[RE-wrenches] housekeeping

2008-11-13 Thread Michael Welch
Good morning gang. I sure do feel privileged to be in on these excellent 
discussions you all have.

Anyway, a few things to pay attention to. If you have any questions, please 
contact me off list.

1. You must use the address that you find in the From: or Reply-To: headers for 
your message to be accepted by the list. 

In each incoming message there are three headers that have an address that is 
similar to the list address. They are Return-Path:, Sender:, and Errors-To: and 
they all append "-bounces" to the address. It is for internal use only, and if 
you send a message to that address, it will not make it to the list.

2. You must send mail FROM the address that is subscribed to the list. So, if 
you have more than one address, be sure to use the one that is subscribed as 
your From address.

3. Try to trim back the quoting on your messages to decrease message size and 
increase convenience. Just try to quote the most recent parts and/or the parts 
that you are responding to.

4. When we moved the list from Topica last summer, I enabled the ability to 
have html and file attachments as an experiment. It seems to be OK, and some of 
you like it so I probably will not change back. But please only include file 
attachments if you think a lot of Wrenches will appreciate the file being 
handed to them. If you think only a few might like the file, it is better to 
give list members a choice by putting the file somewhere on the internet and 
merely sending the URL and description to the list. Yes, even in this day and 
age of high bandwidth, we actually have some members that are still on 
painfully slow dialup and semi-slow satellite.

Some of the messages with layers of quoting can be come quite colorful, can't 
they?  I hope this drab B&W message has not been too boring.


List sponsored by Home Power magazine

List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org

Options & settings:

List-Archive: http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org

List rules & etiquette:

Check out participant bios:

[RE-wrenches] Housekeeping

2012-09-14 Thread Michael Welch
If you have any concerns or comments about this, please respond to me OFF LIST.

Just some reminders, folks. I've been wanting to send some of these for awhile. 
Now seemed a good time because there have been no messages for several days.

1. You MUST use the email address that is subscribed to the list, or else you 
will get a rejection from the list server. And all emails must be sent to the 
list server address of re-wrenches@[etc.].

2. Please chop down lengthy quoting when responding to posts. We've gotten a 
couple of complaints about this recently. Unless we do that, the messages just 
keep getting longer and longer.

3. If you are a manufacturer's representative, please only respond to posts 
about YOUR product, not others' products. It is OK to respond to general 
questions in areas where you are knowledgeable, but please do not promote your 
own products while doing so.

4. Do not post any leads, job possibilities, or help wanted to the list. Lots 
of other places for those.

5. If you are going on vacation or such, please put your Wrench list membership 
on hold until you get back. List members shouldn't be getting your "out of 
town" notification emails.

6. A reminder to not post off topic items. Here is my standard blurb about that:
a. Don't post jokes, thanks, news items, events, politics, marketing, or 
anything else that is off-topic.

b. Don't respond on-list to others' off topic posts.

c. Don't post items that are available for sale, either from you or from 

c2. From time to time people post items that they need but are having problems 
locating (like an older model PV module to replace a broken one), but these 
requests should be responded to off-list. And these requests should state 
within them, something like "if you have one, please contact me off list."

d. If you have a message that is intended for individuals that are on the list, 
don't send it to the whole list -- just send it to the individuals.

Thanks, Wrenches. You folks are GREAT!

List sponsored by Home Power magazine

List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org

Options & settings:

List-Archive: http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org

List rules & etiquette:

Check out participant bios:

[RE-wrenches] Housekeeping

2013-03-11 Thread Michael Welch
Hi gang. Please send any response or comments to me OFF LIST.

Please read carefully.

1. Based on member feedback (or lack thereof), I have increased the allowed 
message size to 1 MB. That does not mean you should start peppering everyone's 
hard disks with larger files. Every time you send a file, literally hundreds of 
members receive it. 

So please be judicious about what you send -- that said, the bandwidth is there 
if you need it.

Oh yeah, also continue to edit out extraneous quoting and footers from replies 
before sending. It just makes things cleaner.

2. A reminder that the default for our list server is that replying to a 
message goes to everyone on the list. In those cases where your reply is 
appropriate to send only to the person you are replying to, you need to grab 
their email address and replace the list address in the To: field.

