Re: a weird error while post request to server for store object

2016-09-12 Thread Christopher Mancini
> >   'Cat Stevens', // author
> >   'Please check out these cat pics!', // content
> >   $keywords, // keywords
> >   $date, // date posted
> >   true // published
> > );
> > $post1->store();
> >
> > the wireshark captured packet :
> >
> > ip)  => server ip)HTTP
> > 511POST /types/cms/buckets/cat_pics/datatypes/alldoc? HTTP/1.1
> > (application/json)
> > 400 Bad
> Request
> >
> >  GET
> >
> {"props":{"name":"cat_pics","young_vclock":20,"w":"quorum","small_vclock":50,"search_index":"blog_posts","rw":"quorum","r":"quorum","pw":0,"precommit":[],"pr":0,"postcommit":[],"old_vclock":86400,"notfound_ok":true,"n_val":3,"linkfun":{"mod":"riak_kv_wm_link_walker","fun":"mapreduce_linkfun"},"last_write_wins":false,"dw":"quorum","dvv_enabled":true,"chash_keyfun":{"mod":"riak_core_util","fun":"chash_std_keyfun"},"big_vclock":50,"basic_quorum":false,"allow_mult":true,"datatype":"map","active":true,"claimant":"
> node1@"}}
> >
> >please help me catch the bugs  thanks in advance!
> >
> > regards
> >
> > Alan
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

Christopher Mancini

employee = {
purpose: solve problems with code,
riak-users mailing list

Re: Continuous HTTP POSTs to Riak

2016-03-03 Thread Christopher Mancini
If you don't need strong consistency for all Riak requests, just certain
ones, then explore the use of R and N vals that can be passed along with
the request or on a bucket-type level.

On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 9:23 PM Mark Schmidt  wrote:

> Hi Qiang,
> Other more skilled folks can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe you
> can enforce strong consistency on your nodes:
> If I recall, you will take a performance hit as all nodes must receive the
> data.
> Thanks,
> -  Mark Schmidt
> *From:* riak-users [] *On Behalf
> Of *Qiang Cao
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 03, 2016 6:13 PM
> *To:* Dave King 
> *Cc:* riak-users 
> *Subject:* Re: Continuous HTTP POSTs to Riak
> Thanks, Dave! I'm aware of Riak's eventual consistency. I wonder how I can
> get Riak work in the way as I need. I'm in a situation where I expect the
> immediate GET reads the value I've just posted. And the GET request isn't
> sent out until the POST is done.
> Thanks,
> -Qiang
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 6:53 PM, Dave King  wrote:
> You need to google 'Eventual consistency'.
> - Peace
> Dave
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 4:23 PM, Qiang Cao  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I use Riak as a KV store and send http requests to its REST API to update
> entries. Instead of using curl, I use Apache HttpClient to send requests.
> One thing bothering me is that sometimes I find the entry isn't properly
> updated after an HTTP POST/PUT. For example, if I do an HTTP GET on the
> same key immediately after an HTTP POST, the chance is good that I get a
> stale value. This happens when I continuously POST to a multi-node Riak,
> and some of the posts target the same key.
> Also, I find I don't have this issue if I use a single-node Riak. So I
> think something wasn't correct with my multi-node Riak cluster (I set
> "allow_mult" to false).  Any thoughts?
> Thanks in advance!
> Qiang
> _______
> riak-users mailing list
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

Christopher Mancini

employee = {
purpose: solve problems with code,
riak-users mailing list

Re: Ok, I am stumped. Losing data or riak stop

2016-02-26 Thread Christopher Mancini
Hey Joe,

I will do my best to help, but I am not the most experienced with Riak
operations. Your best bet to get to a solution as fast as possible is to
include the full users group, which I have added to the recipients of this

1. Are the Riak data directories within Vagrant shared directories between
the host and guest? I have had issues with OS file system caching before
when working with web server files.

