[REBOL] [OFF-TOPIC] Re: Re: Text Editors?

2002-05-12 Thread amicom

Cool, another "Bohdan" on the list. :-)

Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky

Former REBOL Employee
Current REBOL Consultant
Lechnowsky Technical Consulting - Ukiah, California

P.S.  Saw Carl Sassenrath yesterday and talked with him for a while.
The greatest mind regarding computers and computer languages I've ever met.
Remember to vote for REBOL at the Webby Awards. :-)
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[REBOL] Re: Periods as parts of rebol words?

2002-05-12 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi Joel,

<< I think it was Alan Perlis who said "Syntactical sugar causes
cancer of the semicolon!" >>

I *have* to file that one away! That's great.

<< I don't even regard it as an ideal.  The lack of professionalism
in the programming field is one of the major factors behind the
so-called "software crisis" that has been with us for the past
25 years or so. >>

I agree whole-heartedly. I don't regard it as an ideal, though you're
probably right in that many people do. I think it is a holy grail that falls
deeply in the realms of "be careful what you wish for..." :)

> ... you have to admit that a lot of non-programmers are writing
> programs that do useful stuff these days, generally in
> sugar-coated languages.

Such as?  I'm really not sure what you're referring to here.  If
you could give an example or two I'd appreciate it.

Well, there are undoubtedly thousands of in-house apps, built by people who
just keep hacking away at them until they work, never understanding why, or
what's still not working that they don't know about. Fault-ridden as they
might be, someone built them to solve a problem they had, and they do that
to at least some extent. I've seen a number of these, and I'm sure you have
too, perhaps cringing at the sight of them. :)

Another general example would be the hundreds, if not thousands, of
shareware apps (mainly written in Visual Basic if we're talking about
Windows). Need to track your bowling scores? Do you design hi-fi speakers?
Too many recipes in your recipe box? A PIM, that's what you need! :)

<< I think we'll get more mileage
out of addressing those areas that really give beginners difficulty
in learning the language, as compared to stylistic issues that each
programmer can choose for his/her own code without binding those
judgement call on everybody else. >>


<< There are at least some features of other contemporary programming
languages that are there precisely because they have been shown to
have value.  (We shouldn't stop using "+" for addition just because
other programming languages do so.) >>

I guess sometimes it becomes a question of origins. The usage of +
originated in mathematics. Now, whether mathematics is an artificial
language...let's not go there. :)

<<   When other languages contain
ideas that have been shown to be of value to real programmers who
work on real projects, there's something to be said for asking,
"Does REBOL have anything to address this?  If not, why can't it
use tried-and-true ideas?" >>

Yes, but with caution - as I'm sure you'd agree. I'd also still distinguish
between the "idea" and the "implementation", and whether something belongs
*in* REBOL, or is made *with* REBOL.


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[REBOL] Where is the eval1 server?

2002-05-12 Thread john_kenyon

Just ran the "test settings" button and recieived the folowing extra info -

1. DNS lookup complete
2. Attempting server connection
3. Server connection complete
4. Invalid HTTP response

Cheers, John

Subject:  Where is the eval1 server?


Just trying to show someone /link as a comparative technology to Java Web
Start but the eval1 server appears to be off-line.
Any ideas of when it will be back up?


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[REBOL] Re: Help me Obi REB Kenobi! You're my only hope!

2002-05-12 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hey Ed!

Keep asking questions. I always learn something, whether it's me or someone
else asking the questions. :)


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[REBOL] Re: Where is the eval1 server?

2002-05-12 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi John,

<< Just trying to show someone /link as a comparative technology to Java Web
Start but the eval1 server appears to be off-line.
Any ideas of when it will be back up? >>

Might be best to contact RT directly about that. I don't know what their
policy is on discussing IOS servers on the ML.


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[REBOL] Re: Text Editors?

2002-05-12 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi Daniel,

<< Hello?  Notepad IS a text editor. I'm looking for a REBOL type of
Microsoft Word. >>

What you're probably after is a programmer's editor for REBOL, like
CodeWright, VIM, SlickEdit, etc. A word processor generally makes for a very
bad programmer's editor.

Many of the programmer's editors out there already have at least one REBOLer
using them who has cooked up a syntax file for them (to do syntax
highlighting and such).

The trouble with recommending editors is that they are a very subjective
area. There are a number of free ones out there (e.g. ConText for Windows)
that you might download to get a feel for the possibilities.


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[REBOL] Re: RT feedback

2002-05-12 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi Patrick,

<< Just curious if someone gets any feedback from RT feedback about the beta
2.5.2. >>

I don't know if the ticketing process was totally automated or not. If so,
they may have just taken it down. If not, they may be busy. In any case, I
wouldn't worry.


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[REBOL] Where is the eval1 server?

2002-05-12 Thread john_kenyon


Just trying to show someone /link as a comparative technology to Java Web
Start but the eval1 server appears to be off-line.
Any ideas of when it will be back up?


