RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-27 Thread Armel Le Bail

Jon Wright wrote :

PS: Any offers other than GSAS and multipattern fullprof for actually
doing these fits? 

Yes  ARITVE, for amorphous compounds :

Nevertheless, ARITVE can work also for crystallized compounds
with simple profile shape (gaussian only), and no zeropoint,
and etc : do not try !

I have tested a combined Rietveld refinement on calculated
neutron and X-ray data for CuVO3. Good news, the neutron data
inclusion does not seem to degrade the X-ray result ;-). However
ARITVE works by using f/f**2 values, so that the X-ray data
looks like neutron ones : no intensity decrease at large angle...


Armel Le Bail - Université du Maine, Laboratoire des Fluorures,
CNRS ESA 6010, Av. O. Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France

Re: [RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements]

1999-05-25 Thread Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble

If we have an atom that is seen by one
radiation and not by the other there will be a degradation in the quality of
the parameters by combining the refinement in the current fashion. 

Do you mean for example that we might degrade the parameters of a V atom 
by introducing neutron data ?

I don't think this is true, but it is an interesting question.  If we were to
extrapolate this argument "ad absurdum" we could say that because some
reflections (for a given radiation) do not give any information about some 
parameters (easy to demonstrate) then we would obtain better estimates 
for those parameters by removing those reflections from the least squares 
process.  (Surely untrue :-)

What is true is that if we introduce systematic errors by combining 
radiations, we may indeed degrade the result.  For example if we have
serious preferred orientation with a very small X-ray sample, it is
probably unwise to introduce this biased information into the refinement
of the neutron data, where there may be less bias because of the average
over a much larger volume.  

But if the data is not biased, you must always (?) do better by including
more data, with for example combined X-ray and neutron refinements.

Surely, it
would be better to use a new weighting function for the atomic parameters,
that is dependent on the scattering lengths for each radiation.

Playing around with weighting schemes is to enter dangerous territory.

Alan H.

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE [EMAIL PROTECTED] tel (33)  fax (33)

Re: [Re: [RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements]]

1999-05-25 Thread Andrew Wills


I am not suggesting removing reflections. But, I think that we should make
sure that we are combining the data in the best possible way. If we know have
strong information on a vanadium position from X-rays and (extrapolate again)
have only noise from neutrons, then stastically introducing the neutron data
whilst no changing the best fit will degrade the least - squares approach to
it. The final structure should fit all data, but are we approaching it
optimally? I know that this is a can of worms, but it is good to think about
what we are doing as combined refinements will continue to become less exotic.

Andrew Wills
Centre D'Études Nucléaires de Grenoble

"Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If we have an atom that is seen by one
radiation and not by the other there will be a degradation in the quality of
the parameters by combining the refinement in the current fashion. 

Do you mean for example that we might degrade the parameters of a V atom 
by introducing neutron data ?

I don't think this is true, but it is an interesting question.  If we were to
extrapolate this argument "ad absurdum" we could say that because some
reflections (for a given radiation) do not give any information about some 
parameters (easy to demonstrate) then we would obtain better estimates 
for those parameters by removing those reflections from the least squares 
process.  (Surely untrue :-)

What is true is that if we introduce systematic errors by combining 
radiations, we may indeed degrade the result.  For example if we have
serious preferred orientation with a very small X-ray sample, it is
probably unwise to introduce this biased information into the refinement
of the neutron data, where there may be less bias because of the average
over a much larger volume.  

But if the data is not biased, you must always (?) do better by including
more data, with for example combined X-ray and neutron refinements.

Surely, it
would be better to use a new weighting function for the atomic parameters,
that is dependent on the scattering lengths for each radiation.

Playing around with weighting schemes is to enter dangerous territory.

Alan H.

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE [EMAIL PROTECTED] tel (33)  fax (33)

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RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-25 Thread P . G . Radaelli

Jon Wright wrote:

I guess the degradation which is found would come from parameters which
are determined by both datasets and come out with different values in each
separate refinement. 

Not necessarily.  In order to get the ESD, the variance-covariance matrix is
multiplied by chi^2, and the roots of the diagonal elements are taken.
Therefore, if the chi^2 of the combined refinement is worse than that of the
individual ones, the ESD will automatically be worsened.  I think this is by
far the commonest case.  Also, by adding reflections that are insensitive to
a given parameter my feeling is that you increase the esd on that parameter
even if chi^2=1, but the proof of this is too tedious.


RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-25 Thread Ed Cussen

As chi^2 is a function of the number of data points included in the
refinement, combined refinements have considerably improved values for a
total chi^2 when compared with refinements carried out against individual
data sets.  

Correspondingly the ESDs in the combined refinement output should be
significantly lower than those obtained from a single data set refinement
unless there is something drastically wrong with the application of
combined refinement to the particular problem (e.g. preferred orientation,
surface vs bulk etc).  

It is my experience that the combined refinement chi^2 is always lower
than that obtained from using just (say) the neutron data.  We have
frequently collected data sets at both room temperature and 5 K using D2b. 
The room temperature data are refined simultaneously with lab X-ray data
to give a chi^2 of 2.02 whilst the D2b data collected at 5 K refined as a
single data set gives chi^2 of 4.53 (published in JACS, 1999, 121,
3958-3967).  In my experience this improvement in chi^2 is typical. 

Eddie Cussen

Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory,
Department of Chemistry,
University of Oxford,
South Parks Road,
Oxford, OX1 3QR
United Kingdom
tel: (..44)(0)1865-272602
Fax: (..44)(0)1865-272690

On Tue, 25 May 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jon Wright wrote:
 I guess the degradation which is found would come from parameters which
 are determined by both datasets and come out with different values in each
 separate refinement. 
 Not necessarily.  In order to get the ESD, the variance-covariance matrix is
 multiplied by chi^2, and the roots of the diagonal elements are taken.
 Therefore, if the chi^2 of the combined refinement is worse than that of the
 individual ones, the ESD will automatically be worsened.  I think this is by
 far the commonest case.  Also, by adding reflections that are insensitive to
 a given parameter my feeling is that you increase the esd on that parameter
 even if chi^2=1, but the proof of this is too tedious.

RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-25 Thread Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble

I guess the degradation which is found would come from parameters which
are determined by both datasets and come out with different values in each
separate refinement. 

If they come out differently it is because they are differently biased by 
different systematic errors in the data not described by the model.  

Not necessarily.  In order to get the ESD, the variance-covariance matrix is
multiplied by chi^2, and the roots of the diagonal elements are taken.
Therefore, if the chi^2 of the combined refinement is worse than that of the
individual ones, the ESD will automatically be worsened.

You may also get a higher chi^2 with higher resolution data, so does that 
mean that the structure will be less well determined with hi res data ?

I think not, because the correlation between structural parameters should 
then be smaller - even if you have more points to fit with the same number
of parameters, and the peak shapes are less well described by the model.
You should similarly do better if you have both X-ray and neutron data 
(in the absence of bias).

Also, by adding reflections that are insensitive to
a given parameter my feeling is that you increase the esd on that parameter
even if chi^2=1, but the proof of this is too tedious. 

Tedious and also impossible ? (This sounds like a contradiction in terms)
There is no case you can make based on pure statistics or the mathematics 
of refinement.  The only way combined refinement can be worse is if you 
introduce bias through systematic error (which unfortunately may happen).

... in most cases that the ESD's are underestimated.

Mainly because the ESD's are only correctly calculated if the model
is CAPABLE of fitting the data.  This is not usually true when systematic 
errors are important compared to statistical errors, since the model is
usually not capable of describing these systematic errors fully - 
background, texture etc... 

The conclusion is that you should use combined refinements provided that
one set of data does not contain important uncorrected systematic errors.

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE [EMAIL PROTECTED] tel (33)  fax (33)

RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-25 Thread Jon Wright

On Tue, 25 May 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Not necessarily.  In order to get the ESD, the variance-covariance matrix is
 multiplied by chi^2, and the roots of the diagonal elements are taken.

The justification for multiplying by chi^2 is to assume that the
systematic errors are really just due to overestimated counting statistics
and you can rescale the weight of each data point accordingly. A question
arises as to whether you should rescale each pattern's esds according to
the individual patterns chi^2 or do you have to use the overall chi^2 for
both together?

Thinking of an (over-determined) D20 data and an (under-determined) lab
x-ray data set then it makes sense to rescale errors for the D20 data but
not the x-ray (common sense?!). It seems as if the method for calculating
the esd's is nonsense - surely one can only justify rescaling the weights
on a per dataset basis. The systematic errors which are being accounted
for in each dataset are different. Fullprof (multipattern) does give a
chi^2 per pattern although I don't know how it gets the esd's, GSAS
doesn't so I assume it degrades the esd's. (I read that the multiplication
by chi^2 has no basis in statistics anyway :)  

So is it compulsory to multiply by the overall chi^2? If not then I see no
reason for a degradation unless the individual fits get worse due to a
disagreement over a parameter. 

