Re: [realXtend] Problems uploading .mesh files.

2010-09-09 Thread George van Zeeland
Hi everyone.

Yea its bin a wile, sorry.
The crashing of the taiga server dint have much to do with the
configuration, it's a windows problem it's not the server that crashes
but windows. I tried a few more time up to the point my complete
system froze and i had to manually reboot.

Personally i like the 0.5 server a lot but unfortunately i have not
bin able to figure out why sound does not work why region default time
settings do not get saved, why scripts compile and run but are not
visual in world " not on the older rex viewer and not on Naali"or most
important 3D mesh uploads do not work using upload 3D object option,
and if uploaded using bulk upload the are not visual in world
either,the do apply no errors in the server log nor viewer log but not
visual in world.

If you could release a pre windows configured 0.5 server that is
tested and have every thing working, for some of you guys i reckon an
easy and fast job i would be very grateful for sure.
And not only me, but some of my friends to, and yes some of them
actually are  programmers who had or still have problems getting it to
work properly. unfortunately the could not help me with my problems

For now we turned back to second life to recreate land parts and must
again use a lot of time building offices hotels and such using the SL
tools and the annoying sculptures. Time consuming and for some
projects a bit expensive to. Thats why we want realxtent to work so

Thanks you.

Best regards George.


Re: [realXtend] Problems uploading .mesh files.

2010-09-07 Thread George van Zeeland
Ok Taiga server is an absolute no go.
I am beginning to wander if i am running some special version of win 7
or something.
I have downloaded the taiga server and configured it using the wizard,
all went well :)
I have installed and configured mysql as the instruction showed.
Made the databases all went well.
but when i came to the point to start the server all went wrong non of
the servers responded and crashed instantly getting windows msg the
osg server not responding opensim server not responding cant start
r.o.b.u.s.t and so on.

So yea i would still love some help using the older 0.5 server on the
problems i described above if you cant help me or if its really really
complicated ill give up, investing to much time now that i need to
spend on work/family and such. Right now i am getting frustrated and

Thank you all for your help time investment but it may not be so.
Good luck all bye bye.

Best regards George


Re: [realXtend] Problems uploading .mesh files.

2010-09-07 Thread George van Zeeland

Fast little note on if the the .mesh would be visible on the Naali
viewer. No its not visible on the Naali viewer either.


Re: [realXtend] Problems uploading .mesh files.

2010-09-07 Thread George van Zeeland
Hey guys.

< Do the meshes show up in Naali?

I dont know i will test that in a few min.

< I noticed that you mentioned
Windlight, which is a SL-viewer only feature

I mentioned this because the sky and light setting available are
pretty much like the setting you have in SL so i assumed it was
windlight, referring back to the old days before windlight the setting
wor not available in sl. but i understand it is not windlight. non or
the less it does not let me safe changes at the moment as soon as i
log out it changes back to its old settings.

I am using the older rex viewer from the realxtend website not an SL
or windlight viewer, i also have Naali working so ill test if the
meshes shop up there in a min.

No i have not tryed the taiga server because as i mentioned i am a
complete programming noob "does not make me dumb BTW" but due the lag
of a noob tutorial i have a hart time understanding how to set up the
server and a lag of basic understanding of how its all connected does
not make it any easier, i am eager to learn but it does not come that
easy to me, i feel like i have to learn how to ride a bike but i don't
even know where the saddle is if you know what i mean.

I have a feeling i might be better of running the taiga server so i am
going to try that. rex 0.5 clearly does not work for me at this point
and indeed before the "smarter "people brain storm on my problems i
might need to try get taiga working and see if thats all works like
its suppose to.

It will take a wile if not days to understand how to set it up so any
posts on progress here might take a wile.

Thank you for your help.
Best regards George.


Re: [realXtend] Problems uploading .mesh files.

2010-09-07 Thread George van Zeeland
hi guys.

< How big are the meshes you want to upload ?
I just made a very simple .mesh file of 45kb to test it before i would
spend a lot of time in to making something that doesn't work.

Just a few min ago i ran in to another problem to. Particle scripts
don't show either.
The compile just fine and start, getting msg the are running but the don't show.
[8:04]  Compile successful
[8:04]  Primitive: Script running.

I am in the dark at the moment nothing shows an error but its not
visible on the region.

when i ran server 0.4 a year ago i could not set nor save ground
textures but ok, everything els worked.
server 0.5 has a lot more problems, flying controls are not set, you
can only go up but not down.
mesh uploads don't work, particle scripts don't work.
Cant edit water visuals, light and ambient setting are not getting saved.
Sound does not work. setting media textures dont work wind/flying/menu
sounds missing or not playing.
Water visuals using windlight does not work.
I would go back to 0.4 if it was not for the fact it wont run properly
on my windows 7, it acts weird around writing permission or something
but it does not work.

Not sure what els ill run in to but so far i am experiencing a lot of
problems and I am not getting any information about errors on the
console windows the say it all good wile obviously its not.

little problem is i need to have this world up i have people waiting
to get on it. but i think i will have to disappoint them. and me being
a programmer worst nightmare noob kind of guy is not helping either

I could use the server of someone who has it running and working right now haha.

Lot of crap ai ??
I really hope someone is willing and able to help me "puppy eye's"

Best regards George.


