
2012-07-12 Thread Perry Dane


This is sensible.

Obviously, these categories bleed into each other (no pun intended).


From: Marty Lederman
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 16:49:33 -0400

Perry:  very helpful.  Would you add this as a third category?:  if 
the state demonstrates that many (most) adult men regret their 
parents' decision to circumcise.  It's if and when that ever happens 
-- not before -- that this will seem like a difficult question.

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2012-07-12 Thread Perry Dane

My answers
here should also be informed by Marty's sensible third category of likely
regret. But I'll limit myself to the two categories I tried to
outline in my earlier post.
Tattooing: I don't like tattoos. I actually often find myself
physically repulsed by them. My own religion forbids them.
But if parents had a serious religious reason for tattooing their
underage child (note that I'm limiting myself here to religious reasons),
I would not want the state to intervene unless the tattooing were of a
sort that involved severe pain or was likely to have genuinely harmful
long-term physical, psychological, or sociological consequences for the
Sterliziation: The state could reasonably conclude that forcibly
sterilizing a child produces the grave harm of eliminating that child's
ability to make future reproductive choices. Here, the issue of
competent consent is inextricably tied up with the procedure.
Adults who have themselves sterilized are making a reproductive choice;
children who are sterilized without their consent are deprived of all
future such choices. 
Pregnancy: It does seem to me that society could reasonably
conclude that pregnancy by a 14-year-old is developmentally inappropriate
for both physical and psychological reasons. To be sure, we should
respect the kid's autonomous rights in this context, at least to the
extent of, for example, not allowing either the state or the kid's
parents to force her to have an abortion. But, as Eugene
emphasizes, that doesn't mean that we do or should excuse the
culpable role that others might play in getting the kid
one of the issues in all these comparisons is my sense that circumcision
is not as big a deal as some would suggest. Apart from its
religious significance for many folks, it does seem to have serious
health benefits, including but limited to helping to prevent HIV
infection, which is why there's a major campaign in parts of Africa to
have as many men as possible sterilized. Moreover, it clearly does
not eliminate sexual sensitivity or gratification, or even reduce it to
the extent that millions upon millions of circumcised men are heard
lamenting their fate. Indeed, the jury is out as to whether it has
any real effect on sexual sensitivity or gratification at all. And
even if it did lead to some small reduction in sheer physical
sensitivity, that would strike me as only dubiously relevant: it
assumes that the quality of sex is tied in a purely linear way to the
quantity of a particular physical stimulus. 
Add to all
this the point I made earlier: To the extent that the act of
circumcision itself is potentially disturbing or physically complicated
for the one being circumcised, that's much more true for adults than for
eight-day-year-old baby boys. 
Let me,
though, throw out a hypothetical of my own. Say that baby is born
with a very large and very visible and, by most lights, unsightly mole on
his or her face. The mole poses no health risk to the child.
But it is very ugly. The doctors tell the parents that they can
remove the mole completely with very little risk to the child.
Having the mole removed as an adult would be possible, but somewhat more
complicated. In any event, if the procedure were put off, the child
would grow up with the mole still on his or her face.
parents decide to have the mole removed (1) for aesthetic reasons and/or
(2) because they're concerned that the sense of social identity or
psychological health of the child will be impaired if they do not have
the mole removed.
Should the
state intervene in this decision? Should it be entitled to?
Would these parents' aesthetic and psychological concerns be more worthy
of respect than the religious motives of parents who have their baby boys
circumcised? Should it matter that the aesthetic judgment of the
mole is culture-specific, or that in some other cultures such a mole
would actually be thought to be a mark of great beauty?
If a
response to this hypo is that circumcision is different from mole-removal
because it cuts off a sexually sensitive part of the body, then I can
tweak the hypo slightly to assume the mole removal (1) will have a
minimal negative consequence such as, say, ever-so-slightly blunting the
kid's sense of smell, and (2) it will also have some positive medical
consequences, such as reducing the risk of certain sorts of infections,
and I can further assume that the parents, taking into account these
facts in addition to their aesthetic and psychological concerns, still go
ahead with asking the doctors to remove the mole. I'm not sure
these tweaks change the equation very much.
though, the answer is that circumcision is different simply because moles
are defects while foreskins are natural parts of the male
human body, that reaction would strike me as just physically
essentialist. What if the aformentioned mole weren't all that rare,
but actually appeared on 5% of babies, but almost all parents in a given