3. Several Wrenches have been phished lately, so I offer this word of caution. 
If you receive an email or some other communication that suggests you need to 
log in to your email account and it offers a link to do so, DO NOT DO IT. 
Chances are it is a link not to your email host, but to a fake login page, for 
somebody who will then harvest your email address and password, and use it to 
send spam. 

Be SURE that you are on your email host's (like Yahoo, Google Mail, AOL, etc.) 
legitimate web site before using your password. If you have any doubts, feel 
free to ask me for help.

Here is an example of what you might see, when being phished. Note that there 
might just be text like "Please log in now" and a graphic like your email 
host's, but the code underneath it is where the deviousness comes in. If you 
cannot see the underlying code in your email program, if you click it it will 
be visible in the URL field of the browser window that opens.

Real Yahoo email login (there can be variations of this):

Fake Yahoo email login example:

If you ever think you may have been phished, immediately go to your real email 
login and change your password. 

For more info about phishing:

List sponsored by Home Power magazine

List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org

Change email address & settings:

List-Archive: http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org

List rules & etiquette:

Check out participant bios:

Re: [RE-wrenches] housekeeping

2008-11-13 Thread Bruce Geddes
4. When we moved the list from Topica last summer, I enabled the ability 
to have html and file attachments as an experiment. It seems to be OK, and 
some of you like it so I probably will not change back. But please only 
include file attachments if you think a lot of Wrenches will appreciate 
the file being handed to them. If you think only a few might like the 
file, it is better to give list members a choice by putting the file 
somewhere on the internet and merely sending the URL and description to 
the list. Yes, even in this day and age of high bandwidth, we actually 
have some members that are still on painfully slow dialup and semi-slow 

Yes, with a download speed of around 2kB large attachments are a real issue. 
No, it is not that I am too stingy to get broadband, the service just does 
not make it to my place, even the sattelite!  Even my phone line is 

Bruce Geddes

List sponsored by Home Power magazine

List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org

Options & settings:

List-Archive: http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org

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[RE-wrenches] Housekeeping stuff

2009-05-06 Thread Michael Welch

Wrenches. This gives me the opportunity to make two points. If you have
any questions or concerns: contact me off
list off list off
1. There is so much funky stuff out there (these inverters, ebooks on how
to power your home with a homemade wind generator or PV module for $200,
vertical axis yard art, H2 gasoline eliminators, etc.) that I really
would like to keep it off the list and keep the discussions to real
Wrench-related stuff. Remember, we do have the RE-Bitching list to
complain about **anything** we want, and many of you have let me know it
is of high importance to keep the signal to noise ratio at the most
useful level.
2. After compiling the many answers I received about whether or not
pricing should be discussed in this public forum, there was nothing even
close to consensus. So as for pricing, here's the deal. If somebody takes
to mentioning prices, either inadvertently or because they feel it is
good for the list, please do not respond on list with "that
bites" or "I don't like it" or "go dude" or any
other encouragement, discouragement, or pricing discussion.
Rather, please start a private conversation off list with the person, and
then respectfully try to convince each other as to the merits of your
opinions. CC me if you'd like, but let's consider discussions about
whether pricing should be on the list to be off-topic for the
3. (Really, I thought it was only going to be two.) If you post to the
list looking for a particular piece of equipment not otherwise available,
please ask that folks respond to you off list, and then those of you
responding please be sure respect that.
Thanks, Wrenches. You folks are awesome!

List sponsored by Home Power magazine

List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org

Options & settings:

List-Archive: http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org

List rules & etiquette:

Check out participant bios:

[RE-wrenches] Housekeeping stuff

2009-05-07 Thread greg
Regarding discussing pricing on this publicly viewed list:

It's just unprofessional.  I never met a wholesaler or manufacturer that
wanted me to tell the public the wholesale price I was paying for their

Also, telling the public your cost can only do you and your business harm.
 Joe Public will figure - "why should I pay X% more for this product?" -
without considering that a good dealer/installer pays for licensing,
liability insurance, workers comp, good wages to get and keep good
employees, the cost of tuition, transportation, lodging and tuition for
employees, etc.

Joe Public does not know the difference between gross profit and net
profit, and NEVER will.

As small business persons we are all at a disadvantage to the big box
stores who inevitably will sell everything.  I think by allowing prices to
be discussed publicly pm this list, we're shooting ourselves in the foot -
making our own long term survival harder.

