Re: new samba update

2003-03-18 Thread Kevin Myers
I'm not running NIS, but I've just had a update from 2.2.1a-4 to 2.2.7-2.7.2

It broke my domain logins giving these errors in the log file:

[2003/03/18 14:49:40, 0] lib/util_str.c:string_sub(1217)
  ERROR: string overflow by 1 in string_sub(%u, 7)

and deleted the findsmb utility.

The workround is to change all the %u occurrences in the smb.conf file to

Haven't tried a password change yet.

On 17 Mar 2003 20:26:58 -0600, you wrote:

>I just noticed that there is an update to samba.  The last time I
>updated my samba services I got into a conflict with passwd that
>prevented anyone from changing their password.  Has anyone installed
>this new version of samba, the samba client and the samba common
>services on a system running both NIS and SAMBA?  If so, how'd it go???
>Steve Strong
>Computer Science Teacher
>Washington High School
>2205 Forest Dr. SE
>Cedar Rapids, Iowa   52403
>phone: 319-398-2161

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Re: Question about sendmail client

2002-12-24 Thread Kevin Myers
No one's mentioned comsat in this thread so far, couldn't that be used to
cobble something together that approximates the 'You got mail' type

- Original Message -
From: "Roger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 2:25 PM
Subject: Question about sendmail client

> Before, when we use Exchange,it will inform users
> immediately after emails arrive.

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Re: How to build a webmail application

2002-10-10 Thread Kevin Myers

On Mon, 7 Oct 2002 10:28:06 -0700 (PDT), Nagib wrote:

>i want to build a webmail application is there any free webmail rpms or made with php 
>Can someone give me some hints .

Have a look at: (though I couldn't get it to work
just now)


for some of the options.

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Re: Sendmail Question- want as login?

2002-09-09 Thread Kevin Myers

On Sun, 8 Sep 2002 14:19:42 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>So what's your point?

I just though it would be nice if someone answered the actual question,
that's all. No flame bait involved.

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Re: Sendmail Question- want as login?

2002-09-07 Thread Kevin Myers

On Sat, 7 Sep 2002 06:47:49 -0700 (PDT), Al wrote:

>Well, qmail and sendmail, as do most mail transport agents (MTA) have
>one thing in common.  They actually don't do password authentication.
>They just deliver mail.

I'll just point out that Matthew Scarrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was the
original poster, and it's him that you should be addressing your comments

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Re: email thru browser

2002-09-07 Thread Kevin Myers

On 29 Aug 2002 08:12:16 -0500, Roger wrote:

>Have any recommendations for a web based client? I have a NT box running
>Imail ver 6.06 in which the web based messaging system is getting flaky.
>Anyway..The backend of the product actual works very well pop3, imap. 
>Looking for a web based messaging system that I could run maybe on a
>linux box using apache that would connect to pop3 or imap.
>Already know about Squirrel Mail looking for others. Would support about
>500 accounts.

If you are still looking around for a webmail app, you may like to have a
look at
which seems to have references to quite a few of them, with some info on

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Re: Sendmail Question- want as login?

2002-09-06 Thread Kevin Myers

On Fri, 6 Sep 2002 23:30:03 -0700 (PDT), Al wrote:

>Wow!  I can't help but feel you're on the wrong track.  Perhaps you've
>seen a email client that used the [EMAIL PROTECTED] syntax but
>actually logged onto the pop server using "username", and used
>"" part to figure out the hostname instead of making the
>user fill out a separate field with the hostname.
>To be honest, I don't know why you would want to use this, but perhaps you
>should post to the comp.mail.sendmail usenet group.  Maybe someone there
>would have some ideas.

I think qmail does this in connection with virtual accounts. Maybe that's
where we're going here?

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Re: Strange DNS Problem

2002-09-06 Thread Kevin Myers

On 04 Sep 2002 15:08:32 -0500, Susan wrote:

>I recently discovered through trial and error and a few visits to
> that I cannot resolve the names of servers running a
>Windows operating system through my dsl connection.

>From the info you give, this sounds like a standards and firewall
combination. What firewall rules are you running? I would look in this
direction first, maybe log packets that are being dropped and then try and
resolve one of the sites that isn't working for you. 

>Has anyone ever heard of this kind of problem.  Is it a case of the
>Curse of Clippy because I deep-sixed Office. :-)

You did what? :-)

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Re: NEWBIE: Is there an easy way to rename files

2002-09-06 Thread Kevin Myers

On Thu, 5 Sep 2002 08:12:24 -0400, Kevin wrote:

>But obviously not the best or easiest way.  How is it I've used *nix for
>all these years and never heard of this command?

Don't know, maybe because everyone uses mv to rename? But this sure looks
easier than a for loop:

RENAME(1)   Linux Programmer's Manual   RENAME(1)

   rename - Rename files

   rename from to file...

   rename will rename the specified files by replacing the first
occurrence of from in
   their name by to.