 Therefore, if the chi^2 of the combined refinement is worse than that of the
 individual ones, the ESD will automatically be worsened.  I think this is by
 far the commonest case. 

Agreed although I'm interpreting it as an odd method for estimating an
error. Is it set in stone?

  Also, by adding reflections that are insensitive to
 a given parameter my feeling is that you increase the esd on that parameter
 even if chi^2=1, but the proof of this is too tedious.

Can you direct me to a text with this tedious proof? My feeling is that if
the derivative of a data point w.r.t a parameter is small or zero then it
does not affect the LSQ calculation unless it alters the chi^2.  If the
chi^2 is 1 then how do an extra bunch of zero derivatives affect an
esd??? For example adding or excluding background regions shouldn't alter
the esd's on positions provided the chi^2 is unchanged. 

Is there anything other than GSAS for doing combined fits anyway?
Apologies to the list if I am displaying my ignorance, sometimes it's the
quickest way to learn.

Jon Wright

PS: Sorry to pick at your comments Paolo, it's a shame I'm not at RAL at
the moment. Could have discussed it out over a coffee...

RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-25 Thread Jon Wright

On Tue, 25 May 1999, Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble wrote:

 I guess the degradation which is found would come from parameters which
 are determined by both datasets and come out with different values in each
 separate refinement. 
 If they come out differently it is because they are differently biased by 
 different systematic errors in the data not described by the model.  

I was thinking of C-H (D) bondlengths from x-ray and neutron data. Don't
they come out differently if you use spherical form factors for the x-ray
data? I guess a neutron expert might look on this as an systematic error
in the x-ray model :) Maybe not if one looks on the x-ray refinement as
fitting of the electron density function, rather than the nuclear 
positions. For bonding studies it is the differences which are of 

Jon Wright.

PS: Any offers other than GSAS and multipattern fullprof for actually
doing these fits? 

RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-25 Thread Lubomir Smrcok

On Tue, 25 May 1999, Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble wrote:

 Mainly because the ESD's are only correctly calculated if the model
 is CAPABLE of fitting the data.  This is not usually true when systematic 
 errors are important compared to statistical errors, since the model is
 usually not capable of describing these systematic errors fully - 
 background, texture etc... 
...and weights.


Re: [RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements]

1999-05-23 Thread Andrew Wills

Dear All,

Firstly, it was a pleasure to return to my email and read an interesting 
discussion on combined refinements. It is good to have aired some of the
problems and limitations (e.g. are neutrons and X-rays seeing the 'same'
sample?). With a simplistic view, this technique must be the way ahead as we
are adding together more independent information. A good question to raise
now, is how we should do it best. If we have an atom that is seen by one
radiation and not by the other there will be a degradation in the quality of
the parameters by combining the refinement in the current fashion. Surely, it
would be better to use a new weighting function for the atomic parameters,
that is dependent on the scattering lengths for each radiation. Ignoring the
systematic errors that differ between neutrons and X-rays , perhaps the
question that should be raised is how to best combine the information that
each dataset holds.


Andrew Wills (Dr)
Centre D'Études Nucléaires de Grenoble


Tao, the easiest way to add a list of atoms to a GSAS phase is by manual
editing of the .exp file. I have a little program (DOS) that does this if you
are interested.

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-11 Thread Dr. Jaap Vente

What Armel is describing is precisely the way we started. We used it when
required, discussed over a few pints whether it was a good idea or not,
and came to the conclusion that it was. Later we tried it also on
refinements where the need was not so clear, and now it is routine. I have
not read any real arguments against it. But may be I am blind to that.

Further, my remarks related the oxides were more directed at the
precision/esd of the oxide position. Of course I do know where the oxides
are within say 0.05A but i want it an order of magnitude better. Remember
that most structural distortions in metal oxides are due to displacements
of the oxide sublattice and often you fail to observe that with X-rays. 

With regard to the "brown envelope" technique. I am not such a fan of
that. It is very hard for a beam line scientist the know whether the data
collected are as desired, have a good enough s/r ratio etc, which details
to look for. In addition, the last few years when we went we had more
samples that we good run sensibly. For that reason I use 'on the fly'
refinements  to check whether things are going OK. With respect to the
additional costs, what are the daily running costs of say D2b or HRPD,
10,000-15,000 dollar orso? The travel costs are than a relative small part
of the total cost involved.  

 refinement was really fruitful (speaking of V atoms comes certainly to
 mind, but why not prepare an isomorphous sample without V ?-).

