Re: [ripe-list] New on the RIPE Labs Podcast: Frugal Computing for a Sustainable Internet

2023-11-01 Thread Nick Hilliard

Jim Reid wrote on 01/11/2023 13:09:

Yes. IMO anything that harvests Personal Data is spyware, more so
when there is no valid reason to gather those data.


I'm puzzled as to why you've posted this on a public mailing list, where 
you have no idea who the recipients are and how they might be harvesting 
your personal data :)

The RIPE NCC has a call to make about how to host content. Hosting 
podcasts on third party platforms gets wide distribution and frees up 
the NCC from the costs and overhead associated with self-hosting podcast 
content.  Bear it in mind that in other forums, people are complaining 
about the RIPE NCC's expenditure.

All podcost sites use cookies. The better ones are more up-front about 
it, and pop up banners before presenting content (+ cookies). Some will 
play the content while allowing users to reject "legitimate interest" as 
a basis for processing PII.

This should improve in time in the parts of the world with GDPR (EU + 
EEA). "Legitimate interest" has traditionally been the basis for some of 
the more invasive tracking programs, but the CJEU ruled earlier this 
year that legitimate interest is an inadequate argument to track users 
using identifiers without the data subject's consent.  In regard to 
consent, the GPDR is clear that consent means "consent, freely given". 
I.e. there should be no detriment if consent is not given, i.e. no more 
highwayman "consent or no content" choices.



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Re: [ripe-list] The Future of Discussion Lists

2023-05-29 Thread Nick Hilliard

Tim Bruijnzeels wrote on 28/05/2023 18:54:

[...] They are also archived, which helps this.
the more fundamental issue here is whether the content should be 
self-hosted or hosted using a third party content hosting system. I.e. 
if the third party becomes unworkable or disappears entirely, what 
happens the content?



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Re: [ripe-list] RIPE NCC Executive Board Resolution on Provision of Critical Services

2022-03-02 Thread Nick Hilliard

Bengt Gördén via ripe-list wrote on 02/03/2022 17:09:
RIPE NCC is located in the Netherlands and is therefore subject to Dutch 
law. So if Dutch government enforces sanctions, RIPE NCC will have to 
comply with those decisions, right?

yep, the RIPE NCC is legally obliged to comply with EU and NL sanctions 
lists.  The RIPE NCC has a documented procedure for handling sanctions, 
and it doesn't appear that this situation is different. There's a list here:

There's also an XML feed which is available for anyone who can log in 
with an eID.



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Re: [ripe-list] NomCom Disbanded - No More Blog

2021-05-26 Thread Nick Hilliard

Joe Abley wrote on 26/05/2021 15:53:

I think an archive of some kind might be useful for future reference.
The mechanics of building an archive seems like the kind of thing the
RIPE NCC is usually happy to take care of for RIPE community to me,
but perhaps there are difficulties there I'm not aware of.

The blog is already archived here:


Re: [ripe-list] [diversity] Updated Draft RIPE Code of Conduct Published for Community Review

2021-03-26 Thread Nick Hilliard

JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via ripe-list wrote on 26/03/2021 09:50:

I can't agree with that:

At this point, is there anything left that you do agree with? :)

1) Inputs from the legal team, should be open and transparently presented to 
the community.

Task forces, committees, etc have reporting structures which allow them 
room to do what they are tasked to do, and then report back.

There's no general principle which mandates that they need to report 
every single input, and doing so would slow down their work output to a 

2) As with any other documents, policies, etc., Community should be able to provide any 
inputs that we believe necessary, and not just "general principles or specific 

I don't believe any tf / committee has said that they don't want 
community input.  Most, or indeed all of them go out of their way to 
solicit this.

That's why we have mailing lists like, for example, diversity@.

I want to insist in asking what is the rational for excluding anyone from a TF,

Looking at this from a different point of view, you're asking whether 
people have the right to barge their way on to a task force or committee.

Could you point us to any TF structure or committee structure anywhere 
in the world which accepts this on a point of principle?


Re: [ripe-list] repeated and continued PDP violation - WG chairs delaying or denying proposal publication - new policy proposal "Ensure Neutrality of PDP Appeals Procedure"

2021-02-07 Thread Nick Hilliard

JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote on 07/02/2021 22:04:

El 7/2/21 22:49, "Nick Hilliard"  escribió:
 Incidentally, the duty to manage discussion isn't something specific to
 RIPE WG chairs - it's a general accepted principle about the rights and
 responsibilities of all chairs, regardless of what they're chairing.
 There's nothing unusual about the RIPE WG chair duties in this respect.

[Jordi] Again, where is that in the PDP? We can't accept a PDP that we can 
interpret in different ways when we (or the chairs) wish.


apologies, I tried to make it clear that this was not something specific 
to RIPE WG chairs, but maybe I wasn't clear enough:  it's not in the PDP 
because it's a generally accepted duty and responsibility of all chairs, 
everywhere.  If there were a need to document it explicitly - and I 
don't think there is a need - it would be in the WG Chair Job 
Description and Procedures document.


Re: [ripe-list] repeated and continued PDP violation - WG chairs delaying or denying proposal publication - new policy proposal "Ensure Neutrality of PDP Appeals Procedure"

2021-02-07 Thread Nick Hilliard

JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via ripe-list wrote on 07/02/2021 13:05:

Briefly, in several situation I've written policy proposals, and the
chairs of the WG, tried to convince me to not publish it, or actually
decided not to publish it, or delayed it.


without prejudice to any of the proposals that you've submitted to 
various working groups over the years, one of the jobs of a working 
group chair is to make a call on whether or not a proposal is suitable 
for their working group.

There are a lot of reasons for this, but the one of the generally 
accepted responsibilities of any chair is to ensure functional 
communication within a group and ensuring that the communication within 
the group is relevant and on-topic.  So, a chair is within their rights 
to decline to take on a proposal if they feel it's unlikely to achieve 
consensus, or if it's been discussed extensively already without 
consensus, or if it contains - in their opinion - proposals which would 
be highly unlikely to gain consensus, or if they feel that the proposal 
was inappropriate or out of scope for their particular working group, 
and so on.

In other words, regardless of whether or not it's stated explicitly in 
the PDP, the WG chair has leeway to accept or reject a proposal, as they 
see fit.

If a RIPE WG chair rejects a proposal, the PDP allows the proposer to 
forward the proposal to the RIPE Chair.  This would trigger an 
examination of the WG chair's decision.  External review always causes 
us to examine our actions more seriously, so it seems unlikely that a WG 
chair would reject a proposal lightly, as they can be held to account 
for their decision.

Incidentally, the duty to manage discussion isn't something specific to 
RIPE WG chairs - it's a general accepted principle about the rights and 
responsibilities of all chairs, regardless of what they're chairing. 
There's nothing unusual about the RIPE WG chair duties in this respect.


Re: [ripe-list] RIPE Working Group Chair Financial Support call for consensus by 15 June 2020

2020-06-04 Thread Nick Hilliard

Hans Petter Holen wrote on 04/06/2020 11:08:
The proposal is modelled after the RIPE Fellowship program and can be 
found at:

If there is consensus from the community on this I will do a formal 
request to the RIPE NCC for such support.

this is basically a sound idea.  Traditionally the RIPE community shied 
away from the idea of subsidising the event cost for both speakers and 
chairs on the basis that it was a community funded event, and that 
therefore the onus was on the community to contribute equally.  But 
there isn't a fundamental problem with facilitating people who have 
difficulty raising the (often substantial) amount of money required to 
attend a RIPE meeting in person.

All subject to reasonable policy, obviously. The RIPE Fellowship program 
shows how this sort of policy can work well and how it can add value for 


Re: [ripe-list] The NomCom Requests your Support

2020-05-27 Thread Nick Hilliard

Jan Zorz - Go6 wrote on 27/05/2020 13:48:
Are you suggesting that pausing or prolonging the process would make 
things look better?

No, I'm suggesting we need a pause to allow time for good hard think 
about the circumstances, and whether we'd end up with a better or worse 
outcome if changes were made as a result of that.


Re: [ripe-list] The NomCom Requests your Support

2020-05-27 Thread Nick Hilliard

Gert Doering wrote on 26/05/2020 07:20:

We have a document that tells us what to do.  We do that.

