[REBOL] Re: adding line hints when building blocks

2002-05-24 Thread Carl Read

Hi Gregg,

I've got close to what you want by using a "do string" to create a
template for your files.  This at least means you only have to do a
string once.  ie...


rebol []
template: do "[^/none[^/value none^/mail none^/]^/]"
file: []

insert file copy/deep template
file/1: 'item-1
file/2/2: 1

insert file copy/deep template
file/1: 'item-2
file/2/2: 2

insert file copy/deep template
file/1: 'item-3
file/2/2: 3

sort/skip file 2 ; (;
print mold file


This gives...

>> do %test.r
[item-1 [
value 1 
] item-2 [
value 2 
] item-3 [
value 3 

It's not quite perfect as line-hints for the item values are lost when
you change them, ((because they're in the outer block, perhaps?), but
the others are kept so it's almost how you wanted it.  This is how
the file would look with no values changed...

>> blk: [] loop 3 [insert blk copy/deep template] print mold blk
none [
value none 
mail none
none [
value none 
mail none
none [
value none 
mail none

So close. Grrr! (:  Hope that gets you some way to where you want,


On 25-May-02, Gregg Irwin wrote:

> hi Ammon,

> << Just a shot in the dark (I am still not sure what you are
> attempting, an example maybe?) Have you tried placing the word
> 'newline in where you wanted
> a new line? and I think that there is a similar one for tab IIRC. >>

> Yup. Tried various combinations of things, reducing, composing, etc.
> but no luck so far.

> The goal is to write out, to a file, something like this:

> item-1-id [
>value 0
> ]

> item-2-id [
>value 1
> ]

> which is an easy format to create and edit manually, and also very
> easy to just LOAD for use in scripts. The format you get without
> line hints is much harder to work with manually. E.g.

> item-1-id [value 0 mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]] item-2-id [value 1 mail
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]] item-3-id [value 1 mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]] item-4-id [value 1
> mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]] item-5-id [value 1 mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> The new serialized format will be fine for apps you don't want to
> edit manually, and for REBOL developers, but for the average joe
> (script-tinkerer, help-desk personnel), I think the native block
> format might be much better.

> --Gregg

Carl Read

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[REBOL] Mail delays - was Re: Sorry about my mails

2002-05-24 Thread Graham Chiu

> Some of my mails, however, are appearing here up to
> five days late! There is trouble with my ISP's email
> server.

Don't think that's the problem.  Mail is being held up
at cobalt.reboltech.com for 4-5 days on occasion.

Holger may wish to comment.

Graham Chiu
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[REBOL] Re: Limiting Precision of Decimals,

2002-05-24 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi Louis,

<< Thanks!  But I haven't been able to figure out how to use it.  Would you
please give me a sample usage? >>

DOH! I was going to post a simple reply, but it appears you've outsmarted
me. :) If there's only a decimal component, and the value is <~.1, REBOL
returns it with scientific notation. E.g.

>> round/places/truncate 1.065926257523 8
== 1.06592625
>> round/places/truncate .065926257523 8
== 6.592625E-2

I'll have to think about this. I'm not sure that I want to scale things
internally to work around this issue. Obviously, it should work for all
extremes so that's what we'll have to test for in a redesign. Guess it won't
work for you right now though. Sorry about that. But, thanks for finding the
bug! :)

Anyone else listening in? Any thoughts?


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[REBOL] Sorry about my mails

2002-05-24 Thread Anton

I just wanted to apologize for writing a few mails
without subject lines. That was just me being sloppy.
Some of my mails, however, are appearing here up to
five days late! There is trouble with my ISP's email

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[REBOL] Re: Custom Capitalize Function

2002-05-24 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk

At 11:13 AM 5/25/2002 +1200, you wrote:

>capitalize-it: function [a [string!] b [string!]][found][
> if not found: find/tail find/tail a " " " " [return]
> if all [found/1 >= #"A" found/1 <= #"Z"] [
> if not found: find/tail find/tail b " " " " [return]
> if all [found/1 >= #"a" found/1 <= #"z"] [
> change found to-char to-integer found/1 - 32
> ]
> ]
>Seems to work...
> >> a: "a b c" b: "x y z" capitalize-it a b
>== none
> >> a
>== "a b c"
> >> b
>== "x y z"
> >> a: "a b C" b: "x y z" capitalize-it a b
>== ""
> >> a
>== "a b C"
> >> b
>== "x y Z"
>If you're sure all your strings will have two spaces in you could take
>out the checks for that.  ie, remove the "if not" and "[return]" from
>the two lines where the strings are searched.

