Re: What's the consequence of a missing member?

2000-06-15 Thread Robin Bateman

 Subject: Re: What's the consequence of a missing member?
 I don't know the answer to this question, but your subject line could be
 the setup for an almost infinite number of jokes. Perhaps we can swap
 them at MacWorld...

I did type a suitable reply to the original mail but was not sure if I was
the only one that saw the potential humour and deleted it!

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Idle Feature Request

2000-06-15 Thread Ben Lawson

Here's a middle-of-the-night feature request...

I'd love to be able to monitor Retrospect's performance more 
interactively (I'm talking about watching the application window, not 
across the network).

Would it be possible to change the "Source Performance" details to 
include "recent" throughput and "peak" throughput? This might help a 
frazzled administrator make decisions during backup or restore (or a 
re-catalog like I'm doing...)

Ben Lawson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I.T. Manager, FCB Canada Ltd.

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519 and -3155 errors

2000-06-15 Thread Church Initiative WebMaster

Last week I added a DHCP server to our network and switched to dynamic IP
addressing instead of static addressing (for both Macs and PCs).  Everything
seems to have been working OK until yesterday when several of the Macs and
PCs had 519 errors (network communication failed) and some of the PCs also
had -3155 errors (TCP/IP was interrupted).  The backup started at 6:15 p.m.,
but the errors did not start until after 1:00 a.m. so I know this was not a
result of someone busily working on their computer.  The only thing that I
can think of is that the DHCP lease time on the DHCP server is set to the
default of 1 hour; could this be the cause of these errors?

Also, I can find NO information on the -3155 errors.  There does not seem to
be anything in the manual or on the Dantz web site and every time I try to
access the archives ( I get
an error saying that the file does not exist on the server.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Stiles Watson
Director of Information Services
The Church Initiative, Inc.

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Miscompare on same files every night?

2000-06-15 Thread Greg Morin

Ok, solved one problem, now I've got another. I'm 99% sure the 
problem is with our Adaptec 2930U card that our VXA drive is attached 
to and _not_ the VXA drive. The problem is that now I'm getting 
miscompares on certain files. The weird thing is that it is the same 
files every night. The files themselves are fine on the client 
computer (i.e. no damage, they work just fine). I realize you can get 
miscompares when a file is in use or has changed since the backup... 
but these are "not in use" documents on shutdown down systems 
(waiting for backup of course :-). If the file is modified, the next 
backup will sometimes get it backed up, sometimes not. I'm afraid to 
do a new backup, at this rate I'll have thousands of files 

Before I put the VXA drive on this card it ran off the motherboard 
SCSI and although slow on that, it never gave me these miscompares. 
Also, we've been using a DDS-2 drive for over 2 years with no history 
of miscompares... so it's not a general network problem (happens on 
backup of local drives also).

I highly suspect the 2930 card because I discovered that when I have 
any hard drive attached to the card externally that any application 
on that drive will not launch w/o giving some random error (Type 1, 
2, 90 something, or a dialog saying the app is damaged). I can move 
the same drive to the motherboard SCSI bus and all is well... so the 
files are not really damaged. I played around with every possible 
configuration of termination and Adaptec settings, nothing works 
(this was all done with the VXA drive detatched to ensure it was not 
the source of the problem... ).

I've written to Adaptec but haven't heard anything back yet. Anybody 
else run into a similar problem before? Do I just have a bad card? Do 
I need to start playing the PCI port roulette game (i.e. moving it 
from port to port until one of them works)? I vaguely remember 
something about the port mattering on these 6 port machines... 
something about a bridge chip and the video board?? (This is a Power 
Tower Pro 225)

Any and all advice/comments would be welcome,

-Greg Morin

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G4/400 and Retrospect

2000-06-15 Thread Rob Lindsay

I have a G4/400 with a 20Gb ATA-66 hard drive, an external Lacie Firewire
20GB hard drive and am running under MacOS 9.0.4.

My understanding of Retrospect is that the Mac versions are primarily
SCSI-focused and that the Windows versions recognise the non-SCSI drives
that many of the new G4 series Macs are fitted with.

Does the Advanced Driver Kit or any of the Driver Updates address the
problem of non-SCSI Macs?

Any help that you can give me would be much appreciated.

Rob Lindsay

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Re: Miscompare on same files every night?

2000-06-15 Thread Michael Scheurer

on 16/6/00 12:36 AM, Greg Morin  wrote:

 Any and all advice/comments would be welcome,

No idea about your problem, but please keep us informed on what you find.

Michael Scheurer
Systems Administrator

Show-Ads Digital Centre
479 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, VIC, 3004
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