WAP imap client

2003-01-29 Thread Peter Veach
I am looking for a WAP imap client that I can run on the web server.

I have tried "pofhq-wapmail" but it does not seem to generate the 
correct syntax to keep my phone happy. I am getting compile errors on 
the Samsung SCH-8500, I tried it from a couple of the web based wap 
browsers and got a little farther, but not much. The program seems to 
need more work. It is the only thing I found that will allow you to 
send and receive mail over WAP.

Any idea's?

I only want to serve email, I am not interested in a "gateway".

Thank you very much!


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Re: imap client

2002-04-26 Thread Ezra Nugroho

the beauty of IMAP is that you can change client easily.
thanks for your answers, I'll try them

At 12:28 PM 4/26/2002 +0200, you wrote:
>On 26/04 2002 00:54 Michael Scottaline wrote:
>>On Thu, 25 Apr 2002 12:07:57 -0500
>>"Ezra Nugroho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled intuitively:
>> >Does anyone know of a good IMAP client?
>> >The best one so far is Mozilla mail, but maybe there are others.
>>I prefer Sylpheed  
>>Evolution also handles IMPAP quite well, but because of all of the other
>>things it handles (calendering, etc.) it is quite large and somewhat slow
>>compared to Sylpheed (IMHO)
>I'm using Balsa - see http://www.balsa.org/. IMAP works rather well, but 
>support will be even better after some of the patches I've submittet have 
>been applied ;-/
>- Toralf
>Redhat-list mailing list

Ezra Nugroho
Web/Database Application Specialist
Goshen College Information Technology Services
Phone: (574) 535-7706

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: imap client

2002-04-26 Thread Toralf Lund

On 26/04 2002 00:54 Michael Scottaline wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Apr 2002 12:07:57 -0500
> "Ezra Nugroho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled intuitively:
> >Does anyone know of a good IMAP client?
> >The best one so far is Mozilla mail, but maybe there are others.
> ==
> I prefer Sylpheed  
> Evolution also handles IMPAP quite well, but because of all of the other
> things it handles (calendering, etc.) it is quite large and somewhat slow
> compared to Sylpheed (IMHO)
I'm using Balsa - see http://www.balsa.org/. IMAP works rather well, but 
support will be even better after some of the patches I've submittet have 
been applied ;-/

- Toralf

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: imap client

2002-04-25 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002 12:07:57 -0500
"Ezra Nugroho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled intuitively:

>Does anyone know of a good IMAP client?
>The best one so far is Mozilla mail, but maybe there are others.

I prefer Sylpheed  

Evolution also handles IMPAP quite well, but because of all of the other
things it handles (calendering, etc.) it is quite large and somewhat slow
compared to Sylpheed (IMHO)


"He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that
fool you., he really is an idiot."

-Groucho Marx

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Re: imap client

2002-04-25 Thread Tom Pollerman

> -Original Message-
> From: Ezra Nugroho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 1:08 PM
> Subject: imap client
> Does anyone know of a good IMAP client?
> The best one so far is Mozilla mail, but maybe there are others.
> Ezra Nugroho
> Web/Database Application Specialist
> Goshen College Information Technology Services
> Phone: (574) 535-7706
   You may like Sylpheed. The latest documentation can be found at:




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RE: imap client

2002-04-25 Thread Benjamin Rich


-Original Message-
From: Ezra Nugroho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 1:08 PM
Subject: imap client

Does anyone know of a good IMAP client?
The best one so far is Mozilla mail, but maybe there are others.

Ezra Nugroho
Web/Database Application Specialist
Goshen College Information Technology Services
Phone: (574) 535-7706

Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

imap client

2002-04-25 Thread Ezra Nugroho

Does anyone know of a good IMAP client?
The best one so far is Mozilla mail, but maybe there are others.

Ezra Nugroho
Web/Database Application Specialist
Goshen College Information Technology Services
Phone: (574) 535-7706

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: IMAP Client suggestions?

2001-12-14 Thread Anthony E. Greene

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Ed Wilts wrote:
>I use both Evolution and mutt to read IMAP mail on my local IMAP server.
>I use procmail to file the articles into separate folders, and access it
>all via IMAP. Works fairly well.  I happen to be replying to this
>particular message via mutt but if I waited until I got home, I'd be
>reading it via Evolution.
>I have not yet made any effort to synchronize address books...  Evolution
>gets its addresses via the pilot stuff from my Palm.  One of these days
>I'll spend some time to extract it from Evolution and import it into a
>format that mutt can read.

I got tired of fooling around with address books and setup an LDAP server
at home. I have a cron job that dumps the data to LDIF if the current
database has been updated since the last LDIF dump.

I can then include the LDIF in my backup plan and also use it to import
addresses into other mail clients. It's also not too hard to write a perl
script to convert the LDIF to an HTML file that's suitable for viewing and

Pine, Evolution, and Netscape support LDAP. Mozilla supposedly supports
it, but I could not get it to actually work. There are scripts and
settings that allow mutt to use LDAP.

- -- 
Anthony E. Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
PGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26 C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
Chat: AOL/Yahoo: TonyG05
Linux. The choice of a GNU generation 

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Anthony E. Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0x6C94239D


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Re: IMAP Client suggestions?

2001-12-11 Thread Dan Houghton


I've always believed that Linux has been missing a fully functional email
client that supports IMAP - and Windows to some degree as well as I'm sure
someone could make a commercial killing by developing a kick-ass client.
Evolution has impressed me with its progress so far but like yourself it
destroyed some mailboxes but admittedly I was aware that it was only beta
at the time. I still have high hopes for Evolution especially as it becomes
more integrated with Exchange as that's our corporate mail server.

My favorite email client remains Eudora but it's not available for Linux so
rare I use these days. My experience has been:

[1] Netscape - works well with IMAP but not intuitive enough and suffers
from a large number of crashes that made me give up.

[2] Evolution - a great start but not quite ready as the bugs need to be
ironed out still.

[3] Pine - first email client I ever used with great IMAP support once you
track down decent documentation on the Web as configuration is definitely
not intuitive. Is powerful once you figure out how to configure e.g.
changing your reply address from [username]@[boxname] has to be done
through editing .pinerc.

My advice would be to give pine a look as it's never given me any problems
then hope Evolution becomes the Linux email client it's trying to grow up


At 13:51 11/12/01 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>   Today marks the day that I find a new email client.  Mozilla 0.9.6 just
ate one 
>of my Inboxes without a trace.  Evolution has done the same to me before.  I 
>think I want to go with a more basic client, pine, mutt, etc.  I have
about 4 
>mail accounts all setup with an ISP using IMAP access.  What's everyone else 
>using for reading IMAP mail?  It seems as though mutt supports it, but it
>pretty new.  Pine supports it, but how well?  Is fetchmail a better option?
>Redhat-list mailing list

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Re: IMAP Client suggestions?

2001-12-11 Thread Ed Wilts

On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 01:51:00PM -0600, Justin Ellison wrote:
>   Today marks the day that I find a new email client.  Mozilla 0.9.6 just ate 
> of my Inboxes without a trace.  Evolution has done the same to me before.  I 
> think I want to go with a more basic client, pine, mutt, etc.  I have about 4 
> mail accounts all setup with an ISP using IMAP access.  What's everyone else 
> using for reading IMAP mail?  It seems as though mutt supports it, but it looks 
> pretty new.  Pine supports it, but how well?  Is fetchmail a better option?

I use both Evolution and mutt to read IMAP mail on my local IMAP server.  I use
procmail to file the articles into separate folders, and access it all via 
IMAP. Works fairly well.  I happen to be replying to this particular message
via mutt but if I waited until I got home, I'd be reading it via Evolution.

I have not yet made any effort to synchronize address books...  Evolution gets
its addresses via the pilot stuff from my Palm.  One of these days I'll spend
some time to extract it from Evolution and import it into a format that mutt
can read.

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA

Redhat-list mailing list

IMAP Client suggestions?

2001-12-11 Thread Justin Ellison

Hi all,

Today marks the day that I find a new email client.  Mozilla 0.9.6 just ate 
of my Inboxes without a trace.  Evolution has done the same to me before.  I 
think I want to go with a more basic client, pine, mutt, etc.  I have about 4 
mail accounts all setup with an ISP using IMAP access.  What's everyone else 
using for reading IMAP mail?  It seems as though mutt supports it, but it looks 
pretty new.  Pine supports it, but how well?  Is fetchmail a better option?



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