   For example, given the files foo1, ..., foo9, foo10, ..., foo278, the

  rename foo foo0 foo?
  rename foo foo0 foo??

   will turn them into foo001, ..., foo009, foo010, ..., foo278.

  rename .htm .html *.htm

   will fix the extension of your html files.


ps. I didn't know it existed either :-)

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Re: Virus protection again.

2002-09-05 Thread Kevin Myers

There are many people out there that use one of the amavis variants with a
scan engine to do this sort of work. I use amavisd with sendmail-milter and
Trophie, this combination with a decent machine could easily handle 50k+
emails per day.

On Wed, 28 Aug 2002 12:23:24 -0500 (CDT), you wrote:

>I know that there are products out there that I can use to protect the 
>server and one or two email accounts but I am using my mail server to 
>serve 2000 customers.  I need virus protection that will protect all of 
>them incoming and outgoing.
>Any good suggestions.??
>Scott Skrogstad
>Computer Integration Inc,
>800-522-3475 Phone

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Re: displaying ( exporting ) the first x lines of a text file

2002-08-19 Thread Kevin Myers

On Mon, 19 Aug 2002 14:53:16 +0200, you wrote:

>Hello all , 
>I have a simple problem , however I don't know where to look ...
>Is it possible to 'export' (display ) the first x lines of a text file.

man head

(head -n 3 text.txt for the first three lines)

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Re: Shutting down a Windows 2000 server from Linux or vice-versa (slightly off-topic)

2002-08-17 Thread Kevin Myers

On Sat, 17 Aug 2002 08:46:45 -0230, you wrote:

>I have a RH7.0 server and a Windows 2000 server and only one UPS (APC
>Back-UPS 1000).  Is there some way that I can have the RH7.0 box
>shutdown the Win2K box when the power fails?  Of course, the reverse
>would also work!

I'm using nut and win-nut to do this sort of thing with a Socomec

WinNUT at:

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Re: Shell program question

2002-08-15 Thread Kevin Myers

On Wed, 14 Aug 2002 20:09:58 +0700, I wrote:

>When run from a normal shell, finishes and leaves the other two
>scripts running as expected.
>When test is run as the 'login shell', everything finishes when the user
>logs out.

Thanks to Anthony (again) for suggesting using nohup to get round this

If I call using

nohup /~/ &

it stays running when the user logs out.

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Re: Small problem with sudo and Roaring Penguin

2002-08-14 Thread Kevin Myers

On Wed, 14 Aug 2002 09:11:35 -0400, you wrote:

>man nohup


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Re: Shell program question

2002-08-14 Thread Kevin Myers

On Wed, 14 Aug 2002 19:33:08 +0700, you wrote:

>Interesting situation here with that in place: I'm using sudo to allow users
>to control the DSL connection. One of the scripts is supposed to stay
>running in the background when the user logs off, but  when I use the menu
>as the shell it is killed when the session ends. If I use the normal shell,
>all is ok (but the users can get to the command prompt)

I've reproduced this with the following three scripts:

# run as the user's shell

echo Running
/~/ &

echo started
echo running
echo finishing

while true; do
 echo > /dev/null

When run from a normal shell, finishes and leaves the other two
scripts running as expected.

When test is run as the 'login shell', everything finishes when the user
logs out.


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Re: Shell program question

2002-08-14 Thread Kevin Myers

On Tue, 13 Aug 2002 07:48:38 -0400, you wrote:

>I think you want to set your users to use an program or script as soon as
>they login, with no other choice. If that is what you want, just edit
>/etc/passwd and change their shell to the program or script that you want
>them to run.

Interesting situation here with that in place: I'm using sudo to allow users
to control the DSL connection. One of the scripts is supposed to stay
running in the background when the user logs off, but  when I use the menu
as the shell it is killed when the session ends. If I use the normal shell,
all is ok (but the users can get to the command prompt)

At the moment, to get round the problem, I've got /bin/bash as the shell,
and the command to start the menu at the end of the users '.profile' script,
followed by 'logout'. Not ideal, and I'd welcome any better suggestions.

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Re: Small problem with sudo and Roaring Penguin

2002-08-14 Thread Kevin Myers

Just a little update to this problem: it's nothing to do with sudo, it's the
fact that I'm using a script as the login shell for these users. If I use
/bin/bash as the shell, everything works.

(Thanks to Anthony for putting me onto this)

On Fri, 09 Aug 2002 18:29:32 +0700, you wrote:

>I have a user that is allowed to login to a shell script and use it to bring
>the DSL connection up/down.
>I am using sudo to allow him to run adsl-start, which he does by selecting
>an item on a menu which runs:
>sudo /usr/sbin/adsl-start
>This is the contents of the sudoers file:
># sudoers file.
>admin ALL =  /sbin/reboot, /sbin/poweroff, \
>/usr/sbin/adsl-start, /usr/sbin/adsl-stop
>Everything works according to plan; adsl-start calls adsl-connect and
>adsl-connect calls ppp and pppoe. After the connection is made, adsl-start
>exits and adsl-connect is supposed to hang around and reconnect if the
>connection drops.
>The problem is that when the user logs off, although ppp and pppoe stay
>running, adsl-connect dies with the session. 
>This doesn't happen if I log on as root and run adsl-start and log off.
>Is this just a problem with using sudo, or is there perhaps some
>configuration that I've missed?

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Re: snmptrapd

2002-08-13 Thread Kevin Myers

On Mon, 12 Aug 2002 19:53:01 +0700, I wrote:

>My snmptrapd appears to have stopped passing the trap output to the script
>in snmptrapd.conf.

Found it. Apparently someone decided that it was a good idea to use
tcpwrappers on the newer version.

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2002-08-12 Thread Kevin Myers

My snmptrapd appears to have stopped passing the trap output to the script
in snmptrapd.conf.

I'm using net-snmp 4.2.5 with RH 7.x

the snmptrapd.conf looks like this:

traphandle  default /usr/sbin/ 

(router.traps is a test script that just echoes the input to a file)

The snmptrapd is started in the default init script with these options,
which I don't understand as they seem to contradict each other:

"-s -u /var/run/"

Is this a mistake?

This all used to work. I suspect it's since the up2date updated from 4.2.3,
though I can't be sure.

Am I alone with this problem?

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Re: pppd "not replacing existing default route to eth0"

2002-08-11 Thread Kevin Myers

On Mon, 12 Aug 2002 08:46:09 +0800, Kevin wrote:

>When I run pppd, it's connecting to the ISP ok, but traffic doesn't go anywhere and 
>in /var/log/messages, I'm getting "not replacing existing default route to eth0". I 
>can see why outgoing traffic isn't going anywhere cause its trying to go out via 
>eth0, but why is this?
>I *think* this has something to do with static-routes in /etc/sysconfig but I'm not 

Why do you think that?

The log file says that the problem is a routing one. There is no route to
the internet, as ppp has not replaced the default gateway that was already
in place.

What you need to find out is where the current default route is coming from,
and why it's there. (169.254 is a windows auto config IP???)

This would be easy to test, before you bring ppp up delete the default route

route del default 

and see what happens.

You can check the routing table with:


and restore the old default gateway with

route add default gw

(Though unless you know what this is for, it's not useful)


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Small problem with sudo and Roaring Penguin

2002-08-09 Thread Kevin Myers

I have a user that is allowed to login to a shell script and use it to bring
the DSL connection up/down.

I am using sudo to allow him to run adsl-start, which he does by selecting
an item on a menu which runs:

sudo /usr/sbin/adsl-start

This is the contents of the sudoers file:

# sudoers file.
admin ALL =  /sbin/reboot, /sbin/poweroff, \
/usr/sbin/adsl-start, /usr/sbin/adsl-stop

Everything works according to plan; adsl-start calls adsl-connect and
adsl-connect calls ppp and pppoe. After the connection is made, adsl-start
exits and adsl-connect is supposed to hang around and reconnect if the
connection drops.

The problem is that when the user logs off, although ppp and pppoe stay
running, adsl-connect dies with the session. 

This doesn't happen if I log on as root and run adsl-start and log off.

Is this just a problem with using sudo, or is there perhaps some
configuration that I've missed?

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Re: Utilities to format partition?

2002-08-01 Thread Kevin Myers

On Thu, 01 Aug 2002 08:56:57 -0500, J Bacher wrote:

>Apologies for the confusion

No need! I learnt a lot from this thread.

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Re: Allowing directory browsing in Apache

2002-07-31 Thread Kevin Myers

On Wed, 31 Jul 2002 23:14:45 -0400, Joe Tseng wrote:

>I recently created a new virtual server for an existing site that had
>previously allowed people to peruse some of my files by directory listing.
>When I try to peruse that directory, I get a 403 forbidden message.  I
>checked my file permissions and they seemed OK (root/root/644).  I checked
>httpd.conf and I had Options Indexes for that virtual server.  I hope
>someone can inform me as to what else I may be missing.

Obvious question - has to be asked :-) Is there an .htaccess file doing an

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Re: Utilities to format partition?

2002-07-31 Thread Kevin Myers

On Wed, 31 Jul 2002 15:02:52 +0100, you wrote:

>OK - mea culpa.

What's interesting, though, is that someone else down the line says it's not
necessary to change the partition type using fdisk at all - just format the
partition using mkfs! (I've not tried it)

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Re: Utilities to format partition?

2002-07-31 Thread Kevin Myers

On Wed, 31 Jul 2002 09:36:03 -0500 (CDT), J Bacher wrote:

>That would depend upon whether or not the linux and windows partition
>share the same drive. 

Would it? The synopsis for fdisk that I have says this:

   fdisk [-u] [-b sectorsize]device
   fdisk -l [-u] [-b sectorsize] [device ...]
   fdisk -s partition ...
   fdisk -v

ie the only partition you can give as an argument is with the -s parameter,
to give the partition size on the stdout.

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Re: Utilities to format partition?