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[REBOL] Re: make-doc-pro: Version 1.0.3 beta updated

2002-05-12 Thread Luis Rodríguez Jurado

Hi Robert 

Where I can find the makedocpro.txt file ?

Thanks  !

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[REBOL] Re: Hungarian Alphabet Sort (was Re: Collation sequence - proper and efficient sorting of national accented chars?)

2002-05-12 Thread G. Scott Jones

From: "Geza Lakner MD"

> The right order for Hungarian vowels: actually the diaresis characters
> come first and then the double acute ones (only o and u have double
> accents in the Hungarian alphabet):
> oOóÓöÖõÕ
> uUúÚüÜûÛ

This was easy to fix.

> Unfortunately the case-insensitiveness does not work. Look:
> hungarian-sort ["alom" "Álom" "álom" "Állam"]
> == ["alom" "álom" "Állam" "Álom"]
> Though it should read:
> alom Állam Álom álom.

Yes, this is a problem.  My current algorithm will not easily accommodate
this change.  I now can even remember thinking last year that the approach
might cause a problem, but the test samples presented apparently did not
"detect" this problem at that time.  Hmmm.

Time to go back to the drawing board.  I already have an idea, but it may
take a while before I have some time to create the new algorithm.

> - The /case refinement results in the same result as the one without
> it :-(:
> >> hungarian-sort/case ["alom" "álom" "Álom" "Állam"]
> == ["alom" "álom" "Állam" "Álom"]
> The case-sensitive collation sequence IMHO would be a bit different than
> you have defined, namely:
> aAáÁ...eEéÉ...
> Your order was:
> aáAÁ...eéEÉ...

There end up being two issues at work here.  Having the order as
was not my intention.  What I was aiming to do was
which may also not seem correct to you; however, this behavior mirrors
REBOL's default behavior for the /case switch, but does differ in placing
the little letters before the capital letters.  Petr K. said that this was
the more normal method in eastern europe (Czech language in his case).  So I
was trying to reflect this pattern, but did make the one ordering error.

The REBOL 'sort /case switch will sort all the words first by whether the
letter is capital or not.  In fact, REBOL places all the words that begin in
capital letters _before_ the words that begin in small letters (because of
the ascii number assigned to the letters).

Maybe we need an additional switch that allows for the eastern european
desire to have smalls before capitals, and to interleave these together as
you suggest.  Sometimes it would be handy to have these options too here in
the US.  Just need a clever name or names for these switches (or paths in
REBOLese).  Any ideas are welcomed.

> - and so on for all affected special accented chars.

and so on for life in general!

I'll repost after I have a chance to develop the new algorithm that I have
in mind.  "Stay tuned"

Thanks for your feedback!

--Scott Jones

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[REBOL] Re: Text Editors?

2002-05-12 Thread Jason Cunliffe

Hi Daniel

I don't really understand what you mean by "REBOL type of Microsoft Word."

What do you want it to do? Please try to explain again ..

Do you mean you want a sophisticated word processor like MSWord, with
stylesheets, WYSIWYG font control, graphics embedding etc.
But you want one which is written in REBOL?
Something you can control, study and also extend in REBOL yourself?

If so, I then I believe it surely does not exist...

But perhapsyou do not want ALL of that functionality or conmplexity.
Robert Muench has been developing an excellent tool called make-doc-pro.r

It's a great tool to study, and experiment with. Very useful too!

best wishes

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 3:36 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Text Editors?

> Hello?  Notepad IS a text editor.
> I'm looking for a REBOL type of
> Microsoft Word.
>Daniel S.

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[REBOL] Rebol Jabber client?

2002-05-12 Thread Jason Cunliffe

Has anyone used REBOL with jabber ?


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[REBOL] Re: Linguistic influences

2002-05-12 Thread Romano Paolo Tenca

Hi Joel,

> > result: copy []
> > r: [into r | set x skip (insert tail result x)]
> > parse/all serie [some r]
> >
> > It is the more simple and the more fast (i think).
> But is it correct?  Here's what happened when I tried to use the
> expressions copied from your email:

As you told us, it is not the example, but the idea.:-)
There was an error, the position of 'some. This should be correct:

result: copy []
r: [some [into r | set x skip (insert tail result x)]]
parse/all serie r

"If it doesn't have to be correct, I can make it as fast as you want!"

"When the new version flies, probably there is something wrong" (a debugging
rule of mine :-)


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[REBOL] Re: Linguistic influences

2002-05-12 Thread Romano Paolo Tenca

Hi Gabriele

> RPT> I asked for a /tail refinement in insert. It should be also possible to
> RPT> alias of refined words.
> What do you mean?

 head insert/tail "ab" "c"

alias my-append insert/tail

head my-append "ab" "c"

> RPT> About Change, I feel the need of a change/part which changes only a
> RPT> length of the destination series with a fixed length of the source
> That was change's behavior before 2.2 or so. I don't think they'll
> change it back...

I think it could be a new refinement, like /length

head change/lenght "abc" "def" 2

> RPT> But i could not see a different mode to make it in the current version
> RPT> Rebol. Anyone see it?
> remove/part + insert/part ?