2. What version of Ubuntu are you using?

3. How did you install Riak on Ubuntu?

4. Have you tried restoring the original distribution riak.conf file and
seen if the issue persists? This would help you determine if the issue is
your config or something with your environment.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 10:55 AM Joe Olson  wrote:

> Chris -
>  I cannot figure out what is going on. Here is my test case. Configuration
> file attached. I am running a single node of Riak on a vagrant box with a
> level DB back end. I don't even have to bring the box down, merely stopping
> and restarting riak '(riak stop' and 'riak start' or 'risk restart) causes
> all the keys to be lost. The riak node is set up on a Vagrant box. But
> againI do not have to bring the machine up or down to get this error.
> I've also deleted the ring info in /var/lib/riak/ring, and deleted all the
> leveldb files. In this case, the bucket type is just n_val = 1, and the
> ring size is the minimum of 8.
> Is it possible Riak is not flushing RAM to disk after write? The keys only
> reside in RAM?
> My test procedure:
> On a remote machine=
> riak01@ubuntu:/etc$ curl -i http://
> :8098/types/n1/buckets/test/keys?keys=true
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> Vary: Accept-Encoding
> Server: MochiWeb/1.1 WebMachine/1.10.8 (that head fake, tho)
> Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 13:14:59 GMT
> Content-Type: application/json
> Content-Length: 17
> {"keys":["test"]}
> riak01@ubuntu:/etc$
> On the single Riak node itself
> [vagrant@i-2016022519 -9bb5c84f riak]$ sudo riak stop
> ok
> [vagrant@i-2016022519 -9bb5c84f riak]$ sudo riak start
> [vagrant@i-2016022519 -9bb5c84f riak]$ sudo riak ping
> pong
> Back to the remote machine
> riak01@ubuntu:/etc$ curl -i http://
> :8098/types/n1/buckets/test/keys?keys=true
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> Vary: Accept-Encoding
> Server: MochiWeb/1.1 WebMachine/1.10.8 (that head fake, tho)
> Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 13:16:34 GMT
> Content-Type: application/json
> Content-Length: 11
> {"keys":[]}
> riak01@ubuntu:/etc$
> --

Christopher Mancini

employee = {
purpose: solve problems with code,
riak-users mailing list

Re: Testing On A Single Node

2016-02-26 Thread Christopher Mancini
To second Vitaly, losing data in restart is not normal. What OS are you
running it on? Is it in a VM or on bare metal? How did you install it? Did
you change any riak.conf vars? With this info, we should be able to help
you trouble shoot this issue better.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 12:39 AM Vitaly E <> wrote:

> Hi Joe,
> A standalone node should behave similarly to a clustered node in terms of
> data persistence. Actually, I use single-node Riak setups (inside a VM) a
> lot for testing. The only differences are ring_size=8 and n_val=1, for
> performance reasons.
> So, it must be your Riak or VM configuration. Also make sure you don't
> delete Riak data directories by mistake when restarting your VM. Another
> reason could be that you restart the VM before all the writes have been
> flushed to the disk, for example when using Bitcask (
>, but in that
> case you should have lost only the most recent writes.
> Hope this helps
> Vitaly
> I am trying to set up a simple test environment. This environment consists
> of a single Riak KV node which has not joined a cluster.
> I can populate the single un-clustered node with KV pairs just fine using
> curl.
> However, when I stop the node, and then restart it, all the KV pairs that
> were written before the stop are gone.
> Is there a way to get a non-cluster joined single node to reload KV data
> from disk, or is the only way for a restarted node to re-populate KV pairs
> from other nodes in a cluster?
> I realize this is an edge case, and I only use it for Virtualbox testing.
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

Christopher Mancini

employee = {
purpose: solve problems with code,
riak-users mailing list

Riak PHP Client v3 and official Protocol Buffers support v1

2015-12-30 Thread Christopher Mancini
This week we released a significant update to the PHP client to support API
bridge classes other than the Http class that ships with the client
library. This work was released as version 3 due to a few minor interface
changes that break backwards compatibility. Those breaking changes are:

   - Basho\Riak\Command\Object\Response::getVclock() has been moved to
   - Basho\Riak\Command\Object\Response::getStatusCode() has been
   renamed Basho\Riak\Command\Object\Response::getCode()
   - Basho\Riak\Command\Object\Response::getBody() has been removed

We also released official support for Protocol Buffers using PHP. This
support is delivered via an independent package that has the core library
above included as a dependency. This allows us to keep the same programming
interface while keeping the dependencies needed for PB separate from those
needed by HTTP.

Both releases can be retrieved from @



Christopher Mancini

employee = {
purpose: solve problems with code,
riak-users mailing list

Re: Using Bucket Data Types slowed insert performance

2015-10-20 Thread Christopher Mancini
Hi Mark / Dennis,

Can you provide the snippet of the code that puts a 5k record onto Riak as
a map?


