[RDD] Unable to create destination file

2013-12-21 Thread Peter van Embden
Hello again,

I hope I don't bother you too much, but we are having an unexpected difficulty. 
While I should be finding out how to bulk import music with a dropbox-folder, I 
decided to demonstrate someone how a cart will be filled. So I created a cart, 
hit the Import/Export button, selected a song and pressed OK. At which point 
the above error appeared.

The system manager/whizzkid tried to solve this, but the things he tried, 
didn't work. Underneath is what he sent me.


Rivendell 2.6.0, op CentOS 6.5

I have no idea if there are more error logs of Rivendell, but
/var/log/messages says:

Dec 21 12:59:26 rdnonstop rdlibrary: invalid SQL or failed DB 
connection[You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that 
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use 
near ') ((CART.TITLE like %)||  (CART.ARTIST like 
%)||(CART.CLIENT like  0x0.00668p-1022t line 1 QMYSQL3: 
Unable to execute query]: select 
(CART.ARTIST like %)||(CART.CLIENT like %)||  (CART.AGENCY like 
%)||(CART.ALBUM like %)||  (CART.LABEL like %)||(CART.NUMBER 
like %)||  (CART.PUBLISHER like %)||(CART.COMPOSER like %)||   
(CART.CONDUCTOR like %)||(CART.SONG_ID like %)||  
(CART.USER_DEFINED like %)||(CUTS.ISCI like %)   
  ||(CUTS.ISRC like %)  
   ||(CUTS.DESCRIPTION like %)  
   ||(CUTS.OUTCUE like %))  ((TYPE=1)||(TYPE=2)||(TYPE=3)) order by 
CART.NUMBER limit 100

The error appears, I think, at the startup of RDLibrary. No errors appears 
while importing audio of deleting carts.

Permissions of /var/snd/ are set to rivendell (mode 777 is set 
temporary to test, was 775):

[root@rdnonstop ~]# ls -al /var/snd/
totaal 1900
drwxrwxrwx.  2 rivendell rivendell4096 dec 21 12:32 .
drwxr-xr-x. 20 root  root 4096 dec 19 13:51 ..
-rw-r--r--.  1 rivendell rivendell 1933368 dec 19 15:09 99_001.wav

AudioOwner and AudioGroup are set to rivendell:

[root@rdnonstop ~]# grep Audio.*= /etc/rd.conf

Rivendell user is in correct group:

[root@rdnonstop ~]# groups rivendell
rivendell : rivendell

And rdlibrary is running as the correct user:

[root@rdnonstop ~]# ps U rivendell | grep rdlibrary
  1969 ?S  0:00 rdlibrary

To top it all off, I've disabled SELinux:

[root@rdnonstop ~]# sestatus
SELinux status: disabled

RDLibrary -should- have permissions to write to /var/snd/.

So, does anyone know how to solve this? Because it would be really nice to have 
some music in our database, in order to start running a Rivendell operated 
radio station.

Kind regards,

Peter van Embden


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] rdimport ignoring --segue-level (Works if ran as root!!!!)

2013-12-21 Thread Richard Gorbutt
Ok, so after blowing up the CentOS and installing Mint, it all worked, so
installed Ubuntu 12.04, same thing all worked, however I hated the
interface, so I re-installed the Rivendell Appliance again.

Exact same thing, --segue-level ignored on rdimport.

However in testing and messing around, I accidentally did some imports as
root, and sure enough --segue-level worked.

So methinks, somewhere in the appliance, as the default rd user,
--segue-level is ignored, but if I su in Terminal and rdimport, all is
well. Guessing a permissions issue in the appliance install.

Cheers, Richard

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 10:00 PM, Richard Gorbutt rich...@gorbutt.comwrote:

 So, I did receive an email from someone who said they were using 2.5.5 and
 it works. So completely puzzled, all the segue entries in the CUTS table
 are -1.

 So I decided to download the source and compile. That is now turning into
 a science project on a vanilla appliance. I receive the following error on

 Checking for Qt... yes:
 QT_CXXFLAGS=-I/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/include -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT
 QT_LIBS=-L/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/lib -lqt-mt  -lSM -lICE  -lX11 -lXext
 -lXmu -lXt -lXi
 checking correct functioning of Qt installation... failure
 configure: error: Failed to find matching components of a complete
   Qt installation. Try using more options,
   see ./configure --help.