Now  I do:

change-length: func [dest source length][
change dest copy/part source length
head change-length "abc" "def" 2
== "dec"

"de" is copied twice and new memory allocated for it every time. (my real "de"
is 1 Mb long!)

This doesn't seem more fast:

change-length2: function [dest source length][x][
x: ""
change dest head insert/part clear x source length
head change-length2 "abc" "def" 2


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[REBOL] Re: Hungarian Alphabet Sort (was Re: Collation sequence -proper and efficient sorting of national accented chars?)

2002-05-12 Thread Geza Lakner MD

Hello Scott,

Thanx, cute solution! Though my critical comments :-)  :

The right order for Hungarian vowels: actually the diaresis characters
come first and then the double acute ones (only o and u have double
accents in the Hungarian alphabet):

Unfortunately the case-insensitiveness does not work. Look:
hungarian-sort ["alom" "Álom" "álom" "Állam"]
== ["alom" "álom" "Állam" "Álom"]

Though it should read:
alom Állam Álom álom.

- The /case refinement results in the same result as the one without
it :-(:
>> hungarian-sort/case ["alom" "álom" "Álom" "Állam"]
== ["alom" "álom" "Állam" "Álom"]

The case-sensitive collation sequence IMHO would be a bit different than
you have defined, namely:

Your order was:

- and so on for all affected special accented chars.

Best regards,

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[REBOL] Re: Linguistic influences

2002-05-12 Thread Gabriele Santilli

Hi Romano,

On Sunday, May 12, 2002, 4:36:52 PM, you wrote:

RPT> I asked for a /tail refinement in insert. It should be also possible to create
RPT> alias of refined words.

What do you mean?

RPT> About Change, I feel the need of a change/part which changes only a fixed
RPT> length of the destination series with a fixed length of the source series.Now

That was change's behavior before 2.2 or so. I don't think they'll
change it back...

RPT> But i could not see a different mode to make it in the current version of
RPT> Rebol. Anyone see it?

remove/part + insert/part ?

Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r

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[REBOL] Re: Help me Obi REB Kenobi! You're my only hope!

2002-05-12 Thread Gabriele Santilli

Hi Ed,

On Sunday, May 12, 2002, 6:02:18 PM, you wrote:

ED> Why can literals be surrounded by "" or {}. Is there a difference in how
ED> REBOL executes these strings?

{You can write
multiline strings
this way}

"while this needs to end in one line"

{also, you can put a " inside here}

Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r

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[REBOL] Re: Linguistic influences

2002-05-12 Thread Joel Neely

Hi, Romano,

I'm gonna need some help with that one!

Romano Paolo Tenca wrote:
> result: copy []
> r: [into r | set x skip (insert tail result x)]
> parse/all serie [some r]
> It is the more simple and the more fast (i think).

But is it correct?  Here's what happened when I tried to use the
expressions copied from your email:

>> serie: foo
== [[[0 1] 2 [[3] 4] 5] [[6]]]
>> result: copy []
== []
>> r: [into r | set x skip (insert tail result x)]
== [into r | set x skip (insert tail result x)]
>> parse/all serie [some r]
== true
>> result
== [0 0 1 [0 1] 2 [[3] 4] 5 6]

in contrast with:

>> nb-flatten foo
== [0 1 2 3 4 5 6]

To paraphrase a story from Gerald Weinberg, "If it doesn't have
to be correct, I can make it as fast as you want!"



; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom
REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip
do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] {
| e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]
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[REBOL] Hungarian Alphabet Sort (was Re: Collation sequence - proper and efficient sorting of national accented chars?)

2002-05-12 Thread G. Scott Jones

Hi, Geza,

The Czech sorter was alpha, and never moved beyond to a more generic
solution due to apparent lack of general interest and time.  I was trying to
remember how I had mapped the character, and one thing led to another, and I
suddenly had a Hungarian Alphabet sorter!  Strange how that happens.

It was a bit of a puzzle, because my neurofibrillary tangles have been
getting worse and worse (warning for the non-medical types: medical
internist humor alert).

Here is my alpha release of the Hungarian sorter.  Watch for line breaks.
The one thing that I was unable to be certain about was the sort order for
the "diaresis" versus "double acute" forms of "o" and "u".  If I have
selected the wrong order, it is a very simple matter for me to fix this.

Let me know how it works!

--Scott Jones

Title: "Hungarian Language Sort Function"
Date: 12-May-2002
Version: 0.0.1
Author: "G. Scott Jones, M.D."
File: %hungarian-sort.r
Purpose: {Sort support for Hungarian alphabet}
Comment: {This is the first alpha release for the Hungarian
language sort. It is based on the alpha of my Czech Sort
of 2001.  For these early versions, I've rolled the
character sort list into this file for convenience.  The
routine is currently hard coded for Hungarian language
only, but will readily be made more generic for other
languages.  The code is heavily commented for easy
interpretation by others.  The routine could also be
rewritten to be a wrapper for REBOL 'sort, with a path
refinement allowing for alternative language support.
The to-do list is so long as to make it pointless for me
to list at this stage. ;-)   Now, I'll post to the list
for review.