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 11:30 AM Mark Schmidt  wrote:

> Hi folks, sorry for the confusion.
> Our scenario is as follows:
> We have a 6 node development cluster running on its own network segment
> using HAProxy to facilitate load-balancing across the nodes. A single
> Riak-dot-NET client service is performing the insert operations from
> dedicated hardware located within the same network segment. We have basic
> network throughput capabilities of 100 Mbit with an average speed
> achievable of 75 Mbit.
> The data we are attempting to insert is composed of phone call record
> receipts from telephone carriers. These records are batched and written to
> a flat file for incorporation into our reporting engine. 1) Our Riak client
> process takes a flat file (In this case, a 40MB collection of records, each
> record being approximately 5k in size) and parses the entire file so each
> record can be added to a local .NET queue.
> 2) Once the entire file has been parsed and each record loaded into the
> local queue, 20 threads are spawned and connections are opened to our Riak
> nodes via the HAProxy.
> 3) Each thread will pull a 5k record from the queue on a first come first
> served basis and perform a put to the Riak environment.
> When first testing our client insert process, we were pushing the 5K
> records as whole strings into the Riak environment. Network throughput
> topped out at around 80 Mbits with a total load time of 90 seconds for 149k
> records. When the client process was modified (same queuing and de-queuing
> methods) so that a map datatype bucket would be created and keys stored as
> registers, we saw network throughput drop to around 10 Mbit with total
> upload time increase to around 270 seconds for the 149k records.
> It appears as though we’ve either encountered a potential bottleneck
> unrelated to network throughput, or we’re just seeing an expected
> processing penalty for our use of Riak datatypes. Please note, we’re
> configuring Zabbix so we can monitor disk IO on each node as processor and
> memory resources don’t appear to be the culprit either.
> If the reduction in processing speed is a natural consequence to utilizing
> Riak data types, is the inter-node network the optimum place to increase
> resources? Our eventual datacenter implementation will support speeds of
> over 40 Gbit for inter-node communication. We’re just trying to identify
> which levers from an operational standpoint we can throw to boost
> performance, or if our client implementation is suspect.
> You bring up some excellent points regarding our use of CRDTs. In our
> case, the call data records are mutable as they are subject to changes by
> phone carriers for billing error corrections, incorrect data and a host of
> other reasons. We may be better served by treating the records as immutable
> and performing wide scale record removal and “reprocessing” in the event
> changes to existing records are received/requested.
> Thank you,
> Mark Schmidt
> *From:* Alexander Sicular []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:55 AM
> *To:* Dennis Nicolay 
> *Cc:* Christopher Mancini ;;
> Mark Schmidt 
> *Subject:* Re: Using Bucket Data Types slowed insert performance
> Let's talk about Riak data types for a moment. Riak data types are
> collectively implementations of what academia refer to as CRDT's
> (convergent or conflict free replicated data types.) The key benefit a CRDT
> offers, over a traditional KV by contrast, is in automatic conflict
> resolution. The various CRDT's provided in Riak have specific conflict
> resolution strategies. This does not come for free. There is a
> computational cost associated with CRDT's. If your use case requires
> automated conflict resolution strategies than CRDT's are a good fit.
> Internally CRDT's rely on vector clocks (see DVV's in the documentation) to
> resolve conflict.
> Considering your ETL use case I'm going to presume that your data is
> immutable (I could very well be wrong here.) If your data is immutable I
> would consider simply using a KV and not paying the CRDT computational
> penalty (and possibly even the write once bucket.) The CRDT penalty you pay
> is obviously subjective to your use case, configuration, hw deployment etc.
> Hope that helps!
> -Alexander
> @siculars
> Sent from m

Re: Using Bucket Data Types slowed insert performance

2015-10-20 Thread Christopher Mancini
Hi Dennis,

I am not the most experienced, but what I do know is that a file that size
causes a great deal of network chatter because it has to handoff that data
to the other nodes in the network and will cause delays in Riak's ability
to send and confirm consistency across the ring. Typically we recommend
that you try to structure your objects to around 1mb or less to ensure
consistent performance. That max object size can vary of course based on
your network / server specs and configuration.

I hope this helps.


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 8:18 AM Dennis Nicolay 

> Hi,
> I’m using .net RiakClient 2.0 to insert a 44mb delimited file with 139k
> rows of data into riak.  I switched to a map bucket data type with
> registers.   It is taking about 3 times longer to insert into this bucket
> vs non data typed bucket.  Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance,
> Dennis
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

Re: A problem running Riak in a Docker image under Vagrant on Windows 7,8 and 10

2015-08-31 Thread Christopher Mancini
Hey Pete,

If you want to share your setup, I will try to replicate the problem and
see if I can help.


On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 2:08 PM Matthew Brender  wrote:

> Hey Pete,
> That's an interesting situation that leads me to think its a Windows
> Vagrant consideration, given that everything runs on OS X. Is your
> Dockerfile in a place we could see it and/or run it?
> FWIW, Hector has a project that works well. Maybe you can reference
> his setup [0]. I'd also welcome a cross-post to StackOverflow in case
> its a common Windows + Vagrant issue that our community may miss [1].
> [0]
> [1]
> Matt Brender | Developer Advocacy Lead
> Basho Technologies
> t: @mjbrender
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 3:49 AM, Pete Slater  wrote:
> >
> > I am having a problem with a Docker image running Riak which is causing
> me concern.
> >
> > I have a Docker image which is being run inside of a Vagrant container.
> The Docker image is running Riak in a CentOS 7 guest OS and is configured
> to start via a supervisor script.
> >
> > The issue I am having is that when running the Vagrant VM in a MacOS
> host OS, Riak in the Docker image starts fine.
> >
> > However when I run the same Vagrantfile in a Windows host OS, Riak fails
> to start with an error ‘Protocol: ~tp: the name riak@ riak@> seems to be in use by another erlang node’
> >
> > I have tried changing the codename but the error persists.
> >
> > The strange thing is that Riak seems to be running as we can query it
> via the REST API. But when trying to communicate to it when logged into the
> Docker container and doing something like ‘riak ping’ we get Node ‘
> riak@’ not responding to pings.
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated. If you need further information then
> please ask.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > riak-users mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak C example segmentation fault

2015-07-23 Thread Christopher Mancini
Hi Tom,

Unfortunately, I believe the C client was a project that was started with
the intention of knocking down two birds with one stone, official support
for C and wrap it as a C extension for PHP. The project has not been
updated in about a year, while other clients have seen a lot of updates in
that time.

I'm aware that we do not have any Basho resources towards moving this
client forward in the near future, which leaves me with essentially three
options: 1) Submit GH issues for each problem you encounter we can try to
queue up time to review them. 2) Submit contributions to the project by
fixing the issues and submitting a PR for each fix. 3) If time is of the
essence, consider using one of our officially supported clients [1] or this
C client that seems to have some recent momentum [2]


I hope this helps.


On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 7:58 AM Tom Van Steenkiste <> wrote:

> Dear all
> I’m trying to interface a C application with a Riak cluster. To do this, I
> have set up a small two node cluster with Riak to which I’m already able to
> communicate with HTTP requests. My next step is trying to run the
> riak-c-client . However,
> there are some problems with certain functions. If I execute the following
> commands, the application never returns and gets stuck:
> ./riak_c_example --host hostname --port 8098 --server-info
> ./riak_c_example --host hostname --port 8098 --ping
> These commands get stuck on the ‘err = riak_ping(cxn)’ and the ‘err =
> riak_serverinfo(cxn, &serverinfo_response)’ lines. However, when I execute
> the following HTTP request, I get a perfect response:
> curl http://hostname:8098/stats
> curl http://hostname:8098/ping
> If I try to put a key in the database via the c application, I get
> segmentation faults. When executing the following command, I get a
> segmentation fault upon execution of the line
> ‘riak_get_response_print(&print_state, get_response)’.
> ./riak_c_example --host hostname --port 8098 --put --key “testKey” --value
> “testValue” --bucket “testBucket”
> The versions of the software I use are:
> Riak 2.1.1 which runs on two CentOS 7 servers
> OS of riak_c_example: Scientific Linux CERN SLC 6.6
> gcc: 4.8.2 and 4.4.7 (tried both)
> The configuration files all contain their default values, I only changed
> the hostnames and restricted the ports with the following two lines as to
> not have to open up the entire firewall:
> erlang.distribution.port_range.minimum = 6000
> erlang.distribution.port_range.maximum = 7000
> If needed, I can give more information on the configuration. Do you have
> any idea what might be the source of these problems and how to fix them?
> Thank you in advance
> Kind regards
> Tom Van Steenkiste
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak CS docs have incorrect packagecloud URL

2015-06-09 Thread Christopher Mancini
Thanks Toby!

Just submitted PR to fix the urls:

On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 9:02 PM, Toby Corkindale  wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> This page contains the incorrect URLs:
> If you search on that page for this text, you'll find it right
> underneath. "The resulting file should hold contents like the following"
> Cheers,
> Toby
> On Thu, 4 Jun 2015 at 06:31 Matthew Brender  wrote:
>> For what it's worth, it looks good on the packagecloud directions as
>> of the most recent update [1]:
>>  > curl -s
>> | sudo bash
>>  > sudo apt-get install riak-cs=2.0.1-1
>> [1]
>> Matt Brender | Developer Advocacy Lead
>> Basho Technologies
>> t: @mjbrender
>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 4:02 PM, Matthew Brender 
>> wrote:
>> > Hey Toby,
>> >
>> > Which documentation pointed you to the wrong URL? And did the dash
>> > address the issue? We can and should update that documentation.
>> >
>> > On a related note, our packaging is up for discussion. A few of us
>> > started discussing it here [1]. I'd love for you to weigh in.
>> >
>> > [1]
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Matt
>> >
>> > Matt Brender | Developer Advocacy Lead
>> > Basho Technologies
>> > t: @mjbrender
>> >
>> >
>> > On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 10:07 PM, Toby Corkindale 
>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi,
>> >> Riak CS 2 moved to a new Ubuntu/Debian repository, at
>> >> However attempts to use it as per the documentation result in the
>> message "Incorrect username or token" and an HTTP status of 401.
>> >>
>> >> This is because the docs give the URL as similar to:
>> >> deb precise main
>> >>
>> >> However they are supposed to be?:
>> >>
>> >> deb precise main
>> >>
>> >> Note the dash instead of an underscore.
>> >>
>> >> -Toby
>> >>
>> >> ___
>> >> riak-users mailing list
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
> ___
> riak-users mailing list


Christopher Mancini

employee = {
purpose: solve problems with code,
riak-users mailing list

Re: Bug: Stanchion 1.5 in repo along riak cs 2.0

2015-06-09 Thread Christopher Mancini

I think Toby is right, if you look at, there is no
reference to stanchion 2, only 1.5.

Not sure who can fix this, but its certainly not aligned with our

On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 9:04 PM, Toby Corkindale  wrote:

> Hi Kota,
> I was installing these on fresh 14.04 VMs, so I don't know how I could
> have had stale apt-cache info re Stanchion, but still had up to date
> riak-cs package info.
> Oh well, if you couldn't reproduce it, never mind. Thanks for trying.
> Cheers
> Toby
> On Mon, 8 Jun 2015 at 11:54 Kota Uenishi  wrote:
>> Toby,
>> I tried to reproduce your problem in my clean ubuntu 14.04 which is a
>> fresh docker image, but failed. No recommendation was made. Maybe state of
>> your apt repository or something is stale?
>> # apt-get install riak-cs=2.0.1-1
>> Reading package lists... Done
>> Building dependency tree
>> Reading state information... Done
>> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>>   riak-cs
>> 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 25 not upgraded.
>> Need to get 20.1 MB of archives.
>> After this operation, 36.8 MB of additional disk space will be used.
>> Fetched 20.1 MB in 6s (3322 kB/s)
>> Selecting previously unselected package riak-cs.
>> (Reading database ... 12002 files and directories currently installed.)
>> Preparing to unpack .../riak-cs_2.0.1-1_amd64.deb ...
>> Unpacking riak-cs (2.0.1-1) ...
>> Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-16) ...
>> Setting up riak-cs (2.0.1-1) ...
>> Adding group `riak' (GID 105) ...
>> Done.
>> Adding system user `riakcs' (UID 102) ...
>> Adding new user `riakcs' (UID 102) with group `riak' ...
>> Not creating home directory `/var/lib/riak-cs'.
>> Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-16) ...
>> # apt-get install stanchion=2.0.0-1
>> Reading package lists... Done
>> Building dependency tree
>> Reading state information... Done
>> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>>   stanchion
>> 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 25 not upgraded.
>> Need to get 18.4 MB of archives.
>> After this operation, 34.0 MB of additional disk space will be used.
>> Fetched 18.4 MB in 5s (3163 kB/s)
>> Selecting previously unselected package stanchion.
>> (Reading database ... 13780 files and directories currently installed.)
>> Preparing to unpack .../stanchion_2.0.0-1_amd64.deb ...
>> Unpacking stanchion (2.0.0-1) ...
>> Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-16) ...
>> Setting up stanchion (2.0.0-1) ...
>> Adding system user `stanchion' (UID 103) ...
>> Adding new user `stanchion' (UID 103) with group `riak' ...
>> Not creating home directory `/var/lib/stanchion'.
>> Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-16) ...
>> #
>> On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 11:40 PM, Matthew Brender 
>> wrote:
>>> For others not finding it, the instructions show up here:
>>> Matt Brender | Developer Advocacy Lead
>>> Basho Technologies
>>> t: @mjbrender
>>> On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 2:11 AM, Toby Corkindale  wrote:
>>> > Hi Kota,
>>> > I'm installing Riak CS upon Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty), and was doing this
>>> by
>>> > following the instructions to add the Apt repository.
>>> > However that repository contains stanchion 1.5 rather than 2.0. (It
>>> does,
>>> > however, contain Riak CS 2.0.1)
>>> >
> ___
> riak-users mailing list


Christopher Mancini

employee = {
purpose: solve problems with code,
riak-users mailing list

Re: Ansible galaxy roles only support three-year-old Ubuntu 12.04

2015-05-27 Thread Christopher Mancini
Hi Toby,

I am actually working on a rewrite of the Galaxy role that we used to have
up there to be simpler and support all of the 2.x features of Riak. You can
access it here:

I would greatly appreciate any feedback, suggestions as well as any
contributions you may have from your testing on Ubuntu / Debian, since I am
using it with CentOS7 and may not have time to test it with Ubuntu for a
little while still.


On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 2:35 AM, Toby Corkindale  wrote:

> Hi,
> Searching for riak roles on Ansible Galaxy brings up this one:
> However this is listed as only supporting RHEL 6 and Ubuntu 12.04.
> Ubuntu 14.04 is the current long-term-support version, and what we're
> deploying stuff to; it'd be great if the Ansible roles available could
> support it too.
> Cheers,
> Toby
> ___
> riak-users mailing list


Christopher Mancini

employee = {
purpose: solve problems with code,
riak-users mailing list

Re: Looking for a sample to store and retrieve images in Riak using UGameDB

2015-05-06 Thread Christopher Mancini
Hey Syed,

I don't have an example to provide but I am assuming you could store the
image in Riak using the Bitstream encoding offered by the uGameDB lib.
Alternatively, you could probably parse the image as a binary string,
escape it and then store it within a json object using json encoding.

Here are two links with this info:

Hope this helps you.

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 10:09 AM, syed shabeer 

> I've gone through this site earlier but couldn't find any sample related
> to Image storage.
> Are there any other references?
> Thanks,
> Shabeer
> On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 7:12 PM, Christopher Meiklejohn <
>> wrote:
>> > On May 6, 2015, at 2:41 PM, syed shabeer 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> > Is there an example/link i could refer to store and retrieve images in
>> Riak using UGameDB.
>> Hi Syed,
>> The UGameDB developer site has a section dedicated to operating and
>> working with Riak. [1]
>> Thanks,
>> - Chris
>> Christopher Meiklejohn
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> ___
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Christopher Mancini

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riak-users mailing list

PHP Client Release

2015-04-17 Thread Christopher Mancini
Greetings Riak Users!

Yesterday we released the awaited rewrite for the Official PHP client for Riak 
supporting version 2 features (bucket types, CRDTs, and user authentication 
over TLS). The library uses the HTTP interface to communicate with Riak and 
requires PHP version 5.4 or newer as well as the JSON and cURL PHP extensions.

It's available via composer: 

Simply add the following to your composer.json file within your project:

 "require": { "basho/riak": "2.0.*" },

The github repo can be found here: 

API docs are published here: 

Christopher Mancini
riak-users mailing list