Re: [realXtend] Tundra 1.0.7 released

2011-05-19 Thread john felipe urrego mejia
Hi, please give me info, about authentication, my server is windows server
2008 r2, i have taiga, but i dont know how use tundra.


2011/5/19 Jonne Nauha

 The 1.0.7 was supposed to be a quick bug fix release for the webview UI and
 some other things after 1.0.6. But we dragged it out so it grew a bit bigger
 as you can see from the change log.

 Update your Tundra as usual from the windows/in viewer menus or from the
 direct link at the bottom. Have fun and report bugs back! :)


- New framework update logic that has a frame limiter that does not use
thread sleep anymore. This will let Qt:s main loop breath a bit more
resulting in more responsive ui and make rendering fps more steady. You can
set the fps with start param --fpslimiter as usual.
- The in viewer web browser now has disk cache, disk icon database and
cookie support to speed up browsing and to be more pleasant with cookies.
The cache/cookie settings can be modified from the browser settings ui, 
can both be also cleared from there.
- The in viewer web browser now has bookmark support. You can add,
remove, edit and re-order your bookmarks. Accessed with the bookmark icon 
the right side of browser toolbar.
- New DevicesAPI for registering and getting devices. The device can be
anything, data the device emits to interesting parties can be anything that
QVariant supports. See more from the doxygen for examples.
- SceneInteract: Entity action 'MouseRelease' added when mouse press is
released on the entity and 'MouseScroll' when mouse is scrolled on the
- Object focus camera is back, can be used with Alt + left mouse click
to object. Has UI to get back to last active camera.
- Avatar application adds a toggle freecam/avcam button to browser
toolbar. Has UI button to show when you are in freecam mode and pressing
button will return you to av cam.
- AssetCache will now more actively try to resolve if cache files are
corrupted. Mainly happens on linux as its possible to open a file in write
mode from more than one process. So cache files may have gotten corrupted 
you were running multiple viewer/server instances that fetched same assets
and accessed the asset cache.


- Added framework-ApiVersion() and -ApplicationVersion() for version
information. See usage instructions from doxygen, and
- AddContentWindow can now be operated in silent commit mode, no ui is
shown if you'd like so. Not used in core yet, but an option to 3rd party
- SceneInteract: Renamed 'EntityClicked' signal renamed to
'EntityMousePressed'. Added 'EntityMouseReleased' signal.
- Doxygen has had some cleanup and additions. New style for the pages
to be more readable.
- New example app to scenes folder: SlideCircle.
- EC_LaserPointer now tracks the placeable for position changes and
monitors if mouse goes outside the main window, or if a graphics item is
under mouse and clears the laser.
- --storage and --run start parameters can have multiple values, so you
can make Tundra run eg. 3 scripts on startup. Can be used with --storage
foo/bar/ --storage bar/
- CameraInputModule and its CameraInput object now support setting
camera capture fps during runtime.

 *Bug Fixes*

- When a --login tundra:// url was given when launching app, the
browser ui did not focus the inworld tab.
- Fixed that EC_WebView did not enforce its material to the submesh
index. So when webview rendered before the actual material was loaded via
asset api the material overrided the web view texture. Fixed creating 
EC_3DCanvas for rendering, meaning that you should be able now to have
multiple EC_WebViews rendering to same entitys EC_Mesh to different
- Fix crash bug from EC_3DCanvas where image was invalid. Ogre threw an
exeption that was not handled until mainloop and that crashed the whole 
- Most IAsset subclasses didn't implement SerializeTo correctly, so the
base implementation was always called. Broke eg. txml/tbin web drag and
- kNet library: Fix a few cases where servers end up in a hang up state
and did not accept new connections. Essentially got some stability bug 
and cleanup.
- EC_Placeable LookAt now updates transform properly.
- EC_ParticleSystem was not included in the release due to code ifdef
screw up.

 *JavaScript API changes for script writers*

- SceneInteract
   - Renamed 'EntityClicked' signal renamed to 'EntityMousePressed'.
   - Added 'EntityMouseReleased' signal.

Re: [realXtend] Tundra 1.0.7 released

2011-05-19 Thread Jonne Nauha

   1. Open firewall port 2345 for UDP.
   2. Install Direct X 9 to the server, be sure its there. The server still
   requires it even if you wont paint anything, you dont need graphics card on
   your server but you need to install dx9.
   3. Open cmd prompt and go to your server install dir (default C:\Program
   Files (x86)\realXtend\Tundra for x64 system, drop x86 for others)
   4. Run command to start server: server --headless --protocol udp
   without the  quotes of course.

Lets pretend you started your server and your servers hostname is, also IP address of course suits here. Just resolve the net IP
of your server.

   1. Go to your install Tundra directory same as above (client and server
   are bundled both in the installer.
   2. Double click viewer.exe to start viewer.
   3. On the browser UI go to the left most tab that say Login
  1. Server: (don't put http:// in front)
  2. Username: anything-here-without-spaces
  3. Protocol: Select UDP.
   4. Press connect/login button on the right bottom corner.

If you are not getting logged in take a remote to the server and see the
server prints. If it does not print anything a) your IP or port is wrong b)
some firewall is blocking your connection. In the client you can drop
console by pressing F1, but if the connection fails it will not give you
much information im afraid.

Also note that the server is empty when you log in. This is normal and
wanted behaviour. We dont but anything in the scene for you (expect sky and
sun and some fog.) If you seem to be in all grey place, left click the scene
and press space to lift up your camera from the fog.

*Loading some content*
If you get login to show next you can try loading a real scene:

   1. Go to your running server and shut it down with typing exit to the
   server console.
   2. Run this: server.exe --headless --protocol udp --file;
   3. Login and see some stuff! You can modify your copy of the scene as you
   like, the original source (rex hosted scene) will not get modified, so feel
   free to play around. Note this scene might be missing avatar also before its
   fixed by toni :)

*Making your own content*
Once you have your empty scene, you can start dropping meshes, txml/tbin or
ogre scene files into it. Note that by default Tundra will forget the
content when you close it down, this is normal and wanted behavior by
default. To keep your scene between server boots go to the configuration
file that tundra server prints after it has been started! Set the following
in the file (tundra.ini)


Send more questions if you still have problems :) So to get your tundra
world started you have to get some content your self, you can export a scene
from blender and drag and drop it to the scene. I can write detailed
instuctions how to upload the scene to a web server with tundra once you get
to that point.
