection either. It's been replaced by a
Netgear that's solid on the wifi.
When the Radio boots, it has a <...> connection and everything works
great. After a few hours it becomes a blue circle and it all goes to
hell. I suppose I could just reboot it every time I want to us it, but
that seems a right pain.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Work-around for SqueezeBoxRadio wifi drop-out

2021-09-27 Thread Mellon

Chz wrote: 
> I've the same problem with disconnects, but here's the rub... My
> Squeezebox Radio is cabled into the nearby wifi repeater. I'm not sure
> the issue is totally in the wifi drivers, it seems to be a problem with
> the network stack in general. Any idea how I could modify this the work
> on an ethernet connection?

Purely anecdotal, but I had sporadic but numerous wifi outages on both a
Radio and a Receiver (years apart) as a result of a dying, but not dead,
PSU. PSU replaced, no more wifi outages. If you have another working
Radio, you could try swapping the PSUs and see if the fault stays with
that Radio.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Work-around for SqueezeBoxRadio wifi drop-out

2021-09-27 Thread P Nelson

Chz wrote: 
> I've the same problem with disconnects, but here's the rub... My
> Squeezebox Radio is cabled into the nearby wifi repeater. I'm not sure
> the issue is totally in the wifi drivers, it seems to be a problem with
> the network stack in general. Any idea how I could modify this the work
> on an ethernet connection?

What brand and model of wifi repeater are you using?   Are you sure the
Radio is connecting via ethernet?  The symbol will change to a line with
I use a tplink  nano router in ethernet bridge or client mode and not
using the wifi repeater mode and have not had any problems.  Others have
used a vonets.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Work-around for SqueezeBoxRadio wifi drop-out

2021-09-26 Thread Chz

I've the same problem with disconnects, but here's the rub... My
Squeezebox Radio is cabled into the nearby wifi repeater. I'm not sure
the issue is totally in the wifi drivers, it seems to be a problem with
the network stack in general. Any idea how I could modify this the work
on an ethernet connection?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Work-around for SqueezeBoxRadio wifi drop-out

2021-09-26 Thread Tony T

Simple, thanks for this.
wlanpoke is effective, and has a lot of logging to help in investigation
of the problem to assist in a true fix, but unfortunately, a true fix,
as you noted, requires an updated wireless driver (not going to happen),
or a new-user created one (don't see that happening either).
Never took the time to really understand the script in wlanpoke, but
yours is short enough for me to comprehend (thanks).
Now that wlanpoke is working for me (needed to use the -x switch for
me), i'm going to give your workaround a try.

  SBTouch  SBRadio 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Work-around for SqueezeBoxRadio wifi drop-out

2021-09-16 Thread mrw

aidy_w wrote: 
> Hi, 
> Both are dependent on the the atheros wireless driver. This seems to
> have a bug that places it into a uni-directional state. Traffic out from
> the IP layer but responses do not make it to the host. 

Not just IP, I think.

I did manage, once or twice, to get my Radio into this state, probably
due to very poor positioning/bad signal strength relative to the AP I
had set up [1].

I observed that it would send reassociation requests to the AP just
fine, but completely ignored the AP’s positive responses. This was
evident from the AP’s log.

It’s not easy for me to reproduce the conditions and examine further.
Particularly as I generally use the Radio for its intended purpose of
listening to music.

[1] Tinkering with hostapd on a Raspberry Pi.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Work-around for SqueezeBoxRadio wifi drop-out

2021-09-10 Thread aidy_w

TomS wrote: 
> Would it be better in your script to ping the gateway instead of the
> squeezebox server (which might go down for other reasons)?

As you like, I think its pretty simple to even hardcode whatever device
you might consider suitable in terms of a reach-ability test. At the end
of the day using ping in this way is never ideal, after all under heavy
interference it may be that packet loss will trigger a restart, but I'm
living with the risk. But it seems that the driver problem is itself
triggered by packet loss and dubious wireless conditions, so  go
figure. I just wanted my radio to work again :)

No doubt the ideal solution would be to figure out why the driver is
locking up. Link Layer retransmissions causing buffer overruns??
Unfortunately the firmware is a binary and I didn't have the desire to
open that can of worms anyway. Its a workaround after all.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Work-around for SqueezeBoxRadio wifi drop-out

2021-09-10 Thread aidy_w

P Nelson wrote: 
> Have you seen the wlanpoke script developed by POMDEV? 

I had not until I posted my own solution. I did then take a look at
wlanpoke (typical that I didn't see it before the effort but hey ho),
but in all honesty and with all due respect I found a 'sledgehammer to
crack a nut'. I'm sure it is wonderful and very effective, but as I
already worked through my own at this point and its working and is seems
to not cause any resets or timeouts of SqueezePlay, I'm sticking with
the simple short scripts until otherwise frustrated.
All the best

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Work-around for SqueezeBoxRadio wifi drop-out

2021-09-10 Thread TomS

Nice to have multiple ideas/alternatives (this one, wlanpoke), thank you
for taking the time to put workarounds together.

Would it be better in your script to ping the gateway instead of the
squeezebox server (which might go down for other reasons)?  I realize if
the sb server goes down you aren't playing music anyway, but still 
Just a thought really, ignore as you see fit.


SB3(1), Boom(2), Radio(3), piCorePlayer (1)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Work-around for SqueezeBoxRadio wifi drop-out

2021-09-10 Thread P Nelson

Interesting solution.  Have you seen the wlanpoke script developed by

POMDEV describes the fix as:
> The script does not fix the disruption issue. Instead, it restarts the
> wireless radio after a disruption has been detected, frequently quickly
> enough so that music that has been downloaded to the radio does not "run
> out" before the radio reconnects.

I am no expert, so I am glad there are smart people trying to create
solution to prevent the SB radios from just being a clock.

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[SlimDevices: Radio] Work-around for SqueezeBoxRadio wifi drop-out

2021-09-10 Thread aidy_w

I have had recent problems with a SqueezeBoxRadio that had been 100%
reliable on a wifi link for several years and then suddenly started
disconnecting and required either network repair, and more often reboot
to get connectivity up again. I assumed it must have been new wifi
interference out of my control. If I placed the unit directly in front
of my AP. It did not happen, but when I placed it back into the position
I wanted it (at some distance) it started with disconnects. 

I noticed others in related posts had similar issues. So I worked on
this a little. Hope someone else might find this useful

During investigations, I tried with little success to use ssh on the
client while this was happening and even tried saving logs to another
file to try and capture what was occurring. It all proved ineffective.
So finally I attached to the serial interface on the SqueezeBoxRadio and
waited for disconnect.
It seems that when these disconnects occur it is not possible to simply
restart the IP layer or for that matter the wpa_supplicant. Both are
dependent on the the atheros wireless driver. This seems to have a bug
that places it into a uni-directional state. Traffic out from the IP
layer but responses do not make it to the host. 
Therefore to avoid debugging the wireless code  I came up with a
work around:
Essentially a simple ping based bidirectional forwarding detection
mechanism, that regularly pings the squeeze server according to the info
in the server config file, and if pings fail, it unloads the entire
atheros driver, reloads again aquires a new IP and actually the higher
layer (Squeezeplay) rides this out and the connection loss is invisible
to the user application. 

Nasty but effective. To kick off the script I modified
/etc/network/udhcpc_action. This now starts an instance of my
script every time a dhcp lease is acquired. It also looks for an
instance of the script pid file, to ensure it does not attempt to
start multiple instances each time a dhcp renew occurs. The
script does a simple job of cleaning up its own pid files and runs
continuously until a disconnect occurs. It then reloads the driver
modules and then exits, waits for dhcp to acquire an IP address and is
then restarted by udhcpc_action, only when IP connectivity should be



  if test -f "/var/run/"; then
for pr_num in $(pidof; do
if [ $pr_num != $$ ]; then
kill -9 $pr_num
rm /var/run/
  /usr/bin/logger "BFD Daemon started with PID: "$$
  echo $$ > /var/run/
  server=$(awk -F"serverInit="  '{print $2}' 
/etc/squeezeplay/userpath/settings/Playback.lua | awk -F"," '{print $2}' | cut 
-d '"' -f2)
  while [ $loop == "true" ]
  ping -W 1 -w 10 -c 5 $server > /dev/null
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
/usr/bin/logger "Ping Bidirectional Forwarding Detection failed: 
Restarting wlan."
/etc/init.d/wlan stop
sleep 2
/etc/init.d/wlan start
rm /var/run/
udhcpc -R -a -p /var/run/ -b --syslog -i eth1 -H 
SqueezeboxRadio -s /etc/network/udhcpc_action
#dropbear -i
sleep 5

modified /etc/network/udhcpc_action


  # udhcpc script edited by Tim Riker 
  # zcip integration idea from here:
  [ -z "$1" ] && echo "Error: should be called from udhcpc" && exit 1
  [ -n "$broadcast" ] && BROADCAST="broadcast $broadcast"
  [ -n "$subnet" ] && NETMASK="netmask $subnet"
  /usr/bin/logger "udhcpc_action $interface $1 ip=$ip"
  case "$1" in
killall zcip > /dev/null
/sbin/ifconfig $interface
killall zcip > /dev/null
  # -v is needed to work around a bug in zcip - probably fixed in newer version
/sbin/zcip -v $interface /etc/network/zcip_action > /dev/null &
killall zcip > /dev/null
/sbin/ifconfig $interface $ip $BROADCAST $NETMASK
while route del default gw dev $interface ; do
if [ -n "$router" ] ; then
for i in $router ; do
route add default gw $i dev $interface metric 
route add default dev $interface
echo -n > $RESOLV_CONF