Outputting values of an Info placeholder from within a render spot

2010-07-01 Thread mbyisra...@gmail.com
Hi Everyone,

To make a long story short, I am attempting to output the values of an
info placeholder of a particular set of (master) pages from within a
render spot in a separate content class.

If this is enough information for you, then you can skip all the gory
details. If you need more info, here it is:

1. Every night, we run an automatic publishing job which uses the
Navigation Manager to traverse the entire navigation structure of our
site and build (and then publish) a single XML file based on the
Google Sitemaps protocol (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
2. Everything functions fine except for the  elements of the
Google Sitemaps protocol, which is supposed to contain the date on
which each page in the site was last modified.
3. The obvious way to do this would be to add a line within the render
spot such as:


where inf_modification_date represents an Info placeholder of type
“Page: Modification Date”.
4. The problem is, as I’m sure many of you already know, the above
line of code will not work because GetElement().GetHtml() does not
work with Info placeholders, it only works with Standard Field and a
limited range of other types of placeholders. (When called on an Info
tag, it renders the empty string.)

1. I though I would outsmart the CMS by adding to the master page, RQL
which dumps the contents of inf_modification_date into a Standard
Field placeholder named “stf_modification_date”, which could then be
accessed from the render spot. I added the following piece of code to
the master page’s template:


‘ only function SetElementValue is shown here; functions that it calls
are omitted here for the sake of brevity

function SetElementValue( pageguid, elementname, value )
  XMLData = "" &_
 "" &_
"" &_
 "" &_
resultXML = sendXML(XMLData)
resElementGUID = getElementGUID( resultXML, "ELEMENT", "eltname",
elementname )
  XMLData = "" &_
 "" &_
"" &_
"" &_
 "" &_
  resultXML = sendXML(XMLData)
end function

setpublished = SetElementValue( ”<%inf_page_guid%>”,
”stf_modification_date”, ”<%inf_modification_date%>”)


2. The problem here is that, while this does indeed dump the contents
of inf_modification_date into stf_modification_date, it only does so
when the page is accessed in SmartEdit, due to the render spot
(separate from the above-mentioned render spot) that the code is
wrapped in. Therefore, it will not dump the contents if, for instance,
the page is modified from within SmartTree, though admins may need to
do this. (Without this render spot, the ASP code will be passed on to
the published page, which is unacceptable. I also tried to wrap the
code in pre-execute blocks instead of the render spot, but then the
code seemed not to be executed at all.)

3. There is another problem as well: Even when the code does execute
(at the time the page is accessed in SmartEdit), stf_modification_date
receives the value of inf_modification_date *before*
inf_modification_date receives its new value. Thus, the value of
stf_modification_date will always lag behind by one iteration. For
example, if I modify a given page 2 times, once at 4:12 PM and at
again at 4:22 PM, then, when I am done with these two modifications,
stf_modification_date will hold the value “4:12 PM”, and not the value
“4:22 PM”, as would be expected (or at least hoped for). If I then
access the page a third time in SmartEdit (say, at 4:35PM), as soon as
I navigate to the page in SmartEdit to edit it, stf_modification_date
will receive the old value of inf_modification_date (“4:22 PM”), and
then, only afterwards, will inf_modification_date will receive its new
value (“4:35 PM”).

Therefore, this does not seem like a viable option.

It seems that, somehow, I must get the value of inf_modification_date
directly from within the (first) render spot. Any ideas? Can I embed
RQL calls into the render spot? Is there only a LiveServer solution to
this problem (perhaps importing inf_modification_date and then using a
query or a target dynament to build the Google Sitemmaps XML)? Are
there other solutions that you can think of?

Any insights and suggestions are much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Michael Klosner

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Re: Outputting values of an Info placeholder from within a render spot

2010-07-02 Thread Stefan Popp
Hi Michael,

i have exactly the same problem. I'd like to use a date in the google

Unfortunately it is not possible to access info elements via render
tags. There is a note in the German Navigation Manager documentation
on page 51 --> PageElementList Elements.

I would not suggest to look for liveserver solution, as it could
reduce the performance of your system, if you have many pages.

A possible solution could be to code a script that runs once a night
and get all relevant master pages from the system, looks at the
modification date of all its child pages and writes the newest date to
a standard field of the master page.

