Re: using salt stack with riak

2014-01-23 Thread Matt Black
This state is meat of it, and should be pretty self-explanatory if you’re
already writing Salt states..

- name: /etc/pam.d/common-session
- text: "session\trequired\"

- name: /etc/pam.d/common-session-noninteractive
- text: "session\trequired\"

- name: /etc/security/limits.conf
- text:
  - "riak soft nofile 65536"
  - "riak hard nofile 65536"
- require:
  - file: riak-ulimit-pam


- humanname: Basho PPA
- name: deb precise main
- file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/basho.list
- key_url:
- require:
  - pkg: python-software-properties

- version: 1.4.2-1
- require:
  - pkgrepo: basho-pkgrepo
- require:
  - pkg: riak
  - file: /etc/riak/app.config
  - file: /etc/riak/vm.args
  - file: riak-ulimit

- source: salt://riak/app.config
- mode: 644
- template: jinja
- require:
  - pkg: riak
- defaults:
internal_ip: {{ salt['cmd.exec_code']('bash', 'hostname -I') }}

- source: salt://riak/vm.args
- mode: 644
- template: jinja
- require:
  - pkg: riak
- defaults:
internal_ip: {{ salt['cmd.exec_code']('bash', 'hostname -I') }}

On 24 January 2014 04:22, Matt Davis  wrote:

> Nicely done Matt! Sure would love to see your states... I've got a fairly
> good one for riak-cs, would love to see some others.
> On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 2:14 PM, Matt Black wrote:
>> Hi Matt,
>> We manage all our Riak infrastructure with a couple of Salt states and a
>> custom module I wrote which you can see here:
>> There's another Riak module in Salt core, but last time I checked it had
>> less functionality. (I talked with them a while back about merging the two
>> modules - perhaps I should bring that up again).
>> I can send our Salt states as well, if you're interested :)
>> On 23 January 2014 07:05, Matt Davis  wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> We're implementing salt stack for configuration management, and I've
>>> been trying out how it works with riak, specifically remote command
>>> execution.
>>> Anyone out there in riak-land been successfully integrating it with salt?
>>> I've hit a couple of "arroo?" moments and am curious what others have
>>> experienced.
>>> -matt
>>> ___
>>> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

Re: riak2 erlang mapreduce counters

2014-01-23 Thread Bryce Verdier
Thank you both Eric & Russeli for the answer, sadly it leads to more 
questions. Regardless of the type (though I can say in this case the 
counters were pushed from the python 2.0.2 client, so I assume its 

I get this error:

Just to help, this is my erlang MR code:
value(RiakObject, _KeyData, _Arg) ->
Key   = riak_object:key(RiakObject),
Count = riak_kv_crdt:value(RiakObject, <<"riak_kv_pncounter">>),
[ {Key, Count} ].

What am I doing wrong? I can't seem to figure it out... I'm sure its 
something simple thing I'm just not seeing.

Thanks again,

On 01/23/2014 01:07 PM, Russell Brown wrote:

On 23 Jan 2014, at 20:51, Eric Redmond  wrote:

For version 1.4 counters, riak_kv_pncounter. For 2.0 CRDT counters, 

As in, if the data was written in 1.4, or in 2.0 using the legacy, backwards 
compatible 1.4 API endpoints, the the type is risk_kv_pncounter. If the counter 
is 2.0, bucket types counter, then risk_dt_pncounter.

Really, we need to re-introduce the riak_kv_counter module for backwards 
compatibility, and add some friendly `value’ functions to risk_kv_crdt. I’m 
opening an issue for just this now.

The other option is to include the riak_kv_types.hrl and use the macros 
?MAP_TYPE, ?SET_TYPE, ?V1_COUNTER_TYPE, ?COUNTER_TYPE for now, and assume that 
we’ll have some helper functions for MapReduce in before 2.0.




On Jan 23, 2014, at 3:44 PM, Bryce Verdier  wrote:

In 1.4 there was just the simple function riak_kv_counters:value. In 2.0 I found the 
riak_kv_crdt module, which has a value function in it. But I'm not sure what 
"type" to use for second value argument for a counter.

Can someone share that with me?

Thanks in advance,

riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Split index with Riak 2.0 git (jan 15th) on a single dev node cluster

2014-01-23 Thread Eric Redmond

The one second wait is because yokozuna is the glue code (putting it very, very 
simply) between a Riak cluster and distributed Solr instances. When you write 
an object to Riak, yokozuna asynchronously fires off an update to the Solr 
service. Solr is, by default, configured to soft commit writes every 1 second, 
and hard commit every 30 seconds[1]. These values are set in the Solr 
configuration, based on suggested best practiced. You can configure solr.xml to 
reduce that delay, but the payoff isn't generally worth the overhead.

