AW: Hyper-Lorentzian effect on quantitative analysis

2021-03-03 Thread Uwe Kolitsch
> But with some electronic transmission analysis no amorphous is observed.

Could the TEM investigation have led to recrystallisation?
Have you tried polarised-light microscopy to check the character of the 
amorphous phase?

Cheers, Uwe

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [] Im Auftrag 
von Wörle Michael
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 03. März 2021 15:32
Betreff: AW: Hyper-Lorentzian effect on quantitative analysis

Dear François,
Maybe you have a strongly disordered system. Depending on the type of disorder 
and the distribution of diffuse intensity, it can also have an influence on the 
reflection profile (thermal diffuse scattering).

Dr. Michael Wörle
Head Small Molecule Crystallography Center Laboratorium für Anorganische Chemie 
ETH Zürich HCI H103 Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1
CH-8093 Zürich

Tel.:   +41 44 632 5684
FAX:  +41 44 632 1149


The Zurich School of Crystallography,
University of Zurich, June 6-17, 2021

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [] Im Auftrag 
von François Goutenoire
Gesendet: Wednesday, 3 March 2021 13:34
Betreff: Hyper-Lorentzian effect on quantitative analysis

Dear Rietveld users,

I have some industrial compound presenting a strong hyper-Lorentzian peak shape 
(eta=1.1 with HighScore). When we calculate the amorphous content after an 
internal standard addition, the result is 40%. The micro-absorption effect has 
been minimized (mu of the internal standard is closed to the compound).

But with some electronic transmission analysis no amorphous is observed.

The question is : Does a strong hyper-Lorentzian peak shape could influence 
quantitative analysis ?


Skype Entreprise visio conférence
Département des Oxydes et Fluorures
Institut des Molécules et des Matériaux du Mans IMMM - UMR CNRS 6283 Université 
du Maine - Avenue Olivier Messiaen
F-72085 Le Mans Cedex 9
Formation Rietveld CNRS 2020
Formation EDX CNRS 2020
Formation SAXS et Réflectivités pour couches minces et matériaux nanostructurés.

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AW: Stoichiometry and occupancy fractions of solid solutions

2016-12-19 Thread Uwe Kolitsch
Dear Othman,

You should check if the synthesised grains in your powder are chemically
homogeneous of if they show any zonation due to growth processes. Variable
chemistry will cause broadened and/or asymmetric peaks

Are vacancies known to occur in this class of compounds? The conditions of
preparation might be important (synthesis in air or something else?).





Von: [] Im Auftrag
von Othman Al Bahri
Gesendet: Montag, 19. Dezember 2016 09:54
Betreff: Stoichiometry and occupancy fractions of solid solutions


Dear all,


I've made a series of solid solution powders using a solid state reaction in
the form A2B3-xCxO12 at x= 0.5 steps. A2B3O12 is orthorhombic while A2C3O12
is monoclinic. I'm refining the XRD data to find the atomic distribution of
the solute. 


I've constrained the sum of the occupancy fractions for each relevant site
to equal 1. At low concentrations of the solute, I initially set the
solute's occupancy fractions to 0 and keep the solvent's occupancy at 1 then
refine the fractions (after following the usual Rietveld refinement steps).
This seems to give reasonable occupancy fraction values (no big numbers or
negative values) but the stoichiometry is way off. This is probably because
each site has different Wykoff multiplicities so constraining the sum of
each site's fractions to 1 is insufficient.


Let's assume that I knew the stoichiometry from Mass Spectroscopy or XPS -
is there a way to constrain the stiochiometry in a Rietveld refinement? I'm
using GSAS-II and comfortable with FullProf but feel free to give advice for
any other open-source software.


I've seen a few papers where the authors mention, typically in the
supplementary info, that their refinements' stoichiometry was off and that
it should be ignored. However I'm not comfortable with this approach and
would appreciate your advice.


This is my first time working with solid solutions so please feel free to
offer any general advice on what I should be careful with. I've tested for
phase mixtures (insolubility) by visually comparing my XRD patterns with the
sum of simulated XRD patterns of molar mixtures and through Rietveld
refinements with two phases. The system I'm working with has been reported
but the original authors didn't do Rietveld refinements - they were
interested in physical property measurements.


Kind Regards,



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Re: peak position of W L-alpha for Cu X-ray tube

2006-08-07 Thread uwe . kolitsch

> can you remind me what the peak position of the tungsten L-alpha for the Cu
> X-ray tube? 