In the middle of the road, concerns are voiced that the document is not
good enough - which might be a valid statement or not, but how should it
affect the current process, given the simultaneously expressed support for
all the persons involved?

The problem is not with the process, or the document, and it is 
particularly not with the people involved.

The problem is with the roles that some of the people involved in this 
process hold within the RIPE NCC, and the relationship between those 
roles.  Specifically, the chair of the nomcom and one of the RIPE chair 
candidates are NCC employees who report to the RIPE NCC MD, who is also 
ad-interim RIPE Chair.

We have a bottom-line expectation that the RIPE Chair is independent of 
the RIPE NCC, and this position has been expressed unequivocally by the 

It is not tenable to hold this expectation and at the same time for the 
NomCom to be chaired by a RIPE NCC staff member, while one of the 
candidates is also a RIPE NCC staff member, and where the current RIPE 
Chair is the RIPE NCC MD.

This situation was further complicated mid-process by the announcement 
that the RIPE Chair position would be funded by the RIPE NCC, thereby 
raising further questions about the ability of the RIPE Chair to 
maintain independence from the RIPE NCC.

The timing of this announcement was also difficult, as it happened after 
the call for candidates was ended: this has likely cut out other people 
who may have been interested in the position but who could not afford to 
apply.  The reality is that most people are simply not in a position to 
work on a free-gratis basis for several years at a time.

If the NomCom follows through on the current trajectory, it will be 
difficult to defend against claims that the selection process and the 
resulting candidate were free from undue influence from the RIPE NCC. 
This will compromise the process, and the RIPE chair, and will raise 
questions about the RIPE Community's ability to govern itself.  This 
would be unfortunate and unnecessary.

As Erik Bais noted in a separate email, no-one is suggesting blowing up 
or restarting the nomcom or the process.  I think generally people 
recognise and are sympathetic to the fact that this is a difficult, 
awkward and delicate situation for all, and particularly for the 
candidates.  And also that it's a situation where external factors 
played a substantial part in forming.

For the moment, the process needs to be paused.

To move it forward:

1. if the positions of RIPE Chair and vice-Chair are to be paid, then 
the details of this need to be clarified, and if possible finalised, as 
soon as possible.  Given that this is a fundamental shift in the 
position spec, there will either need to be a new call for applicants or 
a pretty clear justification about why this is not possible.  As Gordon 
Lennox noted, sunk costs are not an adequate explanation.

2. The nomcom needs to consider whether people who are currently or have 
recently been working at the RIPE NCC at any level should be subject to 
timeout / grace periods to protect both the candidates and the position 
from suggestions of revolving doors.  There's plenty of precedent and 
experience in this area of governance.

3. the RIPE community needs to understand whether the NomCom can 
continue to assert that the process is independent of the RIPE NCC given 
not just the individual impact of the issues raised, but also the 
cumulative impact of these issues.

These are not easy questions to answer, or to remedy when they've been 


Re: [ripe-list] The NomCom Requests your Support

2020-05-25 Thread Nick Hilliard


The concerns that were raised on the ripe-chair-discuss mailing list 
haven't been addressed.

Rather than prompting for a mandate to "just get on with it", these 
issues need to be addressed.


Daniel Karrenberg via ripe-list wrote on 25/05/2020 15:44:

Dear Friends and Colleagues of the RIPE community,

If your feeling is something like "Oh no, not another long message from 
the NomCom! I wish they would just get on with it." you do not need to 
read further. It would certainly help us if you explicitly told us 
briefly to "just get on with it".





Daniel Karrenberg - Chair of the RIPE 2020 Nominating Committee.


Christian Kaufmann  - Chair of the RIPE NCC Executive Board,

Franziska Lichtblau - Chair of the RIPE Program Committee,

Hans Petter Holen   - RIPE Chair ad-interim & Chair of the RIPE WG Chairs,

RIPE Community.