This is what i like to do, but i have not yet started :)

Stefan Popp

On Jul 1, 6:57 pm, "mbyisra...@gmail.com" 
> Hi Everyone,
> To make a long story short, I am attempting to output the values of an
> info placeholder of a particular set of (master) pages from within a
> render spot in a separate content class.
> If this is enough information for you, then you can skip all the gory
> details. If you need more info, here it is:
> 1. Every night, we run an automatic publishing job which uses the
> Navigation Manager to traverse the entire navigation structure of our
> site and build (and then publish) a single XML file based on the
> Google Sitemaps protocol (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
> Google_Sitemaps).
> 2. Everything functions fine except for the  elements of the
> Google Sitemaps protocol, which is supposed to contain the date on
> which each page in the site was last modified.
> 3. The obvious way to do this would be to add a line within the render
> spot such as:
> <%!!
> Context:CurrentIndex.Page.Elements.GetElement(inf_modification_date).GetHtml()
>  !!
> %>
> where inf_modification_date represents an Info placeholder of type
> “Page: Modification Date”.
> 4. The problem is, as I’m sure many of you already know, the above
> line of code will not work because GetElement().GetHtml() does not
> work with Info placeholders, it only works with Standard Field and a
> limited range of other types of placeholders. (When called on an Info
> tag, it renders the empty string.)
> 1. I though I would outsmart the CMS by adding to the master page, RQL
> which dumps the contents of inf_modification_date into a Standard
> Field placeholder named “stf_modification_date”, which could then be
> accessed from the render spot. I added the following piece of code to
> the master page’s template:
>         valueb="Int:1">
> <%
> ‘ only function SetElementValue is shown here; functions that it calls
> are omitted here for the sake of brevity
> function SetElementValue( pageguid, elementname, value )
>   XMLData = "" &_
>      "" &_
>         "" &_
>      "" &_
>      ""
> resultXML = sendXML(XMLData)
> resElementGUID = getElementGUID( resultXML, "ELEMENT", "eltname",
> elementname )
>   XMLData = "" &_
>      "" &_
>         "" &_
>         "" &_
>      "" &_
>      ""
>   resultXML = sendXML(XMLData)
> end function
> setpublished = SetElementValue( ”<%inf_page_guid%>”,
> ”stf_modification_date”, ”<%inf_modification_date%>”)
> %>
> 2. The problem here is that, while this does indeed dump the contents
> of inf_modification_date into stf_modification_date, it only does so
> when the page is accessed in SmartEdit, due to the render spot
> (separate from the above-mentioned render spot) that the code is
> wrapped in. Therefore, it will not dump the contents if, for instance,
> the page is modified from within SmartTree, though admins may need to
> do this. (Without this render spot, the ASP code will be passed on to
> the published page, which is unacceptable. I also tried to wrap the
> code in pre-execute blocks instead of the render spot, but then the
> code seemed not to be executed at all.)
> 3. There is another problem as well: Even when the code does execute
> (at the time the page is accessed in SmartEdit), stf_modification_date
> receives the value of inf_modification_date *before*
> inf_modification_date receives its new value. Thus, the value of
> stf_modification_date will always lag behind by one iteration. For
> example, if I modify a given page 2 times, once at 4:12 PM and at
> again at 4:22 PM, then, when I am done with these two modifications,
> stf_modification_date will hold the value “4:12 PM”, and not the value
> “4:22 PM”, as would be expected (or at least hoped for). If I then
> access the page a third time in SmartEdit (say, at 4:35PM), as soon as
> I navigate to the page in SmartEdit to edit it, stf_modification_date
> will receive the old value of inf_modification_date (“4:22 PM”), and
> then, only afterwards, will inf_modification_date will receive its new
> value (“4:35 PM”).
> Therefore, this does not seem like a viable option.
> It seems that, somehow, I must get the value of inf_modif

Re: Outputting values of an Info placeholder from within a render spot

2010-07-09 Thread mbyisra...@gmail.com
OK, let me ask the question a different way:

Does anybody know how (if it is possible at all) to integrate Render
Tags and RQL within a content class that is called by the Navigation
Manager as a Navigation Area?

My latest attempt is below, which does not work correctly: while the
output of the render tags appears as it should, no output appears from
the ASP code at all.


Escape:HtmlEncode(Context:CurrentIndex.GetUrl()) !!%>

curIndexGuid = <%!! Context:CurrentIndex.Id !!%>

function sendXML(XMLString)
sErrors = ""
set XMLDom = Server.CreateObject("RDCMSAspObj.RDObject")
set RQLObject = Server.CreateObject("RDCMSServer.XmlServer")
sendXML = RQLObject.Execute(XMLString, sErrors)
RQLObject = NULL
end function

function getElementAttribute( pageguid, nodename, attname, attvalue,
resAtt )
XMLData = "" &_
"" &_
"" &_
"" &_
resultXML = sendXML(XMLData)
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument")
Set ElemList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(nodename)
For counter = 0 To (ElemList.length - 1)
if ElemList.item(counter).getAttribute(attname) = attvalue
elementValue = ElemList.item(counter).getAttribute(resAtt)
end if
ElemList = NULL
xmlDoc = NULL
getElementValue = elementValue
end function

Response.Write( getElementAttribute(curIndexGuid, "ELEMENT", "name",
"info_modified", "value") )



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RE: Outputting values of an Info placeholder from within a render spot

2010-07-09 Thread Killingsworth, Chad A
You have to keep in mind the order of processing: first Render Tags, then 

Your pre-executing section should be entirely contained with your  
blocks. You look like you are closing and then reopening the block which won't 
work. I've edited your code below - but haven't tested those edits :-)

Also, I'm not sure how the nested render spot with the page guid will work. You 
may have to create an separate info element just for that.

And to top it all off, I've never used info elements which contained the 
Session variables for loginguid and sessionkey in pre-executing blocks with 
RQL. I'd be interested in hearing how that works.

Chad Killingsworth
Assistant Director of Web & New Media
Missouri State University

-Original Message-
From: reddot-cms-users@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:reddot-cms-us...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of mbyisra...@gmail.com
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 11:11 AM
To: RedDot CMS Users
Subject: Re: Outputting values of an Info placeholder from within a render spot

OK, let me ask the question a different way:

Does anybody know how (if it is possible at all) to integrate Render
Tags and RQL within a content class that is called by the Navigation
Manager as a Navigation Area?

My latest attempt is below, which does not work correctly: while the
output of the render tags appears as it should, no output appears from
the ASP code at all.


Escape:HtmlEncode(Context:CurrentIndex.GetUrl()) !!%>

curIndexGuid = <%!! Context:CurrentIndex.Id !!%>

function sendXML(XMLString)
sErrors = ""
set XMLDom = Server.CreateObject("RDCMSAspObj.RDObject")
set RQLObject = Server.CreateObject("RDCMSServer.XmlServer")
sendXML = RQLObject.Execute(XMLString, sErrors)
RQLObject = NULL
end function

function getElementAttribute( pageguid, nodename, attname, attvalue,
resAtt )
XMLData = "" &_
"" &_
"" &_
"" &_
resultXML = sendXML(XMLData)
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument")
Set ElemList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(nodename)
For counter = 0 To (ElemList.length - 1)
if ElemList.item(counter).getAttribute(attname) = attvalue
elementValue = ElemList.item(counter).getAttribute(resAtt)
end if
ElemList = NULL
xmlDoc = NULL
getElementValue = elementValue
end function

Response.Write( getElementAttribute(curIndexGuid, "ELEMENT", "name",
"info_modified", "value") )



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Re: Outputting values of an Info placeholder from within a render spot

2010-07-09 Thread mbyisra...@gmail.com
Hi Chad,

Thanks for your input, it is greatly appreciated. A couple of
responses from my (forced) experience with this issue:


COMMENT: "Your pre-executing section should be entirely contained with
your  blocks. You look like you are closing and then
reopening the block which won't work. I've edited your code below -
but haven't tested those edits :-)"


When I enclose the pre-executing section in the  blocks, the
ASP code does not execute at all. Instead, all of the code (including
the line "<%") is copied, wholescale, on to the
published page. Strange ... it seems that  overrides even
pre-execute blocks. I am beginning to get the impression that pre-
execute blocks are not valid at all within a content class that is
executed by the Navigation Manager as a Navigation Area. If it were
just a regular content class containing render tags and pre-executing
code, then I believe it would work (it has in the past.)