 USAGE: hungarian-sort series /case /reverse
History: [
0.0.1 [12-May-2002 {First released for alpha review} "GSJ"]

char-list: {32  1   32
33  2   33  !
34  3   34  "
35  4   35  #
36  5   36  $
37  6   37  %
38  7   38  &
39  8   39  '
40  9   40  (
41  10  41  )
42  11  42  *
43  12  43  +
44  13  44  ,
45  14  45  -
46  15  46  .
47  16  47  /
48  17  48  0
49  18  49  1
50  19  50  2
51  20  51  3
52  21  52  4
53  22  53  5
54  23  54  6
55  24  55  7
56  25  56  8
57  26  57  9
58  27  58  :
59  28  59  ;
60  29  60  <
61  30  61  =
62  31  62  >
63  32  63  ?
64  33  64  @
97  34  97  a  0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A
65  69  65  A  0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
98  36  98  b  0062 LATIN SMALL LETTER B
66  71  66  B  0042 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
99  37  99  c  0063 LATIN SMALL LETTER C
67  72  67  C  0043 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C
100 38  100 d  0064 LATIN SMALL LETTER D
68  73  68  D  0044 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D
101 39  101 e  0065 LATIN SMALL LETTER E
69  74  69  E  0045 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E
102 41  102 f  0066 LATIN SMALL LETTER F
70  76  70  F  0046 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F
103 42  103 g  0067 LATIN SMALL LETTER G
71  77  71  G  0047 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G
104 43  104 h  0068 LATIN SMALL LETTER H
72  78  72  H  0048 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H
105 44  105 i  0069 LATIN SMALL LETTER I
73  79  73  I  0049 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I
106 46  106 j  006a LATIN SMALL LETTER J
74  81  74  J  004a LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J
107 47  107 k  006b LATIN SMALL LETTER K
75  82  75  K  004b LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K
108 48  108 l  006c LATIN SMALL LETTER L
76  83  76  L  004c LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L
109 49  109 m  006d LATIN SMALL LETTER M
77  84  77  M  004d LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M
110 50  110 n  006e LATIN SMALL LETTER N
78  85  78  N  004e LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N
111 51  111 o  006f LATIN SMALL LETTER O
79  86  79  O  004f LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O
112 55  112 p  0070 LATIN SMALL LETTER P
80  90  80  P  0050 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
113 56  113 q  0071 LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
81  91  81  Q  0051 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
114 57  114 r  0072 LATIN SMALL LETTER R
82  92  82  R  0052 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R
115 58  115 s  0073 LATIN SMALL LETTER S
83  93 83  S  0053 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
116 59  116 t  0074 LATIN SMALL LETTER T
84  94  84  T  0054 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T
117 60  117 u  0075 LATIN SMALL LETTER U

[REBOL] Re: Text Editors?

2002-05-12 Thread Izkata

Hello?  Notepad IS a text editor.
I'm looking for a REBOL type of
Microsoft Word.

   Daniel S.

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[REBOL] Re: Help me Obi REB Kenobi! You're my only hope!

2002-05-12 Thread Joel Neely

Hi, again, Ed,

Ed Dana wrote:
> A couple quick follow-up questions, for my edification. :)
> Why can literals be surrounded by "" or {}. Is there a difference
> in how REBOL executes these strings?
> Just curious about the reason for this.

It's very handy to have multiple string delimiters, in case you
want to have strings that include delimiters themselves.  For

make-img: func [
src [string!]
/dim xy [pair!]
append  rejoin [{ src="} src {"}]
either dim [
rejoin [{ width="} xy/x {" height="} xy/y {"}]

which behaves as:

>> make-img "teeny.gif"
>> make-img/dim "teeny.gif" 3x5

Niceties aside, the curly brackets are normally used for "longer"
strings and the quotation mark used for "shorter" strings.

>> glop: "123"
== "123"
>> append glop glop
== "123123"
>> append glop glop
== "123123123123"
>> append glop glop
== "123123123123123123123123"
>> append glop glop
== "123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123"
>> append glop glop
== {12312312312312312312312312312312312312312312312312

But that's just a convention.

More importantly, the curly brackets can be used to create multi-
line strings easily:

>> {this
== {this

while quotation-mark-delimited strings must be on a single line:

>> "this
** Syntax Error: Missing " at "this
** Near: pick ["high" "low"] guess > secret



; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom
REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip
do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] {
| e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]
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[REBOL] Re: Help me Obi REB Kenobi! You're my only hope!

2002-05-12 Thread Joel Neely

Hi, Ed,

Ed Dana wrote:
> I bow my head in shame; I shall not bother this list again.

But please do!  It's how most of us learned REBOL to begin

> At least, not until the next time I screw up. :)

That happens with me about every 30 milliseconds!  See you soon!



; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom
REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip
do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] {
| e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]
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[REBOL] Re: Core 2.5.2 - Less aggressive evaluation - howto evaluate?

2002-05-12 Thread Ingo Hohmann

Hi Ammon,

Ammon Johnson wrote:
>   I just tried that on Command:
>>>a: context[ b: context[ c: 1]]
>>>f: func ['word] [print word]
>>>f a/b/c
> 1
> I don't know if it is a problem with Core that is non-existant in Command.

As the subject was meant to express, we are talking about a change in 
the next beta Version of Rebol. So the phenomenon may only be seen in 
the new betas, not on any of the stable versions.

Kind regards,


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[REBOL] Re: make-doc-pro: Version 1.0.3 beta available

2002-05-12 Thread pat665

Hi Robert,

RM>At least the actual version I have is checking this. I have updated my
Rebsite to this version.

Yes, the underline problem is fixed.

RM>Any incompatibilities found? [with makespec]


RM>> Yes, any idea how to do it? Robert [about css styles]

The CSS style are already stored in a bloc named 'stylesheets. My suggestion
would be to allow using other blocks. For example, a makespec-style block, a
old-make-doc-pro-style block (I liked the old yellow \note style).

BTW Thank you for making Make-doc-pro. I am using it all the time. Even when
experimenting with Rebol, I wanted to keep a trace of what I am doing
("verba volant, scripta manent"). MDP is the easiest way I know to make good
HTML page.


- Original Message -
From: "Robert M. Muench" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 4:14 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: make-doc-pro: Version 1.0.3 beta available

> > -Original Message-
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> > pat665
> > Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 3:17 PM
> > Subject: [REBOL] Re: make-doc-pro: Version 1.0.3 beta available
> > I tested MDP 1.03 with Rebol 2.5.2. I noticed that HTML code, either
> > expressed directly or in a rebol source (in a print statement for
> > are interpreted. This could be usefull sometimes, but in my case it
> > the document.
> Hi, well I think I have to escape the < and > chars... oh BTW: There are
> kind of special chars that need to be escaped. Anyone written a function
> this? IIRC Allen wrote one some time ago. I put it into my bug-reporter.
> > ---Suggestion
> > A line cannot start with a word in *bold* because *boldness* is
> > with the * character. *This* word was supposed to be bold.
> I know, haven't done it yet. Within one of the next releases for 1.0.3.
> > ---Suggestion
> > Value including several _ characters are not expressed correctly, for
> > example HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE from the Windows registry, because the _
> > character is used for underlining text.
> Should not happen, as the rule is that the second markup char must be
> by a space. At least the actual version I have is checking this. I have
> my Rebsite to this version.
> > ---Suggestion
> > Full compatibility with makespec.
> Yes, no problem. Any incompatibilities found?
> > ---Suggestion
> > Full parameterization of css style.
> Yes, any idea how to do it? Robert
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
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[REBOL] Re: Help me Obi REB Kenobi! You're my only hope!

2002-05-12 Thread Ed Dana

Ed Dana wrote:

> Joel Neely wrote:
>> Hi, Ed,
>> You've already received several good suggestions.
> Yes, I have.
> Thank you all for your good advice.
> I bow my head in shame; I shall not bother this list again.
> ...
> At least, not until the next time I screw up. :)
OK, OK, I lied...

A couple quick follow-up questions, for my edification. :)

Why can literals be surrounded by "" or {}. Is there a difference in how 
REBOL executes these strings?

Just curious about the reason for this.

Sincerely, | 
Ed Dana| Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you 
Software Developer | want to test a man's character, give him power. 
1Ghz Athlon Amiga  |   -- Abraham Lincoln
=== http://members.cox.net/edanaii/Home/Default.html ===

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[REBOL] Re: Linguistic influences

2002-05-12 Thread Romano Paolo Tenca

Hi all,

for me the best mode to do that in Rebol is to use a parse rule:

result: copy []
r: [into r | set x skip (insert tail result x)]
parse/all serie [some r]

It is the more simple and the more fast (i think).

But the point is that it also the more easy to understand, if one has a
sufficient knowledge of the innatural Rebol parse rules which are distant, i
think, from any natural languages rules.

So i ask myself what is "naturality".

> 4) I noticed a paradox: the most effective way of assembling blocks is to
> use APPEND (or INSERT TAIL), but we do not have it as a native. Moreover,
> the APPEND function should be enhanced to allow the same types of
> arguments/refinements as INSERT does. (sending as an enhancement request to
> feedback too).

I asked for a /tail refinement in insert. It should be also possible to create
alias of refined words.

> The CHANGE function should be enhanced too, to allow ANY-TYPE! VALUE
> argument.

About Change, I feel the need of a change/part which changes only a fixed
length of the destination series with a fixed length of the source series.Now
the /part refinement works like insert if the length of the source series is >
than the /part argument. Now we must do a copy/part on the source series to do
a true fixed lenght Change. If the source is very long, this is a real waste
of time and memory.

But i could not see a different mode to make it in the current version of
Rebol. Anyone see it?