So far it works great!  I'll be testing it extensively over the next few 
weeks.  No news will mean it works and no bugs.

Many thanks.  Your code complete a script that is very important to me.


>There's probably a faster way, but this shouldn't be too slow -
>hopefully. (:
>Carl Read

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[REBOL] Re: Limiting Precision of Decimals,

2002-05-24 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk

Hi Gregg,

Thanks!  But I haven't been able to figure out how to use it.  Would you 
please give me a sample usage?


At 04:58 PM 5/24/2002 -0600, you wrote:

>Here's a rounding function that might do what you want.

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[REBOL] Re: adding line hints when building blocks

2002-05-24 Thread Brett Handley

Hi Gregg,

>From memory I think the only way to add a line hint is by loading a string.

>> block-with-line-hint: load {[^/]}
== [

You can insert this block into another.

>> test-block: copy []
== []
>> insert/only test-block block-with-line-hint
== []
>> test-block
== [[

But as far as I can tell as soon as this block is evaluated - it loses it's

I think the only feasible alternative is to form a string with the line hint
and indentation you need.

And I'd really like a pretty formatter for scripts too. Clean script is good
but I don't
want to have to add line breaks at beginings of blocks.

If I remember, Joel created style-x something
that mangled comments, but might be enough for just data blocks.


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[REBOL] Re: How to generate colorized HTML from rebol scripts ?

2002-05-24 Thread Jason Cunliffe

> > does http://www.reboltech.com/library/scripts/colorize.r work for you?
>   Hi:
>   Another alternative is to just load the script into gvim (gui mode
>   of vim) and and choose syntax->convert to HTML
>   Warning: vim can be either addictive or drive you nuts :-).
>   'evim' which comes with versions 6.0 on both windows
>   and Linux is vim without the 'mode', probably much easier for
>   the newcomer to use.

Useful to know about. I've not touched 'evim'. REBOL is addictive enough!

Anyway, I need dynamic conversions for server-side tasking.

http://www.reboltech.com/library/scripts/colorize.r is working ok now thanks to
Anton's tip :-)


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[REBOL] Re: adding line hints when building blocks

2002-05-24 Thread Gregg Irwin

hi Ammon,

<< Just a shot in the dark (I am still not sure what you are attempting, an
example maybe?)  Have you tried placing the word 'newline in where you
a new line?  and I think that there is a similar one for tab IIRC. >>

Yup. Tried various combinations of things, reducing, composing, etc. but no
luck so far.

The goal is to write out, to a file, something like this:

item-1-id [
value 0

item-2-id [
value 1

which is an easy format to create and edit manually, and also very easy to
just LOAD for use in scripts. The format you get without line hints is much
harder to work with manually. E.g.

item-1-id [value 0 mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]] item-2-id [value 1 mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
item-3-id [value 1 mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]] item-4-id [value 1 mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
item-5-id [value 1 mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]]

The new serialized format will be fine for apps you don't want to edit
manually, and for REBOL developers, but for the average joe
(script-tinkerer, help-desk personnel), I think the native block format
might be much better.


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[REBOL] Re: Limiting Precision of Decimals,

2002-05-24 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi Louis,

<< Is there any way to avoid scientific notation on decimals?  For example,
don't want the E-2 at the end of the following number my program has
calculated: >>

Here's a rounding function that might do what you want.