 Googling this error on rivendell shows a couple of other users have met
 this before with no real solution. I don't have QT4 devel installed, QT3
 is. The directories appear correct and there are files there. There was one
 solution of swapping a line around in configure but that is already done
 and matches the solution.

 Any other thoughts?

 Cheers, Richard

 On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 12:11 PM, Richard Gorbutt rich...@gorbutt.comwrote:

 Hi all,

 Have the new appliance up and running however having an issue in rdimport
 command line, seems to be ignoring --segue-level=. Tried this in 2.5.5 and
 upgraded to 2.6.0 and seems to be the same. There is NO segue marker added
 to the carts, confirmed in RDLibrary.

 I've tried varying command lines, but here is one example.

 rdimport --verbose --autotrim-level=-40 --normalization-level=-6
 --segue-level=-13 IDENTS *.mp3

 It does import the tracks fine, however in the output I do not see any
 reference to --segue-level either. I know on my old RRAbuntu install (whcih
 I think topped out around v2.20 or so) I was able to get segue markers

 RDImport v2.6.0
  Log mode is OFF
  Normalization level = -6 dB
  AutoTrim level = -40 dB
  Destination cart is AUTO
  Single cart mode is OFF
  Delete source mode is OFF
  Delete cuts mode is OFF
  DropBox mode is OFF
  Start Date Offset = 0 days
  End Date Offset = 0 days
  Broken format workarounds are DISABLED
  Import Create Dates mode is OFF
  Files to process:

 Am I missing something somewhere in config or is it broken?

 Thanks, Richard

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Unable to create destination file

2013-12-21 Thread Peter van Embden
Thanks for the answer, I'll forward it to the system manager.

I did select the cut in the cart (else the import dialog doesn't appear). 
Filename contains an  (avicii  aloe blacc - wake me up.wav), is that a 

All audio files are 16 bit .wav files.

I know it's going to be a lot of work to code all the songs, but I know that's 
worth it. As a start I will code around 400-500 songs for non-stop playout and 
as soon as that's working, I'll start coding more and more songs. Is it 
possible, if I do a (bulk) import, to code all songs with the UNTAGGED code I 
created? So they're easy to find and easy to keep out of the non-stop.

Kind regards,

Peter van Embden


Van: Robert Jeffares
Verzonden: ‎zaterdag‎ ‎21‎ ‎december‎ ‎2013 ‎20‎:‎30
Aan: Peter van Embden

On 22/12/13 03:35, Peter van Embden wrote: 
So I created a cart, hit the Import/Export button, selected a song and pressed 
OK. At which point the above error appeared.

Using this method you have to select the CUT in the CART then hit Import/Export.


If you are importing audio files which have filenames with unacceptable 
characters like ; and some Umlaut, then RD won't play ball. * is guaranteed 
not to work.

I would have the guru line up a selection [say 20] music files [copies not the 
originals] in a folder and from the command line use [ having cd to the folder]

rdimport --verbose --delete-source MUSIC(or whatever the group is you want to 
import into) *.wav,mp3,ogg.(the type of file your music is in)

The rdimport will tell you whats happening  and why.

Your music may be in some format that is not enabled in rdimport. eg:  It may 
be mp3 sampled too low in resolution.

Depending on the problem there is a solution.

I have a file renaming script which works on a library I have been importing. 
It's a collection of the various name glitches which we eliminate by running 
the filename through sed.

#! /bin/bash
for i in ./*mp3;do mv -- $i ${i/ - /-};done
for i in ./*mp3;do mv -- $i ${i/[!@#\$%^*()]/};done

The format will enable the guru to work through your files. If you add the 
local things you need to clean out as they come up you can get a 20+ line 
script which can make a large number of files usable by running the script 

rdimport can then be used to take filenames and put the artist title etc in the 
right place.

caveat: rdimport will have a file limit and I suggest 1000. Your system may do 
more but thats a manageable bunch of song titles.

Importing a big library will take time but it's definitely worth it.


Robert Jeffares
Big Valley Radio
The Wireless Station
Radio Spice

New Zealand___
Rivendell-dev mailing list