The benefit of an asynchronous index update is that you get the predictable 
performance of Riak, with an eventually consistent searchable index. The 
alternative is to lock a Riak put/delete while Solr updates, which means you'll 
wait up to a second for confirmation for a simple write.  We may eventually add 
such back pressure, but it's barely on our radar, since at the moment, atomic 
object/index updating is not of practical concern to most Riak users.  If you 
have a specific requirement for such back pressure, please let us know and we 
may have some ideas for you.

Another benefit to separating the write from indexing is that it allows us to 
leverage an index-specific AAE service. This means that if your dataset and 
index ever get out of sync, or your index corrupted, the index AAE can repair 
the discrepancy. If you've ever run Solr or Elastic Search against another 
datastore, you'll be familiar with having to repair indexes on occasion 
(whether by a server going down, other system errors, bit rot, etc). With Riak 
Search (yokozuna) this is handled automatically for you.

Hope that helps,

On Jan 23, 2014, at 5:41 PM, Rob Speer  wrote:

> I'm still interested in the question as it applies to Yokozuna. Stable 
> full-text search in Riak will be very important to my company, so I'd want to 
> know what the equivalent behaviors are for Yokozuna queries. Do you have to 
> wait an unspecified amount of time between writing a document and querying it 
> via Yokozuna? Is there a way to know when it is ready?
> On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Luke Bakken  wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> I believe Ryan meant to wait a second to do a Yokozuna search, not a
> general Riak K/V operation.
> There is more information about "read your own writes" here:
> --
> Luke Bakken
> On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 11:36 AM, Rob Speer  wrote:
> >> 5. Did you wait at least 1 second before running the queries?
> >
> > I'm not the original poster but I'm now wondering what this question means.
> > Under what circumstances do you have to wait 1 second before query results
> > are available?
> >
> > We want to always be able to run tests on our database rapidly, which
> > includes loading data and then immediately querying to make sure the correct
> > data is there. I know we've had some tests where we were not able to read
> > our own writes, but I thought those were fixed by making sure we used vector
> > clocks correctly. Is there a situation where you have to wait for an
> > unspecified amount of time before you can read your writes?
> >
> > ___
> > riak-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Split index with Riak 2.0 git (jan 15th) on a single dev node cluster

2014-01-23 Thread Rob Speer
I'm still interested in the question as it applies to Yokozuna. Stable
full-text search in Riak will be very important to my company, so I'd want
to know what the equivalent behaviors are for Yokozuna queries. Do you have
to wait an unspecified amount of time between writing a document and
querying it via Yokozuna? Is there a way to know when it is ready?

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Luke Bakken  wrote:

> Hi Rob,
> I believe Ryan meant to wait a second to do a Yokozuna search, not a
> general Riak K/V operation.
> There is more information about "read your own writes" here:
> --
> Luke Bakken
> On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 11:36 AM, Rob Speer  wrote:
> >> 5. Did you wait at least 1 second before running the queries?
> >
> > I'm not the original poster but I'm now wondering what this question
> means.
> > Under what circumstances do you have to wait 1 second before query
> results
> > are available?
> >
> > We want to always be able to run tests on our database rapidly, which
> > includes loading data and then immediately querying to make sure the
> correct
> > data is there. I know we've had some tests where we were not able to read
> > our own writes, but I thought those were fixed by making sure we used
> vector
> > clocks correctly. Is there a situation where you have to wait for an
> > unspecified amount of time before you can read your writes?
> >
> > ___
> > riak-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Search and Yokozuna Backup Strategy

2014-01-23 Thread Sargun Dhillon
Not to fork the thread too far from the topic being discussed, but is
there any possibility of opening up the API used for multidatacenter
replication? Specifically, the fullsync API? I imagine the code inside
riak_repl can also be used for an external node to connect and get a
full dump of a node's content using fullsync. Incremental backups
could potentially be taken by using the AAE strategy, by the backup
sink building a merkle tree of the data it has, and using that to
generate the keylist of deltas.

Unfortunately, riak_repl is not open source, so this is something
Basho would have to build.