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[REBOL] Re: Collation sequence - proper and efficient sorting ofnational accented chars?

2002-05-12 Thread Geza Lakner MD

Hello G.,

> Let me know if you have any questions.  Good luck.
Huhh, pretty scary task NOT to be a REBOLer Englishman ;-) I will try
some mapping - it seems the most obvious way to me. Besides I would
like to sort first names: as a "loose" (lousy, lazy etc ;-) ) solution
it would suffice to map the starting special vowels. In that way
Hungarian language is not so exotic, having only accented characters
as national specialities, like: á é í ó ú ö ü õ û (well the last two
_both_ should normally have double "grave" accents on top of them not
circumflexe or tilde :-( )

Best regards,

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[REBOL] Re: make-doc-pro: Version 1.0.3 beta available

2002-05-12 Thread Robert M. Muench

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> pat665
> Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 3:17 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: make-doc-pro: Version 1.0.3 beta available

> I tested MDP 1.03 with Rebol 2.5.2. I noticed that HTML code, either
> expressed directly or in a rebol source (in a print statement for example)
> are interpreted. This could be usefull sometimes, but in my case it destroys
> the document.

Hi, well I think I have to escape the < and > chars... oh BTW: There are all
kind of special chars that need to be escaped. Anyone written a function for
this? IIRC Allen wrote one some time ago. I put it into my bug-reporter.

> ---Suggestion
> A line cannot start with a word in *bold* because *boldness* is indicated
> with the * character. *This* word was supposed to be bold.

I know, haven't done it yet. Within one of the next releases for 1.0.3.

> ---Suggestion
> Value including several _ characters are not expressed correctly, for
> example HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE from the Windows registry, because the _
> character is used for underlining text.

Should not happen, as the rule is that the second markup char must be followed
by a space. At least the actual version I have is checking this. I have updated
my Rebsite to this version.

> ---Suggestion
> Full compatibility with makespec.

Yes, no problem. Any incompatibilities found?

> ---Suggestion
> Full parameterization of css style.

Yes, any idea how to do it? Robert

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[REBOL] make-doc-pro: Version 1.0.3 beta updated

2002-05-12 Thread Robert M. Muench

Have a look at my Rebsite.

What changed:
- Table support added

line 1 cell 1 | cell 2 | cell 3 ||
line 2 cell 1 | cell 2 | cell 3 

- some minor bug-fixes

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[REBOL] Re: Help me Obi REB Kenobi! You're my only hope!

2002-05-12 Thread Ed Dana

Joel Neely wrote:

>Hi, Ed,
>You've already received several good suggestions.
Yes, I have.

Thank you all for your good advice.

I bow my head in shame; I shall not bother this list again.


At least, not until the next time I screw up. :)

Sincerely, | 
Ed Dana| This is the worst kind of discrimination! The 
Software Developer | kind against me!
1Ghz Athlon Amiga  |   -- Bender, Futurama.
=== http://members.cox.net/edanaii/Home/Default.html ===

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[REBOL] Re: make-doc-pro: Version 1.0.3 beta available

2002-05-12 Thread pat665

Hi Robert,

I tested MDP 1.03 with Rebol 2.5.2. I noticed that HTML code, either
expressed directly or in a rebol source (in a print statement for example)
are interpreted. This could be usefull sometimes, but in my case it destroys
the document.
This is a little text that I have used for testing. It gives some example of
the HTML problem. There are some other points and suggestions too.

8< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Testing MDP 1.0.3
 author: Patrick Philipot
 date: 12-may-2002


===CGI with Rebol !
The first line is for Apache. It tells the web server where to find
rebol.exe. It will be ignored if you are using PWS.

---The program
Type and save this program as _cgi-hw.r_ in the cgi-bin directory of your
web server.

 #!d:/rebview/rebol.exe --cgi

 print "Content-Type: text/html^/^/"

 print [
  "Hello CGI-World!"

---Testing with a browser
The testing must be done with a browser by typing the following URL:


\note Content-Type Gotcha !
#Notice that there are two newline ("^/^/").

---Getting data from an HTML form (GET method)
Here is the _hello-you-get.html_ page :

"Hello You: GET method" 


A line cannot start with a word in *bold* because *boldness* is indicated
with the * character.
*This* word was supposed to be bold.

Value including several _ characters are not expressed correctly, for
example HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE from the Windows registry, because the _
character is used for underlining text.

Full compatibility with makespec.

Full parameterization of css style.
8< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- Original Message -
From: "Robert M. Muench" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Rebollist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 4:13 PM
Subject: [REBOL] make-doc-pro: Version 1.0.3 beta available

> Hi, as I promised to some of you a new version of make-doc-pro for the
> weekend (or the weekend before that) but failed to do so you will get it
on this
> weekend. It's more a beta release this time and you can only get it
through my
> Reb site (remember to reload the file).
> Why a beta release you ask? That's quite simple. I have rewritten
> from scratch, mainly the parser and the emitter parts are now much cleaner
> better to maintain. Further the code is a lot smaller ;-) about 600 lines
> code.
> The current version has mostly everything for markup. The options, =image
> stuff is currently missing, no indention done yet. etc. But you can write
> the texts and it can now handle words like b*tree ;-)) without a problem.
> and it's mostly makespec, makedoc compatible now by handling explicit
> line-breaks in text paragraphs correctly. This should make it possible to
> convert all source-documents from RT.
> Have a look at it and let me know what you think. The gaps will be closed
in the
> next days. Robert
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.