Univ.-Doz. Dr. Uwe Kolitsch
Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie
Geozentrum, Universität Wien
Althanstr. 14 
A-1090 Wien
Tel +43-1-4277-53239
Fax +43-1-4277-9532

Re: Bazhenovite

2001-09-14 Thread Uwe Kolitsch

Dear Armel,
obviously the structure of bazhenovite is unknown (although bright 
orange to yellow, tabular xls up to 5 mm were reported). 
The mineral is said to be the monoclinic analog of the synthetic 
rhombic compound CaS5.CaS2O3.6Ca(OH)2.20H2O (Lutz, H. D. 
et al, 1969). 
I don't know about the stability - maybe it's discussed in the 
original publication. I could give you the contact address of a 
Russian colleague who should know more about this mineral 
(contact me off-list then). 

Regards, Uwe

> Hello,
> Any opinion of the eminent mineralogists members
> of this mailing list welcome about bazhenovite (ICDD-JCPDS
> card No 42-1361 and 22-0154) Ca8S5(S2O3)(OH)12.(H2O)20
> Is the structure determined ?
> If not, are the cell and space group dubious or not ?
> Anyway, is the compound stable in air ?
> Thanks a lot,
> Armel Le Bail

Dr. Uwe Kolitsch
Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie 
Universität Wien 
Althanstr. 14 
A-1090 Wien 
Tel +43-1-4277-53239
Fax +43-1-4277-9532
home page:

Re: Minerals with unknown structure (>300)

2001-07-30 Thread Uwe Kolitsch

Dear Armel,
it's a very good idea to put such a list on the web. If it is regularly 
updated it would also help to spread structural information faster than 
the ICSD (which is always lagging behind a considerable time), and 
would help to avoid double work. 

Please feel free to incorporate the information below.

Structures of the following minerals are already solved:

benauite (not on your list; our lab, to be published, CCD single-crystal 
cafetite (Krivovichev, pers. comm., to be published; CCD data)
hydrocerussite (Pluth et al., pers. comm., to be published; powder and 
single-crystal data)
duhamelite (our lab; member of descloizite group, CCD data, to be 
elyite (not on your list; Am. Mineral. 85 (2001), 1816-1821; CCD data).
kingite (not on your list; Pring, pers. comm., to be published, powder 
lavendulan (our lab, to be published, CCD data)
Marthozite (not on your list; Cooper, pers. comm., Can. Mineral. (in 
press); CCD data)
namibite (Am. Mineral. 85 (2000), 1298-1301; CCD data)
priceite (Pring, pers. comm., to be published, powder data)
pushcharovskite (Eur. J. Mineral. 12 (2000), 95-104; single-crystal data)
rankachite (not on your list; our lab, to be published, CCD single-crystal 
rimkorolgite (?) (I remember some paper on this one)
satterlyite (not on your list; our lab,Eur. J. Mineral. (in press); CCD data)
shcherbakovite (Krivovichev, pers. comm., to be published; CCD data)
trimounsite (not on your list; our lab, to be published, CCD data)
tuperssuatsiaite (Garvie, pers. comm., in press; CCD data)
uranopilite (Brugger, pers. comm., to be published)
wycheproofite (not on your list; our lab, to be published, CCD data)

Other minerals on the list are known to belong to a group of isostructural 
minerals; thus, their structures obviously only need to be refined.

Cheers, Uwe

Dr. Uwe Kolitsch
Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie 
Universität Wien 
Althanstr. 14 
A-1090 Wien 
Tel +43-1-4277-53239
Fax +43-1-4277-9532
home page:

Re: Site occupation factor in atoms

2001-07-13 Thread Uwe Kolitsch

No, there is no way, unfortunately (referring to V. 5.0). This also 
means that you have to be careful when you calculate a powder 
pattern with ATOMS - it doesn't take into account mixed 
occupancies, vacancies, etc.. 
(You may be able to trick the program a bit by choosing an 
element with an 'equivalent' no. of electrons.)


>   Dear All,
>   is there any way of defining the "site occupation factor" of an atom in
> the software "ATOMS"??
>   Gracias!!
>   ana
> -- 
> Ana Isabel Becerro
> Avda. Américo Vespucio s/n
> 41092 Sevilla (Spain)
> Tel: 34-95 4489576
> Fax: 34 95 4460665

Dr. Uwe Kolitsch
Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie 
Universität Wien 
Althanstr. 14 
A-1090 Wien 
Tel +43-1-4277-53239
Fax +43-1-4277-9532
home page:

Re: Information in Atom Program

2001-07-05 Thread Uwe Kolitsch

Dear Irini,
do you mean the program ATOMS by Eric Dowty?
Defining polyhedra in ATOMS is pretty straight forward by using 
Input1/Polyhedra (I am referring to version 5.0). 
Defining the no. of atoms or the size of the structure fragment 
drawn is done in Input1/Boundary. 

If you want to draw different polyhedra for identical cations then it 
would be easiest to just change the type of atoms. 