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 12:57 PM, Dave Martorana  wrote:
> I like that HyperDex provides direct backup support instead of simply
> suggesting a stop-filecopy-start-catchup scenario. Are there any plans at
> Basho to make backups a core function of Riak (or as a separate but included
> utility) - it would certainly be nice to have something Basho provides help
> ensure things are done properly each time, all the time.
> Cheers,
> Dave
> On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 1:42 PM, Joe Caswell  wrote:
>> Apologies, clicked send in the middle of an incomplete thought.  It should
>> have read:
>> Backing up the LevelDB data files while the node is stopped would remove
>> the necessity of using the LevelDB repair process upon restoring to make the
>> vnode self-consistent.
>> From: Joe Caswell 
>> Date: Thursday, January 23, 2014 1:25 PM
>> To: Sean McKibben , Elias Levy
>> Cc: "" 
>> Subject: Re: Riak Search and Yokozuna Backup Strategy
>> Backing up LevelDB data files can be accomplished while the node is
>> running if the sst_x directories are backed up in numerical order.  The
>> undesirable side effects of that could be duplicated data, inconsistent
>> manifest, or incomplete writes, which necessitates running the leveldb
>> repair process upon restoration for any vnode backed up while the node was
>> running.  Since the data is initially written to the recovery log before
>> being appended to level 0, and any compaction operation fully writes the
>> data to its new location before removing it from its old location, if any of
>> these operations are interrupted, the data can be completely recovered by
>> leveldb repair.
>> The only incomplete write that won't be recovered by the LevelDB repair
>> process is the initial write to the recovery log, limiting exposure  to the
>> key being actively written at the time of the snapshot/backup.  As long as 2
>> vnodes in the same preflist are not backed up while simultaneously writing
>> the same key to the recovery log (i.e. rolling backups are good), this key
>> will be recovered by AAE/read repair after restoration.
>> Backing up the LevelDB data files while the node is stopped would remove
>> the necessity of repairing the
>> Backing up Riak Search data, on the other hand, is a dicey proposition.
>> There are 3 bits to riak search data: the document you store, the output of
>> the extractor, and the merge index.
>> When you put a document in <<"key">> in a <<"bucket">> with search
>> enabled, Riak uses the pre-defined extractor to parse the document into
>> terms, possibly flattening the structure, and stores the result in
>> <<"_rsid_bucket">>/<<"key">>, which is used during update operations to
>> remove stale entries before adding new ones, and would most likely be stored
>> in a different vnode, possibly on a different node entirely.  The document
>> id/link is inserted into the merge index entry for each term identified by
>> the extractor, any or all of which may reside on different nodes.  Since the
>> document, its index document, and the term indexes could not be guaranteed
>> to be captured in any single backup operation, it is a very real probability
>> that these would be out of sync in the event that a restore is required.
>> If restore is only required for a single node, consistency could be
>> restored by running a repair operation for each riak_kv vnode and
>> riak_search vnode stored on the node, which would repair the data from other
>> nodes in the cluster.  If more than one node is restored, it is quite likely
>> that they both stored replicas of the same data, for some subset of the full
>> data set.  The only way to ensure consistency is fully restored in the
>> latter case is to reindex the data set.  This can be accomplished by reading
>> and  rewriting all of the data, or by reindexing via MapReduce as suggested
>> in this earlier mailing list post:
>> In either restore case, having a backup of the merge_index data files is
>> not helpful, so there does not appear to be any point in backing them up.
>> Joe Caswell
>> From: Sean McKibben 
>> Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 1:04 PM
>> To: Elias Levy 
>> Cc: "" 
>> Subject: Re: Riak Search and Yokozuna Backup Strategy

Re: riak2 erlang mapreduce counters

2014-01-23 Thread Russell Brown

On 23 Jan 2014, at 20:51, Eric Redmond  wrote:

> For version 1.4 counters, riak_kv_pncounter. For 2.0 CRDT counters, 
> riak_dt_pncounter.

As in, if the data was written in 1.4, or in 2.0 using the legacy, backwards 
compatible 1.4 API endpoints, the the type is risk_kv_pncounter. If the counter 
is 2.0, bucket types counter, then risk_dt_pncounter.

Really, we need to re-introduce the riak_kv_counter module for backwards 
compatibility, and add some friendly `value’ functions to risk_kv_crdt. I’m 
opening an issue for just this now.

The other option is to include the riak_kv_types.hrl and use the macros 
?MAP_TYPE, ?SET_TYPE, ?V1_COUNTER_TYPE, ?COUNTER_TYPE for now, and assume that 
we’ll have some helper functions for MapReduce in before 2.0.



> Eric
> On Jan 23, 2014, at 3:44 PM, Bryce Verdier  wrote:
>> In 1.4 there was just the simple function riak_kv_counters:value. In 2.0 I 
>> found the riak_kv_crdt module, which has a value function in it. But I'm not 
>> sure what "type" to use for second value argument for a counter.
>> Can someone share that with me?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Bryce
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Search and Yokozuna Backup Strategy

2014-01-23 Thread Dave Martorana
I like that HyperDex provides direct backup support instead of simply
suggesting a stop-filecopy-start-catchup scenario. Are there any plans at
Basho to make backups a core function of Riak (or as a separate but
included utility) - it would certainly be nice to have something Basho
provides help ensure things are done properly each time, all the time.