It seems like this all should be common knowledge to any professional in
any retail business.

Greg Egan
Remote Power Inc.

List sponsored by Home Power magazine

List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org

Options & settings:

List-Archive: http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org

List rules & etiquette:

Check out participant bios:

[RE-wrenches] Housekeeping stuff

2009-05-26 Thread Michael Welch

If you have any questions about this post, please respond to me off
list, not to the whole group.
I have been getting a rash of folks wanting to join in the last few
weeks. Some have told me they heard about the list from Wrenches who do
Please, when you tell folks about this list, be sure to tell them it is
specifically for working professional RE installers.
FYI, I do not allow casual installers, like "sure, I'm an installer,
I helped my neighbor put up a system earlier this year." I also do
not allow fresh businesses to have posting access to the list, unless
they have lots of experience or (per the list's consensus) they are fully
NABCEP certified. For those that do not (yet) qualify, I always remind
them that they have access to the archives.
I question folks that are not obviously working pros, so I catch the ones
that are not qualified yet. But it would be helpful to me if those of you
that are announcing the list's existence in workshops, seminars, etc.; to
be sure to let folks know that they need to be working pros with at least
a some real experience before they can qualify for the list.

List sponsored by Home Power magazine

List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org

Options & settings:

List-Archive: http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org

List rules & etiquette:

Check out participant bios:

Re: [RE-wrenches] Housekeeping

2012-09-14 Thread toddcory

thank you for allowing this. it is very useful for trying to find old, matching 
c2. From time to time people post items that they need but are having problems 
locating (like an older model PV module to replace a broken one), but these 
requests should be responded to off-list. And these requests should state 
within them, something like "if you have one, please contact me off list."
On Friday, September 14, 2012 11:42am, "Michael Welch" 

> If you have any concerns or comments about this, please respond to me OFF 
> Just some reminders, folks. I've been wanting to send some of these for 
> awhile.
> Now seemed a good time because there have been no messages for several days.
> 1. You MUST use the email address that is subscribed to the list, or else you 
> will
> get a rejection from the list server. And all emails must be sent to the list
> server address of re-wrenches@[etc.].
> 2. Please chop down lengthy quoting when responding to posts. We've gotten a
> couple of complaints about this recently. Unless we do that, the messages just
> keep getting longer and longer.
> 3. If you are a manufacturer's representative, please only respond to posts 
> about
> YOUR product, not others' products. It is OK to respond to general questions 
> in
> areas where you are knowledgeable, but please do not promote your own products
> while doing so.
> 4. Do not post any leads, job possibilities, or help wanted to the list. Lots 
> of
> other places for those.
> 5. If you are going on vacation or such, please put your Wrench list 
> membership on
> hold until you get back. List members shouldn't be getting your "out of town"
> notification emails.
> 6. A reminder to not post off topic items. Here is my standard blurb about 
> that:
> a. Don't post jokes, thanks, news items, events, politics, marketing, or 
> anything
> else that is off-topic.
> b. Don't respond on-list to others' off topic posts.
> c. Don't post items that are available for sale, either from you or from 
> others.
> c2. From time to time people post items that they need but are having problems
> locating (like an older model PV module to replace a broken one), but these
> requests should be responded to off-list. And these requests should state 
> within
> them, something like "if you have one, please contact me off list."
> d. If you have a message that is intended for individuals that are on the 
> list,
> don't send it to the whole list -- just send it to the individuals.
> Thanks, Wrenches. You folks are GREAT!
> ___
> List sponsored by Home Power magazine
> List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
> Options & settings:
> http://lists.re-wrenches.org/options.cgi/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org
> List-Archive: 
> http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org
> List rules & etiquette:
> www.re-wrenches.org/etiquette.htm
> Check out participant bios:
> www.members.re-wrenches.org

Sent from Finest Planet WebMail.
List sponsored by Home Power magazine

List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org

Options & settings:

List-Archive: http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org

List rules & etiquette:

Check out participant bios:

[RE-wrenches] Housekeeping: product needs

2010-06-11 Thread Michael Welch
Hi gang. If you have a comments on this post, please contact me off list.