Christian, Franziska, Hans Petter, Friends and Colleagues,

The process to select two persons to succeed Hans Petter Holen as RIPE 
chair has been under way since September 2019. The NomCom has worked 
diligently to run the process that has been agreed by the community and 
codified in ripe-727 and ripe-728. We have called for nominees, 
canvassed when we had only one nomination and received four further 
nominations. We have dealt with the unforeseen withdrawal of Hans 
Petter. We have recognised the increased urgency that Hans Petter's 
resignation as RIPE Chair puts on the process by slightly tightening our 
time line without compromising on running an exemplary process. We have 
held three formal and two informal meetings, talked to the nominees by 
teleconference and received substantial input about all nominees from a 
diverse set of people in the community.  We have kept the community 
informed by announcements on the RIPE mailing list, by providing a 
dedicated blog, by publishing complementary material on RIPE Labs, by 
reporting to the community plenary at RIPE80 and by talking about our 
work whenever the opportunity presented itself.

Last week, during RIPE80, there were some calls from within the RIPE 
community to stop this process and start over.  There also have been 
suggestions to issue another call for nominations and then continue as 
before. Since our mandate does not extend beyond executing the process 
along an agreed time line we are extremely reluctant to deviate from 
this unless we observe a clear and strong consensus in the community to 
deviate for the sake of pragmatism.

We have discussed this extensively and decided against changing the 
planned time line because we see no such consensus. We also considered 
the consequences: Deviating from the plan at this time would put Hans 
Petter into the difficult position of having to work a new and demanding 
job next to filling the RIPE Chair ad interim role. This is too much to 
ask of anyone even without taking into account the recent discussion on 
ripe-chair-discuss. Hans Petter has told us that he accepted the 
ad-interim role on the assumption that we will finish our work on time 
and that he will likely have to resign if we take significantly longer 
than planned.

Unfortunately during the RIPE 80 community plenary there has been no 
discussion that provides further guidance to us. It is difficult for us 
to assess whether this was due to the virtual format of the meeting, 
widespread agreement with what we have done so far or any other reason. 
We certainly expected those who had called for changes to the process 
earlier during the week to speak up and a discussion to take place that 
would provide further guidance for us. This has not happened.

We have therefore decided to briefly pause our process and not to start 
candidate selection after RIPE 80 as originally planned. We have 
continued with preparations but have not started discussing the nominees 
among ourselves yet.

We ask the RIPE NCC Board, the PC, the WG Chairs and the community at 
large to give us timely guidance on how to proceed. The question before 
us is whether we still have the support of the community to continue 
with the agreed process and time line or whether there is consensus in 
the community that we should do something different. We need this 
guidance now so that we can keep the delay in the time line as short as 

We also ask the community as a whole to support us once we do proceed.

Daniel Karrenberg,
RIPE 2020 Nominating Committee

Re: [ripe-list] RIPE 80 Will Be a Virtual Meeting

2020-03-19 Thread Nick Hilliard

Denesh Bhabuta via ripe-list wrote on 19/03/2020 17:36:

Does anyone remember the specific link which was used to
book the accommodation? This is also the link to manage / cancel the

Also, the hotel can be contacted at:


Re: [ripe-list] RIPE80 and COVID-19

2020-03-02 Thread Nick Hilliard

Daniel Karrenberg wrote on 02/03/2020 20:00:
I know first hand that the RIPE NCC and the RIPE Chair are in the 
process of updating the risk assessment for RIPE80 and evaluating 
options. As usual: should current plans change you will hear it here 
first. Please return to more appropriate fora to discuss generalities. 
We can discuss again when/if alternatives to the current plan emerge.

The RIPE NCC's current meeting plans are documented here:

Agreed that it's probably best to leave the armchair epidemiology to 
other forums.


Re: [ripe-list] Take a RIPE NCC Certified Professionals exam at RIPE 79

2019-10-09 Thread Nick Hilliard (INEX)

Janos Zsako wrote on 09/10/2019 13:02:
However, I see no harm in having a certification process for 
knowledge related to the RIPE database or other processes related to 
the registration of IP addresses. As the RIPE NCC delivers many 
trainings in these fields of expertise, it seems natural to me to 
have a certification system operated by the people who can best

judge the knowledge acquired at these trainings.

The first objective in the RIPE Terms of Reference (RIPE-1) document is:

RIPE acts as a forum for the exchange of technical information and 
the creation of expertise on IP networking.

Having training and certification processes for RIPE NCC services fits 
well within this framework.

Even if this weren't the case, it would still be fine for the RIPE NCC 
to use certification mechanisms like this to promote the RIPE database. 
They aren't aimed at the Randys of the world, but there are plenty of 
other people who will find this sort of thing relevant and useful.


Re: [ripe-list] inappropriate javascript

2019-05-05 Thread Nick Hilliard (INEX)

Randy Bush wrote on 05/05/2019 23:19:

i have no expertise in the space.  but Christoffer Hansen pointed out

This is already used on the web site:

Piwik changed name to Matomo in 2018.


Re: [ripe-list] inappropriate javascript

2019-05-03 Thread Nick Hilliard (INEX)

Mirjam Kuehne wrote on 03/05/2019 13:30:

We use Google Tag Manager to improve the browsing experience on We have a lot of content, and with people using our website
for a range of different purposes, it helps us to check that our website
layout is fit for purpose.

We are not using this to monitor or track individual users, it is purely
to give us insight into how users interact with the website.

Hi Mirjam,

thanks for the update on this.  No-one is suggesting that the RIPE NCC 
is tracking individual users by using Google Tag Manager, but as data 
controller for the web site, can the ripe ncc confirm what data Google 
is collecting via this JS module and how it's processed?

CJEU Case C‑673/17 looks like it's heading towards confirming informed 
opt-in rather than informed opt-out for cookies.  The current site 
configuration has no opt-out.  Do you have plans to move this to opt-in 
for third party cookie collection?


Re: [ripe-list] inappropriate javascript

2019-05-03 Thread Nick Hilliard (INEX)

Randy Bush wrote on 03/05/2019 00:31:

i am curious what technical and management decision processes which
allowed this to happen.  something broke.

unless the ripe ncc has a hitherto unknown evil conspiratorial agenda, 
I'd assume this happened for the usual reasons: third party trackers 
allow incredibly detailed and useful telemetry information to be 
collected about the performance and usage characteristics of a web site, 
which provides invaluable feedback to the dev and mgmt team, and without 
which it would be really hard for them to do their jobs.

The downside is that all externally-hosted trackers do exactly that: 
they track, and then correlate individual usage profiles across 
different web sites to build up profile information about individual 
users.  And they provide no easy way of removing this information from 
their DBs, nor do they provide a consistent way of declining to 
contribute to this data pool.

In relation to the GDPR, the CJEU is in the process of trying to figure 
out where the privacy responsibilities lie in Case C‑40/17 - Fashion ID 
vs Verbraucherzentrale NRW.  Advocate General Bobek has made a 
non-binding suggestion to the court that this responsibility be shared 
between the web site and the third party tracker site, but no formal 
ruling has been made so far; nor is it clear what the practical 
implications would be for either party.

It would be interesting to see what the consequences would be of 
requesting GDPR requests in the context of this judgement.  How would 
the RIPE NCC handle a request from Jo Bloggs who wanted all her tracking 
data deleted and who wanted to opt out in future?  How would the tracker 
IDs be identified in a way which was comprehensible to the average user? 
 Did she provide informed consent in the first place, or does a footer 
notification at the bottom of the site constitute informed consent that 
she was ok about being tracked from the RIPE NCC to her favourite 
political web site, then to a civil rights site, then to an online 
store, then to a religious advocacy site before settling on her 
favourite online news sources? - at which point the tracker operator has 
gleaned more information about her than she probably knew herself.

The RIPE NCC can't fix this issue, but it would be a good starting point 
to note that the use of trackers raises deeply uncomfortable questions 
about online privacy, with no clear answers.


Re: [ripe-list] It's 2018, why are the RIPE hotels still using "booking forms"??

2018-01-11 Thread Nick Hilliard
Ole Jacobsen wrote:
> Every one of the hotels listed at 
> provide PDF forms (not 
> even PDF-fillable ones) for the booking. The one I completed wants 
> me to:
> "In order to confirm your booking, please contact the hotel to proceed 
>  to the payment: - By credit card that must be given by phone to the 
>  hotel."

Also, make sure to fill out your email address in capital letters before
faxing the reservation through!


Re: [ripe-list] Proposal for a full-time position for the RIPE Chair

2017-11-27 Thread Nick Hilliard
Kurt Erik Lindqvist wrote:
> The role as RIPE chair is in many ways very similar to the AD / IESG
> membership positions in the IETF except they are virtually full time.
> I am not convinced about your idea for a number of reasons. First, I
> am not sure we need a separate body that work on GDPR etc as we have
> the NCC staff working on that. Duplicating this doesn’t seem like a
> good use of funds and resources. Secondly, if we employ a chair it
> would have to be more static as few people would leave an existing
> job for a five year contact and I worry that will limit the selection
> pool. Last, creating a legal entity that represents the RIPE
> community requires a lot more formalisation of how that legal entity
> registers members, policy etc. and I am not convinced we want that.

this doesn't solve the problem that anyone who might be interested in
performing RIPE Chair duties either needs to do so on zero income or
else needs to find an employer who is happy to subsidise this position
for several years.  This also limits the pool of available candidates.

Regarding the comparison between RIPE Chair and IETF AD / IESG, it's
viable although busy to have a day job when holding AD / IESG positions,
but I get the impression that the RIPE Chair position is more demanding
time-wise due to the travel commitments.


Re: [ripe-list] RIPE Accountability Task Force Update at RIPE 75

2017-10-19 Thread Nick Hilliard
Alexander Isavnin wrote:
> Dear Nigel!
> May i clarify some things?
> Did i get right, that "RIPE NCC is secretariat for community" is a
> fairy tale, told to RIPE Meetings newcomers?

Legally, the RIPE NCC is answerable only to its members.  This is a
requirement under Dutch law, and there is nothing surprising or
unexpected about it.

The RIPE NCC membership is mostly made up of the people who are active
in the RIPE Community, and for the most part, there is very little
divergence between RIPE community policy and RIPE NCC actions.  There
are one or two instances I can think of, e.g. charging for ASNs
(explicitly overridden by NCC member vote, but let's face it, this isn't
an issue that's worth throwing the toys out of the pram over) and
rolling out RPKI for PI assignments (RIPE NCC agreed that this was a
mistake to proceed without policy and then waited for the RIPE Community
policy to request this before proceeding).

In practice, there is a 25 year history of implementing RIPE Community
policies in good faith.  If this changes in the future, I have no doubt
that the RIPE NCC membership will want to know why, and if good reasons
aren't provided, then the RIPE NCC board will be held to account.

> And relations of RIPE NCC to RIPE Community are just 4 letters E I P R in the 
> name?
> And Number Resources allocation in this region happens not on behalf
> of Community, but because of some kind of MoUs signed by Dutch
> association with American corporation owned by other American
> corporation?
> And all those are official statements of the RIPE NCC Executive Board?

Nigel signed that email in his position as Chairman of the board, which
looks pretty official.

I don't know what EIPR stands for in this context.  Could you explain?

If you have some alternative suggestions about how to manage global IP
number resource allocations other than through a relationship with IANA,
then please speak up and we can have a discussion about your suggestions.


> Kind regards,
> Alexander Isavnin
>>> There's probably no need to formalise the NCC-RIPE relationship with 
>>> anything more than a sentence saying "The NCC (Board) will take account of 
>>> the policies developed by RIPE whenever it deploys and operates services". 
>>> ie The NCC listens to RIPE but isn't compelled to obey no matter what.
>> Jim beat me to it (they obviously get up earlier North of The Border).
>> The NCC Board does of course take account of policies, and also comments
>> on them as part of the evaluation process that the NCC does during
>> policy development. In all cases up until now we have instructed the NCC
>> to follow policy. However, as board members we have certain fiduciary
>> duties which cannot be overridden by policy. Faced with a situation such
>> as Jim describes we have two choices: not implement the policy or resign
>> and hope that someone else agrees to carry the can.
>> Nigel
>> Chairman RIPE NCC Board
> Sent via RIPE Forum --

Re: [ripe-list] RIPE 75 - DTCM Requirements

2017-07-05 Thread Nick Hilliard
Gordon Lennox wrote:
> In Stockholm I was not entirely comfortable with the use of RFIDs. Maybe
> I have been to too many IETF meetings?

10 seconds in the microwave is enough to solve any RFID privacy problem.