On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 1:42 PM, Joe Caswell  wrote:

> Apologies, clicked send in the middle of an incomplete thought.  It should
> have read:
> Backing up the LevelDB data files while the node is stopped would remove
> the necessity of using the LevelDB repair process upon restoring to make
> the vnode self-consistent.
> From: Joe Caswell 
> Date: Thursday, January 23, 2014 1:25 PM
> To: Sean McKibben , Elias Levy <
> Cc: "" 
> Subject: Re: Riak Search and Yokozuna Backup Strategy
> Backing up LevelDB data files can be accomplished while the node is
> running if the sst_x directories are backed up in numerical order.  The
> undesirable side effects of that could be duplicated data, inconsistent
> manifest, or incomplete writes, which necessitates running the leveldb
> repair process upon restoration for any vnode backed up while the node was
> running.  Since the data is initially written to the recovery log before
> being appended to level 0, and any compaction operation fully writes the
> data to its new location before removing it from its old location, if any
> of these operations are interrupted, the data can be completely recovered
> by leveldb repair.
> The only incomplete write that won't be recovered by the LevelDB repair
> process is the initial write to the recovery log, limiting exposure  to the
> key being actively written at the time of the snapshot/backup.  As long as
> 2 vnodes in the same preflist are not backed up while simultaneously
> writing the same key to the recovery log (i.e. rolling backups are good),
> this key will be recovered by AAE/read repair after restoration.
> Backing up the LevelDB data files while the node is stopped would remove
> the necessity of repairing the
> Backing up Riak Search data, on the other hand, is a dicey proposition.
>  There are 3 bits to riak search data: the document you store, the output
> of the extractor, and the merge index.
> When you put a document in <<"key">> in a <<"bucket">> with search
> enabled, Riak uses the pre-defined extractor to parse the document into
> terms, possibly flattening the structure, and stores the result in
> <<"_rsid_bucket">>/<<"key">>, which is used during update operations to
> remove stale entries before adding new ones, and would most likely be
> stored in a different vnode, possibly on a different node entirely.  The
> document id/link is inserted into the merge index entry for each term
> identified by the extractor, any or all of which may reside on different
> nodes.  Since the document, its index document, and the term indexes could
> not be guaranteed to be captured in any single backup operation, it is a
> very real probability that these would be out of sync in the event that a
> restore is required.
> If restore is only required for a single node, consistency could be
> restored by running a repair operation for each riak_kv vnode and
> riak_search vnode stored on the node, which would repair the data from
> other nodes in the cluster.  If more than one node is restored, it is quite
> likely that they both stored replicas of the same data, for some subset of
> the full data set.  The only way to ensure consistency is fully restored in
> the latter case is to reindex the data set.  This can be accomplished by
> reading and  rewriting all of the data, or by reindexing via MapReduce as
> suggested in this earlier mailing list post:
> In either restore case, having a backup of the merge_index data files is
> not helpful, so there does not appear to be any point in backing them up.
> Joe Caswell
> From: Sean McKibben 
> Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 1:04 PM
> To: Elias Levy 
> Cc: "" 
> Subject: Re: Riak Search and Yokozuna Backup Strategy
> +1 LevelDB backup information is important to us
> On Jan 20, 2014, at 4:38 PM, Elias Levy 
> wrote:
> Anyone from Basho care to comment?
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Elias Levy 
> wrote:
>> Also, while LevelDB appears to be largely an append only format, the
>> documentation currently does not recommend live backups, presumably because
>> there are some issues that can crop up if restoring a DB that was not
>> cleanly shutdown.
>> I am guessing those issues are the ones documented as edge cases here:
>> That said, it looks like as of 1.4 those are largely cleared up, at least
>> from what I gather from that page, and that one must on

Re: riak2 erlang mapreduce counters

2014-01-23 Thread Eric Redmond
For version 1.4 counters, riak_kv_pncounter. For 2.0 CRDT counters, 


On Jan 23, 2014, at 3:44 PM, Bryce Verdier  wrote:

> In 1.4 there was just the simple function riak_kv_counters:value. In 2.0 I 
> found the riak_kv_crdt module, which has a value function in it. But I'm not 
> sure what "type" to use for second value argument for a counter.
> Can someone share that with me?
> Thanks in advance,
> Bryce
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

riak2 erlang mapreduce counters

2014-01-23 Thread Bryce Verdier
In 1.4 there was just the simple function riak_kv_counters:value. In 2.0 
I found the riak_kv_crdt module, which has a value function in it. But 
I'm not sure what "type" to use for second value argument for a counter.

Can someone share that with me?