Some time ago we decided we should allow requests for hard to find products and 
replacement products on the list.
This has me a bit worried, specially as systems become older and products 
damaged by weather etc. need to be replaced; and specially as the number of 
Wrench List members creeps steadily higher. There has been a minor flow of 
these requests lately, when in the past we have practically had none.

At least for now, let's continue allowing these requests, because I cannot 
think of another or better means of finding these things when you need them. 
But in order to keep this to a dull roar, please follow these guidelines:

1. First, please exhaust the methods you can think of for finding the products 
through normal channels, like your distributors or the former manufacturers.

2. Please always ask Wrenches to contact you off-list with their responses.

3. When responding, please email the seeker directly and off-list instead of on 
the list.

Thanks much, Wrenches.

List sponsored by Home Power magazine

List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org

Options & settings:

List-Archive: http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org

List rules & etiquette:

Check out participant bios:

Re: [RE-wrenches] Housekeeping stuff

2009-05-06 Thread Allan Sindelar
1. There is so much funky stuff out there (these inverters, ebooks on how to
power your home with a homemade wind generator or PV module for $200,
vertical axis yard art, H2 gasoline eliminators, etc.) that I really would
like to keep it off the list and keep the discussions to real Wrench-related
stuff. Remember, we do have the RE-Bitching list to complain about
**anything** we want, and many of you have let me know it is of high
importance to keep the signal to noise ratio at the most useful level.


2. After compiling the many answers I received about whether or not pricing
should be discussed in this public forum, there was nothing even close to
consensus. So as for pricing, here's the deal. If somebody takes to
mentioning prices, either inadvertently or because they feel it is good for
the list, please do not respond on list with "that bites" or "I don't like
it" or "go dude" or any other encouragement, discouragement, or pricing

Rather, please start a private conversation off list with the person, and
then respectfully try to convince each other as to the merits of your
opinions. CC me if you'd like, but let's consider discussions about whether
pricing should be on the list to be off-topic for the list.


3. (Really, I thought it was only going to be two.) If you post to the list
looking for a particular piece of equipment not otherwise available, please
ask that folks respond to you off list, and then those of you responding
please be sure respect that.

I did. Told him I had a $1500 SW4024. Off. The. List.

Thanks, Wrenches. You folks are awesome!

OK, dude, whatever.

List sponsored by Home Power magazine

List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org

Options & settings:

List-Archive: http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org

List rules & etiquette:

Check out participant bios:

Re: [RE-wrenches] Housekeeping stuff

2009-05-07 Thread Keith Cronin
Greg, etal

Materials aside, this is why I have be advocating to follow your thoughts a bit 
Knowing that HD (or equal) will eventually sell all (or most) of the products 
we offer within the next 5 years, why not focus on making profit dollars on 
It is interesting to me that we as an industry, will grouse about pricing of 
materials as a way to make extra money (or make it less transparent to the 
customer), but dismiss the idea of charging more for labor, as the "going rate 
trap", we set for ourselves. Demystify this for the consumer. If they want to 
see you around in the future to service their equipment you just installed, 
there is a genuine connection to them and they don't want to be left behind for 
service or repairing the equipment.

Why not charge the right price for labor, as you evaluated we will have less 
margins contributing from materials. Start now and avoid the margin compression 
I always wonder how many wrenches are prepared for anything other that the next 
install- no offense- what I am referring to is retirement and paying our people 
well to name a few.

How about sending our children to better schools and soccer camp? How about 
taking care of our significant others for all of their dedication and support 
all of the years watching us have expensive, time consuming "hobbies", like 
installing solar. I'm not suggesting stopping the pro bono work, but look to 
the field we have chosen and be "in business". Profit is not a dirty word, but 
being out of business or being on the "system" for support could fair worse 
without any planning. There is also the impending growth in our field, which 
will mean more competition, so lets take the medicine now and get more folks 

The collective public that is not in business, has not had the training in what 
it costs to keep the lights on every day or create a budget. It is patently 
clear to me, that we need this training, equally as much as understanding 690 
or 310.16 if we are to prosper and not just thrive.
This is evident in a CNN story last night- 

Clearly there is a gap and consumption outstrips the rational mind and it 
appears contagious. Burying our calculators in the sand will do little for the 
people we are responsible for.