Re: Circumcision

2012-07-12 Thread Paul Finkelman

Paul Finkelman
President William McKinley Distinguished Professor of Law
Albany Law School
80 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY  12208

518-445-3386 (p)
518-445-3363 (f)

 From: Perry Dane
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 6:07 PM
Subject: Circumcision

 My answers
here should also be informed by Marty's sensible third category of likely
regret.  But I'll limit myself to the two categories I tried to
outline in my earlier post.

Tattooing:  I don't like tattoos.  I actually often find myself
physically repulsed by them.  My own religion forbids them. 
But if parents had a serious religious reason for tattooing their
underage child (note that I'm limiting myself here to religious reasons),
I would not want the state to intervene unless the tattooing were of a
sort that involved severe pain or was likely to have genuinely harmful
long-term physical, psychological, or sociological consequences for the

Sterliziation:  The state could reasonably conclude that forcibly
sterilizing a child produces the grave harm of eliminating that child's
ability to make future reproductive choices.  Here, the issue of
competent consent is inextricably tied up with the procedure. 
Adults who have themselves sterilized are making a reproductive choice;
children who are sterilized without their consent are deprived of all
future such choices.  

Pregnancy:  It does seem to me that society could reasonably
conclude that pregnancy by a 14-year-old is developmentally inappropriate
for both physical and psychological reasons.  To be sure, we should
respect the kid's autonomous rights in this context, at least to the
extent of, for example, not allowing either the state or the kid's
parents to force her to have an abortion.  But, as Eugene
emphasizes, that doesn't mean that we do or should excuse the
culpable role that others might play in getting the kid

one of the issues in all these comparisons is my sense that circumcision
is not as big a deal as some would suggest.  Apart from its
religious significance for many folks, it does seem to have serious
health benefits, including but limited to helping to prevent HIV
infection, which is why there's a major campaign in parts of Africa to
have as many men as possible sterilized.  Moreover, it clearly does
not eliminate sexual sensitivity or gratification, or even reduce it to
the extent that millions upon millions of circumcised men are heard
lamenting their fate.  Indeed, the jury is out as to whether it has
any real effect on sexual sensitivity or gratification at all.  And
even if it did lead to some small reduction in sheer physical
sensitivity, that would strike me as only dubiously relevant:  it
assumes that the quality of sex is tied in a purely linear way to the
quantity of a particular physical stimulus.  

 Add to all
this the point I made earlier:  To the extent that the act of
circumcision itself is potentially disturbing or physically complicated
for the one being circumcised, that's much more true for adults than for
eight-day-year-old baby boys.  

 Let me,
though, throw out a hypothetical of my own.  Say that baby is born
with a very large and very visible and, by most lights, unsightly mole on
his or her face.  The mole poses no health risk to the child. 
But it is very ugly.  The doctors tell the parents that they can
remove the mole completely with very little risk to the child. 
Having the mole removed as an adult would be possible, but somewhat more
complicated.  In any event, if the procedure were put off, the child
would grow up with the mole still on his or her face.

parents decide to have the mole removed (1) for aesthetic reasons and/or
(2) because they're concerned that the sense of social identity or
psychological health of the child will be impaired if they do not have
the mole removed.

 Should the
state intervene in this decision?  Should it be entitled to? 
Would these parents' aesthetic and psychological concerns be more worthy
of respect than the religious motives of parents who have their baby boys
circumcised?  Should it matter that the aesthetic judgment of the
mole is culture-specific, or that in some other cultures such a mole
would actually be thought to be a mark of great beauty?

 If a
response to this hypo is that circumcision is different from mole-removal
because it cuts off a sexually sensitive part of the body, then I can
tweak the hypo slightly to assume the mole removal (1) will have a
minimal negative consequence such as, say, ever-so-slightly blunting the
kid's sense of smell, and (2) it will also have some positive medical
consequences, such as reducing the risk of certain sorts of infections,
and I can further assume that the parents, taking into account