Thanks in advance,

riak-users mailing list

Riak Recap for January 16th - January 23rd

2014-01-23 Thread Mark Phillips
Afternoon, Evening, Morning to All -

We've got a tidy Recap today: podcasts, conferences, new code, and more.

Enjoy and thanks for being a part of Riak.


Riak Recap for January 16th - January 23rd

Sean Cribbs & Bryce Kerley talk Riak with the Ruby Rogues.

On last week's RC Hangout, John Daily, Jeremiah Peschka, David Rusek
talked about CorrugatedIron, the most-widely used .NET client for
Riak. Tomorrow's hangout will be pretty special and should be
happening around 11 AM Pacific per usual.)

Basho is sponsoring the LA Ruby Conference happening February 6-8.

There's a Riak vs. MongoDB meetup happening next Thursday in Serbia.

Joel Jacobsen is spinning up a Riak meetup in Oslo. There's no date on
the first meetup yet but it's never too early to get involved.

Erlang Factory is happening March 3 - 12 in San Francisco. As usual,
Basho will be there in a big way, with talks from Joe Devivo, Nathan
Aschbacher, C.S Meiklejohn, JTuple, and Tom Santero. They are also
running a 20% discount right now on all training courses (of which
Riak is one).

Gideon de Kok is fast at work getting Riaku updated for Riak 2.0.

Hector "Hungry Man" Castro built an Omnibus repo for Basho Bench that
makes it dead simple to build self-contained platform-specific

Q & A


riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Search and Yokozuna Backup Strategy

2014-01-23 Thread Joe Caswell
Apologies, clicked send in the middle of an incomplete thought.  It should
have read:

Backing up the LevelDB data files while the node is stopped would remove the
necessity of using the LevelDB repair process upon restoring to make the
vnode self-consistent.

From:  Joe Caswell 
Date:  Thursday, January 23, 2014 1:25 PM
To:  Sean McKibben , Elias Levy

Cc:  "" 
Subject:  Re: Riak Search and Yokozuna Backup Strategy

Backing up LevelDB data files can be accomplished while the node is running
if the sst_x directories are backed up in numerical order.  The undesirable
side effects of that could be duplicated data, inconsistent manifest, or
incomplete writes, which necessitates running the leveldb repair process
upon restoration for any vnode backed up while the node was running.  Since
the data is initially written to the recovery log before being appended to
level 0, and any compaction operation fully writes the data to its new
location before removing it from its old location, if any of these
operations are interrupted, the data can be completely recovered by leveldb

The only incomplete write that won't be recovered by the LevelDB repair
process is the initial write to the recovery log, limiting exposure  to the
key being actively written at the time of the snapshot/backup.  As long as 2
vnodes in the same preflist are not backed up while simultaneously writing
the same key to the recovery log (i.e. rolling backups are good), this key
will be recovered by AAE/read repair after restoration.

Backing up the LevelDB data files while the node is stopped would remove the
necessity of repairing the

Backing up Riak Search data, on the other hand, is a dicey proposition.
There are 3 bits to riak search data: the document you store, the output of
the extractor, and the merge index.

When you put a document in <<"key">> in a <<"bucket">> with search enabled,
Riak uses the pre-defined extractor to parse the document into terms,
possibly flattening the structure, and stores the result in
<<"_rsid_bucket">>/<<"key">>, which is used during update operations to
remove stale entries before adding new ones, and would most likely be stored
in a different vnode, possibly on a different node entirely.  The document
id/link is inserted into the merge index entry for each term identified by
the extractor, any or all of which may reside on different nodes.  Since the
document, its index document, and the term indexes could not be guaranteed
to be captured in any single backup operation, it is a very real probability
that these would be out of sync in the event that a restore is required.

If restore is only required for a single node, consistency could be restored
by running a repair operation for each riak_kv vnode and riak_search vnode
stored on the node, which would repair the data from other nodes in the
cluster.  If more than one node is restored, it is quite likely that they
both stored replicas of the same data, for some subset of the full data set.
The only way to ensure consistency is fully restored in the latter case is
to reindex the data set.  This can be accomplished by reading and  rewriting
all of the data, or by reindexing via MapReduce as suggested in this earlier
mailing list post:

In either restore case, having a backup of the merge_index data files is not
helpful, so there does not appear to be any point in backing them up.