; Ladislav Mecir, Gregg Irwin (minor adjustment)
mod: func [
{Compute a remainder.}
value1 [number! money! time!] {The dividend}
value2 [number! money! time!] {The divisor}
/euclid {Compute a non-negative remainder such that: a = qb + r and
r < b}
/local r
] [
either euclid [
either negative? r: value1 // value2 [r + abs value2] [r]
;-- Alternate implementation
;value1 // value2 + (value2: abs value2) // value2
value1 // value2

;-- Note: to-interval does mod-like rounding. If the interval you
; specify is not evenly divisble into your base, the result
; may not be what you expect. E.g. round/to-interval 133 30
; will round to 120, not 130, because 120 is an even multiple
; (read interval) of 30.
; Ladislav Mecir, Gregg Irwin
round: func [
{Rounds numeric value with refinements for what kind of rounding
 you want performed, how many decimal places to round to, etc.}
value [number! money! time!] {The value to round}
/up {Round away from 0}
/floor  {Round towards the next more negative digit}
/ceiling{Round towards the next more positive digit}
/truncate   {Remaining digits are unchanged. (a.k.a. down)}
/places {The number of decimal places to keep}
pl [integer!]
/to-interval {Round to the nearest multiple of interval}
interval [number! money! time!]
;-- places and to-interval are redundant. E.g.:
;   places 2 = to-interval .01
;   to-interval is more flexible so I may dump places.
;-- This sets factor in one line, under 80 chars, but is it clearer?
;factor: either places [10 ** (- pl)][either to-interval
factor: either places [
10 ** (negate pl)
] [
either to-interval [interval] [1]
;-- We may set truncate, floor, or ceiling in this 'if block.
if not any [up floor ceiling truncate] [
;-- Default rounding is even. Should we take the specified
;   decimal places into account when rounding? We do at the
;   moment.
either (abs value // factor) <> (.5 * factor) [
value: (.5 * factor) + value
return value - mod/euclid value factor
] [
;-- If we get here, it means we're rounding off exactly
;   .5 (at the final decimal position that is).
either even? value [
truncate: true
] [
either negative? value [floor: true][ceiling: true]
if up   [either negative? value [floor: true][ceiling: true]]
if truncate [return value - (value // factor)]
if floor[return value - mod/euclid value factor]
if ceiling  [return value + mod/euclid (negate value) factor]


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[REBOL] Re: Custom Capitalize Function

2002-05-24 Thread Carl Read

On 25-May-02, Dr. Louis A. Turk wrote:
> Hi rebols,

> I need a function to capitalize the first character after the second
> space in string-b only if the first character after the second space
> in string a is capitalized. Example:

> string-a: "Chapter 1:1 Itu besar merah rumah."
> string-b: "Chapter 1:1 the big red house."

> capitalize-it string-a string-b

> string-b: "Chapter 1:1 The big Red house."

> This function is used right in the heart of a script that processes
> a rather massive document, so speed is essential.

> Any ideas for a fast, elegant function?

Hi Louis,


capitalize-it: function [a [string!] b [string!]][found][
if not found: find/tail find/tail a " " " " [return]
if all [found/1 >= #"A" found/1 <= #"Z"] [
if not found: find/tail find/tail b " " " " [return]
if all [found/1 >= #"a" found/1 <= #"z"] [
change found to-char to-integer found/1 - 32

Seems to work...

>> a: "a b c" b: "x y z" capitalize-it a b
== none
>> a
== "a b c"
>> b
== "x y z"
>> a: "a b C" b: "x y z" capitalize-it a b
== ""
>> a  
== "a b C"
>> b  
== "x y Z"

If you're sure all your strings will have two spaces in you could take
out the checks for that.  ie, remove the "if not" and "[return]" from
the two lines where the strings are searched.

There's probably a faster way, but this shouldn't be too slow -
hopefully. (:

Carl Read

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[REBOL] Re: serve down?

2002-05-24 Thread Alan Crandall

At 09:12 AM 5/24/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Developer serve seems to be down this morning, or is it just me?
>Looking forward to a productive weekend of scripting.
>Steve Shireman
Just talked to Cindy and they are having hosted server problems at their 
ISP.She said it should be back up now or soon.Seems it did not see its 
memory.Having a senior moment I guess

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[REBOL] adding line hints when building blocks

2002-05-24 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi Gang,

If you build a block interactively in the console, with newlines between
items, or if you blockify a string with embedded newlines, the block
contains line "hints" which are used when the block is printed, molded, etc.