Re: [realXtend] rex server driving me insain

2010-09-06 Thread George van Zeeland
hi again.

Thanks i have it working now. all i did wrong was using port number
9000 instead of 10001.
I dit have the use the full myn...@http://"server address":10001

Ok great i am beginning to learn how this works. Next step taiga
server :)) but this server i need to run public and i have little to
no experience running mysql either so thats going to be  another
adventure i guess :)

Thank for all the help so far.

Best regards george.


Re: [realXtend] Legacy 256x256m region limits ?

2010-09-05 Thread George van Zeeland
Hi there.

Pedro wrote:
> I'm sure it must be some legacy from opensimulator that regions can
> have just a size of 256x256m. But would'nt it be somehow great to have
> free definable region sizes

A region is hosted on the grid and the grid is 1000x1000 so i guess it
might be posible to create a region as big as 1000x1000.
And i guess it would still be possible to have different (sort of
regions) by navigating on the hypergrid that allows navigation between
all the grids hosted on the open sim.

Pedro worte:
> though it might then need bigger terrain textures maybe.

This would be undesirable.
Not only would bigger ground textures (referring to higher resolution"
put a lot more pressure on you system rendering the texture, it would
also put more pressure on the bandwidth of your connection. If you
could create a region as big as 1000x1000 the to render ground patches
would still be 256x256 the don't stretch with the region land the
would just tile the same way over a bigger pice of land.

Pedro wrote:> IMHO this would open up some great possibilities,
specially for bigger
> sceneries

I doubt it one would benefit from having bigger regions, one of the
great advantages of heaving more than one region is that its possible
to set a new set of textures for every region. One big region would
mean one texture set for the complete scenery, and especially with
bigger scenes different texture sets are a great + If you like the
same textures blending the same way your first region does just copy
the settings.

Perdo wrote:
> I don't have a clue if it's technically a miracle to make this happen,
> but i definitly know that the dev's here are achieving one miracle
> after the other.
Hell yes the are :))

Best regards George z.


Re: [realXtend] rex server driving me insain

2010-09-04 Thread George van Zeeland
Hello again.

I started testing the 0.5 server on local host and it works as good as
perfect on windows 7 running it under admin mode without further
trouble of assigning permission.

I also tried to use the Naali viewer so i can take part in "referring
to a nother discussion active at the moment" the very interesting dev
on drag drop meshes but i cant figure out how to connect with it, so
far i am at the point that it sais the server does not respond.
On the up side the older rex viewer works great and viewer as server
run very stable.

I am getting more and more excited about the development and will
spend more time the next few weeks to read and learn more and hope to
help out.

Best regards George


Re: [realXtend] Re: I can't upload

2010-09-03 Thread George van Zeeland

There is a somewhat long way around that problem, I have tried to do
the same thing but dint work the way i wanted to.
If you are familiar with outodeks maya then an option might be to use
the Sketchup plugin for maya to import the models in to maya then use
the org exporter in maya to export your model to your hard drive for
Maya will create the collision file as it will also create material
and mesh files.
You might need to reverse Face normals on your model in maya or your
object will turn invisible because Sketchup only creates planes
"one-sided visual suvices"

Maybe it helps you a bit.

Best regards George.


Re: [realXtend] rex server driving me insain

2010-09-03 Thread George van Zeeland
First of thank you very much for your fast reply MR Toni we greatly
appreciate it.
Art and realXtend yes I can't even begin to describe how many purposes
realXtend serves when it comes to 3D design and art its amazing !

I tried to run the 0.4 server not the 0.5 because i was not sure if it
came with the underwater world "great place by the way"
The problem i ran in to with win 7 is somewhat hard to explain for me
and now i left the office i cant give an error log but ill get back on
For now i can describe the problem as good as i can.
After extracting and changing some permissions in win 7 the server
seemed to run just fine, apart from some terrain texture problems and
raw file uploads that dint work properly but after some testing and
changing preferences of the rex viewer I found I was only able to run
the viewer in window mode acceptable for now but that's not the real
After closing the viewer to see if every thing would get saved
properly i was not able to get back on the platform.
The login worked and I connected, authenticated all fine but wile
loading it timed out and froze the viewer.
After a little wile of changing permissions i found out that when I
ran it under vista compatible mode it worked again but the same
problem occurred after closing it again, now setting it to XP
compatible mode and it worked again untill I closed it same problem
and running out of different compatibility modes I could not get it to
work again.

TBH i have no clue of what the problem might be.

So this is what ill try next.
Ill download the 0.5 older server taking your advice :) and will try
to connect to it on the much more fancy viewer Naali.
Indeed because our purpose for realxtent now is to use it as an art
medium for just a small group architects and land developers and
artist who use the platform to simulate real pieces of land to see
what new buildings art or other object have for impact on the land.
Realxtend is unique when it comes to its ability to use advanced light
features and or the use of 3D meshes in a much faster way then
building a 3D enviroment in additional 3D programs and the ability to
walk around in it as an avatar really opens up new perspectives. We
use realxtend in combination with outodesk maya and 3Dmax to get the
most out of it.
It's an amazing medium platform !!

I will keep you posted on the progress, again thank you very much for your help.