Joe Caswell
From:  Sean McKibben 
Date:  Tuesday, January 21, 2014 1:04 PM
To:  Elias Levy 
Cc:  "" 
Subject:  Re: Riak Search and Yokozuna Backup Strategy

+1 LevelDB backup information is important to us

On Jan 20, 2014, at 4:38 PM, Elias Levy  wrote:

> Anyone from Basho care to comment?
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Elias Levy 
> wrote:
>> Also, while LevelDB appears to be largely an append only format, the
>> documentation currently does not recommend live backups, presumably because
>> there are some issues that can crop up if restoring a DB that was not cleanly
>> shutdown.  
>> I am guessing those issues are the ones documented as edge cases here:
>> That said, it looks like as of 1.4 those are largely cleared up, at least
>> from what I gather from that page, and that one must only ensure that data is
>> copied in a certain order and that you run the LevelDB repair algorithm when
>> retiring the files.
>> So is the backup documentation on LevelDB still correct?  Will Basho will
>> enable hot backups on LevelDB backends any time soon?
>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Elias Levy 
>> wrote:
>>> How well does Riak Search play with backups?  Can you backup the Riak Search
>>> data without bringing the node down?
>>> The Riak documentation backup page is completely silent on Riak Search and
>>> its merge_index backend.
>>> And l

Re: Riak Search and Yokozuna Backup Strategy

2014-01-23 Thread Joe Caswell
Backing up LevelDB data files can be accomplished while the node is running
if the sst_x directories are backed up in numerical order.  The undesirable
side effects of that could be duplicated data, inconsistent manifest, or
incomplete writes, which necessitates running the leveldb repair process
upon restoration for any vnode backed up while the node was running.  Since
the data is initially written to the recovery log before being appended to
level 0, and any compaction operation fully writes the data to its new
location before removing it from its old location, if any of these
operations are interrupted, the data can be completely recovered by leveldb

The only incomplete write that won't be recovered by the LevelDB repair
process is the initial write to the recovery log, limiting exposure  to the
key being actively written at the time of the snapshot/backup.  As long as 2
vnodes in the same preflist are not backed up while simultaneously writing
the same key to the recovery log (i.e. rolling backups are good), this key
will be recovered by AAE/read repair after restoration.

Backing up the LevelDB data files while the node is stopped would remove the
necessity of repairing the

Backing up Riak Search data, on the other hand, is a dicey proposition.
There are 3 bits to riak search data: the document you store, the output of
the extractor, and the merge index.

When you put a document in <<"key">> in a <<"bucket">> with search enabled,
Riak uses the pre-defined extractor to parse the document into terms,
possibly flattening the structure, and stores the result in
<<"_rsid_bucket">>/<<"key">>, which is used during update operations to
remove stale entries before adding new ones, and would most likely be stored
in a different vnode, possibly on a different node entirely.  The document
id/link is inserted into the merge index entry for each term identified by
the extractor, any or all of which may reside on different nodes.  Since the
document, its index document, and the term indexes could not be guaranteed
to be captured in any single backup operation, it is a very real probability
that these would be out of sync in the event that a restore is required.

If restore is only required for a single node, consistency could be restored
by running a repair operation for each riak_kv vnode and riak_search vnode
stored on the node, which would repair the data from other nodes in the
cluster.  If more than one node is restored, it is quite likely that they
both stored replicas of the same data, for some subset of the full data set.
The only way to ensure consistency is fully restored in the latter case is
to reindex the data set.  This can be accomplished by reading and  rewriting
all of the data, or by reindexing via MapReduce as suggested in this earlier
mailing list post:

In either restore case, having a backup of the merge_index data files is not
helpful, so there does not appear to be any point in backing them up.

Joe Caswell
From:  Sean McKibben 
Date:  Tuesday, January 21, 2014 1:04 PM
To:  Elias Levy 
Cc:  "" 
Subject:  Re: Riak Search and Yokozuna Backup Strategy

+1 LevelDB backup information is important to us

On Jan 20, 2014, at 4:38 PM, Elias Levy  wrote:

> Anyone from Basho care to comment?
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Elias Levy 
> wrote:
>> Also, while LevelDB appears to be largely an append only format, the
>> documentation currently does not recommend live backups, presumably because
>> there are some issues that can crop up if restoring a DB that was not cleanly
>> shutdown.  
>> I am guessing those issues are the ones documented as edge cases here:
>> That said, it looks like as of 1.4 those are largely cleared up, at least
>> from what I gather from that page, and that one must only ensure that data is
>> copied in a certain order and that you run the LevelDB repair algorithm when
>> retiring the files.
>> So is the backup documentation on LevelDB still correct?  Will Basho will
>> enable hot backups on LevelDB backends any time soon?
>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Elias Levy 
>> wrote:
>>> How well does Riak Search play with backups?  Can you backup the Riak Search
>>> data without bringing the node down?
>>> The Riak documentation backup page is completely silent on Riak Search and
>>> its merge_index backend.
>>> And looking forward, what is the backup strategy for Yokozuna?  Will it make
>>> use of Solr's Replication Handler, or something more lower level?  Will the
>>> node need to be offline to backup it up?
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

___ riak-users mail

Re: using salt stack with riak

2014-01-23 Thread Matt Davis
Nicely done Matt! Sure would love to see your states... I've got a fairly
good one for riak-cs, would love to see some others.

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 2:14 PM, Matt Black wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> We manage all our Riak infrastructure with a couple of Salt states and a
> custom module I wrote which you can see here:
> There's another Riak module in Salt core, but last time I checked it had
> less functionality. (I talked with them a while back about merging the two
> modules - perhaps I should bring that up again).
> I can send our Salt states as well, if you're interested :)
> On 23 January 2014 07:05, Matt Davis  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> We're implementing salt stack for configuration management, and I've been
>> trying out how it works with riak, specifically remote command execution.
>> Anyone out there in riak-land been successfully integrating it with salt?
>> I've hit a couple of "arroo?" moments and am curious what others have
>> experienced.
>> -matt
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

Re: Search is not working in RIAK

2014-01-23 Thread Sean Cribbs
Also note that the JSON extractor will concatenate nested fields with
underscores, so the field name for your search will be
"employee_employee_name" (assuming the JSON you pasted is just incomplete).

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 6:43 AM, Dave Parfitt  wrote:

> Hello Ajit -
>   I'm not a Riak Search expert, but running the JSON you included through
> yields several errors.
> Cheers -
> Dave
> On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 12:19 AM, Ajit Prasad(RMG00) <
>> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>> Search doesn’t seem to work on a normal JSON file. Have created index on
>> JSON file and installed the search on the bucket also.
>> $search-cmd search out2_buk "employee_name:\"Ajit\""
>> :: Searching for 'employee_name:"Ajit"' / '' in out2_buk...
>> --
>> :: Found 0 results.
>> File content is pasted below :
>> "employee":{
>>  "employee_name":"Raghav Maitra",
>>  "employee_id":"1001",
>>  "designation":"Technical Analyst",
>>  "emp_contract_no":"1987-XXVI",
>>  "department":
>> {"dept_name":"ADW",
>>  "sub_dept_name":"A1",
>>  "dept_id":"A1-2001",
>>  "dept_description":"Analysis and Devlopement Wing",
>>  "dept_site_name":"Diego Gracia"
>> }
>>  "employee_name":"Ajit",
>>  "employee_id":"1002",
>>  "designation":"Technical Analyst",
>>  "emp_contract_no":"2001-XXVI",
>>  "department":
>> {"dept_name":"ADW",
>>  "sub_dept_name":"A1",
>>  "dept_id":"A1-2001",
>>  "dept_description":"Analysis and Devlopement Wing",
>>  "dept_site_name":"Diego Gracia"
>> }
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Ajit
>> Cell:+91-9980084384
>> ~~Disclaimer~~~
>> Information contained and transmitted by this e-mail is confidential and
>> proprietary to iGATE and its affiliates and is intended for use only by the
>> recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified
>> that any dissemination, distribution, copying or use of this e-mail is
>> strictly prohibited and you are requested to delete this e-mail immediately
>> and notify the originator or iGATE does not enter
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>> individual do not necessarily reflect the view of iGATE. iGATE is not
>> responsible for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of
>> information provided, through this email. The contents of an attachment to
>> this e-mail may contain software viruses, which could damage your own
>> computer system. While iGATE has taken every reasonable precaution to
>> minimise this risk, we cannot accept liability for any damage which you
>> sustain as a result of software viruses. You should carry out your own
>> virus checks before opening an attachment. To know more about iGATE please
>> visit
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

Sean Cribbs 
Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.
riak-users mailing list

Re: Split index with Riak 2.0 git (jan 15th) on a single dev node cluster

2014-01-23 Thread Luke Bakken
Hi Rob,

I believe Ryan meant to wait a second to do a Yokozuna search, not a
general Riak K/V operation.

There is more information about "read your own writes" here:
Luke Bakken

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 11:36 AM, Rob Speer  wrote:
>> 5. Did you wait at least 1 second before running the queries?
> I'm not the original poster but I'm now wondering what this question means.
> Under what circumstances do you have to wait 1 second before query results
> are available?
> We want to always be able to run tests on our database rapidly, which
> includes loading data and then immediately querying to make sure the correct
> data is there. I know we've had some tests where we were not able to read
> our own writes, but I thought those were fixed by making sure we used vector
> clocks correctly. Is there a situation where you have to wait for an
> unspecified amount of time before you can read your writes?
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: consistency impact on performance

2014-01-23 Thread Satoshi Yamada

Yes, the load looks pretty small in our cluster and that explains what I
It is interesting to see the difference of the performance between NoSQL
with server-side sharding.

Anyway, thanks for your reply. I'm confident with the result now.