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[REBOL] Re: Linguistic influences

2002-05-12 Thread Joel Neely

Hi, Ladislav,

Ladislav Mecir wrote:
> 1) I didn't want to criticize the ineffectivity of the algorithm.
> I would rather say, that what matters to me may be a "naturality"
> of the algorithm.

FWIW, the algorithm wasn't the point of my note.  I really wish I
had chosen a different example.  The real point I wanted to focus
on was the contrast between deeply nested expressions vs. a long
sequence of word-setting expressions to build up the result in an
incremental fashion, and the differences in "mental bookkeeping"
required to read and understand each.
> 3) Volker is right, that the introduction of iteration using
> FOREACH simplifies the code. For the comparison purposes, here
> is an iterative version of FLAT-APPEND:
> flat-append: func [
> series [series! port!]
> value [any-type!]
> ] [
> either block? get/any 'value [
> foreach element value [
> flat-append :series get/any 'element
> ]
> ] [
> insert/only tail :series get/any 'value
> ]
> :series
> ]

Actually, that's still recursive!  You refactored the "horizontal"
recursion into the FOREACH, but left the "vertical" recursion in
place.  Here's a completely iterative version of the flattener:

nb-flatten: func [
b [block!]
/local front result
result: copy []
while [not empty? b][
either block? front: first b [
b: compose [(front) (next b)]
insert tail result front
b: next b

> 4) I noticed a paradox: the most effective way of assembling blocks
> is to use APPEND (or INSERT TAIL), but we do not have it as a native.

Good observation!


; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom
REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip
do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] {
| e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]
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[REBOL] Re: Collation sequence - proper and efficient sorting of national accented chars?

2002-05-12 Thread G. Scott Jones

From: "Geza Lakner MD"
> Hello REBOLers,
>   Is there a way to set a national collation sequence for string
>   SORTing in the SYSTEM object? Defining a per character comparator
>   for SORT/COMPARE would be an overkill in terms of speed and
>   efficacy. Thus, is there a way to use the native SORT with speed for
>   ordering national accented characters (which would be otherwise at
>   the very end of the "English" alphabet :-( ) ?

Hi, Geza,

As a special challenge for myself, I undertook the Czech alphabet last year.
It was a special challenge both because I didn't know the Czech language and
because the Czech alphabet had several special cases (namely "ch").

Here is a link to the first release I did for the Czech alphabet:


A character was missing, so the following contained the final character map:


This was just one approach that I could envision at the time.  If I recall
correctly, Volker had some other ideas, so you may want to check more of the
various threads to see some of the ideas and pitfalls that were discovered:

Here was the post that began the challenge:

Here was the post that began the next sequence:

The final sequence began with the first link given in this current email.

Let me know if you have any questions.  Good luck.
--Scott Jones

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[REBOL] Re: Graph Drawing & /View Performance

2002-05-12 Thread pat665

Hi Etienne

EA> I thought this View version was a beta release ...

Yes it is but it seems logical that the changes are there forever and not to
be removed. Therefore programs have to be adapted. As I said previously, I
am using a "simplified" version of your aqua-blue skin. Mainly just buttons,
backdrop, and text.

EA>An other thing : if your script runs well on the new version, it will
EA>run well on the previous one (I test this everyday).

My situation is different, since I am using 2.5.2, almost all my programs
are ugly :
- buttons have squared corners. It seems to be a transparency problem.I have
tried little things with the key effect with no results.
- backdrop-norm are wrongly displayed on the left border. It seems that they
are displayed twice. On time rightly then again with a small shift to the

EA>What can I share ... ?
If you solve the problems described above, your code will be appreciated.
You could make it available for the list or email it to me privately.

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 3:14 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Graph Drawing & /View Performance

Hi, Pat,

I thought this View version was a beta release ...

What can I share ... ?

I can say I discovered two new widgets : drop-down and scroller (witch
derives from slider + 2 arrow buttons). The slider's code and feel are
not the same as in the previous version. If you used a derived widget,
it could not run now.

The transparency is hard to understand without doc. The first difference
I saw between the 2 versions is that to make a face transparent you must
set its 'color to none. I noticed in View 1.2.1 it was not obligatory.

An other thing : if your script runs well on the new version, it will
run well on the previous one (I test this everyday).