2002-07-31 Thread Kevin Myers

On Wed, 31 Jul 2002 13:53:32 +0100, Nick Lindsell wrote:

>Use linux "fdisk /dev/hda1" to change the partition type,

# fdisk /dev/hda1
Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF
disklabel Building a new DOS disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only,
until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous
content won't be recoverable.

I think you meant fdisk /dev/hda.

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Re: Utilities to format partition?

2002-07-31 Thread Kevin Myers

On 31 Jul 2002 08:57:53 -0400, you wrote:

>I did 'man fdisk' couple times before, and I still don't understand how
>to use it. Forgive my ignorant please. Furthermore, at the end of 'man
>fdisk' in the 'Bugs' section:
>"fdisk is a buggy program that  does  fuzzy
>   things - usually it happens to produce reasonable results.
>   Its single advantage is that it has some support  for  BSD
>   disk  labels and other non-DOS partition tables."
>So, I am not really confident to just type fdisk. I don't want to loose
>my other stuff. 

You missed a bit:

Try  them  in the order cfdisk, fdisk, sfdisk.  (Indeed, cfdisk is a
beautiful pro gram that has strict requirements on the partition tables it
accepts, and  produces  high  quality  partition  tables. Use it if you can.

Try it.

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Re: Utilities to format partition?

2002-07-31 Thread Kevin Myers

On 31 Jul 2002 08:43:24 -0400, you wrote:

>I have an old NTFS partition in my /dev/hda1. I'd like to re-format it
>to ext3 partition. Is there such utility in linux/Redhat, so I don't
>have to reboot and use other partition software?
>I don't care about preserving data, since I simply don't need the
>partition anylonger, and would like to use the available space.

man fdisk

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Re: disk usage

2002-07-30 Thread Kevin Myers

On Tue, 30 Jul 2002 11:00:09 -0500 (CDT), you wrote:

>Try this:
>find / -type d -maxdepth 1 | egrep -v "home|proc|^/$"  | xargs du -sh
>That should show usage of each directory in /, not including /home and 

Or, just for variety:

du -h -x --max-depth=1 --exclude=home --exclude=proc 

which does the same thing, I think! (I can't see how to 'or' the excludes
without writing longhand)

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Re: please..anyone dual boot linux w2k frustrations

2002-07-29 Thread Kevin Myers

On Tue, 30 Jul 2002 04:49:11 +, Tom wrote:

>LI is LILO starting up.
>I don't know exactly where it dies, but the letters correspond to sections 
>of the boot process.  So, Lilo is dying after the second part of the boot 
>[big snip, please don't overquote]

Not quite, according to

LI corresponds to...

The first stage boot loader was able to load the second stage boot loader,
but has failed to execute it. This can either be caused by a geometry
mismatch or by moving /boot/boot.b without running the map installer

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Re: please..anyone dual boot linux w2k frustrations

2002-07-28 Thread Kevin Myers

On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 00:00:32 -0500, David wrote:

>As far as I know Win2K needs to be on the primary drive. At least that is
>how I have dual booted a machine and havin't had any problems.

Not so. I have Win2k, XP, ME and linux here. All except the ME are on a
second drive.

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Re: please..anyone dual boot linux w2k frustrations

2002-07-28 Thread Kevin Myers

On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 12:21:28 +0800, Pranay wrote:

>On Behalf Of Kevin Myers


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Re: please..anyone dual boot linux w2k frustrations

2002-07-28 Thread Kevin Myers

On Sun, 28 Jul 2002 08:29:18 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>running redhat linux 7.2 for over a year on
>preinstalled hd.  purchased second drive with w2k
>preinstalled.  hooked up second drive as secondary ide
>drive (hdb), kept primary drive with linux as hda.
>w2k will not boot at all.

Your best bet would probably be to use Grub instead of Lilo. Grub has a few
more capabilities, including mapping drives. Look at the Grub how-to for
exact instructions:

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Re: this can't be a bug

2002-07-26 Thread Kevin Myers

On Tue, 23 Jul 2002 01:01:01 -0700, you wrote:

>  find . -name "*.tar.gz" -print0 | xargs -0 tar xzf
>doesn't do what i would think it should do

In addition to the other answers given, I suspect  find . -name "*.tar.gz"
-exec tar xzf {} \; would do what you want too.

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Re: adsl at startup

2002-07-18 Thread Kevin Myers

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 12:12:44 GMT, you wrote:

>It pretty much is except for the script that starts it at boot. Unfortunatley I didnt 
>realize it was already on RH and I didnt need to download it. That would have made it 
>easier. Maybe I'll just reinstall the adsl package. ITs on the cds right?

I downloaded it anyway. There's an rpm on the site, it worked like a charm.

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Re: HOWTO : configure date and time

2002-07-18 Thread Kevin Myers

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 13:38:03 +0200 (CEST), you wrote:

>I would like to configure the date and time for
>today. Is someone know what is the command line for

man date

date [OPTION] [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]]

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Re: keep parameters.

2002-07-18 Thread Kevin Myers

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 12:50:17 +0200, you wrote:

>Where can I find INIT script for iptables ?


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Re: keep parameters.

2002-07-18 Thread Kevin Myers

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 11:59:44 +0200, you wrote:

>It is in "rc.local", IS THAT CORRECT ?

I think that's a bit late. The firewall should be in place before any links
come up. Look at the init script for iptables.

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Re: adsl at startup

2002-07-18 Thread Kevin Myers

On Wed, 17 Jul 2002 14:00:12 GMT, Matt wrote:

>I set up my DSL on RH 7.3 with pppoe from and I wanted it to start 
>when the machine boots. I set adsl to start at boot up and it says it is starting and 
>it goes through with no fail messages. but when I open a web page it cant find it, 
>like its not connected. but when I try running adsl-start it says it is already 
>connected. So I have to manually stop it then start it again. Any ideas why this is 
>happening and how to fix it? Or how can I make it so non root users can run 

The RP docs are very good. You can turn on logging/debugging and it will
tell you exactly what is happening. Use ps to see what is running, route to
see the route table etc. (Actually RP in debug mode does all this for you)

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Re: adsl at startup

2002-07-18 Thread Kevin Myers

On Wed, 17 Jul 2002 11:26:22 -0400, you wrote:

>ADSL works on RH72 and later out of the box. No need to use
>roaringpenguin. Check out the Getting Started and Customization docs in
>the Support section of the RH web site.

I thought that Roaring Penguin was included in 7.x?

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Re: Redhat list signature

2002-07-18 Thread Kevin Myers

On Wed, 17 Jul 2002 11:22:25 -0400, you wrote:

>It would even be nicer if most people's sigs were that way, and if they
>replied below the original text, and if they snipped appropriately, and if
>they used good subject lines, and if I hit the lottery... oops! Sorry
>about that. I got carried away  ;-)

Naive, perhaps, but it was a serious suggestion.

I thought that it might just be a simple enough change to do, that had
perchance been overlooked in the past.

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Re: Red Hat 7.3 and linuxconf

2002-07-17 Thread Kevin Myers

On Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:23:48 -0400, you wrote:

>I thought the same thing until I was introduced to sendmail.  Linuxconf's
>virtual domains it very easy and I primarily use linuxconf just for
>configuring sendmail.

Definitely a bad idea. The linuxconf sendmail config is badly out of date -
or was - and has regular appearances on the sendmail mailing lists as such.

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Re: run root script at start-up

2002-07-17 Thread Kevin Myers

On Wed, 17 Jul 2002 09:28:18 +0300, Caner wrote:

>> That is what I did. THe problem is, its a root task and I get permission
>> denied.
>oh, yes, yes, yes
>chmod  +s  /bin/mount
Not a good security move. Read man mount, man sudo for better alternatives.

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Redhat list signature

2002-07-17 Thread Kevin Myers

Would it be a good idea if the Redhat list sig were to include the standard
"-- " delimiter, so it wouldn't keep appearing multiple times, and I
wouldn't have to keep deleting it from my replies?

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Re: Limited groups

2002-07-17 Thread Kevin Myers

On 16 Jul 2002 09:59:29 -0500, Matthew wrote:

>I am having a limitations problem with groups.

What is it that you are trying to achieve? Perhaps there is another way of
approaching it?

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Re: ftp setup

2002-07-17 Thread Kevin Myers

On 16 Jul 2002 10:47:42 -0400, Joshua  wrote:

>I have not been able to find FTP in the index of my RedHat manual.
>I would appreciate any assistance in setting up an FTP server on my
>RedHat v7.2 system. Any links to documentation or programs would also

I'd have a look here:

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Re: polling linux mail servers

2002-07-17 Thread Kevin Myers

On 14 Jul 2002 10:42:36 -0400, jack wrote:

>i have a server set up with redhat 7.2. it's running sendmail and is on
>it's own domain. is it possible to use fetchmail to poll that server
>(inside or outside the domain) and get email to linux clients? the only
>way i've managed was to mount the server to the clients using nfs but i
>don't much care for this route. 
>anyone have any advice? thanks.

Depends how you want to work, but if you want to get mail to linux boxes,
apart from a workstation operated 'pull' with fetchmail,  you could run
sendmail on them and deliver straight from the mail server. You'd have to
manage the dns entries properly. I run a similar setup on my (Windows based
- sorry!) workstation.

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Re: i need help in confugring smb

2002-07-17 Thread Kevin Myers

On 13 Jul 2002 06:59:25 -, prashanth wrote:

There's some very nice HOWTOs on the Internet.

Start at read the documentation, and the FAQ. Join the samba
mailing list, read the samba news groups.

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Re: Red Hat 7.3 and linuxconf

2002-07-17 Thread Kevin Myers

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 19:18:09 +, lcfe wrote:

>Since Red Hat 7.3 does not come with linuxconf anymore, which package 
>should I use instead? I need a text terminal based configuration tool.

I steer away from auto configuration tools whenever possible - they are too
inclined to mess up the configuration that you really want*. Learn about the
conf files, and then edit them yourself. If you learn how to use vi it will
be well worth the effort.