2014/1/22 Luke Bakken 

> Satoshi,
> The difference in performance between w=1 and w=3 depends a lot on
> your cluster setup and hardware, as well as cluster load.
> In your tests, your cluster is most likely under no load, and all
> vnodes are ready to process incoming messages. In this case w=1 and
> w=3 will have little difference in response time since vnodes will be
> able to respond immediately to the write message.
> A better test would be to increase cluster load with a tool like
> basho_bench and benchmark Riak and Cassandra using that tool.
> --
> Luke Bakken
> On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 9:55 PM, Satoshi Yamada 
> wrote:
> > Luke,
> >
> > Thanks for your reply.
> >
> > Actually, the size of the data we use for our product is as small as
> > hundreds bytes.
> > I use such data as 330MB because I thought the difference of performance
> > gets clearer by
> > storing big data. I did test similarly when the data size is 1MB and
> 100B,
> > but did not
> > see much difference either.
> >
> > thanks,
> > Satoshi
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 2014/1/20 Luke Bakken 
> >>
> >> Hi Satoshi,
> >>
> >> When using Riak, your object sizes should ideally be 1MB or less. A
> >> 330MB object will never result in acceptable Riak performance.
> >>
> >> If you intend to store large objects like this I strongly recommend
> >> using Riak CS, which will break up the object for you into chunks that
> >> can be managed by Riak. It also provides an S3-compatible API.
> >>
> >> Please read more about Riak CS here:
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> --
> >> Luke Bakken
> >> CSE
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 9:29 PM, Satoshi Yamada 
> >> wrote:
> >> > Hi, i'm Satoshi, new to riak.
> >> >
> >> > I would like to check how consistency changes impacts on the
> performance
> >> > of
> >> > riak cluster. I used w=1 and w=3, and I expected at least two times
> more
> >> > of
> >> > execution time, but there seems no significant change. I saw more
> >> > difference
> >> > in Cassandra, so I wonder if it's normal in riak or there is something
> >> > wrong
> >> > in my testing. Can anyone give me some advice on it?
> >> >
> >> > I simply checked as shown below.
> >> >
> >> > w=1
> >> > $ time curl -v -XPUT
> >> > -H
> >> > "X-Riak-Vclock:
> >> > a85hYGB.." -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data-binary
> >> > @data.tar.gz
> >> > ...
> >> > ...
> >> > ...
> >> > real0m27.501s
> >> > user   0m0.378s
> >> > sys0m0.674s
> >> >
> >> > w=3
> >> > $ time curl -v -XPUT
> >> > -H
> >> > "X-Riak-Vclock:
> >> > a85hYGB.." -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data-binary
> >> > @data.tar.gz
> >> > ...
> >> > ...
> >> > ...
> >> > real0m29.278s
> >> > user   0m0.398s
> >> > sys0m0.674s
> >> >
> >> > My cluster consists of 40, all active and healthy machines and running
> >> > riak-1.4.1.
> >> > The data I use is 330MB.
> >> >
> >> > Thanks in advance,
> >> > Satoshi
> >> >
> >> > ___
> >> > riak-users mailing list
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >
> >
riak-users mailing list

Re: Search is not working in RIAK

2014-01-23 Thread Dave Parfitt
Hello Ajit -

  I'm not a Riak Search expert, but running the JSON you included through yields several errors.

Cheers -

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 12:19 AM, Ajit Prasad(RMG00)  wrote:

>  Hi,
> Search doesn’t seem to work on a normal JSON file. Have created index on
> JSON file and installed the search on the bucket also.
> $search-cmd search out2_buk "employee_name:\"Ajit\""
> :: Searching for 'employee_name:"Ajit"' / '' in out2_buk...
> --
> :: Found 0 results.
> File content is pasted below :
> "employee":{
>  "employee_name":"Raghav Maitra",
>  "employee_id":"1001",
>  "designation":"Technical Analyst",
>  "emp_contract_no":"1987-XXVI",
>  "department":
> {"dept_name":"ADW",
>  "sub_dept_name":"A1",
>  "dept_id":"A1-2001",
>  "dept_description":"Analysis and Devlopement Wing",
>  "dept_site_name":"Diego Gracia"
> }
>  "employee_name":"Ajit",
>  "employee_id":"1002",
>  "designation":"Technical Analyst",
>  "emp_contract_no":"2001-XXVI",
>  "department":
> {"dept_name":"ADW",
>  "sub_dept_name":"A1",
>  "dept_id":"A1-2001",
>  "dept_description":"Analysis and Devlopement Wing",
>  "dept_site_name":"Diego Gracia"
> }
> Thanks and regards,
> Ajit
> Cell:+91-9980084384
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> Information contained and transmitted by this e-mail is confidential and
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> ___
> riak-users mailing list
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