Because you want to study the V containing sample of course! 

Now I will go to the beach and dive into that glorious caribean sea and
wash my soul of all my recent sins.



Jaap Vente
Cinvestav-IPN Unidad Merida
Departamento de Fisica Aplicada
Carretera Ant. a Progreso km 6
Apartado Postal #73 Cordemex
Merida, Yucatan, 97310
Fax: (..) 52 - 99 - 812917
Tel: (..) 52 - 99 - 812960 ext 246/233

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-11 Thread Jon Wright

On Tue, 11 May 1999, Armel Le Bail wrote:

 I already suggested to install such an "automatic" powder diffractometer
 at ILL. As Alan wrote recently, this could be a question of manpower.
 I think that this is rather a local political question : it is not a very
 interesting job for a human being to be a simple sample loader...

A scheme like this could open up NPD to a wider range of users which would
inevitably mean new users...? The simple loader might get involved in a
lot of collaborations by returing refinement results instead of just raw
data. They would also be in a unique position to offer the odd favour here
and there. So long as it doesn't mean getting up every six hours then I
think it sounds like a fantastic job. 

In any case - since simaltaneous fitting is being discussed - I have
a question about multipattern fullprof which is now available as a beta
version. It appears you can assign the statistical weight to each pattern,
and in the example x-rays and neutrons are weighted equally. I'm wondering
what the best choice is. Each observation comes with a statistical weight
from the experiment? Isn't it a sin to alter that?

Jon Wright

  PhD Student, Dept. of Chemistry, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EW, UK

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-10 Thread Dr. Jaap Vente

Let start to cut the crap and go to Armel's real reason not to use a
combined refinement:

 Of course this is only kidding and provocative opinion, as
 usual. I love both radiations, indeed. However, I tend to think
 that a simultaneous refinement could eventually degrade
 the heavy atom position accuracy AND degrade the light
 atoms accuracy. The former being better from the X-ray only
 and the latter from the neutron only, not to speak of the various
 problems that hurt me like, for instance :

Do not agree!
If you work on any transition metal oxide, what I am doing all the time,
you will find that the oxide position are basically not determined. OK I
work a lot with heavy elements like lanthanide's and iridium and the like.
But in general the x-ray are very insensitive to where the oxides are. Not
the forget the oxide content! So they do not effect the positions as
required by the neutrons. Things can be even more true the other way
around. e.g when you have a random dirtribution of either Ti or Mn and
another metal you can have scattering lengths of zero. 

 - the need to refine two sets of cell parameters, inevitably
 slightly different if both data are of high resolution.

Basically what you mean is that the neutron diffractometer is not properly
calibrated. Well a combined refinement in which you refine the neutron
wavelength is than the answer! Recently I ran two different samples on
D2b, and refined lambda:
sample 11.59362(5)
sample 21.59354(5)
well that is very similar isn't it. I have read people stating on this
e-mail list that they don't trust cell parameters after the third decimal. 

 - not exactly the same temperature

True, but you can control that if you want to, and in general does bot
seem to be the biggest pain.

 - bulk with neutrons, surface with X-ray

What? Do you propose to throw all the single crystall structure
determinations in the bin, out of the window or where else because it is a
surface technique? Of course the penetration depth of x-ray is a lot
smaller than that of neutrons, but it remains a bulk technique. Thank god
other wise we would still be cleaving those large single crystals. I dare
to say that you can study the bulk structure even with electrons, which
have an even smaller penetration depth.  
Of course you have to be carefull as Brian Toby pointed out. But in those
cases you either a non-homogeneous sample, or a phase transformation which
does happen on the slow cooling central parts of the particles but not on
the fast cooling outer regions of the particle. In those cased it is back
to the preparation lab. 

 Giving the results of 2 independent refinements seems better 
 to me.

But which journal is going to accept that!

Finally Armel, in my view an attempt the split the Rietveld community in
two, i.e. in house X-ray and central facility neutrons, is artificial. By
teh way did you note that someone called Mark Weller was on your neutron
list as well. As far as I know, he has been working in Southampton for
some time now. So there is hope for ordinairy university based scientist
to use neutrons!



Jaap Vente
Cinvestav-IPN Unidad Merida
Departamento de Fisica Aplicada
Carretera Ant. a Progreso km 6
Apartado Postal #73 Cordemex
Merida, Yucatan, 97310
Fax: (..) 52 - 99 - 812917
Tel: (..) 52 - 99 - 812960 ext 246/233

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-10 Thread Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble

The neutron fit will be
completely insensitive to the V positions and the x-rays insensitive to
the D positions. (This is easily verified.) 