When the pre-executing section is not enclosed in the 
blocks (as in the code above), the code does not result in any output.
Even when I tested it with a single line of ASP code outside of the
 block, i.e.:

   Response.write "Hello world"

nothing happened, and the area where the output should have appeared
was blank.

So, damned if I do and damned if I don't (enclose in 


COMMENT: "Also, I'm not sure how the nested render spot with the page
guid will work. You may have to create an separate info element just
for that."


When the ASP code was wrapped inside the  block, the nested
page guid worked fine, but (as noted above) the ASP code never
executed, it was just copied onto the published page.

When the ASP code was not wrapped inside the  block (as in
the code above), as mentioned, the ASP did not execute at all, and
blank space appeared where the output should have been.


COMMENT: "And to top it all off, I've never used info elements which
contained the Session variables for loginguid and sessionkey in pre-
executing blocks with RQL. I'd be interested in hearing how that

RESPONSE: Hmmm ... maybe that's the problem. How do you usually get
the loginguid and sessionkey in such a case?

Michael Klosner

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"RedDot CMS Users" group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

RE: Outputting values of an Info placeholder from within a render spot

2010-07-09 Thread Killingsworth, Chad A
Forced experience is about par for the course with RQL.

You may need to move your  block marks OUTSIDE of the 
render spot. So it looks something like:

<% script code %>

I'm fairly certain I have that working on templates. Although I'd have to go 
digging through them to find out for sure.

As for the LoginGUID and SessionKey - well typically RQL which runs at the 
Pre-Execute stage doesn't have access to those values at all. So you have 
traditionally been stuck with logging in a dummy account.

Most of our RQL runs as either a command line batch job or as AJAX calls 
withing SmartEdit (for things like target container assignment).

Chad Killingsworth
Assistant Director of Web & New Media
Missouri State University

-Original Message-
From: reddot-cms-users@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:reddot-cms-us...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of mbyisra...@gmail.com
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 2:26 PM
To: RedDot CMS Users
Subject: Re: Outputting values of an Info placeholder from within a render spot

Hi Chad,

Thanks for your input, it is greatly appreciated. A couple of
responses from my (forced) experience with this issue:


COMMENT: "Your pre-executing section should be entirely contained with
your  blocks. You look like you are closing and then
reopening the block which won't work. I've edited your code below -
but haven't tested those edits :-)"


When I enclose the pre-executing section in the  blocks, the
ASP code does not execute at all. Instead, all of the code (including
the line "<%") is copied, wholescale, on to the
published page. Strange ... it seems that  overrides even
pre-execute blocks. I am beginning to get the impression that pre-
execute blocks are not valid at all within a content class that is
executed by the Navigation Manager as a Navigation Area. If it were
just a regular content class containing render tags and pre-executing
code, then I believe it would work (it has in the past.)

When the pre-executing section is not enclosed in the 
blocks (as in the code above), the code does not result in any output.
Even when I tested it with a single line of ASP code outside of the
 block, i.e.:

   Response.write "Hello world"

nothing happened, and the area where the output should have appeared
was blank.

So, damned if I do and damned if I don't (enclose in 


COMMENT: "Also, I'm not sure how the nested render spot with the page
guid will work. You may have to create an separate info element just
for that."


When the ASP code was wrapped inside the  block, the nested
page guid worked fine, but (as noted above) the ASP code never
executed, it was just copied onto the published page.

When the ASP code was not wrapped inside the  block (as in
the code above), as mentioned, the ASP did not execute at all, and
blank space appeared where the output should have been.


COMMENT: "And to top it all off, I've never used info elements which
contained the Session variables for loginguid and sessionkey in pre-
executing blocks with RQL. I'd be interested in hearing how that

RESPONSE: Hmmm ... maybe that's the problem. How do you usually get
the loginguid and sessionkey in such a case?

Michael Klosner

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Re: Outputting values of an Info placeholder from within a render spot

2010-07-10 Thread Richard Hauer (5 Limes)
For what it's worth - if you're going to this much trouble why not
just write a custom render tag that takes parameters for the info
placeholder and the guid of the page?

main.config in the "ASP" directory contains mappings for object
loaders (the bit to the left of the colon, e.g. Guid: Bool: Context:

Make one up and add it in.  I suggest calling it "Info:".

Create a .Net DLL project, reference Reddot.CMS.Rendering.DLL from the
"GAC" directory.  Inherit your class from "ObjectLoaderBase".
Use .NET Reflector to examine the other loaders in
Reddot.CMS.Rendering.DLL to see how they work if you want sample
code.  Reddot.CMS.Rendering.Objects.ContextLoader::GetObject() is a
particularly revealing method.

It's interesting to see the not so often used loaders, render tags,
properties and methods too - this is how you discover those
"undocumented" features.  Gotta love .Net


Richard Hauer

5 Limes Pty Limited

On Jul 10, 6:19 am, "Killingsworth, Chad A"
> Forced experience is about par for the course with RQL.
> You may need to move your  block marks OUTSIDE of the 
> render spot. So it looks something like:
>     <% script code %>
> I'm fairly certain I have that working on templates. Although I'd have to go 
> digging through them to find out for sure.
> As for the LoginGUID and SessionKey - well typically RQL which runs at the 
> Pre-Execute stage doesn't have access to those values at all. So you have 
> traditionally been stuck with logging in a dummy account.
> Most of our RQL runs as either a command line batch job or as AJAX calls 
> withing SmartEdit (for things like target container assignment).
> Chad Killingsworth
> Assistant Director of Web & New Media
> Missouri State University
> -Original Message-
> From: reddot-cms-users@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:reddot-cms-us...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of mbyisra...@gmail.com
> Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 2:26 PM
> To: RedDot CMS Users
> Subject: Re: Outputting values of an Info placeholder from within a render 
> spot
> Hi Chad,
> Thanks for your input, it is greatly appreciated. A couple of
> responses from my (forced) experience with this issue:
> ---
> COMMENT: "Your pre-executing section should be entirely contained with
> your  blocks. You look like you are closing and then
> reopening the block which won't work. I've edited your code below -
> but haven't tested those edits :-)"
> When I enclose the pre-executing section in the  blocks, the
> ASP code does not execute at all. Instead, all of the code (including
> the line "<%") is copied, wholescale, on to the
> published page. Strange ... it seems that  overrides even
> pre-execute blocks. I am beginning to get the impression that pre-
> execute blocks are not valid at all within a content class that is
> executed by the Navigation Manager as a Navigation Area. If it were
> just a regular content class containing render tags and pre-executing
> code, then I believe it would work (it has in the past.)
> When the pre-executing section is not enclosed in the 
> blocks (as in the code above), the code does not result in any output.
> Even when I tested it with a single line of ASP code outside of the
>  block, i.e.:
> <%
>    Response.write "Hello world"
> %>
> nothing happened, and the area where the output should have appeared
> was blank.
> So, damned if I do and damned if I don't (enclose in 
> block.)
> ---
> COMMENT: "Also, I'm not sure how the nested render spot with the page
> guid will work. You may have to create an separate info element just
> for that."
> When the ASP code was wrapped inside the  block, the nested
> page guid worked fine, but (as noted above) the ASP code never
> executed, it was just copied onto the published page.
> When the ASP code was not wrapped inside the  block (as in
> the code above), as mentioned, the ASP did not execute at all, and
> blank space appeared where the output should have been.
> ---
> COMMENT: "And to top it all off, I've never used info elements which
> contained the Session variables for loginguid and sessionkey in pre-
> executing blocks with RQL. I'd be interested in hearing how that
> works."
> RESPONSE: Hmmm ... maybe that's the problem. How do you usually get
> the loginguid and sessionkey in such a case?
> Michael Klosner
> --
> You re

Re: Outputting values of an Info placeholder from within a render spot

2010-07-12 Thread mbyisra...@gmail.com
Chad - Tried your latest suggestion and it did not work. It seemed to
have exactly the same effect as leaving the pre-execute block outside
the  but within the  block, i.e. ASP code did
not seem to execute at all and there was blank space where the output
would have been had the code executed.

Any other ideas?

Richard - This sounds like an interesting idea and a nice challenge. I
will look into that as one possibility.

- mbyisrael2

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Re: Outputting values of an Info placeholder from within a render spot

2010-07-16 Thread mbyisra...@gmail.com
Richard ... in the end, way to complicated and not worth the measly
return in functionality for all that work. Any other ideas? At this
point, I have decided to do it through LiveServer until / unless I can
come up with a CMS solution.

- mbyisrael2

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