* The one exception I make is to use mc files to configure sendmail

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ftp/telnet - connection refused all of a sudden!!!

2002-07-17 Thread Kevin Myers

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 07:43:05 -0700 (PDT), Linux Bigot wrote:

>I could able to do ftp and telnet to my linux box.
>After a boot none of these services are availble. I
>always get back a "connection refused" error.

man xinetd

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: problem receiving email

2002-07-17 Thread Kevin Myers

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 18:24:00 -0400, Tony wrote:

>Any other suggestions?

It seems to me that you're making it difficult to troubleshoot this problem,
only giving the barest minimum of data to go on.

I may have missed it, but I didn't see any info on how your 'domain' is set
up, what IP numbers you're using, etc. 

What is the connectivity between you and the outside world? Do you have real
IPs, or private/NAT? 

Sendmail is obviously listening on port 25, or you wouldn't be able to send
from within your domain. Why did you add anything to the access file?

What message do you get when you try to connect to port 25 from outside?  

Do you have any other firewall in place (you should). 

What dns services are you running? How does an address get to your mail

Do you receive mail on any machine on your network currently?

This seems more like a dns/routing/NAT problem than anything with sendmail
or Redhat.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: dynamic and static IP address (was hostname)

2002-07-11 Thread Kevin Myers

On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 12:58:26 -0400, Tony wrote:

>If he has has access to an external SMTP server that will relay for
>authenticated connections, he can setup sendmail as an SMTP auth client.
>The Sendmail web site  has details.

Auth client. Does that mean it can act as a pass through too? ie. Can I have
users authorised on my server, and send to a remote server using the same

(I don't think any of this is relevant to the case in question, as it used
to work with 7.2, and it works with windows clients, but it's interesting
all the same :-) )

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: dynamic and static IP address (was hostname)

2002-07-07 Thread Kevin Myers

On Sat, 06 Jul 2002 16:59:09 -0400, Edward wrote:

>Actually, there is a little magic in sending email.  It's called 
>authentication.  He's probably set to use his own ISP's mail server. 
>But when he's on his network, the ISP's mail server is rejecting the 
>mail (won't relay).  He may just need to select a local mail server that 
>will send mail.

I must admit that I assumed the original sender wasn't getting any 'Relaying
denied' type messages sent back to him. If this is the case, then, as you
say, he will have to use a server that he is authorised to use, or send
directly (if that's not restricted)

Thinking about it, it's probably a combination of routing and authorisation!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: dynamic and static IP address (was hostname)

2002-07-06 Thread Kevin Myers

On Thu, 4 Jul 2002 08:48:29 -0400, Chris wrote:

>Thanks to everyone who replied to my previous query with the subject 
>I now have another query, which I think is related. I use my laptop both on a 
>network, with a fixed IP address at work, and at home and on the move via 
>dial-up using dynamically assigned IP addresses. I have problems with this;
>When I'm on the network, as now, I can't seem to send emails outside of the 
>domain. If this doesn't appear on the list I'll resend it from an adjacent 
>windows machine ;-) Maybe my newly configured network names will help?
>When I am on dial-up I have to boot interactively and answer "no" to the 
>"start up network services?" question. If I don't do that I can connect with 
>KPPP but the applications mail, browsers, etc. can't see the network.
>What are the correct settings so that both dial-up PPP and the network will 
>work without manual interaction at boot? Anthony E. Greene gave two different 
>configurations for /etc/hosts. How could they be used, are two different 
>configurations necessary?

Hi! Did you sort this out? 

I would look in the log files for possible reasons why the mail didn't get
sent. There's no particular magic in sending emails: what happens if you
traceroute to an external server while on the network? If you've got a
route, can you telnet to an external smtp server on port 25? Maybe there's
some filtering in place on your network gateway or downstream - some people
don't like customers using port 25 directly.

The dial up problem is probably caused by there being a default route
already defined, and the Redhat ppp script sees this and doesn't replace it
with the route to your ISP. Look at your route table before, and after,
doing the dial up to confirm this.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Setting up other accts ..

2002-06-20 Thread Kevin Myers

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 19:28:05 -0700, daniel wrote:

>edit /etc/group
>and add a line like this:
>then set the permissions on the directories you want to share like this
>chgrp -R shared /path/to/shared_directory
>chmod -R g+w /path/to/shared_directory

Don't forget the shadow group file - man groupadd, man usermod, man groups,
man vigr may be of interest too.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2002-06-20 Thread Kevin Myers

On 20 Jun 2002 18:04:52 -, Patrick wrote:

>Again a question about fetchmail. I am trying to automate the mail procedure 
>with fetchmaIL  so it checks every 5 minutes or so for mail on an extern pop3 
>server of my isp. A temporary solution I thought of is to once I have manually 
>typed in "fetchmail -d30 -u popadmin After I hit enter it asks me 
>for a password (logically) and I give it and the fetchmail proces runs the 
>whole day in the background as a daemon and checks automatic for new emails. 
>But isn't there a way to automate the whole proces so I do not have to type in 
>that command every time we reboot or so.??

Yes! Look at man fetchmailrc. Also fetchmailconf if you use X.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: quota: Error while getting quota [...] No such file or directory

2002-06-20 Thread Kevin Myers

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 10:49:21 -0400 (EDT), Nicolas  wrote:

>when I run quota now, using any account including root's, I get this 
>quota: Error while getting quota from myhost:(pid3258) for 3369: No such 
>file or directory
>Disk quotas for user nbock (uid 3369): none

You need to initialise the disk quota files on that volume (quota.user and Use edquota to do it.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: DSL on RH

2002-06-20 Thread Kevin Myers

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 09:53:23 -0400, David wrote:

>It's broken in 7.3, it works fine under 7.2 I used the one supplied with 7.2 
>without a hitch, when I moved to 7.3 I did a fresh install and it would lose 
>connection every 3 or so seconds.

The setup scripts are missing in 7.2. 

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Win2K and Samba

2002-06-15 Thread Kevin Myers

On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 10:25:56 -0400, you wrote:

>I'm frustrated and looking for help.  I've been trying to get my win2K
>client to use shares from my linux server for months (8 months) and have had
>no luck thus far. 

Eight months is a long time! :-)

What have you got in your smb.conf?

This is what I think you should have:

workgroup = CORP
encrypt passwords = Yes
security = user
domain master = yes
domain logons = yes
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g 100 -s
/bin/false -M %u  [all one line]

[shares etc]

NB. you don't have to operate as a pdc just to have access to shares. I may
have missed something, but you are perhaps 'jumping in the deep end' trying
that without having the basic functionality.

In the good guide stakes, this one is the best I've found:

to be read in conjunction with the man pages, and other samba how-tos.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: login script

2002-06-15 Thread Kevin Myers

On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:57:01 +0800, Edward wrote:

>See the attached perl script and add the following line to [netlogon]
>exec = logon-script
>You can modify the perl script to do anyting you want for any user  -for
>example IF user part of ADMIN group, map an ADMIN share.

and attached the script:

# log when a user "logs into the network"
# and generates a custom logon script
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$month =
open LOG,">>/var/log/samba/netlogon.log";
print LOG "$month $mday $hour:$min:$sec\t$ARGV[0] logged into Linux\n";
close LOG;
open LOGON,">/home/netlogon/$ARGV[0].bat";
print LOGON "\@echo off\r\n";
print LOGON "NET USE H: SERVER\\$ARGV[0]\r\n";
close LOGON;


That's interesting. How does the script get the parameter ARGV[0] ?

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Answered - Newbie Router Questions v2.0

2002-06-14 Thread Kevin Myers

On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 15:10:27 -0700, David wrote:

>; I think this blocks all incoming traffic (can someone please verify?)
># iptables -A INPUT -I eth1 -p tcp --syn -j DROP

Not all traffic - just tcp packets on the eth1 interface requesting a
connection (--syn)

I suggest you have a look at the Linux Documentation Project site
( and browse through the HOW-TO articles. There are several
that are pertinent to your enquiry! And don't forget the netfilter site at also has good docs and HOW-TOs. Good luck!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: login script

2002-06-14 Thread Kevin Myers

On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 20:21:20 -0400, Tony wrote:

>You can put a shortcut in the All Users startup folder that points to the
>network logon script.

This local script approach works nicely for 2 machines, but it's a pain when
you have to update a script on 200. It's much cleaner to get it to run on
logon if you can - it does work. 

Your logon script line should be relative to the netlogon share, not the
actual filesystem as you have it

This works for me:

domain logons = yes
logon script = logon.bat

comment = Logon directory
path = /home/netlogon
writeable = no
guest ok = no

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ipchains

2002-05-30 Thread Kevin Myers

On Thu, 30 May 2002 08:03:43 -0400 (EDT), rday wrote:

>not sure if this is an issue or not, but the "lokkit" and
>"gnome-lokkit" utilities in red hat 7.3 appear to configure
>ipchains, when i'm assuming most folks will be using
>iptables.  this might give users a false sense of security
>after the configuration when, in fact, they really haven't
>locked down anything.
>or am i missing something?

I think it's worse than that, I suspect that if you run lokkit when iptables
is configured there's a good chance that it will succeed in configuring
ipchains, which will in turn stop iptables from starting again.

Or am I missing something?

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Knowledgable List?

2002-05-27 Thread Kevin Myers

On Mon, 27 May 2002 16:00:40 -0400, Hal Burgiss wrote:

> It's
>been a while since I used ipchains, and have never messed with vpn.
>iptables can do much more than ipchains. 

I've just installed 7.2, and I was surprised,considering it's old hat (pun
intended)  that EVERYTHING seems still to be using ipchains by default.
Seems strange, and makes it more of a pain to change over.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Console font lines per screen

2002-05-26 Thread Kevin Myers

On Sat, 25 May 2002 22:36:31 -0400, Ed Marczak wrote:

>Actually, I just installed 7.3 on my laptop (subject of a near-future post)
>and to get 80x50, all I did was change the i18n file - no mucking about with
>'vga=' anything.  I set it to lat0-08, and when it gets to 'loading default
>font' it switches right in.

I've just installed 7.2 on a different machine, and I can't get 132x50
anymore without doing a 'scan' after vga=ask!

I think it has something to do with the default video mode, which is
probably connected with the video adapter driver, but I can't spare the time
at the moment to go delving :-(

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Adding vga='video mode' to the grub kernel line

2002-05-23 Thread Kevin Myers

On Thu, 23 May 2002 09:31:12 -0500, Brady wrote:

>Change the entry to vga=9 instead.

Thanks for the response.

But if I do that, without doing a 'scan' beforehand, it says that 9 is not a
valid choice.

Redhat-list mailing list

Adding vga='video mode' to the grub kernel line

2002-05-23 Thread Kevin Myers

I've just installed 7.2 on to a new machine, with vga=ask in the grub config
file, and when it boots it gives me the option of modes 1-6, or 'scan'.

When I opt for scan, it scans and then gives me options 1-b (ie 5 additional

How do I get at the option I want (9) without having to scan on each boot?

(The vga card is a SIS 6326)

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Console font lines per screen

2002-05-22 Thread Kevin Myers

On Wed, 22 May 2002 14:09:52 -0400, you wrote:

>I tried consolechars also, without success.  The SYSFONT line in i18n seems
>to be what did it for me.  And yes, I needed a reboot.

Yes, it's a combination of the vga mode and the font. The i18n file is read
by the setsysfont script in the rc.sysinit. I got the result I wanted, 50
lines per screen,  by using a 132x25 (yes, twenty-five) vga setting (vga=7
here), and Lat0-08 font. I don't really understand why, but this combination
ends up with the required 50 lines.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Console font lines per screen

2002-05-21 Thread Kevin Myers

On Tue, 21 May 2002 01:14:39 -0500, ABrady wrote:

>I change setsysfont, you change rc.sysinit. Both of us lose the manual
>changes whenever we have to update initscripts. It doesn't usually
>happen that often and it's easy to forget what you had to do before
>after a lot of time passes.

Point taken. Thanks for the head-up on that. 

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Console font lines per screen

2002-05-20 Thread Kevin Myers

On Mon, 20 May 2002 10:45:28 -0500, ABrady wrote:

>I don't know the "proper" way, but I renamed /sbin/setsysfont to
>something else, created another one that is essentially empty excepting
>the very first line (#!/bin/bash), made sure it was executable, and
>moved on. That's the file that is overwriting your desires.
>I also modified mkbootdisk to autodefault to using the changes I like
>(particularly adding the 'vga=...' line to it's output) so when I made a
>bootdisk and had to use it, it would use my settings, too. But, that's
>another story altogether.
>If you update initscripts, it will overwrite the change. Might wanna
>keep that in mind.

Thanks for your reply. I'm getting closer to understanding all of this, but
what do you mean by 'If you update initscripts, it will overwrite the
change'? I've changed rc.sysinit to exclude the font change in my
experiments, and that seemed to endure reboots ok.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Console font lines per screen

2002-05-20 Thread Kevin Myers

On Mon, 20 May 2002 12:34:41 -0400,  Edward wrote:

>Are you using RH 7.2 with GRUB?

No, but I have put vga='various things' into the lilo.conf

>In /etc/grub.conf, you need to pass the 'vga' parameter to the kernel.  Like
>always, you can use 'ask' so you are asked to select a resolution at
>startup.  For example:
>kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.7-10 ro root=/dev/hda2 vga=2
>You also need to edit /etc/sysconfig/i18n to change the 'SYSFONT' line.
>Otherwise, your vga change gets obliterated when you get the boot time
>message of 'Setting default font'.  I changed mine to "lat0-08".  Works

I've also used consolechars to change the fonts around, but there seems to
be a setting somewhere that controls the 'number of lines' per screen that I
don't understand - does this come solely from the 'vga=' line, and is it
necessary to reboot in order to change it?

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Event to copy a file from a Red Hat Machine?

2002-05-20 Thread Kevin Myers

On Mon, 20 May 2002 06:36:08 -0500, you wrote:

>This may be a bit off topic, but here's the situation:
>I have my RH machine creating a tar file of some folders every few days
>(website, mail, etc). I need to be able to copy this/these file(s) to a
>Windows machine so I can back them up to tape. Is there a way to create
>an event using a program, like WinSCP or OpenSSH, to log into my RH
>machine, copy the file to where I need it and then log back out?

mirror,, or
rsync,,  will do this for you automatically.

Redhat-list mailing list

Console font lines per screen

2002-05-20 Thread Kevin Myers

I would like to change my lines per screen to 50. I've tried vga=9 in my
lilo.conf, but this keeps changing when the font is set in the rc.sysinit
script. What do I need to do to get the full 50 lines - or where can I go
for more info on console fonts, lines, and chars per line?

Thanks for your time.

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