Before some-one else says they can see hydrogen with x-rays, Mike
Glazer, Bill David and I saw vanadium with neutrons. So let's just 
say "insensitive" but not "completely". Otherwise I agree :-) 
Combined refinements are sometimes necessary and a good thing.

1. David, W. I. F., Glazer, A. M. and Hewat, A. W. (1979) Phase Transitions  1, 155-69.
The structure and ferroelastic phase transition of bismuth vanadate (BiVO4).

 And its not even in ICSD :-(

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE [EMAIL PROTECTED] tel (33)  fax (33)

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-10 Thread Larry W. Finger

At 07:08 PM 5/10/99 +0200, Armel wrote:

PS- take the Rietveld Round Robin PbSO4 X-ray pattern and omit
the O atoms, you will have RB~15%. Make a Fourier difference
and you will see if the "light" atoms are so light, when using good data.
When I remember my crystallography courses 25 years ago, maybe, 
I see the decomposition of the structure factor by atom pairs. O atoms
are involved not only in O-O pairs, but also in Pb-O and S-O pairs,
fortunately. In many cases, like Li2TbF6, or LiSbWO6 and so on, I had
no difficulty to see the Li atoms in the Fourier syntheses, by X-ray.
Hence not a large need of neutrons, but in a few cases.

Armel could "see" the Li atoms from X-ray data, and I found the H in
AlSiO3(OH) (Schmidt et al., American Mineralogist 83, 881, 1998) with
powder data in a 3-phase mixture. It was clearly visible in the difference
Fourier and could be refined with reasonable distances and thermal factors.
I think all would agree that this was an unusual case, and that one would
not normally expect to find H atoms from X-ray powder data.

Clearly it is important to have a variety of tools in your arsenal and use
whatever of them you need. In addition, make certain that your scientific
administrators and legislators understand the need for neutron facilities!


Geophysical Laboratory  Phone: +1 (202) 686-2410 X 2464
5251 Broad Branch Road N.W. FAX:   +1 (202) 686-2419
Washington, DC 20015-1305, USA    Note NEW URL

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-10 Thread Lubomir Smrcok

On Mon, 10 May 1999, Armel Le Bail wrote:

 published combined X-ray and neutron refinements. Am I so far
 from the truth if I estimate the number of published works combining
 X-ray and neutron in a single refinement to, say less than 20 cases ? I 
 would like to see, in the 10 next years, this number increase to, say, 1000,
 for being convinced that this is really a way that should be adopted.
 But I do not believe it. Such combined refinements will stay anecdotal
 (or elitist if you prefer), reserved to specific cases, or to those having
 easy access to both radiations.
this discussion has gone too far from the starting point. The question
really isn't "neutrons Yes/No", but if all of us have equal access to all
sources. People from both NIST, Grenoble or RAL would, no doubt, answer
yes, why not ?  Well, if I were there I wouldn't hesitate for a moment, 
but if I am outside, there are plenty of time and financial but NO
scientific constraints. I think the most of us would be happy if they
could access neutron sources as easily as their in-lab machines.
Do not agree, please. The days before GLASGOW are so boring ...

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-10 Thread Armel Le Bail

this discussion has gone too far from the starting point. The question
really isn't "neutrons Yes/No", but if all of us have equal access to all
sources. People from both NIST, Grenoble or RAL would, no doubt, answer
yes, why not ?  Well, if I were there I wouldn't hesitate for a moment, 
but if I am outside, there are plenty of time and financial but NO
scientific constraints. I think the most of us would be happy if they
could access neutron sources as easily as their in-lab machines.
Do not agree, please. The days before GLASGOW are so boring ...

Sorry, Lubo, but I agree. However, when you speak of easy access
to a lab machine, you should account for some little problems
that sometimes lead to long breakdown. Breakdowns are democratically
distributed, even at ILL with the long reactor shutdown. Here with a
brand new Bruker D8 powder diffractometer, we had not access to
the machine longer than 3 months since December 1998, due to 
problems with bad ceramic tubes, random stop of the stepping
motors, files not saved at the end of measurements and so on.
Youth problems, may be. Have the happy buyers of the D8
similar problems (the Bruker mailing list if completely silent) ??

Armel Le Bail - Universite du Maine, Laboratoire des Fluorures,
CNRS ESA 6010, Av. O. Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France