The inbuilt manual will help you in any other questions.


Dr. Uwe Kolitsch
Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie 
Universität Wien 
Althanstr. 14 
A-1090 Wien 
Tel +43-1-4277-53239
Fax +43-1-4277-9532
home page:

Re: cubic lithium niobium oxide

2001-05-25 Thread Uwe Kolitsch

Flux growth and crystal structure determination of trilithium niobate
Shishido et al. (1996)
J. Alloys Compounds 234, 256-259

Ukei et al. (1994)
Acta Cryst. C50, 655-656. 

Synthesis and structures of the partially ordered rock salt phases, 
Li3M2XO6: M = Mg, Co, Ni; X = Nb, Ta, Sb.  
Mather et al. (1995)
Mater. Chem. 5, 1177-1182

Cheers, Uwe

Dr. Uwe Kolitsch
Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie 
Universität Wien 
Althanstr. 14 
A-1090 Wien 
Tel +43-1-4277-53239
Fax +43-1-4277-9532
home page:

Re: LaAlO3 structure

2001-03-07 Thread Uwe Kolitsch

E. Taspinar and A.C. Tas (1997): Low-Temperature Chemical Synthesis of 
 Lanthanum Monoaluminate. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 80 [1], 133-141.  
(contains results of Rietveld refinement of rhombohedral LaAlO3)

H. Lehnert, H. Boysen, J. Schneider, F. Frey, D. Hohlwein, P. Radaelli, H. 
Ehrenberg (2000): A powder diffraction study of the phase transition in 
LaAlO3. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 2000, 215, 536-541.  

H. Lehnert, H. Boysen, P. Dreier, Y. Yu (2000): Room temperature 
structure of LaAlO3. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 215, 145-xx.  

Dr. Uwe Kolitsch
Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie 
Universität Wien 
Althanstr. 14 
A-1090 Wien 
Tel +43-1-4277-53239
Fax +43-1-4277-9532
home page:

Re: Database stories

2001-02-11 Thread Uwe Kolitsch

In the latest edition of the ICSD there is actually the entry of 
khademite you found (Bachet et al., 1981). The ICSD collection 
code is 41-562. 

Cheers, Uwe

Dr. Uwe Kolitsch
Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie 
Universität Wien 
Althanstr. 14 
A-1090 Wien 
Tel +43-1-4277-53239
Fax +43-1-4277-9532
home page:

Re: Natrite - Na2 CO3

2000-11-09 Thread Uwe Kolitsch
  0.0230  0.
 (1) (5) (3)(10)
  Na 30.0050  0.0148  0.0157  0.  0.0030  0.
 (1) (4) (3) (1)
  C  10.0025  0.0073  0.0059  0.  0.0010  0.
 (1) (6) (4) (2)
  O  10.0031  0.0190  0.0115  0.  0.0035  0.
 (1) (6) (3) (2)
  O  20.0058  0.0093  0.0135  0.0014  0.0020 -0.0008
 (2) (7) (3) (4) (2) (4)
 REM  MOD (modulated/incommensurate structure)
 REM  M PDF 37-451
 RVAL 0.108
 TEST Calculated density unusual but tolerable. (Code 23)

Dr. Uwe Kolitsch
Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie 
Universität Wien 
Althanstr. 14 
A-1090 Wien 
Tel +43-1-4277-53239
Fax +43-1-4277-9532
home page:

Re: Structure of Gorgeyite

2000-11-06 Thread Uwe Kolitsch
 -X- -Y- -Z-  -SOF-
  Ca 1  2.0008f  0.14857(4)  0.48314(4)  0.42274(10)
  Ca 2  2.0008f  0.28210(4)  0.20681(4)  0.37465(10)
  Ca 3  2.0004e  1/2 1/4 0.08789(14)
  K  1  1.0008f  0.06662(5)  0.08944(6)  0.10865(13)
  S  1  6.0008f  0.36792(5)  0.08811(5)  0.41503(11)
  S  2  6.0008f  0.42453(5)  0.38308(4)  0.09998(11)
  S  3  6.0008f  0.21580(4)  0.34618(4)  0.38849(11)
  O  1 -2.0008f  0.10118(11) 0.42389(11) 0.1067(3)
  O  2 -2.0008f  0.13631(10) 0.34132(11) 0.4722(3)
  O  3 -2.0008f  0.41207(10) 0.17381(10) 0.3614(3)
  O  4 -2.0008f  0.38070(11) 0.03539(11) 0.2693(3)
  O  5 -2.0008f  0.27828(10) 0.07444(11) 0.4247(3)
  O  6 -2.0008f  0.20250(11) 0.28060(11) 0.2256(3)
  O  7 -2.0008f  0.26207(11) 0.42879(10) 0.3288(3)
  O  8 -2.0008f  0.39780(11) 0.31376(11) 0.2344(3)
  O  9 -2.0008f  0.14414(10) 0.12189(11) 0.4669(3)
  O 10 -2.0008f  0.23774(11) 0.17762(11) 0.0397(3)
  O 11 -2.0008f  0.44686(11) 0.45739(11) 0.2109(3)
  O 12 -2.0008f  0.00564(11) 0.11918(11) 0.4841(3)
  OH2   13 -2.0004e  0.  1/4 0.2308(5)
  H  1  1.0008f  8 Atoms not located in Unit Cell
 WYCK f18 e2
 ITF  Ca  1   B=0.57(2)
 ITF  Ca  2   B=0.59(2)
 ITF  Ca  3   B=0.63(2)
 ITF  K   1   B=1.70(2)
 ITF  S   1   B=0.54(2)
 ITF  S   2   B=0.52(2)
 ITF  S   3   B=0.50(2)
 ITF  O   1   B=1.13(2)
 ITF  O   2   B=1.07(2)
 ITF  O   3   B=1.10(2)
 ITF  O   4   B=1.05(2)
 ITF  O   5   B=0.94(2)
 ITF  O   6   B=1.14(2)
 ITF  O   7   B=0.99(2)
 ITF  O   8   B=1.12(2)
 ITF  O   9   B=1.01(2)
 ITF  O  10   B=0.99(2)
 ITF  O  11   B=1.24(2)
 ITF  O  12   B=1.00(2)
 ITF  O  13   B=2.48(2)
 REM  H Anisotropic temperature factors used in the refinment but 
  given in the paper
 REM  M PDF 19-997
 REM  M entry = 20778
 RVAL 0.026
 TEST Calculated density unusual but tolerable. (Code 23)

Dr. Uwe Kolitsch
Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie 
Universität Wien 
Althanstr. 14 
A-1090 Wien 
Tel +43-1-4277-53239
Fax +43-1-4277-9532
home page:

Re: Calcium iron titanium oxide

2000-11-01 Thread Uwe Kolitsch

Dear Bruce,
the following is from the ICSD database (only one entry for the 

COL  ICSD Collection Code 203100
 DATE Recorded Dec 27, 1990
 NAME Tricalcium titanium diiron(III) oxide
 FORM Ca3 Ti Fe2 O8
  = Ca3 Fe2 O8 Ti
 TITL Perovskite Threefold Superlattices: A Structure Determination 
  the A3 M3 O8 Phase
 REF  Materials Research Bulletin
  MRBUA 24 (1989) 423-430
 AUT  Rodriguez Carvajal J, Vallet RegiÿM, Gonzalez CalbetÿJÿM
 CELL a=5.530(0) b=11.205(1) c=5.438(0) à=90.0 á=90.0 ç=90.0
  V=336.9 Z=2
 SGR  P c m 21  (26) - orthorhombic
 CLAS mm2   (Hermann-Mauguin) - C2v (Schoenflies)
 PRS  oP28
 ANX  A3B3X8
 PARM Atom__No OxStat  Wyck -X- -Y- -Z-  -SOF-
  Fe 1  3.0002a  0.309(2)0.  0.050(2)
  Ti 1  4.0004c  0.258(1)0.3303(5)   0.0.5
  Fe 2  3.0004c  0.258(1)0.3303(5)   0.0.5
  Ca 1  2.0002b  0.234(2)1/2 0.486(4)
  Ca 2  2.0004c  0.225(1)0.1884(5)   0.526(3)
  O  1 -2.0002a  0.398(6)0.  0.410(6)
  O  2 -2.0002b  0.316(5)1/2-0.010(7)
  O  3 -2.0004c  0.169(3)0.144(2)   -0.018(5)
  O  4 -2.0004c -0.010(5)0.353(2)0.227(7)
  O  5 -2.0004c  0.469(5)0.300(2)0.281(6)
 WYCK c5 b2 a2
 ITF  Fe  1   B=0.57(4)
 ITF  Ti  1   B=0.57(4)
 ITF  Fe  2   B=0.57(4)
 ITF  Ca  1   B=0.57(4)
 ITF  Ca  2   B=0.57(4)
 ITF  O   1   B=0.57(4)
 ITF  O   2   B=0.57(4)
 ITF  O   3   B=0.57(4)
 ITF  O   4   B=0.57(4)
 ITF  O   5   B=0.57(4)
 REM  XDP (X-ray diffraction from a powder)
 RVAL 0.128

Dr. Uwe Kolitsch
Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie 
Universität Wien 
Althanstr. 14 
A-1090 Wien 
Tel +43-1-4277-53239
Fax +43-1-4277-9532
home page: