On Mon, 10 May 1999, Armel Le Bail wrote:

> published combined X-ray and neutron refinements. Am I so far
> from the truth if I estimate the number of published works combining
> X-ray and neutron in a single refinement to, say less than 20 cases ? I 
> would like to see, in the 10 next years, this number increase to, say, 1000,
> for being convinced that this is really a way that should be adopted.
> But I do not believe it. Such combined refinements will stay anecdotal
> (or elitist if you prefer), reserved to specific cases, or to those having
> easy access to both radiations.
this discussion has gone too far from the starting point. The question
really isn't "neutrons Yes/No", but if all of us have equal access to all
sources. People from both NIST, Grenoble or RAL would, no doubt, answer
yes, why not ?  Well, if I were there I wouldn't hesitate for a moment, 
but if I am outside, there are plenty of time and financial but NO
scientific constraints. I think the most of us would be happy if they
could access neutron sources as easily as their in-lab machines.
Do not agree, please. The days before GLASGOW are so boring ...

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