Suppose I want to build a block in code, which will be written to a file,
and I want it to be formatted nicely in the file (i.e. with newlines and
indentation). Is there any way to include formatting hints when building a
block, or do you have to build a string and blockify it?

I know RT has mentioned that it's less efficient to build a string if you
want to DO it, but I haven't found a way to format a block as I build it.



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[REBOL] Re: How to generate colorized HTML from rebol scripts ?

2002-05-24 Thread Tim Johnson

> Am Montag, 20. Mai 2002 00:29 schrieb Jason Cunliffe:
> > Need to create nicely indented colorized HTML straight from REBOL source
> > code. What do you recommend?
> >
> does http://www.reboltech.com/library/scripts/colorize.r work for you?

  Another alternative is to just load the script into gvim (gui mode
  of vim) and and choose syntax->convert to HTML
  Warning: vim can be either addictive or drive you nuts :-).
  'evim' which comes with versions 6.0 on both windows
  and Linux is vim without the 'mode', probably much easier for
  the newcomer to use.


> > thanks
> > ./Jason
> Volker
> -- 
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[REBOL] Re: REBOL momentum builds

2002-05-24 Thread Hallvard Ystad

Dixit Carl Sassenrath (19.57 15.05.2002):
>Dear REBOL List:
>===New REBOL Licensing

Now I registered and voted for Rebol as the best tech achievement. So when will 
licencing be changed to free encap for noncommercial and small company clients?

>> make licence! $0.00
== :-)


Prætera censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

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[REBOL] Re: Rebol Jabber client?

2002-05-24 Thread Graham Chiu

> How long after you posted did it appear on escribe
> Graham? ...
> http://www.escribe.com/internet/rebol/index.html

I think it was also a couple of days, but the holdup was at

> It's weird, but they can appear there a lot quicker than
> they get back
> to you sometimes.  The respose time is certainly not like
> it used to
> be...

I know :(

Graham Chiu
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[REBOL] Custom Capitalize Function

2002-05-24 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk

Hi rebols,

I need a function to capitalize the first character after the second space 
in string-b only if the first character after the second space in string a 
is capitalized.  Example:

string-a: "Chapter 1:1 Itu besar merah rumah."
string-b: "Chapter 1:1 the big red house."

capitalize-it string-a string-b

string-b: "Chapter 1:1 The big Red house."

This function is used right in the heart of a script that processes a 
rather massive document, so speed is essential.

Any ideas for a fast, elegant function?


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[REBOL] Re: [View] text-list usage as a face

2002-05-24 Thread Ingo Hohmann

Hi Ammon,

Ammon Johnson wrote:
> Hi,
> Have you tried 'get-style?  'get-style was designed to avoid that problem.

No, didn't know about it. But in the end, it's seems to do no more than 
my select does.

> Ammon
> A short time ago, Ingo Hohmann, sent an email stating:

Yore joking ain't ya? It took this mail 5 days to come back to me :-)

>>   text-list: select system/view/vid/vid-styles 'text-list
>>and am using now
>>   make text-list [ ... ]
>>but it seems to have lost many of its normal functionality ... so I
>>guess that layout does a little more magic than I first thought. Are
>>there any ideas on how to
>>- add actions now?

answer to self:
 make face [
   feel: make feel [
 engage: func [face action event] [

>>- change the list data? I tried
>>  append clear My-text-list/data [ "new" "lines" ] show my-text-list
>>- get the slider/scroller back?

Kind regards,


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[REBOL] Re: REBOL momentum builds

2002-05-24 Thread Carl Read

About time I replied to this. (:

On 19-May-02, Joel Neely wrote:

> I tried to make the same point of your comments above during a
> previous thread about the "threat" of open source.  The claim had
> been made that opening the source of the REBOL interpreter was
> likely to lead to forking of the language and the immanent demise
> of cross-platform compatibility.  My response is that ANY access
> to system-dependent features (especially such things as binary
> libraries) will allow someone to write code that will run on only
> a single platform.

> OTOH, I question whether that's a significant issue.

Okay.  Turn off Java and Javascript and Flash and go for a surf and
see how long it is before you need one of those.  All the free REBOL
needs is just one system-dependent feature that's as popular in its
scripts as they are on webpages and to all practical purposes it'll
have lost its cross-platform compatibility.  Yes, I'll still be able
to write cross-platform scripts myself, but to "surf" the Desktop
pleasantly on all but a handful of systems?  No, I very much doubt

Also, what's to stop an OS vender from writing (or buying) the killer
add-on to REBOL that's only avaliable on their OS?

>  It's always
> possible for a programmer to write something that is so dependent
> on a particular set of assumptions, resources, and "world view"
> that it's just not worth the trouble to re-use it outside that
> regime (and said regime can be as narrow as the mind of the one
> who writes it... ;-)  I'm much more concerned about whether we
> have languages that are so richly applicable and platform-neutral
> that they *avoid*forcing* us to write code with all of those
> limiting dependencies.

> Some of the more successful (in terms of number of users, range
> of applications, supporting literature and publications, etc...)
> languages, such as Perl, Python, Ruby, and Tcl have the property
> that you *can* write platform-neutral code if you want to, but
> you can also take advantage of platform-specific resources for
> performance or functionality when you deem it appropriate.  As
> an interpreted, high-level language, REBOL must ultimately offer
> access to system-specific resources or remain marginalized with
> respect to applications where performance is an issue.

There's access to platform-specific stuff now in the commercial
versions of REBOL so you can have what you want locally or on servers
if you're willing to pay for it.  But I see the free REBOL as more
akin to a browser than a language and access to scripts on the Reb
could easily become a cross-platform nightmare if platform-specific
support is included in it.

Carl Read

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[REBOL] Limiting Precision of Decimals,

2002-05-24 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk

Hi rebols,

Is there any way to avoid scientific notation on decimals?  For example, I 
don't want the E-2 at the end of the following number my program has 


I want instead:

.06592625   <<<< I would like less precision also.


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[REBOL] Re: No framework library for rebol ?

2002-05-24 Thread Ammon Johnson


Frameworks, frameworks  That is what a lot of ppl are saying, but what 
framework do you want?  REBOL is extremely powerful and for most things it 
would be better to build what you need as you need it.  With REBOL 
development time is greatly reduced, not because of frameworks, but because 
os the simplicity of the system.   The one framework that seems to be lacking 
is better GUI controls.  What is available is powerful, there is a lot of 
potential for the View engine, but I think that VID could use a lot of work.  
As for that, there are several different projects going on that are 
attempting to fix that trouble, one of which I might mention is REBOL 
Integrated Development Environment (RIDE)  
The RIDE project is coming back to life after having set dormant for a few 
months.  I am working on setting up an IOS Server which will be designed to 
help developers work together on their own projects.  The client to the 
server will include the tools of RIDE.  Currently there is a powerful Face 
editing tool almost complete and an object browser/editor which will be the 
main script editing environment.  The Object Browser will also have a built 
in debugger (work in progress)  One of the things that will be available is 
some more advanced styles and a skinning system.  The whole idea of the 
server is to provide a SorceForge type comunity for REBOL developers.   I am 
looking at some version control systems as well  The features go on, but 
for now let that suffice. ;-)


A short time ago, laplace, sent an email stating:
> Perl, php, java every langage has now a complete framework for developping
> and I don't see anything like that for rebol. I think that is a nig mistake
> as for the spreading of this langage. Because as long as you do simple
> things it's ok but when you want to make real world application you have to
> reinvent the wheel and that's not possible for a business so I only use
> rebol for little program.
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2002-05-24 Thread Anton

This is not important, I will just restart, but...
In the middle of an extensive editing session just now,
(using the new View beta,) I noticed this untamed behaviour:

>> split-path %index.r
== [%./index.r %index.r]   ; what?

>> split-path %index
== [%./index.r %index]   ; still crazy, let's investigate...

>> ?? split-path
split-path: func [
{Splits a file or URL path. Returns a block containing path and target.}
target [file! url!]
/local file path p][
p: %./index.r   ;;; <- ((( notice this line... )))
path: parse/all target "/"
if all [1 = length? path not empty? path/1] [
change path either any ["./" = path/1 "." = path/1 all [any ["../" =
path/1 ".." = path/1] p: %../]] [none]
 [to-file path/1]
all [slash = last target path/1 append path/1 slash]
return head insert path p]
foreach item path [if item [append item slash]]
if (last target) <> slash [remove back tail last path]
file: last path
remove back tail path
file: to-file file
if (length? path) = 0 [insert path slash file: none]
path: rejoin path file
all [any [file = %. file = %..] file: dirize file]
either file? target [
reduce [to-file path file]] [
reduce [to-url join (copy/part target head target) path file]

; just check the global context...
>> p
** Script Error: p has no value
** Near: p

Now, if you start a fresh rebol, you should see 'p
initialised to %./
But it was changed somehow.
How could any of my code modify the local 'p ?
(I was doing a lot of stuff with index.r files, and
I also patched path-thru slightly).
How did the value of p get changed? How did the value
escape from the local context of the function to be
modified somewhere else? I cannot see a way, but
perhaps some of you have ideas.


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[REBOL] Re: call cmd

2002-05-24 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi John,

<< Is there any way of using call to run a command on a Windows based system
without opening a command prompt window.
I have tried every call refinement and starting from the command line with
rebol -cqs but still no luck. >>

CALL doesn't work, but you can call ShellExecute to do it.

win-shell: context [
win-lib: load/library %shell32.dll

execute: make routine! [
hwndParent  [integer!]
Operation   [string!]
Parameters  [string!]
Directory   [string!]
ShowCmd [integer!]
return: [integer!]
] win-lib "ShellExecuteA"

; Operation values
;   "open"
;   "print"
;   "explore"
; ShowCmd values
; 0   Hides the window and passes activation to another window.
; 1   Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized
; or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and
; position (same as 9).
; 2   Activates a window and displays it as an icon.
; 3   Activates a window and displays it as a maximized window.
; 4   Displays a window in its most recent size and position. The
; window that is currently active remains active.
; 5   Activates a window and displays it in its current size and
; position.
; 6   Minimizes the specified window and activates the top-level
; window in the system's list.
; 7   Displays a window as an icon. The window that is currently
; active remains active.
; 8   Displays a window in its current state. The window that is
; currently active remains active.
; 9   Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized
; or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and
; position (same as 1).

win-shell/execute 0 "open" "notepad.exe" "" "" 1



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[REBOL] Re: call cmd

2002-05-24 Thread Tom Conlin

to not open a window  'usage says

 --nowindow (-w)  Do not open a window

On Fri, 24 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there any way of using call to run a command on a Windows based system
> without opening a command prompt window.
> I have tried every call refinement and starting from the command line with
> rebol -cqs but still no luck.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> John
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the 
> subject, without the quotes.

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[REBOL] Re: adding line hints when building blocks

2002-05-24 Thread Ammon Johnson


Just a shot in the dark (I am still not sure what you are attempting, an 
example maybe?)  Have you tried placing the word 'newline in where you wanted 
a new line?  and I think that there is a similar one for tab IIRC.


A short time ago, Gregg Irwin, sent an email stating:
> Hi Gang,
> If you build a block interactively in the console, with newlines between
> items, or if you blockify a string with embedded newlines, the block
> contains line "hints" which are used when the block is printed, molded,
> etc.
> Suppose I want to build a block in code, which will be written to a file,
> and I want it to be formatted nicely in the file (i.e. with newlines and
> indentation). Is there any way to include formatting hints when building a
> block, or do you have to build a string and blockify it?
> I know RT has mentioned that it's less efficient to build a string if you
> want to DO it, but I haven't found a way to format a block as I build it.
> Thanks!
> --Gregg
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[REBOL] Re: File-modes on different platforms

2002-05-24 Thread Ammon Johnson


Why can't you?  Give us an example, please.


A short time ago, Anton, sent an email stating:
> I am aware of this neat trick, but the problem, again,
> is that I cannot determine which gadget to add to the
> layout from a none value.
> Anton.
> > Hi Anton,
> >
> > Am Montag, 20. Mai 2002 16:04 schrieb Anton:
> > > Thanks Carl,
> > >
> > > I don't think it should be a bug, it's just an
> > > inconvenience for me, trying to automatically
> > > determine the type so I can generate the
> > > appropriate gui element to edit it.
> > >
> > > Maybe I can make it into a feature request.
> > >
> > > If each mode returns only one type (ie. never none),
> > > that allows my script to determine the gadget to be used
> > > automatically, in a very elegant way.
> > > I wonder if there are any other file-modes that
> > > return none sometimes.
> >
> > i started to find 'none very convenient,
> > after discovering i can do:
> >  any[comment "no comment"]
> > when empty strings are none. easy default-values that way.
> > originally when dealing with parse, but may be handy here too.
> >
> > greeting
> > Volker
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[REBOL] Re: No framework library for rebol ?

2002-05-24 Thread Paul Tretter

Actually, I believe that is in the works already.  I think Ammon Jackson.

Paul Tretter

- Original Message -
From: "laplace" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 1:18 PM
Subject: [REBOL] No framework library for rebol ?

> Perl, php, java every langage has now a complete framework for developping
> and I don't see anything like that for rebol. I think that is a nig
> as for the spreading of this langage. Because as long as you do simple
> things it's ok but when you want to make real world application you have
> reinvent the wheel and that's not possible for a business so I only use
> rebol for little program.
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.

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[REBOL] Re: No framework library for rebol ?

2002-05-24 Thread Andrew Martin

laplace wrote:
> Perl, php, java every langage has now a complete framework for developping
and I don't see anything like that for rebol. I think that is a nig mistake
as for the spreading of this langage. Because as long as you do simple
things it's ok but when you want to make real world application you have to
reinvent the wheel and that's not possible for a business so I only use
rebol for little program.

Perhaps the best answer is to make your real world application a little

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169 http://valley.150m.com/

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[REBOL] Re: ANN: scrolling panoramatic image style

2002-05-24 Thread RebOldes

Hello Philippe,

Thursday, May 23, 2002, 8:10:41 AM, you wrote:

PO> hey oldes,... there is no library folder on your rebsite

the 'library is in the Rebol.com folder from the left side of your
View desktop:-)) check the history of the library. From my rebsite you
can run the example (that will load the style as well)

by the way... there was a bug in my downloader (in View 1.2.5 - reduce
again) so now it should be fixed.


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[REBOL] serve down?

2002-05-24 Thread Steve Shireman

Developer serve seems to be down this morning, or is it just me?
Looking forward to a productive weekend of scripting.
Steve Shireman

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[REBOL] Re: responding to 'inactive - what's the catch?

2002-05-24 Thread Gregg Irwin

<< now  I'm wondering if the timer needs to be "fast enough"
or if it is sufficient to have it set...>>

I'm not sure because I think there's a bug that causes them to trigger
immeidately upon creation. Once that one message comes in, you're OK, so
setting it to a very long interval should be fine.


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[REBOL] Re: responding to 'inactive - what's the catch?

2002-05-24 Thread Gabriele Santilli

Hi Gregg,

On Thursday, May 23, 2002, 11:20:55 PM, you wrote:

GI> Don't know why I didn't think to try that myself. Doh! :)

I  thought of it because I had a similar problem with reading from
the  serial  port, where the application didn't receive data until
the  user  moved the mouse or something. I just put a timer and it
worked;  now  I'm wondering if the timer needs to be "fast enough"
or if it is sufficient to have it set...

GI> Yes, Carl, the idea is just to make it slide off to the edge so only a tiny
GI> little bit is exposed, like an application desktop bar in Windows.

He couldn't see that, because on the AmigaOS windows cannot go out
of the screen.

Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r

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[REBOL] Re: call cmd

2002-05-24 Thread James Marsden

Hi John,

You could use a call to a windows .vbs file.  With vbs files you can do
pretty much anything in windows 98/NT/ME/2K/XP - as such they can be a
two-edged sword in the hands of a malicious user ;-).

syntax: call myfile.vbs

(For windows 95 you will need the Windows Scripting Host installed.)

Terry Brownell on 31/03/2002 began a message thread on this entitled
"[REBOL] Rebol/Windows Macro Maker - Autopilot.r"
You can read messages in this thread on escribe at:



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[REBOL] Re: Rebol Jabber client?

2002-05-24 Thread Carl Read

On 22-May-02, Graham Chiu wrote:
> On Fri, 17 May 2002 12:25:44 +1200
> "Graham Chiu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu, 16 May 2002 19:26:20 +0200
>>  patrick scotto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> jabber client  in rebol don't exist .  
>>> answered by jabber.com  :-(((
>> http://www.langreiter.com/space/jabber-blog-it
>> Chris seems to have written jabber-lib.r

> Looks like my message was in the twilight zone for a few
> days - the headers suggest it was held up at reboltech for 4
> days or so :(

How long after you posted did it appear on escribe Graham? ...


It's weird, but they can appear there a lot quicker than they get back
to you sometimes.  The respose time is certainly not like it used to

Carl Read

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[REBOL] Re: File-modes on different platforms

2002-05-24 Thread Andrew Martin

Windows XP Home with Rebol/Core

>> print reform [join "REBOL/" system/product system/version
REBOL/Core 23-Mar-2001
>> save file: %anton-filemode-test "" ; create a file to experiment on
>> foreach mode get-modes %dummy 'file-modes [
[print [
[type? get-modes file mode
[if error? set/any 'err try [
[set-modes file compose [
[(to-set-word mode) (get-modes file mode)
[][mold disarm err] ; <- mold instead of probe
date creation-date none
date access-date none
date modification-date none
logic owner-write none
logic archived none
logic hidden none
logic system none
file full-path
make object! [
code: 305
type: 'script
id: 'invalid-arg
arg1: 'full-path
arg2: none
arg3: none
near: [set-modes file compose [
(to-set-word mode) (get-modes file mode)
where: none
>> delete file ; clean up

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169 http://valley.150m.com/

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[REBOL] Re: view1205042.gz unpacking troubles

2002-05-24 Thread SunandaDH

> Something odd about http://www.reboltech.com/downloads/view1205042.gz
>  Any successes?

Often when these things fail it's something gone wrong with the download. But 
I don't think so it this case.

I just tried it, Win98, WinZip 8.1 (registered copy!). Th download looked 
successful, but WinZip says: "Cannot open file; it does not appear to be a 
valid archive"

I tried to download a different.gz for comparison. RT stopped responding 
after about half the file. I signed up for an IOS eval last week and it took 
three days of failed attempts to download the application. Maybe RT are 
having  network troubles with largish data transfers.


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[REBOL] Re: Rebol Jabber client?

2002-05-24 Thread Graham Chiu

On Fri, 17 May 2002 12:25:44 +1200
 "Graham Chiu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 16 May 2002 19:26:20 +0200
>  patrick scotto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > jabber client  in rebol don't exist .  
> > answered by jabber.com  :-(((
> > 
> http://www.langreiter.com/space/jabber-blog-it
> Chris seems to have written jabber-lib.r

Looks like my message was in the twilight zone for a few
days - the headers suggest it was held up at reboltech for 4
days or so :(

Graham Chiu
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[REBOL] No framework library for rebol ?

2002-05-24 Thread laplace

Perl, php, java every langage has now a complete framework for developping
and I don't see anything like that for rebol. I think that is a nig mistake
as for the spreading of this langage. Because as long as you do simple
things it's ok but when you want to make real world application you have to
reinvent the wheel and that's not possible for a business so I only use
rebol for little program.

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[REBOL] ANN: scrolling panoramatic image style

2002-05-24 Thread RebOldes

Hello rebol-list,

  just to let you now that I've uploaded this new style to the
  library... example you can see from my rebsite at

Best regards,
 RebOldes  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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