I didn't notice other thing particular.

pat665 wrote:

>Hi Etienne,
>I see your point however the View 2.5.2 is released now. May be you could
>share what you have learned about the new view with the list ?
>- Original Message -
>Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 5:18 PM
>Subject: [REBOL] Re: Graph Drawing & /View Performance
>Hi, Patrick,
>I know these problems.
>I think the new View engine is the same as the Link one.
>So, I made many changes for Link, and it seems to be ok. But I want to
>test it before publishing it.
> So, as soon as the official View version is online, I'll put the new
>skins version online too.
>pat665 wrote:
>>Hi Etienne,
>>I have been using a simplified version of your aquae-blue skin for a
>>Are-you aware that it doesn't work properly with the 2.5.2 bêta? Backdrops
>>are not correctly displayed, buttons are squared ?
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[REBOL] RT feedback

2002-05-12 Thread pat665

Hi rebollers

Just curious if someone gets any feedback from RT feedback about the beta
2.5.2. In the past, they used to send a ticket for acknowledgment. I have
reported 4 problems and received nothing. It is hard to know if they got
them or not.

Since I am using 2.5.2, things are not easy :

- my main program crashes
- almost all my other programs look terrible because they are using the
- make-doc-pro was DOA, but this problem has been fixed.

However I am very happy to see Rebol evolving


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[REBOL] Re: Graph Drawing & /View Performance

2002-05-12 Thread Gabriele Santilli

Hi Etienne,

On Sunday, May 12, 2002, 3:14:49 AM, you wrote:

EA> The transparency is hard to understand without doc. The first difference

Do  you have Holger's post about this? I think it explained almost
all that is needed, but maybe I'm wrong.


Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r

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[REBOL] Re: Linguistic influences

2002-05-12 Thread Ladislav Mecir

Hi Volker and Joel,

1) I didn't want to criticize the ineffectivity of the algorithm. I would
rather say, that what matters to me may be a "naturality" of the algorithm.

2) Joel's examples as well as Volker's look to me as "top down writing
style", while my attempt uses a "bottom up" approach. I am convinced, that
the "bottom up style" can be used to improve the readability.

3) Volker is right, that the introduction of iteration using FOREACH
simplifies the code. For the comparison purposes, here is an iterative
version of FLAT-APPEND:

flat-append: func [
series [series! port!]
value [any-type!]
] [
either block? get/any 'value [
foreach element value [
flat-append :series get/any 'element
] [
insert/only tail :series get/any 'value

It is advisable to use the iteration, where it looks more natural/readable
(at least in Rebol).

4) I noticed a paradox: the most effective way of assembling blocks is to
use APPEND (or INSERT TAIL), but we do not have it as a native. Moreover,
the APPEND function should be enhanced to allow the same types of
arguments/refinements as INSERT does. (sending as an enhancement request to
feedback too).

append: function [
{Appends a value to the tail of a series and returns the series.}
series [series! port! bitset!] "Series at point to insert"
value [any-type!] "The value to insert"
/part "Limits to a given length or position."
range [number! series! port!]
/only "Inserts a series as a series."
/dup "Duplicates the insert a specified number of times."
count [number!]
] [path block] [
path: to path! [insert]
block: reduce [:path 'tail :series]
insert/only tail block get/any 'value
if part [
insert tail path 'part
insert/only tail block :range
if only [
insert tail path 'only
insert tail block :range
if dup [
insert tail path 'dup
insert tail block :count
throw-on-error block

The CHANGE function should be enhanced too, to allow ANY-TYPE! VALUE


- Original Message -
From: "Joel Neely"

Hi, Volker and Ladislav,

Volker Nitsch wrote:
> aha! hmm2: all this inserting at front, and recursion? (coding)
> obviously you coded for example, not performance ;)

Absolutely!  I'm under no illusion that the sample code offered
was the best algorithm/approach for the problem.  That the first
version was just leftovers from some benchmarking I had done a
while back -- it was just the first fragment of code that came
to hand that had some deeply-nested expressions.

I assure one and all that I do NOT recommend constructing
blocks from right to left!

Of course, that sentence betrays that my native/habitual language
is Indo-European-based (reading left-to-right) rather than Hebrew
or Arabic (reading right-to-left) or ancient Greek (when written
in boustrophedon).


; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom
REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip
do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] {
| e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]

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[REBOL] Re: CORE 2.5.2 Bugs/Enhancements

2002-05-12 Thread Ladislav Mecir

The APPEND function should be enhanced to allow the same types of
arguments/refinements as INSERT does.

append: function [
{Appends a value to the tail of a series and returns the series.}
series [series! port! bitset!] "Series at point to insert"
value [any-type!] "The value to insert"
/part "Limits to a given length or position."
range [number! series! port!]
/only "Inserts a series as a series."
/dup "Duplicates the insert a specified number of times."
count [number!]
] [path block] [
path: to path! [insert]
block: reduce [:path 'tail :series]
insert/only tail block get/any 'value
if part [
insert tail path 'part
insert/only tail block :range
if only [
insert tail path 'only
insert tail block :range
if dup [
insert tail path 'dup
insert tail block :count
throw-on-error block

The CHANGE function should be enhanced too, to allow ANY-TYPE! VALUE


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