Attached is a simple way to look at what you are currently doing and determine 
if you need to make adjustments. Sure, you can make $ on materials, but lets 
suggest for a moment all of our customers will be going to HD to buy the 
majority of the equipment or the level of transparency on material costs 
becomes Darwinian. 

If we are in the sustainability business, can't we also be financially 
sustainable and make it a tenet for our constituency?

If I have picqued your interest, contact me off list. I am, for the record, not 
suggesting any kind of antitrust price fixing, but deleveraging the misnomers.


From: "g...@remotepowerinc.com" 
To: re-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2009 8:54:07 AM
Subject: [RE-wrenches] Housekeeping stuff

Regarding discussing pricing on this publicly viewed list:

It's just unprofessional.  I never met a wholesaler or manufacturer that
wanted me to tell the public the wholesale price I was paying for their

Also, telling the public your cost can only do you and your business harm.
Joe Public will figure - "why should I pay X% more for this product?" -
without considering that a good dealer/installer pays for licensing,
liability insurance, workers comp, good wages to get and keep good
employees, the cost of tuition, transportation, lodging and tuition for
employees, etc.

Joe Public does not know the difference between gross profit and net
profit, and NEVER will.

As small business persons we are all at a disadvantage to the big box
stores who inevitably will sell everything.  I think by allowing prices to
be discussed publicly pm this list, we're shooting ourselves in the foot -
making our own long term survival harder.

It seems like this all should be common knowledge to any professional in
any retail business.

Greg Egan
Remote Power Inc.

List sponsored by Home Power magazine

List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org

Options & settings:

List-Archive: http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org

List rules & etiquette:

Check out participant bios:

What things really cost-Biz owner- 07MAY09.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
List sponsored by Home Power magazine

List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org

Options & settings:

[RE-wrenches] Housekeeping - File sizes and dialup

2013-02-21 Thread Michael Welch
Hi gang. Please send any response or comments to me OFF LIST.

Since we have a fair number of folks on this list who live off-grid, we also 
had several still stuck with dialup internet access. For them, getting large 
messages was a hassle. Last year I raised the message size limit to 100K, which 
is large enough to include viewable jpg graphics of about 75K, along with a 
reasonable amount of text.

About once a week, I end up working with folks who attempt to send messages 
that are larger than that.

But now I would like to get a handle on how many of us still have significant 
restrictions on data, so please let me know. 
1. For folks on dialup, file attachments can be a drag, time-wise.
2. For folks like me, whose home internet access is through cell technology, 
getting large files can end up being expensive, if their usage exceeds the 
limits of their phone plans.

Of course, there are work-arounds for these things, but for now I would like to 
hear from Wrench list members who are affected by large messages, to see if I 
can up the limits.

List sponsored by Home Power magazine

List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org

Options & settings:

List-Archive: http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org

List rules & etiquette:

Check out participant bios:

Re: [RE-wrenches] Housekeeping - File sizes and dialup

2013-03-01 Thread Michael Welch
Hi again gang. Any questions or responses should go to me directly, off-list. 

Well, it's been over a week, and I have not heard from any Wrenches that are 
still on dialup or have very restrictive data allowances. 

I will give it a bit more time, so please get back to me if you have concerns 
about increasing permissible message sizes on the list.

Michael Welch wrote at 11:17 AM 2/21/2013:
>Hi gang. Please send any response or comments to me OFF LIST.
>Since we have a fair number of folks on this list who live off-grid, we also 
>had several still stuck with dialup internet access. For them, getting large 
>messages was a hassle. Last year I raised the message size limit to 100K, 
>which is large enough to include viewable jpg graphics of about 75K, along 
>with a reasonable amount of text.
>About once a week, I end up working with folks who attempt to send messages 
>that are larger than that.
>But now I would like to get a handle on how many of us still have significant 
>restrictions on data, so please let me know. 
>1. For folks on dialup, file attachments can be a drag, time-wise.
>2. For folks like me, whose home internet access is through cell technology, 
>getting large files can end up being expensive, if their usage exceeds the 
>limits of their phone plans.
>Of course, there are work-arounds for these things, but for now I would like 
>to hear from Wrench list members who are affected by large messages, to see if 
>I can up the limits.

List sponsored by Home Power magazine

List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org

Change email address & settings:

List-Archive: http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org

List rules & etiquette:

Check out participant bios: